Tips to use if your about to get laid off or are laid off

Post on 21-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Tips to use if your about to get laid off or are laid off

Helpful Web Sites and Resources for someone about

to be laid off or have just been laid off

12/14/15 Professional Networking Group

Provided by Michael Scott McGinn—Business Networking Profile site. -Career Management Portal site to log all job contacts history.—Site that creates a time line of all your jobs and experience from your linked in profile. -Creates a networking profile page for your networking cards. -Scans your job and compares it to job descriptions for a match % -Creates a key word tag cloud for job descriptions.—Company research site providing unvarnished reviews from former employees of companies.

Books recommended

“Cut the Crap, Get a Job” by Dana Manciagli

Career Coach, Speaker, Author

Retired Microsoft Sales Manager

Sites to help with “Visualize Your Perfect Life”

Think and Grow Rich—Norman Vincent Peal.—Success coach student of Andrew Carnegie

Watch his free 2 hour video course at my site

http://www-WapTug.Com — Web Application Programming Technology User Group

Great tech resource site and networking group for getting in to the internet technology sector. You can also get your

own free blog to centralize your networking links and contacts.