This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme and co-financed by the ERDF....

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Transcript of This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme and co-financed by the ERDF....

This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme and co-financed by the ERDF.




ADAPT2DC project 6th Consortium meeting,Prague, 8-9 April 2014


Developing competences and disseminating know-how for managing shrinking regions and cities

Strategic focus: dissemination and capitalization the project results and findings, to support the innovative models and solutions developed by the project and local level practitioners, it can bear importance for national and transnational level stakeholders as well, by providing an insight on demographic change and its impacts, and presenting guidelines for policy planning.

Target group: policy makers; staff of local/regional/national administration; development agencies; service providers; civil and religious associations; institutions representing collective interests; citizens active in public affairs


11 March 2014 –1.0 Draft version of the e-book sent out to the ADAPT2DC partnershipAsking for comments, suggestions and photos/videos till 14 March

The incorporated outputs were the followings:3.1.5.’Demographic Change in Central Europe’, Comparative Socio-Economic Background Analysis ,3.3.5. ’Position Paper’, 4.1.1. ’Best practice catalogue’, 4.1.2. ’Regional Guidebook Methods to Adapt to or Counterbalance Shrinking’ 4.2.8. ‘Transnational Guidebook for Pilot Action Implementation’. 5.2.8. ‘Recommendations from the Best Practice Catalogue’ 5.3.2. Draft version of the European Strategy

ONEP received comments from the following partners till the given deadline:EARDA ,TMBLV, Usti, ISCAS (Renata)

21 March 2014-1.0 Draft version of the e-book included the comments sent out to the PPs

6.1.1. Present status of the e-book/1

6.1.1. Upcoming duties concerning the e-bookAfter 21 March ONEP received project outputs which should be also incorporated to the e-book, these are the followings:3.2.6.-7. Cost Analysis report WP4 -Further details about the pilot actions , missing WP4 outputsFinal version of the position paper 5.3.2. -European Strategy for regional responses to demographic changes5.2.10. -The transnational review of European and regional strategic docs on DC+ additional comments from ISCAS (Martin)

Till 28 April – Finalization of the text of the e-book (ONEP)Incorporation main messages of the new project outputs (received latest till 14 April 2014)Till 5 May – Comments of the partnershipTill 18 May – Finalization of the e-book (e-design, visual material such as interactive maps, pictures and the final proof-reading, etc)- longer process - public procurement needed

Final version of the e-book latest till 18 May.ONEP relies on your active contribution in terms of:•Checking comprehension, existence of the main massages of your outputs•Sending photos (specially of the pilot actions) , illustrations, maps which could have added values •Translation?

6.1.1 E-book for tackling infrastructure costs in shrinking cities

Aim•to disseminate and capitalize the results of the project efficiently, •reaching the widest audience and to transfer knowledge to them, through a teaching material that is available for all potential users in an electronic formTarget grouppractitioners, policy makers on local-regional level who face DC in their region or they will be possibly exposed to demographic change in the future. Language•English - suggested translation to national languages till national study tours Approach•interactive training material •shorter, concise and interactive summary of the information from the several WPs and possible relevant similar projects shall be included

6.1.1. Structure of the e-book/3

The e-book consists of three types of blocks:

- information transfer: textual information supplemented by visual material to share knowledge

- review questions related to the textual information, to help knowledge transfer

- orienting questions to help readers to connect information provided in the e- book with their everyday work and experiences.

How to use the e-book?

Readers are encouraged to read the textual information first, and watch the

visual material on topics in their interest, continued by testing their

knowledge through the review questions. Then try to apply the knowledge

obtained to their specific situation with the help of the orienting questions.

6.1.1. Structure of the e-book/1

Chapter1 Introduction - Who am I and which could be the major fields of my interest in the e-book? How can this e-book help me? How shall I use this e-book?

Chapter 2 presents the main trends of current demographic change in Europe, with a specific focus in Central Europe. Readers can obtain information on their own region through an embedded data base, and find regions with similar characteristics and problems.

Chapter 3 discusses the most important impacts of ageing and population shrinking on economy, society and the environment. It highlights the difficulties demographic change poses in public finances, including finances in such big welfare systems as health care and pensions, but it also presents the potential brought by ‘silver economy’. It also draws attention to the self-perpetuating process of the concentration of poverty.

6.1.1. Structure of the e-book/2

Chapter 4 briefly presents the policy framework of actions to adapt services and infrastructure to demographic change, and discusses a series of general guidelines which help to create effective responses to ageing and shrinking.

Further outputs to be incorporated: Final version of the position paper, European Strategy for regional responses to demographic changes, The transnational review of European and regional strategic docs on DC, ….?

Chapter 5 presents challenges brought by demographic change in specific infrastructure and service areas, together with suggestions to respond to these challenges, and good practices already implemented, to inspire practitioners facing similar challenges. Two different infrastructure and service types will be analysed: network infrastructures and services such as transport, water and sewage, and social infrastructures and services such as social care, health care, housing and local supply.

Further outputs to be incorporated: Cost Analysis report, Evaluation of pilot actions,…?

+Checklist – questions to consider if you plan to adapt services to demographic change

Useful terms, Literature

Aim to deliver knowledge produced by the project in details to local and

regional practitioners to develop their ability to cope with the challenges of adapting to DC: to improve participants’ skills in identifying DC-related problems and main stakeholders, to provide them with practical ideas and guidelines on actions to adapt to DC

Output: 2 curricula's

Curricula for transnational level – base for transnational study tours Curricula for national level- base for national courses

Transnational curricula’s were sent out to the partnership on 20 March 2014.

6.1.2 Curriculum for trainings

6.1.2. Curriculum for the transnational study tour 6.2.1 Transnational study tour

Target groupOrganizers and potential lecturers of national study tours, stakeholders

who are actors facing the challenges of DC and its consequences for adaptation measures on local-regional-national and also on Central-European level (e.g. public administration, public or private executive / service providers, experts (scientific, consultant, etc.), professional associations, lobby groups, NGOs). To ensure the highest multiplication effect, it is important to involve a wide range of stakeholders, enlarging the discussion far beyond the circles of the consortium.

Content of curriculum

A.) the method how the information transfer shall take place and- the training will consist of presentations, roundtable discussions, open discussions and a DC related sightseeing in Budapest

B.) a structured draft of information to be transferred to the target group, based on the results of WP3, WP4, WP5- mainly on the content of the e-book

6.1.2. + 6.2.1. Organisational issues

Language of the transnational study tour: English

(translation should be provided by national PPs)

Length of the transnational study tour: 3 days

Timing: 20-22 May 2014

Number of participants: Approx. 60 persons

Venue of the transnational study tour: Budapest (Hotel President-tbc)

Venue and list of presenters should be fixed latest till 18 April 2014.

Sending out invitations between 22-25 April 2014 coordinated by ONEP, with the help

of the PPs.

Registration will be coordinated by ONEP.

6.1.2. +6.2.1. Blocks of information to be transferred to participants/1

Introduction to DCThe block presents the main trends of current DC in Europe, including

general tendencies, followed by information about the demographic imbalances, natural population change, ageing and increasing life expectancy. It gives a more detailed analysis on DC in Central Europe.

Consequences of DCThe block discusses the impacts DC brings about in economy (including

macro- and microeconomical impacts), society (poverty, segregation, marginalisation and decreasing social cohesion) and the built environment (problems caused by vacancies, need for adaptation to specific needs, challenges to spatial planning).

Policy framework to support adaptation to DCThe block presents general guidelines for the planning of actions to adapt

services and infrastructure to DC, identified in the ADAPT2DC project, including, among others, turning former growth-oriented strategies to qualitative decline-oriented ones, finding a compromise between the complexity of potential actions and reality, place-based planning and innovative finance.

6.1.2. +6.2.1. Blocks of information to be transferred to participants/2

Challenges and solutions in different service areas

The block consists of an introductory lecture, followed by a roundtable discussion including short presentations of pilot projects and good practices and moderated discussion. 5 themes will be covered in 2 main fields: hard infrastructure and social services. Themes covered in the field of hard infrastructure include transport and mobility, housing and public spaces. Social services discussed include health and long term care, child care and other social services, as well as local supply.

“Train the trainers” section

The block consists of a presentation and discussion of the structure and methods of knowledge transmission for trainers and organizers of the national study tours.

During the first part of the session participants will be informed about the basic technical and organisational questions concerning the national courses: how it should be organised, what are the aims of the national courses, who is the target group, what kind of technical facilities are needed at the venue, etc.

In the second part the lecturer presents the teaching materials of the national courses, and familiarises the participants with their structure and the content.

6.1.2. +6.2.1. Blocks of information to be transferred to participants/3

The teaching materials of the national courses includes the followings:

General information about the e-book ‘New innovative solutions to adapt governance and management of public infrastructures to demographic change - E-book for tackling infrastructure costs in shrinking regions’,

• Power Point presentations: o Trends of demographic changeo Impacts of demographic changeo Policy framework to support the adaptation to demographic changeo Challenges and local solutions in service provision I. Hard infrastructureo Challenges and local solutions in service provision II. Social services• ‘ADAPT2DC NUTS3 database

The closing session focuses on the ‘Plan an action’ interactive workshop’, since this could be the most practical output for the participants of the future national courses, however the most challenging to moderate for the trainers. Participants will think through and discuss the questions of the hand-out ‘Orienting questionnaire for the small group workshop’ and will try to answer them on a given example.

6.1.2. +6.2.1. Proposed activity of participants/ Expected outputs of the study tour

Proposed activity of participantsPrior to the study tour, participants are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the e-book . During the study tour, participants are encouraged to share their experiences and views in the open group discussions. Expected outputs of the study tourParticipants understand the nature of DC in Europe, and specificities of Central Europe. They can outline the most important changes demographic change brings about in economy, society and the built environment. They familiarise with guiding principles in planning actions to adapt to DC. They obtain knowledge on challenges caused by DC in different infrastructure and service areas covered in the ADAPT2DC project, and become aware of pilot actions and good practices to adapt to demographic change in these areas. Organisers and potential lecturers of national trainings became able to transmit their knowledge.

6.1.2.+6.2.1. Detailed schedule of the training/1

Date Time Title of the presentation PP contact

Name of the presenter/moder

ator/etc. OrganizationModerator in the morning session ONEP Lívia Török

20 May 2014 9.30-10.00 Opening

20 May 2014 10.00-10.20

ADAPT2DC in the frame of European Territorial Cooperation LP Klaus Bongartz TMBLV

20 May 2014 10.20-10.40Demographic trends in Europe ONEP Ivan Tosics, Dr.

Metropolitan Research Institute/ ADAPT2DC EAB member

20 May 2014 10.40-11.05

Specificities of demographic trends in Central Europe ISCAS Martin Simon

Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

20 May 2014 11.05-11.30

Impacts of demographic change - Focusing on economy, society and built environment ONEP Mária Rédai

Regionális Informatika Ltd.

20 May 2014 11.30-11.50

Cost analysis of public service infrastructures to support adaptation to demographic change

Katowice Uni Arthur/Marcin/A

damUniversity of Katowice

20 May 2014 11.50-12.10

Policy framework to support adaptation to demographic change Malapolska

Katarzyna Tarnawska PhD/Ewa Slezak PhD

Univeristy of Krakow

Keynote lectures

6.1.2.+ 6.2.1. Detailed schedule of the training/2

Date Time Title of the presentation PP contact

Name of the presenter/moder

ator/etc. Organization

Transport and mobilityModerator LP Diana Borowski TMBLV

20 May 2014 14.15-14.35

Introductory lecture – Presentation of the context LP Klaus Bongartz TMBLV


Presentations 5-10’ x 3 short overlook of the presented best practice/pilot project 1.Pilot Project: Saale-Orla-Kreis - KombiBus LP Mr. Ruge?2.Best Practice 1. Village Mobile in Klaus LP

Verein Dorfmobil KSK

3.Best practice 2. Adaptation of Public Transport Service in Chomutov Usti/ISCAS

Mrs. Příhodová, Mr. Kudrna?

Regional Authority of Usti Region

B.New Public Transport Concept in Salzwedel LP

PVGS Personenverkehrsgesellschaft

C:Stop by Need, district Dahme-Spreewald LP

Regionale Verkehrsgesellschaft Dahme-Spreewald mbH

D: Hungarian best practice: Hybrid buses in the City of Kecskemét



Roundtable discussion about the possible solutions, practices, financing possibilities, policy recommendation


Moderated discussion between the participants about relation of their problems, presented practices, and further possibilities with a cup of coffee

Hard infrastructure I.

6.1.2.+ 6.2.1. Detailed schedule of the training/3

DateTitle of the

presentation PP contact

Name of the presenter/moderator/

etc. Organization

21 May 2014Moderator Lea Kőszeghy


Introductory lecture – Presentation of the context ONEP Lea Kőszeghy


Presentations 5-10’ x 3 short overlook of the presented best practice/pilot project

1.Pilot Project: Vacancy management in Vejprtsko, Ústi Region, Czech Republic


Mrs. Příhodová, Mr. Kudrna? Marin Lux

2.Pilot project 2: Inner development management (mapping & marketing vacancies) in Bad Berneck, Oberfranken-Ost LP Mr. Ruge3.Pilot project 3.: New innovative tools to manage the overdimensioned public infrastructure (public housing, roads ), Maribor Vlasta?

B.Best Practice 1.: Revitalisation of the City Centre, Güstrow/Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania LPC.Best practice 2. : Reduction of Public Dwelling Stock, in Germany LP Research Agency D: Hungarian best practice: Kesztyűgyár ONEP

Representative of the project, name tbc


Roundtable discussion about the possible solutions, practices, financing possibilities, policy recommendation

Malopolska ISCAS

Agnieszka Labus Martin Lux


Moderated discussion between the participants about relation of their problems, presented practices, and further possibilities with a cup of coffee

Hard infrastructure II.Housing & public spaces

6.1.2.+ 6.2.1. Detailed schedule of the training/4

DateTitle of the

presentation PP contact

Name of the presenter/moderator/

etc. Organization

21 May 2014 Moderator UNCEM Erich Giordano


Introductory lecture – Presentation of the context UNCEM Erich Giordano


Presentations 5-10’ x 3 short overlook of the presented best practice/pilot project 1.Pilot Project: The multiservices center in Ostana (Po valley) UNCEM

Representative of the pilot

2.Best Practice 1.: Village Shop Allgaeu Krugzell LP3.Best practice 2.: DORV, Barmen/North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany LP Heinz Frey, tbc4. Self supporting village of Túristvándi EARFU

Representative of the project


Roundtable discussion about the possible solutions, practices, financing possibilities, policy recommendation


Moderated discussion between the participants about relation of their problems, presented practices, and further possibilities with a cup of coffee

Local supply

6.1.2.+ 6.2.1. Detailed schedule of the training/5

DateTitle of the

presentation PP contact

Name of the presenter/moderator/

etc. Organization

21 May 2014 Moderator MalapolskaKatarzyna Tarnawska PhD/Ewa Slezak PhD


Introductory lecture – Presentation of the context Presentations 5-10’ x 3 short overlook of the presented best practice/pilot project 1.Pilot Project: Telemedical services for senior citizens as a tool for optimising healthcare costs in the poviats Miechowski Malapolska

Korneliusz Fil, M.D., Michal Haranczyk, M.D.

2.Best Practice 1. Family Doctor Academy in Hersfeld-Rothenburg/Hesse LP Anja Csenar,tbc

Best practice 2. Mobil dentist in Templin/Brandenburg LP noCentre of Culture and Leisure for Senior Citizens in City of Krakow, Poland Malapolska

An employer of the Centre, name tbcAntoni Wiatr

Community Care in the Commune of Lipinki , Poland Malapolska

An employer of the Centre, name tbcKatarzyna Ślusarz

Hungarian best practice: HELP ? EARFU


Roundtable discussion about the possible solutions, practices, financing possibilities, policy recommendation Witold Kramarz


Moderated discussion between the participants about relation of their problems, presented practices, and further possibilities with a cup of coffee

Health care

6.1.2.+ 6.2.1. Detailed schedule of the training/6

DateTitle of the

presentation PP contact

Name of the presenter/moderator/

etc. Organization

22 May 2014 Moderator EARFU Zoltán Balogh


Introductory lecture – Presentation of the context EARFU Zsuzsanna Antal


Presentations 5-10’ x 3 short overlook of the presented best practice/pilot project 1.Pilot Project: Promoting the return of women to the labour market by launching integral nursing services for children in Észak Alföld- ÉARFÜ EARFU

Representative of the pilot, name tbc

2. Best Practice 1. Community Care in the Commune of Lipinki , Poland Malapolska

An employer of the Community, name tbc

3. Best practice 2. Intergeneration house “Fruits of Society” in Murska Sobota, Slovenia Vlasta?4.Hungarian best practice: Q-Ageing, 11th District of the City of Budapest ONEP

Representative of the project, name tbc


Roundtable discussion about the possible solutions, practices, financing possibilities, policy recommendation


Moderated discussion between the participants about relation of their problems, presented practices, and further possibilities with a cup of coffee

13.30-16.30Train the trainers session ONEP ONEP Team

Childcare and other social services

"Train the trainers"

6.1.2. + 6.2.1. Financial issues/1

Each partner country are strongly recommended to be presented on the transnational study tour with min. 3 external experts/ representatives of pilot actions/represenatives of best practices.

Travel and accommodation costs of the external experts/ representatives of pilot actions/represenatives of best practices are covered by ONEP. Limit: 3 experts/country. If you have more experts who are interested in participating in the transnational study tour, please inform us and we can surely find a solution.

List of the external experts/ representatives of pilot actions/represenatives of best practices are requried latest till 25 April 2014.

All WP6 related travel and accommodation costs of PPs have to be paid by their own travel budgets.

6.1.2. + 6.2.1. Financial issues/2Requirments for invoices covered by ONEP:

According to Control & Audit Guidelines - ONEP would need a detailed invoice from each expert, clearly stating;

• date of the invoice,• the payee (PP), • the payer(Office of National Economic Planning Address: 1051 Budapest, József

nádor tér 2-4) , • the name of the project and the programme and the description of the services

(e.g. Expert participating in Transnational study tour).

This invoice should be accompanied by documents supporting the project related expenditure. E.g.: A train ticket shows the price, so it should be sufficient. Otherwise an invoice of the railway company would be required.

All the experts have to pre-finance their costs. After the transnational study tour the invoices should be sent to ONEP. The costs will be paid back within 2 weeks after the approval of ONEP.

6.1.2. Curriculum for the national seminars/16.2.2 Courses (in national languages)AimIn order to reach a wider public, national seminars shall be held in each country in national language.

ContentStructured draft of information to be transferred to the target groupBased on the results of transnational study tours

Performing method of national seminarsThe training will consist of presentations, small group workshops and a practice-oriented training about the usage of the ADAPT2DC database. A standardized set of presentation material for national trainings was developed in the framework of the ADAPT2DC project by ONEP which should be translated to national languages (as well as the e-book). The small group workshops are led by orienting questions also provided by ONEP. With PP14 coordination each partner country should organize one national seminar one month before the end of the project. Lecturer's of the national seminar should be aware of the content of the e-book and should take part on the transnational study tour on 20-22 May 2014 in Budapest.

6.1.2. Curriculum for the national seminars/26.2.2 Courses (in national languages)

Language of the national seminar is: national (English minutes/summary+list of participants are needed)

Length of the national seminar : 1 day (from 9.00 am-5 pm)

Number of participants: Approx. 30 persons

Location of the transnational study tour: should be decided till the end of May (6 venues are needed)

Timing: After the transnational study tour latest till the end of the project (between 23May 2014- 30 September 2014)

Timing and location of the national seminars should be fixed till the end of April 2014.

6.1.2. + 6.2.2. Blocks of information to be transferred to participants/1

• Introduction to demographic change

The block presents the main trends of current demographic change in Europe, including general tendencies, followed by information about the demographic imbalances, natural population change, ageing and increasing life expectancy. It gives a more detailed analysis on demographic change in Central Europe.

• Consequences of demographic change

The block discusses the impacts demographic change brings about in economy (including macro- and microeconomical impacts), society (poverty, segregation, marginalisation and decreasing social cohesion) and the built environment (problems caused by vacancies, need for adaptation to specific needs, challenges to spatial planning).

6.1.2. + 6.2.2. Blocks of information to be transferred to participants/2

• Guidelines for the planning of actionsThe block presents general guidelines for the planning of actions to adapt services and infrastructure to DC, identified in the ADAPT2DC project, including, among others, turning former growth-oriented strategies to qualitative decline-oriented ones, finding a compromise between the complexity of potential actions and reality, place-based planning and innovative finance.

• Challenges and solutions in different service areasThe block consists of short presentations followed by open group discussion. Six themes will be covered in two main fields: hard infrastructure and social services. Themes covered in the field of hard infrastructure include transport and mobility, housing and public spaces and water/sewage treatment. Social services discussed include health and care, child care and other social services, as well as local supply.

6.1.2. + 6.2.2. Schedule of the training/1Time Title/topic Description Length Method 9:00-9:15 Introduction of the ADAPT2DC

project The aim is to give a short overview about the project; its aims methods and results

‘15 Power Point presentation – provided by ONEP in English

9.15-10.15 Introduction to demographic change


9:15-9:45 Trends of demographic change

European overview of demographic change

Demographic change in Central-Europe

Presentation about the main trends of current demographic change in Europe, including general tendencies, followed by information about the demographic imbalances, natural population change, ageing and increasing life expectancy. It gives a more detailed analysis on demographic change in Central Europe.

‘30 Power Point presentation – provided by ONEP in English

9:45-10:15 Find your region! How to use the ADAPT2DC database

Interactive training about the usage of the ADAPT2DC NUTS3 level database – everybody should find data on his/her own region, and try to interpret what is the main demographic challenge for the region

‘30 Interactive training about the usage of the ADAPT2DC NUTS3 level database – database provided by ISAS in English. Internet and laptop/PC for each (or at least for every 2-3) participant

10:15-10:45 Coffee break ‘30 10:45-11:15 Impacts of demographic

change Presentation about the impacts of demographic change in economy (including macro- and microeconomical impacts), society (poverty, segregation, marginalisation and decreasing social cohesion) and the built environment (problems caused by vacancies, need for adaptation to specific needs, challenges to spatial planning).

‘30 Power Point presentation – provided by ONEP in English

6.1.2. + 6.2.2. Schedule of the training/211:15-11:45 Policy framework to support

the adaptation to demographic change

The bloc presents general guidelines for the planning of actions to adapt services and infrastructure to demographic change, identified in the ADAPT2DC project, including, among others, turning former growth-oriented strategies to qualitative decline-oriented ones, finding a compromise between the complexity of potential actions and reality, place-based planning and innovative finance.

‘30 Power Point presentation – provided by ONEP in English

11:45-12:30 Getting to know each other – presentation of the background and expertise of the participants

Short presentation of the background and expertise of the participants; after which everybody shall choose one from the fields of service provision discussed in ADAPT2DC project, and join a subgroup (5-7 person/group) which will work together during the afternoon session.

‘45 Moderated group discussion, subgroup creation supported by flipchart

12:30-13:30 Lunch ‘60 13:30-16:45 Challenges and local solutions

in service provision

The bloc consists of presentations regarding six themes in two main fields: hard infrastructure and social services, followed by an interactive workshop with small groups.


13:30- 14:00 Challenges and local solutions in service provision I. Hard infrastructure

Themes covered in the field of hard infrastructure include transport and mobility, housing and public spaces and water/sewage treatment.

‘30 Power Point presentation – provided by ONEP in English

14:00-14:30 Challenges and local solutions in service provision II. Social services

Social services discussed include health and care, child care and other social services, as well as local supply.

‘30 Power Point presentation – provided by ONEP in English

14:30-14:45 Coffee break ‘15 14:45-16:45 Plan an action! Interactive



14:45-16:00 Plan an action! - workshop Interactive workshops – the participants of each subgroup should find out and discuss the problems involved by demographic change in the particular field and plan an action that might improve the service provision. They shall use the recommendations and practices of the previous presentations or introduce other ones as well. The moderator should introduce the aim and method of this workshop and facilitate subgroup discussions.

‘75 small group discussions – based on the orienting questions provided by ONEP in English

16:00-16:45 Presentations of the action plans

The short presentations should summarise the results of the common thinking – by answering the orienting questionnaire

‘45 presentations of the participants – flipcharts are needed

16:45-17:00 Closure of the meeting Short summary of the results, what we have learnt by the presentations and through the common thinking in the afternoon session and further information about the webpage and the E-book.

‘15 presentation of the trainer – based on his/her experiences during the whole day.

6.1.2. + 6.2.2. Schedule of the training/3

Description: targeted messages for different stakeholders delivered in the form of presentations at events of the target group

Output Month PP Topic and targeted stakeholder group of

the presentation

Date of presentation

Presentation of targeted messages at conferences (8)

18-36 (April 2013-October 2014)









6.3.1 Presentation of targeted messages at conferences

It could be based on the themes of pilot actions. We received some presentations All ADAPT2DC related conferences are welcomedPls update your tables

Possible strategic stakeholders:

Topic related politics (on EU, national and regional/local)Topic related local governments: Cities, municipalities and communities. Topic related regional and local administrationsTopic related service suppliers schools, educational centres, local NGOs, and other rural stakeholders, etc.Topic related planners, researchers and local practitioners, etc.

Description: A segmented strategic mailing list was composed to reach the most important stakeholders and policy makers on EU, Member State and regional-local level

6.3.2 Strategic mailing list

Based on inputs of partners and existing mailing lists Template for strategic mailing list for each PP were sent out List should be constantly up-dated, new inputs are welcomed

Timing: 18-36 month (April 2013-October 2014)

CountryType of sectorPls, choose from

the given list

Type of organisation Pls, choose from the given list

Name of organisation

NUTS level

Pls, choose from the given list

Type of territory Name Position E-mail

Hungary not relevant public or private executive / service provider Rév 8 co. Ltd. LAU 2 urban/suburban Alföldi György member of the directorate

Hungary social care public or private executive / service provider

Service for Family Support and Child Welfare of the Jászság LAU 1 rural Baginé Gavaldik Lívia associate

Hungary housingprofessional association, lobby group ReFoMix NUTS 3

urban/suburbanBakos Péter director

Hungary not relevant professional association, lobby group

Association for Hungarian Tourism Destinations and Management-organisations

NUTS 0 not relevant Balogh Károly president

Hungary not relevant public administration Somogy county NUTS 3 not relevant Baloghné Molnár Ida vice president of the general assembly

Hungary not relevant public administration Fejér county NUTS 3 not relevant Balsay István presidential counselor

Hungary not relevant expert (scientific, consultant, etc.)

University of Debrecen Faculty of Agriculture and Rural Development NUTS 2 not relevant Bauerné Dr. Gáthy

Andrea assistant professor

Hungary not relevant professional association, lobby group

National Association for Town Municipalities (Kisvárosi Önkormányzatok Országos Érdekszövetsége )

NUTS 0 urban/suburban Berki Ágnes secretary

Hungary not relevant professional association, lobby group INTERIM-CARE Ltd not

relevant not relevant Bogdándiné Zsiros Márta director

Hungary not relevant public administration Békés county NUTS 3 not relevant Bornné dr. Stefkovics Valéria county vice clerk

Hungary not relevant expert (scientific, consultant, etc.)

Central Hungarian Regional Development Agency NUTS 2 not relevant Bozzay Péter executive director

Hungary not relevant expert (scientific, consultant, etc.)

West Transdanubian Regional Development Agency Non-profit Limited Liability Company

NUTS 2 not relevant Breznovits István executive director

Hungary social care NGO Hungarian Reformed Church Aid Nuts 0 urban/suburban Czibere Károly director general

Hungary waste and sewage public administration Municipality of Jászfényszaru LAU 2 urban/suburban Csatlósné Farkas

Mónika project manager

Hungary transport public administration Municipality of Nyiregyháza LAU 2 urban/suburban Csorba Miklósné Project manager

Hungary housing professional association, lobby group Euro-Régió House NUTS 3 urban/suburban Dancs László director

Hungary not relevant public administration City Council of Jászberény LAU 1 rural Dányi Olga head of office

Description: Policy newsletter will be sent with targeted messages (containing the output, feedbacks of transnational and national courses) to different targeted groups of stakeholders, on the strategic mailing list in English and in national languages.

Target groups: •European institutions – English•national policy makers – each national language in each country,•regional policy makers – each national language in each country, •planners – each national language in each country,•local practitioners – each national language in each country•local suppliers- each national language in each country

6.3.3 Policy Newsletters

6 newsletters, each covering all ADAPT2DC themes in a specific way focusing on the needs of the targeted stakeholder group

Using the same design as ADAPT2DC newsletters (with the support of WP2) English version will be translated into national languages for the stakeholders by

PPs Target group is identified and covered by strategic mailing list Timing: 18-36 month (April 2013-October 2014)Suggested timing: From May 2014- October 2014

Timing of the AF

12 246 18 30

Study report

Position Paper

Definition of terms and indicators

Analysis of data

Best practice catalogue

Regional Guidebook

Transnational Guidebook

Final report pilot actions

European Strategy

Action plans

E-book and curriculum for trainings

Transnational study tours and national courses

Presentations, mailing list, newsletter










249 36



To-do-list of WP6/1

What? When?

Finalization of the text of the e-book till 28 April 2014

Comments of the PPs on the e-book till 5 May 2014

Finalization of the e-book till 18 April 2014

Finalization the venue and list of presenters /representatives of pilot actions and best practices of the transnational study tour

18 April 2014

Sending out invitation of the transnational study tour

22-25 April 2014

Transnational study tour 20-22 May 2014

Timetable/ location of the national seminars should be fixed

till 30 April 2014

What? When?

Sending ADAPT2DC related presentation to ONEP


Up-dating national strategic mailing lists Constantly

Sending out Policy newsletters May –October 2014

To-do-list of WP6/2