Germany By Andrew cullinane Germany PRESIDENT : Joachim Gauck CHANCELLOR : Angela Merkel CURRENCY :...

Germany By Andrew cullinane

Transcript of Germany By Andrew cullinane Germany PRESIDENT : Joachim Gauck CHANCELLOR : Angela Merkel CURRENCY :...

  • Slide 1

Slide 2 Germany By Andrew cullinane Slide 3 Germany PRESIDENT : Joachim Gauck CHANCELLOR : Angela Merkel CURRENCY : The Euro LANGUAGE : German Slide 4 Population of Germany Germany has a population of about 81,305,856 The birth rate in Germany is 8.33/1000 The infant mortality rate in Germany is 3.51/1000 Germany has an average life expectancy of 80.19 Slide 5 MAP OF GERMANY Land AREA: 350,261 sq km Total Area: 357,021 sq km Slide 6 National Anthem of Germany Slide 7 WW1 1914 Britain declares war on Germany Japan joins the allied forces 1915 Women take up the mens jobs London attacked from air by Germany 1916 Conscription for men aged 18 and 41 A million tragedy's in 10 months 1917 German army retreats to Hindenburg line United States joins Allies 1918 November 11 th war ends as Allies win Slide 8 Events Leading up to WW2 1=the treaty of Versailles was unfair on Germany 2=the League of Nations failed to keep peace 3=Ap peasement encouraged aggression Slide 9 WW2 Main Events Ww2 began in 1939. The war began as Adolf Hitler got his German troops to invade Poland, this resulted in Britain and France declaring war on Germany. Although the Allies declared war on Germany little action was taken over the following months and Hitler took advantage and conquered Denmark, Norway, Belgium, The Netherlands and France Slide 10 WW2 Main Events (2) Later in the summer of 1940 Germany launched an air attack on Britain this was known as The Battle of Britain but this wasnt to be Germanys victory as the German Luftwaffe was no match for the British Royal Air Force. Later in 1941 Germany took a bold action by invading Russia and although the Germans progressed at the start it wasnt to be their victory yet again as the harsh winter conditions proved to be too much for the unprepared Germans. In 1944 the Germans were eventually forced out of Russia Slide 11 The Ending of WW2 In 1944 the British and the Americans launched a D-Day invasion to force the Germans out of France. In 1945 the Allies were closing in on Germany itself, and Hitler committed suicide as a result. Germany then surrendered in May of 1945 as the Allies won. The total death rate in Germany from the war was around 7,060,000 people. Slide 12 Famous People DID YOU KNOW?? Adolf Hitler was a leader of Germany but he wasnt actually German, He was Austrian. Slide 13 Famous People Albert Einstein Martin Luther Pope Benidict Slide 14 Famous musicians/composers Bethoven Johanne Strauss Mozart Slide 15 Famous sports people Franz Beckenbauer Michael Schuhmaker Boris Becker Slide 16 Famous places Allianz Arena Berlin Wall The river Rhine flowing through Germany Slide 17 Known For Beer [ BIG JUGS ;D ] Soccer German Sausages German sheppard Slide 18 Germany by Andrew Cullinane Thanks FOR WATCHING