Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre -WINTER 2017 Dr. Peter ...дарує Богомладнцю...

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Transcript of Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre -WINTER 2017 Dr. Peter ...дарує Богомладнцю...

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Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre -WINTER 2017 Українсько-Канадський Осередок Опіки - Зима 2017

Dr. Peter Derkach Receives the Ontario Long-Term Care Physician of the Year Award

The Ontario Long-Term Care Clinicians awarded the prestigious Ontario

Long-Term Care Physician of the Year Award to Dr. Peter Derkach, Medical

Director of the Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre, for his exemplary patient care

and outstanding service and leadership.

“Dr. Derkach’s deep dedication to patient care is truly admirable. He

exemplifies what it means to be a highly competent physician, a visionary leader

and a caring person. The Care Centre would not have that leading edge in long-

term care if it were not for Dr. Derkach’s commendable passion for quality care,

his outstanding expertise and spirit of innovation. We are extremely fortunate

and very proud to have Dr. Derkach as our Medical Director and we cannot thank

him enough for all he does for the Care Centre! Dr. Derkach’s contribution to the

quality of care of our residents serves as an inspiration to each and every one of

us who work at the Care Centre!” says Irena Dounets, Executive Director.

Dr. Derkach has a lifelong passion for geriatrics, clinical medicine, research

and education. As a young graduate of the University of Toronto, he got involved in breakthrough research in Parkinson’s disease. After a very successful practice in family medicine, Dr. Derkach decided to

dedicate his career to geriatrics – a decision that surprised all his friends as at that time geriatrics was not considered to be

a field with a future. In geriatrics, however, Dr. Derkach saw a future for what he believed in and what he thought was much

needed –complex continuing care and long-term care for seniors. It was not long after his decision that he was offered a

position in long-term care in the Homes for the Aged.

Over the span of his distinguished career, Dr. Derkach has been involved in a number of innovative research projects

and studies, among which is the Canadian Study on Health and Aging. This landmark Canada-wide ...continues on pg 6

Care Centre’s Team in the Scotiabank Charity Challenge

raises $29,000 for the Care Centre .. read more on pg 6

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Dearest Seniors of the St. Demetrius Apartment,

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

On this holy night of Bethlehem we are again filled with

spiritual joy as we greet each other with the words of our

Christian salutation: Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

The Nativity of Christ has eternally united man with God. The

Son of God enlightened the darkened human mind with the

light of truth and granted people grace-filled power for the

battle against sin. When the Saviour of the world was born

all of God’s creation hastened to meet Him, that they might

honour God and offer their gifts. The earth offers a cave to

Christ, the Divine Child. Heaven offers a star, which guides

the wise men to the Sun of Righteousness. Poor shepherds

offer their worship, heavenly angels their doxology. But

what do we offer the new-born Christ Child? First of all

we prayerfully prepare a manger in our soul, in which the

Divine Saviour might be born. Only after doing this can

the Nativity of Christ truly become for us a day of heavenly

joy and spiritual solemnity, and our souls will awaken and

be filled with peace and the grace of God, becoming those

mangers in which Jesus Christ rests.

I sincerely greet all of you, the residents, staff members,

volunteers, and directors of the Ukrainian Canadian Care

Centre and the St. Demetrius Residence on the occasion

of the Nativity of Christ, the New Year, and the Feast of the

Theophany (Jordan). May the new-born Christ warm your

hearts with His love, and grant you peace, joy, and many

blessed years.

I wish all of you a joyful celebration of the holidays, and

good fortune in the new year. May the blessing of the Lord

be upon you.

With Archpastoral Blessings,

+ANDRIY, Bishop of the Eastern Eparchy, Ukrainian Orthodox

Church of Canada

Вельмишановні Сеньйори - мешканці Пансіону Святого Димитрія!

Дорогі Брати і Сестри!

В цю святу Вифлиємську ніч мu знову сповнені великої духовної радості коли вітаємо один одного словами нашого церковного різдвяного привітання Христос Рождається! Славімо Його!

Різдво Христове навіки поєднало людину з Богом. Син Божий просвітив затьмарений людський розум світлом істини і дарував людям благодатні сили для боротьби з гріхом. Коли народився Спаситель світу все творіння Боже поспішило йому на зустріч , щоби віддати Богу честь та принести свої дари. Земля-дарує Богомладнцю Христу вертеп. Небо -дарує зірку, яка веде мудреців до Сонця правди, Бідні пастушки –поклоніння, Небесні Aнгели славослів’я. A що ж ми принесемо Новонародженому младенцю Христу? Насамперед молитовно приготовмо в нашій душі ясля в яких міг би народитися Божественний Спаситель. І тоді свято Різдва Христового воістину буде для нас днем неземної радості і духовного торжества і душа наша пробудеться і наповниться миром і Благодаттю Божою та стане тими яслями в яких возляже Ісус Христос.

Всіх Вас мешканців, працівників і провідників Українсько-Канадського Осередку Опіки і Пансіону Св. Димитрія щиро вітаю з Різдвом Христовим, Новоліттям і Святим Йорданом. Нехай Богомладенець Христос зігріває ваші серця своєю любовю, дарує мир, радість і благословенне довголіття.

Бажаю всім Вам радісних Свят і щасливого 2018 Нового Року. Благословення Господнє на всіх вас.

+АНДРІЙ, Єпископ Східньої Єпархії УПЦК

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Dear Members of the Administration, Residents and Staff at

the Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre!

At this joyful season when we celebrate the Birth at Our

Lord, I am pleased to greet you and to extend my warm and

sincere good wishes thot the Christ Child may be born anew

in your hearts and dwell among you and your loved ones.

May the bright lights of your beautiful Christmas Tree and the

sound of our traditional Christmas carols bring wonderful

memories of past family gatherings and celebrations and

renew your peace and joy today.

I will remember you and your loved one in my Liturgies and


The Blessing of the Lord be upon you!

+Stephen Chmilar

Христос Paждається! Славім Його!

Дорога Адміністраціє, Мешканці та Працівники Українського Дому Опіки!

Сердечно вітаю Вас всіх у цей радісний час Христового Різдва і бажаю Вам щоб новонароджений Ісус був між Вами і благословив Вас та опікувався Вами.

Хай радість Христового народження наповнює Ваші серця та приносить Вам Божу любов і Божий мир, і нехай милозвучний спів наших рідних колядок лунає у Ваших душах і приносить Вам милі спомини з приводу Свята приходу Христа-Дитяти до нас.

У моїх Різдвяних Богослуженнях я буду пам’ятати про Вас і про всіх Ваших дорогих.

Благословення Господнє на Вас!

Відданий Вам в Христі,+Стефан Хміляр

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Winter Poppy Land

Poppy Mugs $12 each Tea Cup with Strainer $15 each Poppy Set $15 each

Perfect Christmas Gifts from the Home with a Heart

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For a 5th year this year the Ukrainian Canadian Care

Centre took part in the Scotiabank Charity Challenge – Toronto

Waterfront Marathon. A team of 25 family members, staff,

volunteers and friends walked or ran for the Care Centre and

raised $29,000 for the replacement of the Care Centre’s 21-year

old roof.

“This is the second time in 5 years that we have exceeded

our goal, says Irena Dounets, Executive Director. We thank all of

our participants and supporters. We extend a special thanks to

our main sponsor, Cardinal Funeral Homes. The Cardinal Family

Matching Gift Fund was a great incentive for everyone. We had

Care Centre’s Team in the Scotiabank Charity Challenge raises $29,000 for the Care Centre

more people supporting the marathon than ever before. It is exciting to see that our community is strong and growing”, says

Irena Dounets, Executive Director.

The top fundraisers are Roman Kotovych, Irina Filipski, Roxanne Gural, Fred Babbie, Daria Popovitch and Sophia



Roman Kotovych, grandson of past resident Natalia Brodowycz, ran

42.4km (the full marathon) and raised over $6,300 with donations from friends

from six continents, which proved that in today’s world fundraising is borderless.

“It was worth putting the effort, training and running the full Marathon, and

asking friends and colleagues to support the Care Centre added a special value

to me. I asked my friends to support a wonderful small charity that makes a big

difference in the lives of seniors and they were happy to support me. The Care

Centre took great care of my grandmother and running to honour her life gave

me wings. I achieved my best time, 4hours 26 min”, says Roman Kotovych.

After the Marathon Roman came to visit his grandmother and there could not have been a better time for it. A few days after his visit, Natalia passed away.

Roman was not the only member of Natalia Brodowycz’s family who participated in the Marathon. Natalia’s daughter

Myroslava Horich, along with her husband Pawlo Horich walked 5k for a second

year this year, and raised close to $2,000.

“We are happy that the money we raised would benefit the residents

of the Care Centre,“ said Myroslava on behalf of Natalia Brodowycz’s family.

The Care Centre provided excellent care to my mother. She had quality of life,

she lived with dignity and received compassionate loving care till her last day.

It gives me special joy knowing that I was able to honour her life and support

the Care Centre. I would like to thank all my family and friends who sponsored

Pawlo and myself and helped us help the Care Centre. All our seniors deserve

to be supported and live with dignity and the best of care.”


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SOPHIA HOLOWATY The Care Centre extends a special thank you to Sophia Holowaty

who ran for a third year and raised over $1,300 for the Care Centre. 17-

year old Sophia does not miss a week without paying a visit to her great

grandmother Katarina at the Care Centre.

“It means a lot to me to be able to do something to help the Home

where my great grandmother lives. My great grandmother was so good to

me when I was a child. She is a very loving and caring person. I am very

happy that I have the opportunity to do something to show her how much

I love her. Running in her honour for the Care Centre makes me feel happy

that I am doing something good for her and the other residents.”

~ Sophia Holoway, great granddaughter of resident Katarina Kowaltchuk

IRINA FILIPSKI“The Scotiabank Marathon has become that special time of year for me

It means a lot to me to see all of us together – staff, family members, Board members,

volunteers and friends of the Care Centre. The Scotiabank Marathon has become

that special time of year for me when I get very inspired seeing how many people

come together to support the Care Centre –some take part in the Marathon and raise

money, others make generous donations. It is nice to see how many people believe

in our organization, in our work and in our cause – the care for seniors. I want to

thank the tenants of the St. Demetrius Apartments for their generous support and

encouragement.” ~ Irina Filipski, staff

Friends of the Care Centre – Teresa Masliwec, Irena Moskaluk, Oksana Rozanets, Orysia Pawluk of the St. Demetrius Women’s Circle: Happy to be honoring the lives of our seniors!

The Board of Directors, Management, Physicians, Staff and Residents wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Рада Директорів, керівництво, лікарі, працівники та мешканці бажають всім вам Веселих Свят і Щасливого Нового Року!

Proudly Sponsored by:

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...continued from page 1 ... Dr. Peter Derkach Receives the Ontario Long-Term Care Physician of the Year Award

longitudinal study followed over 10,000

seniors over a ten-year period from

1991 to 2001, resulting in the collection

of a wide range of information on the

changing health status regarding

cognitive impairment/dementia in

older adults.

Currently, Dr. Derkach is the

Medical Director for two long-term

care homes, the Ukrainian Canadian

Care Centre and the West Park Long-

Term Care. He is also Deputy Chief of

the West Park Health Care Centre.

At the Ukrainian Canadian Care

Centre, Dr. Derkach has worked for

over 19 years. “I enjoy working at the

Care Centre, says Dr. Derkach. The Care

Centre is a progressive organization.

The leadership is strong, caring and

open to innovation. People believe

in what they do, and going the extra

mile at the Care Centre is regarded

as business as usual. This is the right

environment for innovation and a best

practice as implementing new methods

and ideas requires a lot of hard work,

professionalism and dedication.”

Dr. Derkach has been at the

heart of many innovative projects at

the Care Centre. Most recently, through

Dr. Derkach’s association with CAMH

(the Canadian Association for Mental

Health), the Ukrainian Canadian Care

Centre became the first long-term

care home in Ontario to take part in a

cutting edge project , the Integrated

Care Pathway, aimed to improve the

treatment of aggression and agitation

in dementia patients.

Dr. Derkach has been

instrumental in helping the Care Centre

develop new partnerships and forge

viable relations with leading authorities

in geriatrics. The Care Centre is part

of the Ontario Telemedicine Network

as well as Connecting Ontario in

order to improve the communication

and collaboration between the

Care Centre and other health

facilities. An upcoming project with

Humber Hospital may involve using

telemedicine to reduce transfers to the

emergency departments in hospitals.

The Care Centre has established a

working relationship with Dr. Dallas

Seitz of Queen’s University and uses his

Optimizing Prescribing Antipsychotics

in Long-Term Care (OPAL) study to

reduce antipsychotic medication.

“However, there is nothing

more fulfilling and satisfying than

interacting with my patients, families

and staff and providing the best

possible care for the residents, helping

them have a better quality of life for as

long as possible. ”, says Dr. Derkach in

his speech, when receiving the award.

Everything starts and ends with the

resident and we, the physicians, should

never lose sight of this. We go through

our policies, procedures and clinical

protocols but we need to always

remember that all that we do is to

improve the care of the resident.”

In addition to his medical

practice, Dr. Derkach has had

multiple educational presentations

for the families of the Care Centre’s

residents and the community. “He

always makes himself available to us,

the family members, when we have

questions and need to have a better

understanding of the health status

and complex behaviours of our loved

ones.”, says Anna Martyniw, Chair of the

Care Centre’s Family Council Executive.

The Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre’s

Senior Management, Board of

Directors, Family Council Executive,

staff, physicians, family members,

residents and volunteers congratulate

Dr. Derkach on his well-deserved

award and wish him every success in

his profession, which he practices with

exemplary professionalism, care and


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The Care Centre is honoured to receive donations from families and friends made in tribute to the following individuals:

In Memory OfAnna AndrushenkoStefania BrezdenNikolay BorisenkoNatlia BrodowyczMary CepesiukMichael ChalupaEarl DrozdoskiMaryGrodDana Harasymchuk

Bohdan LopatyPeter LopatyWasyl LuciwAnita Maryk Leo MelnykAhafia OlenychKatherina PankiwMary Ann SudeykoAlexandra SzpularAmastasia Wawryshyn

TRIBUTES TO THE CARE CENTRESt. Demetrius Development Corporation

Daria Kowalyk, President; Nadia Woloshyn, Vice-President; Dmytro Dutka, Secretary/Treasurer; Bohdan Bodnaruk, Past President; Frederick R. Babbie; Alexander Daschko; Mary Kuschnir; Svitlana Nalywayko; Alex Ochrym; Roman Pendzey; Michael Tkach; Maxym Trojan; ; Marta Yurcan

Supportive Care Services Walter W. Chandon, President; Lesia Dmytryszyn, Secretary Treasurer; Daniel Zadorozny, Past President; Ania Diakowycz; IMarika (Slemko) Corstorphinw; Myron Stefaniw; Orysia Perun; Yarko Kordiuk; Zoya Lidia Trofimenko

2017-2018 Board of Directors

Elsie Yarmol – Forever in our Hearts A tribute to a wonderful person, a dedicated volunteer and an ardent lover of traditional Ukrainian art

Everyone who knew her would

agree that you cannot think of Elsie

without a smile appearing on your

face. You would remember something

uniquely funny, witty, down to earth

and wise that she had said, you would

remember her contagious, warm and

hearty laughter. And you would feel

better. This was the Elsie effect - that

magic of a person who lived by giving

to others.

To the Ukrainian Canadian

Care Centre, Elsie gave generously of

her time, talents and creative energy.

She was a Care Centre’s volunteer for

19 years - always smiling and always

willing to help. Elsie got involved in

many fundraising activities. She helped

with the organization of the Care

Centre’s special events and annual

Christmas Bazaars. She organized

Art Shows. She was a long-term Gift

Wasyl WitiukPetro WjunenkoElsie YarmolJaroslaw Zastawny

In Honour OfRoma FrankoRusty Osadchuk

From September 12, 2017 - November 27, 2017

Shop volunteer and a member of the

Volunteer Development Committee.

Earlier this year, Elsie, along with the

other members of the Care Centre’s

Volunteer Development Committee

received the Yvan Baker award for

outstanding volunteer service to


“I loved working with Elsie.

With Elsie on board, even the most

challenging task seemed easy, doable

and fun. She had a great talent for

organization; and she was always

friendly and helpful. Even when she

was frail, she would still find the

strength to smile and say “hi, chickie” in

her special Elsie’s warm and engaging

way”, says Vivian Rico, member of the

Care Centre’s Volunteer Development


“Elsie had a very special way of

relating to people”, adds Lydia Lewicki,

Elsie’s lifelong friend. She knew how

to get people involved and bring

them together. In church, if she saw

someone who was new she would go

to them, talk with them and find a way

to get them engaged; if someone was

down or in hospital she would go and

visit and spend time and cheer them

up. She was that best friend everyone

wants to have – the friend who is always


Apart from her volunteering

with the Care Centre, Elsie was a long-

term volunteer at the St. Demetrius

Church. She also had a great passion

for Ukrainian art and giftware, and ran

her own business - “Elsie’s Exclusives”.

Her personalized cups, candles and

candleholders embellished with

traditional Ukrainian embroidery

motifs in vibrant colours bring a warm

sense of family and tradition.

The Care Centre is grateful to

Elsie’s family - her daughters Paula,

Karen and Christina for donating a

selected number of Elsie’s giftware to

the Care Centre’s Gift Shop as well as

for designating donations in memory

of Elsie to the Care Centre.

As hard as it is to believe that

Elsie is no longer with us, the memory

of her continues to live. Her generosity

in spirit, her love of life and her warm

laughter will forever be remembered.

She is forever in our hearts.

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MARK The Special Season with a Special Gift from the Heartwarming Gifts Boutique at the Care Centre

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All proceeds support the Care Centre!Gifts Boutique located at 60 Richview Road, Toronto

For more information call 647-725-0844

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