The Role of Health Coaches in the Future of Medical Care

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Transcript of The Role of Health Coaches in the Future of Medical Care

The Role of Health Coaches in the Future of Medical Care

Practitioner Channel ForumApril 7th, 2016

Dr. Joel Kreisberg, DC, CCH, ACCExecutive Director


Learning Objectives / Agenda

• Upon completion:• Participants will be able to:

• To recognize and understand the role of health coaches in the current and future healthcare system

• To become familiar the role of nutrition and it’s utilization in health coaching

• To explore the opportunities for investment and growth

• Agenda• How I got here

• What’s a health coach?

• Training and certification

• What do health coaches do?

• How does nutrition play into health coaching?

• What’s the future look like?

• Challenges

• Opportunities

• Summary

Reflection Questions

My Story

Naturopathic Medicine

• Naturopathic medicine is a distinct primary health care profession,

• emphasizing prevention, treatment, and optimal health

• through the use of therapeutic methods and substances that

• encourage individuals’ inherent self-healing process.

Health Coaching

• Health Coaches partner with clients

• seeking self-directed, lasting changes,

• aligned with their values,

• which promote health and wellness and,

• thereby, enhance well-being.

Functional Medicine

• Functional medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease,

• using a systems-oriented approach and

• engaging both patient and practitioner in a therapeutic partnership.

Types of Health Coaches

• Three areas

– Independent health Coach

– Corporate Wellness

– Clinical Health Coach

• Coupled areas of study

– Nutrition

– Medical Herbalism

– Integrative Health Practices

– Yoga Therapy


• International Federation of Coaching- ICF

• National Consortium for Certification of Health and Wellness Coaches (NCCHWC)


Nutrition and Health Coaching




Reflection Questions

• To what extent is your current practice supporting learning?

• Is there anything that you currently do that interferes with your patients taking responsibility for their healing?

• How might you focus patients on learning new skills rather doing new actions?

• Which of the core competencies described here might you use in your practice on Monday? How would you do that?


Dr. Joel Kreisberg, DC, CCH, ACCTeleosis Institute
