Tove Bang ASB Library

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Tove Bang ASB Library. University Merging - for Better or for Worse: Looking back at the first Year from a Library Perspective. Rehearsel from EBSLG 2007: Major changes in the Danish university sector since 2007-. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Tove Bang ASB Library

fredag 21. april 2023

University Merging - for Better or for Worse: Looking back at the first Year from a Library Perspective

Tove BangASB Library

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Rehearsel from EBSLG 2007:Major changes in the Danish university sector since 2007-

WHY: The Goal of the Danish government was to:- enhance quality – higher ranking- strengthen research and university education in an

international context- increase business collaboration and innovation - attract more international funding and EU Framework

participation- enhance research based services for the public

authorities (scientific consultancy work)

How: The means to achieve these goals was to: - merge the universities and governmental research


Result:- since January 2007 the Danish university sector is


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Reorganised Danish university landscape

Before Dec. 2006 - the number of DK universities was 25 (12 universities and 13 research institutions)

After January 2007 - the number of DK universities is 8 and 3 research institutions

97% of public research activities will be concentrated at 7 universities

3% of public research activities will be devided between 4 smaller universities

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3 Danish universities among the biggest

3 Danish universities are now among the biggest in Europe in terms of resources

University of Copenhagen University of Aarhus Technical University of Denmark

App. 2/3 of public research and university education in DK takes place here

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The new Aarhus University – 2007 is like a flower

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The AU campus is now spread all over Denmark

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Big is beautiful, but ….

Appr. 30.000 students- More than 1.000 ph.d.- students- New and broader educational competencies

Yearly budget app. 600 million EURO - App. 10.000 employees - 25% of all Danish public research

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Lots of challenges for academics and staff at ASB after the merge

+ (for better):- AU has got an exceptional depth and breadth- A Merger Agreement gives ASB extra research resources for at

least the coming 4 years - New cross educations attractive for students. New research

areas (AU Strategy 2008-12: Quality and diversity)- AU is ranking high (Leiden: 38; THES 114, etc.) - Easier use of EU Framework Programmes- More attractive to international researchers - (for worse):- A very large university - a very large population – - Lots of coordination and meetings - Bureaucracy has grown - Decision-making takes a lot of time- Staff uncertainty (->for support, it and administrative staff)

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The flower of the ’New University Libraries’ at the New University of Aarhus

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The Library perspective …

Rehearsal from EBSLG 2007 …

Since mid-80’ties a Library co-operation Agreement has existed between the State and University Library and Aarhus University …

The State and University Library is still an institution that falls under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture …

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The great challenge…

To design the ’New Aarhus University Libraries’

’Aarhus University Libraries’ is now a virtuel co-operation betweeen 27 libraries - (earlier status as Institute-, Faculty-, University-, and State and University libraries)

Total Staff: app. 200 ft.equiv. Total budget app./year: DKK 155 mio./21 mio.EURO Total Materials budget app./year: DKK 46 mio/6,2 mio


A Library task force presented in October 2007 a development plan for the ’Aarhus University Libraries’ for the period 2008-12 (Okt. 2007).

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’Aarhus University Libraries’Development plan 2008-12

Mission & Vision

The State and University Library and ’Aarhus University Libraries’ is together a multi-campus library characterized by:

Campus libraries close to the users and the professional staff (Faculty, Institute, Research center)

Decentraliced budgetting. Delegation from deans to library directors/library managers

The libraries are knowledge & information centers delivering information to the whole Aarhus University

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’Aarhus University Libraries’Development plan 2008-12

The development plan points out 3 common initiatives to be taken immediately:- Implement a common library system- Extension of common licenses- A common homepage for the ,New Aarhus University Libraries

A list of basic backbone library services shall be maintained and developed through optional cross cooperation and initiatives (Materials handling, Study facilities, Information infrastructure, user services etc.)

A list of special development areas open for those interested: Reseach registration and archiving; Bibliometrics and research measuring; Working Knowledge for researchers; develop the attractive study environment; Information competencies; Digital rights; Virtual libraries; Staff development and competencies)

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A merge of libraries – not a taking over …

What has happened at ASB Library so far: - Library and ICT department has been merged together.

New possibilities and challenges- Library budget and staff has not declined - ASB Library still carry the innovative yellow library shirt! - ASB Library is well rooted in ALEPH before the EU supply is annonced in May 2008 - Most licenses are already open for users at AU campus/outside ASB.

All in all: ASB Library is still ASB Library – but has no longer status as a university library (affects our national and international representation and brand)But ASB Library will survive and still be among the leading business school libraries in the world.