Things no donor said, ever

Post on 21-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Things no donor said, ever

Things no donor said, everOr: Is your fundraising realistic?

Jeff Brooks

This modern, edgy design really makes me think positively about this charity!

I don't feel educated enough about this cause to donate to it. Please give me more facts.

Please give me information about what it is you don't do.

Your logo isn't big enough!

Tell me again about how visionary your founder is.

This message is not consistent with the charity's brand guidelines. No way am I going to donate!

Puns! Wordplay! Finally! Now I'm on board with this cause!

Would you please tell me more about your wonderful wealthy donors who give far more than I ever could?

I get a warm feeling when you complain about how hard it is to raise funds.

That reading level is too low! You insult my intelligence! I will never donate again! I spit on your mother's grave!


Wow! That's like my third impression from your campaign this month! Bravo!

Your jargon really impresses me.



Jeff Brooks, Creative Director, TrueSense Marketing

Email: jeff.brooks@truesense.comTwitter: @jeffbrooks