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Transcript of Uganda





Father Francis Xavier Musolooza

An Introduction to Father Francis and Ugandan Culture

Father Francis

Born on Nov. 25, 1969

Oldest child, has four brothers

Attended Nkoni primary school Bukalasa Minor Seminary Katigondo Major Seminary Ggaba Major Seminary

Ordained Aug. 1, 1998 at Kitovu Cathedral Parish Served as Curate for 3 years Chaplain of Daughters of Mary Congregation for 10 years

Personal Interests Likes to sing Favorite Bible verse: Luke 17:10 Favorite book: My Life with Christ (Anthony J Paone, SJ) Favorite food: Looking forward to finding it!

Katigondo Major Seminary

13.6 million Catholics, 42% of total population

Estimated 81% of the population is Christian

Priests and other clergy are held in high esteem

1200 young men in 4 national seminaries currently preparing for the priesthood (up to 7 seminarians per single room)

Still considered a shortage of priests due to continuing rapid growth of the Catholic Church

Feast of Uganda Martyrs is a national holiday

John Baptist Kaggwa, Bishop

8226 square miles 900,000 Catholics Erected as a Diocese in 1939

239 priests 49 parishes 1 Major Seminary 1 Minor Seminary Several Catholic primary schools 3 major Catholic hospitals Many Catholic dispensaries

Ordinations August 6, 2011 7 deacons ordained to priesthood 12 seminarians ordained as deacons

Diocese of Masaka, Uganda

John Baptist Kaggwa, Bishop


• The Pearl of Africa

• 32 million people

• Youngest nation in the world – over half the population are children

• Home to some of the friendliest people in Africa

• Official motto – “For God and my Country”

The Evergreen Country

Home to over half of all mountain gorillas in the world

Over 1040 bird species – home to 11% of the birds found in the world

26% lakes and rivers

Home of tallest mountain range in Africa – The Ruwenzori Mountains

Home of Lake Victoria, the source of the Nile

Pleasant weather all year

The Ruwenzori Mountains

Ugandan Society

Family structure

Similar to other African countries, the man is viewed as the head of the home, the breadwinner and the final authority in decision making. Women and children are expected to submit to his ruling. They are also expected to be respectful and in some cases have a relationship with the Patriarch governed by fear.  Most households live communally where parents live in a large compound with their children and their families. Each man is the head of his own home and the oldest man is the head of the entire household.  In the case of the death of a breadwinner, his siblings are responsible for raising the family. 

Home to 11% of the birds found in the world

Ugandan Society

Wars and Security

Uganda has suffered from civil wars since the early 1980s. The Lord’s Resistant Army (LRA) is the last remaining anti-government organization from the Ugandan Civil war and has remained a threat in the region attacking as recently as 2010. This has resulted in a lack of security in parts of the country. In northern Uganda about 40,000 families flee their homes at night to sleep in schools, hospitals and parks in nearby towns.

Blue headed tree agama Ugandan Society

Traditions Certain customs or ethnic practices

such as the use of traditional herbs, minerals and animal products for medicinal purposes are common in Uganda and are often preferred for treating illnesses over Western medical practices and drugs.

Small home in an agricultural village

Click icon to add picture80% of the people employed in rural areas are employed in agriculture

Most families grow their own food in rural areas

Staples include matoke, cassava, sweet potatoes, beans, nuts, cabbage, tomatoes, paw paws, and banana gin

Fast food


Ugandan Table Customs

Most people produce their own food. The responsibility for preparing the family's meals belongs solely to women and girls. Men and boys of age 12 and above are not expected to sit in the kitchen, which is separate from the main house. Cooking is done on an open fire using wood for fuel.

Families usually eat two meals a day: lunch and supper. Breakfast is a cup of tea or a bowl of porridge or soybeans.

When a meal is ready, all members of the household wash their hands and sit down on [floor] mats. Hands have to be washed before and after the meal because most Ugandans eat with their hands. At mealtime everybody is welcome; visitors and neighbors who drop in are expected to join the family.

Food is served by women. They cut it up into small pieces for each member of the family. Sauce, which is usually a stew with vegetables, beans, butter, salt, and curry powder, is served to each person on a plate. Sometimes fish or beef stew is served.

A short prayer is said before the meal. Children talk only when asked a question. It is bad manners to reach for salt or a spoon or to leave the room while others are still eating. Everyone respects the meal by staying seated until the meal is over. Leaning on the left hand or stretching ones legs while at a meal is a sign of disrespect and is not tolerated.

People usually drink water at the end of the meal. It is considered odd to drink water while eating.

When the meal is finished, everyone gives a compliment to the mother, saying, "Thank you for preparing the meal, madam." No dessert is served. Fruits are eaten as a snack between meals.

Table Manners Summary Ugandan Food Staples

DO wash your hands before eating.

DO sit on a floor mat during a meal. DO expect a prayer to be before you

begin eating.

DO understand that children will only talk during a meal if asked a question.

DON'T leave the room during a meal. DON'T lean on your left hand or stretch

your legs during a meal.

DO compliment the mother after the meal is done.

Matoke (cooking bananas) Cassava (manioc)

Sweet potatoes, white potatoes, yams

Beans, peas, groundnuts (peanuts)

Cabbage, onions, pumpkins


Oranges, paw paws (papayas), lemons, pineapples

Waragi, banana gin; the national drink

Culture, Customs and Etiquette

Ugandan Traditional Foods

Matoke – cooking bananas

Waragi – banana gin

Comes in a bottle or a bag

ripe paws paws

Paw paw flowers in May

Under paw paw leaves


From flowers to

Traditional Recipe: Veal Curry with Bananas


• 200g onions, finely chopped• 1 tbsp curry powder• 1 tsp salt• 1/4 tsp black pepper• 1/4 tsp freshly-grated ginger• 60g butter• 900g veal cut into 3cm

cubes• 900g tomatoes cut into

small wedges• 250ml water • 4 bananas, peeled and cut

into 5cm lengths

Method Add butter to a large

saucepan and melt. Add onions, curry powder,

salt, pepper, ginger and veal. Fry for 10 minutes. Add tomatoes and water and

simmer for 30 minutes before adding bananas.

Simmer for 15 minutes longer then pour into a large bowl.

Serve with a separate bowl of boiled rice and braised cabbage.

Headstrong women bringing in the harvest

Click icon to add pictureBlue and black butterfly




Culture, Customs, and Etiquette

Women and children walking home from church

Greetings Communication Style

Speak slowly and enunciate Most Ugandans have difficulty understanding rapidly spoken English.

Men greeting Men A handshake is appropriate; tends to be energetic, often linger a bit.  To express deference, the hand-shaker may lightly grip his hand-shaking forearm with the opposite hand. Many times men will hold hands with other men, and often the handshake is prolonged into this hand-holding. This is just a sign of friendship and closeness and does not suggest a sexual relationship.

Women greeting Women A handshake and/or nod of

acknowledgment is appropriate in most situations. Many times women will hold hands with other women, and often the handshake is prolonged into this hand-holding.

Meetings between Men and Women Appropriate greetings depend on the nature of the relationship and region. A handshake is usually appropriate but it is best to wait for the woman to extend her hand, otherwise a bow or a nod of acknowledgment will suffice.

Note:  Always use your right hand when shaking hands.

Ugandans tend to communicate more indirectly than directly.

Saving face and maintaining harmony is paramount.

Stories and proverbs are common means of expressing a point indirectly and require the implicit knowledge of the listener.

Greetings and a good amount of small talk almost

always occur before talking about more substantive matters.

Feelings tend to not be accurately expressed between adults. Sometimes it is difficult to ascertain true feelings behind the smiles and warm gestures or behind feigned sternness.

Humor plays a big role in communicating and most

Ugandans enjoy a good joke. 

Avoid sarcasm as it may not translate well, if at all.  

Culture, Customs, and Etiquette

Eye ContactPersonal Space and Touch

Indirect eye contact is preferred. You can look at someone directly, but no continuous eye contact.

Overly direct eye contact can be

considered aggressive. Women and children may look down

or away when conversing with men or with elders to show deference.

Deference for authority and respect for hierarchy is communicated by the preference for indirect eye contact.

Personal space tends to be very minimal in Uganda. People often talk very close to each other; less than an arm’s length away.

When two people of the same sex

are talking, touching is acceptable.  It is common to touch the hands, arms, and shoulders.

When two people of the opposite

sex talk there is very little or no touching. The only appropriate touch is usually a handshake.

Culture, Customs, and Etiquette

Gestures View of Time

When gesturing for someone to come,  face your palm downwards and make a scratching motion with the fingers.

  It is rude to point at people. Pointing is

reserved for dogs, so usually the whole hand/arm is used.

Holding the palm upwards and then motioning in a small flick downwards (like throwing a yo-yo) has a variety of vague meanings.  It could be questioning (“What?”), apologizing ("Sorry, what can I do?”) or filler ("You know.")

Time is unlimited.

Deadlines, plans, and schedules are flexible. People are expected to arrive within the first hour or two after the appointed time.

Relationships take precedence over punctuality.

The higher the status of the person, the more they are excused of lateness. The more prestigious the event the later guests will arrive.

Culture, Customs, and Etiquette

Gender Issues Taboos

Male dominant society, but role of women is changing.

Rural women most likely housewives. Expected to cook, clean, do laundry, take care of children, and work their land.

Once married, the woman is transferred from her family to the man's and takes on his clan.

Marriage can be in early teens, but most common in late teens.

The man transfers "bride wealth" to the woman's family.

Polygamy is generally acceptable.

In rural areas, women wear clothing that covers their legs. Showing too much leg can result in being called derogatory names.

Urban women are more likely to work and have a career. Opportunities are becoming more varied, but salaries and room for growth tend to be limited.

Walking over versus around any bowls or pots (especially those containing food) is considered rude.

Spending time in silence versus conversation is often times interpreted as rude.

Men almost always wear long pants, even in the hottest weather; shorts are a sign of being a child.

Culture, Customs, and Etiquette

Changing role of women

Orphan girls performing a traditional dance

Understanding nuances and social etiquette in language

Begin every conversation with a greeting: Never ask for anything first such as directions. If you cannot speak any Luganda or Swahili, "how are you" will be understood by most anyone. Even a three year old will answer in Uganda with "fine."

If you know someone: Treat them with kindness as you would your own family. Greet with a handshake inquiring how they are, how their family is and so on. This is respectful.

Direct eye contact is avoided out of respect, not a sign of rudeness or an attempt to hide something.

Introducing someone: When introducing someone say something complimentary, yet truthful, showing you respect them.

Do not make promises or hints of such: Westerners often make promises. Never make promises that you do not intent to keep or cannot keep simply by trying to be polite.

When a Ugandan asks you for something: Asking in Ugandan culture is not wrong and neither is saying no. They can ask; you can say, “no.”

Do not use slang: You will get a look like you just came from another planet.

If frustrated keep calm: Losing your cool is bad manners and you are seen as a weak person.

Toilet, washroom, bathroom: You will get a blank stare when asking for such, but mention short call, everyone here will know that you are not making a short phone call, but need to use the facilities.

Speak in a soft tone until people get to know you.

Yes and Yes: If a Ugandan does not understand you at times, they will still answer with "yes" so as to not be humiliated. Keep that in mind.

You are fat: Here it is not an insult but an observation, and in some cases a compliment, simply laugh.

Conversation Ugandan Style

Meaning of com mon phrases

Muzungu: Ugandan jargon - white person who comes from the west. (Bazungu is plural)

Bananas: Uganda is the Banana Republic, 57 varieties, one indigenous kind is poisonous.

Chai: It means Tea in Uganda; it also means a bribe.

Chapatti: Flour flat bread fried in oil, much like a taco using flour and yeast rolled out into a round bread.

Gonja: Roasted Bananas over a charcoal stove on

a grill.

Rolex: Not the watch, but a chapatti with scrambled eggs with onions, tomatoes, green peppers and cabbage.

Irish: Potatoes and usually not called potatoes

but simply Irish. Usually small, but tasty.

Nile Perch: Very large fresh water fish. A good eating fish Ugandans love, but most prefer tilapia fish whole.

LRA: The Lord's Resistance Army under the leadership of Joseph Kony which has held Uganda in fear for 20 years. The last two years there has been a cease-fire agreement but the peace agreement is yet to be signed. 30,000 children were abducted, 2 1/2 million people displaced and just now returning.

Luganda: Written and spoken language of Baganda people.

Mandazi: Uganda's version of a doughnut, often millet flour is used. Not as sweet and light as European or American doughnuts.

Saloon: Not a bar like the West of the USA but Salon where you get your hair done.

Short Call: Going to the toilet and not a phone call.

Language and Conversation

Home to over half the mountain gorillas in the world Useful Luganda Phrases

Olyotya: How are you Kikati: What's up? Wasuze otya?: How did you

sleep?/goodmorning Sula bulungi: Sleep well/goodnight Burungi: Okay Akayu kali ludawa: Where is the



Uganda’s Flora and Fauna

Uganda wild life

Blue bird

Pair of Grey Crowned Cranes

Uganda’s wealth

Malachite Kingfisher 26 % lakes and rivers

Elliott’s chameleon

Flower on a vine

Euphorbia trees on the savanna

Male waterbok Kobus

Flora and Fauna

26 % lakes and rivers Black and white butterfly

Two headed male waterbok kobus (or lucky camera shot)

Contemplating gorilla

Purple and blue fly


African elephant

Clown worm

Saint Anne Catholic Church

Father Francis,

Father Tim, the staff, and parishioners of Saint Anne Catholic Church welcome you.

We look forward to getting to know you, working with you and growing with you.

Our prayers are with you as you begin this exciting journey for the Lord.

The community of Saint Anne Catholic Church

September 2011

Thank you to Rhet Butler, @ for use of his photographs

Green bug






war/uganda Cuisine CIA Factbook

Blue headed agama