Using your Voice to Amplify your Career

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Using your Voice to Amplify your Career

Using your Voice to Amplify your Career

Heather LesonMay 14, 2015

ABC: Always be charging….your devices and your career

Are you using your data to drive your career?

Analyze your skills, goals. Categorize and prioritize.

Tools: Find a way to add data collection and analysis into your everyday

Turn “Babble” Into Actions: Your online life and data collection can be your future.

Voice: Storyteller, Implementer

Voice: Scientist, Research-driven

Public Speaking: Practice, talking points and fear

Public Speaking: Speak Slowly, Audience-focused, conversational, but informative

Network and Mentors: As you build your network, you can seek amazing mentors. Find these people, build your relationships.

Thank you
