The Two Chooses.

Post on 02-Dec-2014

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Living a good life or evil life.

Transcript of The Two Chooses.


Psalm 1

A study of any portion of God's Word is profitable, for, it is breathed upon

by the Holy Spirit, and it is designed to communicate the love, and

instructions of God to mankind. In the Psalms, we find our deepest thoughts expressed, and the answer to those

thoughts given.

Psalm One, sets forth both the character, and lifestyles of the “good” and “evil” man. God divides people into only TWO classes:1. Those that have accepted Him, and please Him. The good man.2. Those that have refused Him, and displease Him. The evil man.

Only the Lord God, can see into the innermost recesses of the heart of man, and thus He is the only One qualified to pass judgement. This

“good man” described here, does not “do his own thing,” for he has some

rules to follow and obey, and standards by which he lives. He does

not take his cues from what those around him are doing.



A. This psalm opens with a blessing.“Blessed is the man.”

This first psalm opens with a benediction; “Blessed.” The better translation is, “Oh! The blessedness of the man that walks.” For there are many blessings from the Lord, upon the person who endures to follow in the Lord's steps. That person enjoys a steady flow of supplied blessings, and claims from God. “Oh! The happiness and the blessedness of the man or woman, who walks in God.”

B. The psalm illustrates the good life.The psalmist here gives THREE

PICTURES that describe the righteous person.i. The first verse, tells us that he does not do. The man's goodness.ii. The second verse, tells us what he does do. The man's devotion.iii. The third verse, tells us what he is like. The man's abundance.

VERSE ONE.“Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful.”

Verse one, contains THREE THINGS the righteous person does not do.

1. FIRST, HE WALKS NOT. “Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly.”

The righteous person determines to renounce the companionship of evildoers. This does not mean that he becomes snobbish, and unfriendly. For he still reacts with godly concern, and kindness towards all people. His actions are always “caring and evangelistic” in intent, to the end that he might reflect God's goodness in his life.

“Ungodly” is a general word for all wrongdoing, those that disregard God, and hold no respect for, or fear towards God. They that refuse to conceive any responsibility or duty towards God. So what worthwhile counsel or advice could such an ungodly person give?

2. SECOND, HE STANDS NOT. “Nor stands in the path of sinners.”

“Sinners” are those who miss the mark in life or fall short of a standard, set by God.

“Stands,” he does not practice their wrongdoing, he does not stand with those whose lives miss God's mark. We are commanded, “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers” 2 Corinthians 6:14.

3. THIRD, HE SITS NOT. “Nor sits in the seat of the scornful.”

The posture of “sitting” denotes decision, and determination. To “sit” with someone, means that a person has identified themselves with them, and has cast their lot with them.

The “scorners” are those who openly reject God, and fling their charges at Him. So the righteous person does not WALK, STAND, and OR SIT with those who openly scoff or mock at God and righteousness.

VERSE TWO.“But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night.”

Here, the positive character of the righteous person is set forth. “His

delight is to meditate on the law of God,” to read it by day, and think on it

by night. Here, it tells us what the righteous person does. The “Law,” to

the Jew meant more than the Ten Commandments; it was the complete

ongoing revelation of God's will, to His people.

To us, God's will is brought about: 1. First, by the written Word, that is the Bible. 2. Secondly, by the Living Word, that is Christ Jesus. 3. And thirdly, by the interpretation of the Bible, and Jesus through the Holy Spirit.

So we could say that the righteous person was meditating day and night on God's will for his life. It was John Wesley that said, “To find God's will is man's greatest discovery, and to do God's will is his greatest achievement.”

VERSE THREE.“He shall be like a tree, Planted by the rivers of water, which brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.”

Here it tells us, what the righteous is like. Or you can add what he becomes through righteous living. The picture of a “tree planted by water,” suggests both stability, and fertility. For he brings fruit in its season, this suggests constant fruit bearing.

Because he has inner resources, he “shall prosper” in everything he does. For he is not a quitter, with the Lord's help, he completes what he begins.


This first psalm emphasises character, and right living. Only when we are in Christ Jesus, do we have the power to lead this kind of life.