TinyMCE Editor - Rhythmyx: Powerful Website Management Platform

Post on 06-May-2015

221 views 2 download



Rhythmyx is a development platform ideally suited to organizations with a strong internal development team that has invested heavily in other core web applications, processes, and technologies and simply wants a development platform that manages the “content infrastructure” with the freedom to continue to build and integrate other web applications without restrictions.

Transcript of TinyMCE Editor - Rhythmyx: Powerful Website Management Platform

TinyMCE EditorRhythmyx Webinar

Welcome & Getting Started

● Introduction● Webinar Format

○ Overview○ Configuration ○ Demonstration○ Additional Resources

Introducing TinyMCE

Getting the Patch

● Must be running 7.3○ Convert remaining XSL Variants to Velocity 1st!○ Follow the Upgrade Guide on help.percussion.

com/cmsystem ○ Note on Rhythmyx name

● Must be running patch 730_20140528

Why Switch from Ephox EditLive?● Much faster load time for Editors● Wide range of 3rd Party plugins available● Better control over Text/Code cleanup● No more Java shenanigans in the Editor

Updating the Workbench

● After the patch is installed the Workbench must be updated.○ http://{host}:{port}/Rhythmyx/Administration/DeveloperTools/InstData/Windows/VM/devToolsSetup.exe

● To switch editors, simply switch the control on the desired field to “sys_TinyMCE”

Configuring the Editor

● Avoid disappointment● Default configuration must be

completed manually.● JSON instead of XMLA minimal default_config.json[{ }]

● Use a JSON Validator to check configuration - http://jsonlint.com/

● If there is a formatting error in the configuration file, the editor will not be displayed.

Use JSON Lint - For Happy Config

Doc has a Starter Configuration[{

"config_css": "../rx_resources/tinymce/tinymce1.css",

"plugins": ["advlist autolink lists link charmap print preview hr anchor pagebreak searchreplace wordcount visualblocks visualchars fullscreen insertdatetime media nonbreaking save table contextmenu directionality emoticons template paste textcolor noneditable rxinline"




"roles" : ["Admin"],

"config_css": "../rx_resources/tinymce/tinymce1.css",

"plugins": [

"advlist autolink lists link charmap print preview hr anchor pagebreak searchreplace wordcount visualblocks visualchars code fullscreen insertdatetime media nonbreaking save table contextmenu directionality emoticons template paste textcolor noneditable rxinline"



Key Configuration Elements● “roles”:

○ RX plugin: Applies configuration based on Rhythmyx Role● “rxinline”:

○ RX plugin: For Rhythmyx inline controls such as inline link, image and variant in menu and in toolbar

● “langmap”:○ RX plugin: To configure desired TinyMCE locale

● “config_css”: ○ Indicates the CSS file used to style the editor

● “plugins”:○ Indicates a list of plugins to be enabled by the Editor

Customizing Menus

● Add a New menu○ http://www.tinymce.com/wiki.php/Tutorials:

Creating_a_plugin● Show or Hide menus

○ "menubar": "tools table format view insert edit"● Control full menu

○ “menu” - Overrides the complete menu structure


Quick Demonstration