The Refreshing Magazine - Edition 1

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The official magazine of THE EAR2HEAR NETWORK -- A non-denomintional organisation networking ministries, churches, individuals, events, organic groups and business for sharing the Gospel.

Transcript of The Refreshing Magazine - Edition 1

© Copyright ear2hear Ministries 2008 Copyright subsists in this work. No part of this work may be repro-duced in any form or any means without the publisher’s written per-mission. Any unauthor-ised reproduction of this work will constitute a copyright infringement and render the doer li-able under civil and criminal law. While every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained within this published work is accurate, the editors, publishers and printers take no respon-sibility for any loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of the reliance upon the information contained there in. This publica-tion is subject to terms and conditions. Read at your own risk.

Published by: ear2hear Ministries

Postal Address: P.O. Box 26730, Gezina, 0031, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa

Telephone: +27 083 429 1284



BE FREE: Exhortation for women to break out from their spiritual prison.

THE FLY: Spiritual lessons from God’s creation.

CELL GROUPS: and 10 tips to get you going...


LOOKING AHEAD: What God has in store for us

in 2009!

POETRY IN MOTION: Poems for inspiration.

KICK START 2009: Topical article for the

New Year: “Living For Today”

2008 has been a very interesting and trying year. We have had our “up’s…” and of course we have also had those unpleasant “down’s…” Yet here we are ready to start a New Year despite the challenges that have come our way. The real challenge for us in 2009 will not be the problems that we face but rather HOW we deal with them. This is what makes life so colourful and interesting. We can face these challenges on our own terms (with dis-astrous consequences), or do things “God’s way”. Now it is obvious that every Christian wants to do things God’s way. It is just that much of what we intend to do never seems to work out the way we want. We don’t live in a perfect world; and all too often things can go so awfully wrong! By default we end up de-ciding our own destinies often times without considering the consequences; and before we know it find ourselves in one of life’s very large sink-holes. Isn’t it any wonder why we have so much trouble? Obviously the weak link in this whole experience of life is feeble mankind. The only way for us to overcome these weaknesses is to surrender our-selves completely! Put aside your own opinions of yourself and of what you intend to do for God. Human sincerity and all other noble human traits will fail you. Jesus said: “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.” (Luke 9:23 KJV) To “deny yourself” means to put aside any grand idea’s of doing great things for God and doing the things that God wants for you - in other words… follow HIM! Easier said then done. The good news is that it can be done. If we are really serious about surrendering ourselves to God, then God will equip us by supernatural intervention, to become those who are victo-rious in Christ Jesus. In this issue we have a number of articles which will equip us for this victorious destiny. So take up your cross and follow HIM!

God Bless, Dwayne Foxley Editor

“There is a way

that seems right

to a man, but the

end of it is the

ways of death.”

Proverbs 16:25 MKJV

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We hope you are feeling just as excited as we are. 2009s prospects are looking great and we see that God’s vision for us as “co-workers” with Jesus is keep-ing us on the edge of our seats. One prevailing theme we have seen for 2009 is the concept of “Perfect Love”. There are many kinds of love in the world. Love for par-ents, love for children, love for spouses, and love for comrades. Yet the Love given by God surpasses all forms of love found in the world today. It is called “perfect love”! What makes this love so special? The Bible teaches us in 1 John 4:18 that: “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because fear has torment. He who fears has not been perfected in love” One of the greatest issues facing Christians and the Church today, is the fact that men and women are in fear (see 2 Corinthians 7:5) However, with the perfect love of God, we see that God can really move and work mightily among His people. Once we allow God to work His perfect love in us then we are assured that doors will open to see growth in our own personal lives and in the greater work of God. Broad based issues to pray for: • God’s perfect love in our lives. • God’s leading and Spiritual inspiration. • Jesus to build the Church. • Christians to grow Spiritually and to become spiritu-ally independent of men and dependent on God.

• ear2hear Ministries and their partner ministries, cell groups and the greater network - that grace be given to complete the mandated vision set out by God for them. The Refreshing Mini-mag Page 2

By Tillie Ellis

In the old times one of the many tactics used by an invading enemy to defeat a nation was to fill up their water wells with stones. This was to prevent the defending nation from receiving water freely for the use of their people and armies. In like manner, I believe, in our Spiritual warfare, the enemy of our souls uses the same tactics against us. The day you give your heart to Jesus and become born-again is a day where you are spiritually born, open and free. We are given ability to flow freely with the water of life, coming from the Spiritual wells given to you by Jesus. Over time our enemy, Satan, comes along and starts throwing stones into these spiritual wells within us. Blocking the source of the water and making us ineffectual as Christian women. These stones that Satan uses can be any number of issues that affect us; such as: Hurt, rejection, abandonment, misunderstanding, bitterness, resent-ment, self-pity, revenge, depression, hopelessness, etc. This list seems to just go on and on. By the time we should have reached spiritual adulthood our wells can be so filled with stones that we become completely blocked up. In this state the living water once given to us by Jesus no longer flows freely within us. Every now and then we may experience a little release down in-side by attending church, a cell group or even a women’s prayer meeting. Sadly, we often never seem to obtain a full and complete release, a release so sorely needed for the living waters of God to flow freely once again. It is interesting to read that when Jesus went to raise His friend, Lazarus from the dead; He ordered that they should “Take away the stone” (John 11:39). In a similar sense, stones can exist in our lives and it is up to us to see that they are removed. I believe that the Holy Spirit wants to take away the stones that have been blocking our wells to receive this living water. John 7:38 says that “He who believes in Me as the scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water”

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Jesus never said that the rivers of living waters flowing in us would flow “every once in a while”; but that they would flow continuously and “into life everlasting.” This living water, which comes to us by the Holy Spirit, is what Jesus was talking about when He spoke of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We who have accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour, can (and in most cases) will have received the power of the Holy Spirit, so it is time for us to remove the stones that block the wells of our lives and let the water of life within us be released to flow once more. Good bye To the Stones! Colossians 3:16 says: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” When we allow our thought lives to dwell on God and His Word; allowing them to penetrate and get into our inner mind and heart, we will discover that an awesome spiritual blessing is waiting to be released into our lives. The Wisdom and teaching of God contained within His Word coupled with the encouragement received through Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs allows the power of the Holy Spirit to Work within us. This removes the stones within our wells, allowing the presence of God in our lives to remove all blockages. We will then begin to know the free flow of the living water of Jesus; being refreshed and equipped not only to quench our personal thirst, but also to be able to quench the thirst of others. In so doing we are reaching the lost for Christ with messages of hope, peace, mercy and joy. If we allow the Holy Spirit to work in us we can then be truly a free and clean vessel for God to use. Come give up those strong holds (stone’s) in your well and let the freedom of God fill it with peace and joy!

“Of course, we are living in the flesh, but we do not fight in a fleshly way. For the weapons of our warfare are not those of the flesh. Instead, they have the power of God to demolish fortresses. We tear down arguments and every proud obstacle that is raised against the knowledge of God, tak-ing every thought captive in order to obey Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:3 - 5 ISV The Refreshing Mini-mag Page 4

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If we look at God’s beautiful creation, then we can see that He has truly: “…made every thing beautiful in His time…” (Ecclesiastes 3:11). An amazing truth is that we are made in the perfect image of God; yet the book of Ecclesi-astes also tells us another tale of what mankind has become; since while we are made so wonderfully in God’s image, we have no guarantee that we will remain so wonderful in our hearts as people! Ecclesiastes 7:29, tells us that: “…God has made man upright; but they have searched out many cunning plans...” Yes, man is very clever and incredibly cunning - which is why the writer’s tone concerning people’s heart condition is not a positive one. God’s example for mankind! One of the most wonderful creatures in His creation is the fly. Scientists call it “the jet-fighter of the insect world” and this is not without reason. Just as a jet fighter is equipped with sophisticated sensors that enable it, not only to spot a target, but also to fly dangerously close to the ground, so also the fly. It is equipped with a marvellous set of multi-facetted eyes called, compound eyes that enable it to manoeuvre through confined spaces without hitting any obsta-cles. Just as a jet fighter manoeuvres at amazing speeds, so too can the fly and simultaneously land on an object much smaller than itself. Despite all these wonderful attributes, the fly is viewed as a public menace; one of man-kind’s most revolting of enemies. Why such animosity towards something built so wonderfully? The answer lies in the fact that the fly is one of the worst spreaders of disease on the planet. Besides the common housefly that vom-its its old stomach contents onto our food, there are other flies like the “Tsetse fly” that spread “sleeping sickness” or “Nagana” in many parts of Africa. They affect our lives, the lives of our animals and are simply unpleasant to live with. We just can’t stand flies and with good reason. The Bible speaks in 2 Peter 2:12 of “…natural brute beasts (e.g. the fly), made to be taken and destroyed…” - there are things God has made with one purpose; and that is that when people find creatures such as the fly, they must destroy them. It is not an unusual thing for God to use natural things as The Refreshing Mini-mag Page 6

examples of heavenly principles. The Lord Jesus Himself did so in Matthew 6:26 where he states: “Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are ye not much better than they?” This is also not just a New Testament practice, for 1 Kings 4:30 - 34, in speaking of Solomon's wisdom tells us that “...he spoke of trees, from the cedar tree in Lebanon even to the hyssop that springs out of the wall. He spoke also of beasts and of birds, and of creeping things, and of fish.” Besides these natural examples given to us, the experi-ences that men and women went through in the Bible are also there for our learning. Paul wrote concerning the Children of Israel’s misfortunes and con-cluded: “...Now all these things happened unto them for examples: and they are written for our warning...” (1 Corinthians 10:11). In other words, every-thing around you is there for your sake, so that through all these things, God might speak to you. It is your responsibility to take everything you see, wonder at it, and learn. For God has much to tell you! 2 Corinthians 4:15 puts it this way: “All this is for your sake so that, as His grace spreads, it will increase the thanksgiving of more and more people to the glory of God.” Change for the inner man! All these things, some positive, some negative, are ways God uses to lovingly speak to our hearts. The fly is one such messenger to us and a very good ex-ample of what happens when a wonderful creature acts in the wrong way. Lucifer the archangel was wonderful and so were Adam and Eve, yet their in-ner hearts became evil and so also did their eventual actions. God wants to

renew you as an individual, He is not focus-ing so much on the body but rather on chang-ing the inner person. The outer body is des-tined to die! What is concerning in much of mainstream Christianity aspects such as salva-tion, deliverance and worship mostly place the emphasis on the outer person to the detriment of the inner one. While we believe in miracle healings, the Bible says that “…though our out-ward man perish, yet the inward man is re-newed day by day.” (2 Corinthians 4:16). While we believe in worship, John 4:23 tells us that the hour has come “…when the true worship-

pers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship Him.” This is the work of God, in the innermost part of our being. It is here where the emphasis must lie. This is where God really wants to change us for the better! The fly buzzing around and wanting to contami

“But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.”

2 Corinthians 3:18

(Continued from page 6) nate everything, speaks so much of the fleshly part of our being; which must be put down if we are to live healthy, Christian lives. So while you are a wonderful part of God’s creation, re-member the words of David when he said, that we’re “…fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalms 139:14). We have the potential to do so much good if it is God who is working through us. Yet if it is not God through us, then we have the potential to do so much harm, even though we are born-again. Take note: Harmful people will not enter the kingdom of heaven (Read Revelation 21:27 KJV). Hebrews 4:1 (KJV) therefore admonishes us, saying: “Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into His rest, any of you should seem to come short of it.” As we humble our hearts before God and acknowl-edge that without Jesus we can “do nothing.” (John 15:5) then God will come into our circumstances and prove that He can take our lives and make them into something very beautiful within.

Man and The Fly By Alan Foxley

Speeding past the corner of his eye; Goes man’s nimble enemy, we call the fly. “Wonder of nature” yet causer of affliction; Meet part of creation that seems the contradiction! Eyes that are compound, to see like we can’t; Wings so designed, it can turn at a slant. This creature that spreads disease on the double; Was made by our God - but it is real trouble! Able to fly like no aircraft we build; A perfect specimen God made as He willed. Yet while you are awed at its splendid design; Understand that this creature was built as a sign! Not everything beautiful turns out very nice; Neither is every plant a flavourful spice. Not all things in life are very good; Just as the first son who took brother’s blood! The lessons to learn as we ponder these things; Is declared by the One who gave the fly wings. Don’t boast of the creature, God made you to be But let Him now change you, He’ll do it for free! For many a face that was pretty from birth; Hides a disgrace that reduces its worth. God looks on the inside, He seeks a New Man. Forget of the outside, He’ll change you - He can! When hearts are open for God to bring change; Then Christ comes inside, to then rearrange. For our earthly origin, He counts little worth; He begins life all over – and starts with rebirth!

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ear2hear Ministries Presents

The first UNITY COFERENCE March 2009.


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Right of Admission Reserved! The Refreshing Mini-mag Page 8

By Dwayne Foxley

Big and small meetings are an important part of God’s plan. Especially since big meetings allow the few preachers available to convey the deeper truths we need to hear. Small meetings (also called cell groups, home fellowships or house church) however, allow for all believers to get involved in a more per-sonal and a more loving way. This also allows cell group participants to experi-ence the leading of God’s Holy Spirit, an often neglected experience for many Christians. It is about the cell group meetings that we now wish to speak, as it is really from these that Christians should begin their involvement in the Church. Such involvement will cause believers to go beyond being “babes in Christ”, who only sit and receive, to those who give to others from the “wells of living water” that they have inside them. I have, over the years, found the fol-lowing ten points useful when starting and working with cell groups and trust that you will find them useful as you apply them. God bless you as you reach out for Him, in faith and in love:

1. PRAY CONTINUOUSLY: Our greatest challenge is to know the will of God. Ask yourself relevant questions such as: “Is it God’s will that, I start a new cell group or be part of another cell group?” There are many answers to these questions that can only come from God. We need to realize one thing, that before commencing with a cell group we need to spend much time in prayer and consideration (waiting on God) before starting anything. When you have the peace of God concerning the answers, then press on with what God has laid upon your heart. Please note that, praying only once for and about the cell group, is not sufficient. You need to get together with the Lord and other believers involved and continuously pray for the work that is to be started (over a period of time). Again we cannot stop it here we also need to pray for the group throughout the time it is active, during the year.

2. TEAM: Starting a cell group needs at least two people with a Spiritual grounding. The disciples went out in twos, sharing the Word (See the book of Acts). A believer, one having a personal relationship with the Lord and

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having received sufficient guidance / training should, initially, be the one to lead the meetings. A novice (or newly saved believer) cannot supervise a cell group on their own - at least not initially. They will have to, over a period of time, be trained (guided) into the functioning of the cell group and the Word of God. This can only take place by regular attendance of a cell group and through sufficient spiritual input into their lives. This training/guidance then provides them with the ability to be supportive in running a cell group. We need to be careful in how we approach this least we scare people from being involved and ready for responsibility. So take it slow and try to gauge by the Holy Spirit when someone is ready to be part of your team. A team is a great back-up, especially if an emergency crops up. There is no need to cancel the cell group as you have a team to rely on in your absence.

3. VENUE: Many believe it is the least important aspect - think again. If you are going to have cell group at your home, remember you are opening up your home to other people, many of whom may be complete strangers. You need to realize that it is going to take a lot of effort and courage. Effort, since you obviously need to prepare your home for fellow believers; and courage, because as people, we generally love our privacy. Another point for your list to consider concerns sufficient secure parking space. Finally, keep this rule of thumb in mind, change or rotate to different venues at least every 2 years or so. It cuts out the monotony and the tradition of going to one place only. However, if the homeowner is more than happy and even insistent on ac-commodating you for longer than 2 years then take up the offer. Avoid where possible, cell groups at apartment buildings, flats or security com-plexes where noise, limited secure parking and seating space will create a problem.

4. FAITHFULNESS: The hardest part of a cell group is faithfulness. When

you start something, you need to see it through to the end, no matter what opposition you face! There is no place for silly excuses. People will only take the cell group seriously, if you are serious. Faithfulness is part of the testi-mony of being a Christian. It is also one of the fruits of the Spirit!

5. MUSIC: I have heard of many cell groups using ice-breakers to get peo-ple warmed-up and receptive to a meeting. Unfortunately many of the ice-breakers used are often not suitable for a Christian gathering! Often they don’t apply to the meeting and add no value. An alternative does present it-self to us. For as little as R30.00 or 3.00 US dollars a Christian music CD can be purchased at any Christian supply store. Usually the lyrics are avail-able within the CD cover. Have the lyrics re-typed and make copies of them for your group to sing from. Use the CD as backing tracks. If you want a greater variety of music then don’t hesitate to purchase another CD. The key to choosing the right songs suitable for a group boils down to asking two questions: a.) Are the lyrics in line with the Word of God? b.) Are the songs easy to sing? (There is nothing worse than having a song that only the pro-fessionals can sing.) Note: Ensure that you increase the volume of the CD player / Music Theatre system just loud enough, so that you don’t hear one another too clearly when singing. Strange hint this may be, but it works! People won’t feel self-conscious about their singing and it works as a great ice-breaker. Even first-time visitors by the second and third song will have joined in, singing with all their hearts. At the same time, you praise and hon-our God without resorting to un-Christ-like ice-breakers. (Recommended groups to consider when shopping for music: Hillsong Live, The Mandate, Robin Mark and Spring Harvest live and Praise Africa. These are just some of the great worship groups to use. Avoid most youth albums as they might be too loud for the neighbours and too fast for the group!!)

6. OPEN SHARING: Another vital part of the cell group is open sharing. The Bible teaches us to give attention to 3 things when coming together as Christians. It says “concentrate on the public reading of Scripture, on exhort-ing, and on teaching. Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you through prophecy, accompanied by the laying on of the elders' hands. Think on these things. Devote your life to them so that everyone can see your progress. Pay close attention to your life and your teaching. Persevere in these things, for if you do this, you will save both yourself and those who listen to you.” (1 Timothy 4:13 - 16 ISV) There are three areas to cover that must be shared among the people within the group, which are:

A) Bible reading: If you have waited on God during the week, and have re-ceived a Bible verse that you feel will bless others - then read it to the group!

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B) Exhortation (i.e. strong encouragement): The Bible teaches us that we should be encouraging those in our group as often as we can in these last days. Not preaching down on them, but encouraging them to push on and run the race till the end, much like a cheerleader would. Include testimonies of how God has answered prayers and how God has kept you during the week - don’t hide that light (testimony) under a bushel!

C) Teaching (Doctrine): You might find that due to a lack of understanding of God’s principles among believers that teaching needs to be given to help them understand the truth. What is shared needs to be carefully consid-ered by the “teacher” and must be checked carefully by the “hearer” before being accepted as “the final Word of God”. Note that out of reading, exhor-tation and teaching, that teaching will probably be the least emphasized in the cell meetings.

Finally, the key to knowing whether the meeting was a success or not, is not in numbers or popular appeal, but rather in whether the meeting had a definite theme identified as being from God. A meeting that (without clever orchestration or organization by members) comes together smoothly should flow like water. It should tie all participants’ contributions (including songs) together miraculously – an indication that the meeting is of God. Since all things that God has shared in your life can be confirmed by the contributions of other believers, look for such confirmation, to confirm that you and they are in the Spirit.

7. TIME: This is a very critical point to consider as the human concentration span on average is only half-an-hour long. By having meetings for longer than an hour, you generally commit “cell group suicide”. Rather keep meet-ing duration short - not longer than an hour (unless previously agreed upon with other members). Spend half an hour singing and half an hour sharing with one another. Then close the meeting. Don’t waste time! Since for many people, time is precious. Remember the Bible teaches that the Word of God is like a seed, not a boulder. We share here a little and there a little - not in huge long sermon-type presentations which generally never work.

8. CIRCUMSTANCES: Keep in mind the circumstances of the people you are fellowshipping with. Arrange the cell group to cater for those par-ticular needs accordingly. Each cell group will be different. For example in a farming community to have a cell group early in the morning or early at night

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isn’t possible. Most farmers during harvest time start work at 04h00 in the morning and finish work at 22h00 at night. Thus the farmers generally can only have cell meetings after 22h00 at night. While city folk will be stuck in traffic, getting home late and thus a 19h30 meeting time would suite city folk. Another point to consider is the serving of refreshments after the meet-ing. This needs to be considered carefully as it can be costly and not all can afford to do so. If the group feel they need to interact (get to know one another) and encourage one another after the meeting, then by all means. Also consider that this time of sharing after the meeting should not infringe on the time of the host.

Your cell group can be as big as you feel necessary; yet remember the Lord says that: “For where two or three come together in my name, I am there with them." (Matthew 18:20 GNB). We do advise that you do not have more than 30 people present as it just becomes difficult to stay intimate and to stick with the meeting plan. A comfortable or reasonable size is 8 people. In some countries it is against the law to have Christian meetings, thus ar-rangements need to be made to allow secret meetings. In such cases, singing isn’t always possible and fewer people should attend a meeting for safety purposes.

9. SPIRIT: The right spirit is very important. Without it, everyone might as

well go home! People need to desire the unity of the Spirit (The Spirit of Je-sus) The people in the group may have different backgrounds, different be-liefs, different denominations and unique personalities - All unified by Je-sus Christ. In time, if the group progresses long enough with the right spirit, then the differences in beliefs will get smaller. This is a clear indication of people coming towards a Unity of the Faith (or belief). (Read Ephesians 4)

Sometimes you will get trouble-makers that just don’t have the Spirit of Christ - don’t just chase them away. This will be the easy way out. Rather, as the Bible teaches, pray for them. God will do the sifting. Jesus never chased the Pharisees away! In time, if the trouble-maker belongs with your group, then God will draw them in as part of it and He will changes prevail-ing attitudes. Remember it says in the book of Acts that “God added to the Church daily SUCH as should be saved”. (Acts 2: 47 & read Matthew 13: 24 - 42) God will add as He sees fit and remove those who don’t belong.

10. LOVE: Love is the end of all things. The Bible teaches that without

If I Could? By Tillie Ellis. If I could look through your eyes Lord; What would I see? If I could touch your nail-pierced hands Lord; What would I feel? If I could follow the footsteps of your nail-pierced feet; What would I experience? If I could touch the scars of Your precious face; What emotions would stir in my heart? I wonder what I would do… ...If I could!

Gentle Jesus By Alan E. Foxley

Regardless of my problem, regardless of my woe;

There is one who listens, one to whom I go. When I grow impatient, just can’t carry on; Then I call to someone, who’s already won!

Victor of the battle, chaser of the foe!

There is one called Jesus, unto whom I go. Constant in His caring, gentle in His love;

Needy souls He’s bearing into arms above.

When I feel I’m failing, when I need His care; When life is hard sailing, when it is unfair. Then I find the answer, near, not far away;

It is in my Saviour, who hears me when I pray.

(Continued from page 13) love we are noth-ing (1 Corin-thians 13). Per-fect love also casts out fear and it covers a multitude of sins. Love will ensure that nobody will intentionally hurt another or be re-sponsible for a group dissolving because of irrec-oncilable mat-ters. You might not be a great speaker or well-learned theologian or pastor with in-credible teaching abilities from God’s Word; but if you have love then you will have a cell group full of incredible individuals who will equip and see each other through to the end of the race into heavenly glory. The Refreshing Mini-mag Page 14

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Topical article for the New Year

By Alan Foxley

As we enter the begin-ning of this New Year consider the following: That just as all the years we’ve lived through be-fore, we don’t know what the immediate future holds for us from one second to the next. Ulti-mately, every moment ahead of us is “uncharted territory”. Some reading this may be about to have their lives changed drastically in just a mo-ment’s time! How fragile our little world can be. Fortunately for us, as the old saying goes, “I don’t know what the future may hold for me, but I know the one who holds the future in His hands”. In Ecclesiastes 3:1 - 9 (MKJV) the writer de-clares that “To every thing there is a season, and a time for every purpose under the heavens: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pull up what is planted;…” In verse 10 of the same chapter he de-clares that he has “…seen the task which God has given to the sons of men to be humbled by it. He has made every The Refreshing Mini-mag Page 16

thing beautiful in His time; also He has set eternity* in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God makes from the beginning to the end.” This “…setting of eternity in our hearts…” or as the Hebrew word “ôlâm” puts it: “to conceal”. In other words, eternity that is past and the eternity to come is hidden or concealed from us. This is further confirmed in verse 14, which concludes: “I know that there is no good in them, but to rejoice and to do good in his life.” When men submit themselves to God and settle down to doing what He wants for them now, then God works in their lives. We are set in a time frame ordained of God and are called to live our lives out in a way that is most pleasing to Him. Unfortunately, many rebel against God’s ordinances and seek to find out the beginning and the end of time, inundating us with their theories of a past “big bang” and “evolution” and of a “high-tech” future in “deep space”. People doing this can loose track with reality - Losing out by meeting with an eternal God who has been from the beginning and will be for-ever. Ecclesiastes 10:12 - 15 (KJV) tells us that “The words of a wise man's mouth are gracious; but the lips of a fool will swallow up himself. The begin-ning of the words of his mouth is foolishness: and the end of his talk is mis-chievous madness. A fool also is full of words: a man cannot tell what shall be; and what shall be after him, who can tell him? The labour of the foolish wearies every one of them, because he knows not how to go to the city.” That man came from an ape is the beginning of their words, that he will travel between the stars the end of them. None of these man-made theories have been proved feasible in any way, not by history, science or any other discipline. In holding on to these fantasies man condemns himself to being just a little in-significant dot in history, a tiny part of time that happened by chance. This is hardly an exciting way to start a New Year! In holding to such theories people deny God and thus deny the future that God has for them. No wonder Psalms 14:1 (KJV) says:“… The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God…” Those who labour under these theoretical illusions don’t know “…how to go to the city” as men-tioned earlier. In other words, they do not know the way to the Heavenly City God has in waiting for them - but they can…! Man can find the way to heaven, for when people repent (i.e. change their mindset concerning their illusions) God is willing to show them the way. We must come down from our proud and lofty ideas and meet the one who has the power to turn His ideas into reality. Isaiah 57:15 (MKJV) declares: “For so says the high and lofty One who inhabits eternity; whose name is Holy; I dwell

“While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are

eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:18

in the high and holy place, even with the contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.” Who is this “…high and lofty One…”? The “high and Lofty one” is God who has always been and will be; something the finite mind cannot grasp (which is why men hold to the theory of the “big bang”). How do we approach God? Is it through dead Saints, holy men, prophets, pastors or dreams? His word tells us that it is only through His Son Jesus (see John 14:6) It also tells us that be-sides coming to God through Jesus, that God speaks to us through Him, mak-ing Jesus Christ the true middleman between man and God. Hebrews 1:1 & 2 declares that “God, who at many times and in many ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, by whom also He made the worlds”. Moreover, Jesus was always there for mankind, being begotten of the Father before the world began. In Proverbs 8:22 - 35 (MKJV) God’s Son speaks di-rectly to us, saying: “Jehovah possessed me from the beginning of His way, before His works of old. I was anointed from everlasting, from the beginning, before the earth ever was...Blessed is the man who hears me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors. For whoever finds me finds life, and shall obtain favour from Jehovah.” It is clear from this scripture that God’s Son is the one through whom we must come to the Father. Colossians 1:19 (KJV) also says: “ pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell”. Jesus has the same vision as His Father has concerning the past, present and future. In the New Testament the Lord Jesus showed the same attitude to man’s irrelevant hopes and earthly idealism as God did in the Old Testament. In Acts 1:6 - 8 (MKJV) the resurrected Lord, having just conquered sin, death and the grave, was asked by his disciples: “…Lord, do You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” He replied: “…It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father has put in His own authority. But you shall receive power, the Holy Spirit coming upon you. And you shall be witnesses to Me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” The message is clear; God is not interested in earthly fantasies or poli-tics, His emphasis is on building His Kingdom and in using us as co-workers to do it! What then are we to do in this time God has for us – live in the past? Never! You must be sable to say as Paul “ friends, I really do not think that I have already won it; the one thing I do, however, is to forget what is behind me and do my best to reach what is ahead. So I run straight toward the goal in order to win the prize, which is God's call through Christ Jesus to the life above.” (Philippians 3:13 &14 GNB) If you live today for Jesus, know that a glorious future awaits you where all the past will be explained and all the future unveiled. With this hope and attitude you are well-equipped to go into the New Year and face all that comes your way victoriously!

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Dear Reader: If this mini-magazine has touched your heart, then we ask you to consider the following verse: “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may not die but have eternal life.” John 3:16 GNB God doesn’t just want to touch your heart; He wishes also to give you abun-dant life, in a relationship with Him. If you would like God to do this, then pray the following prayer today, and don’t delay for one minute longer:

If you have prayed this prayer, then don’t hesitate to contact us today so that we can facilitate you in your walk with Jesus.

Write to us: ear2hear Ministries P.O. Box 26730, Gezina, 0031, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa E-mail us: Telephone: +027 083 429 1284 Web site:

Dear father

Father I acknowledge that I am a sinner and fall short of the Glory of God. Father I realize I need your help! I accept that You gave Your only beloved Son to die for me on the cross. I ask You, Jesus, to come into my heart and cleanse me of my sin. I now believe that I am born again and that I am born into God’s family. Thank You, Jesus, that my sins are now washed away.


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Good News Bible/ Today's English Version: Copyright © 1976 - 1998 New York: American Bible Society.

Modern King James Version: Copyright © 1962 - 1998 By Jay P. Green, Sr.

International Standard Version: Copyright © 1996 - 2008 The ISV Foundation.

Scriptures in this magazine are taken from the Holy Bible:

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