The New Customer Services Organizaon - Changepoint · The New Customer Services Organizaon ......

Post on 27-Apr-2018

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Transcript of The New Customer Services Organizaon - Changepoint · The New Customer Services Organizaon ......

















• Breakingdownbarriersbetweencustomerservicesteams

•  Improvingresponsivenesstocustomerissuesandenhancementrequests

• BeRerunderstandingourcustomers’journey

• Crea)ngandenhance‘listening’channelstoimproveexperience


• Evolu)ons• Techtalks• Web-basedtraining







• Improving“Connec9onsOnline”communi)es• “Connec9onsLive”usergroups• Execu)veSponsorProgram







• Customerjourney• Subscrip)onservices• Premiersubscrip)onservice






Allow your resources to focus on what they do best – running and governing projects – and let us focus on the report

development and maintenance that provide you with business insights. With Changepoint Reporting Assurance, you

never have to worry about being stranded without visibility into key business metrics.

Don’t leave portfolio visibility to chance.Requirements gathering. Report development. . Conversion of Report Designer reports to Cognos. These are not simple,

fast tasks for most reporting staff. And no one has the luxury of being without project resource and revenue insights – even for a minute. Organizational, departmental, and corporate decision-making are stifled without visibility into the business. Your team(s) can be the catalyst of better business outcomes with Changepoint Reporting Assurance.

Tiered subscriptions take the guesswork out of report budgeting. Changepoint Reporting Assurance is a subscription-based service that gives you built-in reporting support. From report

requirements gathering to new report development and report optimization, you have the assistance you need,

when you need it. Changepoint Reporting Assurance is available in tiered packages, so you can match the service level

you require to the tier that provides the most value for you. As a two-year subscription offering, your reporting budget is set – and you’ll save more than 50% over ordering one-off, a la carte reports. Changepoint Reporting Assurance subscribers also receive a discount on additional consulting, optimization, training, and adoption services.

Changepoint Reporting AssuranceChangepoint Customer Enablement

Free your resources to do what they do best with Changepoint Reporting Assurance. Minimize the reporting learning

curve, provide the business with critical insights, and save money in the process. Please contact your Customer

Success Manager to discuss which tier of Changepoint Reporting Assurance is best for your organization.

Choose from four tiers of service:

Silver: This tier is designed for customers that mainly rely on built-in Changepoint reports, and have few ad hoc or custom report needs. Silver tier is also good for novice users or departments that are new to robust reporting, and are looking for a side-by-side coach throughout the subscription period to

provide assistance in building their own reporting skills.

Gold: This tier is designed for customers that have a desire for a greater number of customized and ad hoc reports, or for a team of dedicated reporting staff with moderate reporting knowledge. With the Gold tier, Changepoint reporting experts augment current report development resources and engage the staff as they master the Changepoint reporting skillset.

Platinum: This tier is perfect for customers that have a desire or need to develop a large number of customized or ad hoc reports, but do not have the internal resource to support the delivery of new reports and maintenance, or modification of existing reports.

Enterprise: This tier is ideal for customers that have a desire to fully ‘outsource’ their custom and ad hoc report analysis, requirements gathering, development, and ongoing maintenance and modification.

Business analysis and requirements gathering: Daptiv experts participate in business analysis activities, gather reporting and dashboard requirements, and generate report specifications.

Report development: Daptiv experts build requested Cognos reports.

Report modifications: Existing reports are updated and/or modified to align with business and user requirements. Migration and conversion of Report Designer reports to Cognos.

Report coaching: Your report developers continue to refine their reporting skills when paired with Daptiv experts for online training and technical assistance, and to develop reports in Report Studio.

Cognos training: Your staff attends web-based and classroom product training classes appropriate for their reporting skill level.

Keep business analytics up-to-date:The following services are included in every tier; volume of services varies by tier:


•  Strongcustomercommuni)es–  VisittheTechnologyCenter-telluswhatyouthink–  Par)cipatein‘Connec)onsOnline’

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•  Solu)onpaths–  Leveragenewrela)onshipsforescala)ons–  CustomerSuccessManagers–  Execu)vesponsors


• Wewantyourfeedback!• WinanAmazonEchoShow•  EachsurveysubmiRed=achancetowin•  1stdrawing–FiresidechatonDay2•  2nddrawing–LocknoteattheendofDay2


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