· V ia A n t o n i o Du r a n t e 02 GET_INSPIRED_2015.qxp_Layout 1 24/03/15 16:24 Pagina 2 In...

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Transcript of  · V ia A n t o n i o Du r a n t e 02 GET_INSPIRED_2015.qxp_Layout 1 24/03/15 16:24 Pagina 2 In...


In total contrast with the current period, in 2015, Kristalia hasdecided to invest in the company, starting with itsheadquarters. It is neither going abroad nor building in theimmediate vicinity. Instead it is strengthening, updating andimproving what already exists, recovering land and buildingsin disused industrial areas. A further contrast is thecompany’s choice to support a practice that, in the past,highlighted the experiences of leading and courageousItalian companies in the areas where they were establishedand where they tried to contribute the values of acommunity, the land and its people, even before such valueswere required in employees. Such factory-villages, the so-called “farms” of today, are reminders of the districts in Italy.

It is a question of green (trees and mountains), white (snowand light), black (dark vs. artificial lighting), clean air andnaturalness that even allows cement to harmoniously blendin with the landscape.It is a question of sustainability, arising from the idea that awork environment can absorb and still produce the energy itneeds, in a virtuous cycle: so photovoltaic panels arerequired on the roof to guarantee the energy we need forinteriors designed with work areas alternating with relaxationand leisure areas. In this way, human potential also promisesa combined result based on creativity and efficiency.

This is how our new company will take shape, also adaptingits appearance and range of products according to theconcepts of Kristalia’s philosophy: minimalism, wellbeing,harmony, tranquillity and a bond with nature.

Text compiled by Chiara Alessi

New Headquarters 01

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Shades of colour cannot be reproduced exactly on printed paper. Kristalia srl is entitled to make modifications at any time andwithout prior notice. / Nella stampa su carta la tonalità dei colori non può essere riprodotta fedelmente. Kristalia srl si riserva la facoltà di apportare modifiche in qualsiasi momento e senza preavviso. / Aus drucktechnischen Gründen können die Farben amPapier nicht naturgetreu wiedergegeben werden. Kristalia behält sich das Recht vor, jederzeit und ohne Vorankündigung Änderungen am Produkt vornehmen zu können. / En la impresión realizada en papel no puede reproducirse fielmente la tonalidad delos colores. Kristalia srl se reserva la facultad de aportar modificaciones en cualquier momento y sin preaviso. / Les coloris impriméspeuvent être différents de la réalité. Kristalia srl se réserve le droit d’apporter toute modification à tout moment et sans préavis.

Project:Kristalia homemade


Color separation:Eurografica/Vr

Made and printed in Italy byChinchio Industria Grafica spa

Copyright 2015© Kristalia srlAll rights reserved

March 2015 edition

Follow us on:

T +39 0434 623678


In total contrast with the current period, in 2015, Kristalia hasdecided to invest in the company, starting with itsheadquarters. It is neither going abroad nor building in theimmediate vicinity. Instead it is strengthening, updating andimproving what already exists, recovering land and buildingsin disused industrial areas. A further contrast is thecompany’s choice to support a practice that, in the past,highlighted the experiences of leading and courageousItalian companies in the areas where they were establishedand where they tried to contribute the values of acommunity, the land and its people, even before such valueswere required in employees. Such factory-villages, the so-called “farms” of today, are reminders of the districts in Italy.

It is a question of green (trees and mountains), white (snowand light), black (dark vs. artificial lighting), clean air andnaturalness that even allows cement to harmoniously blendin with the landscape.It is a question of sustainability, arising from the idea that awork environment can absorb and still produce the energy itneeds, in a virtuous cycle: so photovoltaic panels arerequired on the roof to guarantee the energy we need forinteriors designed with work areas alternating with relaxationand leisure areas. In this way, human potential also promisesa combined result based on creativity and efficiency.

This is how our new company will take shape, also adaptingits appearance and range of products according to theconcepts of Kristalia’s philosophy: minimalism, wellbeing,harmony, tranquillity and a bond with nature.

Text compiled by Chiara Alessi

New Headquarters 01

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Via Antonio Durante


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In totale controtendenza con il momento storico, proprio nel2015, Kristalia decide di investire su se stessa, a cominciaredalla sua sede. Non va all’estero, non va neanche acementificare nei paraggi: invece potenzia, aggiorna e miglioral’esistente, intervenendo sulle aree industriali dismesse eprocedendo con una nuova bonifica del terreno e delle struttureche ospita. In controtendenza è anche la scelta di assecondareuna prassi che storicamente ha illuminato le esperienze digrandi e coraggiose imprese italiane nei territori in cui sonosorte e nei quali hanno cercato di portare i valori della comunità,del suolo, della gente che li ha abitati, prima ancora che servitinel ruolo di dipendenti. Le fabbriche-villaggio, le farm si direbbeoggi, il senso sopravvissuto dei distretti nel nostro Paese.

È una questione di verdi (alberi, montagne), di bianchi (neve,luce), di nero (buio vs. illuminazione artificiale), di aria pulita, dinaturalezza che fa sembrare anche il cemento un colore delpaesaggio. È una questione di sostenibilità, che muove dall’ideache un ambiente di lavoro possa assorbire e al contempoprodurre l’energia che gli serve, in un circolo virtuoso: così ipannelli fotovoltaici posti sul tetto servono a garantire lasussistenza energetica agli interni che sono progettati nelloscambio tra aree votate al lavoro e zone di relax e svago. Inquesto modo, anche la forza energetica umana promette unarisposta combinata tra creatività ed efficienza.

Così nascerà la nuova azienda, adattata anche nell’aspetto alpensiero che orienta la filosofia di Kristalia e ne guida il catalogodi prodotti: minimalismo, benessere, ordine, serenità, legamecon la natura.

Testo a cura di Chiara Alessi.

Nuovo quartier generale 03

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Via Antonio Durante


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In totale controtendenza con il momento storico, proprio nel2015, Kristalia decide di investire su se stessa, a cominciaredalla sua sede. Non va all’estero, non va neanche acementificare nei paraggi: invece potenzia, aggiorna e miglioral’esistente, intervenendo sulle aree industriali dismesse eprocedendo con una nuova bonifica del terreno e delle struttureche ospita. In controtendenza è anche la scelta di assecondareuna prassi che storicamente ha illuminato le esperienze digrandi e coraggiose imprese italiane nei territori in cui sonosorte e nei quali hanno cercato di portare i valori della comunità,del suolo, della gente che li ha abitati, prima ancora che servitinel ruolo di dipendenti. Le fabbriche-villaggio, le farm si direbbeoggi, il senso sopravvissuto dei distretti nel nostro Paese.

È una questione di verdi (alberi, montagne), di bianchi (neve,luce), di nero (buio vs. illuminazione artificiale), di aria pulita, dinaturalezza che fa sembrare anche il cemento un colore delpaesaggio. È una questione di sostenibilità, che muove dall’ideache un ambiente di lavoro possa assorbire e al contempoprodurre l’energia che gli serve, in un circolo virtuoso: così ipannelli fotovoltaici posti sul tetto servono a garantire lasussistenza energetica agli interni che sono progettati nelloscambio tra aree votate al lavoro e zone di relax e svago. Inquesto modo, anche la forza energetica umana promette unarisposta combinata tra creatività ed efficienza.

Così nascerà la nuova azienda, adattata anche nell’aspetto alpensiero che orienta la filosofia di Kristalia e ne guida il catalogodi prodotti: minimalismo, benessere, ordine, serenità, legamecon la natura.

Testo a cura di Chiara Alessi.

Nuovo quartier generale 03

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05News 2015 /

OXOXavier Lust

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05News 2015 /

OXOXavier Lust

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07News 2015 /

1085 EditionBartoli Design

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07News 2015 /

1085 EditionBartoli Design

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09News 2015 /


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09News 2015 /


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News 2015 /

Sharky stoolNeuland. Paster & Geldmacher


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News 2015 /

Sharky stoolNeuland. Paster & Geldmacher


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News 2015 /

Rama fully coveredRamos-Bassols


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News 2015 /

Rama fully coveredRamos-Bassols


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BCNp. 42

Boiaccap. 20/21 - 30/31 - 62



Liliump. 39

Neatp. 37 - 43

Norip. 28 - 29 - 41

Oopsp. 34/35

Poulep. 66 - 67

Suship. 32

Sushi 12 Outdoorp. 60

Sushi Outdoorp. 70

Thin-Kp. 22 - 24/25 - 27 - 58/59

TNPp. 64/65 - 72

Toriip. 33

Tables /

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BCNp. 52/53

CUp. 34/35

Degreep. 56 - 63


Rotorp. 51

Low tables / 15

All collection

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BCNp. 42

Boiaccap. 20/21 - 30/31 - 62



Liliump. 39

Neatp. 37 - 43

Norip. 28 - 29 - 41

Oopsp. 34/35

Poulep. 66 - 67

Suship. 32

Sushi 12 Outdoorp. 60

Sushi Outdoorp. 70

Thin-Kp. 22 - 24/25 - 27 - 58/59

TNPp. 64/65 - 72

Toriip. 33

Tables /

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BCNp. 52/53

CUp. 34/35

Degreep. 56 - 63


Rotorp. 51

Low tables / 15

All collection

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Boump. 32 - 33 - 42

Compasp. 24/25 - 58/59 - 62

Elephantp. 27 - 36 - 37 - 61

Facep. 34/35

Jokop. 26 - 29 - 30/31 - 39


Memp. 43 - 66 - 67

Pikaiap. 44/45

Planap. 28 - 40 - 70

Platep. 41

Pulpp. 64/65 - 72

Ramap. 22 - 23

Restp. 60 - 68 - 69

Sharkyp. 20/21


Seating /

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BCNp. 46 - 47 - 71



Jokop. 38


Stools / 17

All collection

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Boump. 32 - 33 - 42

Compasp. 24/25 - 58/59 - 62

Elephantp. 27 - 36 - 37 - 61

Facep. 34/35

Jokop. 26 - 29 - 30/31 - 39


Memp. 43 - 66 - 67

Pikaiap. 44/45

Planap. 28 - 40 - 70

Platep. 41

Pulpp. 64/65 - 72

Ramap. 22 - 23

Restp. 60 - 68 - 69

Sharkyp. 20/21


Seating /

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BCNp. 46 - 47 - 71



Jokop. 38


Stools / 17

All collection

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Allp. 50

Bliop. 37 - 52/53 - 54 - 55

Boxp. 57



Dot Wardrobewww.kristalia.it

Extra Largewww.kristalia.it



SheLLfp. 48 - 49

Accessories /

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Allp. 50

Bliop. 37 - 52/53 - 54 - 55

Boxp. 57



Dot Wardrobewww.kristalia.it

Extra Largewww.kristalia.it



SheLLfp. 48 - 49

Accessories /

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21Boiacca Wood Pure-White laminate table

Sharky wood base chairElephant wood base armchair

Indoor collection

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21Boiacca Wood Pure-White laminate table

Sharky wood base chairElephant wood base armchair

Indoor collection

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Thin-K wood tableRama four legs chair

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23Boiacca Wood Fenix-NTM® black table

Rama four wood legs chair

Indoor collection

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Thin-K wood tableRama four legs chair

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23Boiacca Wood Fenix-NTM® black table

Rama four wood legs chair

Indoor collection

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25Thin-K Longo aluminium table

Compas armchair

Indoor collection

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25Thin-K Longo aluminium table

Compas armchair

Indoor collection

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Thin-K Longo wood tableJoko chair

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27Thin-K Longo wood table

Elephant wood base armchair

Indoor collection

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Thin-K Longo wood tableJoko chair

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27Thin-K Longo wood table

Elephant wood base armchair

Indoor collection

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Nori Fenix-NTM® black tablePlana chair

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29Nori Pure-White laminate table

Joko chair

Indoor collection

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Nori Fenix-NTM® black tablePlana chair

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29Nori Pure-White laminate table

Joko chair

Indoor collection

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31Boiacca tableJoko armchair

Indoor collection

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31Boiacca tableJoko armchair

Indoor collection

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Sushi Alucompact® laminate tableBoum chair

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33Torii Fenix-NTM® black table

Boum chair

Indoor collection

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Sushi Alucompact® laminate tableBoum chair

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33Torii Fenix-NTM® black table

Boum chair

Indoor collection

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35Oops tableFace chair

CU low table

Indoor collection

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35Oops tableFace chair

CU low table

Indoor collection

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Elephant trestle armchair (hide version)

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37Elephant wood base armchair

Neat wood tableBlio storage units

Indoor collection

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Elephant trestle armchair (hide version)

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37Elephant wood base armchair

Neat wood tableBlio storage units

Indoor collection

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Joko stool

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39Joko chair

Lilium table

Indoor collection

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Joko stool

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39Joko chair

Lilium table

Indoor collection

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Plana chair

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41Plate 50 four legs armchair

Nori Alucompact® laminate table

Indoor collection

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Plana chair

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41Plate 50 four legs armchair

Nori Alucompact® laminate table

Indoor collection

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BCN bistro tableBoum chair

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43Mem armchair

Neat table

Indoor collection

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BCN bistro tableBoum chair

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43Mem armchair

Neat table

Indoor collection

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45Pikaia four legs chair

Indoor collection

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45Pikaia four legs chair

Indoor collection

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BCN disc base stool

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47BCN wood legs stool

Indoor collection

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BCN disc base stool

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47BCN wood legs stool

Indoor collection

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SheLLf large bookcase

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49SheLLf small bookcase

Indoor collection

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SheLLf large bookcase

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49SheLLf small bookcase

Indoor collection

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All wood storage units

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51Rotor lacquer low table

Indoor collection

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All wood storage units

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51Rotor lacquer low table

Indoor collection

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53Blio storage units

BCN low table

Indoor collection

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53Blio storage units

BCN low table

Indoor collection

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55Blio storage units

Indoor collection

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55Blio storage units

Indoor collection

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Degree low table

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57Foot Box storage units

Indoor collection

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Degree low table

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57Foot Box storage units

Indoor collection

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59Thin-K Longo aluminium table

Compas armchair

Outdoor collection

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59Thin-K Longo aluminium table

Compas armchair

Outdoor collection

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Sushi 12 Outdoor tableRest armchair

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61Elephant four legs chair

Outdoor collection

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Sushi 12 Outdoor tableRest armchair

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61Elephant four legs chair

Outdoor collection

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Boiacca tableCompas armchair

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63Degree low table

Outdoor collection

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Boiacca tableCompas armchair

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63Degree low table

Outdoor collection

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65Pulp chair

TNP bistro table

Outdoor collection

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65Pulp chair

TNP bistro table

Outdoor collection

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Poule bistro tableMem armchair

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67Poule bistro table

Mem armchair

Outdoor collection

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Poule bistro tableMem armchair

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67Poule bistro table

Mem armchair

Outdoor collection

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Rest lounge chair

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69Rest chaise longue

Outdoor collection

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Rest lounge chair

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69Rest chaise longue

Outdoor collection

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Sushi Outdoor tablePlana chair

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71BCN stool

Outdoor collection

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Sushi Outdoor tablePlana chair

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71BCN stool

Outdoor collection

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Pulp chairTNP bistro table

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Pulp chairTNP bistro table

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Shades of colour cannot be reproduced exactly on printed paper. Kristalia srl is entitled to make modifications at any time andwithout prior notice. / Nella stampa su carta la tonalità dei colori non può essere riprodotta fedelmente. Kristalia srl si riserva la facoltà di apportare modifiche in qualsiasi momento e senza preavviso. / Aus drucktechnischen Gründen können die Farben amPapier nicht naturgetreu wiedergegeben werden. Kristalia behält sich das Recht vor, jederzeit und ohne Vorankündigung Änderungen am Produkt vornehmen zu können. / En la impresión realizada en papel no puede reproducirse fielmente la tonalidad delos colores. Kristalia srl se reserva la facultad de aportar modificaciones en cualquier momento y sin preaviso. / Les coloris impriméspeuvent être différents de la réalité. Kristalia srl se réserve le droit d’apporter toute modification à tout moment et sans préavis.

Project:Kristalia homemade


Color separation:Eurografica/Vr

Made and printed in Italy byChinchio Industria Grafica spa

Copyright 2015© Kristalia srlAll rights reserved

March 2015 edition

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