
Post on 10-Apr-2018

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Transcript of WazMatrixMixer_V1

  • 8/8/2019 WazMatrixMixer_V1


    // WazMatrix Mixer V.1

    // by scacinto

    Server.local.options.numInputBusChannels = 2;

    Server.local.options.numOutputBusChannels = 20;




    // the groups


    ~feedback = Group.new;

    ~input = Group.new(~feedback, \addAfter);

    ~mixer = Group.new(~input, \addAfter);

    ~processing = Group.new(~mixer, \addAfter);

    ~master = Group.new(~processing, \addAfter);


    // the synthdefs//******************************************************************

    // ** inFeedback

    SynthDef("feedback1", {

    var in = InFeedback.ar(17);

    in = LeakDC.ar(in);

    Out.ar(3, in);


    SynthDef("feedback2", {

    var in = InFeedback.ar(18);

    in = LeakDC.ar(in);

    Out.ar(4, in);


    SynthDef("feedback3", {

    var in = InFeedback.ar(19);

    in = LeakDC.ar(in);

    Out.ar(5, in);


    // **

    SynthDef("in1Src", {arg source=0, amp=0;

    var a = [SoundIn.ar(0), SinOsc.ar(LFNoise1.kr(1, 25, 440))];

    Out.ar(11, Select.ar(source,a) * amp);


    SynthDef("in2Src", {arg source=0, amp=0;

    var a = [SoundIn.ar(0), SinOsc.ar(LFNoise1.kr(1, 90, 1394))];

    OffsetOut.ar(12, Select.ar(source,a) * amp);


    SynthDef("in3Src", {arg source=0, amp=0;

    var a = [SoundIn.ar(0), SinOsc.ar(LFNoise1.kr(1, 60, 1394))];

    OffsetOut.ar(13, Select.ar(source,a) * amp);


    // ** MASTER OUT

    SynthDef("masterMixer", {

  • 8/8/2019 WazMatrixMixer_V1


    var outa, outb, outc, sound;

    // outputA synth

    outa = In.ar(17, 1);

    // outputB synth

    outb = In.ar(18, 1);//outputC synth

    outc = In.ar(19, 1);

    sound = Limiter.ar([outa, outb, outc], 0.5);

    sound = LeakDC.ar(sound);

    Out.ar(0, sound);



    SynthDef("input1Mixer", {arg amp = 0, inA=0, inB=0, inC=0, outA=0, outB=0, outC=0;

    var in1Src, sound, in1A, in1B, in1C, mix, out1, out2, out3;

    // input1 synth

    in1Src = In.ar(11,1);

    in1A = In.ar(3, 1);in1B = In.ar(4, 1);

    in1C = In.ar(5, 1);

    in1A = in1A * inA;

    in1B = in1B * inB;

    in1C = in1C * inC;

    mix = Mix([in1Src, in1A, in1B, in1C]).clip;

    out1 = Out.ar(14, mix * outA);

    out2 = Out.ar(15, mix * outB);

    out3 = Out.ar(16, mix * outC);


    SynthDef("input2Mixer", {arg amp = 0, inA=0, inB=0, inC=0, outA=0, outB=0, outC=0;

    var in2Src, in2A, in2B, in2C, mix, sound, out1, out2, out3;

    // input1 synth

    in2Src = In.ar(12,1);

    in2A = In.ar(3, 1);

    in2B = In.ar(4, 1);

    in2C = In.ar(5, 1);

    in2A = in2A * inA;

    in2B = in2B * inB;

    in2C = in2C * inC;

    mix = Mix([in2Src, in2A, in2B, in2C]).clip;

    out1 = Out.ar(14, mix * outA);out2 = Out.ar(15, mix * outB);

    out3 = Out.ar(16, mix * outC);


    SynthDef("input3Mixer", {arg amp = 0, inA=0, inB=0, inC=0, outA=0, outB=0, outC=0;

    var in3Src, in3A, in3B, in3C, mix, sound, out1, out2, out3;

    // input1 synth

  • 8/8/2019 WazMatrixMixer_V1


    in3Src = In.ar(13,1);

    in3A = In.ar(3, 1);

    in3B = In.ar(4, 1);

    in3C = In.ar(5, 1);

    in3A = in3A * inA;in3B = in3B * inB;

    in3C = in3C * inC;

    mix = Mix([in3Src, in3A, in3B, in3C]).clip;

    out1 = Out.ar(14, mix * outA);

    out2 = Out.ar(15, mix * outB);

    out3 = Out.ar(16, mix * outC);



    SynthDef("processA", {

    var in, sound;

    in = In.ar(14,1);sound = DelayC.ar(in, 3, MouseY.kr(0.1,3), MouseX.kr(1,10));

    Out.ar(17, sound.tan);


    SynthDef("processB", {

    var in, sound;

    in = In.ar(15,1);

    sound = DelayC.ar(in, 3, MouseY.kr(0.1,3), MouseX.kr(1,10));

    Out.ar(18, sound.tan);


    SynthDef("processC", {

    var in, sound;

    in = In.ar(16,1);

    sound = DelayC.ar(in, 3, MouseY.kr(0.1,3), MouseX.kr(1,10));

    Out.ar(19, sound.tan);



    // Create the Synths and add to groups


    ~feedBckSyn1 = Synth("feedback1", target:~feedback);

    ~feedBckSyn2 = Synth("feedback2", target:~feedback);

    ~feedBckSyn3 = Synth("feedback3", target:~feedback);

    ~input1Mixer = Synth(\input1Mixer, target: ~mixer);

    ~input2Mixer = Synth(\input2Mixer, target: ~mixer);

    ~input3Mixer = Synth(\input3Mixer, target: ~mixer);

    ~processA = Synth(\processA, target: ~processing);

    ~processB = Synth(\processB, target: ~processing);~processC = Synth(\processC, target: ~processing);

    ~masterMixer = Synth(\masterMixer, target: ~master);




    // GUI

  • 8/8/2019 WazMatrixMixer_V1



    var input1, input2, input3, output1, output2, output3, outL, outR;

    var fader1, fader2, fader3, fader4, fader5, fader6, fader7, fader8, fader9;

    var window = Window.new("",Rect(168, 275, 584, 581));

    StaticText.new(window,Rect(30, 30, 500, 38))

    .string_("WazMatrixMixer V.1")

    .font_(Font("Arial", 40))



    // buttons


    // ~in1Src button - mic and noise

    Button.new(window,Rect(11, 89, 79, 20))

    .states_([ [ "off", Color(0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 1.0), Color.black(0.5,0.5)],["noise", Color(0.0,

    0.0, 0.0, 1.0), Color.red(0.7,0.5) ], [ "mic", Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), Color.blue(0.7, 0.5) ] ])


    case {v.value == 0 && ~in1Src.notNil } { ~in1Src.free; currentEnvironment.removeAt(\in1Src) }

    { v. value == 1 } { ~in1Src = Synth("in1Src", [\source, 1], target: ~input) }

    { v. value == 2 } { ~in1Src.set(\source, 0) }


    // ~in2Src button - mic and noise

    Button.new(window,Rect(11, 209, 79, 20))

    .states_([ [ "off", Color(0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 1.0), Color.black(0.5,0.5)],["noise", Color(0.0,

    0.0, 0.0, 1.0), Color.red(0.7,0.5) ], [ "mic", Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), Color.blue(0.7, 0.5) ] ])


    case {v.value == 0 && ~in2Src.notNil } { ~in2Src.free; currentEnvironment.removeAt(\in2Src) }

    { v. value == 1 } { ~in2Src = Synth("in2Src", [\source, 1], target: ~input) }

    { v. value == 2 } { ~in2Src.set(\source, 0) }


    // ~in3Src button - mic and noise

    Button.new(window,Rect(11, 329, 79, 20))

    .states_([ [ "off", Color(0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 1.0), Color.black(0.5,0.5)],["noise", Color(0.0,

    0.0, 0.0, 1.0), Color.red(0.7,0.5) ], [ "mic", Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), Color.blue(0.7, 0.5) ] ])


    case {v.value == 0 && ~in3Src.notNil } { ~in3Src.free; currentEnvironment.removeAt(\in3Src) }

    { v. value == 1 } { ~in3Src = Synth("in3Src", [\source, 1], target: ~input) }

    { v. value == 2 } { ~in3Src.set(\source, 0) }





  • 8/8/2019 WazMatrixMixer_V1


    // ROW1 Knobs

    ~in1SrcKnbCtl = ControlSpec(0.0, 1, 'linear', 0.01, 0, "dB");

    ~in1OutAKnbCtl = ControlSpec(0.0, 1, 'linear', 0.01, 0, "dB");

    ~in1OutBKnbCtl = ControlSpec(0.0, 1, 'linear', 0.01, 0, "dB");

    ~in1OutCKnbCtl = ControlSpec(0.0, 1, 'linear', 0.01, 0, "dB");

    ~in1InAKnbCtl = ControlSpec(0.0, 1, 'linear', 0.01, 0, "dB");~in1InBKnbCtl = ControlSpec(0.0, 1, 'linear', 0.01, 0, "dB");

    ~in1InCKnbCtl = ControlSpec(0.0, 1, 'linear', 0.01, 0, "dB");

    // ROW2

    ~in2SrcKnbCtl = ControlSpec(0.0, 1, 'linear', 0.01, 0, "dB");

    ~in2OutAKnbCtl = ControlSpec(0.0, 1, 'linear', 0.01, 0, "dB");

    ~in2OutBKnbCtl = ControlSpec(0.0, 1, 'linear', 0.01, 0, "dB");

    ~in2OutCKnbCtl = ControlSpec(0.0, 1, 'linear', 0.01, 0, "dB");

    ~in2InAKnbCtl = ControlSpec(0.0, 1, 'linear', 0.01, 0, "dB");

    ~in2InBKnbCtl = ControlSpec(0.0, 1, 'linear', 0.01, 0, "dB");

    ~in2InCKnbCtl = ControlSpec(0.0, 1, 'linear', 0.01, 0, "dB");

    // ROW3

    ~in3SrcKnbCtl = ControlSpec(0.0, 1, 'linear', 0.01, 0, "dB");~in3OutAKnbCtl = ControlSpec(0.0, 1, 'linear', 0.01, 0, "dB");

    ~in3OutBKnbCtl = ControlSpec(0.0, 1, 'linear', 0.01, 0, "dB");

    ~in3OutCKnbCtl = ControlSpec(0.0, 1, 'linear', 0.01, 0, "dB");

    ~in3InAKnbCtl = ControlSpec(0.0, 1, 'linear', 0.01, 0, "dB");

    ~in3InBKnbCtl = ControlSpec(0.0, 1, 'linear', 0.01, 0, "dB");

    ~in3InCKnbCtl = ControlSpec(0.0, 1, 'linear', 0.01, 0, "dB");


    //** KNOBS


    //** row 1

    // input1 vol

    Knob.new(window,Rect(30, 130, 40, 35))

    .color_([Color.red(0.7,0.5), Color.green(0.8,0.8), Color.black.alpha_(0.3), Color.black.alpha_


    .action_{|v| v = ~in1SrcKnbCtl.map(v.value);

    if ( ~in1Src.notNil, { ~in1Src.set(\amp, v)});


    // inA-C

    Knob.new(window,Rect(110, 130, 40, 35))

    .color_([Color.yellow(0.7,0.5), Color.green(0.8,0.8), Color.black.alpha_(0.3),


    .action_{|v| v = ~in1InAKnbCtl.map(v.value);

    ~input1Mixer.set(\inA, v);


    Knob.new(window,Rect(190, 130, 40, 35)).color_([Color.yellow(0.7,0.5), Color.green(0.8,0.8), Color.black.alpha_(0.3),


    .action_{|v| v = ~in1InBKnbCtl.map(v.value).postln;

    ~input1Mixer.set(\inB, v);


    Knob.new(window,Rect(270, 130, 40, 35))

    .color_([Color.yellow(0.7,0.5), Color.green(0.8,0.8), Color.black.alpha_(0.3),


  • 8/8/2019 WazMatrixMixer_V1


    .action_{|v| v = ~in1InCKnbCtl.map(v.value);

    ~input1Mixer.set(\inC, v);


    // OutA-C

    Knob.new(window,Rect(350, 130, 40, 35))

    .action_{|v| v = ~in1OutAKnbCtl.map(v.value);

    ~input1Mixer.set(\outA, v);};

    Knob.new(window,Rect(430, 130, 40, 35))

    .action_{|v| v = ~in1OutBKnbCtl.map(v.value);

    ~input1Mixer.set(\outB, v);


    Knob.new(window,Rect(510, 130, 40, 35))

    .action_{|v| v = ~in1OutCKnbCtl.map(v.value);

    ~input1Mixer.set(\outC, v);


    //** row 2

    Knob.new(window,Rect(30, 250, 40, 35))

    .color_([Color.red(0.7,0.5), Color.green(0.8,0.8), Color.black.alpha_(0.3), Color.black.alpha_

    (0.7)]).action_{|v| v = ~in2SrcKnbCtl.map(v.value).postln;

    if ( ~in2Src.notNil, { ~in2Src.set(\amp, v)});


    Knob.new(window,Rect(110, 250, 40, 35))

    .color_([Color.yellow(0.7,0.5), Color.green(0.8,0.8), Color.black.alpha_(0.3),


    .action_{|v| v = ~in2InAKnbCtl.map(v.value);

    ~input2Mixer.set(\inA, v);


    Knob.new(window,Rect(190, 250, 40, 35))

    .color_([Color.yellow(0.7,0.5), Color.green(0.8,0.8), Color.black.alpha_(0.3),


    .action_{|v| v = ~in2InBKnbCtl.map(v.value);

    ~input2Mixer.set(\inB, v);


    Knob.new(window,Rect(270, 250, 40, 35))

    .color_([Color.yellow(0.7,0.5), Color.green(0.8,0.8), Color.black.alpha_(0.3),


    .action_{|v| v = ~in2InCKnbCtl.map(v.value);

    ~input2Mixer.set(\inC, v);


    Knob.new(window,Rect(350, 250, 40, 35))

    .action_{|v| v = ~in2OutAKnbCtl.map(v.value).postln;

    ~input2Mixer.set(\outA, v);


    Knob.new(window,Rect(430, 250, 40, 35))

    .action_{|v| v = ~in2OutBKnbCtl.map(v.value).postln;

    ~input2Mixer.set(\outB, v);};

    Knob.new(window,Rect(510, 250, 40, 35))

    .action_{|v| v = ~in2OutCKnbCtl.map(v.value).postln;

    ~input2Mixer.set(\outC, v);


    //** row 3

    Knob.new(window,Rect(30, 370, 40, 35))

  • 8/8/2019 WazMatrixMixer_V1


    .color_([Color.red(0.7,0.5), Color.green(0.8,0.8), Color.black.alpha_(0.3), Color.black.alpha_


    .action_{|v| v = ~in3SrcKnbCtl.map(v.value).postln;

    if ( ~in3Src.notNil, { ~in3Src.set(\amp, v)});


    Knob.new(window,Rect(110, 370, 40, 35)).color_([Color.yellow(0.7,0.5), Color.green(0.8,0.8), Color.black.alpha_(0.3),


    .action_{|v| v = ~in3InAKnbCtl.map(v.value);

    ~input3Mixer.set(\inA, v);


    Knob.new(window,Rect(190, 370, 40, 35))

    .color_([Color.yellow(0.7,0.5), Color.green(0.8,0.8), Color.black.alpha_(0.3),


    .action_{|v| v = ~in3InBKnbCtl.map(v.value);

    ~input3Mixer.set(\inB, v);


    Knob.new(window,Rect(270, 370, 40, 35))

    .color_([Color.yellow(0.7,0.5), Color.green(0.8,0.8), Color.black.alpha_(0.3),


    .action_{|v| v = ~in3InCKnbCtl.map(v.value);~input3Mixer.set(\inC, v);


    Knob.new(window,Rect(350, 370, 40, 35))

    .action_{|v| v = ~in3OutAKnbCtl.map(v.value).postln;

    ~input3Mixer.set(\outA, v);


    Knob.new(window,Rect(430, 370, 40, 35))

    .action_{|v| v = ~in3OutBKnbCtl.map(v.value).postln;

    ~input3Mixer.set(\outB, v);


    Knob.new(window,Rect(510, 370, 40, 35))

    .action_{|v| v = ~in3OutCKnbCtl.map(v.value).postln;

    ~input3Mixer.set(\outC, v);






