UEDA Summit 2013 - Awards of Excellence - Research & Analysis - The Value-Chain of Colorado...

Post on 12-Nov-2014

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In June 2012, Colorado’s Governor Hickenlooper remarked that “Agriculture led the Colorado out of the recession,” highlighting Colorado’s agriculture as a critical driver of Colorado’s economy. The typical research methodology employed by business schools to better understand industry barriers and opportunities is a supply chain analysis. Already knowing the linear progression of goods through the stages of agricultural production, we needed an innovative research and analysis methodology to reveal industry dynamics, characterize the unexpected connections within the industry, and gain a more holistic perspective of how this industry operates more as a web than a progression. To accomplish this we worked with our College of Agriculture, and Agriculture Economics faculty to develop the Value Chain of Colorado Agriculture. This value chain research and analysis, which has never been done before for the full agriculture industry in Colorado, revealed new unexpected collaborations, new potential research opportunities, a fresh perspective on agriculture from non- agriculture industries, and a broader set of agriculture industry connections. The Value Chain encompassed more diversity than is typical, including 125 separate sub-sectors. This study focused on workforce, agricultural innovation and technologies, building or recruiting agriculture businesses, and identifying the unique branding opportunities in Colorado to reach the global audience and their markets. As a result of the study, government, industry, workforce, and economic development strategies can better leverage existing strengths. This innovative research and analysis creates opportunities for broader, integrated decision making which accelerates the advance of Colorado agriculture in a global economy. Read the Case Study: http://universityeda.org/value-to-members/best-practice-sharing/awards-of-excellence/awards-of-excellence-2013-finalists/the-value-chain-of-colorado-agriculture/

Transcript of UEDA Summit 2013 - Awards of Excellence - Research & Analysis - The Value-Chain of Colorado...

The Value Chain of Colorado Agriculture

1. Build a Business-friendly Environment

2. Recruit, Retain, and Grow Companies

3. Improve Access to Capital

4. Create and Market a Stronger Colorado Brand

5. Educate and Train the Workforce of the Future

6. Cultivate Innovation and Technology

“…an unprecedented effort to engage every county in Colorado on how best to improve the state’s economy…”

- Gov. John Hickenlooper

Engagement Research Engagement

Changes the conversation

Generates economic-development


Flowchart of the Value Chain of

Colorado Agriculture

$27.5 billion

$4.8 billion

$88 million

$10.5 billion

$4.0 billion

$3.0 billion

$2.4 billion

$0.9 billion

Encompasses more than 200 individual sectors or NAICS codes.

Engagement Research Engagement

Changes the conversation

Generates economic-development


1. Build a Business-friendly Environment

2. Recruit, Retain, and Grow Companies

3. Improve Access to Capital

4. Create and Market a Stronger Colorado Brand

5. Educate and Train the Workforce of the Future

6. Cultivate Innovation and Technology

1. Build a Business-friendly Environment

2. Recruit, Retain, and Grow Companies

3. Improve Access to Capital

4. Create and Market a Stronger Colorado Brand

5. Educate and Train the Workforce of the Future

6. Cultivate Innovation and Technology

Top 25 Colorado assignees of patents in agricultural and food technologies

1. Build a Business-friendly Environment

2. Recruit, Retain, and Grow Companies

3. Improve Access to Capital

4. Create and Market a Stronger Colorado Brand

5. Educate and Train the Workforce of the Future

6. Cultivate Innovation and Technology

1. Build a Business-friendly Environment

2. Recruit, Retain, and Grow Companies

3. Improve Access to Capital

4. Create and Market a Stronger Colorado Brand

5. Educate and Train the Workforce of the Future

6. Cultivate Innovation and Technology

Thank You!

Kathay RennelsKathay.Rennels@ColoState.edu970.491.7304

Dr. Gregory GraffGregory.Graff@ColoState.edu970.491.4028

For print copies and further information:

Jim BeersJim.Beers@colostate.edu970.491.2332

This project was made possible by support from the Colorado

Department of Agriculture and the Colorado State University

Office of Engagement.

Full report available online at:http://outreach.colostate.edu