Unit 13 Assignment 3: Concept Art

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Unit 13 Assignment 3: Concept Art

Concept Art Work

In This presentation I will be talking about my concept art work and that also I will be explaining what tools I use and also I will be explaining each step.

Concept Art Work 1

This is a sketch of my concept art work I used a pencil to sketch my concept art sketch then I scanned with the school printer.

Concept Art 2

This is my second concept art but this is different to my first concept art because I have added a bit detail and I went over it with the tools to your right and I rubbed the bit of detail that I didn't need

Concept Art 3

This my Third Concept Art I have changed this concept art sketches because the colour in my second concept art sketches was black but normally the shotgun is brown that’s why I have changed it.

My Final Concept Art Sketch

I have design my final concept art sketch I have chose to make this my final sketch because I have used a lot of brown and a bit of black and grey but my other concept art sketches they had a lot of black and grey.

My Character

I will be talking about how I designed my character and how I scanned my character into the computer and what tools I have used to create my character.

This my sketch of my character I have sketch this character because it is linked with my item and that he can use a shotgun when his gun arm is not enough to kill any enemies. Also I scanned my sketch character so I can design my final design of my Character.

This is my final design of my character I have designed this with brown, green and grey because my character will look strong with these colours and also this shows that my character is powerful with strong arms and also with a strong weapon. Also the tools I have used was Rubber and Brush.