
Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Tw20

[Chapter 20]

[Principle 14:Became a Learning Organization Through Relentless Reflection(Hansei) and

Continuous Improvement(Kaizan)]

The Principle: Identify root causes and develop countermeasures

• System

• Learn

Kaizen (continuous improvement)

Getting to the root cause by asking “Why?” five times

Practical problem solving “in Seven Step”

1. Initial problem perception

2. Clarify the problem

3. Locate area/Point of case (POC)

4. 5-why? Investigation of root cause

5. Countermeasure

6. Evaluate

7. Standardize

Hansei: responsibility, self-reflection and organizational learning

• Hansei = Reflection

Process vs. Results orientation: The role of metrics

• Global performance measures

• Operational performance measures

• Stretch improvement metrics

Hoshin Kanri – Directing and motivating organizational learning

Creating a learning organization is a long-term journey

Group 9

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