The Wrongway Legacy: 4.4

Post on 17-Jan-2015

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Transcript of The Wrongway Legacy: 4.4

Welcome to the Wrongway Legacy, generation four, part four! As you can see, I've gone of a bit of a different look with the cover. I prefer it to the old style.

Anyway! Last time, Hex revealed Orlando had been resurrected, at the cost of Elizabeth Wheeler – who is no longer a zombie as a result. Lavender worried about moving to the city, and so Hex offered to move with her. Lavender introduced Mark to her parents, on the night before the wedding. She spoke to her mother, Grace, about her worries concerning the city, and Grace reminded Lavender it was her choice if she wanted to move to the city. Orlando gave Mark a warning speech, as he never got the chance to quiz Mark before Lavender was about to marry him. On the last day before Mark left for the city, the couple went for a picnic in the Indoor Gardens. As Mark was about to leave, Lavender exited the house sporting a baby bump.

“Henry, it's not that bad,” Hex could hear himself saying, “you just have to stand in between the family and trouble.”

Henry's response was muffled.

“You're next in line, Henry. Not by choice, but by blood. I need to know you can do this before I leave with Lavender at the end of the week.”

Again, Henry's response was muffled.

“I'm sorry, Henry, I can't hear you.”

“I said, what if I don't want the job. What if I want to get married and have a family instead.” Henry replied, sitting up.

“Henry, being a Guardian doesn't mean you can't have a family.”

“Well, look at your attempt of a family. Your adopted son is missing, your actual son grew up in a city thinking someone else was his father, and the woman you love is gone from your life, too.”


“No, I don't want the job. I'm not following in your footsteps.”

Hex tried to smile, though his mind was running through Henry's list, again and again, “Henry, I need all of the help I can get with this curse...”

“Dad,” Henry shut his eyes, “I just want to go back to uni and forget about this conversation. Whatever this is. I want a normal life.”

“I can understand that, but someone has to take the part of Guardian.”

“I know, you keep saying,” Henry replied, “but it's not me. I'm not the next Guardian.”

“Do you want me to drive you back?” Hex asked, quietly.

“No, I grabbed a lift here with Meadow. She's visiting her parents, too. But I bet she won't have a conversation like this one.”

“Yeah,” Hex agreed, and fell silent. Hex's son was not the person he was expecting him to be.


Hercules still hadn't moved. Still hadn't decided.

His original plan was to avenge his father, to take over his role while he was still banished. But the plan hadn't moved forwards since then. Hercules hadn't moved since then.

There were many, many thoughts running through his head about the whole plan, too.

“I don't want to be a monster,” Hercules murmured to himself. He was remembering some of the times Hex had referred to Ralph.

Hercules didn't want the man, who had essentially been his father, to refer to him like that.

Hercules had been so busy, he hadn't heard Aphrodite clearing out her room next to the one he was in. She was gathering her stuff and moving into a place of her own.

To Aphrodite, her twin was still missing – no one had heard from him in ages. Aphrodite knew she wasn't the only person who cared about her brother, but she was probably the most worried.

Aphrodite paused at door on her way out of the house – the door that hid the room where here parents were banished from all that time ago.

She had only been in there once. Aphrodite sighed – if she was leaving, she might as well leave the house in a tidy state for when her parents returned.

Setting down her cardboard box, Aphrodite took a deep breath, and entered the room.

She found very little in the way of furniture in the room, but she found her brother, who smiled up at her.

“Aphrodite, you have no idea how pleased I am to see you!” Hercules grinned.

“Have you been here the whole time?” Aphrodite questioned, raising an eyebrow. She was worried about the gun that was near his feet.

“I guess so...I wanted to know who I was, and-”

“This is how you think you'll find yourself?” Aphrodite demanded, sitting down, “By hiding out in the house of a villain long gone?”

“Aphrodite, I never had the chance to figure out who I was. Who I would have been if I'd grown up here.”

“And I never had the chance to figure out who I would be if I'd grown up somewhere else. Hercules, we can't change our upbringings. It's the past. Who you are is based on how you act,” Aphrodite breathed out, “and right now, you're acting like he would.”

“You mean our Dad?” Hercules asked.

“Yeah,” Aphrodite replied, sourly, “you're blaming everyone else for your problems, despite the fact the root of the problem is gone.”

“Huh...I hadn't looked at it like that...” Hercules frowned a little before looking at Aphrodite, “are you saying I shouldn't be wasting my time, going through the what-ifs.”

“That is exactly what I'm saying.”

“I don't want you to turn into them,” Aphrodite admitted in a small voice, “it's what they would have wanted.”

Hercules considered this, “You're absolutely right, Aphrodite. I've wasted so much time...”

“You're still young, you've got plenty of time.”

“I need to go see Hex,” Hercules said, “he's my real father.”


“...and the Wrongways are pleased to announce that baby girl, Madeline Wrongway, arrived safely to the family in the late hours of the night.

The father, who is working out of Sim City currently, is said to be thrilled.”

“Huh, I'm an auntie.”

Rose threw the local paper onto the floor with her empty sheets of paper.

For weeks now, Rose had been looking for inspiration. The world of her childhood seemed really far away now that her Senior Finals were coming up, and no one would stop talking about the happy couples. That's why she was in this theatre, trying to find an idea.

Of course, she hadn't thought about the actors that were rehearsing there when she picked the place, but so far, she had gone unnoticed.

So far, she hadn't been able to work out what the plot of the play being rehearsed was. Some of the actors were in costume, some weren't.

Some were as still as stone, while others bounced and dancing, reciting their lines in cheerful voices.

Rose knew about the importance of practising and editing, but if the final show was going to be anything like this, she knew she would avoid it.

Think, Rose, think. What would Rosie-Posie do if she was in the haunted theatre in the south of the shadows, hiding from the evil sorcerer and trying to find someone to settle down with because that's what everyone else was doing...

“You look like you're away with the fairies.” Came a voice. Rose snapped out of her daydream and looked up, finding one of the actors stood there.

Quickly, she jumped out of her seat and started gathering her stuff up.

“Rose Wrongway, right? Loved your last book,” the man paused, “also, I wasn't ushering you out. I was wondering if you had a moment to speak to me once rehearsals are done.”

“Why? Is it because of the Wronglands?”

“Well, that, and, you looked a bit lost. Even a stranger can be the best listener sometimes,” the actor smiled, “I'm Sullivan Phelps.”

“Pleased to meet you,” Rose grinned, “I will wait to speak to you.”

“Glad to hear it, now I really must get back on stage...”

True to his word, after the rehearsal, Sullivan wandered over to Rose for a chat.

“So what is the problem?” He asked, “When I last saw you, you looked totally lost.”

“I've lost my inspiration. I can't write, there's just no words in my's horrible...”

“Writer's block, hmm? Well...isn't Rosie-Posie somewhat based on yourself, Rose?”

“To an extent, yes.” Rose answered, blushing furiously. Maybe Rosie-Posie was too similar to her own name.

“Then you need a change of routine. Shake it up a little, do something you wouldn't normally dare do. You might find it breaks the mental block.”

“So I go out and do something totally odd?”

“Absolutely! I used to write a little when I was a teenager, and that was my system.”

“I will give it a try,” Rose replied, truthfully, “thank you, Mr Phelps.”

“Please, call me Sullivan. Or Sully, if you desire.”

“Sully then. So, you said you enjoyed my last book?” Rose raised an eyebrow.

“I absolutely did! When William had to choose between his mortality and saving the whole of the Wronglands, I just could not put that book down.”

“Wow, you actually read it!”

“Why do you sound so surprised?” Sullivan chuckled.

“Because it got poor reviews and didn't sell very well,” Rose shrugged, “apart from a couple of kids I saw reading it, I assumed no one else had.”

“Poor reviews? But why! You need to write more, Rose. Prove them wrong,” Sullivan laughed, “I also wouldn't mind meeting up with you again, Rose. You're a nice and honest person.”

“I'd love to meet up again, you seem fun, and helpful.”

“What are you doing Thursday night?” Sullivan asked.

“Nothing at all, unless you count trying to write.”

“How about we meet up for coffee, at seven?” Sullivan smiled, “the Glass Room coffee shop?”


“Then it's a date.” Sullivan replied, and hugged Rose.

Rose couldn't help it, her mind added I wish it was a date.


Hercules was standing opposite the mirror in the bathroom of Ralph's house, noticing the similarities between his reflection and Ralph's.

He may not have known Ralph personally, but he had seen photographs – knowledge of Ralph was taught in schools in Rubix. Everyone knew about him from an early age.

“Hercules Wrongway, son of Ralph,” Hercules said, bitterly, “Hercules, Hercules, Herc-u-lees. Huh. Lees.”

Hercules smiled and his reflection mirrored the image, “If I shorten my name...Hercules Wrongway has a bad reputation with some of the family. Lee Wrongway, however, has a blank slate...”

And with that, Hercules Wrongway became Lee Wrongway.

Rosie-Posie was spending a lot of time with the mysterious knight, and was enjoying every second-

The mysterious knight had captured Rosie-Posie's attention-

Many knew that if you were looking for Rosie-Posie, you would find her with a knight-

He may not have worn shining armour, but Rosie-Posie was convinced this knight was-

How could she even begin to explain it? Rosie-Posie had discovered he was the most caring, most-

She cherished every moment she spent with the knight-

Rosie-Posie had never thought she would have found love being one of the defenders of the old kingdom, but in the last few weeks, it all changed-

She couldn't wait to see him-

Rosie-Posie had been-

“Screw it,” Rose muttered under her breath and deleted the last paragraph yet again. Quickly, she tapped in a replacement.

Rosie-Posie was happy.

“Simple as.” Rose grinned.


The next morning, Lee dropped by the Supernatural Court to visit the man who raised him. Only Phillip answered the door.

“Hercules? You're back?” Phillip smiled, squinting in the sunlight.

“Actually, it's just Lee now,” Lee returned the smile, “and I've got your morning paper here.”

“Thank you, Lee. So how are things?”

“Not bad. Is Hex in?”

“I'm afraid not,” Phillip replied, stepping out of the house, “he left a few hours ago, on his way to Sim City.”

“Sim City? Why?” Lee asked, irritated. Why did this have to happen when he decided it was time to make amends?

“Lavender's moving down there with her family, now she's got a husband working in the music business. Hex is going with them.”

“Lavender's married?” Lee repeated. That was a surprising piece of news. How long had he been in hiding, again?

“Is there anything I can do for you?” Phillip offered.

“No thanks, I was just looking for Hex. I'll drive down to Sim City, seeing as it's an apology I want to deliver in person.”

“I see. Good luck with that, Hercules.”



Sullivan wandered into the Greek House, on Rose's last day at university, to find Rose daydreaming. He smiled to himself, “What's on your mind?”

“Us,” she answered, truthfully, “I was wondering about what we were. A couple that lasts forever? A couple that breaks up when the other moves away?”


“Rose, I've realised I love you. I don't want to let you walk out of my life, because if that happens, I'll never forgive myself for letting you go.”

“Really? Because I love you, too, Sully,” Rose smiled.

“Will you consider spending the rest of your life with me, Rose?”

Rose didn't answer with words, but instead, with a passionate kiss.

“Sullivan, I think we're going to be very happy together.”


Hex walked out of the truck stop, carrying a small coffee, only to find Lavender sitting on the floor playing peekaboo with Madeline.

“Do you think your husband chose this car on purpose?” Hex asked, raising an eyebrow at the convertible he had been driving all day.

“He said something about arriving in style,” Lavender pulled a face at Madeline, causing her to giggle, “he's got quite a few fans down there, apparently.”

“That must mean he's had some success since arriving in the city,” Hex sat down on the pavement, “we'll be there in an hour, if the traffic isn't bad.”

“We're only an hour away?” Lavender repeated, “where are we, anyway?”

“A really small village named Mirage,” Hex answered, smiling at Madeline as butterflies captured her attention, “why?”

“If it's only an hour away, I don't see why we can't move here, instead of into the city.”

“There's really nothing here,” Hex warned, “a large manor house, a park and a petrol station. That's it.”

“It sounds like the perfect place for a hiding Wrongway,” Lavender said.

“We'll need somewhere to hide when Ralph comes back,” Lavender added, quietly, “Rubix won't be safe.”

“Lavender, if you're seriously considering moving here, I think we should take a look around.”

“Sure,” Lavender smiled, “I just think it makes sense. It's an hour away from the city, and miles away from Rubix. Ralph would never think to look here. We can even move the others from my line here-”

“Calm down, Lavender.” Hex chuckled.

“We'll have a tour of the village, shall we? We're making great time, afterall,” Hex grinned at Madeline, “how about we have a peek at the park, Maddie?”

“Flies?” Madeline asked, grinning at Hex.

“There might be butterflies in the park, yes.” Hex replied. Madeline clapped her hands delightedly.


“Llama, mummy!” Madeline cried, gleefully.

“That's right, Maddie, fun, right?”


“I'm going to go sit over there with Hex, okay?”


“See, Hex, Maddie likes it here.” Lavender smiled, sitting down.

“Maddie would like any park if it had plastic llamas.” Hex said, and Lavender nodded, knowing it was true.

“Look, Hex...if I have to have a fresh start, then I want to choose where.”

“The whole idea of moving to the city was to be closer to Mark.”

“I am closer to Mark here. Mirage is an hour away. Rubix is at least five on a good day.”

“It is nice in this little part of the desert,” Hex smiled, “I just...we don't know anything about this place.”

“What's to know, Hex? There's a derelict house, a petrol station and a dusty little park. Mirage is deserted, or thereabouts. It's perfect for the Wrongways.”

“You want your entire family to move out into the desert?”

“I don't want Ralph to be able to get at them when he returns.”

“What about Mark? He's expecting you to move into his apartment today.”

“I'll tell him all about this place. Maybe he'll move here with us, considering how close to the city it is.”

Lavender smiled weakly, as Hex turned his attention away from her, “Trust me, Hex. I have a good feeling about this place.”

“It is nice,” he admitted, “but we have to get back on the road. Let's at least visit your husband before starting a new life in the desert with all of your extended family.”

“Thank you, Hex.”


Neither Lavender or Hex had given much thought to sheer size of Sim City. It took them another hour on top of their journey in order to find Mark's apartment building.

“I hope it's got enough room for the three of us,” Lavender worried, “even if it is only a temporary measure.”

“Yeah, a temporary measure until we move to a deserted village in the middle of nowhere.”

Lavender used the key and let herself and Hex into the apartment, where they found Mark just chilling on his own.

“Lavender! And is that...that's my little girl!” Mark cried, grinning.

Hex wandered through the door shortly afterwards, “It sure is...cosy.”

“It's the charm of the place,” Mark answered, “come in, come in!”

Lavender gently set her daughter down on the floor, and gazed at her husband, “I've missed you.”

“I missed you too,” Mark glanced at Madeline, “apparently, I missed quite a lot.”

“It couldn't be helped,” Lavender smiled, “so how many bedrooms does the flat have?”

“'s a studio flat.” Mark nodded to his bed folded up against the wall. Instead of waiting for Lavender to reply, he started paying attention to the little girl crawling on his floor.

“Are you my little Madeline?” Mark asked, smiling.

“I Maddie!” Madeline declared.

“Maddie, I see. Wow, you grew up fast. And cute, too!”

“Me cute!” Madeline nodded.

Hex sat in the corner, saying nothing as the family got reacquainted. It was times like this he wished he had a family of his own.

But he knew he wouldn't try and raise a family in a studio apartment.

“Hec! Hec!” Madeline called to Hex, “No smile?”

Hex forced a smile, then, “Of course I'm smiling, Maddie.”

“Smile!” Madeline declared, grinning herself.

“You want us to raise a family in a studio apartment in the city?” Lavender repeated.

“You want us to relocate to nowhere because there a park for Maddie, right?” Mark smiled at his wife.

“No, I want us to relocate because it'll be good for the family. I don't want trouble when Ralph returns.”

“Good point,” Mark frowned a little, “we'll look into it. I've got quite a good thing going on down here.”


“Lavender, I'm pretty sure 'we'll look into it' doesn't mean 'go out and buy a house in the middle of nowhere' the next day!”

“Hex, this is what I want. Mark can join us soon because it's only an hour away from the city.”

“I still think you're rushing into this.”

“I still think it's completely worthwhile,” Lavender smiled, “I'm going to ask my parents to live with me.”


Hex sank into his sofa, in a small apartment on the outskirts of Sim City. Once he was sure Lavender was settled in her new home, Hex had left for his temporary home – in the morning, he would look for properties in Mirage.

But until then, he was doing his best to relax.

The doorbell interrupted this plan.

At his door, Hex found the person he was least expecting.

“Hercules? It's been years...”

“It's just Lee now, actually,” Lee replied, nervously, “I came to, er, apologise. I treated you unfairly when I left to find out more about my real parents.”

“It was understandable.”

“No,” Lee replied, “I behaved like a brat. I came here looking for the only man I've ever called my Dad.”


“Lee, now. I wanted to...make amends? Make it up to you?”

“Why don't you come inside, and we can catch up?”


By the end of Lavender's first week in Mirage, some of her family had made it down there to join her – Grace, Orlando and Rose were the first to arrive.

They were present for Madeline's birthday.

Forrest had also shown up, talking of his travels, and a girlfriend who was arriving in Mirage during the following week.

Forrest wouldn't tell them any more details, but assured them they would love her.

Maddie grew into a rather cute little girl. It also became apparent her favourite colour was green.

“Grandma,” Maddie called, rushing round the room to talk to people, “why isn't Daddy here?”

“He's working, sweetheart.” Grace replied, though she wasn't sure if Mark really was working down in the city.

“But I haven't see him except from one time!” Maddie frowned.

“I'm sure he'll be here later, Maddie,” Orlando smiled, and then looked at Grace, “care to dance, Grace?”


In the city, things were starting to wrap up.

“Congratulations on the new contract, Mark, and thanks for showing up tonight.”

“You're welcome,” Mark smiled, “I really need to get going.”

Behind him, someone laughed, “hang on, you're leaving the party we threw for you early?”

“Are you implying you want me to stay?” Mark asked.

“Well, it's a party for your success. Seems a bit stupid to leave early, if you ask me.”

“Fair point,” Mark smiled a little, “but it's my daughter's birthday...I haven't seen her for ages.”

“No, no, I get it.”

“Are...are you sure? You seem kind of...unhappy.”

“Look, if you want to the leave the party being held in your honour, be my guest. But I'm going to grab some more champagne, and dance with that cute actor over there.”

“Who are you?” Mark questioned, amused.

“Faith Goodie. But everyone in the music industry knows me as Lady in Red,” Faith shrugged, “it's a privacy thing.”

“I've heard some of your stuff, it's good.”

“That's not the point,” Faith rolled her eyes, “the point is, you're leaving your own party.”

“Does sound a bit stupid, leaving my own party.” Mark grinned.

“Exactly. You should stay. Go see your family tomorrow. They'll understand.”

“You know what? You're right. Tonight's my night. Now where is that champagne?”


“Grandma, I can't go to bed yet, Daddy's not here!” Maddie said, staring at Grace with wide-eyes.

“Maddie, it's way past your bedtime, come on, into bed.”

“Where is he, Grandma?” Maddie asked, climbing onto her bed.

“Your mother is trying to phone him now,” Grace smiled, “come on, get comfortable and I'll read you a story.”

“I'm sure I'll see him tomorrow,” Maddie decided, “he can't forget about me two days in a row.”-------------------------------------And that it's for this time!

Thanks for reading, hopefully you enjoyed it!