The Leaders

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of The Leaders

6 things Leaders do


They’re kind without being weak :

Being genuinely kind

Not being weak

Telling people the difficult truth they need

to hear

Kindness doesn’t come with expectation.

They’re confident, without being arrogant :

Confidence to take risk

Arrogance takes a back seat

They know the mantra that arrogance can kill

inner self and confidence

They’re strong without being harsh : 

People need courage in their leader

Makes difficult decisions

Watches over the good of the group

Leaders shouldn’t be domineering and controlling

They stay positive, but remain realistic : 

Positivity is related to mindset

Positivity cant change the set of course.

One needs to be the doer

They’re willing to take a bullet for their people : 

They don’t try to shift blame

They don’t avoid shame when they fail

They earn people’s trust by backing them up

Great leaders also welcome challenges, criticism,

and viewpoints

 They’re role models, not preachers :

Inspire trust and admiration through their actions

Integrity is important

Great leaders walk their talk