There are mainly 4 kinds of sentences. Declarative or ...

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Transcript of There are mainly 4 kinds of sentences. Declarative or ...

1) Declarative or Assertive Sentence 2) Interrogative Sentence
3) Imperative Sentence 4) Exclamatory Sentence
Declarative or Assertive Sentence
A sentence which states facts, describes, or reports something is called a declarative or
assertive sentence.
Declarative sentences can be positive or negative. They end with a full stop (.).
I am not reading a storybook.
Interrogative Sentence
A sentence that asks a question is called an interrogative sentence. Interrogative sentences
end with a question mark (?).
Imperative Sentence
An imperative sentence gives a command or makes a request. Imperative sentences end with
a full stop (.).
Exclamatory Sentence
An exclamatory sentence shows strong or sudden emotion or feelings of sorrow, pity,
happiness, or surprise. Exclamatory sentences end with an exclamation mark (!).
Let’s do these questions in your note copy.
Identify the type of sentences.
1. How well she sings!
2. They went to play.
3. Did I say anything to make you angry?
4. What is your name?
5. Bring a glass of water.
Use proper punctuation marks in the following sentences.
1. She is a successful writer
2. Go at once
4. What a tragedy
E content -3

| | - |
1.) | 2.) | 3.) –
. .
. .
4.) –
.) .)
5.) –
. ) ?
. ) ?
. ) - ?
.) ?
6.) –
.) - ______
. ) ------------ |
.) ------------ |
ECONTENT FOR THE WEEK 26-04-2021 to 30-04-2021
( The following explanations are given for your understanding.)
In addition we have already learned to add the numbers having one digit, two
digits, three digits and four digits in detail. Now we have to learn the addition of numbers with more than four digits.
(To be done in C.W. COPY )
Terms of addition
The numbers which we add are called ADDENDS and the answer of addition is called SUM.
Key words of Addition
Without carry over
With carry over
We arrange the numbers one below the other in the place value columns. We start adding them one by one from the right most column and take the carry over to the next column, if required.
Example -
1 1
Hence 44,81,914 + 31,27,510 = 76,09,424
Properties of addition
addends does not change the sum.
For example- 41 + 23 = 23 + 41
2. Associative property of addition: Changing the grouping of
addends does not change the sum.
For example- (20 + 39 ) + 21 = 20 + ( 39 +21)
3. Zero property of addition: The sum of 0 and any number is
that number. Zero is the additive identity of any number.
For example- 79 + 0 = 79
( The following explanations are given for your understanding.)
How to check the answer of an addition sum?
Example -
1. From the sum, subtract the first ADDEND.
2. The answer of this subtraction will be the second addend.
3. We can even subtract the second ADDEND from the SUM to get the first
Do as directed
1. Solve HOTS of page no. 18 in the Maths Activity Copy.
2. Solve HOTS of page no. 24 in the book.
3. Solve Page no. 29 and 30 in the book.
4. Solve Ex – 2 ( A ) Q.1 and Q.2 in the book.
5. Solve Q.3 ( c and d ) , Q.5 ( a and d ) , Q.6 in the C.W. Copy.
6. Solve Ex – 2 (B) in the book.
Food and Digestion
Our body is a very complex system. It works like a machine with the help of
various organs present in it, one such system is the digestive system.
The mouth, food pipe ( oesophagus ), stomach, small intestine, liver,
pancreas, large intestine and anus are some of the organs of the digestive
The process by which food is broken down into simpler form that can be
absorbed by the body is known as digestion.
It is used for tasting, licking and speaking. It also pushes the food into the
food pipe at the time of swallowing.
It is a muscular bag- like organ in which food can be stored for a few hours.
The food here gets mixed with the digestive juices secreted by the walls of
the stomach.
The digestive juices produced by small intestine, liver and pancreas get mixed
with the food here and are completely digested. The walls of the small
intestine absorb the nutrients from the digested food and pass it to the
blood. Blood carries the nutrients to all the parts of the body.
The undigested food passes into the large intestine. The walls of the large
intestine absorb water from it and the undigested semi- solid waste is
collected in the rectum and is eliminated through the anus.
a) Virus
b) Bacteria
c) Fungi
d) Protozoa
2. Organ which passes the chewed food to the stomach.
II. Answer the following questions:
Q1. How are micro-organisms useful to us?
Ans) The uses of micro-organisms are-
a) They help in decomposing dead plants and animals.
b) Some microbes help in digestion of the food we eat.
c) Some microbes change milk into curd.
Q2) Briefly describe the digestion process in the mouth.
Ans) Food enters the digestive system through the mouth. Food is
broken down into smaller pieces by chewing. The teeth cuts and
crushes the food, while saliva mixes with the food and makes it softer
and easier to swallow.
Q3) Write the sequence in which the food travels inside the body.
Ans) The sequence in which the food travels inside the body is –
Mouth, food pipe, stomach, small intestine and large intestine.
Q4) Draw a well labelled diagram of the digestive system.
(SUBJECT – S.St) CLASS – IV E-CONTENT FOR THE WEEK ( 26/04/2021 to 30/04/2021)
• A flat and level land is called a plain.The plains
of India includes –
b) The coastal plains.
from Punjab to Assam.
water throughout the year. They also bring with
them broken pieces of rocks ,sand and silt. The
fine silt deposited by the rivers is called alluvium
which is very fertile and good for crops.
• A smaller river that flows into a bigger river is
the tributary of the bigger river. The area
watered by a river and its tributaries is called its
basin (River Basin).
and their tributaries have formed the northern
originates in Tibet.
river basin.
generates electricity and provides water for
originates from the Gangotri glacier in the
Himalayas. River Yamuna is its main tributary.
*The Ganga and its tributaries flow through
Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh,Bihar and West
West Bengal. One branch enters Bangladesh
and is called Padma, further it joins the
and is called Hugli.
Brahmaputra originates in Tibet,where it is
called Tsangpo.It enters India through Arunachal
Pradesh and flows through Assam,before
entering Bangladesh.
the largest delta in the world,before falling into
the Bay of Bengal.This is known as the
Sunderban Delta.
main occupation.
machines such as tractors and harvesters.
People of Punjab are fond of
makkekiroti,sarsonkasaag and lassi.They
*Haryana: The farmers of Haryana also use
modern machines for farming. Many people are
engaged in cattle rearing and dairy farming.
*National Capital Territory of Delhi:Delhi has
many famous monuments such as the Red Fort,
QutubMinar, India Gate, Humayun’sTomb,Jama
Masjid, Lotus Temple and Akshardham Temple.
Lucknow,silk sarees of Varanasi and brassware
of Moradabad are popular all over the world.
The KumbhMela is held every 12 years in
Prayagraj. Agra, Varanasi and Lucknow are
cities of tourist interest.
is a centre of silk weaving. Litti- chokha and
sattuparantha are popular dishes.Chhath is an
important festival.
tourist interest.
Chhath puja
crops grown here. Darjeeling has many tea
gardens. Jute mills are located along both banks
of the Hugli river. Fishing is an important
occupation in the coastal region. People speak
Bangla. Durga Puja is the most popular festival.
*Assam: Assam is famous for tea and silk.
Petroleum and natural gas are found in Digboi.
Many women wear mekhela- chador and
folk dance as well as a harvest festival which is
an important part of Assamese culture.
** Read the above content carefully and answer the following questions :-
I. Fill in the blanks :- (Write the complete sentence in your S.St copy)
1.___________ is the main tributary of Ganga.
2. Bhangra and Giddha are the popular folk dances of_________.
3.Many women in Assam wear ________________ and blouse.
II. Questions and answers:- (Write the questions also)
1. Name the famous monuments located in Delhi.
ANS: Delhi has many famous monuments such as the Red Fort,
QutubMinar, India Gate, Humayun’s Tomb, Jama Masjid, Lotus Temple
and Akshardham Temple.
2. How do the rivers of the northern plains make the land fertile?
ANS: Many rivers which originate in the Himalayas
flow through the northern plains and carry water
throughout the year. They also bring with them
broken pieces of rocks ,sand and silt. The fine silt
deposited by the rivers is called alluvium which is
very fertile and good for crops.
3. Define: a) Tributary b) River Basin
ANS: a) A smaller river that flows into a
bigger river is called the tributary of the
bigger river.
is called its basin (River Basin).
E-CONTENT FOR THE WEEK (26/04/21 TO 30/04/21)
1. The prime minister of which country has recently cancelled his
visit to India due to rising cases of Covid-19?
Ans:- British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
2. Which part of an ant’s body helps it to locate the sweets?
Ans:- A pair of antennae on their head.
3. Which animals are often called ‘the unicorn of the sea’?
Ans:- Narwhals.
Ans:- In the Atlantic and Russian waters of the Arctic.
5. Who becomes the leader in an elephant herd?
Ans:- The oldest female elephant.
6. Name this flowering plant that is generally called sea grass. Its
profusion implies that water is clean.
7. Which underwater plant is also called water floret and water
Ans:- Cape-pondweed
8. The fruit of this aquatic plant is dried and pounded to make
singharaflour. Name this aquatic plant.
Ans:-Water Caltrop
9. Name this aquatic plant having bright violet or blue colour. It is
used for biomass, medicinal purpose, treating waste water, to
make furniture, ropes etc.
10. ___________ is a seaweed which grows in nutrient rich,
shallow ocean belts. It belongs to the algae family and can be
used as a renewable source of energy.
Ans:- Kelp
A computer is an electronic device . It works on the principle of
Input,Processing ,Output (IPO) cycle.
In IPO Cycle ,data and instructions are entered. They are
processed and stored , and finally the result is given out.
A computer system mainly consists of hardware and software
computer that we can touch and see are called hardware.
Based on their functions ,they can be divided into
different categories.
data,information and instructions to a computer.
Ex- Mouse,Keyboard,MicrophoneWebcam
by the computer.
future use and safety.
Ex- Hard disk,CD-ROM,Pen drive
Keyboard:We press the keys of a keyboard to feed data into a
Mouse: It is a pointing device used to feed data into a computer
by pointing,clicking,dragging and dropping.
Graphic Tablet:It helps to insert hand-drawn images into a
computer directly by using a stylus.It is mostly used to enter
digital signatures.
Light Pen:It is shaped like a pen which is connected to the
Monitor or VDU(Visual Display Unit).It is used to draw pictures
or select menu options.It can be used in place of a mouse to
select options.
Microphone: It helps us to give inputs to a computer in the form
of sound or voice.
Webcam:It is a camera that helps us to put images into a
computer by directly clicking is commonly used for web
chats as it helps us to see the person we are chatting with.
Joystick:It is used to play games on computers. It has a handle
with a firing button on top, or where the trigger finger is.
Barcode Reader:It is used to read the barcodes as input data.It
reads the small images of lines and spaces that are affixed to
retail store items,identification cards and postal mail.
Biometric Sensor: It is used to recognize individuals on the basis
of their physical or behavioural traits.It is used to mark the
attendance of the employees and students in organizations and
institutions respectively.
Scanner: It helps to put printed pictures and texts into a
computer.It reads the images and translates the informations into
a form that a computer can use.Flatbed,Sheet-
fed,Handheld,Slide and drum are five common type of
displays the result of the input after it has been
processed.CRT(Cathode Ray Tube),LCD(Liquid Crystal
Display) and LED(Light Emitting Diode) are the three types of
monitors available.
Printer:It is an output device that allows us to print our work on
paper.There are mainly three types of printers on the basis of
print technology .They are Dot Matrix Printer,Inkjet Printer and
Laser Printer.
Plotter: It is used to print good quality drawings mainly used
Speakers:These are used to listen to the audio output of a
Q.A,B,D and E to be done in the computer