Thyroid and parathyroid glands - Julie Cornish

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Transcript of Thyroid and parathyroid glands - Julie Cornish

Thyroid and Parathyroid

Julie CornishGeneral Surgical SpR

Location of Thyroid Gland•Located just below thyroid cartilage • Isthmus is midway between apex of thyroid cartilage (“Adams apple”) and suprasternal notch

origin of the thyroid gland?

• originates from the floor of the pharynx

• outpouching which grows downward in front of trachea (Thyroglossal duct)

• bifurcates and forms a series of cellular cords which in turn form follicles and the lateral lobe

• remnants of the thyroglossal duct can be seen in the adult as cysts (mucus-filled, lined with squamous epithelium) or in the pyramidal lobe

Thyroid development

function of thyroid gland

• hormone production– Thyroxine (T4)

– Tri-iodothyronine (T3)

• produced in lumen of thyroid follicle• synthesis and release – controlled by TSH• TSH released from ant. pituitary• controlled by TRH from hypothalamus


• incidence = 20/1000 females• 5 x less common in men• causes

– Graves disease– multinodular goitre– thyroiditis– iodide induced– TSH induced

clinical features

• goitre• D+V• weight loss• palpitations / AF / sinus tachycardia• tremor• proximal myopathy• pretibial myxoedema• eye signs – lid lag, exomphalos

classification -hypothyroidism

• Goitrous– Hashimotos thyroiditis– Drug induced (lithium, iodine)

– Iodide deficiency – Dyshormonogenesis - rare

• Post ablative• Transient (e.g. post subtotal thyroidectomy)

• Subclinical• Congenital

clinical features

• tiredness• weight gain• cold intolerance• goitre• hoarseness• depression• alopecia• myxoedema

classification - thyroid cancer

• <1% of all malignancies• Follicular cells

– Papillary carcinoma (70%) – Follicular carcinoma (10%)– Anaplastic carcinoma (undifferentiated) (5%)

• Parafollicular C cells– Medullary carcinoma (5-10%)

• Lymphocytes– Lymphoma (5-10%)


• FNA• USS +/- guided biopsy• CT• Radio-isotope imaging• Larygoscopy

Mx thyroid nodule disease

• Indications for surgery– cytological features of follicular lesion/medullary

Ca/ papillary Ca– clinical suspicion of malignancy (despite –ve bx)– pressure symptoms/ tracheal compression– thyroid toxicity– size goitre– patient preference

Mx of Graves Disease• MDT• treatment options

– anti-thyroid drugs (carbimazole)– beta blockers– radioactive iodine ablation– surgery

• indications for surgery– when other treatments failed– patient preference– pregnancy / planning pregnancy

Surgical Access

• Supine patient, neck extended• Transverse incision (2 finger breadths above clavicle)

• Deepen incision through platysma• Down to lateral border of sternomastoid• Identify anterior jugular veins• Incise along midline raphe between strap muscles• Create tissue plane between strap muscles and


total thyroidectomy

• aim to preserve at least 1 parathyroid gland• if in doubt – remove a damaged gland, mince

it and implant pieces into sternomastoid /forearm muscle

• but not in malignant disease• following implantation – function takes 3

months to recover

Postop Mx

• Serum calcium to be checked

• Hypocalcaemia– Trousseau’s sign– Chvostek’s sign

• Mx of hypocalcaemia

complications of thyroidectomy

• recurrent laryngeal nerve damage– national incidence 5%

• Hoarseness (if > 2-3 days =external laryngeal nerve damage)

• postoperative haemorrhage• keloid scar• thyroid crisis • temporary/permanent hypoparathyroidism

– 30% transient hypocalcaemia• Tracheomalacia - rare

Parathyroid gland

• At least 4 glands in the region of the thyroid gland

• 3 cell types– adipose cells– chief cells– oxyphil cells

• Parathyroid hormone (PTH)– peptide that raises serum calcium– produced by Chief cells

Regulation of blood levels of calcium

• Thyroid C cells or parafollicular cells • lie outside follicles either in clusters, or singly • produce the peptide hormone, calcitonin • protein synthesizing organelles prominent

• Calcitonin– inhibits calcium resorption from bones– lowers blood calcium – regulated by calcium levels – high calcium will stimulate its release

Parafollicular or C cells

C Cells labeled immunocytochemically for calcitonin

Thyroid follicle


Parathyroid hormone functions

• stimulates osteoclasts • resorption of bone • stimulates kidney proximal tubule • reabsorption of calcium • promotes absorption of calcium from the

small intestine • raises calcium levels; regulated by calcium


Regulation and feedback

Calcium levels

Calcium levels

Parathyroid hormone levels

Parathyroid hormone levels

parathyroidectomy• primary hyperparathyroidism

– PTH secreted from parathyroid adenoma (90%)– Multiple adenomata (4%)– Nodular hyperplasia (5%)– carcinoma (1%)

• clinical features:– anorexia, wt loss, N+V, constipation, weakness

• Ix: – serum Ca 2+, PTH – USS/ CT scan + radio-isotope injection to isolate gland