Uganda janfeb2013

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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This is a bit more descriptive of the images found in the previous powerpoint. These images are form the Mercytrips Ugandan Mission Jan Feb 2013

Transcript of Uganda janfeb2013

Winter 2013, Jan-Feb 2013 Ugandan Mission Trip

Hotel Lobby, the Golf Course Hotel

The Golf Course Hotel

The Golf Course Hotel in Kampala

Setting Up the OR’s

Unpacking supplies for surgery

Setting up and getting organized

Stocking shelves before surgery

“..and all those instruments!”

“Ready to Scrub”

The New Nursing School at Kanginima

Patrick Mutono, MD and Lab Tech, Kanginima Hospital Lab

Our Only Anesthesia Machine, circa 1980

Another OR to be Set up, brand new since last trip!

A malarial spleenectomy

Odd cases from surgery clinic

Another new operating room !

The recovery ward before patients

The Ward after Surgery

A little malaria?......

Kanginima Hospital

Dr Mudooba and Dr VW scubbed on a Karamoja warrior

Three docs in a mastectomy

Working on a ganglion wrist cyst

Karamoja interpreters

Karamoja Women Interpreters

The Kids of Karamoja

The Homes of the Karamoja

Thatched Huts and Low Doors

Beads and Togas

The Ladies of Karamoja

Children and Stilt homes

The Vast Land of the Karamoja

Compounds protected from other warriors

Protected by brambles

Front gate to Village

The Ankole Cattle of the Karamoja

Traditional Karamoja dress

Sissiya Falls

Looking over the cliff

“I am not scared of heights…”

“…my mom and dad are moonshiners up here on the cliff”

The “Still” from a distance

The White Nile out of Lake Victoria

The Team at Source of the Nile

The very first island in the Nile

Gandhi wanted his ashes in the headwaters of the Nile

The Team

The warrior team

A completed filtered spring

Filtering a natural spring

Filtering a natural spring

“This bone chip came out of my leg….”

Dx: Osteomyelitis with Bone Extrusion

A Keloid Scar

Thousands gather for clinic day

Entrepreneurship everywhere in Mbale

Selling in Bulk is the way…

Lunch for 3 dollars, curried goat and rice…

Devotions each Morning……..

A brand new community church !

Multinational Medical Relief Corps of (June 2013)