VMZINC and Tall Buildings

Post on 14-Jan-2017

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Transcript of VMZINC and Tall Buildings

VMZINCand Tall Buildings

+Centre for Academic Research, Cincinnati (USA)

VMZ Standing seam – QUARTZ-ZINC

> Harley Ellis Devereaux and Studios Architecture

VMZINC & Certified Buildings

+Porter House, New York (USA) VMZINC And Tall Buildings

VMZ Standing seam – ANTHRA-ZINC

> SHoP Architects

+Collindale Avenue, Flats, London (UK) VMZINC And Tall Buildings


> Watkins Grey International

+Zenith House, London (UK) VMZINC And Tall Buildings

VMZ Standing seam – QUARTZ-ZINC


+Cité multimédia, Montréal (Canada) VMZINC And Tall Buildings

VMZ Flat lock panel – QUARTZ-ZINC, Natural Zinc

> Menkes Schnooer, Dagenais et Dupuis Le Tourneux

+Sky Plaza, Résidence étudiante, Leeds (UK) VMZINC And Tall Buildings


> Carey Jones

+Letts road appartments, London (UK) VMZINC And Tall Buildings

VMZ Standing seam, VMZ Interlocking panel – QUARTZ-ZINC, PIGMENTO green

> Proctor Matthews

+Edificio Europa, Burgos (Spain) VMZINC And Tall Buildings

VMZ Flat lock panel – QUARTZ-ZINC

> BSA proyecta

+Collective Housing, Vallecas Madrid (Spain) VMZINC And Tall Buildings

VMZ Standing seam, VMZ Flat lock panel – ANTHRA-ZINC

> Maria Hurtado de Mendoza et César Jiménez de Tejada

+ Control Tower - Airport, Saint Jacques de Compostelle (Spain) VMZINC And Tall Buildings

VMZ Standing seam – QUARTZ-ZINC

> Estudio GOP

+ Collective Housing Torre Princesa, Madrid (Spain) VMZINC And Tall Buildings

VMZ Interlocking panel – QUARTZ-ZINC

> Atxu Amann, Andres Casonas, Nicolas Maruri, Angel Saura

+ Collective Housing Jules Verne Ginko, Bordeaux (France) VMZINC And Tall Buildings

VMZ Interlocking panel – QUARTZ-ZINC

> Brochet Pueyo Lajus

+ Seattle Children's Hospital, Seattle Washington (USA) VMZINC And Tall Buildings

VMZ Interlocking panel – PIGMENTO red

> Zimmer Gunsul Frasca

+108 Arch Street, Philadelphia (USA) VMZINC And Tall Buildings


> Kyu Sung Woo Architect

+ Collective Housing, Chicago (USA) VMZINC And Tall Buildings

VMZ Standing seam – QUARTZ-ZINC Plus

> Lucien Lagrange

+ Australian National University SA4, Canberra ACT (Australia) VMZINC And Tall Buildings

VMZ Interlocking panel – QUARTZ-ZINC

> Nettletonbribe

+South Australia Water (Australia) VMZINC And Tall Buildings

VMZ Interlocking panel – ANTHRA-ZINC, PIGMENTO blue, PIGMENTO red

> Hassell Architects - Timothy Horton

+The Victorian County Court, Melbourne (Australia) VMZINC And Tall Buildings

> Daryl Jackson, Sinclair Knight Merz, Lyons Pty Ltd

+Water treatment plant, Oupeye (Belgium) VMZINC And Tall Buildings

VMZ Flat lock panel – QUARTZ-ZINC

> Atelier du Lavaux

+Office building, Hoboken (Belgium) VMZINC And Tall Buildings

VMZ Standing seam – QUARTZ-ZINC

> Conix Architects

+Collective housing, Münster (Germany) VMZINC And Tall Buildings

VMZ Standing seam – ANTHRA-ZINC

> Schröder und Partner, Architekten und Ingenieure, Münster
