Ukrainian cuisine

Post on 13-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Ukrainian cuisine

Ukrainian cuisine

Good food is wise medicine

Food is an important part of Ukrainian culture. Ukrainian cuisine has developed over many

centuries. It was mainly based on the products obtained from farming. Ukrainians have been growing rye, wheat, barley, buckwheat and oats.

In general, food in Ukraine is divided into two groups: casual and festive. Special dishes are cooked during holidays.

These dishes were including ritual meals, which carried out a kind of religious-magical function. Any ceremony could not take place without them.

Festive meals

Such festive meals are: holodets or studen' (general), korovai, kalach (for wedding or other), kolyvo - (for funeral), kutia - (at Christmas time), krashanka - (at Easter time).

In the past...

Historically, the place of cooking, which is a stone oven, had a great influence on the features of Ukrainian cuisine. So, food was the most cooked, stewed or baked in Ukraine.

Ukrainian cuisine is famous for its huge variety of all kinds of dishes, ranging from soup to sweets.

First Dishes

borsch kapusniak rosolnyk yushka zelenyi borsch

Main dishes

Salads (olivye, vinigret, kvasheni ovochi) Breads (paska, babka, kalach,

palyanytsya, pampushki)

Varenyky, perohy, pyrizhky, holubtsi, pechenya, fish, kasha, potato, guliash, kovbasa, salo, kotlety, deruny, kruchenyky


uzvar kvas milk, sour milk medovukha wine, beer, horilka


Syrnyky, cakes, halushki, zhele

Ukrainians are famed for their hospitality

A number of restaurants, bars and cafes have opened offering excellent food at reasonable prices with standards of service to match.

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