UNITÉ DE RECHERCHE Centre de Recherche en … · berthois yolande cr inserm 04 91 32 43 90 bonier...

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Transcript of UNITÉ DE RECHERCHE Centre de Recherche en … · berthois yolande cr inserm 04 91 32 43 90 bonier...

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UNITÉ DE RECHERCHE Centre de Recherche en Oncologie Biologique et Onco-

pharmacologie (CRO2) DIRECTEUR : LOMBARDO Dominique ADRESSE : Facultés de Médecine et Pharmacie Site Timone TELEPHONE : 04 91 32 44 00/02 COURRIEL : dominique.lombardo@univ-amu.fr ECOLE DOCTORALE : Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé (ED 062) RATTACHEMENTS : AMU INSERM POLES HOSPITALIERS : 3 - Imagerie Médicale (Intersites) 5 - Anapath-Digestif-Onco-Uro-Endocrinologie (Nord) 6 - Neurosciences Cliniques (Intersites) 13 - Pédiatrie Médico-Chirurgicale (Timone Enfants) 16 - Cardio-Vasculaire-Thoracique (Intersites) 18 - Biologie (Intersites) 26 - MINC SMC (Intersites) 28 - Oncologie Spec.Médicales Chirurgicales (Intersites) 24 - Pharmacie (Intersites) DISCIPLINES D’APPARTENANCES : DS 5 - Biologie, médecine, santé SPECIALITÉS : Oncologie/Immunologie/Neurooncologie/Pharmacologie GESTIONNAIRES UNITÉ : Laurent NOE

EFFECTIFS Enseignants-Chercheurs : 49 Chercheurs EPST : 4 Autres Chercheurs : 6 IATOS/ITA : 39 Autres IATOS/ITA : 4 Doctorants : 25

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PERSONNELS IMPLIQUÉS DANS LA RECHERCHE ALCARAZ Sonia ADT AMU 04 91 32 44 00 ALLEGRO Diane ASI AMU 04 91 83 56 17 ANDRE Frédéric MCF 04 91 32 44 16 ANDRE Marc TCH INSERM 04 91 83.55.26 ANDRE Nicolas MCU-PH 04 91 83 55 06 BAEZA Nathalie IGE AMU 04 91 32 46 43 BARBIER Pascale MCF 04 91 83 56 16 BARBOLOSI Dominique PU 04 91 83 56 45 BAREA Dolores TCH AMU 04 91 32 44 15 BARLESI Fabrice PU-PH 04 91 96 59 01 BASTIDE Cyrille PU-PH 04 91 96 87 18 BASTONERO Sonia IE AMU 04 91 32 48 21 BELOROBI Sadia DOCTORANT 04 91 32 44 16 BENAY Stephan DOCTORANT 04 91 83 55 09 BENYAHIA Zohra DOCTORANT 04 91 32 45 02 BERAUD Evelyne MCF 04 91 32 44 17 BERGES Raphael POST-DOCTORANT 04 91 83 56 25 BERNARD Jean-Paul PU-PH 04 91 38 36 96 BERTHOIS Yolande CR INSERM 04 91 32 43 90 BONIER Rénaté AJT INSERM 04 91 32 44 00 BOUDOURESQUE Françoise MCF 04 91 32 43 90 BOURGAREL-REY Véronique MCF 04 91 83 56 03 BOUVET Sandrine ADA AMU 04 91 83 56 54 BOUVIER-LABIT Corinne MCU-PH 04 91 32 44 48 BRAGUER Diane PU-PH 04 91 83 56 35 BREUZARD Gilles MCF 04 91 83 56 03 BRUN Nadia ADT AMU 04 91 83 55 06 CAMMILLERI Serge MCU-PH 04 91 38 59 11 CAPRIOLO Guy ADT AMU 04 91 83 56 51 CARLIER Anne-Sophie ADT AMU CDD 04 91 83 55 06 CARMONA Sylvie TCH AMU 04 91 32 44 14 CARRE Manon MCF 04 91 83 56 26 CAYOL Mylène ADT AMU 04 91 32 44 64 CHACON Christine ASI AMU 04 91 83 55 06 CHINOT Olivier PU-PH 04 91 38 65 69 CICCOLINI Joseph MCF-PA 04 91 83 55 09 COLIGNON Aurélie DOCTORANT 04 91 32 44 15 COLIN Carole IGR AMU 04 91 32 46 43 COLOMB Coline DOCTORANT 04 91 83 55 09 CONTE Philippe AJT INSERM 04 91 32 44 00 CORREARD Florian DOCTORANT 04 91 83 56 26 CRENON Isabelle MCF 04 91 32 44 16 DAHAN Laetitia PH 04 91 83 55 06 DAIZE Caroline IGE AMU 04 91 32 44 46 DANIEL Laurent PU-PH 04 91 32 45 88 DARDAR Zoubeir DOCTORANT 04 91 32 45 02 DELFINO Christine IGR AMU 04 91 32 44 46 DENICOLAI Emilie DOCTORANT 04 91 32 46 43 DEVRED François MCF 04 91 83 55 96 DUSSAULT Nadège ASI AMU 04 91 32 44 46 DUSSERT Christophe CR INSERM 04 91 32 45 45 EL BATTARI Assou PU 04 91 32 44 16 ESTEVE Marie-Anne MCU-PH 04 91 83 56 26 DOUILLARD Soazig IE AMU 04 91 83.56.17 FAIVRE Christian MCF 04 91 83 56 45 FANCIULLINO Raphaelle MCU-PH 04 91 83 55 09 FIGARELLA-BRANGER Dominique PU-PH 04 91 32 44 86 GAGNA Véronique ADT AMU 04 91 32 44 43 GARROUSTE Françoise MCF 04 91 83 55 23 GAUDY Caroline MCU-PH 04 91 74 47 08 GAUTHIER Géraldine DOCTORANT 04 91 83 56 26 GERMAIN Sébastien TCH AMU 04 91 32 44 15

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GEROLAMI René PU-PH 04 91 38 36 96 GIACOMETTI Sarah TCN AMU 04 91 83 55 09 GROB Jean-Jacques PU-PH 04 91 74 47 14 HUYNH Thanh Khoa DOCTORANT 04 91 32 44 44 HONORE Stéphane MCU-PH 04 91 83 55 07 ILIADIS Athanassios PU 04 91 83 56 45 INTAGLIATA Dominique TCH AMU 04 91 32 44 43 JIGUET-JIGLAIRE Carine POST-DOCTORANT 04 91 32 44 44 KOVACIC Hervé PU 04 91 83 56 27 LACARELLE Bruno PU-PH 04 91 38 75 65 LAFITTE Daniel IGR AMU 04 91 83 56 80 LEGRAND Marion DOCTORANT 04 91 83 56 26 LELOUP Ludovic MCF LEMOINE Lenaig ITA CT C contractuel AMU 04 91 32 44 43 LOMBARDO Dominique DR INSERM 04 91 32 44 02 LUIS José PU 04 91 83 56 52 MAROUANI Hafedh DOCTORANT 04 91 83 55 09 MARTINEZ Emmanuelle DOCTORANT 04 91 32 44 15 MARVALDI Jacques PU 04 91 10 63 00 MAS Eric CR INSERM 04 91 32 44 17 MATHIEU Sylvie IE INSERM 04 91 32 44 16 McKAY Nathalie TCN contractuel 04 91 83 56 17 METELLUS Philippe MCU-PH 04 91 38 55 45 MERCURIO Sandy DOCTORANT 04 91 32 46 43 MOHAMED Echata ADT AMU 04 91 32 44 43 MONJANEL-MOUTERDE Suzanne MCF 04 91 83 55 57 MONTERO Marie-Pierre ADT AMU 04 91 83 56 59 MORANDO Philippe TCH AMU 04 91 32 42 25 MOUSSLIM Mohamed DOCTORANT 04 91 83 55 02 AIT BELKACEM Rima DOCTORANTE 04 91 83 56 80 NDYAYE Sega POST-DOCTORANT 04 91 83 56 80 NOE Laurent IGE AMU 04 91 83 56 76 NOUAR Roqya DOCTORANT 04 91 83.55.50 OUAFIK L'Houcine PU-PH 04 91 32 44 47 OUAISSI Mehdi MCU-PH 04 91 38 58 52 PADOVANI Laetitia DOCTORANT 04 91 32 46 43 PAGANO Alessandra MCF 04 91 83 55 77 PARAT Fabrice TCH AMU 04 91 83 56 99 PELLEGRINO Emilie DOCTORANT 04 91 83 56 54 PEYROT Vincent PU 04 91 83 55 05 PIRISI Victor TCH INSERM 04 91 32 45 45 POMMIER Gilbert MCU-PH 04 91 83 55 84 PREVOT Charles IR CNRS 04 91 83 55 97 RICHARD Marie Aleth PU-PH 04 91 74 47 08 RIGOT Véronique MCF 04 91 10 61 19 ROVINI Amandine DOCTORANT 04 91 83 56 25 SALAS Sébastien PH 04 91 38 45 48 SASTRE Bernard PU-PH 04 91 38 58 52 SAVRY Amandine DOCTORANT 04 91 83 55 06 SBARRA Véronique AI INSERM 04 91 32 44 14 SCHEMBRI Thérèse IGE AMU 04 91 83 56 80 SEBBAN Sylvie TCN-CDD INSERM 04 91 32 44 00 SEITZ Jean-François PU-PH 09 91 32 43 00 SELLANI Lina DOCTORANT 04 91 83 56.80 SERDJEBI Cindy DOCTORANT 04 91 83 55 09 SIGAUD Romain Master 2 R 04 91 32 45 02 SILVY Françoise TCH INSERM 04 91 32 44 17 SIRET Carole IGE AMU/DOCTORANT 04 91 83 56 58 SOLAS-CHESNEAU Caroline MCU-PH 04 91 38 75 65 TAYA Sarah TCH INSERM 04 91 83.55.02 TERCIOLO Chloé DOCTORANT 04 91 32 44 16 THUAUT Sylvie MCF 04 91 83 56 59 TIJERAS Guylaine ADT AMU 04 91 32 44 43 TOUNSI Asma DOCTORANT 04 91 32 45 02 VILLARD Claude IE CNRS 04 91 83 56 80

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EQUIPE : E1 - Communications microtubules-mitochondries : implication en oncopharmacologie RESPONSABLE : BRAGUER Diane THEMATIQUE : Dialogue microtubules mitochondries et conséquences fonctionnelles. Dépendance à la chimiothérapie et perspectives thérapeutiques EQUIPE : E2 - Micro-environnement Redox, cytosquelette et progression tumorale RESPONSABLE : KOVACIC Hervé/PEYROT Vincent THEMATIQUE : Nox1, progression et migration tumorale. Potentialité thérapeutique et pronostique de la modulation redox en cancérologie EQUIPE : E3 - Progression tumorale et immunothérapie expérimentale RESPONSABLE : LOMBARDO Dominique BERNARD Jean-Paul THEMATIQUE : Immunothérapie expérimentale des adénocarcinomes pancréatiques. Cancer et thrombose. Molécules d'adhésion et carcinogénèse pancréatique EQUIPE : E4 - Angiogenèse, invasivité et micro-environnement tumoral RESPONSABLE : OUAFIK L'Houcine/FIGARELLA-BRANGER Dominique THEMATIQUE : Propriétés intrinsèques et micro-environnement dans le mode de croissance des glioblastomes. Rôle et mécanismes d'action de l'Adrénoméduline dans la progression tumorale EQUIPE : SC - Service Commun RESPONSABLE : Laurent NOE Plateforme Pharmacologie (AP-HM, Accréditation COFRAC) RESPONSABLE : LACARELLE Bruno Plateforme Protéomique et Innovation Technologique Timone : PIT2 (labellisation IBISa MaP) RESPONSABLE : LAFITTE Daniel Plateforme Laboratoire de transfert (AP-HM, Accréditation COFRAC) RESPONSABLE : L’H OUAFIK. Plateforme Ressources Biologique Tumorothèque (AP-HM, Certification ISO 9001) RESPONSABLE : D. FIGARELLA-BRANGER Plateau Tri cellulaire RESPONSABLE : PREVOT Charles Plateau Imagerie confocale et intravitale RESPONSABLE : BASTONERO Sonia

PERSONNELS PAR EQUIPE DE RECHERCHE EQUIPE : E1 - Communications microtubules-mitochondries : implication en oncopharmacologie RESPONSABLE : BRAGUER Diane THEMATIQUE : Dialogue microtubules mitochondries et conséquences fonctionnelles. Dépendance à la chimiothérapie et perspectives thérapeutiques ANDRE Nicolas MCU-PH BERGES Raphael POST-DOCTORANT BOURGAREL-REY Véronique MCF BRAGUER Diane PU-PH CARLIER Anne-Sophie ADT AMU CDD CARRE Manon MCF CHACON Christine ASI AMU CORREARD Florian DOCTORANT ESTEVE Marie-Anne MCU-PH GAUTHIER Géraldine DOCTORANT HONORE Stéphane MCU-PH LEGRAND Marion DOCTORANT

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McKAY Nathalie TCN CDD MONTERO Marie-Pierre ADT AMU ROVINI Amandine DOCTORANT SAVRY Amandine DOCTORANT TAYA Sarah TCH INSERM EQUIPE : E2 - Micro-environnement Redox, cytosquelette et progression tumorale RESPONSABLE : KOVACIC Hervé/PEYROT Vincent THEMATIQUE : Nox1, progression et migration tumorale. Potentialité thérapeutique et pronostique de la modulation redox en cancérologie ALLEGRO Diane ASI AMU ANDRE Marc TCH INSERM BARBIER Pascale MCF BOUVET Sandrine ADA AMU BREUZARD Gilles MCF BRUN Nadia ADT AMU DAHAN Laetitia PH DEVRED François MCF DOUILLARD Soazig IE AMU GARROUSTE Françoise MCF KOVACIC Hervé PU LELOUP Ludovic MCF LUIS José PU MONJANEL-MOUTERDE Suzanne MCF MOUSSLIM Mohamed DOCTORANT NOUAR Roqya DOCTORANT PAGANO Alessandra MCF PARAT Fabrice TCH AMU PEYROT Vincent PU POMMIER Gilbert MCU-PH SEITZ Jean-François PU-PH SELLANI Lina DOCTORANT THUAUT Sylvie MCF EQUIPE : E3 - Progression tumorale et immunothérapie expérimentale RESPONSABLE : LOMBARDO Dominique BERNARD Jean-Paul THEMATIQUE : Immunothérapie expérimentale des adénocarcinomes pancréatiques. Cancer et thrombose. Molécules d'adhésion et carcinogénèse pancréatique ANDRE Frédéric MCF BELOROBI Sadia DOCTORANT BERAUD Evelyne MCF BERNARD Jean-Paul PU-PH CAMMELIRI Serge MCU-PH CARMONA Sylvie TCH AMU COLIGNON Aurélie DOCTORANT CRENON Isabelle MCF GEROLAMI René PU-PH GERMAIN Sébastien TCH AMU LOMBARDO Dominique DR INSERM MARTINEZ Emmanuelle DOCTORANT MARVALDI Jacques PU MAS Eric CR INSERM OUAISSI Mehdi MCU-PH PELLEGRINO Emilie DOCTORANT RIGOT Véronique MCF SASTRE Bernard PU-PH SBARRA Véronique AI INSERM SEBBAN Sylvie TCN-CDD INSERM SILVY Françoise TCH INSERM SIRET Carole IGE AMU/DOCTORANT TERCIOLO Chloé DOCTORANT

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EQUIPE : E4 - Angiogenèse, invasivité et micro-environnement tumoral RESPONSABLE : OUAFIK L'Houcine/FIGARELLA-BRANGER Dominique THEMATIQUE : Propriétés intrinsèques et micro-environnement dans le mode de croissance des glioblastomes. Rôle et mécanismes d'action de l'Adrénoméduline dans la progression tumorale BAEZA Nathalie IGE AMU BAREA Dolores TCH AMU BARLESI Fabrice PU-PH BASTIDE Cyrille PU-PH BERTHOIS Yolande CR INSERM BENYAHIA Zohra DOCTORANT BOUDOURESQUE Françoise MCF BOUVIER-LABIT Corinne MCU-PH CAYOL Mylène ADT AMU CHINOT Olivier PU-PH COLIN Carole IGR AMU DAIZE Caroline IGE AMU DANIEL Laurent PU-PH DARDAR Zoubeir DOCTORANT DELFINO Christine IGR AMU DENICOLAI Emilie DOCTORANT DUSSAULT Nadège ASI AMU DUSSERT Christophe CR INSERM EL BATTARI Assou PU FIGARELLA-BRANGER Dominique PU-PH GAGNA Véronique ADT AMU GAUDY Caroline MCU-PH GROB Jean-Jacques PU-PH HUYNH Thanh Khoa DOCTORANT INTAGLIATA Dominique MCF JIGUET-JIGLAIRE Carine POST-DOCTORANT LEMOINE Lenaig ITA CT C contractuel AMU MATHIEU Sylvie IE INSERM MERCURIO Sandy DOCTORANT METELLUS Philippe MCU-PH MORANDO Philippe TCH AMU OUAFIK L'Houcine PU-PH PADOVANI Laetitia DOCTORANT PIRISI Victor TCH INSERM RICHARD Marie Aleth PU-PH SALAS Sébastien PH SIGAUD Romain Master 2 R TIJERAS Guylaine ADT AMU TOUNSI Asma DOCTORANT Plateforme Pharmacologie (AP-HM, Accréditation COFRAC) RESPONSABLE : LACARELLE Bruno BARBOLOSI Dominique PU BENAY Stephan DOCTORANT CICCOLINI Joseph MCF-PA COLOMB Coline DOCTORANT FAIVRE Christian MCF FANCIULLINO Raphaelle MCU-PH GIACOMETTI Sarah TCN AMU ILIADIS Athanassios PU LACARELLE Bruno PU-PH MAROUANI Hafedh DOCTORANT SERDJEBI Cindy DOCTORANT SOLAS-CHESNEAU Caroline MCU-PH

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Plateforme Protéomique et Innovation Technologique Timone (PIT2, labellisation IBISa) RESPONSABLE : LAFITTE Daniel AIT BELKACEM Rima DOCTORANTE LAFITTE Daniel IGR AMU NDYAYE Sega POST-DOCTORANT SCHEMBRI Thérèse IGE AMU SELLAMI Lyna DOCTORANTE VILLARD Claude IR CNRS Plateforme Laboratoire de transfert (AP-HM, Accréditation COFRAC) RESPONSABLE : L’H OUAFIK. Plateforme Ressources Biologique Tumorothèque (AP-HM, Certification ISO 9001) RESPONSABLE : D. FIGARELLA-BRANGER Plateau Tri cellulaire RESPONSABLE : PREVOT Charles Plateau Imagerie confocale et intravitale RESPONSABLE : BASTONERO Sonia EQUIPE : SC - Service Commun Recherche RESPONSABLE : NOE Laurent ALCARAZ Sonia ADT AMU BONIER Rénaté AJT INSERM BOUVET Sandrine ADA AMU CARLIER Anne-Sophie ADT AMU CDD CAPRIOLO Guy ADT AMU CONTE Philippe AJT INSERM GAGNA Véronique ADT AMU NOE Laurent IGE AMU MOHAMED Echata ADT AMU SEBBAN Sylvie TCN INSERM CDD

PUBLICATIONS ANNÉES 2010 et 2011 Equipe 1

1. Ciccolini J, Mercier C, Dahan L, André N.Integrating pharmacogenetics into gemcitabine dosing--time for a change? Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2011 Feb 8;8(7):439-44 - (2011)

2. Pasquier E, Ciccolini J, Carre M, Giacometti S, Fanciullino R, Pouchy C, Montero MP, Serdjebi C, Kavallaris M, André N.Propranolol potentiates the anti-angiogenic effects and anti-tumor efficacy of chemotherapy agents: implication in breast cancer treatment. Oncotarget. 2011 Oct;2(10):797-809 - (2011)

3. Honore S, Braguer D Investigating microtubule dynamic instability using microtubule-targeting agents.. Methods Mol Biol. 2011;777:245-60 - (2011)

4. Bouwmeester H, Lynch I, Marvin HJ, Dawson KA, Berges M, Braguer D, Byrne HJ, Casey A, Chambers G, Clift MJ, Elia G, Fernandes TF, Fjellsbø LB, Hatto P, Juillerat L, Klein C, Kreyling WG, Nickel C, Riediker M, Stone V.Minimal analytical characterization of engineered nanomaterials needed for hazard assessment in biological matrices. Nanotoxicology. 2011 Mar;5(1):1-11.

5. Bourdeaut F, Lequin D, Brugières L, Reynaud S, Dufour C, Doz F, André N, Stephan JL, Pérel Y, Oberlin O, Orbach D, Bergeron C, Rialland X, Fréneaux P, Ranchere D, Figarella-Branger D, Audry G, Puget S, Evans DG, Pinas JC, Capra V, Mosseri V, Coupier I, Frequent hSNF5/INI1 Germline Mutations in Patients with Rhabdoid Tumor. Ga Clin Cancer Res. 2011 Jan 1;17(1):31-38 - (2011) - [Impact factor=6.768]

6. Combes S, Barbier P, Douillard S, McLeer-Florin A, Bourgarel-Rey V, Pierson JT, Fedorov AY, Finet JP, Boutonnat J, Peyrot V. Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of 4-arylcoumarin Analogues of Combretastatins. J Med Chem. 2011 May 12;54(9):3153-62. - (2011)

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7. Fousseyni T, Diawara M, Pasquier E, André N Children treated with metronomic chemotherapy in a low-income country: METRO-MALI-01 J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2011 Jan;33(1):31-4 - (2011) - [Impact factor=0.794]

8. Rovini A, Savry A, Braguer D, Carré M Microtubule-targeted agents: When mitochondria become essential to chemotherapy. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2011 Jun;1807(6):679-88 - (2011) - [Impact factor=4.840]

9. Mercier C, Dahan L, Ouafik L, André N, Ciccolini J. Letter to the editor: pharmacokinetics of gemcitabine in non-small-cell lung cancer patients: impact of the 79A>C cytidine deaminase polymorphism. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2010 Sep;66(9):959-60 - (2010) - [Impact factor=2.743].

10. Guilhaumou R, Solas C, Rome A, Giocanti M, Andre N, Lacarelle B. Validation of an electrospray ionization LC/MS/MS method for quantitative analysis of vincristine in human plasma samples. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2010 Feb 1;878(3-4):423-7 - (2010)

11. Ciccolini J, Dahan L, André N, Evrard A, Duluc M, Blesius A, Yang C, Giacometti S, Brunet C, Raynal C, Ortiz A, Frances N, Iliadis A, Duffaud F, Seitz JF, Mercier C. Cytidine deaminase residual activity in serum is a predictive marker of early severe toxicities in adults after gemcitabine-based chemotherapies. J Clin Oncol. 2010 ; 28:160-5 - (2010) - [Impact factor=17.793]

12. Ianotto JC, Tempescul A, Eveillard JR, André N, Morel F, Quintin-Roué I, Berthou C Acute dyspnoea and single tracheal localisation of mantle cell lymphoma. J Hematol Oncol. 2010 Sep 28;3:34 - (2010) - [Impact factor=1.360]

13. André N, Pasquier E, Gentet JC, Kamen BA. Looking at the Seemingly Contradictory Role of Vinblastine in Anaplastic Large-Cell Lymphoma From a Metronomic Perspective. J Clin Oncol. 2010 Dec 20 - (2010) - [Impact factor=17.793]

14. Andre N, Padovani L, Verschuur A. Metronomic chemotherapy: Back to the future! Drug News Perspect. 2010; 23 :143-51 - (2010) - [Impact factor=2.305]

15. Sterba J, Pavelka Z, André N, Ventruba J, Skotakova J , V Bajciova V , Bronisova D, Dubska L , Valik D. Second complete remission in a child with relapsed medulloblastoma induced by metronomic chemotherapy and subsequent progression shortly after chemotherapy cessation. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2010; 54: 616-7 - (2010) - [Impact factor=2.134]

16. André N, Pasquier E. Can Drug Driven Dependency and Deprivation Effect be used as a therapeutic tool in patients with tuberculosis ? Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2010 Sep;14(9):1212 - (2010) - [Impact factor=2.548]

17. Pasquier E, Kavallaris M, André N. Metronomic chemotherapy: new rationale for new directions Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2010 Aug;7(8):455-65 - (2010) - [Impact factor=8.000]

18. André N, Verschuur A, Rossler J, Sterba J. Anti-Angiogenic Therapies for Children with Cancer. Curr Cancer Drug Targets. 2010 Aug 19. - (2010) - [Impact factor=5.177]

19. André N, Pasquier E, Gentet JC, Kamen BA. Looking at the Seemingly Contradictory Role of Vinblastine in Anaplastic Large-Cell Lymphoma From a Metronomic Perspective. J Clin Oncol. 2010 Dec 20. - (2010) - [Impact factor=17.793]

20. Calligaris, D., Verdier-Pinard, P., Devred, F.,Villard, C.,Braguer, D and Lafitte, D Microtubule targeting agents : from biophysics to proteomics. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2010 ;67:1089-104 - (2010) - [Impact factor=6.090]

21. Bazaa A, Pasquier E, Defilles C, Limam I, Kessentini-Zouari R, Kallech-Ziri O, El Battari A, Braguer D, El Ayeb M, Marrakchi N, Luis J. MVL-PLA2, a snake venom phospholipase A2, inhibits angiogenesis through an increase in microtubule dynamics and disorganization of focal adhesions PLoS One. 2010 ; 5 :e10124 - (2010) - [Impact factor=4.383]

22. Rovini A, Carré M, Bordet T, Pruss R M and Braguer D. Olesoxime prevents microtubule-targeting drug neurotoxicity: selective preservation of EB comets in differentiated neuronal cells. Biochem Pharmacol. 2010 Sep 15;80(6):884-94 - (2010) - [Impact factor=4.254]

23. Calligaris D, Villard C, Terras L, Braguer D, Verdier-Pinard P, Lafitte D. MALDI in-source decay of high mass protein isoforms: application to alpha- and beta-tubulin variants. Anal Chem. 2010 Jul 15;82(14):6176-84 - (2010) - [Impact factor=5.625]

Equipe 2

1. Froudarakis ME, Greillier L, Monjanel-Mouterde S, Koutsopoulos A, Devictor-Pierre B, Guilhaumou R, Karpathiou G, Botaitis S, Astoul P Intrapleural administration of lipoplatin in an animal model. Lung Cancer. 2011; 72(1):78-83. - (2011)

2. Sarray S., Kessentini-Zouari R., Jebali J., Limam I., Bazaa A., Morjen M., Abdelkafi Z., Kallech-Ziri O., Srairi N., Daoued S., Luis J., El Ayeb M & Marrakchi N.:Anti-tumor snake venoms peptides In : Barbier J. et al., eds. Toxins and ion transfert -Meetings on toxinology, SFET Editions. 2011; pp127-132 - (2011)

3. Kallech-Ziri O, Luis J, Sabatier J-M, El Ayeb M, Marrakchi N, Loret E. Structure-function relationships of KTS disentegrins and the development of anti-angiogenic drugs against cancer. Lett Drug Design Discovery 2011. 7, 36-40 - (2011)

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4. Yang CG, Ciccolini J, Blesius A, Dahan L, Bagarry-Liegey D, Brunet C, Varoquaux A, Frances N, Marouani H, Giovanni A, Ferri-Dessens RM, Chefrour M, Favre R, Duffaud F, Seitz JF, Zanaret M, Lacarelle B, Mercier C. DPD-based adaptive dosing of 5-FU in patients with head and neck cancer: impact on treatment efficacy and toxicity. Cancer Chemoth Pharm. 2011; 67(1):49-56. - (2011)

5. Norguet E, Dahan L, Gaudart J, Gasmi M, Ouafik L, Seitz JF. Cetuximab after bevacizumab in metastatic colorectal cancer: is it the best sequence? Dig Liver Dis. 2011 Nov;43(11):917-9. - (2011)

6. Twelves C, Scheithauer W, McKendrick J, Seitz JF, Van Hazel G, Wong A, Díaz-Rubio E, Gilberg F, Cassidy J. Capecitabine versus 5-fluorouracil/folinic acid as adjuvant therapy for stage III colon cancer: final results from the X-ACT trial with analysis by age and preliminary evidence of a pharmacodynamic marker of efficacy. Ann Oncol. 2011 Sep 6. - (2011)

7. Ducreux M, Malka D, Mendiboure J, Etienne PL, Texereau P, Auby D, Rougier P, Gasmi M, Castaing M, Abbas M, Michel P, Gargot D, Azzedine A, Lombard-Bohas C, Geoffroy P, Denis B, Pignon JP, Bedenne L, Bouché O; Fédération Francophone de Cancérologie Digestive. Sequential versus combination chemotherapy for the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer (FFCD 2000-05): an open-label, randomised, phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol. 2011 Oct;12(11):1032-44. - (2011)

8. Minaya P, Baumstarck K, Berbis J, Goncalves A, Barlesi F, Michel G, Salas S, Chinot O, Grob JJ, Seitz JF, Bladou F, Clement A, Mancini J, Simeoni MC, Auquier P. The CareGiver Oncology Quality of Life questionnaire (CarGOQoL): Development and validation of an instrument to measure the quality of life of the caregivers of patients with cancer. Eur J Cancer. 2011 Oct 25. - (2011)

9. Combes S., Barbier P., Douillard S., McLeer-Florin A., Rey V., Pierson JT., Fedorov A., Finet JP., Boutonnat J., Peyrot V. Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of 4-arylcoumarin Analogues of Combretastatin. J Med Chem, 2011, 12;54(9):3153-62 - (2011)

10. Tsvetkov P, Kulikova AA, Devred F, Zerni E, Lafitte D, Makarov AA Thermodynamics of calmodulin and tubulin binding to the vinca-alkaloid vinorelbine. Molecular Biology, 2011, 45(4):697-702. - (2011)

11. Dahan L, Norguet E, Etienne-Grimaldi MC, Formento JL, Gasmi M, Nanni I, Gaudart J, Garcia S, Ouafik L, Seitz JF, Milano G. Pharmacogenetic profiling and cetuximab outcome in patients with advanced colorectal cancer. BMC Cancer. 2011 Nov 25;11:496 - (2011)

12. Leloup L, Wells A. Calpains as potential anti-cancer targets. Expert Opin Ther Targets. 2011 Mar;15(3):309-23. - (2011)

13. Defilles C, Montero MP, Lissitzky JC, Rome S, Siret C, Luis J, André F, Rigot V. alphav integrin processing interferes with the cross-talk between alphavbeta5/beta6 and alpha2beta1 integrins. Biol Cell. 2011 Nov;103(11):519-29 - (2011)

14. Alhanout, K., Malesinski S., Vidal N., Peyrot V., Rolain JM., Brunel JM. New Insights on the Antibacterial Mechanism of Action of Squalamine. J. Antimicrob. Chemother., 2010, 65(8):1688-93. - (2010)

15. Rosmorduc O, Chevreau C, Dielenseger P, Ederhy S, Goldwasser F, Grange JD, Mortier L, Neidhardt-Berard ME, Robert C, Scotte F, Seitz JF. Guidelines for treatment of hepatocellular or renal carcinoma with sorafenib. Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 2010; 34: 161-7. - (2010)

16. Calligaris D, Verdier-Pinard P, Devred F, Villard C, Braguer D, Lafitte D. Microtubule targeting agents: from biophysics to proteomics. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2010 Apr;67(7):1089-104. - (2010)

17. Bazaa A, Pasquier E, Defilles C, Limam I, Kessentini-Zouari R, Kallech-Ziri O, El Battari A, Braguer D, El Ayeb M, Marrakchi N, Luis J. MVL-PLA2, a snake venom phospholipase A2, inhibits angiogenesis through an increase in microtubule dynamics and disorganization of focal adhesions. PLoS One. 2010; 5: e10124 - (2010)

18. Kessentini-Zouari R, Jebali J, Taboubi S, Srairi-Abid N, Morjen M, Kallech-Ziri O, Bezzine S, Marvaldi J, El Ayeb M, Marrakchi N, Luis J. CC-PLA2-1 and CC-PLA2-2, two Cerastes cerastes venom-derived phospholipases A2, inhibit angiogenesis both in vitro and in vivo. Lab Invest. 2010; 90: 510-9 - (2010)

19. Mitry E, Hammel P, Deplanque G, Mornex F, Levy P, Seitz JF, Moussy A, Kinet JP, Hermine O, Rougier P, Raymond E. Safety and activity of masitinib in combination with gemcitabine in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer. Cancer Chemoth Pharm. 2010 Jul;66(2):395-403. - (2010)

20. Ciccolini J, Dahan L, Andre N, Evrard A, Duluc M, Blesius A, Yang C, Giacometti S, Brunet C, Raynal C, Ortiz A, Frances N, Iliadis A, Duffaud F, Seitz JF, Mercier C. Cytidine deaminase residual activity in serum is a predictive marker of early severe toxicities in adults after gemcitabine-based chemotherapies. J Clin Oncol. 2010; 28: 160-5 - (2010)

21. Limam I, Bazaa A, Srairi-Abid N, Taboubi S, Jebali J, Zouari-Kessentini R, Kallech-Ziri O, Mejdoub H, Hammami A, El Ayeb M, Luis J, Marrakchi N. Leberagin-C, A disintegrin-like/cysteine-rich protein from Macrovipera lebetina transmediterranea venom, inhibits alphavbeta3 integrin-mediated cell adhesion. Matrix Biol. 2010; 29: 117-26 - (2010)

22. Taboubi S, Garrouste F, Parat F, Pommier G, Faure E, Monferran S, Kovacic H, Lehmann M. Gq-coupled purinergic receptors inhibit insulin-like growth factor-i/phosphoinositide 3-kinase pathway-dependent keratinocyte migration. Mol Biol Cell. 2010; 21: 946-55 - (2010)

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23. Moullintraffort L, Bruneaux M, Nazabal A, Allegro D, Giudice E, Zal F, Peyrot V, Barbier P, Thomas D, Garnier C. Biochemical and biophysical characterization of the Mg2+-induced 90-kDa heat shock protein oligomers. J Biol Chem. 2010; 285: 15100-10 - (2010)

24. Métrailler-Ruchonnet I., A. Pagano, S. Carnesecchi, K. Katib, P. Herrera, Y. Donati, C. Barazzone Agiroffo. Bcl-2 overexpression in mice ihnibits hyperoxia-induecd epithelial lung cell death. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2010 299 :L312-22. - (2010)

25. Roumes H, Leloup L, Dargelos E, Brustis JJ, Daury L, Cottin P. Calpains: markers of tumor aggressiveness? Exp Cell Res. 2010 May 15;316(9):1587-99. - (2010)

26. Sargent DJ, Marsoni S, Monges G, Thibodeau SN, Labianca R, Hamilton SR, French AJ, Kabat B, Foster NR, Torri V, Ribic C, Grothey A, Moore M, Zaniboni A, Seitz JF, Sinicrope F, Gallinger S. Defective mismatch repair as a predictive marker for lack of efficacy of fluorouracil-based adjuvant therapy in colon cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2010 Jul 10;28(20):3219-26. - (2010)

27. Mercier C, Dahan L, Ouafik L, André N, Ciccolini J. Letter to the editor: pharmacokinetics of gemcitabine in non-small-cell lung cancer patients: impact of the 79A>C cytidine deaminase polymorphism. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2010 Sep;66(9):959-60. - (2010)

28. Casano G, Robin M, Barbier P, Peyrot V, Faure R. Synthesis and complete assignment of the 1H and 13C NMR signals of new acetamido and aminoflavonoid derivatives. Magn Reson Chem. 2010 Sep;48(9):738-44 - (2010)

29. Bonnetain F, Dahan L, Maillard E, Ychou M, Mitry E, Hammel P, Legoux JL, Rougier P, Bedenne L, Seitz JF. Time until definitive quality of life score deterioration as a means of longitudinal analysis for treatment trials in patients with metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Eur J Cancer. 2010 Oct;46(15):2753-62 - (2010)

30. Devred F, Barbier P, Lafitte D, Landrieu I, Lippens G, Peyrot V.Microtubule and MAPs: thermodynamics of complex formation by AUC, ITC, fluorescence, and NMR. Methods Cell Biol. 2010;95:449-80. - (2010)

31. Leloup L, Shao H, Bae YH, Deasy B, Stolz D, Roy P, Wells A. M-calpain activation is regulated by its membrane localization and by its binding to PIP2. J Biol Chem. 2010 Oct 22;285(43):33549-66. - (2010)

32. Barbier P, Dorleans A, Devred F, Sanz L, Allegro D, Alfonso C, Knossow M, Peyrot V, Andreu JM. Stathmin and interfacial microtubule inhibitors recognize a naturally curved conformation of tubulin dimers. J Biol Chem. 2010 Oct 8;285(41):31672-81. - (2010)

33. Dahan L, Bonnetain F, Ychou M, Mitry E, Gasmi M, Raoul JL, Cattan S, Phelip JM, Hammel P, Chauffert B, Michel P, Legoux JL, Rougier P, Bedenne L, Seitz JF;Combination 5-fluorouracil, folinic acid and cisplatin (LV5FU2-CDDP) followed by gemcitabine or the reverse sequence in metastatic pancreatic cancer: final results of a randomised strategic phase III trial (FFCD 0301). Gut. 2010 Nov;59(11):1527-34 - (2010)

34. Silver K, Leloup L, Freeman LC, Wells A, Lillich JD. Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs Inhibit Calpain Activity and Membrane Localization of Calpain 2 Protease. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2010 Dec;42(12):2030-6. - (2010)

Equipe 3

1. Giger U, Ouaissi M, Schmitz SF, Krähenbühl S, Krähenbühl L. Bile duct injury and use of cholangiography during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Br J Surg. 2011;98:391-6 - (2011) - [Impact factor=1.670]

2. Ouaïssi M, Giger U, Sielezneff I, Pirrò N, Sastre B, Ouaissi A. Rationale for possible targeting of histone deacetylase signaling in cancer diseases with a special reference to pancreatic cancer. J Biomed Biotechnol. 2011;2011:315939 - (2011) - [Impact factor=1.750]

3. Ouaïssi M, Giger U, Sielezneff I, Yawovi KA, Pamela A, Pirro N, Sastre B. Mucosal Advancement Flap Anoplasty for Chronic Anal Fissure Resistant to Conservative Therapy.. World J Surg. 2011 ; In press - (2011) - [Impact factor=2.690]

4. Franceschi C, Collignon* A, Isnardon* D, Benkoel L, Vérine A., Silvy F., Bernard JP., Lombardo D., Béraud E., Olive D. and Mas E A novel tumor-associated pancreatic glycoprotein is internalized by human dendritic cells and induces their maturation. J Immunol.;187:4067-77. - (2011) - [Impact factor=5.640]

5. Guedj E, Chiche L, Basely M, Cammilleri S, Durand JM, Mundler O. 18FDG-PET/CT imaging of external ear sarcoidosis. Otol Neurotol. 2010;31:699-700 - (2010) - [Impact factor=1.430]

6. Zanotti-Fregonara P, Jan S, Taieb D, Cammilleri S, Trébossen R, Hindié E, Mundler O. Absorbed 18F-FDG dose to the fetus during early pregnancy. J Nucl Med. 2010 May;51(5):803-5.

7. Ouaissi M, Hubert C, Verhelst R, Astarci P, Sempoux C, Jouret-Mourin A, Loundou A, Gigot JF Vascular reconstruction during pancreatoduodenectomy for ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreas improves resectability but does not achieve cure. Multidisciplary HPB Group of Center of Cancer. World J Surg. 2010;34:2648-61. - (2010) - [Impact factor=2.690]

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8. Ouaïssi M, Cresti S, Giger U, Sielezneff I, Pirrò N, Berthet B, Grandval P, Consentino B, Sastre B. Management of recto-vaginal fistulas after prosthetic reinforcement treatment for pelvic organ prolapsed. World J Gastroenterol. 2010;16:3011-5 - (2010) - [Impact factor=2.080]

9. Ouaïssi M, Maggiori L, Alves A, Giger U, Sielezneff I, Valleur P, Sastre B, Panis Y Colorectal cancer complicating IBD: A comparative study in CD vs UC in 34 patients Colorectal Dis. 2010 Feb 20 - (2010) - [Impact factor=2.430]

10. Hoskins C, Ouaissi M, Lima SC, Cheng WP, Loureirio I, Mas E, Lombardo D, Cordeiro-da-Silva A, Ouaissi A, Kong Thoo Lin P.In vitro and in vivo anticancer activity of a novel nano-sized formulation based on self-assembling polymers against pancreatic cancer. Pharm Res. 2010;27:2694-703 - (2010) - [Impact factor=3.930]

11. Kessentini-Zouari R, Jebali J, Taboubi S, Srairi-Abid N, Morjen M, Kallech-Ziri O, Bezzine S, Marvaldi J, El Ayeb M, Marrakchi N, Luis J. CC-PLA2-1 and CC-PLA2-2, two Cerastes cerastes venom-derived phospholipases A2, inhibit angiogenesis both in vitro and in vivo. Lab Invest. 2010; 90: 510-9 - (2010) - [Impact factor=4.600]

12. Ristorcelli E and Lombardo D. Targeting Notch signaling in pancreatic cancer. Exp Opin Ther Targ. 2010. 14; 541-552 (invited review). - (2010) - [Impact factor=3.720]

13. Beraud E and Chandy G.K. Toxin domains : immune and immunomodulatory properties, and more. Current Immunology Reviews. 2010, Invited review - (2010)

14. Sebai H, Ristorcelli E, Sbarra V, Hovsepian S, Fayet G, Aouani E, Lombardo D Protective effect of resveratrol against LPS-induced extracellular lipoperoxidation in AR42J cells partly via a Myd88-dependent signaling pathway. Arch Biochem Biophys. 2010, 495: 56-61 - (2010) - [Impact factor=3.040]

15. Sebai H, Hovsepian S, Ristorcelli E, Aouani E, Lombardo D, Fayet G Resveratrol increases iodide trapping in the rat thyroid cell line FRTL-5. Thyroid, 2010, 20; 195-203 - (2010) - [Impact factor=2.600] Equipe 4

1. Mazouni C, Romain S, Bonnier P, Ouafik L, Martin PM. Prognostic significance of tumor-related proteases as a function of the estrogen receptor status. Cancer Biol Ther. 2011;11 : 277-83.

2. Rjeibi I, Mabrouk K, Mosrati H, Berenguer C, Mejdoub H, Villard C, Laffitte D, Bertin D, Ouafik L, Luis J, Elayeb M, Srairi-Abid N. Purification, synthesis and characterization of AaCtx, the first chlorotoxin-like peptide from Androctonus australis scorpion venom. Peptides. 2011; 32 : 656-63.

3. Norguet E, Dahan L, Gaudart J, Gasmi M, Ouafik L, Seitz JF. Cetuximab after bevacizumab in metastatic colorectal cancer: Is it the best sequence ? Dig Liver Dis. 2011 ; 43 : 917-9.

4. Lamy PJ, Fina F, Bascoul-Mollevi C, Laberenne AC, Martin PM, Ouafik L, Jacot W. Quantification and clinical relevance of gene amplification at chromosome 17q12-q21 in human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-amplified breast cancers. Breast Cancer Res. 2011;13(1):R15.

5. Metellus P, Voutsinos-Porche B, Nanni-Metellus I, Colin C, Fina F, Berenguer C, Dussault N, Boudouresque F, Loundou A, Intagliata D, Chinot O, Martin PM, Figarella-Branger D, Ouafik L. Adrenomedullin expression and regulation in human glioblastoma, cultured human glioblastoma cell lines and pilocytic astrocytoma. Eur J Cancer. 2011; 47(11):1727-35.

6. Mazouni C, Fina F, Romain S, Ouafik L, Bonnier P, Brandone JM, Martin PM. Epstein-Barr virus as a marker of biological aggressiveness in breast cancer. Br J Cancer. 2011; 104(2):332-7.

7. Duval-Sabatier A, Gondouin B, Bouvier C, Bataille S, Berland Y, Brunet P. Brown tumor: still an old disease? Kidney Int. 2011 ;80:1110.

8. Gomez-Brouchet A, Bouvier C, Decouvelaere AV, Larousserie F, Aubert S, Leroy X, Guinebretière JM, Coulomb A, Cassagnau E, de Muret A, Audard V, Marie B, de Pinieux G. Place of the pathologist in the management of primary bone tumors (osteosarcoma and Ewing's family tumors after neoadjuvant treatment. Ann Pathol. 2011;31:455-65.

9. Dujardin F, Binh MB, Bouvier C, Gomez-Brouchet A, Larousserie F, Muret A, Louis-Brennetot C, Aurias A, Coindre JM, Guillou L, Pedeutour F, Duval H, Collin C, de Pinieux G. MDM2 and CDK4 immunohistochemistry is a valuable tool in the differential diagnosis of low-grade osteosarcomas and other primary fibro-osseous lesions of the bone. Mod Pathol. 2011 ;24:624-37.

10. Bettarel Y, Bouvier T, Bouvier C, Carré C, Desnues A, Domaizon I, Jacquet S, Robin A, Sime-Ngando T. Ecological traits of planktonic viruses and prokaryotes along a full-salinity gradient. FEMS Microbiol Ecol. 2011;76:360-72.

11. Bettarel Y, Bouvier T, Agis M, Bouvier C, Chu TV, Combe M, Mari X, Nghiem MN, Nguyen TT, Pham TT, Pringault O, Rochelle-Newall E, Torréton JP, Tran HQ. Viral distribution and life strategies in the Bach Dang Estuary, Vietnam. FEMS Microb Ecol. 2011 ;62:143-54.

12. Regis J, Tamura M, Park MC, McGonigal A, Rivière D, Coulon O, Bartolomer F, Girard N, Figarella- Branger D, Chauvel P, Mangin JF. Subclinical abonormal gyration pattern, a potential anatomical

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marker of epileptogenic zone in patients with MRI-negative frontal lobe epilepsy. Neurosurg 2011; 69:80-93.

13. Rigau V, Zouaoui S, Mathieu-Daudé H, Darlix A, Maran A, Trétarre B, Bessaoud F, Bauchet F, Fabbro-Peray P, Fabbro M, Kerr C, Taillandier L, Duffau H, Figarella-Branger D, Costes V, Bauchet L. French Brain Tumor DataBase (FBTDB): Five years histological results on 25 756 cases. Brain Pathol. 2011; 21(6):633-44.

14. El Ayachi I, Fernandez C, Baeza N, de Paula AM, Pesheva P, Figarella-Branger D. Spatio-temporal distribution of tenascin-R in the developing human cerebral cortex parallels neuronal migration. J Comp Neurol. 2011; 519(12):2379-89.

15. Taieb G, Wacongne A, Renard D, Figarella-Branger D, Castelnovo G, Labauge P. A new case of chronic lymphocytic inflammation with pontine perivascular enhancement responsive to steroids with initial normal magnetic resonance imaging. Brain. 2011. 134(Pt 8):e182; author reply e183.

16. Bourdeaut F, Lequin D, Brugières L, Reynaud S, Dufour C, Doz F, André N, Stephan JL, Pérel Y, Oberlin O, Orbach D, Bergeron C, Rialland X, Fréneaux P, Ranchere D, Figarella-Branger D, Audry G, Puget S, Evans DG, Pinas JC, Capra V, Mosseri V, Coupier I, Gauthier-Villars M, Pierron G, Delattre O. Frequent hSNF5/INI1 germline mutations in patients with rhabdoid tumor. Clin Cancer Res. 2011;17:31-8.

17. Coulibaly B, Piereecchi-Marti MD, Fernandez C, Wasier AP, Viard L, Fraisse A, Figarella-Branger D, Leonetti G, Camboulives J, Paut O. A rare cause of sudden cardiac failure: histiocytoid cardiomyopathy. Ann Pathol 2011, 31:93-97.

18. Figarella-Branger D, Maues de Paula A, Colin C, Bouvier C. Histomolecular classification of adult diffuse gliomas: the diagnostic value of immunohistochemical markers. Rev Neuro 2011; 167 (10): 683-690.

19. Coulibaly B, Bouvier C, Maues de Paula A, Dufour H, Figarella-Branger D. Pituitary melanocytoma mimicking an adenoma. Ann Pathol 2011; 31: 50-52.

20. Ellison DW, Kocak M, Figarella-Branger D, Felice G, Catherine G, Pietsch T, Frappaz D, Massimino M, Grill J, Boyett JM, Grundy RG. Histopathological grading of pediatric ependymoma: reproducibility and clinical relevance in European trial cohorts. J Negat Results Biomed 2011, 31: 10-17

21. Lehtokari VL, Pelin K, Herczegfalvi A, Karcagi Pouget J, Franques J, Pellissier JF, Figarella-Branger D, von der Hagen M, Huebner A, Schoser B, Lochmüller H, Waligren-Pettersson C. Nemaline myopathy caused by mutations in the nebulin gene may present as a distal myopathy. Neuromuscul Disord. 2011, 21: 556-562.

22. Acunzo J, Roche C, Defilles C, Thirion S, Quentien MH, Figarella-Branger D, Graillon T, Dufour H, Brue T, Pellegrini I, Enjalbert A, Barlier A. Inactivation of PITX2 transcription factor induced apoptosis of gonadotroph tumoral cells. Endocrinology 2011, 152: 3884-3892.

23. Padovani L, André N, Gentet JC, Figarella-Branger D, Scavarda D, Verschuur A, Chinot O, Cowen D, Muracciole X. Reirradiation and concomiant metrotonic temozolomide: an efficient combination for local control in medulloblastoma disease ? J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2011, 33: 600-604.

24. Salas S, Huynh TK, Giorgi R, Deville JL, Bollini G, Curvale G, Blesius A, Gentet JC, Bui B, Bouvier C, Duffaud F. A study of 28 flat bone osteosarcomas: prognostic factors and early and long-term outcome. Eur J Cancer Care. 2011; 20(3):322-9.

25. Ninove L, Daniel L, Gallou J, Cougard PA, Charpentier A, Viard L, Roquelaure B, Paquis-Flucklinger V, de Lamballerie X, Zandotti C, Charrel RN. Fatal case of Reye's syndrome associated with H3N2 influenza virus infection and salicylates intake in a 12 year-old patient. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2011;17(1):95-7.

26. Chiche J, Lefur Y, Vilmen C, Frassineti F, Daniel L, Halestrap AP, Cozzone PJ, Pouysségur J, Lutz NW. In vivo pH in metabolic-defective Ras-transformed fibroblast tumors. Key role of the monocarboxylate transporter, MCT4, for inducing an alkaline intracellular pH. Int J Cancer. 2011. Sous presse. doi: 10.1002/ijc.26125.

27. Garbay D, Le Cesne A, Penel N, Chevreau C, Marec-Berard P, Blay JY, Debled M, Isambert N, Thyss A, Bompas E, Collard O, Salas S, Coindre JM, Bui B, Italiano A. Chemotherapy in patients with desmoid tumors: a study from the French Sarcoma Group (FSG). Ann Oncol. 2011; 23(1):182-6.

28. Metellus P, Colin C, Taieb D, Guedj E, Nanni-Metellus I, de Paula AM, Colavolpe C, Fuentes S, Dufour H, Barrie M, Chinot O, Ouafik L, Figarella-Branger D. IDH mutation status impact on in vivo hypoxia biomarkers expression: new insights from a clinical, nuclear imaging and immunohistochemical study in 33 glioma patients. J Neurooncol. 2011;105:591-600.

29. Graillon T, Fuentes S, Régis J, Metellus P, Brunel H, Roche PH, Dufour H. Multidisciplinary management of giant functional petrous bone paraganglioma. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2011;153:85-9; discussion 89.

30. Metellus P, Nanni-Metellus I, Delfino C, Colin C, Tchogandjian A, Coulibaly B, Fina F, Loundou A, Barrie M, Chinot O, Ouafik L, Figarella-Branger D. Prognostic Impact of CD133 mRNA Expression in 48 Glioblastoma Patients Treated with Concomitant Radiochemotherapy: A Prospective Patient Cohort at a Single Institution. Ann Surg Oncol. 2011; 18 : 2937-45.

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31. Kharkar S, Hernandez R, Batra S, Metellus P, Hillis A, Williams MA, Rigamonti D. Cognitive impairment in patients with Pseudotumor Cerebri Syndrome. Behav Neurol. 2011;24:143-8.

32. Fellah S, Girard N, Chinot O, Cozzone PJ, Callot V. Early evaluation of tumoral response to antiangiogenic therapy by arterial spin labeling perfusion magnetic resonance imaging and susceptibility weighted imaging in a patient with recurrent glioblastoma receiving bevacizumab. J Clin Oncol. 2011; 29 (11):e308-11.

33. Cabaniols C, Giorgi R, Chinot O, Ferahta N, Spinelli V, Alla P, Barrie M, Lehucher-Michel MP. Links between private habits, psychological stress and brain cancer: a case-control pilot study in France. J Neurooncol. 2011;103 :307-16.

34. Omuro A, Taillandier L, Chinot O, Sierra Del Rio M, Carnin C, Barrie M, Soussain C, Tanguy ML, Choquet S, Leblond V, Hoang-Xuan K. ANOCEF Group (French Neuro-Oncology Association). Primary CNS lymphoma in patients younger than 60: can whole-brain radiotherapy be deferred? J Neurooncol. 2011;104 : 323-30.

35. Chinot OL, de La Motte Rouge T, Moore N, Zeaiter A, Das A, Phillips H, Modrusan Z, Cloughesy T. AVAglio: Phase 3 trial of bevacizumab plus temozolomide and radiotherapy in newly diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme. Adv Ther. 2011;28 :334-40.

36. Gállego Pérez-Larraya J, Ducray F, Chinot O, Catry-Thomas I, Taillandier L, Guillamo JS, Campello C, Monjour A, Cartalat-Carel S, Barrie M, Huchet A, Beauchesne P, Matta M, Mokhtari K, Tanguy ML, Honnorat J, Delattre JY. Temozolomide in elderly patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma and poor performance status: an ANOCEF phase II trial. J Clin Oncol. 2011;29 : 3050-5.

37. Natale RB, Thongprasert S, Greco FA, Thomas M, Tsai CM, Sunpaweravong P, Ferry D, Mulatero C, Whorf R, Thompson J, Barlesi F, Langmuir P, Gogov S, Rowbottom JA, Goss GD. Phase III trial of vandetanib compared with erlotinib in patients with previously treated advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2011; 29(8):1059-66.

38. Barlesi F, Gervais R, Lena H, Hureaux J, Berard H, Paillotin D, Bota S, Monnet I, Chajara A, Robinet G. Pemetrexed and cisplatin as first-line chemotherapy for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with asymptomatic inoperable brain metastases: a multicenter phase II trial (GFPC 07-01). Ann Oncol. 2011. 22:2466-70.

39. Decroisette C, Monnet I, Berard H, Quere G, Le Caer H, Bota S, Audigier-Valette C, Geriniere L, Vernejoux JM, Chouaid C…., Barlesi F….; Groupe Français de Pneumo-Cancérologie 0601 Team. Epidemiology and treatment costs of bone metastases from lung cancer: a French prospective, observational, multicenter study (GFPC 0601). J Thorac Oncol. 2011; 6 (3):576-82.

40. Descourt R, Vergnenegre A, Barlesi F, Lena H, Fournel P, Falchero L, Berard H, Hureaux J, Le Caer H, Chavaillon JM, Geriniere L, Monnet I, Chouabe S, Robinet G; GFPC VINCR Team. Oral vinorelbine and cisplatin with concurrent radiotherapy after induction chemotherapy with cisplatin and docetaxel for patients with locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer: the GFPC 05-03 study. J Thorac Oncol. 2011; 6 (2):351-7.

41. Vergnenegre A, Corre R, Berard H, Paillotin D, Dujon C, Robinet G, Crequit J, Bota S, Thomas P, Chouaid C,…Barlesi F….; 0506 GFPC Team. Cost-effectiveness of second-line chemotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer: an economic, randomized, prospective, multicenter phase III trial comparing docetaxel and pemetrexed: the GFPC 05-06 study. J Thorac Oncol. 2011;6 (1):161-8.

42. LeCaer H, Barlesi F, Corre R, Jullian H, Bota S, Falchero L, Vergnenegre A, Dujon C, Delhoume JY, Chouaid C; GFPC 0504 Team. A multicentre phase II randomised trial of weekly docetaxel/gemcitabine followed by erlotinib on progression, vs the reverse sequence, in elderly patients with advanced non small-cell lung cancer selected with a comprehensive geriatric assessment (the GFPC 0504 study). Br J Cancer. 2011;105:1123-30.

43. Villard PH, Barlesi F, Armand M, Dao TM, Pascussi JM, Fouchier F, Champion S, Dufour C, Giniès C, Khalil A, Amiot MJ, Barra Y, Seree E. CYP1A1 induction in the colon by serum: involvement of the PPARα pathway and evidence for a new specific human PPREα site. PLoS One. 2011; 6(1):e14629.

44. Lopater J, Hartung O, Bretelle F, Bastide C. Management of angiomyolipoma vena cava thrombus during pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol. 2011;117(2 Pt 2):440-3.

45. Clément C, Rossi P, Aissi K, Barthelemy P, Guibert N, Auquier P, Ragni E, Rossi D, Frances Y, Bastide C. Incidence, risk profile and morphological pattern of lower extremity venous thromboembolism after urological cancer surgery. J Urol. 2011;186:2293-7.Susini S, Jeanneau C, Mathieu S, Carmona S, El-Battari A. A glycosyltransferase-enriched reconstituted membrane system for the synthesis of branched O-linked glycans in vitro. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2011; 1808:1509-19.

46. Bonerandi JJ, Beauvillain C, Caquant L, Chassagne JF, Chaussade V, Clavère P, Desouches C, Garnier F, Grolleau JL, Grossin M, Jourdain A, Lemonnier JY,Maillard H, Ortonne N, Rio E, Simon E, Sei JF, Grob JJ, Martin L; French

47. Dermatology Recommendations Association (aRED). Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma and precursor lesions. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2011 ;25 :1-51.

48. Bertolotto C, Lesueur F, Giuliano S, Strub T, de Lichy M, Bille K, Dessen P, d'Hayer B, Mohamdi H, Remenieras A, Maubec E, de la Fouchardière A, Molinié V, Vabres P, Dalle S, Poulalhon N, Martin-

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Denavit T, Thomas L, Andry-Benzaquen P, Dupin N, Boitier F, Rossi A, Perrot JL, Labeille B, Robert C, Escudier B, Caron O, Brugières L, Saule S, Gardie B, Gad S, Richard S, Couturier J, Teh BT, Ghiorzo P, Pastorino L, Puig S, Badenas C, Olsson H, Ingvar C, Rouleau E, Lidereau R, Bahadoran P, Vielh P, Corda E, Blanché H, Zelenika D, Galan P; French Familial Melanoma Study Group, Aubin F, Bachollet B, Becuwe C, Berthet P, Bignon YJ, Bonadona V, Bonafe JL, Bonnet-Dupeyron MN, Cambazard F, Chevrant-Breton J, Coupier I, Dalac S, Demange L, d'Incan M, Dugast C, Faivre L, Vincent-Fétita L, Gauthier-Villars M, Gilbert B, Grange F, Grob JJ, Humbert P, Janin N, Joly P, Kerob D, Lasset C, Leroux D, Levang J, Limacher JM, Livideanu C, Longy M, Lortholary A, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Mansard S, Mansuy L, Marrou K, Matéus C, Maugard C, Meyer N, Nogues C, Souteyrand P, Venat-Bouvet L, Zattara H, Chaudru V, Lenoir GM, Lathrop M, Davidson I, Avril MF, Demenais F, Ballotti R, Bressac-de Paillerets B. A SUMOylation-defective MITF germline mutation predisposes to melanoma and renal carcinoma. Nature. 2011 ;480:94-8.

49. Fourcade S, Gaudy-Marqueste C, Tasei AM, Richard MA, Grob JJ. Localized skin necrosis of steroid-induced striae distensae: an unusual complication of bevacizumab and irinotecan therapy. Arch Dermatol. 2011;147:1227-8.

50. Grob JJ. Is proliferation of guidelines improving patient care? Ann Dermatol Venereol. 2011;138:465-6.

51. Robert C, Thomas L, Bondarenko I, O'Day S, M D JW, Garbe C, Lebbe C, Baurain JF, Testori A, Grob JJ, Davidson N, Richards J, Maio M, Hauschild A, Miller WH Jr, Gascon P, Lotem M, Harmankaya K, Ibrahim R, Francis S, Chen TT, Humphrey R, Hoos A, Wolchok JD. Ipilimumab plus dacarbazine for previously untreated metastatic melanoma. N Engl J Med. 2011;364:2517-26.

52. Chapman PB, Hauschild A, Robert C, Haanen JB, Ascierto P, Larkin J, Dummer R, Garbe C, Testori A, Maio M, Hogg D, Lorigan P, Lebbe C, Jouary T, Schadendorf D, Ribas A, O'Day SJ, Sosman JA, Kirkwood JM, Eggermont AM, Dreno B, Nolop K, Li J, Nelson B, Hou J, Lee RJ, Flaherty KT, McArthur GA; BRIM-3 Study Group. Improved survival with vemurafenib in melanoma with BRAF V600E mutation. N Engl J Med. 2011;364:2507-16.

53. Baiardini I, Braido F, Bindslev-Jensen C, Bousquet PJ, Brzoza Z, Canonica GW, Compalati E, Fiocchi A, Fokkens W, Gerth van Wijk R, Giménez-Arnau A, Godse K,Grattan C, Grob JJ, La Grutta S, Kalogeromitros D, Kocatürk E, Lombardi C, Mota-Pinto A, Ridolo E, Saini SS, Sanchez-Borges M, Senna GE, Terreehorst I, Todo Bom A, Toubi E, Bousquet J, Zuberbier T, Maurer M. Recommendations for assessing patient-reported outcomes and health-related quality of life in patients with urticaria: a GA(2) LEN taskforce position paper. Allergy. 2011 J;66:840-4.

54. Bruneu-Avierinos Y, Monestier S, Tasei AM, Gaudy-Marqueste C, Grob JJ, Richard MA. Granulomas induced by injections of leuprorelin acetate (Enantone®). Ann Dermatol Venereol. 2011 ;138:35-7.

55. Gaudy-Marqueste C, Dubois M, Richard MA, Bonnelye G, Grob JJ. Cognitive training with photographs as a new concept in an education campaign for self-detection of melanoma: a pilot study in the community. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2011 ;25:1099-103.

56. Gaudy-Marqueste C, Perchenet AS, Taséi AM, Madjlessi N, Magalon G, Richard MA, Grob JJ. The "spaghetti technique": an alternative to Mohs surgery or staged surgery for problematic lentiginous melanoma (lentigo maligna and acral lentiginous melanoma). J Am Acad Dermatol. 2011 ;64:113-8.

57. Mancini J, Baumstarck-Barrau K, Simeoni MC, Grob JJ, Michel G, Tarpin C, Loundou AD, Lambert A, Clément A, Auquier P. Quality of life in a heterogeneous sample of caregivers of cancer patients: an in-depth interview study. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2011;20:483-92.

58. Claeys A, Gaudy-Marqueste C, Pauly V, Pelletier F, Truchetet F, Boye T, Aubin F, Schmutz JL, Grob JJ, Richard MA. Management of pain associated with debridement of leg ulcers: a randomized, multicentre, pilot study comparing nitrous oxide-oxygen mixture inhalation and lidocaïne-prilocaïne cream. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2011 ;25:138-44.

59. Thouënnon E, Pierre A, Tanguy Y, Guillemot J, Manecka DL, Guérin M, Ouafik L, Muresan M, Klein M, Bertherat J, Lefebvre H, Plouin PF, Yon L, Anouar Y. Expression of trophic amidated peptides and their receptors in benign and malignant pheochromocytomas: high expression of adrenomedullin RDC1 receptor and implication in tumoral cell survival. Endocr Relat Cancer. 2010; 17(3):637-51.

60. Harhouri K, Kebir A, Guillet B, Foucault-Bertaud A, Voytenko S, Piercecchi-Marti MD, Berenguer C, Lamy E, Vely F, Pisano P, Ouafik L, Sabatier F, Sampol J, Bardin N, Dignat-George F, Blot-Chabaud M. Soluble CD146 displays angiogenic properties and promotes neovascularization in experimental hind-limb ischemia. Blood. 2010; 115(18):3843-51.

61. Deville JL, Salas S, Figarella-Branger D, Ouafik L, Daniel L. Adrenomedullin as a therapeutic target in angiogenesis. Expert Opin Ther Targets. 2010;14 (10):1059-72.

62. Tchoghandjian A, Baeza N, Colin C, Cayre M, Metellus P, Béclin C, Ouafik L, Figarella-Branger D. A2B5 cells from human glioblastoma have cancer stem cell properties. Brain Pathol 2010; 20:211-221.

63. Rutkowski S, von Hoff K, Emser A, Zwiener I, Pietsch T, Figarella-Branger D, Giangaspero F, Ellison DW, Garre ML, Biassoni V, Grundy RG, Finlay JL, Dhall G, Raquin MA, Grill J. Survival and

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prognostic factors of early childhood medulloblastoma: an international meta-analysis. J Clin Oncol. 2010; 28(33):4961-8.

64. El Hallani S, Boisselier B, Peglion F, Rousseau A, Colin C, Idbaih A, Marie Y, Mokhtari K, Thomas JL, Eichmann A, Delattre JY, Maniotis AJ, Sanson M. A new alternative mechanism in glioblastoma vascularization: tubular vasculogenic mimicry. Brain. 2010;133 (Pt 4):973-82.

65. Bikeye SN, Colin C, Marie Y, Vampouille R, Ravassard P, Rousseau A, Boisselier B, Idbaih A, Calvo CF, Leuraud P, Lassalle M, El Hallani S, Delattre JY, Sanson M. ASPM-associated stem cell proliferation is involved in malignant progression of gliomas and constitutes an attractive therapeutic target. Cancer Cell Int. 2010;10:1.

66. Mercier C, Dahan L, Ouafik L, André N, Ciccolini. J. Letter to the editor: pharmacokinetics of gemcitabine in non-small-cell lung cancer patients: impact of the 79A>C cytidine deaminase polymorphism. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2010;66 (9):959-60.

67. Bennani B, Gilles S, Fina F, Nanni I, Ibrahimi SA, Riffi AA, Nejjari C, Benajeh DA, El Abkari M, Martin PM, Ouafik L. Mutation analysis of BRAF exon 15 and KRAS codons 12 and 13 in Moroccan patients with colorectal cancer. Int J Biol Markers. 2010; 25: 179-84.

68. Gomes-Brouchet A, Mourcin F, Gourault PA, Bouvier C, De Pinieux G, Leguelec S, Brousset P, Delisle B, Schiff C. Galectin-1 expression is a powerful diagnostic marker to distinguish chondroblastic osteosarcomas from conventional chondrosarcomas Human Pathol 2010; 41(9):1220-30.

69. De Paula AM, André N, Fernandez C, Coulibaly B, Scavarda D, Lena G, Bouvier C. Solitary, extracutaneous, skull-based juvenile xanthogranuloma. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2010; 55(2):380-2.

70. Coulibaly B, Sigaudy S, Girard N, Popovici C, Missirian C, Heckenroth H, Tasei AM, Fernandez C. Coffin-Siris syndrome with multiple congenital malformations and intrauterine death: towards a better delineation of the severe end of the spectrum. Eur J Med Genet. 2010; 53(5):318-21.

71. Coulibaly B, Piercecchi-Marti MD, Bartoli C, Liprandi A, Léonetti G, Pellissier JF. Lethal injection of potassium chloride : first description of the pathological appearance of organs. J Appl Toxicol 2010; 30(4):378-80.

72. Jacopin S, Viehweger E, Glard Y, Launay F, Jouve JL, Bouvier C, Bollini G. Fatal lung metastasis secondary to index finger giant cell tumor in an 8-year-old child. Orthop Traumatol Surg Res. 2010;96(3):310-3.

73. Leydet-Quilici H, Le Corroller T, Bouvier C, Giorgi R, Argenson JN, Champsaur P, Pham T, Maues de Paula A, Lafforgue P. Advanced hip osteoarthritis: magnetic resonance imaging aspects and histopathology correlations. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2010; 18(11):1429-35.

74. Le Corroller T, Bouvier C, Amous Z, Champsaur P. Articular angioleiomyoma presenting as cyclic hip pain. Joint Bone Spine. 2010;77(5):483-4.

75. Gomez-Brouchet A, Mourcin F, Gourraud PA, Bouvier C, De Pinieux G, Le Guelec S, Brousset P, Delisle MB, Schiff C. Galectin-1 is a powerful marker to distinguish chondroblastic osteosarcoma and conventional chondrosarcoma. Hum Pathol. 2010; 41(9):1220-30.

76. Coulibaly B, Nanni I, Quilichini B, Gaudart J, Metellus P, Fina F, Boucard C, Chinot O, Ouafik L, Figarella-Branger D. Epidermal growth factor receptor in glioblastomas: correlation between gene copy number and protein expression. Hum Pathol. 2010; 41(6):815-23.

77. Amoureux MC, Coulibaly B, Chinot O, Loundou A, Metellus P, Rougon G, Figarella-Branger D. BMC Cancer. Polysialic acid neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM) is an adverse prognosis factor in glioblastoma, and regulates olig2 expression in glioma cell lines. 2010;10:91.

78. Figarella-Branger D, Colin C, Tchoghandjian A, Baeza N, Bouvier C. Glioblastomas: Gliomagenesis, genetics, angiogenesis, and microenvironment. Neurochirurgie. 2010; 56(6): 441-8.

79. Figarella-Branger D, Bouvier C, Moroch J, Michalak S, F Burel-Vandenbos. Morphological classification of glioblastomas. Neurochirurgie. 2010; 56 (6): 459-63.

80. El Ayachi I, Baeza N, Fernandez C, Colin C, Scavarda D, Pesheva P, Figarella-Branger D. KIAA0510, the 3'-UTR of the tenascin-R gene, and tenascin-R are overexpressed in pilocytic astrocytomas. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol. 2010; 36(5): 399-410.

81. Laigle-Donadey F, Figarella-Branger D, Chinot O, Taillandier L, Cartalat-Carel S, Honnorat J, Kaloshi G, Delattre JY, Sanson M. Up-front temozolomide in elderly patients with glioblastoma. Neurooncol. 2010; 99 (1): 89-94.

82. Bauchet L, Mathieu-Daudé H, Fabbro-Peray P, Rigau V, Fabbro M, Chinot O, Pallusseau L, Carnin C, Lainé K, Schlama A, Thiebaut A, Patru MC, Bauchet F, Lionnet M, Wager M, Faillot T, Taillandier L, Figarella-Branger D, Capelle L, Loiseau H, Frappaz D, Campello C, Kerr C, Duffau H, Reme-Saumon M, Trétarre B, Daures JP, Henin D, Labrousse F, Menei P, Honnorat J; with the participation of Société Française de Neurochirurgie (SFNC) and the Club de Neuro-Oncologie of the Société Française de Neurochirurgie (CNO-SFNC), Société Française de Neuropathologie. Neuro Oncol. Oncological patterns of care and outcome for 952 patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma in 2004. 2010 Apr 2.

83. Chinot O, Soulier P, Frenay M. Chemotherapy and targeted treatments in glioblastomas. Neurochirurgie. 2010; 56: 491-8.

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84. Ducray F, de Reyniès A, Chinot O, Idbaih A, Figarella-Branger D, Colin C, Karayan-Tapon L, Chneiweiss H, Wager M, Vallette F, Marie Y, Rickman D, Thomas E, Delattre JY, Honnorat J, Sanson M, Berger F. An ANOCEF genomic and transcriptomic microarray study of the response to radiotherapy or to alkylating first-line chemotherapy in glioblastoma patients. Mol Cancer. 2010; 9:234.

85. Fondop J, Lagmari M, Metellus P, Fuentes S, Ngah E, Djentcheu V, Grisoli F, Dufour H. Unilateral hydrocephalus secondary to a brain temporal abscess treated by endoscopic septotomy: a case report. Neurochirurgie. 2010; 56(4):337-9.

86. Metellus P, Guyotat J, Chinot O, Durand A, Barrie M, Giorgi R, Jouvet A, Figarella-Branger D. Adult intracranial WHO grade II ependymomas: long-term outcome and prognostic factor analysis in a series of 114 patients. Neuro Oncol. 2010; 12(9):976-84.

87. Menei P, Metellus P, Parot-Schinkel E, Loiseau H, Capelle L, Jacquet G, Guyotat J. Neuro-oncology Club of the French Society of Neurosurgery. Biodegradable carmustine wafers (Gliadel) alone or in combination with chemoradiotherapy: the French experience. Ann Surg Oncol. 2010; 17(7):1740-6.

88. Carpentier A, Metellus P, Ursu R, Zohar S, Lafitte F, Barrié M, Meng Y, Richard M, Parizot C, Laigle-Donadey F, Gorochov G, Psimaras D, Sanson M, Tibi A, Chinot O, Carpentier AF. Intracerebral administration of CpG oligonucleotide for patients with recurrent glioblastoma: a phase II study. Neuro Oncol. 2010; 12(4):401-8.

89. Metellus P, Batra S, Karkar S, Kapoor S, Weiss S, Kleinberg L, Rigamonti D. Fractionated conformal radiotherapy in the management of cavernous sinus meningiomas: long-term functional outcome and tumor control at a single institution. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2010; 1:78(3):836-43.

90. Fuentes S, Malikov S, Blondel B, Metellus P, Dufour H, Grisoli F. Cervicosternotomy as an anterior approach to the upper thoracic and cervicothoracic spinal junction. J Neurosurg Spine. 2010; 12(2):160-4.

91. Laghmari M, Metellus P, Fuentes S, Levrier O, Girard N, Fesselet J, Grisoli F, Dufour H. Treatment of grade 0 intracranial aneurysms: Retrospective study of 79 cases. Neurochirurgie. 2010; 56(1):28-35.

92. Menei P, Metellus P. Local antitumor treatments. Neurochirurgie. 2010; 56 : 483-5. 93. Menei P, Metellus P. Surgical treatment of glioblastomas. Neurochirurgie. 2010; 56: 477-82. 94. Metellus P, Coulibaly B, Colin C, Maues de Paula A, Vasiljevic A, Taieb D, Boisselier B, Mokhtari K,

Wang XW, Loundou A, Chapon F, Pineau P, Ouafik L’H, Chinot O, Figarella-Branger D. Absence of IDH mutation identifies a novel radiologic and molecular subtype of WHO grade II with dismal prognosis. Acta Neuropathol 2010; 120(6):719-29.

95. Coulibaly B, Bouvier C, Paula AM, Fernandez C, Dufour H, Figarella-Branger D. Pituitary melanocytoma mimicking an adenoma. Ann Pathol 2010; 31(1):50-52.

96. Raverot G, Wierinckx A, Dantony E, Auger C, Chapas G, Villeneuve L, Brue T, Figarella-Branger D, Roy P, Jouanneau E, Jan M, Lachuer J, Trouillas J. HYPOPRONOS. Prognostic factors in prolactin pituitary tumors: clinical, histological, and molecular data from a series of 94 patients with a long postoperative follow-up. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2010; 95(4):1708-16.

97. Levy Bencheton A, Mallet S, Rojat Habib MC, Figarella-Branger D, Sigaudy S, Grob JJ, Richard MA. Isolated late-onset plexiform neurofibroma in the absence of neurofibromatosis. Ann Dermatol Venereol. 2010; 137(4):301-304.

98. Chabannon C, Honstettre A, Daufresne LM, Martin PM, Bonnetaud C, Birtwisle-Peyrottes I, Romain S, Achache K, Mery O, Bordonne O, Ducord C, Jacotot L, Vaglio P, d'Arnoux C, Figarella-Branger D, Hofman P, Borg JP, Atger V. Publication of biological samples collections catalogues by tumor banks. Bull Cancer. 2010; 97(2):181-9.

99. Fernandez C, Halbert C, De Paula AM, Lacroze V, Froissart R, Figarella-Branger D, Chabrol B, Pellissier JF. Non-lethal neonatal neuromuscular variant of glycogenosis type IV with novel GBE1 mutations. Muscle Nerve. 2010; 41(2):269-71.

100. Vincentelli F, Caruso G, Figarella-Branger D. Primary intradural Ewing's sarcoma of the cauda equina presenting with acute bleeding. Acta Neurochir. 2010;152(3):563-4.

101. Bataille S, Daniel L, Legris T, Vacher-Coponat H, Purgus R, Berland Y, Moal V. Osseous metaplasia in a kidney allograft. Nephrol Dial Transplant. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2010; 25(11):3796-8.

102. Vidal V, Rolland PH, Daniel L, Moulin G, Bartoli JM, Levrier O. Effectiveness of endovascular embolization with a collagen-based embolic agent (Marsembol) in an animal model. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2010; 21(9):1419-23.

103. Jourde-Chiche N, Dussol B, Daniel L. Kidney involvement in malignant hematologic malignancies. Diagnostic approach. Rev Med Interne. 2010; 31(10):685-96.

104. Bollée G, Martinez F, Moulin B, Meulders Q, Rougier JP, Baumelou A, Glotz D, Subra JF, Ulinski T, Vrigneaud L, Brasseur J, Martin L, Daniel L, Kourilsky O, Deteix P, Sie P, Ronco P, Houillier P. Renal biopsy practice in France: results of a nationwide study. Nephrol Dial Transplant. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2010; 25(11):3579-85.

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105. Sallée M, Daniel L, Piercecchi MD, Jaubert D, Fremeaux-Bacchi V, Berland Y, Burtey S. Myocardial infarction is a complication of factor H-associated atypical HUS. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2010; 25(6):2028-32.

106. Bastide C, Savage C, Cronin A, Zelefsky M, Eastham J, Touijer K, Scardino P, Guillonneau B. Location and number of positive surgical margins as prognostic factors of biochemical recurrence after salvage radiation therapy after radical prostatectomy. BJU Int. 2010; 106(10):1454-7.

107. Carcenac A, Arroua F, Gaudard J, Ragni E, Rossi D, Bastide C. Carcinologic outcomes after radical prostatectomy in 81 high risk patients. Prog Urol. 2010; 20(5):356-63.

108. Bastide C, Rozet F, Salomon L, Mongiat-Artus P, Beuzeboc P, Cormier L, Eiss D, Gaschignard N, Peyromaure M, Richaud P, Soulié M; Membres du CCAFU.

109. Critic analysis of a comparative meta-analysis on the morbidity, functional and carcinologic results after radical prostatectomy according to surgical approach. [Work of cancerology committee of the French urological association]. Prog Urol. 2010; 20(8):547-52.

110. Cazalas G, Mattei S, Birnbaum DJ, Wikberg-Lafont E, Bastide C, Marciano-Chagnaud S, Moutardier V, Chaumoitre K. Splenogonadal fusion in an adult with intra-abdominal cryptorchidism. J Radiol. 2010; 91(6):726-8.

111. Arroua F, Carcenac A, Toledano H, Varoquaux A, Ragni E, Rossi D, Bastide C. Renal artery pseudoaneurysm following partial nephrectomy: a case report with a current literature review. Prog Urol. 2010;20(6):472-5.

112. Salomon L, Peyromaure M, Mongiat-Artus P, Roset F, Gachignard N, Bastide C, Richaud P, Beuzeboc P, Cornud F, Molinié V, Soulié M, Benchikh El Fegoun A; les membres du CC-AFU. What's new in 2009 in prostate cancer: highlights from ASTRO, EAU, ASCO and AUA meetings. Prog Urol. 2010; 20 Suppl 1:S61-7.

113. Bastide C, Droupy S, Ravaud A, Depuydt-Baillon MG, Guillotreau J. Management of muscle invasive bladder in elderly. Prog Urol. 2010;20 Suppl 1:S57-60.

114. Coulomb MA, Bagnères D, Rossi D, Bastide C. Epididymitis: Unusual presentation of periarteritis nodosa. Prog Urol. 2010;20(4):311-3.

115. Duffaud F, Salas S, Huynh T. Recent advances in the management of gastrointestinal stromal tumors. F1000 Med Rep. 2010; 11; 2. pii : 36.

116. Chibon F, Lagarde P, Salas S, Pérot G, Brouste V, Tirode F, Lucchesi C, de Reynies A, Kauffmann A, Bui B, Terrier P, Bonvalot S, Le Cesne A, Vince-Ranchère D, Blay JY, Collin F, Guillou L, Leroux A, Coindre JM, Aurias A. Validated prediction of clinical outcome in sarcomas and multiple types of cancer on the basis of a gene expression signature related to genome complexity. Nat Med. 2010; 16(7):781-7.

117. Salas S, Huynh T, Deville JL, Duffaud F. Antiangionic drugs in soft tissue sarcoma. Bull Cancer. 2010; 97(6):701-5.

118. Salas S, Chibon F, Noguchi T, Terrier P, Ranchere-Vince D, Lagarde P, Benard J, Forget S, Blanchard C, Dômont J, Bonvalot S, Guillou L, Leroux A, Mechine-Neuville A, Schöffski P, Laë M, Collin F, Verola O, Carbonnelle A,Vescovo L, Bui B, Brouste V, Sobol H, Aurias A, Coindre JM. Molecular characterization by array comparative genomic hybridization and DNA sequencing of 194 desmoid tumors. Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2010; 49(6):560-8.

119. Dômont J, Salas S, Lacroix L, Brouste V, Saulnier P, Terrier P, Ranchère D, Neuville A, Leroux A, Guillou L, Sciot R, Collin F, Dufresne A, Blay JY, Le Cesne A, Coindre JM, Bonvalot S, Bénard J. High frequency of beta-catenin heterozygous mutations in extra-abdominal fibromatosis: a potential molecular tool for disease management. Br J Cancer. 2010; 102(6):1032-6.

120. Romeo E, Gisserot O, de Jaureguiberry JP, Desse N, Souraud JB, Salem N, Faivre A, Bouvier C, Bertucci F. Meningeal chondroblastic osteosarcoma: case report and review of the literature. J Neurooncol. 2010; 100(2):305-9.

121. Bazaa A, Pasquier E, Defilles C, Limam I, Kessentini-Zouari R, Kallech-Ziri O, El Battari A, Braguer D, El Ayeb M, Marrakchi N, Luis J. MVL-PLA2, a snake venom phospholipase A2, inhibits angiogenesis through an increase in microtubuledynamics and disorganization of focal adhesions. PLoS One. 2010; 12:5(4):e10124.

122. Dubois M, Baumstarck-Barrau K, Gaudy-Marqueste C, Richard MA, Loundou A, Auquier P, Grob JJ; Quality of Life Group of the French Society of Dermatology. Quality of life in alopecia areata: a study of 60 cases. J Invest Dermatol. 2010 ;130:2830-3.

123. Grob JJ, Boulinguez S. Urticaria: updates. Introduction. Ann Dermatol Venereol. 2010 ;137:18. 124. Gaudy-Marqueste C, Roll P, Esteves-Vieira V, Weiller PJ, Grob JJ, Cau P, Lévy N, De Sandre-

Giovannoli A. LBR mutation and nuclear envelope defects in a patient affected with Reynolds syndrome. J Med Genet. 2010;47:361-70.

125. Grob JJ, Boulinguez S. Recommendations concerning urticaria. Ann Dermatol Venereol. 2010;137:19-23.

126. Langan S, Schmitt J, Coenraads PJ, Svensson A, von Elm E, Williams H; European Dermato-Epidemiology Network (EDEN). The reporting of observational research studies in dermatology journals: a literature-based study. Arch Dermatol. 2010;146:534-41.

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127. Olson P, Richet H, Desnues C, Balique F, Moal V, Grob JJ, Berbis P, Lecoq H, Harlé JR, Berland Y, Raoult D. Pepper mild mottle virus, a plant virus associated with specific immune responses, Fever, abdominal pains, and pruritus in humans. PLoS One. 2010;5:e10041.

128. Duflo S, Mahieu-Renard L, Gras R, Grob JJ, Zanaret M. Kinetic values of lymphoscintigraphy of sentinel ganglion in cutaneous cervicofacial melanomas. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2010 ;39:39-44.

129. Wolchok JD, Neyns B, Linette G, Negrier S, Lutzky J, Thomas L, Waterfield W,Schadendorf D, Smylie M, Guthrie T Jr, Grob JJ, Chesney J, Chin K, Chen K, Hoos A, O'Day SJ, Lebbé C. Ipilimumab monotherapy in patients with pretreated advanced melanoma: a randomised, double-blind, multicentre, phase 2, dose-ranging study. Lancet Oncol. 2010 ;(2):155-64.

130. Garbe C, Peris K, Hauschild A, Saiag P, Middleton M, Spatz A, Grob JJ, Malvehy J, Newton-Bishop J, Stratigos A, Pehamberger H, Eggermont A. Diagnosis and treatment of melanoma: European consensus-based interdisciplinary guideline. Eur J Cancer. 2010;46:270-83.

131. Naldi L, Svensson A, Zenoni D, Diepgen T, Elsner P, Grob JJ, Coenraads PJ, Bouwes Bavinck JN, Maccagni A, Linder D, Williams H; European Dermato-Epidemiology Network. Comparators, study duration, outcome measures and sponsorship in therapeutic trials of psoriasis: update of the EDEN Psoriasis Survey 2001-2006. Br J Dermatol. 2010 ;162:384-9.

132. Thuny C, Gaudy-Marqueste C, Nicol I, Gabert J, Costello R, Grob JJ, Richard MA. Chronic eosinophilic leukaemia revealed by lymphomatoid papulosis: the role of the FIP1-like 1-platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha fusion gene. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2010 ;24:234-5.

133. Mohty AM, Grob JJ, Mohty M, Richard MA, Olive D, Gaugler B. Induction of IP-10/CXCL10 secretion as an immunomodulatory effect of low-dose adjuvant interferon-alpha during treatment of melanoma. Immunobiology. 2010;215:113-23.

134. Thuny C, Gaudy-Marqueste C, Nicol I, Gabert J, Costello R, Grob JJ, Richard MA. Chronic eosinophilic leukaemia revealed by lymphomatoid papulosis: the role of the FIP1-like 1-platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha fusion gene. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2010 ;24:234-5.

Plateforme Marseille Protéomique PIT2

1. Calligaris D, Lafitte D. Chemical inhibitors: the challenge of finding the right target. Chem Biol. 18(5):555-7; 2011

2. Calligaris D, Villard C, Lafitte D. Advances in top-down proteomics for disease biomarker discovery. J Proteomics. 74(7):920-34. 2011

3. Biot FV, Valade E, Garnotel E, Chevalier J, Villard C, Thibault FM, Vidal DR, Pagès JM. Involvement of the efflux pumps in chloramphenicol selected strains of Burkholderia thailandensis: proteomic and mechanistic evidence. PLoS One. 6(2):e16892. 2011

4. Calligaris D, Villard C, Terras L, Braguer D, Verdier-Pinard P, Lafitte D. MALDI in-source decay of high mass protein isoforms: application to alpha- and beta-tubulin variants. Anal Chem. 82(14):6176-84. 2010

5. Dermoun Z, Foulon A, Miller MD, Harrington DJ, Deacon AM, Sebban-Kreuzer C, Roche P, Lafitte D, Bornet O, Wilson IA, Dolla A. TM0486 from the hyperthermophilic anaerobe Thermotoga maritima is a thiamin-binding protein involved in response of the cell to oxidative conditions. J Mol Biol. 2010

6. Devred F, Barbier P, Lafitte D, Landrieu I, Lippens G, Peyrot V. Microtubule and MAPs: thermodynamics of complex formation by AUC, ITC, fluorescence, and NMR. Methods Cell Biol.;95:449-80. 2010

7. Zakian S, Lafitte D, Vergnes A, Pimentel C, Sebban-Kreuzer C, Toci R, Claude JB, Guerlesquin F, Magalon A. Basis of recognition between the NarJ chaperone and the N-terminus of the NarG subunit from Escherichia coli nitrate reductase. FEBS J. Apr;277(8):1886-95. 2010

8. Calligaris D, Verdier-Pinard P, Devred F, Villard C, Braguer D, Lafitte D. Microtubule targeting agents: from biophysics to proteomics. Cell Mol Life Sci. 67(7):1089-104. 2010 Plateforme Pharmacologie  

1. Ciccolini J, Mercier C, Dahan L, André N. Integratic pharmacognetics into gemcitabine dosing : a time for a change ? Nat Rev Clin Oncol 2011 Feb 8;8(7):439-44.

2. Loustaud-Ratti V, Carrier P, Rousseau A, Maynard M, Babany G, Alain S, Trépo C, De Ledinghen V, Bourlière M, Pol S, Di Martino V, Zarski JP, Pinta A, Sautereau D, Marquet P; OPTIRIB group. Pharmacological exposure to ribavirin: a key player in the complex network of factors implicated in virological response and anaemia in hepatitis C treatment. Dig Liver Dis. 2011 Nov;43(11):850-5. Epub 2011 May 18. Review.

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3. Urien S, Firtion G, Anderson ST, Hirt D, Solas C, Peytavin G, Faye A, Thuret I, Leprevost M, Giraud C, Lyall H, Khoo S, Blanche S, Tréluyer JM. Lopinavir/ritonavir population pharmacokinetics in neonates and infants. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2011 Jun;71(6):956-960.

4. Gerolami R, Barentain P, RaissouniF, Motte A, Solas C, Colson P. Treatment of severe acute hepatitis E by ribavirin. J Clin Virol. 2011 Sep;52(1):60-2. Epub 2011 Jul 18.

5. Muret P, Piedoux S, Solas C, Quaranta S. [Evidence-based Therapeutic Drug Monitoring for Nevirapine]. Therapie. 2011 May-Jun;66(3):187-95. Epub 2011 Aug 9. French.

6. Solas C, Gagnieu MC. [Evidence-based Therapeutic Drug Monitoring for Efavirenz]. Therapie. 2011 May-Jun;66(3):197-205. Epub 2011 Aug 9. French.

7. Muret P, Solas C. [Evidence-based Therapeutic Drug Monitoring for Saquinavir]. Therapie. 2011 May-Jun;66(3):207-12. Epub 2011 Aug 9. French.

8. Solas C, Muret P. [Evidence-based Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Atazanavir]. Therapie. 2011 May-Jun;66(3):213-9. Epub 2011 Aug 9. French.

9. Solas C, Pare M, Quaranta S, Stanke-Labesque F. [Evidence-based Therapeutic Drug Monitoring for Ribavirine]. Therapie. 2011 May-Jun;66(3):221-30. Epub 2011 Aug 9. French.

10. Cordier PY, Nau A, Ciccolini J, Oliver M, Mercier C, Lacarelle B, Peytel E. 5-FU-induced neurotoxicity in cancer patients with profound DPD deficiency syndrome: a report of two cases. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2011 Sep;68(3):823-6.

11. Roch A, Woloch C, Blayac D, Solas C, Quaranta S, Mardelle V, Castagnier M, Papazian L, Sampol-Manos E. Effect of fluid loading during hypovolaemic shock on caspofungin pharmacokinetic parameters in pig. Crit Care. 2011;15(5):R219. Epub 2011 Sep 20.

12. Launay O, Tod M, Tschöpe I, Si-Mohamed A, Bélarbi L, Charpentier C, Goujard C, Taburet AM, Lortholary O, Leroy V, Bélec L; ANRS EP24 GYNODYN Study Group. Residual HIV-1 RNA and HIV-1 DNA production in the genital tract reservoir of women treated with HAART: the prospective ANRS EP24 GYNODYN study. Antivir Ther. 2011;16(6):843-52.

13. D. Barbolosi, F. Verga, B. You, A. Benabdallah and F. Hubert, et al. Modélisation du risque d’évolution métastatique chez les patients supposés avoir une maladie localisée. Oncologie 2011, 13(8)8: 528-533.

14. Frances N, Claret L, Bruno R, Iliadis A. Tumor growth modeling from clinical trials reveals synergistic anticancer effect of the capecitabine and docetaxel combination in metastatic breast cancer. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2011 Apr 8. 1413-9 [EPub ahead of print]

15. Chefrour M, Milano G, Formento P, Giacometti S, Denden A, Renée N, Iliadis A, Fischel JL, Ciccolini J. Positive interaction between lapatinib and capecitabine in human breast cancer models: study of molecular determinants. Fundam Clin Pharmacol. 2012 Aug;26(4):530-7. doi: 10.1111/j.1472-8206.2011.00945.x. Epub 2011 May 30.

16. Guilhaumou R, Solas C, Bourgarel-Rey V, Quaranta S, Rome A, Simon N, Lacarelle B, André N. Impact of plasma and intracellular exposure and CYP3A4, CYP3A5, and ABCB1 genetic polymorphisms on vincristine-induced neurotoxicity. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2011 Dec;68(6):1633-8. Epub 2011 Oct 4.

17. L. Dahan, J. Ciccolini, A .Evrard, L. Mbatchi, J. Tibbits, P. Ries, E. Norguet, C. Mercier, A. Iliadis L. Ouafik, B. Lacarelle, J.F. Seitz. Sudden toxic-death in a patient upon xeliri (capecitabine + irinotecan) plus bevacizumab intake: pharmacogenetic implications. J Clin Oncol. E41-4 Epub 2011 Dec 19.

18. Pasquier E, Ciccolini J, Carre M, Giacometti S, Fanciullino R, Pouchy C, Montero MP, Serdjebi C, Kavallaris M, André N. Propranolol potentiates the anti-angiogenic effects and anti-tumor efficacy of chemotherapy agents: implication in breast cancer treatment. Oncotarget. 2011 Oct;2(10):797-809.

19. Marouani H, Zografidis A, Iliadis A. Kinetic nomograms assist individualization of drug regimens. Clin Pharmacokinet. 2011 Dec 1;50(12):773-9.

20. Barbolosi, D , Verga, F, You, B, Benabdallah, A , Hubert, F Mercier, C , Ciccolini, J , Faivre, C. Model-based assessment of the risk of metastatic spreading in patients with localized cancer. Oncologie 2011 13(8): 528-533.

21. Ciccolini J, Fina F, Ouafik LH, Lacarelle B. Pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics of colorectal cancer : moving towards personalized medicine. In: “Colorectal Cancer: From Prevention to Patient Care – Book 2”, InTech 2011 ISBN: 978-953-51-0028-7.

22. Ciccolini J, Evrard A, Lacarelle B. A CDD polymorphism as predictor of capecitabine-induced hand-foot syndrome--letter. Clin Cancer Res. 2012 Jan 1;18(1):317. No abstract available.

23. Dahan L, Ciccolini J, Evrard A, Mbatchi L, Tibbitts J, Ries P, Norguet E, Mercier C, Iliadis A, Ouafik L, Lacarelle B, Seitz JF. Sudden death related to toxicity in a patient on capecitabine and irinotecan plus bevacizumab intake: pharmacogenetic implications. J Clin Oncol. 2012 Feb 1;30(4):e41-4. Epub 2011 Dec 19. No abstract available.

24. Ciccolini J, Mercier C, Dahan L, André N. Integrating pharmacogenetics into gemcitabine dosing--time for a change? Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2011 Feb 8;8(7):439-44.

25. Ciccolini J, Dahan L, André N, Evrard A, Duluc M, Blesius A, Yang C, Giacometti S, Brunet C, Raynal C, Ortiz A, Frances N, Iliadis A, Duffaud F, Seitz JF, Mercier C. Cytidine deaminase residual activity

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in serum is a predictive marker of early severe toxicities in adults after gemcitabine-based chemotherapies.J Clin Oncol. 2010 Jan 1;28(1):160-5.

26. Le Guellec C, Bentué-Ferrer D; groupe STP de la SFPT. Therapeutic drug monitoring. Therapie. 2010 Jan-Feb;65(1):13-5. French. No abstract available. PMID: 20443240 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

27. Raynal C, Ciccolini J, Mercier C, Boyer JC, Polge A, Lallemant B, Mouzat K, Lumbroso S, Brouillet JP, Evrard A. High-resolution melting analysis of sequence variations in the cytidine deaminase gene (CDA) in patients with cancer treated with gemcitabine. Ther Drug Monit. 2010 Feb;32(1):53-60.

28. Yang CG, Ciccolini J, Blesius A, Dahan L, Bagarry-Liegey D, Brunet C, Varoquaux A, Frances N, Marouani H, Giovanni A, Ferri-Dessens RM, Chefrour M, Favre R, Duffaud F, Seitz JF, Zanaret M, Lacarelle B, Mercier C. DPD-based adaptive dosing of 5-FU in patients with head and neck cancer: impact on treatment efficacy and toxicity. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2011 Jan;67(1):49-56. Epub 2010 Mar 5.

29. Moreau E, André N, Coze C, Padovani L, Mercier C, Ciccolini J. Can CDA deficiency explain tumour lysis syndrome in a child with neuroblastoma receiving gemcitabine? Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2010 May;54(5):781-2. No abstract available.

30. Chefrour M, Fischel JL, Formento P, Giacometti S, Ferri-Dessens RM, Marouani H, Francoual M, Renée N, Mercier C, Milano G, Ciccolini J. Erlotinib in combination with capecitabine (5'dFUR) in resistant pancreatic cancer cell lines. J Chemother. 2010 Apr;22(2):129-33.

31. Mercier C, Dahan L, Ouafik L, André N, Ciccolini J. Letter to the editor: pharmacokinetics of gemcitabine in non-small-cell lung cancer patients: impact of the 79A>C cytidine deaminase polymorphism. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2010 Sep;66(9):959-60. Epub 2010 Jun 19. No abstract available.

32. Ciccolini J, Gross E, Dahan L, Lacarelle B, Mercier C. Routine dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase testing for anticipating 5-fluorouracil-related severe toxicities: hype or hope? Clin Colorectal Cancer. 2010 Oct;9(4):224-8.

33. Ciccolini J. Le panitumumab en oncologie digestive : quel rationnel pharmacologique et pharmacocinétique ? Oncologie 2010 Volume 12, Number 9, 565-571.

34. Ciccolini J, Dahan L, André N, Evrard A, Ouafik LH, Duffaud F, Seitz JF, Mercier C. Reply to Giovanetti et al. : Impact of Cytidine Deaminase Polymorphisms on Toxicity After Gemcitabine: The Question Is Still Ongoing. J Clin Oncol. May 10, 2010:e221-e222; published online on March 29, 2010;

35. Guilhaumou R,Simon N, Quaranta S, Verschuur A, Lacarelle B, Andre N, Solas C. Population pharmacokinetics and pharmacogenetics of vincristine in paediatric patients treated for solid tumour diseases. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2010 Dec 14. [Epub ahead of print]

36. Ciccolini, J. Panitumumab (Vectibix (R)) in digestive oncology: pharmacological and pharmacokinetic rationale Oncologie 2010 12(9): 565-571.

37. Guilhaumou R, Lacarelle B, Sampol-Manos E. A rapid, simple and sensitive liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for routine clinical monitoring of tacrolimus with the Waters Masstrak™ immunosuppressant kit. Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol. 2010 Dec;32(10):737-43.

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CONTRATS ANNÉES 2010 et 2011

Equipe 1

1. AORC 2012 Société Française de lutte contre les Cancers et leucémies de l’Enfant et de l’adolescent. (PI N. André).

2. ANR Lasernanobio (PI A. Kabashin, resp CRO2 D.Braguer) 3. Contrat industriel 2009 -2012 Basilea (PI D. Braguer) 4. Contrat PHRC 2010 Appel à projet national Cancer PHRC10_24-17 SFCE-Metro 01 PI=

VERSCHUUR Arnauld, resp CRO2 N.André

Equipe 3

1. E. MAS : Grant « Research Collaboration and Option Agreement », Roche Glycart Biotechnology AG (F. Hoffman-la Roche Ltd), MATWIN, ValorPACA (Aix-Marseille Université) et INSERM Transfert. 2011-2012 : Therapeutic antibodies, Diagnosis and Imaging of PDAC.

2. M. OUAISSI : Grant Amgen –: 2011-2012. HDAC7 in PDAC. 3. E. MAS : Grant Innate Pharma-Inserm Transfert/Université de la Méditerranée : 2009-2010.

Preclinical studies of chimeric antibodies IPH 4201 (mAb16D10). 4. M. OUAISSI Grant Novartis Pharma: 2009. HDAC inhibitors and PDAC. 5. F. ANDRE: Grant Bioways : 2008 -2010 ; Microbiote and intestinal heeling. 6. F. ANDRE: Grant Biocodex : 2010- 2012 Microbiote and intestinal restitution. 7. F. ANDRE: Grant Biocodex : 2012-2015. Microbiote and bowel chronic inflammatory disease. 8. F. ANDRE: Grant INCa (Cancerox) 2007-2011. Oxydative stress in cancer induction and

proliferation. 9. E. MAS : Grant Fondation Université de la Méditerranée, Chaire « Recherche et Innovation en

Cancérologie » 2012. Biomarkers of PDAC 10. E. MAS : AMU Biomarkers of PDAC 2011 11. E. MAS : European grant (7th PCR : 2011-2014. EndoTOFPET-US - Novel multimodal endoscopic

probes for simultaneous PET/ultrasound imaging for image-guided interventions. (Grant no : 256984-2).

Equipe 4

1. L. OUAFIK– Cefovecine – 2011. 2. L. OUAFIK – Bayer Schering Pharma – Role of Adrenomedullin (ADM) signaling in the development

of different tumor entities. – 2010-2011. 3. L. OUAFIK – Anocef - Implication de l’Adrénomédulline dans le recrutement de cellules pro-

angiogéniques et provasculaires au cours du développement tumoral des glioblastomes – 2011. 4. Co-investigateurs L. OUAFIK / K. MABROUK - Concours national création d’entreprises de

technologies innovantes. Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche. OSEO – 2011-2012.

5. D. FIGARELLA-BRANGER – SFCE - Gliomas of the optical ways: identification of prognostic markers, creation of an in vitro model and evaluation of molecular new therapeutics. 2008-2010.

6. D. FIGARELLA-BRANGER (PI CO2) - STIC-protocole ECOM - Comparative evaluation of the techniques of analysis of the MGMT as predictive factor of answer to Temozolomide in glioblastomas. 2008-2011.

7. D. FIGARELLA-BRANGER – GEFLUC - Influence of the micro-environment on the growth of glioblastomas and implementation of preclinical models. 2010-2011

8. D. FIGARELLA-BRANGER – ANOCEF-SERVIER. Study of the role of the microenvironment in the development of glioblastomas. 2010-2011.

9. D. FIGARELLA-BRANGER - INCa/DHOS – coordination pathologie : Reference center on oligodendroglial tumors of high rank (POLA) 2009-2013.

10. P. METELLUS - Assessement of Carmustin wafers efficacy in elderly GBM patients and correlation with MGMT expression. Archimedes. 2010. Plateforme Marseille Protéomique PIT2

1. BOCHKOV (PI CRO2. LAFITTE D): Nanomaldi FP7 mnt eranet 20010-1014 2. LAFITTE D : Imagerie MALDI des gliomes malins ARC 2011-2012 3. LAFITTE D : EuroMALDI FP7 marie curie IAPP 2012-2016

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4. LAFITTE D : Equipement IBISA imagerie MALDI 2011 5. LAFITTE D : Imagerie MALDI des tumeurs solides fondsd’intervention Université de la

méditerranée 2011

Plateforme Pharmacologie 1. CICCOLINI J : 2009-2012 : Contrat ANR « Memorex PK » - 350 KE. (co-porteur : F. Hubert, CMI)) 2. CICCOLINI J : 2010-2011 : subvention fixe 24 mois ARC # 5009 « Modélisation des processus

métastatiques ». 3. MERCIER C : 2011-2012 : subvention fixe ARC #SFI20101201782 – 50 KE « Pharmacocinétique

des anticorps monoclonaux » 4. CICCOLINI J 2011 : subvention Gefluc 15 KE « Pharmacocinétique des anticorps monoclonaux »

(J.Ciccolini) 5. CICCOLINI J / DAHAN L : 2011 : subvention Valorpaca 40 KE « Pharmacogénétique de la

gemcitabine chez le patient atteint de cancer du pancréas - étude FFCD-Prodige. » 6. CICCOLINI J : 2011 : subvention ProCan 2009-2013 180 KE « Modélisation des processus

métastatiques »

THESES de DOCTORAT ANNÉES 2010 et 2011 Equipe 1 : HDR

1. VERDIER-PINARD Pascal: Pharmacoprotéomique du cytosquelette microtubulaire : recherche de cibles thérapeutiques et bio-marqueurs en oncologie. 15/06/2010

2. REY Véronique: "Régulation génique de protéines impliquées dans la balance survie/apoptose modulée par les agents ciblant les microtubules". 26/03/2010

3. ANDRE Nicolas: Pharmacologie en oncologie pédiatrique. 16/02/2011 4. HONORE Stéphane: Oncopharmavologie et cytosquelette microtubulaire : De l'instabilité

dynamique des microtubules aux End-Binding proteins. 01/07/2011 Equipe 2 : NEANT Equipe 3 : NEANT Equipe 4 : 1. METELLUS Philipe : Rôle de l'Adrénomedulline dans l'invasion, l'angiogenèse et la prolifération tumorale des glioblastomes. Thèse soutenue le 15 Décembre 2011 2. TESIC Carine : Rôle du système AM/AM-R dans la croissance des glioblastomes. Thèse soutenue le 27 septembre 2011 3. DEVILLE Jean-Laurent : Expression et rôle de l’adrénomédulline dans le carcinome rénal à cellules conventionnelles. Thèse soutenue le 16 décembre 2011 4. KHALFAOUI-BENDRISS Ghizlane : Rôle de l’Adrénomédulline dans la néoangiogenèse tumorale des glioblastomes. Thèse soutenue le 13 décembre 2010 5. EL AYACHI Ikbale : KIAA0511, Ténascine R, et astrocytomes pilocytiques. Thèse soutenue le 22 octobre 2010 Plateforme Marseille Protéomique PIT2 : Thèse

1. CALLIGARIS David : Analyse top down des isotypes de tubuline : 2011 Plateforme Pharmacologie :

1. FRANCES Nicolas (2010) « Modélisation de l'évolution de la taille tumorale par l'analyse de population : application au cancer du sein métastatique traité par l'association docetaxel-capécitabine »

2. VARGA Federico (Juin 2010) – Bourse INCa « Utilisation de modèles mathématiques pour optimiser les traitements anticancéreux lors d’une chimiothérapie. Construction de procédures directement applicables en clinique »

3. CHEFROUR Mohamed (Juillet 2010) Bourse GSK « Associations thérapies ciblées – fluoropyrimidines : recherche de sdéterminants moléculaires de réposne et de non-réponse »

4. BENZEKRI Sébastien (Décembre 2011) – « Modélisation, analyse mathématique et numérique de thérapies anti-cancéreuses.

5. GUILHAUMOU Romain (Mars 2011) – « Pharmacogénétique et neurotoxicité de la vincristine dans une population pédiatrique »

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THESES de DOCTORAT ANNÉES 2010 et 2011 Equipe 1 : NEANT Equipe 2 :

1. BOUTONNAT Jean, COMBES Sébastien, DARAS Etienne, FEDOROV Alexey, McLEER-FLORIN Anne, PEYROT Vincent : "Dérivés de 4-arylcoumarine et de 4-arylquinoléine, leurs utilisations thérapeutiques et leur procédé de synthèse". N° de dépôt : FR1101086 ; déposé 8 avril 2011.

Equipe 3 : NEANT Equipe 4 :

1. OUAFIK L’Houcine, MABROUK Kamel, KAAFARANI Itidal, MARTIN Pierre-Marie. Anticorps anti-peptides se liant aux récepteurs de l’adrénomédulline et leurs utilisations comme médicament. PCT number: n°FR2934597(PCTWO 2010/012911). CNRS et Université de la Méditerranée.

2. MABROUK Kamel, TESIC Carine, DAIZE-BERENGUER Caroline, BERTIN Denis, MARTIN Pierre-Marie, OUAFIK L’Houcine. Nouvel anticorps anti-peptide, dirigé contre un polypeptide incluant des séquences dérivées de CRLR, RAMP2, RAMP3 et de l’adrénomédulline, anti-angiogénique et son utilisation, notamment dans le cadre du traitement des cancers. PCT number: F2245CAS1FR. CNRS et Université de la Méditerranée.

3. DAIZE-BERENGUER Caroline, MARTIN Pierre-Marie, MABROUK Kamel, BERTIN Denis, OUAFIK L’Houcine. Diagnostic et traitement du cancer androgéno-indépendant. Demande de brevet n°11306438.0 déposée le 4 novembre 2011. Université de Provence AIX-MARSEILLE I.

Plateforme Marseille Protéomique PIT2 :

1. LAFITTE D, VILLARD C, BRUNEL Jean-Michel, SELLAMI L : "Compounds and methods for identifying and/or quantifying carbonylated biomolecules” AMU – CNRS. Demande déposé en 2011. Extention internationale n° PCT/EP2012/058844 déposée le 11 mai 2012

Plateforme Pharmacologie : NEANT

ACCUEIL MASTERS Métabolisme, endocrinologie, nutrition - Université Claude Bernard Lyon I Biomathématiques - Université Paris Vi Endocrinologie moléculaire et cellulaire - Université de Montpellier Bioinformatique Biologie structurale et génomique - Aix-Marseille Développement et Immunologie - Aix-Marseille Pathologie Humaine - Oncologie : pharmacologie et thérapeutique - Aix-Marseille Pathologie Humaine : Génomique et Santé - Aix-Marseille Nutrition - Sécurité Alimentaire - Aix-Marseille Chimie Environnementale - Aix-Marseille

EQUIPEMENTS MAJEURS 1/ Microscope électronique à transmission 2/ Systèmes d'imagerie infrarouge, luminescence et fluorescence (Pearl Li-Cor Société Sciencetec - Caliper Bio Imager 3 D) 3/ Imager MALDI TOF-TOF E21 (Plateforme protéomique) 4/ Microscope confocal 5/ Microscope intravital 6/ Vidéomicroscopes