Trypanosoma by waqas shahid from preston university islamabad

Post on 27-May-2015

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TRYPANOSOMA is a parasite causes disease called sleeping sickness disease in africa

Transcript of Trypanosoma by waqas shahid from preston university islamabad


Trypanosoma (parasite)

Kingdom Protista : sub kingdom: ProtozoaPhylum Sarcomastigophorea:

Subphylum Mastigophorea:

Class Zoomastigophorea:lack chloroplasts, heterotrophic(Trypanosoma)


Unicellular(euglena)colonial(volvox)locomotion(pseudopodia or flagella)or both.Autotrophic, saprozic, heterotrphic.Largest protozoan phylum(18,000)species.


Sub phylum mastigophorea

Class Phytomastigophorea

Class zoomastigophorea

Plant like AutotrophsPigments

(chlorophyll,xanthophyll etc)

e.g dinoflagellates, Euglena,volvox.

Heterotrophs, No pigments.Some members of

this class are important parasites of human.

e.g. Trypanosoma

• T.brucei is divided into three subspecies.T.b.brucei, T.b.rhodesiense, T.b.gambiense.

The first specie is parasite of nonhuman mammals of africa.

The latter two cause sleeping sickness in human.(African Trypanosomiasis)

tsetse flies are intermidiate host and vectors of all three species.

TYPES of Trypanosoma brucei

.Tsetes fly takes blood meal.(injects parasite)called metacyclic trypomastigotes.

2.Injected metacyclic is transformed into blood stream trypomastigotes (which are carried to other sites)

3.trypomastigotes multiply by binary fission in body fluids(lymph, spinal fluid)

4.Now trpomastigotes are present in the blood and ingested by tseste fly.

Life cycle.

5.binary fission occur and blood stream tr.. Transform into procyclic tryp… (in gut).

6.leave the gut and transform into epimastigoets and when it reach the salivary glands it multyply and transform into metacyclic trypomastigoets.

Which is infective stage .


Clinical course of sleeping sickness has two stages:

In first stage parasite is present in peripheral circulation and has not invaded the CNS.

Once parasite crosses the blood brain barrier it infects CNS.

Disease enter into second stage.

Both subspecies have different rate of disease progression.


Progress rapidly, develop a sore at the site of bite.

Develop fever, headache, develop lymph nodes.

After few weeks of infection parasite enters theCNS

causing deterioration and neurologic prblems.

Death ensures within few months

T.b.rhodesiense(east african)

Progress slowly,mild symptoms.

Intermittet fevers, headaches, joint aches,weight loss.

After 1-2 years involvement of CNS

personality changes,day time sleepiness, nighttime sleep disturbance, progressive confusion.

Partial paralysis,or problem with balance and walking.

T.b.gambiense(west african)

Untreated infection rarely lasts longer than 6-7 years and more often kills in about 3 years.

