tomorrow – issue one

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"tomorrow" is the official magazine of Lund 2012, First Southern Regional Session of EYP Sweden. Edited by Ulrich Johannes Völker and Weronika Myck.

Transcript of tomorrow – issue one

tomorrowtomorrow.the official magazine of lund 2012

issue one

2 tomorrow.

editorial.Dear Delegates,

some may believe that a Regional Session is one of the least important events run within EYP. It is, in fact, exactly the opposite. Although they are short, not that international and smaller in size than the actual International Session, they are everyone’s – and also yours – very first steps in the astonishing world of the European Youth Parliament.

EYP is something completely different than other extra-curricular activities. It is definitely a life-changing experience. This is why it is our greatest pleasure to welcome you in Lund at this occasion.

We hope that this magazine will keep you informed, entertained and provide you with memories that will last for a long time. Enjoy reading!

Good luck and all the best,

Weronika & UlliEditors of Lund 2012

tomorrow. 3


4 european youth terms 5 putting turkey on the roast

6 unveiling pedobears, exposing privacy 7 the chairs

8 you will survive! 9 great depression 2.0 10 presiden-

tial passions 12 europe on the “right” path? 13 asylum

ping pong 14 the city of ideas 16 a safer place to live

in? 17 symbolised identity 18 blund’s adventures, vol. 1

5 18



4 tomorrow.

european youth termsIeva Pastare guides you through the jungle of EYP vocabulary.

General Assembly (GA)The part of the Session where everyone dresses fan-cy, debates the Resolutions that have been written during the Session, defends and attacks them and, in the end, votes for them. Be active through the whole GA. Work with enthusiasm and make a lot of points.

Committee Work (CW)Time during the Session when Delegates discuss their topics within their Committee in order to write a Res-olution.

Orga – OrganiserA person who makes things happen. Usually, they are busy, running around and working hard, they are also the ones in charge of the coffee breaks.

Head-Orga – Head-OrganiserJohn von Caprivi de Como. He is the one leading the Orga team, mainly responsible for this session be-ing so incredibly prepared. Thank him, the team and praise John’s beard.

Journos – JournalistsSstalkers walking around with cameras, taking notes of things happening around, having a huge smile on their faces. They are the ones who create the news-paper for the Session. The Press Team is coordinated by the Editors – Ulrich Johannes Völker and Weronika Myck.

Chairs – ChairpersonsSomeone who guides a Committee throughout the whole Session; they never sleep and are always keen on helping you with your questions.

Teambuilding (TB)The part of the Session when weird games are played within your Committee. The games might make you feel awkward, but the reason for that is to form

a team out of the group of strangers. So.. ignore the awkwardness, participate to the fullest and have fun.

ResolutionA motion about a certain topic written by a Commit-tee during the Committee Work. That is what you will be debating with your fellow Delegates during the GA.

National Selection (NS)Session involving Delegates selected at the Region-al Sessions (one of which you are participating right now); it is the next level of an EYP session, collecting the brightest minds of Sweden.

International Session (IS)This is as far as you can get as a Delegate; this year you can get selected either to the IS in Istanbul or Amsterdam, each gathering 300 people from over 30 different countries.

BoardConsists of a President and two Vice-Presidents of the Session. They lead the Chairs team and taking care of the GA-debates. They are also very wise and good looking.

PresidentOur Session President is Monika Seidel. Her role at the Session is to chair the Chairs. She is a strong and glorious leader, but do not be afraid of her and feel free to chat with her about the weather or even something important .

Video EditorA guy with behind the camera (or even two), who walks around and films everything in order to make a Session video. If you see him, use the opportunity, jump in the frame and do something special, making the video even cooler.

tomorrow. 5

putting turkey on the roast

Quoting an American girl I once saw on YouTube: “Turkey? That’s a country? I thought it was what I ate for Thanksgiving!” But what does Turkey – which in fact is a country – and its history actually mean for us, Europeans?Turkey applied for EU membership in April 1987 and was recognised as candidate country in 1999. Ac-cession negotiations were, yet, not opened. According to the Commis-sion and the Council, Turkey did not satisfy the political Copenhagen cri-teria (defining whether a country is eligible to join the European Union). Three years later, the heads of state and government decided to give Turkey “a date for a date”, when they would decide whether it satis-

fied the criteria. In October 2005, accession negotiations were finally opened – based on a Commission report requesting Turkey to fulfil the requirements of the “Acquis Com-munautaire“, a charter of legal and political principles of the EU. It is split up into 35 chapters which need to be “closed“ before Turkey can join the Union. If Turkey for example rec-ognised Cyprus as an independent state, 8 chapters will be closed. So far, 34 are still open.Several websites have conducted polls and surveys whether Turkey should be allowed to join the EU. The concrete results vary – but one opin-ion stands out: The country is “too far away” from Europe and cultural differences are too big. Turkey is a

secular state, with no religion be-ing officially backed. However, 99 per cent of the Turks are Muslims, yet headscarves and other religious veilings are illegal in official build-ings. Moreover, a newborn child automatically receives the father’s religion in the birth certificate. The big question is whether we can live with that in Europe. Being Euro-pean gives us freedom of speech, freedom to dress the way we like, freedom to choose our religion, and freedom to live the life as we want to. Will Turkey be able to fulfil the needs of European daily life, or is it simply too far away – not just geo-graphically but also culturally?

Besides being an ugly bird and a country with a beautiful landscape and millions of tourists, what does Turkey really mean to us Europeans? Why should it (not) join the EU? Christina Daubjerg Newman takes us on a trip through the recent history of the EU-Turkey relations.


6 tomorrow.

unveiling pedobears,exposing privacy

Cyber crimes are committed just as you are reading this sentence. Identifying the criminals is, however, unrealistic. Often hidden behind several proxy servers, IP addresses are untraceable. Thus, the Internet is a safe environment for criminal ac-tion – hacking, phishing, Internet ex-tortion, Internet fraud, identity theft and child exploitation, but is not safe for the innocent average user. In October, the Italian MEP Tiziano Motti presented a controversial solution: By installing a “black box“ on every device connected to the Internet, anything done online would be logged and saved. In case of any evidence of crime, an early-warning system would identify the suspect and alarm the authorities

– for example if images of sexually abused children were detected. It is hard to imagine how such a system could work in real life, considering the huge amount of data shared every second. It might work against piracy, but can it stop child abuse? And which Internet user would ap-prove that he could be monitored at any time if there are only minimal grounds? Does this „black box“ system necessarily mean that any Internet user could be monitored at any time? Servers would be created to collect every-one‘s personal data – and, if nec-essary, share it with the authorities. This might sound good and effective

– in the utopian world. But is there a utopian world with cyber crime? It might just be a matter of time un-til hackers would have figured out how to access those data and gain considerable insight in any person‘s private life. Privacy is a fundamental human right. Anonymity and pseu-

donymi t y are effec-tive ways to keep this p r i v a c y . Probably,

the Internet cannot be made a safe environment without threatening the privacy of individuals. Politicians have to decide: Is it worth that?

“Black boxes“ could solve cyber crime, but are a serious threat to the fundamental rights of

individuals, pleads Ieva Pastare

” This might sound good and effective – in the utopian world ”


tomorrow. 7

the chairs.

Franziska Hülß(Germany)

New Years Eve, hiding from fireworks


Small feet

1 Name & Country 2 Funny thing that happened in 2011 3 If you had any superpower, what would it be? 4 Random fact about yourself.

Mats Kuuskemaa (Estonia)

Killing with eye sight (claims it is true, be careful)

Deskmate’s grandfather in the sixth generation was deskmates with Lenin

Laurens Kraima (Netherlands)

Hosting four Turks the Dutch style

Stopping time

Low voice

Gundega Elerte (Latvia)

Hiding from fireworks on a playground

Stretch time

Cooks incredibly tasty potato pancakes

Yiannos Vakis (Cyprus)

Confusing Chairs’ names during a speech at Closing Ceremony


Bad with names and figures

Kate Walsh (Ireland)

A friend playing Irish tin whistle (somewhat similar to a flute) in Norwegian mountains


Lives in Moscow

Anja Nilsson (Sweden)

Hitchhiking in Italy



Likes doing illegal things in airports

Axel Ellung (Sweden)



Buys everything in even numbers

Ingrid Sårheim (Norway)

Herman Cain mentioning the Pokémon Movie during his suspension speech


Met Queen Elizabeth II

Monika Seidel (Germany)


Her suitcase was lost for 3 weeks after she had come back from a session







8 tomorrow.

you will survive!As journalists, we will help you to make the most out of this

session. Christina Daubjerg Newman presents a survival guide for EYP beginners

4 / Stay awake!

Today and tomorrow will undoubt-edly be very stressful and tiring. Make sure you drink a lot of cof-fee, water, coca cola or energy drinks!

3 / Eat well!

During an EYP session you will learn to appreciate food in a completely new way. Even surströmming!

5 / Fresh air!

When your chair gives you a small break, go outside, and breathe. Breathing through a cigarette may seem like an option, but remember that smoking is not permitted on the school grounds.

2 / Smile!

A smile can lighten up someone else’s day, so keep smiling. Besides, everyone looks much prettier with a smile on their face, so wherever you go, do not forget to bring a smile with you.

1 / Be on time!

Even though you are blessed with the finest chairs in the world, they will kill you if you are not on time. So having a watch or a mobile phone is essential.

tomorrow. 9

great depression 2.0

In general, we could say that the origins of all crises seem very fa-miliar. If you hide the name of the countries involved, the current Euro-pean financial crisis looks astonish-ingly similar to the crises in Ukraine in 1994, South Korea in 1997 or Russia in 1998. In these cases the powerful elites – mostly banks and companies – overestimated their ca-pabilities over the “good” times and in turn took too many risks; the man-agers counted on the governments to give them a hand when problems arose, basing on their political con-nections and influence. They have been proven right. During the last crises, both in the USA and EU Member States, gov-ernments were giving support. Sometimes running the country rath-er like a profit-seeking company,

they did not only give the economy plenty of rope – they even pitched in if something went wrong. It is not the grief that we owe the debts; it is the desperately ill political system enslaved to the financial elites. It seems that an improvement could (only?) be reached by destructing the power of such elites, in combi-nation with restructuring the bank-ing system. Unfortunately, this never happened. Instead, governments try to fix the problem with more loans taken by banks and companies. That way, the initiators of the crisis get the chance to pass the responsibility on to the governments, which then pass it on to the taxpayers, and, in the end, to the ECB and the IMF. Thus, the crisis of one big bank turns into the crisis of an entire country, and, in the long run, a crisis of the

EU and global economy. As a re-sult, the collapse of a single country such as Greece suddenly threatens the Euro zone. Now, it is far too late for the Greek economy to be restructured without the, in fact ille-gal, Euro bail-out funds, threatening both Member States‘ economies and their citizens‘ support for the European Union. Then again, by not helping Greece, the EU would not only risk the final breakdown of that particular country, but rapid similar development in Spain or Portugal. The European Union is depend-ent on every single of its Member States. Governments and national economies are tightly connected and highly interdependent. A solu-tion seems to be more than difficult.

What if this time, it’s more than just a financial crisis, asks Anna Staab ECON

10 tomorrow.

Getting to know her

Monika, tell us a bit about yourself.Originally, I am from Munich. But at the moment I study Governance and Public Policy in Passau.Then, EYP takes up a very big part of my life. Nevertheless I still find some time to go snowboarding in winter and in summer I do rock climbing. I’m also a big movie fan.

So what is your favourite movie?Well, there are several from differ-ent genres; for instance I really like “Fight Club”, “Casablanca” and also “A Few Good Men”.

What is your favourite country?Of course Sweden, and I am not just saying this to be popular! I like

the cities, especially Lund with its pretty Swedish houses – they’re so sweet. In addition to Sweden, I also really like Thailand with its amazing food and the beautiful beaches, however it makes me pensive to see how a lot of the people living there have to endure such poverty and political instability.

This Session

What are you especially looking forward to at this Session? I am really looking forward to meet-ing the Delegates. I am very excited to get to know them, to see how they are going to be. I am curious about their opinions on these cur-rent issues of European politics.What are your aims for this Session?

My main goal is that the Chairs can go home with a feeling of having achieved something during this Ses-sion. This does not only count for the Chairs but for every participant.

And what are your wishes?I wish that everyone will have a lot of fun, that they can truly enjoy themselves and nonetheless still be relaxed.


If you had to describe EYP in one word, what would that be? Passion.

How did you get involved in EYP? It started with my school applying for the German National Session.


Audrey Wamister has the honour to present an outstanding woman – the Session President, Monika Seidel from Germany

Sadly we were not selected to take part. Afterwards, our teacher asked if we could go somewhere else. So in the end we were sent to a ses-sion in a really small town called Bad Urach, that was in 2005. This is when EYP took hold of me and did not let me go. After Bad Urach I went to a Polish session with a friend, because I heard a lot about Polish sessions. We were the only Ger-man Delegates there which was was an extraordi-nary experience. Therefore, I applied for the German National Session once more. This time I was chosen to participate, but

did not get selected for an Inter-national Session. After attending a very chaotic session in 2006, I de-cided to start organising myself and grew fond of it.

What kept you involved in EYP? Definitely the people. It is very hard to find another place were so many creative, open-minded, intelligent

and even crazy people from all over Europe come together. By offering a platform for ex-change, we help young people

make up their own mind on so many important issues. They help them to

overcome their national limitations, their comfort zone, which keeps them thinking outside the box.

What is your biggest gain from EYP? My future! Without EYP I would not have started to study what I am studying now. I would not have the experience I now have from seeing so many different places and meet-ing so many different people. EYP made me the person that I am now.

Do you have some tips for the del-egates?I hope that they see this session as an opportunity, as a chance for themselves to have lots of fun and to get into crazy discussions.

” My biggest gain from EYP is my future. (...) It made me the per-son that I am now. ”

12 tomorrow.

europe on the “right” path?

We all know that today, Xenophobia is a serious problem in all parts of Europe. Right-wing extremist parties promoting hatred against immigrants and minori-ties are largely represented in several national parliaments. The situation is deteriorating rapidly. It feels like Euro-peans are losing their tolerance as they see their environment threatened after decades of comfort.Post-war Europe had one great foe and one great friend to produce unity of po-litical purpose, even if big parties bat-tled over priorities. Moderate right and left united against Moscow’s communist proxy parties and allied themselves to the US by creating the NATO. Nation-alisms were widely suppressed by the newly founded European Communities which also weaned Europeans off pro-tectionist economics in favour of open trade and competitive markets. In these difficult times, xenophobic po-sitions have become part of the po-litical “mainstream”. Right-wing parties that were ridiculed for racism, or even fascism, are starting to build coalitions – and spread subliminal propaganda. As part of a campaign, the successful Italian right-wing separatist movement Lega Nord published a poster showing a native American which says: “They also underwent immigration – now they live in reservations!”

This does remind me of the situation be-fore the Second World War, when na-tionalism and thus also racism was on a rapid rise. The Euro Crisis did have similar effects. Far-right parties who never had been represented in parliaments could easily blame the moderate parties, gov-ernments and politicians for what had happened. Across the continent, the far right thus sought and found success in areas with intense economic depriva-tion and social breakdown. They pitched themselves as the authentic voice of the people, as representatives of the “silent majority“, daring to address issues, they claimed to have for long been ignored by politicians.We cannot deny that the political ma-jorities themselves are highly responsi-ble for this development. The far right thrives because mainstream politicians – afraid of offending ethnic minorities – have failed to discuss immigration, which now has blown up in their faces. Something has to be done – now. Eco-nomic instability, raising racism in both everyday life and politics, extremist and populist politicians receiving a vast share of attention and support, this re-minds me of something – the “good old” 1930s. Probably, the result will not a Third World War. But something will hap-pen, because people will not tolerate this situation for much longer.

Extremist and populist politicians are receiving increasing attention and support.

Niks Berzinš is reminded of the 1930s.


” Afraid of offending ethnic minorities, poli-ticians have failed to discuss immigration. ”

tomorrow. 13

asylum ping pong

One year ago, the oppressed peo-ple of North Africa joined in the struggle for democracy and free-dom. Despotic dictators desper-ately tried to cling onto the very last inch of power, violence ruled and protesters were killed. Violence that led into a massive influx of immi-grants into the European Union. But the door was often closed. For both political and economic reasons, Member States kept and still keep sending asylum seekers back and forth – impairing their fight against injustice.European migration policy is based on solidarity and trust. It aims at fighting illegal and promoting legal immigration, and finally creating a link between migration and devel-opment. But while policies are de-bated, the actual interests of those fleeing from war and political insta-bility are increasingly pushed to the background.

Italy and France decided to keep immigrants out. They agreed on joint patrols at the Tunisian coast to block the ships heading for the island of Lampedusa. Thus, powerful coun-tries not following any migration policy brought about the demise of all three cornerstones of the policy. The problem of illegal immigration is rapidly increasing – and seriously endangering the people affected. Illegal immigrants often can‘t wait for official docu-ments and are forced to put their fate in the hands of the organised crime – human trafficking. Each year, several hundreds of immigrants die on their desperate way to Europe.Action has been taken by both the EU and its agency for borderline

security, Frontex, which has for long been assisting the Italian authori-ties in Lampedusa – where 22,000 people have arrived just recently. Millions of euros were allocated to different North African authorities to meet the urgent humanitarian needs of people fleeing from dic-tatorships. Nevertheless, all those

measures are no solutions, but merely imperma-nent. Permanent solutions – within the EU migra-tion policy – are needed as soon as possible. North African Refugees are

desperately trying to find shelter from violence and the risk of perse-cution. Illegal immigration to Europe is not their last but their only resort.

Christian Blad is longing for permanent solutions to a desperate situation


” While policies are debated, the interests of those fleeing from war and instability are pushed to the back-ground. ”

14 tomorrow.

Situated in the Southwest part of Skåne, Lund is a beau-tiful city counting over 1 000 years. Over the past cen-turies it has gained a reputation of a place where peo-ple meet and exchange ideas. Today, with its 80,000 inhabitants, Lund is, more than ever, a meeting place for ideas and creativity. The city has it all: one of the world’s highest ranked uni-versities, historical surroundings, sports facilities, beauti-ful parks and a multicultural atmosphere.

HistoryFounded in the 11th century, Lund is the one of the oldest cities in Sweden. Even though, today, the city belongs to Sweden, it was actually the Danish who founded the city and held it until the Treaty of Roskilde in 1658.Under its Danish influence, Lund became the seat of the

archbishop for Scandinavia in 1103. In the same year Lund Cathedral was founded. Today, the cathedral is one of Lund’s most distinctive landmarks. Another historically important building in Lund is the Ca-thedral School (Katedralskolan), founded in 1085. That makes Katedralskolan the oldest school in Scandina-via and one of the oldest in the Northern Europe. The school has been very important, with, for example, King Charles the 12th of Sweden living there. One of the bloodiest battles ever having taken place in Scandinavia happened in 1676 outside Lund, where the city was defended against the Danish. The city’s most famous institution is without doubt the University. Lund University was established in 1666 and is currently Sweden’s largest University educating over 42,000 students. Many of them live in Lund and con-tribute massively to the progress of the city.

the city of ideas

Ludvig Helldén introduces you to one of the most beautiful and appealing cities of Scandinavia, Lund.

Entertainment & CultureCharacterised by the large student population and its traditions, the entertainment Lund has to offer to young people is often provided by the University and its Na-tions. The Nations – compare them with American col-lege houses – plan events and hosts parties almost every weekend. One of the most appreciated events the University students are in charge of is the Lund Carnival. Taking place every four years since the mid-nineteenth century, it is now a great festivity for the young as well as the elderly, with a parade and activities all over Lund. All of it is concentrated at the University’s surroundings. In 2010, when the last carnival took place, the police es-timated the total amount of visitors to almost 300,000. These were only the numbers for Saturday, the second day in the three days of the carnival. The music scene provided in Lund is nothing but great. At Mejeriet, artists such as Gavin DeGraw, Timbuktu and Movits! have performed. Furthermore, many ce-lebrities have emerged and lived, namely the come-dian David Batra, the actor Max von Sydow, writer August Strindberg and the singer and TV presenter Måns Zelmerlöw.

Some final wordsArriving at the train station, the first impression of Lund is not that great. You will probably not have time for sightseeing during this session due to the packed pro-gramme, but I strongly recommend you to visit the city in spring, when Lund is at its most beautiful season. Stroll through the old streets, buy some fresh bread from “Mormors bageri”, chat with some students and have an old-fashion ice cream in the park. Lund is a city you will not forget easily!

16 tomorrow.

a safer place to live in?

Getting rid of nuclear energy is not going to happen overnight, even if you want it to. For long, supporters and opponents have been arguing with vigor. Mostly, discussions end-ed up in impasses. Arguments for and against are strong, and there are many. This makes comprises ex-tremely difficult.One could argue in favour that at the moment, nuclear power is the only sus-tainable and ef-f i c i e n t e n e rg y s o u r c e that does not direct contribute to global warming. Did you know that for every person killed by the

generation nuclear energy and its consequences, 4 000 people die from the same amount of energy produced from coal, thus putting nuclear power at the bot-tom of the list of en-ergy sources causing death?There is no need to deny that the biggest

problem with nuclear power is the waste produced. It is radioactive, it is im-mensely toxic and it is here to stay. Although

it often seems to be the only legiti-mate reason to give up the use of nuclear energy, but let us not forget

about the nuclear disasters of the past. Although the accident of Fuku-shima was caused by a combination

of two ex-t r a o r -d i n a r y n a t u r a l d i sa s te rs and a fa-cility lit-tered with faults, it still

shows that such a catastrophe is not impossible. However the political discussions may proceed, one question has to remain central: How can we make a safer and better place to live in?

Christopher Proctor examines the controversial impasses of nuclear energy ITRE

” Supporters and opponents have been discussing with vigor – mostly, discussions ended up in impasses. ”

” Fukushima still shows that such a catastrophe is not impossible. ”

tomorrow. 17


In March 2004, French legislature passed the “bill on wearing sym-bols and garb showing religious affiliation in state primary and secondary schools“. Based on the principle of separation of church and state, any religious symbols were banned from public schools. After had been ex-pelled from classes for not having fol-lowed the new law, pupils went to the European Court of Human Rights. Particu-larly referring Article 9 of the ECHR, the applicants complained about the ban constricting their freedom of religion. The Court held that the ban – rather than being based on

any objections to the pupils’ reli-gious beliefs – could be justified by the requirements of protecting the rights and freedoms of others.The request of Muslim girls to wear their religiously motivated veil at school has been a contro-versial issue in several western

countries since the 1980s. But such veil is not the only wearable symbol of religious distinc-tion. Others include the Sikh kirpan, the Jewish kippah and even ostentatious

versions of the Christian cross. The question arising is: Are these “accessories“ really necessary to obey a certain religion? For in-

stance, the Muslim community itself is sharply divided about whether or not veiling is required as a mat-ter of religious doctrine. Veiling was widely regarded as a cultural rather than a religious practice until the 19th century – which has changed drastically since then. Another example are the Ortho-dox Jewish men who keep their heads covered with the kippah at all times, whereas non-Orthodox Jews just wear the kippah during prayers. Thus, it remains difficult to draw a line between what is completely essential to follow within one spe-cific religion – and what is merely up to the moral of individuals.

Audrey Wamister explores a cultural conflict between religion, secularisation and human rightsCULT

” Are these “accessories“ really necessary to obey a cer-tain religion? ”

Blund, a 7 years old Bear from Hamburg, arrived to Sweden with our beloved Editor Ulli. He was so excited about his first journey abroad that he left all of his clothes at home. Since he does not want to miss a single part of the session, he is now a bit worried if he is going to be able to attend GA. Still, he is not going to let this ruin his stay. While his owner is occupied producing the best newspaper the EYP world has ever seen, Blund managed to steal off and checked out the facilities, the Chairs and Organising Team – he just did not notice that he was followed.

blund’s adventures, vol. 1

Now he was flirting with other bears ...

planking a lot while organisers were actually trying to work ...

and copying some parts of his body ...

he even met a real President ...

the Orgas served him coffee ...

Orgas even lend him a sweater because it was so cold outside ...

and the head-orga John even tried to pick him up ...

Now he is eagerly waiting for the delegates to arrive, while it is getting darker and colder outside.

tomorrow. 19


tomorrow. the official magazine of lund 2012

was brought to you by:

our sponsors:

Spegel Spegel

special thanks to:

Ieva Pastare (LV)

Audrey Wamister (CH)

Ludvig Helldén (SE)Anna Staab (DE)

Christina Newman (DK) Niks Berzinš (LV)

Hug an organiser

High fi

ve 3 journos


e 3 minutes

early from

a coffee break

Learn how to say

good m

orning in 3 new


Take a picture with

3 people you did not know


Find out the name

of the President of EY

P Sweden

Sing a song


using the word




Monika (the



Participate in a group hug (m

ore than 8 people)

Hug 5 strangers

who enter your


ittee room

Get your chair’s

autograph on your body

Tell John von C

aprivi that he has a nice beard

Take a photo of you and som

eone m

aking coffee

Get a picture w

ith Blund (the session m


Call your m


and tell her that you are okay

Troll someone

who is talking

to his/her mom



“Darling, get

back to bed!”



Let’s play a game. Rules are sim

ple, if you manage to do things

in a line horizontally or vertically before the comm

ittee work

starts, you know that you have a true EYP spirit inside you. If you

manage to com

plete the entire scoreboard, we can guarantee

you a high five from one of the Editors.