Transmission Set Up New

Post on 22-Oct-2015

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Raspberry pi as torrent client

Transcript of Transmission Set Up New

Please before you start commenting about breaking the law etc etc notice that there are

many freeware programs out there which you can download and share freely.

I never download and share movies, music etc.

Thank you

I’ ot a LINUX e pe t so I spe t so e ti e t i g to setup a to e t lie t ith Raspberry Pi. So I know how difficult it is and how much you have to search to set it up

properly. This is the way I did it and it runs smoothly.

First of all these are the things you need to start your project

1. Your Raspberry Pi

2. A USB HUB with power

3. A USB hard disk

The connections we must do are as shown

You need a keyboard to start which you can connect to the HUB

Now we have to go to our windows computer to format our USB Disk and prepare the SD


I p efe to fo at HDD to e t4 file s ste . It’s faste a d o e sta le. Fo that I use the free Mini tool Partition Wizard. You can get it from here


To prepare the SD Card. To do that you need a program called Win32DiskImager and you

can download it for free from

Extract the exe an install it.

Then we have to download the Raspberry Pi distribution. I use the latest distribution from

Pi’s offi ial site. The image I use is the


Extract the image file and start Win32DiskImager

Select your downloaded image, you SDCard device and press Write. Wait until the image is


Now we are ready to start.

Put the SDCard to your Pi and put the power cable in. In this step toy need to have at list a

keyboard connected to your HUB or your Pi a d a o ito to see hat’s happe ing. I use a

Video cable and I connect it to my monitor

If ou a ’t o e t it to ou monitor you can move to your TV and plug the cable there so

ou do ’t ha e to ess e e thi g a ou d. I this stage ou do ’t eed the HUB a d the disk.

Now you are ready to start. First of all you have to setup your device to run the raspbian.

I the i itial s ee do ’t fo get to e a le ““H. Also as you will use the Pi for torrenting you

do ’t eed the GUI e i o e t so hoose to logi i to the o sole.

Finish all the proper adjustments and press finish.

Your device will restart and you have to log in. The defaults are

USER:pi PASSWORD:raspberry

If you have changed your password use the new password.

You are now logged in. Write down the address of your device so you can connect to it later.

It is something like

Key in

sudo shutdown –h now

and wait for the device to shut down. At this point you can remove the keyboard and the

monitor and connect the HDD and the HUB as above. Start the Pi and leave it there.

You can go now to your computer.

To o e t to ou pi’s o sole ou eed a ““H p og a . I use putt hi h ou a download from

Run putty and write the address of your pi (in my case it is

Log in the Pi using pi as user and your password

I have renamed my device as mypi the default name is raspberrypi

And now it is time to start. What I usually do is that I shutdown the pi and put the SD card

back into the computer. I start Win32DiskImager and save my work to an image file (you can

give to it any name) so if (better is when) I make a mistake I will not lose all my work.

If you press read the program copies the SD Card to an image file which you can write back

late if e essa . do ’t fo get to put .i g at the e d .

We are back logged in the pi.

##TIP## If you don’t like typing you can copy the text from windows and paste it to putty

with a right click

First of all we need to update raspbian

sudo apt-get update

Wait until the update is finished.

The next thing is to get rid of all the unnecessary GUI content

sudo apt-get purge libx11-6 libgtk-3-common xkb-data lxde-icon-theme raspberrypi-

artwork penguinspuzzle

[TIP] If you make a typing mistake you can press the UP ARROW and edit your command

sudo apt-get autoremove

At this poi t s ste if e light. If ou ha e ’t sa ed ou o k I thi k it’s ti e to do it o .

Next we must make our pi to have all times the same network address (static). For this we

must use a text editor names nano to edit the file /etc/network/interfaces.

sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

We replace all the content of the file

auto eth0

iface eth0 inet static




We do this when we are plugged into a wired network a d e do ’t use a i eless o e, else we leave wla0 in place.

To write the content of the file to the SD we press Control-O [^O] and then ENTER. To exit

nano [^X] (control and X simultaneously).

In the address toy can put at the fourth number any number between 2 and 255 but I prefer

to use the address it was automatically assigned.

The gateway is usually In my case it is because of the router I use.

In some cases might be because the network address of the DHCP server

(usually the router).

The gateway address is the address of your router which is connected to the internet.

If you change the address you better restart the pi.

If you want to have access from the internet, you should get an address from or any other provider. You'll also need to forward your external IP to your Pi's IP

address on your LAN. It depends on your router. Usually there's NAT, or Virtual server or Port

forward. Use port 80.

If ou ha e ’t ha ge the pass o d of the Pi ou a do it o

sudo passwd

Now it’s ti e to see ou pa titio ta le.

cat /proc/partitions

Our disk is sda1.

We need to instruct Pi to mount our Disk at the same position

sudo mkdir /media/USBDisk

Before we can mount the drives, we need to create a directory to mount the drives to.

sudo mount -t auto /dev/sda1 /media/USBDisk

*Note that in LINUX words are case sensitive. USBDisk is not the same

as usbdisk

sudo mkdir /media/USBDisk/shares

sudo mkdir /media/USBDisk/shares/downloading

sudo mkdir /media/USBDisk/shares/completed

sudo nano /etc/fstab

We add the /dev/sda1 line and save it

NOW it’s ti e to i stall the to e t lie t. The e a e uite a fe I ha e used transmission

and deluge. I prefer transmission because I can easily control it from my android phone and

my work computer. Later we will show toy how to install deluge

sudo apt-get install transmission-daemon

Let’s o figu e the pe issio s o

sudo usermod -a -G debian-transmission pi

sudo chgrp debian-transmission /media/USBDisk/shares/downloading

sudo chgrp debian-transmission /media/ USBDisk/shares/completed

sudo chmod 770 /media/USBDisk/shares/downloading

sudo chmod 777 /media/ USBDisk/shares/completed

The pe issio s let us o se ead a d ite to the o pleted di e to ut e a ’t browse the downloading one. If you want you can change the 770 to 777 to have full control

on it.

Reload the transmission

sudo service transmission-daemon reload

Edit transmission settings.json file

sudo nano /etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json

The content of the file is here. Marked are the lines we must edit


"alt-speed-down": 50,

"alt-speed-enabled": false,

"alt-speed-time-begin": 540,

"alt-speed-time-day": 127,

"alt-speed-time-enabled": false,

"alt-speed-time-end": 1020,

"alt-speed-up": 50,

"bind-address-ipv4": "",

"bind-address-ipv6": "::",

"blocklist-enabled": false,

"blocklist-url": "",

"cache-size-mb": 4,

"dht-enabled": false,

"download-dir": "/media/data/complete",

"download-limit": 100,

"download-limit-enabled": 0,

"download-queue-enabled": true,

"download-queue-size": 5,

"encryption": 1,

"idle-seeding-limit": 30,

"idle-seeding-limit-enabled": false,

"incomplete-dir": "/media/data/incomplete",

"incomplete-dir-enabled": true,

"lpd-enabled": false,

"max-peers-global": 200,

"message-level": 2,

"peer-congestion-algorithm": "",

"peer-limit-global": 91,

"peer-limit-per-torrent": 150,

"peer-port": 51413,

"peer-port-random-high": 65535,

"peer-port-random-low": 49152,

"peer-port-random-on-start": false,

"peer-socket-tos": "default",

"pex-enabled": false,

"port-forwarding-enabled": true,

"preallocation": 1,

"prefetch-enabled": 1,

"queue-stalled-enabled": true,

"queue-stalled-minutes": 30,

"ratio-limit": 2,

"ratio-limit-enabled": false,

"rename-partial-files": true,

"rpc-authentication-required": true,

"rpc-bind-address": "",

"rpc-enabled": true,

"rpc-password": "{2dc2c41724aab07ccc301e97f56360cb35f8ba1fGVVrdHDX",

"rpc-port": 9091,

"rpc-url": "/transmission/",

"rpc-username": "transmission",

"rpc-whitelist": "*.*.*.*",

"rpc-whitelist-enabled": false,

"scrape-paused-torrents-enabled": true,

"script-torrent-done-enabled": false,

"script-torrent-done-filename": "",

"seed-queue-enabled": false,

"seed-queue-size": 10,

"speed-limit-down": 250,

"speed-limit-down-enabled": true,

"speed-limit-up": 0,

"speed-limit-up-enabled": true,

"start-added-torrents": true,

"trash-original-torrent-files": false,

"umask": 18,

"upload-limit": 100,

"upload-limit-enabled": 0,

"upload-slots-per-torrent": 14,

"utp-enabled": true


"download-dir": "/media/data/complete",


"download-dir": "/media/USBDisk/shares/completed",

"incomplete-dir": "/media/data/incomplete",

"incomplete-dir": "/media/USBDisk/shares/downloading",

"rpc-username": "transmission",

"rpc-username": "myname",

I changed the username because it’s easier to remember. You are not obliged to do that if you don’t want to.

Cross your fingers and open your browser

A d o it’s time to install SAMBA

sudo apt-get install samba samba-common-bin

Open the configuration file

sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf

At the end of the file add the following lines


comment = Public Shares

path = /media/USBDisk/shares/completed

writeable = Yes

only guest = Yes

create mask = 0777

directory mask = 0777

browseable = Yes

public = yes

Restart SAMBA

sudo service samba restart



If you want to access transmission from your android phone you can install Remote


Hope I helped

NOTE. I face no problems with transmissions stability but other users do, Efstathis Iosifidis

made the following changes and he found that they work OK.

Edit /boot/cmdline.txt a d add smsc95xx.turbo_mode=N to it. Edit /etc/sysctl.conf a d ha ge vm.min_free_kbytes =16384″ f o 8MB to 16MB .

If you want to have access to your files from outside you have to install an ftp server. This is

how we can do it.

Install the ftp program

sudo apt-get install vsftpd

Uncomment (that means delete the # before) the following lines



Restart the service and you are done

sudo service vsftpd restart

Don’t forget to sa e your ork