The WORD – Just Do It. Nike: A World Known Brand .

Post on 02-Jan-2016

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Transcript of The WORD – Just Do It. Nike: A World Known Brand .

The WORD – Just Do It

Nike: A World Known Brand

Nike Ad Campaign Like No Other

• “In a 1988 meeting with Nike's advertising agency Weiden and Kennedy, Dan Weiden coined one of the most famous slogans in advertising history when he spoke admiringly to Nike employees about their company's can-do attitude saying, "You Nike guys; you just do it." Ten years and one powerful marketing campaign later, the company's worldwide sales rose from $877 million dollars in 1988 to $9.2 billion in 1998. The slogan "Just Do It" catapulted Nike to the forefront of the sneaker industry and instantly became one of the most recognizable slogans ever created.”

James 1:22-25

• 22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror 24 and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 25 But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.

Just Do It

Table Groups

1. What is the purpose of a mirror?

2. Do you like Standing in Front of A Mirror? Why or Why Not?

3. What is the purpose of God’s Word?

4. How are a Mirror and God’s Word Similar?

5. How Many times Have you Heard God’s Word in the last 2 weeks (R.U.S.H., church, radio, T.V., Internet, Devo’s, Parents Talk, VBS, etc…)

Excuses to Not Doing the Word - Mirror

1. We Don’t Want to See the Warts

Excuses to Not Doing the Word - Mirror

1. We Don’t Want to See the Warts

Like a Scale God’s Word is Necessary to Improve

Excuses to Not Doing the Word - Mirror

2. We Don’t Look Long Enough

We Need to Spend Time in the Mirror/Word

Excuses to Not Doing the Word - Mirror

3. We Quickly Forget what we Heard

Are time spent in the Word needs to be Memorable

Excuses to Not Doing the Word - Mirror

4. We Don’t Look Intently Enough

To Help: • – KJV/NAS, Strong’s or Ask 1) How Can I praise God , 2) What Can I apply Today

Excuses to Not Doing the Word - Mirror

5. We Think God’s Word is Bondage

We are free when we want to do what we ought to do”

How to Do the Word

1. Prepare Your Heart

Take Off all Filthiness and Humbly Put on God’s Word (be Teachable)

How to Do the Word

2. Put Words to Action

Those that Do God’s Word are Wise in

God’s Eyes

How to Do the Word

3. Repeat

Constantly Doing let’s

others know we are Christ ‘s


The WORD – Just Do It

• We Need to Stop the Excuses – We Need to Stop Not Looking or Not Looking Long

Enough or Hard Enough into God’s Word• We Need to Start– Getting Off the Couch and making this a Routine in

our life to make God’s Word Actionable in Our Life's

This is a Call for Maturity – Are you Ready!