Time Management Adapted from: Practicing College Learning Strategies 3 rd Edition Carolyn H. Hopper...

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Transcript of Time Management Adapted from: Practicing College Learning Strategies 3 rd Edition Carolyn H. Hopper...

Time Management

Adapted from :Practicing College Learning Strategies3rd EditionCarolyn H. Hopper

Academic Support Unit (ASU)

What is time management?

Why is time management important?

How does it help you accomplish your goals?

College students are required to: Think at higher levels Process more in less time Work in high pressure situations Work with meticulous professors Resist a wide range of distracters

You have: Less structure No supervisor to balance the workload Many people who want your time Studying/learning demands

Benefits of Scheduling

Scheduling helps you avoid one of the biggest time wasters-Procrastination.

Scheduling keeps you up to date and helps avoid last minute cramming

Scheduling things that you need to do creates time to do things you want to do.

Scheduling keeps you in control Having a schedule saves time

Principles of Scheduling Make use of daylight hours Study before a class Study immediately after lecture classes Study at the same time every day Plan enough time to study Space your study period List activities according to priorities Study during your prime time Leave unscheduled time for flexibility Analyze your use of time

Time Management Scheduling Tools

1. Master Schedule Semester Calendar

Weekly Calendar

2. Planner

3. To Do List

Planner Daily

To Do List

Time Wasters

Drop-in visitors Phone interruption TV Afternoon naps Family and friend making demands Surfing the net others

How to make extra time?

Two ways to make extra time:

By doing the same task in less time

By making use of time that you previously wasted

The most important rule for time management is:

Always carry pocket work.

Always have something that you can do while waiting

Use : Index Cards, Post It, etc