The Silent Watchers Magazine

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We watch the current events in the technological world and events happening around our society and we passionately blog about them. This is our magazine.

Transcript of The Silent Watchers Magazine


tSW Magazine Watch 001

e Silent Watcher Magazine

For submisions , contact us at : thesilentwatchers@gmail.comCover page credit:

All rights reserved.

The Watchers: Rahul, Jayadeep, Subbu, Rahul Selvam & Samarth


A merchant of Venice

When Diocletian had made the decision of splitting up the Roman Empire, his successor Constantine

ruled from the Eastern Capital, named in his honor. Gradually, the two halves moved apart, not only

in collective ideals, but also by the emergence of the Magyars as a buffer between them. The final

straw was when the Church, the last common ground for the two sides split into a western Catholic

and an eastern Orthodox.

Aside: Much was to be made of the Orthodoxy when, after the fall of Constantinople, Russia claimed

to be the last stand of “true” Christianity, which led to many great warriors to flock to (and fall under)

its banner.

The Ottomans had lived much as quarrelsome neighbours with Byzantium. Now, with the splitting of

the Church, and the isolation of Byzantium from any help from the west, the Ottoman’s were free to

press forward with a deadly attack. Their eyes filled with lust for wealth by controlling commerce, and

their hearts enflamed by hatred for the infidels, they fell upon the Byzantines like a scourge.

The time: 1453, sometime in April The place: Constantinople The day began like any other. A sunny April morning, but it was the last sunrise over an

independent Christian state of Constantinople.

Marco woke up and made his way through the streets to his jewels, the huge stable of exotic horses.

They were his most profitable trade and thus, were always on his mind. His stables were right beside

the harbor, which was his next destination. Walking up to his prized vessel, the Erminia

Mazzella, he saw his captain issuing orders. They greeted each other and were about to discuss the

day’s affairs when…

Suddenly, a flare loomed over the horizon. Fishing boats that had ventured out onto the Black Sea

were returning to the harbor, retreating all at once. Many of them capsized before they could make it

to the shore, a blue coral was the first to go down. ” A young boy, many years yet to his coming-of-age,

jumped onto the rickety Fisherman’s Pier. “They are upon us“, the lad screamed,” The wretches

are here!”.

All the men and women carrying out their daily trade by the harbor looked as one towards the sea,

dread filling their lungs. With their massive cannons in tow the Turks had come.

But where was the Defense ? Where were the much vaunted Imperial Guard, whose spending and

allowance had dwarfed the concessions granted to even the most trusted merchants by the Emperor ?

The captain read his mind. “The Emperor must be informed”, he breathed. ” The Guard responds only

to His Call”. Marco knew what was required of him now.

“Quick !”, Marco commanded. “Saddle Fireheart ! I must go to the Emperor now !”. Within seconds

he was on the mare, clutching on for dear life as he galloped through the back alleys of

Constantinople. When he reached the thoroughfare, he could see the crowds crawling like a pack of

ants. He swiftly made his way through the rabble, shrugging off questions from those he knew, until


he had the Palace in sight. In one deft, practised motion, he leaped off the horse and began to run up

the entrance stairs as fast as he could. The ashen expression on his face was enough to prevent the

guards from making a move to stop him, and he skidded to a halt as he entered the Great Entrance

Hall. The Emperor was there, with his retinue.

“Bloodsuckers, the lot of them !” he cursed in his mind, not for the first time as he made a courteous

bow to the Emperor. “Is it true ?” His Majesty asked, and one look at Marco was enough to convince

him. For a moment, it seemed like his knees would fail, but then he composed himself. With iron grit

in his voice, the Emperor announced “Summon the Imperial Guard ! “. And that was that, Marco had

done what he could. The Emperor had spoken.


The Place: On board one of the 16 galleys of Sultan Mehmet Istanbul.

The Vantage Point : From the mind of the Sultan’s Vizier, Candarli Halil Pashar.

The Time : 1453

“The tower of Galata had single handedly stopped our victory. The sultan is furious at the turn of

events. The fortresses in Edirnekapi were no match for our cannons, but the famed walls of

Constantinople can take any amount of battering. We tried to break those walls with all our might…

they cracked , but yet they stand!”

” Today was the worst of all. The infidels slipped into the town right under our noses! Our troops are

dis-heartened and rumors swirl of another failed mission. The mind grows weary, and i yearn for

home. And to rub salt into our wounds comes the offer of truce from the Emperor. Now, the Sultan

Mehmet himself approaches me, fear take my heart!”

” What do u say? What do you say when your enemy ask you to give up?” He asked me. I had always

believed in the Sultan’s vision, but I knew that he had the potential to overstretch. With a sense of

foreboding, i offered an answer – ” My heart says that truce should never be accepted, but .. .”, i

trailed off, apprehensively. ” But ?” asked the Sultan, barely controlled anger in his voice. ” It is that

chain which hangs across the harbour , which has chained our hands too ” I lamented, taking the easy

way out to avoid his fury.

“How is it, that in spite of such numbers on my side, the scum behind those walls can keep us at bay

for so long?”, asked the Sultan, lapsing into soliloquy, with a hint of despair creeping onto his face.

My confidence growing with the Sultan’s helplessness, I offered another tidbit, trying to goad him into

retreat. “My Sultan, our ship’s cannons do not possess the range to hit their towers. Our attempts to

close them down from the edge of the entrance also fail, for we are not near enough. How, then, do

our ships reach the harbour?”

His face contorted by fury, I saw the passion in his eyes for the first time that day when he bade – “If

not by sea , then carry them on your backs !”.

And they did just that.


A cool summer breeze was blowing through the night. The horses were restless and snickered in the

night-time, warily tossing their heads. Wrapping his shoufa tighter, Hamid shook himself out of his

reverie – tonight was no time for his mind to play tricks on him. A hired hand from the western

Levant, uncared for as a child, he had been snatched up by the Turks for their war efforts. The

promise of easy money and a chance to make a name for himself made this campaign all the more

alluring. And tonight, he was assigned a task, the likes of which he’d been waiting for – maximum

danger, ergo, maximum reward – all or nothing. Around him, the Anatolian slaves waited patiently,

conserving their energy. It was going to be a massive effort, one that required equal parts strength and


To really set the cat among the pigeons, the Turks had to make their way into the heart

of the Byzantine defence. Sultan Mehmet knew that the life of Byzantium was the

commerce that flowed through its veins, and by cutting the capital off from help, he

hoped to bleed the Empire dry. And since his attack on the walls of Constantinople had

been thwarted, the Sultan felt that the only way he could strike hard and fast at his

enemies was by entering the Golden Horn, the natural feature unique to this great city,

where nature had done his work for him by cleaving Constantinople into two.

As the clouds gently rolled by, covering the moon, Hamid gave the signal. Slowly, the hitched teams of

cattle and horses, were set into motion, pulling the gigantic galleys on long, oiled logs. The rollers

slowly made their way, pausing only when the moon cast its brilliant light, stopping dead still to avoid

being caught out. Still, for anyone near these hills, the outline of the galleys and soldiers would be

unmistakeable, but the Turks knew that they would have to take the chance.

Skirmishes with the odd pockets of Byzantine resistance were over before they started , the Anatolians

being swift and silent as a prayer in the night. Onwards they rolled and the first rays of the sun saw

them cautiously cresting the rise of the hill. It was time for the last dash. Throwing caution to the

winds, the rollers made their way down to the Golden Horn. A great alarm was raised and Hamid

could see the horror in the eyes of the Byzantines. All about him, scuffles broke out, with the

Byzantines caught out by the surprise attack and easily crushed.

As the ships were eased into the waters of the Bosphorus, where they would be at home, the Turks

clambered on to the massive galleys, scurrying aft and fore to rig the mast, and load their cannons.

Now the alarm cries were raised, for the Turks had done the unthinkable. The famed Byzantine navy

that had been their succour for over a month now, had been shut off from the harbour. There was

nowhere for them to run, nowhere to practise their strategic retreat. With supplies bound to run out,

the Byzantines would have no choice but to stand and fight. Oh it would be a sweet victory, and there

would be much feasting and merry-making. “But first”, he reminded himself “a battle had to be


The final stand had begun.


His spirit battered, Constantine XI did not feel like the Emperor of the greatest city known to man.

The line that had begun with his namesake, was thrashing in its death throes today. What would that

great man say if he could see him? He felt the steely gaze, that burden on his shoulder he’d like

nothing more than to shake off. On the wall of the sanctum of the Hagia Sophia, was the beautiful

mosaic of the founder of the empire – canonised as St.Constantine by the High Church, but

remembered forever as Constantine “the Great” by the adoring masses.

He had no hopes of filling those great shoes, all he ever wanted was to rule in peace, and bring

prosperity and calm winds to the shores of Byzantium. The Church where his ministers knelt with him

today in silent prayer, had stood for a millenium. Even as a child, the Hagia Sophia was young

Constantine’s favourite place in the city, providing alcoves to hide when he was hounded by his

instructor, and a site of solace when he was set upon by his father in one of his tyrannical moods.

But today would bring no solace with it. Not only was he was outnumbered on land, with just one man

to battle 25 Turks, Sultan Mehmet had him outmanouevered with his shrewd naval assault from

within the harbor. And in the last hour, the Inner Gate had been breached, and his enemies were

pouring in, falling over themselves in their eagerness to loot the City.

Constantine had rejected the truce offered to him, for he knew that throwing open the gates to the

Turks and abdication on his part would only mean that he’d be exiled to some remote corner of

Anatolia, and murdered. Unknown to the public, this subterfuge would be veiled as suicide, and the

Ottomans would set off on a campaign to tarnish his image, and that of the Byzantine heritage for

eternity. No, he would not let that happen.

The Imperial Court rose as one from prayer, the iron will of determination set deep in their eyes. With

a look at his ministers, as if to confirm their condemnation, Constantine slowly walked up the marble

dais to his throne. Gently, the crown was placed on his head, and he was anointed by the Holy See.

With a signal from his servant, the armourers came to him, slowly outfitting his person with gauntlets

and hauberk, wrapping his torso in fine mail.

Making his way out to the courtyard, he could see fires burning in the distance, he could hear the

screams of his terrified citizens. Mounting his fiery steed, he took a look around, and observed his

knights sitting stone still on their animals, waiting for his signal. With a wave of his hand the

trumpeter raised the Cry, all around him the knights clashed steel swords to shield, making a terrible

clamor. The noise rose to a crescendo, and Constantine let his arm fall.

With a practice that comes with hours of training, the riders fell into formation, lining up behind the

Emperor. Onward through the streets they rode, liberating the citizens, urging their people into

retreat. Constantine could see the accusation in their eyes mixing with the grief, and though knew he

had done all he could, he shielded himself from their gaze. Finally, the Emperor’s knights reached the

advance guard of the Turkish infantry. Their momentum scattered the Ottomans, and before they

could re-group, the Imperial Guard had destroyed the meagre challenge. They rode through the Inner

Gate, now reclaimed, into the open courtyards, and halted in horror.


For all the distance the eye could see, stretched the Ottoman army. Wave after wave of Anatolian

cavalry were supported by infantry from far-eastern lands. At the head of the army were the

Janissaries, the Turkish elite units that were deadly at their worst.

It was this ocean that the Emperor rode into, his face calm with a knowledge of the

inevitable, and mail turning crimson – he took a hit that unseated him, jumping into the

melee, he drew his sword and decapitated a halberdier and parried off another, before

a hail of gunpowder slugs hit him from the Janissaries. Clutching the cross around his

neck, the Emperor Constantine XI fell to the ground of his beloved city.

The world turned white, and it was finally over.

For more stories visit:

Stories written by: Samarth R Vittal and Rahul Vittal


We all have known Him as the omniscient, the

omnipresent. Subramanya Hegde tells his


God and Me




Do I believe in God ?

Subramanya R.Angadi , mostly known as Subbu is

known for his love for kannada literature. A keen

follower of tennis, you can catch his tweets at and regularly blogs at



EPL 2010/11 Transfers Verdict!

The Barclays Premier or as we

love to call it the EPL has been one

long rollercoaster ride. Clubs

doing extremely well in the

beginning of the season are now

struggling to stay afloat. It’s no

understatement when they say

player transfers are what can make

or break a club’s season.

What I have done is chose the

players who have created lot of fuss

before the transfer and the players

who well beyond expectations after

an almost unnoticed transfer.

Javier Hernández: A steal .

Pre-Season Transfers

Ben Foster(GK) –

Though his side, Birmingham, is

struggling to stay in the first division, he has done exceptionally well in winning the Carling Cup finals against Arsenal and saving many goals when it could have been worst being defensively open most of the time

Best Performance: One Word. Chelsea.

Jermaine Beckford(ST) –

A natural striker, earned recognition after his only goal in the War of The Roses match at Old Trafford. And his good performance in League 1 earned Leeds United promotion to the Championship and he ended the season as the leading goal scorer of League 1 made Merseyside, Everton to sign him.

Best Performance: Scoring a late equalizer against his youth club Chelsea and also a brilliant goal in the Merseyside derby at Anfield to give 2-1 lead , which finished 2-2.

Raul Meireles(CM) –

An instant replacement to Javier Mascherano who left for Barcelona. Meireles had a luke-warm start in premier league, but gained control in later stages.

Best Performance: Equalizing in the Merseyside derby at Anfield to make it 2-2 But the ultimate is the one and only goal at Stamford Bridge, the same match were Torres made his first appearance against his former side.

David Silva(LWM) –

He has added a new dimension to

Manchester City mid field, creating loads of goal scoring opportunities with eye-


catching creativity . But his side has struggled in away games with Mancini’s tactics to blame. He won Manchester City player of the month for three consecutive months.

Best Moment: 1st goal against Blackpool which turned out to be the most crucial in the game and His ‘Bum’ goal at Old Trafford in Manchester derby, which later finished as 2-1 in favor of Manchester United.

Chris Smalling(CB) –

In the absence of Manchester United

main Centre Backs Vidic and injured Rio Ferdinand Chris Smalling had to learn quickly.

Along with Johnny Evans, Smalling hasn’t disappointed and maintained the defensive standards at Old Trafford. He was unlucky at Stamford Bridge for the penalty was given despite contact made by Zhirkov inside the box.

Best Performance - Man marking former ManUtd player Carlos Tevez at Old Trafford in Manchester Derby and maintaining a rock solid defence against Marsielle, Arsenal and Bolton.

Chicharito(ST) –

The Manchester United scout who

found the little pea in Mexico playing for Guadalajara, must be given a big pay raise . Javier Hernández Has starred in all away victories of Manchester United by scoring goals. Known for superb runs and scoring get poacher goals, his finishing skills make him one of the best debutants. To his credit he has already scored in all formats for Manchester United. Be it the

Community Shield, FA Cup, League Cup, Premier League or UEFA.

Best Performance - Brace against Marseilles and late winner at and against Valencia and of course his ground header against Chelsea in the Community Shield match.

Asamoah Gyan(ST) –

A Natural Striker & an outstanding

African player, in FIFA World Cup 2010 made Ghana reach quarters. He becomes the most expensive player of Sunderland since Darren Bent, has missed some easy goal scoring opportunities though!

Best Performance - Scoring 2nd goal against Chelsea in 0 - 3 victory at Stamford Bridge and equalizer at White Hart Lane to secure a point.

Danny Welbeck(ST) –

From Manchester United on loan to

Sunderland, has impressed with Black Cats,

Unfortunately was out of the side due hamstring injury for 8 weeks. He is considered the future star of England and Manchester United.

Best Performance - Against Chelsea at Stamford Bridge and scoring the 3rd goal to complete demolition of Chelsea at Stamford Bridge.

William Gallas(CB) –

A player who is famous for his move

from London rival clubs: Chelsea to Arsenal (exchange for Ashley Cole) after his rebellious protest in Chelsea! And he ended up doing the same with Arsenal.


And becomes the 1st player to do so by playing for Chelsea, Arsenal and Tottenham! But as of now looks quite settled at White Hart Lane despite injury woes.

Best Performance - Win at Emirates Stadium vs Arsenal in premier league since 1993 and being the part of topping the group in Champions league with defending Champions Inter Milan in the same group

Rafael Van der Vaart (CAM) –

Last player transferred of the summer

transfer 2010. Because of technical issues transfer was confirmed after the window was closed. Good deal by Harry Redknapp to transfer him for just 8million pounds! He has brought lots of creative in the mid field with Luka Modric and Gareth Bale. And only player so far in this season to win Premier League of the Month!!

Best Performance - Grace against Aston Villa on Boxing Day. And outstanding performance in Champions’ league group stage.

The Disappointments…

Maraoune Chamakh(ST)

Known for aerial skills hasn’t impressed

much with missing crucial goal scoring opportunities. He hasn’t really proved to be very dangerous for the opponents.

Steven Ireland (CM)

Has been a wasteful throughout the

season, who is supposedly worth 20

million pounds for he was an exchange for James Milner.

Yossi Benayoun

Though is out of season for most of the

time, hasn;t done well when given opportunity! Everyone expected much from Diamond of Dimona.


Supposed to be an mid fielder who is

into Michael Ballack position and luke warm effect in Premier League. Scored 2 goals in 27appearances for Blues! But has been improving since the entry of David Luiz!

Joe Cole

Former Chelsea player caused lots of

speculation about his role for Reds since his arrival. But has been sidelined for half of the season. A definite flop.

James Milner

The most costliest player in the

Premier league in the summer transfer worth 28 million pounds and PFA Youth player of 2009/10 hasn’t done anything so far and is yet to score a goal for Manchester City in Premier League with 22 appearances!!!


And then came mid-season

transfer window.

Darren Bent (ST) –

A transfer on request from Bent, Bent who had a successful debut with Sunderland last season, a cool finisher, badly needed for Aston Villa to get out from relegation. Initially was bid for 18million pounds, went on to get transfer for 24million pounds. A worthy deal

Best Performance - Winner against Manchester City in his debut match at Villa Park!

Daniel Sturridge (CF) –

On loan player from Chelsea to Bolton

has done incredibly well considering his disappointing season at Stamford bridge. Surprisingly he has scored more goals for Bolton with 4 goals out of six appearances and for Chelsea 1 goal in 26 appearances in Premier League!

Fernando Torres (ST) –

The most expensive British Transfer

and fourth the most expensive footballer in the history for 50million pounds move from Liverpool to Chelsea, a profit for the Merseyside in one way. As of now he has struggled a lot and yet to score! Let’s hope he will not be Chelsea's next Andriy Shevchenko

David Luiz (CB) –

A Dashing Centre back from Brazil. Has

been defending well for so far with his

good performance against Fulham and opening goal at Stamford Bridge against Manchester United and Manchester City! But he hasn’t been clean with his tackles to say the least.

Contrasting fortunes!

Obafemi Martins (CF) –

Makes his return to Premier league since Newcastle United got relegated 2years back, on loan to Birmingham from Rubin Kazan.

Best Moment - Winner against Arsenal in Carling Cup finals courtesy of an error in Arsenal defense!

Andy Carroll (ST) –

One among the best headers of the ball

seen in a Premier League, which makes the expensive English footballer but i don't value him for 35million pounds.

Luiz Suarez (CF) –

Infamous for his hand of ghost in FIFA World Cup 2010 quarters against Ghana, is a threat to any world class defense, his vision and estimation of defense has been credible!

Best Performance - Assists in a derby against Manchester United at Anfield.


Carlos Vela (ST) –

Youngster with lots of potential,

unable to feature in the main squad of Arsenal,

Didn’t deserve to stay on the bench, and has done well with on loan clubs, at present with the Baggies

Jamie O’Hara (CM) -

On loan player from Tottenham, has

put up good performance in Premier League to end Manchester United 29 matches unbeaten run and has secured a place in England squad for European qualifiers.

So there you go. Some brilliant and some not-so-brilliant

transfer moves were witnessed this season. One thing is in common: they all

had an impact.

Confused? He just loves good football.

Kenny Dalglish sure knows how to save a sinking ship

Watch : 001 MAY 2011 tSW Magazine