The latch-key of life [microform] : the secrets of the savants

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Transcript of The latch-key of life [microform] : the secrets of the savants

7 P r e s i d e n t ^ O i i .c e

r I

FEB 11 18143o f ?

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T H E L f t T G t t K E Y

î uS p f r i t u s E r c e l l o . ”


I ,




L.ESSON Mo. 1.


THF I l U KSI |)F.

1 .A log lin* in a cosy cor­

ner in ii conntry lieuse ! The tînmes stroain n|> tin* smokc Pii rnis fin* *• " 11 i 1 <* thon, as if tarrying ton

lonjc, snddonly darts np the «•liimm̂ .v, play ins w i * li tin* liâmes as il goes.

Tin* wood m ais ami bocoinos red. sparks drop lM*m*atli tlio nndirons, scin- tillati* for a wliile and thon whon tlio h,si l»it of inattor is veaohod sonds ont a. flash or pnvo whito light and it is gono, nothing hnt ashos romain wo havo soon tho mystorios of Nature !

2.FRIFNDS C Tho Ions winter days OF TUF ) tho oold withnnt and tlio

FIRFSIDF. ) inviting hoal, niakes ns ail F Kl FNDS OF THF FIRF-*

SIDF. lloro, whon ail is ipiiot savo tho whist le ol- tho wind avonnd thooavos and tho spnttering nf tho lire, wo lind thonghts whisperings rroin tho voioo of Natnro.

3.DUIVFN Man in his primitive

lîAt'K TO \ stato, nnlianipered hy so-FOVPT. J 1 phistry, oi*oods and toxt

punks, was roady to nooopt tho plain and siniplo diotation of his

Tho Fgyptians are said to lie tho old est nation on tho oarth and thonsands ot yoars a go tlioy had arts and knowledge which aro ovon nnknown to-day.

Tlioir priosts wore onlightenod mon witli groat powor and riches—science and roligion was ono. with tlioni.

AU forais of religion aro said to hâve had tlioir origin with tho Fgyptians. Mosos was horn in Fgypt and roeoivod his odnoation thon*.

4.THF (. The newest diseovery ofNFW S science l i A DIO-ACTIVI-

IS OLD. y TY and tho phonoinena of Kadinin hâve uptnriied the

long chorishod thoory of tho inaterial- ists tliat “ inattor cannot lie ereatod” and wo innst rotnrn to trntli of Mosos and allow tliat inattor or tho nniverse WAS (TIKATKD and wo ninst also ox- tond tho liand of crodulitv to tho science of tho t'atholic doctrine and admit tliat tlio imaginarv eliasin hotwoon Catholio- ism and trnth novor oxistod.

5.\\ HAT S Cardinal Gibbons, on THF ) page 30Ô of his valnalde

GRFAT < book, “ O n t CHRISTIAN CARDINAL J HElîlTAGF,” says: “ Sci-

SAYS. ( once, on tho other liand, whon stndied with hnniil-

r e a s o n .



rf>ity, reveals to us the intimait* relation of the forces of N ature witli one anotlier -tlie imity of tlie laws governing theni, ami tlieir subordination to a eontrolling M ind.

" I n ail it* endeavor* la \folloir njt llie clianye* and derel opinent* o/ the corlh. il rail ne ivr ijel tteyond a certain Jh‘*t *nl>- xlattrr irtiieh is nnder thr injtncnee <>t certain force* and m ater the dominion <>f certain loir*."

6.Fire 'w as lieltl in su­

blime awe l>y tlie Egyptians ami tlie Sun was worslii|)|>o<l as tlie source of Di­vine Power. Tlie woii- dcrfnl Pyramnls are

supposent to liave hecn e rec ted for tlie glorification of thèse sub tile forces in Nature.

M odem thouglit ve verts to aneient ideas.

Eire is simple sp ir i t in motion.H eat is a e iren la r or cirenmscribod

motion or direction in wliicli sp irit is moving it is tlie “ Prime Mnver" or or­ganisation, the c re a to r of ina tte r and tlie parent of the u n ive rse l

A eentrifngal a r t occnring from tlie iiitelh*etnnl tint of sp ir i t leaving a ceu- te r , a whirling away of spirit to a ce r ­ta in cironmreronco or d is tance from a con te r leaving spaoe in tin* c e n te r tliis is niaterialization, a c rea ting of m atter. the formation of an atom, from notliing 1






O x y g e n—a ruslnng fl y i n g ni o 1 e e a 1 e, a gnardsmnii driv- ing ail o ther inolecnles from

within a certain radius, like a luill in a


peu, a nioleeiih* lloating in sp irit , keep- ing tlie area for spirit only.

Oxygen is tin* advance agent ot Spirit , but oxygen rannot always s t i r mal tel and put it to flight by its own p m \e r a loin*, ( irapliite o r coal will not sue- «•Uiiib to the onslaiigbt of oxygen nnless lient lirst s teps iu and by its own wlin l- ing force entanglos tlie carbon molé­cules and ca rr ies theni uround in o rlo ts , tlieu oxygen can keep tlie molécules whirling mit il tliey d isen tang le tliem- selves from one anotlier and tlien en tan- gle tliomsclves witli tlie oxygen mole- miles and continue whirling in tlio birmof carboiiic acid gas.

It is possible t liât oxygen molécules a re dise sliaped as eold oxygen is more ac tive than wlien hot.

P lan ts probably use carbonic acid l>y the rays of tlie sim ehanging tlie dise shape of tin* oxygen molécule thns allowing it to se para te from tlie carluni.

8.Spirit an iudivisnhlo

i n f i n i t é , in tell igent, mercifnI. loving e n t i ty witli space as its play gronnd, lias forined the

u ni versé for its own glorification and ours. Tliis e n t i ty was fohled iu upon itself and suflicient uiito i tse lf for a 11 e te rn i ty mit il “ t lie c réa tion” wliicli will also now lu* c terua l and linal- lv perfeet in its own laws of happiuess and individunlism.

T hereareonly TWO PRINCTP1.ES of motion in tlie uni verse, the circulai* and the straight.

Heat is a circulai* motion. Liglit is astraight motion, or nearer to a straight motion.

Heat inay be latent whieh iinplies tliat the spirit is revolving in one location as if on an a x is -o r it may be perceptible and the molécule circulatiug iu an orbit.

While heat may organise in one case





it nmv disorganize iu a mit lier. altlimigJi it inay disorganize il <*;inn<»t anniliilate limiter. Tlie straiglit I• n«* force only «‘an tili*n tlie direct ion ol ' lhe whirl froiu i ts eiirve ami allow (|iiieseent or motion- less spir it to till in spaee ami tlms ninii- Il i la te it. It seems t liât spirit ol'ten wliirls in a dise sliape, maki u t ilise mole- eiiles. Wlieu ire is pressed al atiy point, it melts tlie pressure lias pressed soi ne o f t lie dises to a round sliape so I liev lieeome mobile.

A muguet ie eold ray l'roni tlie snn nia y be clmnged in passiug tlirnugli ai r to a whirling lieal ray.

9.Locke says ; Ml’nre

spaee i seapab le neitli- ev or résistance nor motion. Spirit is a substance' in wliieli

tbinking, k n o w i n n , doubting and a pmver of nioving do snbsist .

l’icMe sa \ s :“ Mat te r is tin* more odiic t of t In» mi ml

i t s e l f fl»< rkely says : "Wliat i sca l led I lie e \ -

te rna l World is a succession of notions impresscd ou t lu* mind by tlie Deity.”

Sir Jolin Ib'rcliel compares a ray of liglit pem 't ra t ing glass to a bird flying tlirougli a forest.

It set'ins tlint invisible rays of force are nearly st raiglit, t lie dodging of molé­cules gives varions wave lengtlis and effects aceord ing to (lie molécules.

1 0 .Ail tlie varions élé­

ments and objeets in tlie universe are simply a cer ta in motion of spiri t , tlie variat ions result ing

from tlie act ion of t lie forces wliieli arc» simply spiri t in motion. Si/.e and forrn

t lien constit nte I lie ex is t iug conditions of tlie universe n iu ttcr is only a rela- t i ve existence.

11.TH K KEOI’LAUN A vaciuiin or xvliere

IDEA <)K ) t l i e r e i s no “ m a t te r”A " Y A C I T M ” ( is really a place

HEYKHSKI) ) wliere substance e \ - IIY OH* MSW / ists and wliere spaee PII I i.OSOl’Il Y. C is occiipied by spir it ,

\\-|iil«* dense mat te r or r.t wliat is niade to nppear dense i si aply d(»:el inert l imiter or spaee» un- occapied by anythiiig.

Mattel* is au aggrogatiou ol’ spaee spots or atoms, t lie atoms being ont lined by a nioving spiri t substance'.

12 .The heavier a sub­

stance is l lie less of liTo and power il bas and t lois spir it or ligld sub­

s tance n u i transeeiid il it eau movi a nd iu nioving it llirows mat te r . bebind il. t bus grav ity is a secondary considér­ât ion to I lie great w hirl or cent rifngal force wliieli tlie Deity ins t i tuted to form oui* i‘artli, wliieli is tlie nmerocosm o fa n atom, tli<* la t te r being (lie inicreeosm.

13.Tlu're m*ver was

a motion unb>ss tliere was a tlinught before it w lietber it be tli«' miglity e i ir reu t of sp irit fiimi tlie fini, tlie

invisible s treatn of e lee tr ie i tv passiug a round our eartli, tlie radia tion froiu tin» Inst spark in tlie lireplace, tlie raising of tlie lia mis of tlie eliild iu prayer or tin» s tream s of sp ir it from “ radin-active’ eells.












Minci is the potential and tlu; sole orij>iuutor of motion.

Tin* lirai u or nervi* relis of t lu* Inmiiin IhhIv cire spirit spnees oxyton drives ont. tlie router of earbon, leaving ci vacu- m11 spaee snri'onncled l>y a rell wall of alluuneii and asli.

S pi rit eau wliirl about spaei* and fonna sim or il niny lorni an atoin, it mayshoot nrross a wliirl, aininl ils eim ilarmotion and matter \vi11 vanisli.»

14.POWER y Willionl iu*j;iiiiiji; (lie

()K PRAYER.r matter or iilea of pro- ~*s*s*~r**r̂ r>s*. { détermination, \ve knnw nmv t lu*, pmver of ( !od wlio lills t lu* I Ion Vi­ens, interslellar spaees and relis tlu* j r̂eat mind rail ere.ate ail t hinj;sdesired, maki* lorro or motion or anniliilate (lie sa nu*. Wlien .lesus prayed (lod ereated bread and lislies witli wliirli tlu* iiinlli- tnde was led.

15.<!od makes tlu*

forain, tlu* j^rass, tlu* wood and tlu* stnne and lu* always okvns matter wlio liolds tliem and wliile otliers are ueedv no mnn lias a rije111 lo more t liait lu* needs for liis own aelnal needs of existenee. Tliere is enon^li to inakeeverv beinyou (lieraith well snpplii'd if somo eriminal lias not eorifiested tlu* supply by liis greetl.

16.Sir O l i v e r

Ijodjfe says “ a motion and al­teration of (lie eonfijïiira t io n of tlu* molo- enles o f onr

brain are believed to arcompauv every art of thought.


UADir.M o r w h e r e ;RADIO ACTIYITY




It will be at any rate a suggestive au- ;ilojry if a material proeess of au esseu-tially similar sort is loiiiul to be orenr- i ii j? t hroiighout what \vo kuow as t lie inor- gauie woj-ld.

R es ail tliis motion correspond to soaie universal thoiight or mental aetiv- i t y likewise?"

Pain is l'r un loss of spirit iu sonie part of tlu* I» idy. Tlu* physiological offert of IIPMILITY, PAITII, Il OPE and eharity are eonsidered in tlu* Magazines of Kim- istry.

17.A point roii-

t inued to an ub- so ln te m il miist end iu sp irit ! M a tte r is ru t doxvn to some-

Lhing lieyond onr senses, t lie absolut»* end of a point may eonl.iin an atoin, but mat te r ends ends lien* lier»* wliere «me single wliirl of spirit surrounds (lie sniallest amoinit of spaee possibk*. b»>- ynnd tliere is no wliirl or motion of sp ir ­it rnus»ji|iiont ly no m atter, y«*t tliere is uow iiupartielcd spiri-t.




18.SCI EXTISTS t Sir \V i 11 1 a niDAZED 15V S Ramsey lias au-

TIIE SIIATTERINO / nouueed (luit byO F Tll El R C meaiis of tlu* S|>ee-

EsTAlîldSII ED S troseop»* lu* liasCREEDS. ) iliseovered tliat

/ ()|1(1 eleuient eau be <*lia uged iuto anotlier, finit “ Radium'* jcas eh a nues iuto Ib'linin gas of its own aeeord.



19.FIKKKIDK \ Tho n a t u r e o f mu t -

IMIILOKOI’HY S t « ‘ i* : i n « l i t s r e l a t i o n OFFKUS f t o s p i r i t lutv « » n e v e r

X K\V Tl I KO K l KM. J b o o n u n d e r s t o o diiml savants un* nn-

ahlc to nudo.rstand about tho st range notions of Radium. tlioy aro wont to put n tu# of RADIUM ou evory'spontanoous exhibition of tlu* forons. So rabiil lias beon tlioir tonaeity to tho odiots of LAYOIKIKR tliat anytliinjr wliieh sa- vorod of tlie idoas of l’aracelsus or Rog- or lîacon was lookod npoii asabsiird. but tho horcsy wliicli was originntisl in t ho last part of tbo oigbteonth contury aftor tlu* lit 11«* spasm of about a oontury is dying. Tliis last orgasiu is what is now couvulsing tho. matorialistie soientists, but iimr tlioy begiil to look baok to l'y- tliagoras, Domooritus, l’iato and to New­ton and Browster.

Tlio idua of tlio “ stability” of mattor lias lioon oarriod to snob oxcess tliat t lu» soiontists oainiot ooiiforin bis mind to tbo varions eonforiiiations of inatter and tlioir oorrospoiuling phononiona of force. A.certain bnvaried bobavior lias boon (for tbo last fow yoars) assignod to ail mattor so’when tbo savant tinds liglit, bout and elcctricity omanating from a oortain source- otocnally without loss of its snbstanoo, lu* naines tbo snbstanoc witli a iiow naine as tbo conditions aro iinw altbongb hc bas b ad an exhibition of analogons pbononiona in tbo inagnot. WIioii air (oxygon) is forcod into a <|uan- tity of moltod iron, stcol is prodiieed (Ressemer procoss). If a ouvrent of (*b*otricity is sont-tliroiigb a bar of stool it boeonies a pornianont magiu't, witli an otornal force cnianating from it yot lie doos not rail tbo stool KADII'M.

Tbo siinboaiii appoars to bo a buiidlo of rays of foroo from inagnotism to beat. Sonie rays got struck by tlio molécules or dnst particlcs of tlio air and sonio do

not, somo rays aro spiral, sonie zigzag and somo straigbt. Sound is a raréfac­tion and oondonsation in onc direction, tbo saine as if yon worc ptinching an ob- jeet witli a stick. Different sonnds an* different intensities of impact, volumo is from area of impact. Sound givos tin* négative eurrent of a t<‘b*plione wiro va- ryiug iuipuls(*s. Lot tors spoken give tlio vocal organs sliapos for varying in­tensif y of Sound.

20 .

IS KORCK A S C'onnt Rumi'ord an- MOTION Oit A S iioiinood tliat beat or

MATKRIAL? ( forci* was simply a motion and tliat no

niaterial was passing wlicii force was in pb'V.

Fi résidé Philosophe says tliat A RA\ is a lino of spirit substance aetnally moviiig and a snbstanoo passing. Onr now tlioory is tliat tho et ber or spirit is iinohangeablo and non-comprossiblo so (liât a pnsbing at onc point instantly pnshos at anotbor point. If yon bave a long stick and pusli ou onc end yon pusli at t bo otlier end at tlio saine instant, a ray ot force doos tbo saine. Hcat eau transmit motion ,without a passing of spirit. If yon tako a dock or séries of goars and t uni tlio ono on onc end, yon iniist t uni t boni ail at tlio sanie instant, vot tbo wliools ail romain in tlioir origi­nal location. The phonograph shows sound to bo simply impulses, eaeli Sound indouts tlu* wax of tbo record more or loss. Little sounds may corrngate tlu* slopos of tbo valley Iliade by tlu* big sound. Colors or pictures cannot pass ou a wiro.

In tliis (paragraph) No. 20 as wc refer to tbo “ cog wliool” impulse and tho “ straigbt puslt” impulse it may bo apro- pos to consider tlu* relations of elec- tricitv to those poculiar impulses.

\Vo used to consider tlu* “ bigli fre- ipioncy currents*’ or tho impulse per-


taining more to the straiglit pusli as the positive ouvrent, luit our latest. théories cause us to call this current tlie néga­tive current as it is cold or without tlie whirling motion of lient, so \ve inust call th e “ cog wlieel impulse” tlie positive current uow, nltliougli this lieat is tlu* cause of negativ<* currents as it makesa cell wliieli pnts ont a radiation of cold negative current.

lu a galvanic battery is origiuated tlie force of eloetrioity, wlieu tlie vacuo-Cell (as cxplaincd in auotlier paragraph) ra­diâtes its forci* in ail directions froui a center. Sonie rays go ou tlirongh tlie wire from tlie zinc, wliile olliers go ont througli tlie copper or carliou. Tliey inust rneet somewhere in tlie circuit or <*op|>er wire. They started as a néga­tive current and followed tlie etlter spaces l)etwei*n the molécules or in tlie gas or peculiar air wliieli always adhères or helongs to every surface (aura). But wlien 'thèse two cnrrents meet, what must occur? They must wliirl about and either bot h currents be changed to beat and a radio-active cell be niade, wliieli makes uow currents ; or else one current, after mingling and assisting in inaking heat, follows the et lier spaces as a cooling opposite offert or négative current; and the otlier does the “ cog- wheel” dnty and becomes the positive current. Ail tlie while magnétisme is going ont sidewise and it seeius thon tnrns on the ultra area and follows tlie wire as a spiral, at least a long drawn ont longitudinal “ straiglit spiral.

Volt nieans “ electric pressure" and “ ampere” nieans the quantité of current accorcling to electricians.

Does the volt meaii négative and the ampere positive? is a line question.

It wonld sooin that the pressure inust corne from radiation of vaeuo relis orig- iually and it wonld seem as if the quan- tity of force depended upon the nuniher of radio active relis iu the bat tory.

Wlien there is a break in a current or a séparation of the copper wire at sonie IHiint a SPARIŸ is prodneed a liigli fre- quency current. this must lie from radia­tion as the air is more etherized tlinn a métal, the “ cog wlieel” effect must drop away and the straiglit pnsli or ray pre- domiuate this is the priuciple of wire- ions telegraphy and telepathy.

There may lie a variation of lhe im­pulses wliieli mu y ho tlie “ attiiuing",or “ indiyidnality" by wliieli tlie current ma y be recoguizisl from otlier currents.

21 .HEAT AN £ We refer. to heat INDIRECT S as being a whirling

PROMOTOR ? force—it nia y be the O K RADIATION. < flatteneddisc-shaped

wliirl, the globular wliirl, or the wliirl in varions-shapisl or- bits or inclines.

Heat may arrange a sériés of utoms or molécules iu the form of a shell.

Wlien luit iron is burned iu pure oxy- gen (in a jar) it melts and drops (o the hottom of the jar iu the form of IIOL- LOW SHIXINC OLOBULES wliieli are magnetic and composed of blaek oxide of ii*on.

Wlien beat forais a molécule ont of atoins it is solid but witli a eool tempér­ature outside. A shell liardens ontside lirst and as the inside is yet liot and ox- pandeil aud liquid and tlie ontside lixeil and immovable the final i*ooling of the inner parts must leave a vacuum inside or ratlior removes ail space atoins and allows pure spirit to flow iu tlirongh the spaces between the atoms, this is inind and ean radiate as a motion. Wlien va- por or rain drops eool a vacuum forms and a thonght of CJod’s f irins a ervs- tal, a six iioilited star, a snow flake, the sanie inind forais the flowers and the trees.

A pure spirit cell eau be made onlv natnrally as it is iiii|iossible to niake


port'oct spirit colis I»y pumps m* nioeliaii- i«*al instruments.

Nervo colis :ii*«* vacu oollso :is ex­pia inod in Paragrapli 18.

A lump of biiruing oharooal givos luit little liglit, a rod lioatod mass is soon

but wlion tlie mass is rodiieed to a sinall spark thon radiation ooeurs. Onlv tlio moloonlos on tlie oxterior oan radiato as air, glass, (‘to., only, allow liglit to pass, so tlio iunor radiations ar<‘ turivod to lioat.




22 .Tlu* nnivpm* luis

a limit a nd a bonnd- ;u*y it is a complote being. Tlioro ran ho mi création of matter or a roinoval of tho oflior or spirit

from tin* »*enter of t lu* niiivopse unloss ( lie cdroiiinfereiiee of tin* imivorso is iu- ereasod, a,s spirit caniiot bo oomprossod

so.a simple displaeoment of mattor is ail thaï eanOcciir i'pom auy looal liât.

\\ Il<*11 carbon atoius a re d issocia tod or phsscd off into t lu* a i r tlioro is tlio reg- iiIîh* anioimt of spaeo in tho imivorso.

H au ts bv aid of liglit eau roorganizo t lu* atoms.

1 W - *

23 .lu i ho fa II of

OllO CA'OIlillg \vhl*Mt lit* tonipdrat lire aa;is at abont ÔO d»»gi>o<*s, tho writor had occa- sion to g o to a spring ou tho gronnds sur- roiinding hiscountry

lions»* for souk* Avator. In dipping ont tho wator Avith an i 1*011 pail bis ha ntl bo- eome AVt*t. Aftor taking hold of tin* bottoin of tlio pail to empty tho wator,

tlioro appearotl a stroak of firo a cross bis l'orefingcr. Tliis collected togother into a drop and f»*ll ou t lu* stunip of a troc*. Tlio dropof wator appearotl lik»* litpiid lirt* and illuiuinated tlio stuiiip of tlu* tre<* Avlioro tlio drop foll.

It socins tlio lioat of tlio fing»*r cx- pand»*d tlu* AAator and tho odgo of tlio cold pail contractod it loaving vaono spa»*»*s, tlio Silicon serving as a wall for tho tmiiporary «*t*lls.

Au eloctriciau avus recently usiiig a inorcnrial va|ior eloctric lamp, and avIiou lit* had tnrnetl off tlu* cnrront was snr- prisod to st*o tho mercury glowing jnst as briglit as liofor»*.

Tho Avritor is 110AV exporiniouting witli tlio Silicon Avater from his spring and liopos to produco a radio active minorai of a permanent nature.

Tliis AA'ater exhibits 110 radiation until it lias beeu lieated and cooletl and thon tlio radio active* poAvor lasts for .'! days unloss tlu* Silicon sliolls are “ sot.”

Silicon is îuado soluble by the pros- onco of an alkalio. Tliis is Avhv fossil romains are fonnd in alkaline soils, tlio sand is inado soluble and th<* acids from deeaying animal niatter noutralizes the alkalio and a solitl stonc reproduction is mado, so AA»* iniist mako fossil Aracuo sliolls to soeur»* permanent radiation as iu “ Radium."

The xvriter lias had the best suceoss








s p i r i l (*i*l i s h y p i i i i i | > ^ o r ni<*«‘ l i ; i n - i r r t l i n s i i - i i i i i c i i l s .

\ < “I‘VC‘ «•«‘I l s ;i !*<• V i lo l l «*«*lls«» i i s <“\ -

| i l : i i i i < ‘i l i n |>Ii P I .A lnni|> of Inn niim <-li;ir<-<»:iI j;m*s tml

l i f t ! ( ' l i i f l i l , :i H ‘«l l ic‘:M<‘(l n i i i s s i s s c c n

luit wlion 111«‘ niiiss is roilncotl l<> :i sisiiiI sp ii rk t lion i‘:i«li;it ion ooonrs . Oiilv t In* niolcc n lcs on lin* o x t o r i o r o;m rmliii to ;is ;iii\ j-l-.iss, «•(?., on ly , t illow >'» I,:ISS’s o t l i o i n n o r Piiil intinns :iro IiipihmI i«>

l l O i l t .


FRIENDS OF PHUOSOPH-Y<> sVf* ■* «■ -ûr


22.The univers»* 1ms

:i limil :i lui a Ihm ntl a ry il is a complet»* li<>in<£. Tln*i‘»> oan l)«* IU1 Cl'Oalion of mai lia' or a r»*inovnl ol’ 1 lu* (*l lier or s | i i r 11

l'rom I lu* ( •< * 111 i*r of lia* nnivorso nnloss i lu* eirenmloi-ein*»* of i lu* nnivorso is in- ercasocl. as spi r i t oannol lu* compresse»!

so a siiii|il<* (lis|ilao(‘nu*nt ol mal lo r is ail (liai eau o i r n r l'rom any local liât.

Whon oarhoii a toms an* dissociai»>d or passe»! olT inlo I lu* air t lioro is (lie rou­illa r ainoinit of spam* in lin* univers»*.

l ’I a n i s l i y a i d o f l i n l i l c n n r o n r ü ’n n i / . o 1 lu* a i m a s .

23 .

In l lu* fa11 of m u * »*v»*innjï w l u * n I lu* temporal oro '.vas al alionl âll d<“uiv»*s, t lu* wril (*r had ( icca- sioii to ii'o to a sprint;'( Ml t llO J4l*( illllds slll lronndin^ h iscmin l ry

lions»* for soin»* wator . In d ipp i iu; ont l lu* w a to r willi an iron pail his liand he- com«* wol . Aft«*r l ak im ; liold ol lin* Ilot loin of tin* pail to mnply tin* wator .

Ilior»* appoarod a stroak of lin* across his lorelinju'or. Tliis collecte»! to<;»*ther into a drop and foll on llu* s ln m p o f a lr»*o. llu* drop of w alo r appoai*»*d like li < I ni * I lire and illnminalod llu* s ln m p o f t lu * lr»*<* wlior»* t lu* drop f«*ll.

It s e m a s llu* lu*al o f ( l ie lini;oi* o \ - pando»l I Ile w a t o r a n d t h» * »>»!;;<> of l lio oold pail «*onl raol»‘»l it l»*avinu: v ac im spac(*s, i lu* Sil icon s o r \ i n f i - as a wall l'or l lu* <»*mporary »•»*11s.

Au ol(*cl rician wns r«*c»*ntly nsiii<* ;i inorciirial vapor »*loct ri«* la ni p. and wlion In* had 1 nrned <>lï i lie »*urr»*nt \v:is xnr- pris(*d to soo t lu* nu*rcnry "lowiui; jnsi as hriiilit as h«*l'oi*«*.

Th»* wril or is now «*\ p«*rim»*iit in" willi i l * silioou walor l'rom liis s p r in t and hop»*s lo proilncoa ra»lio a«*l iv«* inin»*i*al of a p»*)*ma lient ual nr»*.

Tliis wal«*r »*\hihits no radia tion iintil it lias h»*»*n h«*at**»l and oooled and tli**n tiw* radio a»*l ivo powrn* lasts for :» days miloss | In* silioon sln'lls ar«* ** s»*t."

Silicon is inado solnhh* hy t lie pr«*s- »*n«‘»* ol' a l alkalio. Tliis is why l'ossil romains ar<* l'oinul in alkalim* soils, th<* sand is ma*h* soluble and tho acids fVom d»*oayin.£C animal m aito r n«*nt rali/.«*s t ho alkalio and a solid stono reprodiiotion is mado, so wo mnst inak»* l'ossil vaciio] sludls to s»*onr«* pm-manmit radia tion as in " Radium.”

Tho wril or lias had tho hest succès*








with tlie use et' ehlorine in conneetion witli otker ediemieïals and a peenliar heating and cooling jirocess.

24.It is so cliftieult to

keepall tlie conditionsof the oecult in onr minci that the terni

atoin lias been useil promiseunusly to i*epresent invisible or occnlt particles.

Properly tlie Word atom refers to tlie sinallest aiuonnt ol spaee surroinidod by spirit, and as ail spirit is alike and ail atoiiis are alike the combinat ion wonlel represent t l ie “ lirst matter” of tlie al- elieinist.

Atoms are* arrangoel iuto mol<*eiilo*s and it is the size, shape and beliaviol- of molé­cules that con stitu es the* différence of the eleinent.

In organic substances molécules are theinselves arranged into gronps and or­ganic substances themselves are ar­ranged into cells and cells iuto complété liviug organisms.

Wliile atoms themselves are alvvays round, molécules 111ay not lie.

It is liard to conçoive of a form being long or flat, without offering an opportu- nity for a division or knoeking off of corners, thus atoms niust bo round. When angular pièces of graphite are put iuto a tire the angles are- ail bnriied off funrt leaving a rounded form tlins the i-elation betvveen beat and a round form.

25.It lias boon fonnd

that wlien it is neeessary to build a tunnel through tlie base of a mountain the lient liée ouïes

territic in the intérim*, and tlu* worknieu

wonhl be roasted if cold air was not pinuped iuto the tunnel. The immense pressure or \vc*ight above presses the disc*-shaped molécules of the* minerais and roe-ks intei a round shape, whie-h gives tliem a e-hane*e te» neove or roll eas- ie*r thus they take greater orbits, and lu*at resnlts.

Volcanoes e*xist in Iceland just as easy as in Central America.


26.C ry s t a l lization

lias been cousidered iu Paragraph 21, but when matter is cooleel very slowly

through long perioels of time, vacuo spaces are not formed.

Ordinary cast iron is crystallized, but when it is lieateel in a furnaee and grad- nally cooleel through several davs or weeks, it becomes “ malléable iron.’

The iron wliich is used as an electro- niagnet for a télégraphie machine will not work unless the iron ls annealeîd very soft by being heatecl and allowed to e-ool in tlie ashes as the tire gradually die*s ont.

27.TO MARK / Golel is very heavv

CiOLl). I and malléable, and (<an })0 made from

the base metals if yon know how to con- forin the molécules. Nature does it in niountaius uuder great heat, and tlien by a graduai e-ooling UNDER PRESSURE.









28As the luiigs take

in the oxygcn whicli cause heat and vae- uo colis, they are the guages of life

and intellect, strength and joy, so \ve can sec the necd of pure ontdoor air. See MAGAZINES OF K1M1STRY. See last Paragraph of the Lessons.



29.If you place a lot

of inarbles in a box, you will sec thaï there are spaces of an angular and cou- eavc-sidetl shape. The spaces are ail

United and forai a fabric like a lioney- corab. The spaces are Spirit, but it is the sub-eonscious inind or the great in- dividnal soûl.

The cell or vacuo space is individual- ized. A round form contains the inost space or spirit, as the case nui y be, vvith the least surface exposure.




30.CENTER AND \ The universal fag-

SILENCE. \ ot, the et lier or rit, is silent and

thoughtful. Cells are fornied and vacuo space, the il here is thought. For motion a center innst be forined. This conter is a BREECH, and a radiation or exodus of spirit can oecur. Theu the old cell is destroyed—new ones arc fornied—the old Spirit has returned to the universal mind—new spirit coines in. Thus forai is the niould of the soul—ail the cells of the body are destroyed every little while.

The soul is a matrix and eau reforin a

body or combination of cells in the spir- it La m l-th e soul is the perfmuc of the body.

The great Spiritual Fagot or bond commets ail beings. If you injure an- other, il cornes back to you like a boom­erang—you arc in a great circle.



When a wire is coudncting electric- ity,there are several efforts, positive and

négative, volts and ampères. An am­père is a force, rotating the atoms- thi lieatiug cffect—the vacuo space former

the parent of radiation—thon radia­tion of the vacuo spaces pusli ou the universal fabric, the otlior in the inter- spaccs niaking volts and the négative carrent, but inoving iu the opposite di­rection froui the ampères. See para-


3 2 .The émission of

liglit fl'ouï a sub­stance s|K*nt:ineons- ly, as in the case of “ Radium,’’ is not a new phenoineiion. nearly forty years

ago, l’rof. Stokes enuneiated the fact.He filled a glass tube wifcli a solution

of snlpliate of quinine and theu niovetl it through the spectrum, entering at the red ray. When it had passed through ail the colors and eutered the région of the ultra violet, or where the invisible magnetie rays were, the tubelighted up.

A solution of horse chestnuts acted in the sanie way, so also did glass staimsl with oxide of uranium.

The saine straight Hue force is ehanged when passing tlirongh snb-





s tances whose molecidur s tructure l and behavior is different the tiest force Im>s its trend chaiigcd or “ wiggled" into waves o r zigzag curves ot varions leng ths tlms givos tlie sinisations of colors

Wlien liglit passes thrmigh oxygen, it is but sliglitly “ wiggled,” as tliere an* lait fcw molécules in oxygen, yet tlioy are “ hustling” ones.

M any ray s pass tlirougli union,-lied.In g lass tin* molécules are mon* mi­

merons tlian in oxygen. lu the tliiu end of tlie speetrimi many rays go tlirougli misent lied, lu tli.) tliick end not so many. Tlms t lu- wave lengtlis vary froni violet to red.

The ilark Unes. in th e speetrmii a n 1 eaused by sonie of i lie rays being au- milled eu t ire ly and usnd up in rntutiug the molécules wliicli tliev s truck . Tlms, as clém ents hâve molécules more or less mimerons, th e dark lines vary.

l ’rof. Eu aise y fourni finit spring watm' coiitaining “radium ” forineil a <»AS of its own accord, witlioiit loss of i i so w n bulk. Tliis gas gave a ce rta in .‘Mark line” spectrum called t lu* “ Radium” s'[ieetriiiii. lu a few days l ie t r ie d tlie saine gas, as lie supposcd, and lo! lu»g e ts the spectrum of hélium.

: *

The orgaui/.iug w hirling elTcct from the force of Radium tirst e rea ted a few molécules, tlien inore !

A tirst force nia y pass tlmmgli some élément or tliiekuess of glass, or i>e giy- en a vary ing pnwer e itlier to c roa te new life, and wheii the red ravs g en e ra tc tlu» Amocha,, .etc., or wlioii the violet rav changes th e molécules of orgunic ina tter and m in c e s fever and lient.

3 3 .

Il YRJjOtitiX It would j«j^viiiTU E FIRST t luit as elemquts

MATTER,. iiàve a varying.weiglik -in prupor-

tion to the spnee wliieh th e y o ceu p y , tliat tlie ir ditTerenee . must consist in TUF A .MC F.’ ,T OF SPACE iu eaeli case. The lieavi'*r a elei.nent or substance is, the u eare r the atoms must lie to eaeli otlier and th sh o r te r tlie ir orhits.

Tliere a re several wyys to aeeomplislitliis.

Wlien liydrogen is eompressed, fclie atoms niight still romain single witli ri- diieed orhits by euougli condensation tliev iniglit simply tu-Vio on their orlsts and tliis miglit make gold............. -

lf yon notice tlie phenomeua. wliieh dust présents iu a ray of smishine-,-you will learn nincli. I noyer yet nnv two partides of dust toueli eaeli otlier,.al- thongli tho dust was yery tliick in the air, of ton two particles cerne near, to- gether and wliirl ai'oimd eaeli otlier for ‘a wliile, but uever toiiching. Tliese dust. particles serin as if possesseil witli as mneli intelligence in tlie inatter as tlies.

If tlie sides of tlie réceptacle or room iu wliieh tlu» dust was llviiig wcrc brought close together no doiibt tlu» dust conld lu» mado to consolidât!», tliat is sevcral particles adlicre ■•together •wlien tliey wonlil bocome so lieavy as to settledow n iiiimcdiotcly and- ail groirps joitt together into one gronp. As fin' particles of dust are of irregular forais tliere wonlil be 110. more revolviug ia or- bits, no single particles or groups of particles revolviug or llying, but witli liydrogen whose atoms are . round it is different.

l’y an intelligence sue h. as is shown iu nature or by tlu» projier methocls, liydro- gen may In» made into any otlier clé­ment. If tliis gas iséVjmpressed suildcn- ly or 11h» slowly thon different results


would oeeitc, it might make liquid liy- ilrogcii liy a little compression.

If by a proper compression tvvo atoms wliirl aroinul eue h otlier for a time they mav mllicrc together.

h}loetrifli*d partieles lirst repel cacü otlier and after a time attract each oth- er.

Atoms in groups of two revolving in orbits nii.iclit ho a différent gns or clé­ment :f tlicse two sliould juin two 11101*0

and four atoms slionld revolve iu a gronp another élément would lu» proiltieed mid as (*acli imitiug of atoms made more spaee or visible material in the sanie . spaee it would lie a lieavier élément- Just so inany atoms in a molécule and just so inany molécules revolving in a certain spaee would make a certain mét­al or élément.

It would seeni tliat as gases and liquids canuot crystallize, finit the uot toucli. Tli<* sanie must. lie t lie case in moltcii métal or any fl nid state, but it is very évident tliat as the atoms ar<* round ami revolving iu orliits, tliat moh'cules are iu a round form, tliat is, a group of atoms iua round sliapeforai very readily, and we sec this law eon- tiimally iu drops of dew, water, inelted lead, etc. lu fact, tliis is the tirst eause of crystallization and the condition for a vacuo cell t In» radiations in radiating Mues of forci* would make a spirit force.

I11 linos betweeu tliese pushing linos and wliere thon* was 110 force, other molécules would sottie iu, and tlicse iu 1111*11 form radiations. This is exempli- fioil iu the snow llakes and froozing wa­ter, (lie tonus ofteu, rosembling codai* t reos.

This is whv ici* expands— as the radia­tions leave spirit spaees of-ether, or spaces with concave and angular form.

AU crystals miist hâve been iu a fl nid state, or they oould not crystallize.

Wlien a rai 11 drop freezes it lias a rég­ulai* radiation, but as it is fnlliug the |

perpendisiilar axes only are preserveil* This makes it in a Hat, six-pointed star. The reason wby nianv erystallized forms are disc-shaped is froni motion at the time of radiation, 01* froai sonie outside obstruction,

The blood dises are lirst wliite and of a round sha|>e, but bocoine magiietized and are foreed into a soliil colil dise the h ea tls in the tissuos.

34.HOW > Stimulants taken

STIMULANTS ? into blood are ousi- ACT. S ly oxidized, leaving

bnbbles of carbonic acid gas iu the arterial bliwwl —and cans- ing it to beeome acid or positive while it sliould be soliil, alkaloid and négative.

It lias recently boen discovensl tliat a thick liquid will circidate better in cap- illaries than a fcliïn liquid, as lias been heretofore siipjuised. A solid, cool, nég­ative, alkalino blood is attractod by a light aerated positive tissue.

The blood dises* or molécules are al- wavs Hat in gooil blood. Stimulants make thetu assume a round sha|x*.

Air forcinl into the blood throngh iiienibranes by a mecliaiiical proeess lias been knowu to cause deatli by maki 11g the blood too ]>ositivo.

The roots and sap of a troc uiust bo cold. and the tris* and leaves hot, or it will die.

Mannre piled"around liardy oak t i*oi*s will heat the roots and kill the ti*ees.

Stimulants liiirn in the blood and tliis heats the tissues of course they serve as a spark to the tissu es—vacuo cells are ereated and nerve force proilueed thus the lieart beats barder, the lungs work faster and ail the internai muscles are inade active, luit at the sanie time the first cause of the force was aeeoni- panied by a stagnation of the blood in the capillarios. This menus metamor-


pliosis o£ the nerves, ami a greâtesloss Ilian I lu* iucreasod mnseular activity «•an make* np.

Stimulants in small quanti tics give the* lirain more pe>we*r tomporarily, hut it is lo it lator roimirse and diseuse.

Stimulants make us think whotlior wc waut lo or not, or whether oui* strength will admit of it or not.

Avoiel tliein ami you will eat'inore and rolisli yonr fond hottor and be strongor, bot II pliysioally and inontallv. Yon cnn rodnoo yonr passions by fasting.

35.(Tystallization is

tho eauso of harel- iioss. Motals and substanoos that an*

liant an* of orystaline and the finortlio erystalizatiou or the sinallor tho orystal niolooulos are tin* liurdor ,is tho substanoo ami tho sharpor the oelge* oan lie inailo.

( Yystalization is tin* inost perfe*ct “ DOYE-TAILINI!” or interlapping pro- e*e*ss ovor muele*. >.

It is motion whie-h makos cohésion. Tho olosc*r tho atoins are, togothor tho groater the* adhosion, two atoins wliirl- ing towanls <*aoh othor like* two rollors uso< 1 to mil iron wonlel of course koop noar togothor, yot thoir , e*e*ntrifngal foroo would not allow tliem to boooim* joinod togothor. Atoins whirling in op- IhisiU* dimotions would soparate in tho othor liko a gas.

\Yo oan e*one*e*ive* of various .statos of* ' ** *mat ter froni tho'way tin* atoins rotato.


Oh' >1 ATT EH. |

36.Tho suu sentis ont

its radiations, Tlioy an* nutil tlioy are degradod

by oui* atmosphère tnto light and ljoat,



Oui* oai‘th sonds ont radiations to the limon. Tin* s un and earth are not “ mass­es” of lire “ but an* liollow globes filled witli Spirit Wator of Lifo,” omauating froin “ The Golden City” within our earth.

Radium is oomposetl of holhnv molé­cules filled witli spirit,

Tho force* froin the* suu is takon np by the» oarths and se*nt by tlioin to satol- lottos and rotnrnoel te» the* sun cithor by a elirect curront or h y a return to spirit or othor. Haeliuin ntili/.es the* e*the*r to cause its raeliations.

Ail radio-aotivity is frémi hollow e*ells en* vaouo spacos.

Kaelio active water semis out “ Tho Wator of Lifo.” Hoat, tho wonderful entity aeloroel by the* Egvptians, in vents the* inethod anel tho machine.

The* write*r lias a spring e-ontaining ,a minorai \vhe*n this wator is subje*ete*el to beat (hoiling) anel allowed to cool, (anel the* ineire* snelelonly it is e*eH)le*<l the botter the* msults). The* vacuo spae*es of spirit en* e*thor an* formoel and will last for thre*e* elays.

Whe*n this wator is elrauk em an e*inpty stemîach in the immiing it ge»os directly to tho live*r by tho peirtal voins anel by giving he*at lion* makos tho nerve e*e*lls active anel full of “ The* Water of Lifo,’ tlius cnring ail dise*asos.

Fooel cooke*tl in this wator whon it bo- cennes coeil is raelio-active*. Oatme*al boiled in it anel nse*el in e'eilel milk, be*- e*e>ine*s a “ Feioel eif Lifo.”

Whe*the*r the* radio active* e*e*lls eif this wate*r eau be* pre*cipitate*d anel caiisoel to be*e*onu* pe*rinanontly raelio active or lieit yot reinains tei lie* se*on, but we are* sure* the* the* Life* is in this wator for threedays—ph*nty long enongh for the lise*s of the* beidv.


37.THE SECRET Tlu* little eliapel

OF LIFE! \ peaeefully resting initier the over-

liangiug trees, witli the solemii grave- yard beside it, tells the storv of life’s longings and uiiseries, Yet within the* little eliapel, howevor humble, eau be learned the secret of life’s joy and suc- cess and the eternal happiness of the sonl !

Life’s sentiments are tVagrant, space only i» frauglit witli pain !

Spirit fledges spaee, unlocks the cav- erns of miserv and slieds its liglit in the glooni.

Man grovels in the dark mid the sknlls of despair till lie lists to the whisper of spirit. The lisping pi nos, the rustling oaks, the sunslùne in the meadow and the moonlight on the hill speak in ac­cents ealm and clear. Onr niotto :


Colors green and gold.

mit tint motion, yet this i» only a techni- eal matter and the abstraction of the doctor applys jnst as well, and althnngh the title of the Works “ Metcalfe on Ca­lorie” seeins constricted to the laymen

:it veally implies “ The Science of tlu* Vniverse.”

• The work cousis!s of two volumes and 481 pages, and so rigid lias Ixm-h the materialistic doginas that these wontler- ful books art* practically niiknowii.

In the fall of 15M)2 the writer came into possession of theni hy accident. In rum- aging the dusty shelves of a second hand store lie found amoiig inany inusly books these two well preserved volumes a “ Hil île of Science,” and bouglit theni foi* 23c. eacli, but if tliey couhl mit be replaet*tl he would not sell theni for as inany thonsand dollars as he paid in cents.

One year ago the writer issned three ninnbers of “ The Magazine of Kimistry’* whicli eontains uiucli valuable knowl- t*tlge on .science, new thOnght, spirit- ualism, alchemy, longe.vity, food, niedi- cine, etc., and if you would like a set of the magazines simply seuil yonr naine and a stamp and you A\ill hâve theni sent to yon,

llnt it niiist be remembered that tliey contaiu sonie ideas whicli hâve been iin- proved npon in this lati*st work, as ail science is progressive tinie changes ideas.

38.A ni o n g t h e

“ last, but not least,” wt* refer to the works of Samu­el L. Metcalfe.Àl.l)., published in 1835), by .1. R. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia,

Wliile tlu* writer does not agréé with the cominon idea of tin* doctor that beat is alwavs a substance and not a trans.




39.ACRAS AND # Ail substam-es

HALOS. C liavc* a gas ou tlieir l surfaces more dense

tlian the atmosphère of onr earth. This gas niay be called a halo, and every halo is different or mort* or less relined.

This gas is.what rel'racts the sunlight when it passes throngli a i>in liolc in a cardboard or métal, and it also gives a ray of sunshine a refraction when it


strikes au edge of a stick or wire, e*te. anel stvik(*s water. 'Çtiis is illustra te*d by placing a pail of water in the sim- sliine witli the hanclle in a position so tliat it will ma ko a shadow in the bottom of the pail, one side of the shadow will hâve a blue light and the other a red liglit or border, or a Idne uorth pôle and a re<l sont h pôle eaused by the motions of llie îiioleenles of the gas on each diff­erent side of the hanclle of the pail. The ni dion of the moleeules on the npper side tlirows the rays the same way as the earthly niagnetie currents are going, ko there is less résidanee but on the nnder side of the handle the molécules of the gas rotate towards the south and tlirows the ray back or e*auses a conges­tion and consequently greater swing or spiral motion t» the rays of snnshine— tliis is “ polaritv.”

Tlu* molecnles of gas ail rotate a round in the saine way and follow arouncl tlie handle*, but throws a force like a rota- ting “ pin wheel” when burning.

Kvery person bas an aura about their b xly aud depicts their character.

The dark lines of the speetrum de- |)ends npon how far apart the molécules of a substance are. They are lines of “ absorption” or obstruction when a light passes through a vaporized substance; aud places of acting force when the sub­stance* itself gives the glow.

The extent or distance of the aura fretin the body dépends njum the shape of the cells of the body. The round cell radiales while the flattened cell has not snedi a general radiation, the Hat cell eannot cenitain as much spirit as the rounel one.

As the conditions of the earth are baseel npon spirit and space so are ail linnian sensations. The voice of the sweet singer gives a Sound which flat­tons an aurai nerve cell and drives out the spirit—tlien the sound eases up and the cells of liearing again expand and

lets in spirit, thus we feel the joy, tlie contrast. Ail life is baseel on contrast, the beauties of the sunset, and the lancl and the water, affects the optic nerve cells in the saine way.

The pressure of tlie lover’s hand differs from the torture of the “ thnmb screw” or closing vise* only in clegree.

This worlclly life in “ tliis vale of tears” is necessary to sc*rve as a dark back ground for the light and joy of onr fu­ture eternal happiuoss.

If this life does not fnrnisli it or if some past incarnation lias not, thon tlie incarnation in the spirit land miist fur- nish it.

Those who realize in tlu*ir im*ditations the dark side and avoid crime*, eau also avoid pain.

The face tells the charactcu* of a per­son as the continneel action of a cell sliapes the face anel bexly. VVhite* is the* color of Gexl’s favor, it is the !e*ast re>- fracteel, the furthest from rcel anel black.

The rounel e*ells of the t iss lies make* a white tissue when thc.vacuo spnce*s are* formed ; thé tissne is peesitivc, tlie* re*el blond is négative, the trne e*onditions of life.

.Ie»sns anel the Virgin Mary are* always painted by artists from tlie descriptions of the early writers, they are of a IMNIv aud WHITE complexion.

Smoking tobacco anel opium ami the* use of stimulants anel poisons, gives a sallow complexion anel shows elisease*.

A person’s aura may be only a fe*w inches from the boely or it may raeliate for miles—(telcpathy anel elistant cnriug of elisease). The straight radiation may fledge space by annulling the* spiral forces of another perse m’s aura anel giv- ing them life.

Jésus even raiseel tlie* elanghter of .Tarius afte*r slie was ele*ael.


L E S S O N N o. 3 .. \ ê

40.EMERSON A t The Essays of

REMARKARLE J Ralph Waldo Einer- POET S son a i*o Works of

PHILOSOPHER, l philosophy which ovory one slioulil

road. His “ Compulsation,” “ TlieOvov Sonl” ami “ Spiritual Laws” (‘spécially are wonderfnl.

He descri lies intellect as a universal substance taken intotlie individnal froiu the great spiritual store house and con- siders inemory, etc. as siinply the haiuls1 of the universal spirit which work for the particular uses of tlu* individnality of tlie pei*son or being.

The “ Over Sonl" is the sanie as “ The • Snb Oonscions Mind" of a beiug, the spirit in and thvongli a bodv lias ail knowledge inhérent in itself - it is intir nite and each portion of it lmwever sinall lias eqnal knowledge, int(‘llig<‘iice, elc.

The spirit in the interspaces of our body ave iiulependent of oui* own liini- ted iniiul whieli is in the brain cells.

The snb couscious mind is the seçi*et of clairvoyance,miracles, etc., il istiod. Kaith, humility or tolérance is a giving vvay or complet:* snrrender to the nn-t limited power of (lod, tlien our circnni- scribed power does not assume power which is limited. A complote relaxai ion of our own will according to the advice

of .lesus to the sulTering beîng, o|>eus the individnal to uiilimited joy, powerand success.





The “ tnrning of the la ne," “ the winding of the road,” are protty (‘xpressions of the poot, and the wind­ing of a ray is a beantiful expres­

sion of nature. Scientists give it differ­ent naines as “ polarisation,” refraction, etc., th«se ternis are seldoin umlerstood, at least tlieir real simple nature is not.

A primitive ray is straight and its va­riation is cansed by sonie media or sub­stance which it passes throngl» as air or wator, gjass or sonie transporting innt- t<*r.

The at oms or molécules of ail matter rotate. and it serins tliat tlie atoms of air, xvater and glass votâtes from left to riglit or as yon face tin* snn to the sont h from oast to west, tiras a ray of invisi­ble force from tlie snn is twirled from left to riglit and as it is moving in a spiral after the atoms or molécules hâve t\yirle<l ît, it draws itself ont of a straight line botli local ly and also as regards its direction in general, the saine as if you


should bond a ourlod shaving into a largo hall* cirolo.

If von plaoo a pail of water in tho sun and lay a hair on top it will Hoat, but its weight will mako a trougli or indenta- tion in tho water and tho ray s of sun will striko tho sidos of tho indontation and tho whirling moloonlos of thewator will cause tho ray s to bond or t ho rays will draw theinsolvos ont of lino tho saino as a boomerang, so on botli sidos of tho indontation tin* rays will tnrn away froin tho sidos and a shadow will bo oast rnnoli larger than tho hair or in­dentation and on tho edge of tho shadow will bo seon a border of bright Mghts, this is a crowding togethorof many rays of light or ail tho rays whi.di should bo falling whero tho shadow now is, will bo falling in the border.

This is refraotion and if it was not for this prineiple wo would havo notwilight or no dawn and tho change from day to iiight and niglit to day would bo tho saine as whon yon light a lamp or blow it ont.

The loyers strolling in tho grassv pat lis eonld not enjoy tho gently falling darknoss, tho golden and crimson s un- set and the swoot and hallowod cahn- ness of the parting day.

Tho speetrnm and raagnifying glass lnuid the rays in instead of ont and it would seeni that tho violet ray is a spir­al of a small diameter andtliat tho size of tlio spiral inoroasos through ail tho oolors to the red as to produco rod inany more uioleonlos havo givon a liand and auginonted tho size of tlio wliirl or “ vi­bration.”

Chareoal is blaek, beat niakos it rod whon tho last fow moloonlos are reaohed it appoars bine and a porfoet straight radiation oocnrs from tho vaono of a spark, WH1TE or purity.

The faot that wlien ail tho 7 oolors of tho spectruin are niixod togothor tliey produoo white, is probably from the faot

that thoro are enougli straight rays to annul the enrved rays—that is the vio­let and ultra violet stop tlio eurves of tho rod, etc.

42.WH Y ASHEK OR j Fire is the action

WATER / of ntoms or molo- 1)0 NOT BURN. C cales iu separating

farther a part, and this is doue liy a gas callod oxygen. To bo sure ashcs bave atoms, but for atoms to wliirl apart their motion must bo so that tliey oan soparate, if the beat causes them to wliirl ou their axis only, tho snbstanco ma y got red hot Imt will not bnrn.

And sonie substances do not burn bo- canse tho lieat and motion applied wliirl s tho moloonlos or gronps of atouis apart and wastos its motion in that way, water acts this way. If hoat rotâtes the atoms or molécules towards eacli otlier it would cwntract instead of ex- parnl. Rubber contracts by beat nnless it is so excessive as to cause the molé­cules to break apart by oontrifugal force of the rotation.

When a drop of water is plaeed on a hot stove it will wliirl and keop its globnlar sliape unloss something ob- strnets it, whon the molécules will sep- arate in vapor or steam.

Its rotating in a globule exemplifies how tho atoms or molécules of asln*s or oxides act and do not soparate.

43.TELEPATHY ) Wo bave . seen

AND OITKTDE ) that crystals havo INFLUENCES 0F < straight linos of

THE MINI). b spitit or. o t h e r spaees. This is

what makes tho phouomeua of cleavage.Drain cells or nerve cells in oxydizing


produce wastes or minerai salts or erys- tals in the tissues, tliis is diseuse, y»*t it allows spirit vibrations Iroin outside source to net as the eleavage spaces act as tcjegraph wires, wliile colloid or or- ganizetl non-crystalizablo inatter as al- linnicn, etc., I»v not liaving eleavage spaces docs not admit of outside influ­ences.

Médiums are usually disoased persons and misérable persons.

Eveil in solution crystals retain their crystaliuc nature, only it is vory minute.

A solution ol Mariale ol‘ Anuuouia nndci* the microscope' présents a won- dcrl'ul crystaliuc appearance.

44.ÎMIEA’OMEXA OF Nervo force . is

NEUVE FORCE / simply a condensa- ANR CTURENTK i| tion and raréfaction

OF FORCE. \ along the nerve.The nerve substance

is tirst a clod or O EL, thon it bccomes rarelied or tin1 vacuo colis lorm. Darwin noticed tliis process in the lly-catching plant called Rrosera. Ile says, in re­gard to nerves, “ Whenever the peripher- al extreinity of a nerve is tonched or presse»!, a sensation is toit. It is be- Jieved that au invisible* niiilecnlar change is sent from one end of the n»*rve to the etlier, but when a gland of Rrosera is repoatedly tonehed or gently pressed» we can actnally s»*»* a molecular change proceeding from the gland down the ten- taele. Darwin also noticed that when the impulse passed ov»*r tin* eell it flash»*d into a milky or cloudy state, its eolor and nature wore changed. A fine précipita te condcuscd in it and thon was rarelied again. Ho foiiiul that chlorofonn prevented tliis nerve action (like alcohnl), by absorbiug the oxygen, and also tliat potash »>r minerais pre- vent»*d it (by saturating the eell with an incombustible substance).

The nerves are forined of cells en­dos»^ in a tnb»\ Eue h eell is au indi- vidual and lias a niiinl of its own. We can see how one eell transniits its in­fluence to another and how mntiially de. pemlent is one ou the other like liiiman beings.

The pheiioiiK'iion of nerve force or tl e iiit»*lligence passing along a n«*rve s from beat and cold or positive and n»*}.- ative and the »‘l»*ctrie carrent passing along a wirc must lie on the sanie prin- ciple, liaving amperes and volts.

In the batti'iy is zinc and coppcr <*r carbon ami an acid or chlorule in solu­tion. The oxygen of the water imites with the zinc, tliis beats a zinc molécule, the beat pénétrâtes across the stretcli, ot' water. Tliis is positive. There is a coW »'lﻑct or négative which nu*ets it in the water from the carbon or coppcr, tlins tlieh»*ated molécules of zinc and wa- tor arosiuldonly chilled by the cold wave and a vacuo eell is forined and înany of tlii's»* invisHile cells are forined nntil the battery bec«nnes "alive." Xoiv if a circuit is closed th<* sanie elïect takes plac»* in ov«ry molécule of copiier in the wire or circuit however long it may be. After a tinie the vacuo cells of the water and zinc in tin* battery beeouie nsed up faster than tliey form, tlien the battery becomes " dead” and must rest for awliile.

When the carrent is passing along the coppcr wire there are really two cur- rents, positive or lii'at and négative or cold. The positive or ampère beats a molécule, t lien cold condenses it ami a vacuo eell forms. Tliis radiâtes Unes of force in ail directions, sonie go baekward on the wire, some go forward, sonie go n pwaril and sonie go downward. Th ns we get the baekward eurrent, the for­ward current and the latéral currents or înagnetism. The radiation makes the volts or pressure and the anipere is the beat we can get no volts except we bave also ampères.



45.ShX'ltl£TS oh' J Moseswus agroat

SILICON. c alchemist; skilled iu ail tho arts and sci­

ences of tlie Kgyptians. The» Works or writings of .Mosrs are called lîooks of tlie Old Testament and not works on al- chemy, luit tradition tells us tliat liis sister >1 iriiim wrote an extensive work on alehemy (tlie Catliolie Bible lias tlie naine Miriam translated as ila-ry).

Iii (îenesis ('lmp. 3 verse IM we read “ till thon retiirn nnto tlie "round, l'or ont of it thon was taken; for dnst thon art and unto dust sliult thon rot uni.”

Sonie scioutists seolï at tlie idea of Aloses and sonie seolï at tlie idea of “ S|K*ntaneoiis (îeiieratiou" but we eau prove tliat bot h are true.

Lifo can be prodneed from MIXKRAL KLKMICNTS A LOX lï.

Silieou lias ahvays heeu a source of dispute allions eheinists in regard to it s classification. Sonie ecmsider it a recu­lai* métal, but it is iisiiallv called a. “ hy- alogon” or glass former likt* Héron.

Silicon is never found in its pure nie- tallic statc in nature but is in combina­tion witli oxvgen as is tlien called by varions naines as Silica, Silex, Kilicie Acid and S A AI) wliicli is tlie most abun- dant of miiieval substances.

The niost important and useful clé­ments as air, water and sand (!od juives FHKK TO A LL, they are found every- wlioro.

Sand is at one tiine a rrystalizeil sub­stance and at auother time it may be A COLLOID substance and tlius become of tlie sanie nature as an “ orgauizeil sub- stauee” as albumen.

Sand is insoluble iu pure water but it is dissolveil by alkaline solutions. Xat- ural waters whieli contain alkaline car­bonates ahvays bave seine sand in solu­tion.

Sand from its two fold uature seems to be tlie bond between deatli and life

or tlie solution to tlie tlieory of "from dust to life.”

Sand wlien in solution is a colloid.If S or 10 parts of carbonate of soda or

potasli are mixed witli 12 or lô parts of sand and 1 part nf charcoal on being heated they melt and foriu a mass re- sombling onlinary glass, but it entirely dissolves iu Ilot water.

If now chlorohydric acid be added to tlie soluti u it neutralizes tlie alkali and tlie silica < r sand séparâtes as A TJiAXSP HUAT .1lïLLY. A colloid! it is " hydre, e < f silica,” but it is now flxcd Irke albumen or au organized substance and is insoluble iu water or acid.

If it is kept moist it reniai us a colloid luit by drying it and soparating it from its partner water, tlie colloid making alchemical mysteriinis WATlîR tlie sauil turns to dust ugain a gritty iiowder !

At coinmon temperatires carbonic acid is st ronger than silica and iipon many of t lie combinations of silica tlie air acts as a destructive agent, its car­bonic acid slowly uniting witli bases or alkali and liberating tlie silica, and at tlie moment of its lilioration tlie sand issoluble in water.

Sand it will be seeu acts botli as an acid and combines witli an alkali and as a base and combines witli acids. »

Sand iu solution esters tlie roots of plants.and from its transforming nature or transiiiiitation, it |>orforins great wou- ders in nature, it perforais miracles in tlie animal bodv and in water itself.

It is tlie idéal agent for tlie généra­tion of mono .spures or life colis, from its being in one statc wlien warm or posi­tive and in auother wlien eolil, from its being capable of forming soft cell wa’lls and tlien concreting around a ijuantity of ether or spirit upon cooling. It proves itself tlie “ IMiilosopher’s Stone.”

Ilot and colil or positive and négative and Silicon! what a wonilerfnl combina­tion. It ex plains tlie mysteries of tlie uni verse, radio-activity and life.


A miishroom or a toadstool Avili forni iu «and and wator. If beat bo applied in tho dark it w i i l groAV and Avili even lift ap flagstoues Aveighing a hundred pouuds or crack opeu concrcto 4 inclies tliick. The cell making ciirved or , spiral force of water Avitli tho spiritor radiation or forai making union of tho two forces dues wondors.

Sand is perliaps a transmutation of Avater.

Quartz lîock the “ W’Iiite Stone,1’ is silica and the Avriter lias bv ineans of an intense beat partly liquified a stone and by a peculiar cooling iinder pressure transimited quartz iuto graphite and graphite into gold or a metaUio gilt mat ter.

Wlien sand and potash or other iwe- lie bases are niixed and inelted glass is formed.

Wlien drops of inelted glass are dropped into eohl water a pear shaped drop is formed called “ Rupcrts Drops." Thev appear as ordinary glass but if the ; point is broken or the Surface is scratched tliey exphxle witli a loud noise, tliis is bottlcd up power.

Does silex or silica cause the forma­tion of trees, plants and flowers? is a great question.

Does the saine laws of p o titi\e and negati vc Avhicli forum the snow llake act in nature ?

Does the cooling or négative action ol' the bloodand the fact that the body con­tai 11s Silicon niake vital phenomena?

151 la Wheeler Wilcox lias récently ad- vocated going barefooted so that the iiiunerous porcs on the soles of the feet may beeome iu contact witli the “ mutil­er earth." Does the preseneo of silica in the body and the fact that the feet a 1*0 Avaria and the earth cold give life?

Référencés bave been Iliade in various paragraphs to the “ Magazines of Kiiuis- try," tliese Avi l i lie sent as per paragraph 38. We also bave varions other pam­

phlets Avhich are very interesting* There are various théories and ideas In sonie parts of the- pamphlets huwever» Avhich are now sIioavu to liaA'c been the “ begiiiniugs of diseoveries” so the read­er ninst not beeome eoufouuded thereby» We are not posing as a target for pessi- mists and we admit that to ail avIio are looking for “ Ha\vs in hunianity” tliey can find tlieiu in our Avorks. We Avant no crédit, for our labors, nor remunera- tion for our expenscs. We attack no commuuity or scct, but our philosophy liopes to see ail peuple united for the good of a H. The Iuaas of the uniAerse are the sanie fer eue as fer another. Why caniiot Jcaas, Catholics, Braniins, Protestants and ail others lie in une fold ?

Do A’ou ask in Avhat faith 1 see virtue? 1 see it in ail religions. I ain not a Catholic, but if 1 ever build a ch lire h 1 sliall copy the plan of a Catholic Chape*!, and if 1 sliould Avish to secure a preach- er, 1 sliould prefer a celibate; and if I shoukl proüt by the expérience of others and Avishcd to iiistitutc a successful parisli, I sliould ask directions from a Catholic l’riest.

Addressall commniiieations to}


Club llouse cor. KcserAoir Avenue and

Auburn St.,»Auburn, R. I.



