UN SC Chancellor Angela Merkel CABINDA...UN SC Chancellor Angela Merkel 2 | P a g e 10557 Berlin To...

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Transcript of UN SC Chancellor Angela Merkel CABINDA...UN SC Chancellor Angela Merkel 2 | P a g e 10557 Berlin To...


We’re pleading for Chancellor Angela Merkel to intercede with

Presidents Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Emmanuel Macron,

Xi Jinping, and with Prime Minister Boris Johnson.


Berlin, February 17, 2020

UN SC Chancellor Angela Merkel

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To Her Excellency Dr. Angela Merkel

Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany

German Chancellor’s Office

Willy-Brandt-Straße 1

10557 Berlin

Bartolomeu Capita (Mr.)

Refugee under UNHCR mandate

Joint-Presidency, Cabindan National Movement

E-mail: cabinda.independent@gmail.com

Tel.: +49 (0) 176 3068 3616

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Subject Matters

Restorative justice and human rights are of importance to Cabindans, and to Africans at large.

Democratization and anti-corruption fight matter to Cabindans, and to Africans in general.

Injustice in Cabinda is a threat to justice in Germany, in USA, in the European Union, and so on...

The international responsibility for justice still has a great deal of difficulty being fulfilled.


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Your Excellency,

Restorative justice and human rights are of importance to Cabindans, and Africans at large.

In the letter we addressed to you on the eve of your official visit to Angola on 7 February 2020,

we drew one more time your attention to Angola’s flagrant breach of international law and

the United Nations Charter in occupying Cabinda. We acquainted you with the fact that this

criminal and brutal occupation is the direct outcome of the plot that previously integrated

Cabinda into the territory of Angola via the UN GA Resolution 1542 (XV) of 15 December 1960.

As the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is scheduled to visit Angola on 17 February 2020, we

cannot help requesting you to intercede with the leaders of the five permanent members of

the UN Security Council, namely Presidents Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Emmanuel Macron,

Xi Jinping, and with Prime Minister Boris Johnson, in order ultimately to bring the decolonization

process of Cabinda to a successful conclusion within this year.

Restorative justice and human rights are matters of urgency for Cabinda, because we can no

longer afford to tolerate Angola’s policy of ethnic cleansing against the natives of Cabinda,

nor can we afford to be complacent about Angola’s merciless economic terrorism in our home

country. Restorative justice and human rights should be matters of urgency for the UN Security

Council as well, because Angola’s crimes considerably impair the UN international standing.

Restorative justice, which consists in reinstating Cabinda’s political and economic sovereignty

in agreement with the UN GA Resolutions 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960 and 1803 (XVII) of 14

December 1962, is the legal-political act of repairing the damages so far done to the people

of Cabinda. In doing so, we give the key body in fostering the UN ideal of universal peace, i.e.

the Security Council, additional legitimacy and authority that it desperately needs nowadays.

The resolve to turn the United Nations into a private tool at the exclusive service of imperialists,

as verified by the “Charter of Imperialism” emanating from the 1945 Yalta Conference, is meant

to be equated with the policy of relegating black people everywhere to the back of the bus.

Yet, such resolve and policy avert the UN Secretary-General from standing comfortably as the

world leader par excellence, i.e. as the authentic symbol of the UN ideal of universal peace.

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Your Excellency,

Democratization and anti-corruption fight matter to Cabindans, and to Africans in general.

There are countless evidences that it is not in the best interest of Western imperialist nations to

foster democracy and righteousness throughout the African continent. The premeditated plot

against Cabinda enshrined in Resolution 1542 (XV) aforementioned, was actually meant to turn

Angola into a mercenary entity in charge of frustrating the respect for democracy and human

rights in the region, and fully dedicated to making criminal use of the State and economy.

As long as the violation of Cabinda’s sovereignty and territorial integrity by Angola bears the

endorsement of Resolution 1542 (XV), any so-called democratization and anti-corruption fight

in Angola is nothing but a make-believe. Following the brutal assassination of Patrice Lumumba

in 1961, Western powers assisted Mobutu’s seizure of power and his consolidation of dictatorial

control. Self-righteous Western powers have actually failed us on more than one occasion!

As pointed out in the newspaper “The Manchester Guardian” of 26 February 1885, the General

Act of the Berlin Conference (1884-1885) begins with recital of countless worthy philanthropic

motives. Yet the grave crimes the Belgian King Leopold II’s so-called “Congo Free State” entails

verify that the nations interested in Africa, particularly in the “Congo Free State”, found their

individual interests more important than the philanthropic motives recited in the Final Act.

The flag of the “Congo Free State” was acknowledged as a symbol of a sovereign State by all of

the protagonists of the 1885 Berlin-Congo Conference, namely: Germany, the United States of

America, Portugal, Great-Britain, France, Russia, Belgium, Spain, Denmark, the Netherlands, Italy,

Austrian-Hungary, and Sweden, with the exception of Turkey. “Schatten über dem Kongo HQ”

unveils what the philanthropic narrative actually masks: https://youtu.be/ayPvqCL7UPs

The newspaper “Justice” of 27 September 1884, for its part, points out the fact that there have

always been European men and women courageous enough to side with the “poor savages,”

i.e. African people, against Western commercial ranks with their bibles and bayonets, in order

to shake the tyranny by which they themselves are bound at home. Western so-called “civilizing

mission,” “democratization,” and “anti-corruption fight” are meant to keep Africans in poverty.

Angola is notorious for its dictatorship, its kleptocracy, its human rights record, and its mercenary

role in the Non-Self-Governing Territory of Cabinda since long ago. Even so, Western financial

institutions and governments have given Angola the exclusive privilege of endlessly incurring

huge and long-term debts, i.e. odious debts. Though Angola’s odious debts imperil the survival

of Cabinda’s present and future generations, the West remains reluctant to listen to reason.

“Angola remains one of Africa’s largest oil producers and is China’s second most important sour-

ce of oil and most important commercial partner in Africa. This oil wealth, and Angola’s regional

military power, has greatly limited leverage of other governments and international organiza-

tions pushing for good governance and human rights. Trade partners remain reluctant to criticize

the government, to protect their economic interests.”

― Amnesty International Annual Report 2011

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“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

Your Excellency,

Injustice in Cabinda is a threat to justice in Germany, in USA, in the European Union, and so on...

Countries involved in doing businesses with the Angolan colonial regime, at the expense of the

right of the people of Cabinda to regain political sovereignty, eventually end up having their

international standing damaged. Yet, such an involvement only hurts the name of the countries

to whom the rule of law, fundamental human rights, democratic values, the dignity and worth

of the human person, and the equal rights of nations large and small are of key importance.

Oil revenues of the Non-Self-Governing Territory of Cabinda, estimated at over € 35 Billion each

year, are systematically misappropriated by the Angolan well-known kleptocratic oligarchy, at

the expense of the people of Cabinda, i.e. the genuine holders of the legal and inalienable

title to Cabindan oil fields. As shown by “Luanda Leaks,” Angola has been depriving Cabindans

of their own means of subsistence thanks to the connivance of specific Western entities.

Luanda Leaks:

What happened to Angola's missing millions? https://youtu.be/0c3YsgvpWvA

How U.S. Firms helped Africa’s richest woman exploit her country’s wealth!


Where does Angola’s oil wealth end up?



Although Cabinda is a country blessed with natural wealth and resources, and though its total

population does not surpass two million, under the rule of the Angolans, life expectancy at birth

has dropped from 75 years in Portuguese colonial era to 48 years today; child and maternal

mortality rates now figure among the highest in the world; more than four children under five

years of age starve to death every day; and a hospital bed is for no less than four patients.

― Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Apart from misappropriating Cabinda’s oil money amounting to over € 35 Billion each year, in contravention of the prohibitions laid down in the 1966 International Covenants on Civil and

Political Rights and on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which voices “In no case may a

people be deprived of its own means of subsistence,” the Angolan kleptocracy also arrogates

billions of euros of aid and loans it gets from abroad. Much of which ends up in Western banks.

Charter of Imperialism:

Article 1. Motto of Imperialism: “To govern the world and to control the wealth of the planet; our

policy is “divide and rule”, i.e. to dominate, exploit and plunder to fill our banks and make them

the most powerful in the world.”

Article 5: All dictators must put their fortunes in our banks for the security of our interests. These

fortunes will serve as donations and credits granted by our institutions as assistance and

development aid to Third World countries.

Article 25: Our task is to keep Africa and other countries of the Third World in underdevelopment,

poverty, division, wars, and chaos; to dominate, exploit, and plunder them through the Missions

of the United Nations.



USA & Portugal: “Western Europe’s very existence depends on the resources of Africa and the

continued control exercised by the Western European powers over the African continent.”


Dr. Henry Kissinger: “Depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the

Third World”. National Security Memo 200, dated 24 April 1974, under the title “Implications of

Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests;”


“The European Union is controlled by corporate interests whose chief goal is to conquer the world

using political, economic and—if necessary—military force. Towards this end, they are

systematically destroying the democratic legal system in all regions of the world, including Africa,

and are replacing it with Nazi-fascist dictatorial law.”

― The Nazi Roots of the ‘Brussels EU’, pp. 19 and 28

Carrol Quigley, the author of The Anglo-American Establishment and Tragedy and Hope: A History

of the World in Our Time, taught the conspiratorial view of history as explained by the conspirators

themselves. Quigley confirmed that at the end of the 19th century a secret society was formed in

England by Cecil Rhodes, and that said secret society has been the major force behind the most

important events in the world since WWI. Besides the purpose of “gradually absorbing the wealth

of the world,” Rhodes’s secret society aims to expand the City of London’s domination over the

world as a whole. ― The Quigley Formula, by G. Edward Griffin: https://youtu.be/ynVqPnMQ2sI

The trans-Atlantic slave trade and colonialism, which brought immense human suffering to the

African continent, are terrible injustices and violence. The fact that the entire African continent

is deprived of a permanent seat on the Security Council, known as the UN key body in charge

of advancing world peace and security, is a blatant injustice and violence as well. Shielding

African autocrats and the pillagers of Africa’s natural resources is also a criminal activity.

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Your Excellency,

The international responsibility for justice still has a great deal of difficulty being fulfilled.

In its Resolution 2105 (XX) of 20 December 1965, about the Implementation of the Declaration

on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, the General Assembly

recognizes the legitimacy of the struggle by the peoples under colonial rule to exercise their

right to self-determination and independence, and invites all States to provide material and

moral assistance to the national liberation movements in colonial Territories.

Article 35 of the Charter of the United Nations declares, we quote: “Any Member of the United

Nations may bring any dispute, or any situation of the nature referred to in Article 34, to the

attention of the Security Council or of the General Assembly.” Yet, even if the conflict between

Cabinda and Angola is of the nature referred to in Art. 34 of the UN Charter, no Western State

has given proof of its willingness to assume responsibility under Article 35 of the UN Charter.

Owing to the push of the 1955 Asian-African Conference and OAU, the United Nations ended

up issuing statements supportive of or consistent with the right of the people of Cabinda to

regain self-determination and independence. In reply to a Cabindan petitioner heard in New

York (1962), the UN GA adopted the ensuing Resolutions: 1807 (XVII), 1808 (XVII), and 1809 (XVII)

of 14 December 1962; 1810 (XVII) of 17 December 1962, and 1871 (XVII) of 20 December 1962.

Doc. of the 17th Session of the UN General Assembly—4th Committee A/C. 4/SR 1391 of 20

November 1962, & Annexes, Agenda item 54, documents A/5160 and add. 1 and 2.

Protagonists of the 1955 Asian-African Conference, aka Bandung Conference:

China, Iran, Japan, Indonesia, India, Syria, Ethiopia, Egypt, Ghana, Sudan, Libya, Liberia, Turkey,

Saudi Arabia, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Ceylon, Burma, Jordan, Yemen, Lebanon, the Philippines,

Laos, Nepal, Pakistan, Vietnam, Thailand, and Iraq.

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the 1955 Bandung Conference, which was held under

the aegis of the revolutionary Russia, H.E. Mr. Kofi Annan, then Secretary-General of the United

Nations, issued the following statement: “The assembled leaders underlined the fundamental right

of all peoples to self-determination. They pledged their solidarity with each other in the fight

against colonialism and in the struggle for economic and social development.”

As far as Black People’s hope for a lasting peace, happiness, well-being, and ultimate triumph

over racial obstacles is concerned, the most alarming picture is the fact that the protagonists

of the Bandung Conference have become, one after the other, targets for bullying, for various

forms of military aggression, and even for economic asphyxia. This is actually an effort that aims

to rid Africa of its aboriginals, and ultimately arrogate forever the entire African continent.

After 45 years of political repression, economic exploitation, and social degradation, which, as

we all know, would not have been possible without the collusion of particular western financial

institutions and governments, it is high time that Germany and the five permanent members of

the UN Security Council assumed your responsibility in Cabinda, for the sake of the UN ideal of

universal peace. The people of Cabinda must take matters into their own hands this year.

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The fact of being forced to live on less than €1 a day, when we should be living on €150 a day

if we were not deprived of our own means of subsistence, reminds us of the European Human

Zoos where we were exhibited naked ― both men and women, kids and elders ― in front of

large crowds of spectators; bananas and food waste were thrown at us by spectators as if we

were monkeys. It reminds us of how far away the humanity has gone from Christ’s magisterium.

We have duly submitted a request for a hearing, as petitioners, to the Fourth Committee of the

United Nations General Assembly, with a copy to the Secretary-General of the United Nations,

H.E. Mr. António Guterres. May Germany intercede with the permanent members of the UN

Security Council, as well as with the UN Special Committee on Decolonization (C-24), so that

we are provided with the assistance we need, in line with the UN GA Resolution 2105 (XX).



There is no pacific settlement, under the UN Charter, better than the one that we have already

acquainted you with. It advocates a transitional period of time in which modern infrastructures

are built, and the people of Cabinda are given the required know-how, as well as the skills for

self-government, self-defense, and self-respect. At the end of this intermediate period of time,

the people of Cabinda regain their citizenship and their full independence from Angola.

For the first five years of the transitional period, we need 5.5 Billion euros every year. This amount

of money must be annually taken from Cabinda’s oil revenues under the auspices of Germany

and Portugal. This money is intended for basic economic infrastructures and utilities, and other

key public services. Being a matter of urgency, i.e. of restorative justice and human rights, we

must have recourse to both the International Court of Justice and International Criminal Court.

We believe, like ECOSOC’s former President, H.E. Mrs. Inga Rhonda King, that to find effective

approaches to ending poverty, those experiencing it must have a seat at the table and be

given the tools to empower themselves and participate fully. In this regard, we are required to

empower youth to participate in and shape the political and economic lives of their country

(Cabinda) and communities, i.e. to be the agents of peace and all-inclusive development.

Your Excellency, since we look forward to working shoulder to shoulder with Germany, on the

urgent matters of restorative justice and human rights in Cabinda, we thank you in advance

for your time, your empathy, and help in the above topics.

Yours faithfully,

Bartolomeu Capita (Mr.)

Joint-Presidency, Cabindan National Movement

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The 1963 OAU’s list of the African Countries: Cabinda, 39th; Angola 35th

The Non-Self-Governing Territory of Cabinda