The World on a Turtle’s Back September 7, 11 and 13.

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Transcript of The World on a Turtle’s Back September 7, 11 and 13.

English 11

English 11The World on a Turtles Back

September 7 , 11 and 13 WARM-UPThe World on the Turtles Back LOL p. 24

Warm Up Page 32 Vocabulary in Action Complete Exercise A.Write words and synonyms.Write each word in a sentence. Answers - synonyms1. dishonest devious 2. strive contend3. vacuum void4. quit succumb 5. ceremony ritual OBJECTIVEThe World on the Turtles Back LOL p. 24COPY - Objective: Students will identify cause-effect relationships in order to summarize events, during reading, in a creation myth. Questions for ReviewNow that you have read this story, let us review. READ each question. THINK of an answer.SHARE with your partner. AnswerANSWER: What might the womans actions symbolize? (the woman who walked on the turtles back)

Check your Answer: The womans actions symbolize the development of agriculture and the geological formation of the earth. From Page 28What were 2 causes and 2 effects of the death of the twins mother?Check answersCAUSES:The left-handed twin wanted to head for the light he sawHe was born through the mothers armpitEFFECTS: Useful plants grew from the mothers grave. The right-handed twin was angry at his twin for killing his mother. AnswerANSWER: What might the buried mother, from whose body plants grow, represent? Possible Answers:Mother Earth, agriculture, fertility

Answer ANSWER: How was the earth created?

Check answerThe muskrat brought soil from the bottom of the ocean and the woman grew the earth from it. From Page 29Answer: * Who accidentally falls out of the sky? * How does the woman create land on the turtles back? * What happens when the twins are born? Check answersA pregnant woman accidentally falls out of the sky.She places dirt from the bottom of the ocean on the turtles back and causes the land to grow by walking around it. The left-handed twin is born through the mothers armpit and the mother dies as a result. Page 30Answer: What natural feature is explained by the grandmothers transformation? Check answerThe moonPage 31 WRITE answers.Write in complete sentences.Question #1 What Do You Think? Question #4Question #2 Write down the cause and effect that you found most interesting.WORK INDEPENDENTLY. Then, share answers with your partner.Question #1What Do You Think?

Was it interesting?How well did it explain natural phenomena? Question # 4Possible Response:The Iroquois acknowledge crooked and straight minds as being necessary to a balanced world.They see neither twin as wholly good or wholly evil and they give thanks to each for his creations. Question #2Not only should you describe a valid cause and effect relationship, but you should explain what is interesting about it. Page 31ANSWER from page 31: Extend Interpretations - #5: Write how the Iroquois creation myth is different from any other version of creation that you have read or that you know.

Page 31CLOSURE: Complete the Literary Analysis on page 31 with your partner. CAUSE and EFFECT ChartsPlace C & E to the left (in the left margin) on your paper so that I can easily locate your Cause and Effect chart.Do you have the signature of a parent? Cause and Effect AssignmentIs your chart like the one on page 24?Or, did you use a graphic organizer? Do you have at least FOUR Effects from four Causes? Time for GrammarCopy the assignment pages.Use Language Network. Then use G.U.M.

Return books to the appropriate tables when finished. Language Network TextGrammar: From Language network - Parts of Speech Review, pages 4-23 Focus on the one you missed most on the DIAGNOSTIC.

Language NetworkIf you did not complete the diagnostic parts-of-speech in the previous class period, you should do the self-check on page 5.

Once you have reviewed parts of speech, pick up a G.U.M. book. G.U.M. AssignmentCOPY these assignment pages. Page 1 - #1-10Page 2 - B 1-4 Page 4 - 1-10Page 5 A 1-10 Page 5 B 1-10 Return your G.U.M. bookAs a final assignment, complete a short writing assignment. See next screen. Writing AssignmentShort Answer PromptWrite an explanation that tells how the conflict between the twins affected one aspect of the world that they made. Include details and examples from the text to support your explanation. Turn in ALL work Turn in ALL work for the story about the turtle.