The Last of the House of Bourbon

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Transcript of The Last of the House of Bourbon

The Last of the House of Bourbon

Present day Europe...WHERE IS IT?! King Lubba of the house of Hansberg roared as he strolled into the kitchen. The head chef hurried over.Excuse me, your majesty? Where is what exactly?WHERE IS MY DINNER?! I ORDERED IT 5 MINUTES AGO!Sir, calm down. The salmon isnt nearly cooked yet. We dont want you getting salmonella.I DONT CARE! GET IT TO ME IN THE NEXT TWO MINUTES OR YOURE ALL FIRED!Of course sir. Right away sir. The king stormed off. The head chef looked at his staff with pity in his eyes.Ok, listen up. We dont want to make the king angry any more than he already is, so we are going to fulfill his request. Rodrigo, take the salmon out of the oven please.But its not cooked thoroughly enough, Rodrigo protested.Just do it, or its off with all of our heads.If you say so. Rodrigo took the salmon out of the oven and handed it to Camille.Now Camille, I want you to run as fast as you can with the salmon to the king. Understand?The head chef asked.Yes sir.Good. Now run along now. Camille put the salmon on a golden platter and hurried off to the dining hall.Youre late, the king snapped.Im sorry sir. It wont happen a-a-again, Camille stammered.It better not or there will be consequences.Yes sir.Now leave me be. I want to enjoy this in peace. Camille left in a hurry. The king plunged his fork into the half-cooked salmon, lifting out a generous piece of the side. He lifted the fork to his nose and sniffed it.Smells fishy, but maybe it tastes better than it smells? He thought. He stuffed the whole piece in his mouth and chewed greedily. The food did not taste like salmon. In fact, it tasted kind of metallicy. He spat it out in disgust.WILLIAM! He bellowed for his head chef.Sir? William asked in concern as he hurried over.I asked for a nice piece of fish and I get this piece of filth in response?! The salmon is raw!Im sorry sir, but you said you wanted it quickly. I figured you wouldnt mind if it was undercooked.That it! Youre all conspiring to kill me, huh? My benevolence isnt good enough for you?No sir. Not at all sir. We would never-And now you dare to lie in my face?!Of course not sir. We were-You know what? Im done with you lazy buffoons. You all can leave now, and Ill start with a fresh crew tomorrow, Lubba said calmly.Seriously? You mean in? We are no longer in your employment? William asked.I do. You may leave. William couldnt help but elicit a shout of joy from his lips. He was finally free of this menace! He turned around to make his way back to the kitchen. His path was blocked by armed guards.What is the meaning of this? He asked the king.Well, you may be relieved of my service, but that doesnt mean you can go unpunished. You still tried to kill me.I-but-we- William stammered.Guards, Lubba called out in loud and clear voice, take this scum out of my sight and into the dungeon!Yes sir! The two guards saluted as they sprang forwards and grabbed the head chef by the armpits.Im innocent! Im innocent! William cried. The king looked at his former friend with contempt.:Off with his head! He ordered as guards dragged William away to be chained in the dungeon. Everything was quiet for a few minutes when suddenly...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Came a ear-piercing scream from the bedroom.What was that? The king demanded, covering his ears..That noise sir? We dont know, the guards said, coming back from the dungeon.Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The voice screamed again.There it is again! The king cried.Sir? What do you want us to do? The guards asked.Find out whats making that hideous noise and silence it, idiots! The king yelled. The guards walked up the staircase, but were immediately bowled over by the doctor running down the same staircase.Out of the way! The doctor cried.What is the meaning of this? The king demanded.Your wife has just given birth, the doctor stated simply.Oh she has? The king asked, instantly dropping his terrible temper. This is wonderful news! I must see the baby straight away! He made to go up to the bedroom, but was stopped by the doctor.Woah, hold your horses! Your wife is resting right now. She is in no condition to receive any visitors. I see. Well, tell me when she is.Will do sir. I must go attend to your wife now. He hurried back up the stairs.

The BedroomThe sound of a female wailing could be heard as the doctor made his way into the bedroom.Still not over it yet? He asked kindly.How can I? The queen sobbed as she cried into his chest. The baby was my first, and now hes gone, ripped from my womb by cruel fate!There, there, The doctor soothed, patting her on the back. Everything will turn out fine in the end. It always does.No it wont. Not when my husband finds out. He will beat me!Thats why we must find a way to fool him.But how?Lets see, youre a brunette with green eyes. So well just have to find a baby that looks like you! The doctor exclaimed.But will it work? My husband wont be pleased if he finds out.Lets hope it does. Now, give me the dead child.What?! The queen exclaimed.You dont want your husband to be made at you, right? That means we must dispose of the evidence.Oh, alright, The queen said, handing over the baby. The doctor wrapped it in some purple cloth and slung it over his back.Be right back with your new baby, He said with a wink and a smile.Good luck! The queen called. The doctor went back down the stairs.

Well, how is she? The king asked as soon as the doctor came into view.Not good, the doctor said, lying between his teeth. He hated it, but he didnt want to see people getting hurt by this madman.Why? Whats wrong with her?Shes delirious. Im going out to the marketplace to get some urgently needed medicine to treat it.Whats with the bundle on your back?Its the money Im going to use to buy the bab- I mean medicine.Oh really?I speak only the truth. Guards, inspect this package for me. The two guards grabbed the bundle at started squeezing it. Please dont grab his foot, grab the coins I left for bait?Clang!A solid gold coin fell out of the bundle and landed in the palm of the king.Well well. I guess you are telling the truth, He said, handing the coin back to the doctor. Hurry back now. Youve got a medical emergency to attend to!Will do sir! The doctor hurried off to the marketplace.

MarketplaceBuy your fresh, sweet watermelons over here! Only two gold coins!Fresh meat! Only just delivered from the butcher!Hey you! You want to try Mambos extra spicy curry drink? Very good for you!An Indian gentleman sitting on an elephant called out out to the doctor.Im very sorry sir, but Im in a bit of a hurry, the doctor explained.No worry, my man! I give to you for free and on the go! He pressed the plastic cup into the doctors hands.There you go!But I dont want it! The doctor protested.Thank you for being a loyal customer. Mambo thanks you and wishes you a pleasant day! The man said as he packed up his stuff and slammed the door shut in the doctors face.How rude! The doctor exclaimed. He stumbled off in search of the perfect baby. Unfortunately, he wasnt very observant and crashed into a lady pushing a baby stroller.Hey! Watch it! The lady yelled as the baby started to cry.Waaahhh!Wahhhhhh!Shhh. Its ok, dont cry. Mommys got you and shes gonna make that ugly man wish hed never been born! Im terribly sorry, maam. It was entirely my fault you see. I wasnt paying any attention to where I was going, you see, and- The doctor noticed the baby for the first time. Wait a minute! Brown hair, green eyes, an adorable smile. Oh, hes perfect! Whats his name?Umm, sir? Why do you want to know? The lady questioned. Without another word, the doctor reached into the carriage and snatched up the ladys boy.Hey! You cant do that! Give me back little George Hubble!Waaahhhhh!Wahhhhhhhhhh! Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!Here, Ill give you money for him! The doctor cried, stuffing the bundle he had on his back in the womans hands.I dont want your money! Give me back my baby right now!Thanks for understanding! I really appreciate it! The doctor cried as he took off down the road with the baby he had stolen.Stop that man! Hes stealing my baby! The lady cried as she attempted to give chase. However, the market was full of people buying or selling goods, and she quickly lost him. In the end, the lady just sat on a tree stump and cried. How was she going to tell her husband she lost their only child?Meanwhile, the doctor was having trouble controlling the crying baby.:Stupid baby, why do you have to cry so much? He muttered. And then he remembered the curry drink the Indian gave him.This better work! He shoved the straw into the babys mouth and watched as the baby slowly fell asleep.Hmmm,,. I wonder what it tastes like? He took a sip himself...and instantly spat it out.This is food?!

I have returned! The doctor announced.Excellent! So you have the medicine? The king asked.Of course. Now all thats left to do is to cure your wife.Please hurry.Of course.

So, whos baby did you take? The queen asked.Oh some random lady I bumped into, literally.And the baby looks like me?Of course. I wouldnt be back so soon if it werent. Brown hair, green eyes, a radiant smile.Let me see him!The doctor handed over the baby.Oh, its a boy! Hes beautiful!His name is George Hubble. At least thats what his mom called him.I cant thank you enough, Boq.Go show your husband. Hes dying to see the baby.

Hey sweetie! Im cured! The queen cried.Oh, my love, thats absolutely wonderful!Thats not the only good news I have.What else is there?Close your eyes. The queen made sure his eyes were closed before bringing out the baby.Open your eyes.Oh! Hes wonderful! What have you named him?George Hubble.Little George Hubble ehh? The king said, pinching the newborns cheeks. One day, youll rule the kingdom when Im gone.Waaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!The king just smiled. Thats my boy!The queen sighed in relief. We fooled him for now, but how long can we keep this up?

Eighteen years laterOver the years, little George Hubble had grown to be a fine young man. He was tall, handsome, and best of all, chivalrous. Everyone who met him remarked that his compassion and kindness were unparalleled throughout the land, and in stark contrast to the cruel nature of his father. The kingdom had been united shortly after George was born through a massive civil war. Tens of thousands had died before King Lubba defeated the good king Hans and killed the kings father in revenge. Currently, the evil king was sleeping.Father, Im going horseback riding! George announced, waking his father from his reverie.Pinkeye, Raggiti! Get off your behinds and accompany my son! The king yelled.Oh let them have some downtime, father. Besides, its not like something bad is going to happen to me.Get up you lazy imbeciles!Dad, I said its fine!Whatever you say, son.Ill see you later then. Prince George got on his horse.Come on, buddy. Lets go exploring! The horse neighed in content and galloped away with the prince on its back.

Meanwhile...Rebekah dear. Its time for you to seek a husband, her father, King Hans, told her.Oh I dont care for a husband now. Im too worried about school.But you have to get one soon, Hans pressed.Leave me alone! She yelled. Her father flinched. She had never raised her voice against him before. She noticed his hurt expression.Im sorry. I didnt mean to.Honey, is something wrong? You know you can tell me anything, and I won't be mad at you for it, right?Im going for a walk.Ok. Want me to come with you?No. I just need some alone time.Be back by sundown.Thanks dad, Rebekah said as she gave her father a kiss.

Rebekah was walking down the road, thinking about what her father had said. She didnt think she needed a husband so soon. After all, she was only eighteen. Many boys had noticed her beauty and asked her out, but she declined them all, telling them she wasnt interested. Of course, she remained on good terms with them, and them her. After all, they were her friends, and if there was one thing more important to Rebekah than school, it was her friends. She enjoyed helping them with everything from personal issues to schoolwork because she believed that in all the qualities that make up a true friendship. Just to remind herself of those qualities, she pulled out the list she had made.What makes a true friend?1. Friends listen. Whether you are relating a good or bad experience, friends listen. They don't interrupt or try to make suggestions or recommendations. They simply listen, letting you get everything off your chest. When you have vented, they may offer feedback or have a suggestion, but they also acknowledge that you have to follow what is in your heart.2. Friends are there for you. Whether you are happy or sad, excited or exhausted, friends are always available. If you need to talk, they will listen, regardless of how long you talk or what time of day it is. If you are silent, they will sit next to you until you're ready to speak. Whether they go with you for a walk or hold you while you cry, they are there for you.3. Friends accept you for who you are. They don't try to make you the kind of person they think you should be, they just accept you. They accept you whether you're having a good or bad day, whether you are loud and boisterous or shy and quiet, whether you are always early or late, whether you are organized and clean or unorganized and sloppy, or whether you are fashionable or frumpy. Real friends look beyond these things, as they are trivial in the long range. They simply accept you for who you are, and love you anyhow.4. Friends can pick up where they left off, regardless of the time and distance that separates them. Real friends can go months without speaking, but when they do, it seems like yesterday. It doesn't matter who calls who, or who called who last, they are just glad to hear from each other. Time and distance cant separate real friends.5. Friends understand that friendship is a two-way street. When one friend has a bad day, the other will listen, knowing that when they have a bad day, their friend will be there for them. Friends listen to each other, share ideas and stories, brainstorm, and solve problems together. Their relationship is not one-sided; they both give and take.6. Friends enjoy each other. When you are with a real friend, time passes quickly. You laugh, share stories and experiences, do things together, and like to be together. Friends are your favorite people to hang out with, as you really like them as people. They are stimulating and fun, not boring.Yup, I think I can be called a true friend. She thought.A voice interrupted her train of thought.Hello there, missy! You lost? A man dressed in all black asked.N-no. Im just about to head back home, She told him.We can help you find your way home, another man leered.But its going to cost you, said a third.Thanks, but no thanks. I can find my way home perfectly fine.Oh, but we do insist, dont we boys? The first man pulled out sword. He slashed at the air, inches from her face. Rebekah turned to run, but bumped into the second man who was holding a club. He tapped it on his belly.Now, no need to be afraid. Wed hate to ruin that pretty face of yours. He snaked out an arm and touched her cheek.She shuddered and said in a loud voice, Dont touch me!The third man just laughed. He was unarmed as he preferred to use his fists instead.:Just give us what we we want and we promise we wont hurt you.I have jewelry. Take it if you want.Oh we dont want that, the leader said as he laughed. They surrounded her, and suddenly, she realized what they wanted.NO! Rebekah cried out in horror.No one can hear you screamSOMEONE, ANYONE! HELP ME!!! She screamed as they closed in.

The prince was, by happenstance, riding down the same road. Suddenly, he heard someone cry out for help.SOMEONE, ANYONE! HELP ME!!! the voice cried.Come on, Lightning. Weve gotta help! The price spurred the horse towards the voice. Now, Lightning wasnt called that for nothing. No, he was the fastest breed of horse in all the land. The prince got to the scene in less than a minute.What are you doing? The prince asked, as always, full of politeness.None of your business, you little pipsqueak., the leader growled.We were just about to have some fun with this girl we found, the second man said, dumbly.Shut-up you idiot! The first man bopped the second man on the noggin.Excuse me? It sound to me like this girl is not having fun. She appears to be yelling for help.Yeah so? What are you going to do about it?I suggest you stay away from her.The three man laughed. YOU? What are you going to do? They sneered.Only what I have to. Now, please just listen to me and leave her alone.Make us.Come on, dont make me hurt you.I dont think youre in any position to make threats, the leader said.I think not. The prince balled up his fists.I see you want a fight, do you?Id prefer to talk it out, but I think now is way past the negotiating stage.Well then. Have at thee! The leader lunged at the prince with the pointy end of the sword.

The prince saw the sword coming at him and rolled out of the way. He grabbed a tree branch lying on the side of the road and raised it up to parry the death blow that came at his head. Well, I see youve got some skill, the leader congratulated.Thank you. I could say the same for you.But alas, this will end with my victory! He swung down at the princes head with the sword. George caught the blade in between the two branches of the branch he was holding. The battle quickly came down to who had more strength, the prince or the bandit. George eventually won, and the gang leaders weapon sprung out of his hand. The prince caught it and pointed it at him. Now, the other man was at his mercy.What were you saying about me being defenseless? George said with a smile.The leader only sneered. Its not over yet, kid. Brother, help me!The second man came at the prince swinging a club. George ducked under it and lopped off the fat part of the weapon, leaving the man with only a handle.Had enough? He asked.You know what this calls for? The leader asked.TEAM ATTACK! The three men all lunged at the prince. He sidestepped and caused them to crash on top of each other in a heap.We give. Dont hurt us, the leader pleaded as he saw the sword pointed at them.The prince smiled and help them up. I wasnt planning to. He gave the man his sword back.Thanks.No, thank you for teaching me an important lesson in mercy. Now, I want you three to make an honest living from this day forwards. Can you do that for me?I dont know. Weve been thieves for so longJust follow the road until you reach the next kingdom. You can find employment there.Are you sure?The prince laughed. Of course. The only other kingdom around here for miles is my fathers.You fathers- Hold on, youre a prince? The leader asked.Yes I am.The three fell to their knees.:Oh forgive us, your majesty, for we have sinned.Its ok, my friends. You didnt know.Oh, but we are not worthy of being your friend.Funny. I dont have any. My father keeps me in the castle all day except when Im accompanied by armed guards. Today was an exception though.Are we really your friends?How about we discuss this later? You three really ought to be going on your way now.Yes, your majesty.Call me George!

Now that the three thieves turned good guys had gone away, George turned his attention to the girl they were harassing. She was still trembling. He knelt down besides her and put his arm around her waist.Its ok. They wont be bothering you again,: he comforted. She stopped sniffling.Th-th-thank you, your majesty. He chuckled.So you heard? The girl nodded.Come on. Lets get you home. He stood up and dusted her off. He then called the horse over and helped her into the saddle. He swung up behind her, and away they went.As they rode, he couldnt help but notice how beautiful she was. She had red hair and green eyes. Just like me. She noticed him looking.Why are you staring at me?What? No, I wasnt! He denied.I know you arent the type to lie, so dont try it with me.Ok, fine. I was staring at your eyes. Ive notice theyre just like mine.Yeah, green. Such an odd color, dont you think?Mhhm.Thanks again for saving me.Did they hurt you?Thanks goodness you got there when you did. I think they were just about to.Lucky I was in the area to begin with.Yeah, I dont want to think about what would have happened if you hadnt. She shivered at the very thought.Well, youre safe now, and thats all that matters.She slid off the horse as they approached her castle.I better be going now. I dont want to keep my father waiting. Goodbye, and thanks for everything!Wait, I dont even know your name!Ill tell you tomorrow!Wait? Tomorrow? So there was going to be a next time, huh?

George watched the mysterious girl make it safely into her castle.Such a fascinating and beautiful woman, He sighed. He thought if he treaded carefully, he might be able to have her. But it was already nighttime, so hed have to wait until tomorrow to talk to her.Come on, Lightning. Lets go home!They rode off under the cover of a star-studded night.

Dad, Im home! Rebekah called.My dear, what took you so long? You should have gotten home hours ago! Hans exclaimed.I got held up by a couple of robbers, but dont worry. A prince from a far off land happened upon me just as they were about to pounce on me and convinced them to let me go. Then he plopped me on his horse and dropped me off. Hes such a gentleman, and hes so cute!I see. Whats his name?He never told me.You fell in love with a prince and you dont even know his name?!Its ok. Were meeting again tomorrow.Oh, splendid! I must meet the man who saved my daughter from such danger!Ill see what I can do. She kissed him before heading off to bed.

Back now? Look at the time! Lubba roared.I had to rescue a damsel in distress, father.Didnt I tell you not to meddle in the affairs of common folk? They are not our type!But she was about to be attacked. I had no choice! And shes a princess, I think.Ill let you off this time, but no funny buisness anymore.Yes, father.Get to bed!

The Next DayDad, Im going out for a walk! Prince George said.Are you going out to find that girl again?Perhaps.I forbid you to!Dad, Im eighteen. Isnt it about time I find a girl to marry?What? Oh, yes. I suppose so. But make sure shes actually a princess before you tell me you love her. I wont have my son marry some country girl. Its bad luck.Of course I will.Good. Get out of my sight!

Ill be out looking for the cute guy I met yesterday, Rebekah said.Good luck dear. Come back before sunset! Hans cried.Sure thing, dad.

George met the girl halfway down the road.Hey, whats up? He asked.Hey yourself. Hows it going?Rotten. My dad wont let me marry just any girl. It has to be a princess.Funny, my dad says I can marry anyone I want as long as hes kind and gentle.You said you were going to tell me your name?If you tell me yours afterwards.Im Rebekah, Princess of the Kingdom of Frankfurter.Nice to meet you. Im George of Hansberg.Lets go to the park.Ok!

Later at the ParkC'mon, George! Push me higher! Rebekah squealed as she soared above the treetops on a swing. George grunted as this was the 200th time hed pushed her, and she had no intentions of stopping anytime soon.Geez. My arms are getting tired.Oh, sorry. Ill get off, and push you then.No, no. That wont do. I should be the one pushing you.Lets do something else then. Do you want to gaze at the stars?Sure! I love to look at stars, and I know a great place to see them!George led her to a meadow where he sat down and spread out a blanket he had kept hidden.Oh, so you came prepared? Rebekah asked.Just in case it got to something like this.Aww, youre the perfect gentleman!Shh, lay down on the blanket and just look up.Rebekah obeyed, laying with her hands clasped behind her head. The night was cloudless and moonless, and the stars shone brightly against the darkness. George joined her, and they lay in silence together for a while, listening to the quiet sounds of the night. Pretty soon though, Rebekah grew restless and nudged him on the side of the head.Tell me about the stars.George laughed. Very well.Look here. He pointed to three stars aligned in a perfect line.That star over there, He pointed to the easternmost end, is called Alnitak.The middle one is Alnilam, and the last one is Mitaka.Wow, you sure know a lot about your stars.Together, these stars make up what is called Orions Belt.Ahh, yes. Ive heard of his legendary status in Greek mythology.Now look here. He pointed towards a bucket shaped figure in the night sky.Thats Dubhe, youre looking at. Its the second brightest star in the constellation Ursa Major. And can you tell me what that constellation forms?The Big Dipper!Excellent!As the night went on, the air became chillier. Rebekah shivered a bit and hugged her knees closer to her body, chiding herself for failing to bring a sweater.. Her movement caught Georges attention. Her form was bathed in the light of the now visible moon, and it illuminated her form. She looked positively divine, the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes on. Before he could even register what he was doing, he leaned close to her.Rebekah He breathed.Curious, she turned her head in his direction, only for his lips to connect with hers. She froze, eyes wide, not sure how to react. The rational side of her wanted to push him away and yell at him. It was only their first time together. Heck, it couldnt even be called a date since they had just gotten to know each other! But her instincts told her to kiss him back, that she wanted this.After a few seconds of her not reacting, George pulled away.Im very sorry I dont know what came over me.Thats ok. I dont know why Im going this either. Rebekah pressed her lips onto his, although slightly more roughly. She grabbed the front of his shirt to deepen the kiss. After a second, George registered what was happening and kissed her back. Her hand dropped from his shirt in favor of playing with his cream colored hair. She was actually surprised how soft it was. One hand of his travelled to her waist, supporting her, while the other snaked up towards her head. He tangled it in her flame colored hair. Only when there lungs gasped for air did they pull away,but just enough so they could breathe. And then they both said the three words that would entwine their lives together forever.I love you.Rebekah giggled and sat in his lap, allowing his chin to rest on her head. They watched the sky for the next hour. Suddenly, Rebekahs watch started beeping.Well, thats curfew for me, she said, getting off of him.Want me to walk you home like yesterday?The night is late. How about you stay over? My dad wants to see you anyways.I guess one night wont hurt.

Dad, look who I brought home with me!Rebekah said in a singsong voice.Who? Your husband? He joked.Why, yes. Well, future husband.Wait, seriously?!Yup. Father, Meet George of the house of Hansberg. George, meet my father, King Hans.No, it cant be! He exclaimed.Excuse me? George asked politely.You two are first cousins.What?!Sit down, sit down. Ill explain everything.

You are not George Hubble of the house of Hansberg. In fact, you are not even a Hansberger.But I was raised my whole life as such! How can this be? George asked.The past eighteen years of your life were a lie. You were actually part of the order known as the Bourbon.Were? Dont you mean I am?No. Unfortunately, that order ceased to exist fifteen years ago by the actions of the man you call your father.No! Thats impossible! My father may not be the best dad in the world, but hes not a killer!Of course we have concrete evidence to back our claims Rebekah, bring me the picture of Rose and Edgar. She brought out the picture and handed it to George.See anyone familiar? Hans asked.The baby smiling in that ladys arms. Its me!Shortly after this photo was taken, you were kidnapped by a member of the Hansberg clan while in the marketplace with your mother.. Were not sure who it was, even to this day. We have evidence of that too. Hans pulled out a moldy, yellowing newspaper from eighteen years ago. The front headline screamed: MOTHER PLEADS DESPERATELY FOR SAFE RETURN OF SON.Here, let me see that. George reached out and took the first page.Police are pleading for the publics help for any information leading to the safe return of baby George Hubble of the Bourbon. He was last seen in the arms of a man dressed in all white. Surveillance footage shows the man running into a crowd of people before disappearing without a trace. Although the man appears to be a member of the Hansberg family as he has the lions crest on his shoulder, the family has denied any knowledge about this event. Anyone with information is asked to contact the police at ***-***-****. A reward of up to 1,000,000 solid gold coins is being offered for any leads as to the boys whereabouts.Shortly after this incident, we decided to enter into a blood pact with your family. My fathers father married your mothers mother. As neither of our two families could challenge the authority of the Hansbergs alone, we decided to band together for our own protection. However, even with our two families fighting together, we were no match for your father.What happened? Rebekah asked.Turn off the lights. I want you to watch a documentary. The lights were dimmed and the projector started rolling. The narrator started speaking in a monotone voice.In the summer of the year 1997, three kingdoms went to war. The power hungry-king of Hansberg wanted more land for his people. Opposing him were the kingdoms Frankfurter and Bourbon. Ok, now I know why we were allies, George said with a laugh.Why? Rebekah asked.Because frankfurters go down nice with some Bourbon whiskey!Rebekah snorted. That was really lame.Sorry.Under the brave leadership of Sir Edgar the bold and King Solomon the wise, the two houses managed to hold their own for almost a year. Yet in the end, they were no match for the highly militarized Hansbergs. The evil king Lubba eventually prevailed and declared himself ruler of all the land. To prevent any further conflict, he ordered the entire household of the Bourbon's to be utterly vanquished. As far as we know, no member of the house of Bourbon is known to have survived. King Solomon was killed by Lubba personally after attempting to stop the genocide.So, you are the last of the Bourbons, George, the only one left.Im so sorry George, Rebekah cried, wrapping her arms around him.Ill be fine. Im more worried about our relationship moving forwards.What do you mean? We can still get married!I dunno. Im 12.5% related to you.I dont care. I love you!Well, I cant say no to true love, even if its slightly unorthodox, Hans said.Oh shut-up. Cousin marriages have been going on for ages, dad.So, I guess the only thing to do now is to confront my dad, ehh? George asked.Well all be there to lend our support, Hans promised.Thanks guys.Anything for you, doofus, Rebekah cried happily as she kissed George on the cheek.

The ConfrontationLater that day, George rode back to his castle with an honor guard made up of the entire army of Frankfurter. King Lubba rushed out to see what was happening.Son, what is the meaning of all this? He cried as he looked into the barrels of thousands of rifles pointed at his face.Listen, we need to talk, George said.How dare you bring an army to oppose your own father!I just want to talk, ok?Fine, Ill have a word with you in private. Come on. He walked back into the castle.Rebekah, George said.What?If I dont come down in five or so minutes, send someone after me. I worry the king has something up his sleeve.Of course.Are you coming or what? Lubba snarled. I dont usually come back for stragglers.Coming!

So, I see you have found a girl, Lubba said as a conversation starter.Yes. It turns out the girl I rescued was a princess after all.Whats her name?Rebekah of the House of Frankfurter. The king gasped.Frankfurter...our mortal enemy!Well, they would be if I were your actual son.What is this nonsense? You are my son.No, Im not. You kidnapped me at birth from my rightful parents.I did no such thing!Perhaps you have no knowledge of the event, but I assure you, someone in your family does!Shut-up! I will not be spoken to like that! Lubba roared.If I may, I switched the babies, Lubbas wife said.Whered you come from? Howd you know I was here?I heard your voice....I was scared you would kill me for not producing a living heir, so I ordered the doctor to steal someones child with the same characteristics.And why didnt you tell me this sooner?I was scared youd kill me for lying.Hmm, Ill think about it. You may go now. Lubbas wife left.Ok, so you arent my child. I hope you can forgive me for calling you son for all these years.I cant forgive you.Why is that?You murdered my entire family.No I didnt.Yes you did.Who told you?King Hans.Arrggh! That man, I should have killed him when I killed his father!And my grandfather.What?I am a part of the Bourbon House.Never heard of it.You may have tried to erase it from history by killing off every last member, but you forgot about one person.Who?Me. You raised me as your own son because you didnt know any better.Do you have any proof?George handed him the photo.That was my mom and my dad. You murdered them all!And now, I guess Ill kill you to finish the dynasty off! Lubba screamed, drawing his sword

George! Rebekah cried as she burst onto the terrace..Huh?Catch! She tossed him a pen.What am I supposed to do with this? George asked as he barely managed to duck under a swing meant to separate his head from his shoulders. Lubba got his sword tangled in the bushes and was struggling to wrench it out.So, this is what you get? A pen? He mocked.I think so?Well then, this should be fairly easy then! Lubba yelled as he managed to yank his sword out and resume attacking.Flick it and it turns into Excalibur! Rebekah screamed.Silence, idiot girl! Two against one isnt fair!Shes not fighting for me. Its still between you and me, George countered as he flicked the pen and Excalibur popped out.My name is George Hubble of the House of Bourbon. You killed my entire family. Prepare to die.You may have the divine sword, but you still dont know how to use it! The evil king laughed as he slowly drove George back. I had years of battle experience while you were still in diapers!Perhaps, but I have the power of my friends behind me, and the knowledge that good will always triumph over evil. With those, I can and will defeat you!Ha! What good are friends when you are confronted with darkness? Lubba swung downwards at the the boys head, but George managed to block it. Lubba then kicked him in the chest and George fell over.I win! Lubba crowed as he stabbed downwards...only to have his sword get stuck in the ground , for George had rolled away at the last second. Cursing, he wrenched his blade out of the ground and attacked once more. Down the terrace the brawl continued, with neither side letting up. Lubbas skill was countered by Georges belief in his friends, his blade, and the knowledge of what would happen if he failed.Why? Why cant I defeat you? Lubba growled as their swords clashed and clashed again. He tried to jump up on a bush to gain the higher vantage point, but George swept his feet out from under him. Lubba fell heavily, the sword clattering on the ground.How are you going to beat me without a sword? George asked as he let his guard down. Lubba spat in his face, blinding him for an instant.Hey! That was a cheap shot! George yelled.Arrgh! Let me go, you monster! Rebekah cried as Lubba grabbed her by the hair and put his sword to her throat.One false step and Ill spill her guts where she stands. Your move, Lubba told George as he slowly backed up to the balcony. There were hundreds of people gathered in the town square that was directly below said balcony, and they all gasped in horror at what they were seeing.Oh my God. The king has taken a hostage! A lady yelled.Let her go, you coward! A man shouted.Let Rebekah go. She isnt a part of this!If you surrender...Ok, I yield. George threw down Excalibur.I never said I would keep my part of the bargain though, Lubba smiled wickedly as he slowly drew the blade across Rebekahs throat. A trickle of blood appeared.Y-you-youStop stuttering and spit it out already!I WILL KILL YOU FOR THAT!Hahahahahahahahahahahha! The king laughed maniacally. The laughter was still evident when the prince stabbed him in the stomach in retaliation. Still laughing, the king then started to topple off the balcony, much to the horror of those below. Luckily, he managed to grab hold of the railing with one hand.Mercy He muttered.What? George asked, kneeling close to him.Have mercy. Im an old man.George looked at him with pity.Ill give you anything you want. Just spare me.I WANT MY FAMILY BACK, YOU MONSTER! George cried as he stomped on Lubbas fingers, sending the evil king plummeting five stories.Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! The king cried all the way down. George turned away just before the king hit the ground. He couldnt bear to come face to face with the fact that he had just killed someone.George! A weak voice cried out as it coughed up bright blood.Rebekah? Youre alive! Then he looked at her current condition and his face turned grim.We have to get you to a hospital right away! He scooped her up and carried her bridal style down the stairs in a rush.We need a medic! George shouted. A team of doctors were already there.Low blood pressure, heartbeat is erratic! I think were losing her! A nurse cried as Rebekah was rushed into surgery in front of hundreds of people right there on the square.Beep-Beep-Beeeep-Beeeeep-BeeeeeeepGeorge, I love you She whispered.Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!Her world turned black.

Four months laterHere comes the bride, all dressed in white...La-la-da-doo-dee-da-la-da-da-doo The choir of three terrible singers sang.Do you, King George of the House of Hansberg, take Princess Rebekah of the House of Frankfurt, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part? The priest asked.I do.Do you, Princess Rebekah of the House of Frankfurt, take King George of the House of Hansberg, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till death us do part? I do."You have declared your consent before the Church. May the Lord in his goodness strengthen your consent and fill you both with his blessings. What God has joined, men must not divide. Amen."Amen!You may now kiss the bride. The kiss that followed was anything but ordinary.Thanks doofus, Rebekah smiled at her husband.You too, dweeb. But youll always be my dweeb, George replied as he kissed her again.

The End