tugas arip

Post on 26-Sep-2015

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Transcript of tugas arip


Citrus plants are annual fruit crops from Asia. China is believed to be the first place where oranges grow. Since hundreds of years ago, orange has grown in Indonesia either natural or cultivated. Citrus crop in Indonesia is a relic of the Dutch people who bring sweet oranges and tangerines from America and Italy.


Citrus plants botanical classification is as follows:

Division: Spermatophyta

Sub Division: Angiospermae

Class: Dicotyledonae

Order: Rutales

Family: Rutaceae

Genus: Citrus

Species: Citrus sp.

Local citrus fruits grown in Indonesia is orange Tangerines (Citrus reticulata / nobilis L.), Siem orange (C. microcarpa L. and C.sinensis. L) consisting of Siem Pontianak, Siem Garut, Siem Lumajang, sweet orange (C. . auranticum L. and C.sinensis L.), lemon / lemon (C. medica), a large orange (C.maxima Herr.) which consists of jerukNambangan-Madiumdan Bali. Oranges for seasoning consisting of lime (C. aurantifolia), grapefruit Purut (C. hystrix) and orange sauce (C. hystix ABC).

Oranges are widely grown varieties are introduced varieties Lemon and Grapefruit. While local varieties are orange siem, baby oranges, tangerines field, bali, lemon and lime.


1) The benefits of citrus plants as food fresh fruit or processed foods, which are high vitamin C content.

2) In some countries have produced oil from citrus peel and seeds, molasses, alcohol and pectin from citrus fruit is wasted. Orange peel oil is used to make perfume, scented soaps, essences for drinks and cake mixes.

3) Some types of citrus such as lime is used as a traditional medicine for fever, pain, upper airway inflammation and healing eye.


Orange centers in Indonesia spread include: Garut (West Java), Tawangmangu (Central Java), Stone (East Java), Tejakula (Bali), Selayar (South Sulawesi), Pontianak (West Kalimantan) and Medan (North Sumatra). Due to a virus attack CVPD (Citrus Vein Phloen Degeneration), several centers of cultivation decreased production compounded by the orange trade monopoly system which currently does not apply anymore.


5.1. climate

1. The wind speed is more than 40-48% will shed flowers and fruit. For areas with high intensity and wind speed better plant windbreaks planted rows perpendicular to the wind direction.

2. Depending on the species, orange require 5-6, 6-7 or 9 months of wet (rainy season). The wet months is required for the development of flowers and fruits for the soil remains moist. In Indonesia, this plant is in need of adequate water, especially in the month of July-August.

3. The optimum temperature between 25-30 degrees C, but there are still able to grow normally at 38 degrees C. Oranges Tangerines require a temperature of 20 degrees C.

4. All kinds of citrus do not like a place protected from sunlight.

5. The optimum moisture for plant growth is around 70-80%.

5.2. Growing Media

1. Good soil is loam to sandy loam to clay fraction 7- 27%, 25-50% of dust and sand

2. Type Andosol soil and Latosol very suitable for the cultivation of citrus.

3. The degree of soil acidity (pH soil) which is suitable for the cultivation of citrus is 5.5 to 6.5 with the optimum pH 6.

4. The optimum soil water is at a depth of 150-200 cm below the soil surface. In the dry season, 150 cm and 50 cm in the rainy season. Citrus plants like water containing salt around 10%.

5. Citrus plants can grow well in areas with a slope of about 30 .

5.3. altitude Places

High where cultivated citrus can vary from lowland

to high depending on the species:

1. Type Tangerines Madura, Tejakula Keprok: 1-900 m asl.

2. Type Tangerines Batu 55, Tangerines Garut: 700-1200 m asl.

3. Type Sweet Punten, Waturejo, wno, VLO: 300-800 m above sea level.

4. Type Siem: 1-700 m asl.

5. Type Large Nambangan-Madison, Bali, Roll: 1-700 m asl.

6. Type Japan Kasturi, Kumkuat: 1-1000 m asl.

7. Type Purut: 1-400 m asl.


6.1. Nurseries

1. Seed Requirements

Commonly grown citrus seedlings derived from vegetative propagation in the form of shoot tip grafting. Good seed is free of disease, similar to its parent (true to type), lush, trunk diameter of 2-3 cm, surface smooth stem, root fibers lot, taproot medium-sized and certified seed breeding.

2. Seed Preparation

Seeds used for the cultivation of citrus obtained by generative and vegetative.

3. Seed Seeding Technique

a) How generative

Seeds taken from squeeze the fruit in a way that has been cut. Dried beans in a place that is not exposed for 2-3 days until the mucus is lost.

Nursery area has fertile soil. 30-4- cm soil depth processed and prepared seedbed plot measuring 1.15 to 1.20 m stretching from north to south. Distance plot of 0.5-1 m. Before planting, apply manure to 1 kg / m2.

Seeds are planted in the groove with a spacing of 1-1.5 x 2 cm and immediately watered. After planting, nursery roof. Dipindahtanam seedlings in polybags 15 x 35 cm after 20 cm high at the age of 3-5 months. Media grown in polythene bags is a mixture of manure and chaff (2: 1) or manure, chaff, sand (1: 1: 1).

b) How Vegetative

A common method is the shoot tip grafting and pasting the eye patch. For both these ways need to be prepared rootstock (onderstam / rootstock) were selected from citrus fruits with strong roots and a broad, high environmental adaptability, drought resistant, resistant / tolerant to viral diseases, root rot and nematodes. Rootstock varieties commonly used by breeders are Japanese citroen, Rough lemon, Cleopatra, and Carizzo Citrange Troyer citrange.

6.2. Media Processing Plant

Citrus crops grown in upland rice soil / land slopes. If planted in a hill should be made swale / terrace. Land to be ditamani cleaned from other plants or plant debris. Spacing varies for each type of citrus can be seen in the following data:

1) Tangerines and Siem: spacing of 5 x 5 m

2) Sweet: spacing of 7 x 7 m

3) Citron (Citroen): spacing of 6 x 7 m

4) Lime: a spacing of 4 x 4 m

5) Grape fruit: a spacing of 8 x 8 m

6) Large: planting distance (10-12) x (10-12) m

Planting hole was made only on land that has not been processed and made 2 weeks before the ground. Land inside the soil separated from the topsoil (25 cm). Derived from the upper layers of soil mixed with 20 kg of manure. After planting the land returned to its original place. Beds (ridges) measuring 1 x 1 x 1 m is only made if citrus is grown in paddy soil.

6.3. Planting techniques

Citrus seedlings can be planted in the rainy season or dry season if the available water to water, but you should be planted at the beginning of the rainy season. Before planting, needs to be done:

1) Reduction of excessive leaves and branches.

2) Reduction of the root.

3) Setting the position of the root so that no folded.

Once the seedlings out in the garden, flush taste and mulched straw, palm leaves or leaves that are free of disease in the vicinity. Place mulch such a way so as not to touch the stem to avoid stem rot.

Before crop production and canopy shade each other, both between plants can be planted legumes / vegetables. After canopy cover each other, between the plant was replaced by grass / legume ground cover that also functions as an enhancer of nitrogen for citrus crops.

6.4. Plant maintenance

1. Stitching

Performed on plants that do not grow.

2. Weeding

Weeds are cleaned in accordance with the frequency of growth, at the time of fertilization also weeded.

3. Pembubunan

If planted on sloping ground, to consider whether there is soil around the roots eroded. The addition of the land needs to be done if the base of the roots have started to appear.

4. Pruning

Pruning aims to form a canopy of trees and eliminate diseased branches, dry and unproductive / undesirable. From the buds start to grow allow 3-4 buds on a uniform distance which later would form the tree canopy. In the subsequent growth, each branch has a 3-4 twigs or multiples.

Trimmings scar covered with a fungicide or wax to prevent disease. Pruning shears should first dip into klorox / alcohol. Diseased twigs burned or buried in the ground.

5. Fertilization

Provision of fertilizers and dose (g / plant) after planting is as follows:

a) 1 month: Urea = 100; ZA = 200; TSP = 25; ZK = 100; Dolomite = 20; P.kandang = 20 kg / tan.

b) 2 months: Urea = 200; ZA = 400; TSP = 50; ZK = 200; Dolomite = 40; P.kandang = 40 kg / tan.

c) 3 months: Urea = 300; ZA = 600; TSP = 75; ZK = 300; Dolomite = 60; P.kandang = 60 kg / tan.

d) 4 months: Urea = 400; ZA = 800; TSP = 100; ZK = 400; Dolomite = 80; P.kandang = 80 kg / tan.

e) 5 months: Urea = 500; ZA = 1000; TSP = 125; ZK = 500; Dolomite = 100; P.kandang = 100 kg / tan.

f) 6 months: Urea = 600; ZA = 1200; TSP = 150; ZK = 600; Dolomite = 120; P.kandang = 120 kg / tan.

g) 7 months: Urea = 700; ZA = 1400; TSP = 175; ZK = 700; Dolomite = 140; P.kandang = 140 kg / tan .;

h) 8 months: Urea = 800; ZA = 1600; TSP = 200; ZK = 800; Dolomite = 160; P.kandang = 160 kg / tan.

i)> 8 months: Urea> 1000; ZA = 2000; TSP = 200; ZK = 800; Dolomite = 200; P.kandang = 200 kg / tan.

7. Irrigation and Watering

Watering should not inundate the root stem. Plants are watered at least once a week during the dry season. If less water is available, the soil around the plants digemburkan and closed mulch.

8. Thinning Fruit

In the year in which the orange trees with fruit, thinning is necessary in order to be able to support tree growth and fruit weight and fruit quality is maintained. Discarded fruit includes fruit of the sick, who are not exposed to the sun (in the shade of the leaves) and excess fruit in one stalk. Remove the fruit at the end of the fruit group in the main stalk there and leaving only 2-3 pieces.


7.1. pest

1. Fleas (D. citri.)

Part of being attacked is the stalk, leaf buds, shoots, young leaves.

Symptoms: curly shoots, the plant dies.

Control: use of insecticide active ingredient dimethoate (Roxion 40 EC, 40 EC Rogor), Monocrotophos (Azodrin 60 WSC) and endosulfan (Thiodan 3G, 35 EC and 350 EC Dekasulfan). Spraying is done prior to and during sprout, addition discard the affected areas.

2. Aphids (Toxoptera citridus Aurantii, Aphis gossypii.)

Part of being attacked is the young shoots and flowers.

Symptoms: The leaves curl and lasting until the leaves mature.

Control: using insecticide with the active ingredient Methidathion (Supracide 40 EC), Dimethoate (Perfecthion, Rogor 40 EC, Cygon), Diazinon (Basudin 60 EC), Phosphamidon (Dimecron 50 SCW), Malathion (Gisonthion 50 EC).

3. peliang leaf caterpillar (Phyllocnistis citrella.)

Part of being attacked is the young leaves.

Symptoms: transparent or silvery circular groove, shoots / young leaves wrinkle, roll, fall.

Control: spray insecticide with the active ingredient Methidathion (Supracide 40 EC, 60 EC Basudin), Malathion (Gisonthion 50 EC, 50 WP)

4. Mites (Tenuipalsus sp., Eriophyes sheldoni Tetranychus sp)

Part of being attacked is the stalk, leaves and fruit.

Symptoms: keperakperakan or brown spots on the fruit and yellow or brown spots on the leaves.

Control: spray insecticide propargite (ommittee), Cyhexation (Plictran), Dicofol (Kelthane), Oxythioquimox (Morestan 25 WP, WP Dicarbam 50).

5) fruit borer (Citripestis sagittiferella.)

Part of being attacked is a fruit.

Symptoms: sap holes.

Control: picking fruit infected then use insecticides

Methomyl (Lannate 25 WP, Nudrin 24 WSC), Methidathion (Supracide 40 EC)

sprayed on fruit 2-5 weeks old.

6) leaf-sucking lice (Helopeltis antonii.)

Part of being attacked Helopeltis antonii.

Symptoms: blackish brown spots with

lighter-colored centers on young shoots and fruit, fruit spotting fluid disertaikeluarnya become necrotic.

Control: spray insecticide Fenitrotionmothion (Sumicidine 50 EC), Fenithion (Lebaycid), methamidophos (Tamaron), Methomil (Lannate 25 WP).

7) Silkworm gall flowers and fruit borer (Prays sp.)

Part of being attacked is the flower buds of sweet orange or grapefruit bes.

Symptoms: ex holes 0.3-0.5 cm in diameter, easily fall flowers, young fruit fall before dark.

Control: use insecticide with the active ingredient Methomyl (Lannate 25 WP) and Methidathion (Supracide 40 EC). Then dispose of the attack.

8) Thrips (Scirtotfrips citri.)

Part of being attacked is young stems and leaves.

Symptoms: thickened leaves, leaf edges curl upward, leaf bud at the tip of black, dry and fall, scar grayish brown sometimes with necrotising.

Control: keep the plant canopy is not too tight and measuk to part sun canopy, avoid wearing straw mulch. Then use active insecticide Difocol (Kelthane) or Z-propargite (ommittee) during germination.

9) Ticks dompolon (Planococcus citri.)

Part of being attacked is the fruit stalk.

Symptoms: yellow beam,

dry and deciduous fruit.

Control: use insektisda Methomyl (Lannate 25 WP), triazophos (Fostathion 40 EC), Carbaryl (Sevin 85 S), Methidathion (Supracide 40 EC). Then the advent prevent infestation of ants that can move.

10) The fruit fly (Dacus sp.)

Part of being attacked is nearly ripe fruit.

Symptoms: a small hole in the middle, deciduous fruit, small maggots inside the fruit.

Control: use of insecticide Fenthion (Lebaycid 550 EC), Dimethoathe (Roxion 40 EC, 40 EC Rogor) was mixed with methyl-eugenol Pheromones Hydrolisate or protein.

11) Ticks scales (Lepidosaphes beckii Unaspis citri.)

Part of being attacked leaves, fruits and stems.

Symptoms: yellow leaves, spotting khlorotis and autumn leaves. In the visible symptoms of severe attacks twigs and branches cracked skin dry and deciduous fruit.

Control: use the pesticide Diazinon (Basudin 60 EC, 10 G, Basazinon 45/30 EC), Phosphamidon (Dimecron 50 SCW), Dichlorophos (Nogos 50 EC), Methidhation (Supracide 40 EC).

12) Beetle proboscis (Maeuterpes dentipes.)

Part of being attacked is the old leaves on twigs or branches bottom.

Symptoms: autumn leaves, twigs sometimes die young.

Control: improve sanitation garden, reduce humidity rooting. Then use the insecticide Carbaryl (Sevin 85 S) and Diazinon (Basudin 60 EC, 10 G).

7.2. disease


Cause: The bacterium like organism with the vector fleas D. citri. Part of being attacked: the central cylinder (phloem) rods.

Symptoms: narrow leaves, small, pointed, small fruit, acid, base damaged seeds and orange fruit.

Control: use the plants healthy and free CVPD. In addition, the placement location of the garden at least 5 miles of orange groves were attacked CVPD. Use insecticides for vector and watch a good field sanitation.

2. tristeza

Cause: Citrus tristeza virus vector Toxoptera. Part of being attacked sweet orange, lemon, orange rootstock large and Japanese citroen.

Symptoms: the curve of the stem, leaf discoloration rigid, veins of leaves, stunted growth.

Control: note the garden sanitation, destroy affected plants, then the vector control with insecticides Supracide or Cascade.

3. Woody gall (Vein Enation)

Cause: Citrus vein virus vector Enation with Toxoptera citridus, Aphis gossypii. Part of being attacked: Orange juice, sweet, siem, Rough lemon and Sour Orange.

Symptoms: irregular protrusion of bone leaves scattered on the leaf surface.

Control: use of virus-free eye patch and note the environmental sanitation.

4. Blendok

Cause: The fungus Diplodia natalensis. Part of being attacked is the trunk or branch.

Symptoms: underarm skin produces gum branch which attract beetles, wood color so grayish, dry skin and flaking.

Control: cutting the infected branches, the cut given karbolineum or fungicides Cu. and fungicide Benomyl 2 times a year.

5. Powdery mildew

Cause: The fungus Odidium tingitanium. Part of being attacked are the leaves and young stems.

Symptoms: white flour in the leaves and young stems.

Control: use fungicide Pyrazophos (Afugan) and Bupirimate (Nimrot

25 EC).

6. Scabies

Cause: The fungus Sphaceloma fawcetti. Part of being attacked is the leaves, stems or fruit.

Symptoms: small patches of cork clear that turns into yellow or orange.

Control: regular pruning. Then use dithiocarbamate fungicide / Benomyl (Benlate).

7. Rotten fruit

Cause: Penicillium spp. Phytophtora citriphora, Botryodiplodia theobromae. Part of being attacked is a fruit.

Symptoms: There are flour-bluish-green solid powder on the skin surface.

Control: avoid mechanical damage, dip fruit into hot water / fungicide benpmyl, fruit waxing and trimming the bottom of the tree.

8. Root rot and stem

Cause: Phyrophthoranicotianae fungus. Part of being attacked is the root and the stem and leaves at the ends of branches yellow.

Symptoms: no fresh shoots, dried plants.

Control: processing and good water, sterilizing soil at planting time, for a minimum of 20 cm tall patch of ground.

9. Fruit fall prematurely

Cause: The fungus Fusarium sp. Colletotrichum sp. Alternaria sp. Part of being attacked: fruit and flowers

Symptoms: two-four weeks before the fall harvest.

Control: Fungicides Benomyl (Benlate) or Caprafol.

10. Mushrooms policeman

Cause: Upasia salmonicolor. Part of being attacked is the stem.

Symptoms: transverse cracks on the trunk and release of gum, dry and tough stems exfoliated.

Control: infected skin exfoliated and draped fungicide carbolineum. Then cut the infected branches.

11. Cancer

Cause: The bacterium Xanthomonas campestris Cv. Citri. Part of being attacked is the leaves, stems, fruit.

Symptoms: small patches of dark green or yellow along the edges, wound enlarged and looks like a broken cork

with a diameter of 3-5 mm.

Control: Fungicides Cu like Porridge Bordeaux, Copper oxychlorida. In addition to preventing attacks peliang leaf caterpillar

is with the eye patch dipping into 1,000 ppm streptomycin for 1 hour.


8.1. Characteristics and Harvest

Citrus fruit harvested at optimum cooking, usually aged between 28-36 weeks, depending on the type / variety.

8.2. How to Harvest

Fruit plucked by using pruning shears.

8.3. Estimated Production

On average each tree can produce 300-400 pieces per year, sometimes up to 500 pieces per year. Citrus production in Indonesia is about 5.1 tons / ha is still under production in subtropical countries which can reach 40 tons / ha.


9.1. collection

In the garden, the fruit gathered in the shade and clean. Separate low quality fruit, bruised and damaged fruit waste. Sorting is done based on the diameter and weight of fruit which usually consists of 4 classes. Class A is the fruit with the largest diameter and weight, while class D has the smallest diameter and weight.

9.2. Sorting and Classification

Once the fruit is picked and collected, then fruit sorted / separated from the rotten fruit. Then oranges are classified according to size and type.

9.3. storage

To save citrus fruit, use a healthy and clean with room temperature 8-10 degrees C.

9.4. packaging

Before delivery, the fruit is packed in bamboo basket / timber that is not too heavy thick to local needs and cardboard for export. Not too dense packing so that the fruit is not damaged. Fruit arranged such that in the citrus fruit is no free air space but the fruit can not move. Container for packing oranges capacity of 50-60 kg.


10.1. Analysis of Cultivation

Analysis cultivation of sweet orange (Jaffa) scale of 1 hectare during the planting period of 6 years in the Batu (Malang) in 1999.

1) Cost of production

a) Lease of land 15 years @ Rp. 1.000.000, -

Rp. 15.000.000, -

b) Seed 400 plants @ Rp. 2,500, -

Rp. 100.000, -

c) Manure

- Year 1, 67 m3 @ Rp. 15.000, -

- Year 2, 83 m3 @ Rp. 15.000, -

- Year 3, 100 m3 @ Rp. 15.000, -

- Year 4, 125 m3 @ Rp. 15.000, -

- Year 5, 150 m3 @ Rp. 15.000, -

- Year 6, 175 m3 @ Rp. 15.000, -

Rp. 1,005,000, -

Rp. 1.245 million, -

Rp. 1.500.000, -

Rp. 1,875,000, -

Rp. 2.250.000, -

Rp. 2.625.000, -

d) Urea

- Year 1, 80 kg @ Rp. 1,410, -

- Year 2, 100 kg @ Rp. 1,410, -

- Year 3, 145 kg @ Rp. 1,410, -

- Year 4, 152 kg @ Rp. 1,410, -

- Year 5, 222 kg @ Rp. 1,410, -

- Year 6, 333 kg @ Rp. 1,410, -

Rp. 112 800, -

Rp. 141.000, -

Rp. 204 450, -

Rp. 214 320, -

Rp. 313 020, -

Rp. 469 530, -

e) Fertilizer SP 36

- Year 1, 65 kg @ Rp. 2055, -

- Year 2, 85 kg @ Rp. 2055, -

- Year 3, 100 kg @ Rp. 2055, -

- Year 4, 100 kg @ Rp. 2055, -

- Year 5, 111 kg @ Rp. 2055, -

- Year 6, 166 kg @ Rp. 2055, -

Rp. 133 575, -

Rp. 174 675, -

Rp. 205 500, -

Rp. 205 500, -

Rp. 228 105, -

Rp. 341 130, -

f) Fertilizer ZK

- Year 1, 26 kg @ Rp. 2.550, -

- Year 2, 50 kg @ Rp. 2.550, -

- Year 3, 73 kg @ Rp. 2.550, -

- Year 4, 152 kg @ Rp. 2.550, -

- Year 5, 333 kg @ Rp. 2.550, -

- Year 6, 500 kg @ Rp. 2.550, -

Rp. 66 300, -

Rp. 127,500, -

Rp. 186 150, -

Rp. 387 600, -

Rp. 849 150, -

Rp. 1.275 million, -

g) leaf manure

- Year 1: 3 liters @ Rp. 54.000, -

- Year 2: 6 liters @ Rp. 54.000, -

- Year 3: 8 liters @ Rp. 54.000, -

- Year 4: 10 liters @ Rp. 54.000, -

- Year 5: 10 liters @ Rp. 54.000, -

- Year 6: 10 liters @ Rp. 54.000, -

Rp. 162,000, -

Rp. 324.000, -

Rp. 432,000, -

Rp. 540,000, -

Rp. 540,000, -

Rp. 540,000, -

h) Drugs and Pesticides (Antracol, Karathane, Nimrod, Dimecron, etc.)

- Year 1:

- Year 2:

- Year 3:

- Year 4:

- Year 5:

- Year 6:

Rp. 3.000.000, -

Rp. 4,400,000, -

Rp. 4.84 million, -

Rp. 5.668 million, -

Rp. 8,400,000, -

Rp. 11.104 million, -

i) Equipment

- Hoe 20 pieces @ Rp. 15.000, -

- Sprayer 3 pieces @ Rp. 300.000, -

- Scissors to trim 5 pcs @ Rp. 50.000, -

Rp. 300.000, -

Rp. 900.000, -

Rp. 250.000, -

j) j. Workforce:

- Power remains 1 or, Rp. 960,000, - / yr

- Land management

Year 1: 15 HOK @ Rp. 5000, -

Year 2-6: 40 HOK, Rp. 200,000 / yr

- Make the planting hole: 70 HOK @ 5,000

- Planting: 30 HOK @ Rp. 5000, -

- Weeding: 20 HOK, Rp. 100,000 / yr

- Fertilization

Year 1-2: 30 HOK, Rp. 150.000, - / yr

Year 3: 40 HOK @ Rp. 5000, -

Year-to-4: 50 HOK @ Rp. 5000, -

Year 5: 65 HOK @ Rp. 5000, -

Year-to-6: 75 HOK @ Rp. 5000, -

- Pengendalaian HPT

Year 1: 24 HOK @ Rp. 5000, -

Year 2: 36 HOK @ Rp. 5000, -

Year 3: 48 HOK @ Rp. 5000, -

- Spraying Hama

All year 1: 50 Hok @ Rp. 5000, -

Year 2: 65 HOK @ Rp. 5000, -

Year 3: 60 HOK @ Rp. 5000, -

- Spraying disease

Year 1: 20 HOK @ Rp. 5000, -

Year 2: 30 HOK @ Rp. 5000, -

Year 3: 30 HOK @ Rp. 5000, -

- Penyabutan rod

Year 2: 16 HOK @ Rp. 5000, -

Year 3: 20 HOK @ Rp. 5000, -

Year-to-4: 30 HOK @ Rp. 5000, -

Year-to-5: 50 HOK @ Rp. 5000, -

Year-to-6: 50 HOK @ Rp. 5000, -

- Watering

Year 1-3: 30 HOK, Rp. 150.000, - / yr

Year 4-6: 40 HOK, Rp. 200.000, - / yr

- Pruning

Year 2: 22 HOK @ Rp. 5000, -

Year 3: 30 HOK @ Rp. 5000, -

Year-to-4: 50 HOK @ Rp. 5000, -

Year-to-5: 60 HOK @ Rp. 5000, -

Year-to-6: 60 HOK @ Rp. 5000, -

Rp. 5.76 million, -

Rp. 75.000, -

Rp. 1.000.000, -

Rp. 350.000, -

Rp. 150.000, -

Rp. 600.000, -

Rp. 300.000, -

Rp. 200.000, -

Rp. 250.000, -

Rp. 325.000, -

Rp. 375.000, -

Rp. 120.000, -

Rp. 180.000, -

Rp. 240.000, -

Rp. 250.000, -

Rp. 325.000, -

Rp. 300.000, -

Rp. 100.000, -

Rp. 150.000, -

Rp. 150.000, -

Rp. 80.000, -

Rp. 100.000, -

Rp. 150.000, -

Rp. 250.000, -

Rp. 250.000, -

Rp. 450.000, -

Rp. 600.000, -

Rp. 110.000, -

Rp. 150.000, -

Rp. 250.000, -

Rp. 300.000, -

Rp. 300.000, -

Total cost of production for 6 years Rp. 86,825,305, -

2) Income (start production year 3)

a. 3rd year: 1665 kg @ Rp. 5.000, - / kg

b. Year 4: 4.995kg @ Rp. 5.000, - / kg

c. Year 5: 9990 kg @ Rp. 5.000, - / kg

d. Year-to-6: 19 960 kg @ Rp. 5.000, - / kg

Total revenue

Rp. 8.325 million, -

Rp. 24.975 million, -

Rp. 49.95 million, -

Rp. 99.8 million, -

Rp.183.050.000, -

3) Gains in 6 years

The average profit per year Rp. 96,224,695, -

Rp. 16.037449,17, -

4) Parameter feasibility

1. B / C ratio

= 2.1


In the cultivation of sweet orange (Jaffa), the plant started production in year 3 and profits began to be obtained starting 4th year.

10.2. Agribusiness Opportunity Overview

Overseas citrus fruits is a commodity that is very important with high economic value. Tendency international demand for fruits including oranges will increase, in addition to the estimated domestic market demand will increase by 10% per year.

Citrus consumption in Indonesia is only 2.7 kg / person / year, is still far from ideal consumption of 6.4 kg / person / year. With an ideal consumption, required 1.3 million tonnes of oranges / year, whereas citrus production in 1996 was only 793 810 tonnes / year at this time does not move much. It is still necessary for the addition of 50 129 ha of citrus orchards.

Prospects citrus agribusiness in Indonesia is getting better because of agricultural land for fruit covers the area millions of acres and the potential increase in citrus production is also high because during the citrus orchards are generally cultivated traditionally. In addition, citrus fruits are commodities whose prices are relatively stable.


11.1. Scope

Standard production include: quality requirements, quality testing method, sampling method and way of packaging.

11.2. description

Tangerines are the fruit of the plant tangerine (Citrus reticulata Lour) skinned easy to peel, in a state quite old, whole fresh and clean.

11.3. Classification and Quality Standards

Tangerines are classified into four (4) sizes of class A, B, C and D, based on the weight of each fruit, each of which is classified into two (2) types of quality, namely Quality I and Quality II.

Class A: diameter of 7.1 cm or 151 g / fruit.

Class B: diameter 6.1 to 7.0 cm or 101-150 g / fruit

Class C: 5.1 to 6.0 cm in diameter or 51-100 g / fruit

Class D: diameter of 4.0-5.0 cm or 50 g / fruit

The tangerine fruit quality requirements are as follows:

1) acidity properties of varieties: Uniforms, organoleptic test methods

2) The rate of aging: Old, not too ripe, organoleptic test methods

3) Hardness: Quite hard, organoleptic test methods

4) Size: less uniform, how to test SP-SMP-309-1981

5) Damage,% (Tot / Tot): max 5-10, how to test SP-SMP-310-1981

6) Dirt: free, free, organoleptic test methods

7) Rot% (Tot / Tot): maks.1-2, how to test SP-SMP-311-1981

11.4. sampling

Samples were taken at random from the amount of packaging as shown below. Of each package were sampled as many as 20 pieces of the upper, middle and lower. The examples of randomized stratified (startified random sampling) to obtain a minimum of 20 pieces to be analyzed.

a) The amount of packaging in the party (lot) up to 100, the samples taken 5.

b) The amount of packaging in the party (lots) 101 to 300, the samples taken 7.

c) The amount of packaging in the party (lots) 301-500, the samples taken 9.

d) The amount of packaging in the party (lots) 501-1000, samples taken 10.

e) The amount of packaging in the party (lots) more than 1000, samples taken from 15 (minimum).

The sampling officer must qualify that person experienced or trained in advance and had ties with legal entities.

11.5 Packaging

Citrus fruit is packed with wooden crates / other materials that conform with the maximum net weight of 30 kg. At the outside packaging labeled that reads include: name of goods, class size, the type of quality, name / code of the company, net weight, country / place of destination, the results of Indonesia, the area of origin.


1. AAK. 1992. Planting Fruit Trees 2. Publisher Kanisisus. Yogyakarta.

2. Rahardi, Yovita H. Indriani & Hary. 1999. Agribusiness Fruit Crops. spreader

Organization. Jakarta.

3. Poster No. 340. 1998. Still Necessary addition of 50 129 ha Citrus Gardens.

4. R. Bambang Soelarso, Ir. 1996. Aquaculture Disease-Free Citrus. Publisher Kanisisus. Yogyakarta.

5. Bonus Poster No. 345. 1998. Cracks Selected Enterprises.