Three magazine front covers analysed

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Three magazine front covers analysed.

By Emily Ashby

Q magazine have used the colours red, white and black so they have stuck to three colours which makes the audience know that this would be Q’s magazine even if they didn’t have the name of it at the top of it.

They have used a famous artist who everyone would know so it grabs the audiences attention, Adele is also giving direct eye contact which drags towards looking further into the magazine. They have made her look sophisticated in the way she is posing because she is directly looking out and having her hair swept back makes her look like a classy woman

The cover lines also stick to the colour scheme these tell you abut what the magazine involves, but it makes you want to read more because they make the magazine more interesting. The cover lines are also bold which makes it more appealing to the older generation then kids.

The barcode is in the bottom corner so it doesn’t take over the magazine but people can also see it. This also includes the price so people don have to look everywhere for the price.

This is the only gold bubble on the front page so it will grab peoples attention because they will wonder why it is the only thing in a gold bubble so will want too know more about the bubble it adds a twist to the magazine.

The magazine is mainly in lower case writing so the words that are in upper case suggests that is the important part of the magazine they want to attract their audience too.

Adele is standing in a medium shot looking directly out to suggest that she is confident and to how she is proud of been on the magazine.

Vibe also sticks to three colours, vibe uses black, red and white this creates a sign or danger but the colours also represent power and masculinity. The cover lines also stick to the here colours which shows that it is a strong magazine because they want to make sure tat the magazine is mature enough. The colours stand out on top of the white background so that it makes it more eye catching because you can actually read what the cover lines and masthead are saying.

The main image is of a man which links to what the colours represent. Eminem in standing for a mid shot, arms crossed looking directly out to the audience, he is giving a straight face to show his masculinity and to attract the audience, he is bringing the audience toward the magazine.

Vibe is black and then fades into red this is showing that the magazine is no for little children and that they are trying to create a sense of mystery to attract the correct type of audience.

The cover lines are all in capital letters to try and suggest the strength in the magazine.

The masthead is eye catching but then you have the main image that is overlapping so that they know what the magazine is about.

The cover are all about rappers so that people who like rap are then going to be drawn straight to the magazine and then more people would be interested.

The main image is a famous model so this will attract the target audience who like her. People may also look up to her as an idol so will want to know more about her. She is also giving direct eye contact to grab the attention of the target audience.

The colours used on the magazine suggests that it is a more mature magazine because its not filled with colours they use red, yellow, blue and green, they only use these in the title because it emphasises what magazine it is because it stands out.

The magazine has a website so that you can look into more detail so the you don’t have to stop looking at this one magazine you can go online and look at the old ones and order other ones coming up.

They have used different fonts because it makes certain sections look better than others and what sections they think that you would b more interested n reading and putting bit in a different font would attract the audience.

Barcode and price are in the corner easy to spot but doesn’t take it away from the rest of the magine.

They have used a mid shot so you can see the famous model and you can also see her direct eye contact.