Wave Disc Engine Technology

Post on 23-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Wave Disc Engine Technology

Shock Wave


How The Wave Disc Technology Works ..???

Work Process Involves Different Steps …

Step -1

Step -2

The rotor starts spinning after air and fuel filled up in the chamber

Step -3

The increase in pressure generates shock wave within the chamber

Step - 4

Compressed air and fuel starts the ignition

The gases will be released through the open ports of the exhaust after combustion

Wave Disc Engine

Wave disc

engine does not




Cooling system

Spark Plugs



How This technology Will be Helpful for fuel saving…???

30% Less weight increases 60% Fuel-efficiency of the vehicle

What is the effect on the emission level..????

Wave Disc Technology Will be going To Reduce the Emission by 90 – 95 %

Wave Disc Engine Technology – ‘A fuel efficient , lightweight and emission less

Engine ’

What are The Other Advantages

Except this..???

Uses Natural Gas , Hydrogen gas and renewable fuel only

Eliminate the dependency on Oil

Delivers 500 plus driving range on road

Website: http://www.jacksgermanauto.com/