Time management

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Time management

Time Managementfor Students

By : Pranav Kulshrestha

Nirav Patel

Overview What is Time Management

Skills for Effective Time Managements

Effective Study Techniques

Benjamin Franklin’s Lesson

Why Time Management Important

Pareto Principle

Obstacles Of Time Management

What is Time Management

Time Management is process of

Setting goals

Prioritizing those goals

Deciding how much time to allocate to specific tasks

Adjusting plans as things change

Revisiting the goals and priorities regularly

Observing results

Skills for Time Management

Be Organized Use time saving tools

Have an organized workplace

Use Appointment calendar

Use "to do" lists for both long-term and for each day/week.

Prioritize Your Tasks Use Rating system for items on your "to do"

Set goals for both the short term and long term

Mountain is

climbed one step at a time

Skills for Time Management

Plan Ahead Determine Task Duration

Consider whether any activities can be combined.

Determine if Modular approach works

Avoid Overload Include time for rest, relaxation, sleep, eating, exercise, and

socializing in your schedule.

Take short breaks

Don't put everything off until the last minute

Learn to say "no"

Skills for Time Management

Be Able to be Flexible Unexpected happens (sickness, car troubles, etc.)

Know how to rearrange your schedule when necessary

Know who to ask for help when needed.

Have a Vision Don't forget the "big picture"

Have and follow a personal mission statement

Know what is important to you.

Have a positive attitude!

Effective Study Techniques for Time Management

Appropriate study environment

Split large tasks

Be prepared to ask questions as they come up

Do the most difficult work first

Don't wait until the last minute to complete your projects.

Be a model student! (be attentive and participative in class, and punctual, prepared, and eager to learn)

Remember that Time is money

- Ben Franklin

Why Time Management Important

Time is Limited

Accomplish more with less effort

Make Better Decisions

Be more successful

Learn More

Reduce Stress

High Quality Work

Create Discipline

Pareto Principle Also 80/20 Rule

The majority of what we do each day has little impact

A minority has a major impact

If 80% of your To Do lists collectively produce only 20% of your results

80% of your work can be done in 20% of your work day when you are focused and uninterrupted.

Obstacles to Time Management

Failing to Keep a To-Do List

Not Setting Personal Goals

Not Prioritizing

Failing to Manage Distractions


Not Taking Breaks

Ineffectively Scheduling Tasks

