The Draft Thames Water Utilities Limited (Thames Tideway Tunnel) Development Consent Order -...

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Examining Authority’s Second Written Roundof Questions and Requests for InformationResponse from Thames Water

The Draft Thames Water Utilities Limited (Thames Tideway Tunnel)

Development Consent Order - Comparite against 23 September 2013Doc Ref: APP75.3

Folder 167

January 2014DCO-DT-APP-ZZZZZ-750300

Thames Tideway TunnelThames Water Utilities Limited

Application for Development ConsentApplication Reference Number: WWO10001

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201[●] No. [●]



The [Draft] Thames Water Utilities Limited (Thames TidewayTunnel) Development Consent Order 201[●]

Made - - - - [●] 201[●]

Coming into force - - [●] 201[●]



1. Citation and Commencement2. Interpretation


Principal powers3. Development consent etc. granted by the Order 4. Authorisation of use5. Maintenance of authorised project6. Limits of Deviation7. Defence to proceedings in respect of statutory nuisance

Benefit of order 8. Benefit of Order

9. Transfer of benefit of Order Streets and traffic regulations

10. Street works11. Power to alter layout, etc., of streets12. Construction and maintenance of altered streets13. Stopping up of streets14. Public rights of way and permissive paths15. Temporary stopping up16. Access to works17. Agreements with street authorities18. Traffic regulation

Supplemental powers19. Discharge of water


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20. Protective work to buildings and structures21. Remedial work to buildings, or apparatus or equipment22. Authority to survey and investigate the land23. Removal of human remains24. Incidental powers

25. Felling or lopping of trees26. Trees subject to tree preservation orders


Powers of acquisition27. Compulsory acquisition of land28. Compulsory acquisition of rights29. Acquisition of subsoil only30. Acquisition of land limited to subsoil lying more than 9 metres beneath surface31. Power to override easements and other rights32. Statutory authority to override easements and other rights33. Application of the Compulsory Purchase (Vesting Declarations) Act 1981

Temporary possession of land 34. Temporary use of land for carrying out the authorised project35. Temporary use of land for maintaining authorised project

Compensation36. Disregard of certain interests and improvements37. Set-off for enhancement in value of retained land38. No double recovery

39. Compulsory acquisition of land – incorporation of the mineral codeSupplementary

40. Acquisition of part of certain properties41. Statutory undertakers42. Apparatus and rights of statutory undertakers in stopped-up streets43. Recovery of costs of new connections44. Time limit for exercise of authority to acquire land compulsorily45. Private rights of way46. Public rights of navigation47. Rights under or over streets and city walkways


48. Application of landlord and tenant law49. Deemed marine licence50. Miscellaneous provisions relating to the 1990 Act51. Safeguarding52. Provisions for protection of specified undertakers53. Discharge of requirements etc.54. Removal of consent requirements

55. Application, disapplication and modification of legislative provisions56. Amendment of local legislation


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56A. Application of pipe subways legislation57. Certification of plans etc58. Meaning of Secretary of State59. Arbitration


















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An application was made to the Secretary of State in accordance with section 37 of the PlanningAct 2008 and the Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure)Regulations 2009 for an order under sections 37, 114, 115, 117, 120, 122 and 123 of that Act.

The Examining authority appointed by the Secretary of State examined the application inaccordance with Chapter 4 of Part 6 of that Act and made a recommendation [under section [74]of that Act] that the application should be granted.

Accordingly, the Secretary of State, having the function of deciding the application, in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 103, 114, 115, 120, 122 and 123 of that Act, makes thefollowing Order—


Citation and Commencement

This Order may be cited as the Thames Water Utilities Limited (Thames Tideway Tunnel)1.Development Consent Order 201[●] and shall come into force on [●] 201[●].


—a) In this Order— 2.

“the 1961 Act” means the Land Compensation Act 1961 (a );

“the 1965 Act” means the Compulsory Purchase Act 1965( b );

“the 1980 Act” means the Highways Act 1980( c);

“the 1981 Act” means the Compulsory Purchase (Vesting Declarations) Act 1981;

“the 1984 Act” means the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984( d );

“the 1990 Act” means the Town and Country Planning Act 1990( e);

“the 1991 Act” means the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991( f );“the 2008 Act” means the Planning Act 2008( g);

[“acceptance date” means the earlier of the date on which the acceptance tests are completedto the satisfaction of the Environment Agency and the date on which deemed acceptance of the relevant part of the authorised project occurs;]

(a ) 1961 c.33.

(b ) 1965 c.56.

(c) 1980 c.66.

(d ) 1984 c. 27.


) 1990 c .8.

(f ) 1991 c.22.

(g) 2008 c.29.


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[“acceptance tests” means the series of tests to be completed by the undertaker to thesatisfaction of the Environment Agency to confirm that the authorised project can be operatedas part of the wider sewerage system;]

“access plans” means the plans certified as the access plans by the Secretary of State for the purposes of this Order and listed in part 3 of Schedule 2;

“agreed date” means the day agreed for the provision of further information pursuant to paragraph 4(5) of Schedule 17;

“ancillary works” means the ancillary works described in Part 2 of Schedule 1 ( authorised project ) and any other works authorised by the Order and which are not development withinthe meaning of section 32 of the 2008 Act;

“appeal documentation” means a copy of the application submitted to the discharging bodyand any supporting documentation which the undertaker may wish to provide;

“appeal parties” means the discharging authority, the undertaker, and (where relevant) arequirement consultee;

“approved plans” means the plans listed in Part 4 of Schedule 2 and such revised or supplemental plans as may be approved pursuant to the requirements;

“authorised development” means the development and associated development described inPart 1 of Schedule 1 ( authorised project ) and any other development authorised by articles 21and 41 this Order, which is development within the meaning of section 32 of the 2008 Act;

“the authorised project” means the authorised development and the ancillary works;

“the book of reference” means the book of reference certified by the Secretary of State as the book of reference for the purposes of this Order;

“building” includes any building, structure or erection or any part of a building, structure or erection;

“business days” means Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays;

“carriageway” has the same meaning as in the 1980 Act;

“city walkway” means a walkway in the City of London declared further to the City of London (Various Powers) Act 1967;

“compulsory acquisition notice” means a notice served in accordance with section 134 of the2008 Act;

“CSO” means a combined sewer overflow;

[“deemed acceptance” means, solely in respect of the acceptance date, that the acceptancetests have not been passed within 3 years of construction completion, if the only reason for thetests not having been completed is the non-occurrence during that 3 year period of the relevantweather conditions necessary to perform the acceptance test;]

“discharging authority” means the body responsible for giving any consent, agreement or approval required by a requirement included in this Order or protective provision set out inSchedule 16 to this Order, or further to any document referred to in any requirement, or anylicence condition in the deemed marine licence set out in Schedule 15 ( deemed marinelicence ), or the local authority in the exercise of functions set out in sections 60 or 61 of theControl of Pollution Act 1974;

“environmental statement” means the environmental statement with document reference 6 assubmitted by Thames Water Utilities Limited to support its application for developmentconsent;

“highway” and “highway authority” have the same meaning as in the 1980 Act;

“infrastructure provider” means any body designated by the Secretary of State for theEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs or by the Water Services Regulation Authority (as thecase may be) in respect of the authorised project or part(s) of the authorised project under or

by virtue of Section 36D of the Water Industry Act 1991 (as inserted by Section 35 of the


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Flood and Water Management Act 2010) or any successor under a special administrationorder or otherwise;

“the land plans” means the plans certified as the land plans by the Secretary of State for the purposes of this Order and listed in part 2 of Schedule 2 ( plans );

“levels” means the levels shown on the sections;

“limits of deviation” means the limits referred to in article 6;“maintain” includes maintain, inspect, repair, adjust, alter, remove, clear, refurbish,reconstruct, decommission, demolish, replace or improve the authorised project and“maintaining” and “maintenance” shall be construed accordingly;

“major detailed requirements” means requirements: [
























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“minor detailed requirements” means requirements, other than major detailed requirements,which require any consent, agreement or approval of a discharging authority or permit thedischarging authority to agree or approve matters otherwise than provided for in therequirement;

“Order land” means the land shown on the land plans which is within the limits of land to beacquired or used and described in the book of reference;

“Order limits” means the limits shown on the works plans within which the authorised projectmay be carried out;

“owner” in relation to land, has the same meaning as in section 7 of the Acquisition of LandAct 1981( h );

“permissive path” means any permissive path whether created by statute, agreement or otherwise;

“relevant planning authority” means the council of the relevant London Borough and anysuccessors to its function as planning authority for the area in which the land to which the

provisions of this Order apply is situated;

“relevant time limits” means the time limits prescribed in Schedule 17 or set by the appointed person pursuant to Schedule 17;

“requirement consultee” means any body named in a requirement which is the subject of anappeal as a body to be consulted by the discharging authority in discharging that requirement;

“requirements” means those matters set out in Schedule 3 ( requirements );

“the Secretary of State” means the Secretary of State as specified in article 58 (or hissuccessor);

“the sections” means the sections shown on the works plans;

“special administration” means special administration as defined in the Water Industry Act1991 Sections 23 to 25 and in relation to an Infrastructure Provider paragraph 7 of Schedule 1

of the Water Industry (Specified Infrastructure Projects) (English Undertakers) Regulations2013;

“start date” means the date on which the appeal parties are notified of the person appointed todetermine an appeal made under Schedule 17;

“statutory undertaker” means any person falling within section 127(8), 128(5) or 129(2) of the2008 Act;

“street” means a street within the meaning of section 48 of the 1991 Act, together with land onthe verge of a street or between two carriageways, and includes part of a street;

“street authority”, in relation to a street, has the same meaning as in Part 3 of the 1991 Act;

“tree preservation order” has the meaning given in section 198 of the 1990 Act;

“Thames Water Utilities Limited” means Thames Water Utilities Limited as the statutorysewerage undertaker licensed under the Water Industry Act 1991 and statutory successors or any successor under a special administration order or otherwise;

“the tribunal” means the Lands Chamber of the Upper Tribunal;

“undertaker” means the person who has the benefit of this Order in accordance with articles 8and/or 9 of this Order;

“watercourse” includes all rivers, creeks, streams, ditches, drains, canals, cuts, culverts, dykes,sluices, sewers and passages , through or in which water stands or flows , except a public sewer or drain; and

“the works plans” means the plans certified as the works plans by the Secretary of State for the purposes of this Order and listed in part 1 of Schedule 2.

(h ) 1981 c.67. Section 7 was amended by section 70 of, and paragraph 9 of Schedule 15 to, the Planning and CompensationAct 1991 (c.34).


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References in this Order to the authorised project coming into use mean use of the authorised(1)development for the purpose for which it was designed including commissioning.

References in this Order to rights over land include references to rights to do or to place and(2)maintain, anything in, on or under land or in the air-space above its surface.

All distances, directions, levels and lengths referred to in this Order are approximate. All(3)distances for scheduled linear works referred to in this Order are measured along the centre line of the limit of deviation for that work. Internal diameters for tunnels and shafts are the approximateinternal dimensions after the construction of a tunnel lining. Unless otherwise stated in Schedule1, depths are specified to invert level and are measured from the proposed final ground level.

For the purposes of this Order, all areas described in square metres in the Book of Reference(4)are approximate.

References in this Order to points identified by letters or numbers shall be construed as(5)references to points so lettered or numbered on the plan to which the reference applies.

References in this Order to numbered works are references to the works as numbered in part(6)1 of Schedule 1.

References in this Order to any statute, order, regulation or similar instrument shall be(7)construed as a reference to the statute, order, regulation or instrument as amended by anysubsequent statute, order, regulation or instrument or as contained in any subsequent re-enactment.


Principal powers

Development consent etc. granted by the Order

Subject to the provisions of this Order and to the requirements in Schedule 33.(requirements ) and Schedule 16 ( protective provisions ) to this Order the undertaker isgranted—

development consent for the authorised development; and(a)

consent for the ancillary works;(b)

to be carried out within the Order limits and in accordance with the approved plans.

Authorisation of use

Subject to the provisions of this Order and to the requirements the undertaker may operate4.and use the authorised project for the purposes for which it was designed.

Maintenance of authorised project

The undertaker may at any time maintain the authorised project, except to the extent that5.this Order or an agreement made under this Order provides otherwise , and for the avoidance of doubt the power of maintenance provided by this article does not constitute the grant of development consent for any development not authorised by article 3 .

Limits of Deviation

In constructing or maintaining works 1a to 1d, 3b, 4b, 5b, 7, 10b, 11b, 12b, 14b, 15b, 16b6.and 20, the undertaker may deviate—

laterally from the lines, situations or positioning of the authorised development shown or (a)indicated on the works plans to the extent of the limits of deviation shown on the works

plans; and


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vertically from the levels of the authorised development shown on the sections to any(b)extent:

not exceeding 3 metres upwards; or (i)

downwards as may be found to be necessary or convenient.(ii)

Defence to proceedings in respect of statutory nuisance

—a) Where proceedings are brought under section 82(1) of the Environmental Protection7.Act 1990( i) (summary proceedings by person aggrieved by statutory nuisance) in relation to anuisance falling within paragraph (g) of Section 79(1) of that Act (noise emitted from premisesso as to be prejudicial to health or a nuisance) no order shall be made, and no fine may beimposed, under section 82(2) of that Act if the defendant shows that the nuisance—

(in relation to a nuisance falling within paragraph (g) of Section 79(1) (statutory(a)nuisances and inspections therefor) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990) relates to

premises used by the undertaker for the purposes of or in connection with theconstruction or maintenance of the authorised project and associated activities up to theacceptance date and that the nuisance is attributable to the carrying out of the authorised

project in accordance with a notice served under section 60 (control of noise onconstruction sites), or a consent given under section 61 (prior consent for work onconstruction sites) or 65 (noise exceeding registered level), of the Control of PollutionAct 1974( j ); or

(b) relates to premises used by the undertaker for the purposes of or in connection with theuse of the authorised project and that the nuisance is attributable to the use of theauthorised project which is being used in accordance with a scheme of monitoring andattenuation of noise agreed with the Secretary of State or the relevant local planningauthority as described in any requirement dealing with the control of noise during theoperational phase of the authorised project; or

(c) is a consequence of complying with a requirement of this Order and that it cannot(b)

reasonably be avoided ; or (d) is a consequence of the construction , maintenance or use of the authorised project(c)

before the acceptance date and that it cannot reasonably be avoided.

Section 61(9) of the Control of Pollution Act 1974 (consent for work on construction site to(1)include statement that it does not of itself constitute a defence to proceedings under section 82 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990) and section 65(8) of that Act (corresponding provision inrelation to consent for registered noise level to be exceeded), shall not apply where the consentrelates to the use of premises by the undertaker for the purposes of or in connection with theconstruction or maintenance of the authorised project.

[The defence in this article shall not have effect after the acceptance date.](2)

Benefit of order

Benefit of Order

Subject to article 9 ( transfer of benefit of Order ), the provisions of this Order shall have8.effect solely for the benefit of Thames Water Utilities Limited (save where the context requiresotherwise) and any successor under a special administration order or otherwise.

(i) 1990 c.43. section 82 is amended by section 5 of the Noise and Statutory Nuisance Act 1993 (c.40), section 106 of andSchedule 17 to the Environment Act 1995 (c.25) and section 103 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act2005 (c.16). There are other amendments to this section which are not relevant to this Order.

( j ) 1974 c.40. sections 61 and 65 are amended by section 133 of and Schedule 17 to the Building Act 1984 (c.55), section120 of and Schedule 24 to the Environment Act 1995 (c.25) and section 162 of, and Schedule 15 to, theEnvironmental Protection Act 1990 (c.43); there are other amendments not relevant to this Order.


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Transfer of benefit of Order

—a) The undertaker may transfer to an infrastructure provider any or all of the benefit of 9.the provisions of this Order (save for the powers of compulsory acquisition in articles 27(compulsory acquisition of land ), 28 ( compulsory acquisition of rights ), 29 ( acquisition of

subsoil only ), 30 ( acquisition of land limited to subsoil lying more than 9 metres beneathsurface) and 40 ( acquisition of part of certain properties )) and such related rights for such

period as may be necessary for the construction, operation or maintenance of the authorised project as may be agreed between the undertaker and the infrastructure provider.

Notwithstanding any transfer under paragraph (1) above the undertaker may with the(1)consent of the Secretary of State transfer to another person (“the transferee”) any or all of the

benefit of the provisions of this Order (save for the powers of compulsory acquisition in articles27 ( compulsory acquisition of land ), 28 ( compulsory acquisition of rights ), 29 ( acquisition of

subsoil only ), 30 ( acquisition of land limited to subsoil lying more than 9 metres beneath surface)and 40 ( acquisition of part of certain properties )) and such related rights for such period as may

be necessary for the construction, operation or maintenance of the authorised project as may beagreed between the undertaker and the transferee.

Where a transfer has been made in accordance with paragraph (1) or (2) references in this(2)Order to the undertaker, except in paragraphs (1) and (4), shall include references to theinfrastructure provider or transferee.

The exercise by a person of any benefits or rights conferred in accordance with any transfer (3)under paragraph (1) or (2) shall—

be subject to the same restrictions, liabilities and obligations as would apply under this(a)Order if those benefits or rights were exercised by Thames Water Utilities Limited; and

not prevent Thames Water Utilities Limited benefitting from those provisions of this(b)Order notwithstanding that those provisions may also benefit the infrastructure provider or transferee.

In determining an application for consent under paragraph (2) the Secretary of State shall(4)have regard to the importance of ensuring that the transferee has the necessary financial and other resources to undertake the authorised project in accordance with the restrictions, liabilities andobligations specified in paragraph (4)(a).

Streets and traffic regulations

Street works

—a) The undertaker may, for the purposes of the authorised project, enter on so much of 10.any of the streets specified in Schedule 4 ( streets subject to street works ) as is within the Order limits and may—

break up or open the street, or any sewer, drain or tunnel under it;(a)

tunnel or bore under the street, or carry out works to strengthen or repair the(b)carriageway;

place and keep apparatus in or on the street;(c)

maintain, renew or alter the position of apparatus in or on the street or change its(d) position;

demolish, remove, replace and relocate any bus shelter and associated bus stop(e)infrastructure;

execute any works to provide or improve sight lines required by the highway authority;(f)

execute and maintain any works to provide hard and soft landscaping;(g)

carry out re-lining and placement of new temporary markings; and(h)


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execute any works required for or incidental to any works referred to in sub-paragraphs(i)(a) to (h) above.

The undertaker may, on the giving of not less than 42 days’ notice to Without limiting the(1)scope of the powers conferred by paragraph (1) but subject to the consent of the street authority ,which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, the undertaker may , for the purposes of the

authorised project, enter on so much of any other street whether or not within the Order limits, for the purposes set out at paragraph (1) (a) to (i) ( street works ) and article 50(2) ( miscellaneous

provisions relating to the 1990 Act ) shall apply.

The authority given by paragraph (1) or (2) is a statutory right for the purposes of sections(2)48(3) ( streets, street works and undertakers ) and 51(1) ( prohibition of unauthorised street works )of the 1991 Act( k ).

The provisions of sections 54 to 106 (save insofar as disapplied through the operation of (3)article 55 ( application, disapplication and modification of legislative provisions) and Schedule 19(miscellaneous controls ) part 1 to this Order) of the 1991 Act ( l) apply to any street works carriedout under paragraph (1) or (2).

In Part 3 of the 1991 Act, provisions relating to major highway works which refer to the(4)

highway authority concerned shall, in relation to works which are major highway works, beconstrued as references to the undertaker.

In this article “apparatus” has the same meaning as in Part 3 of the 1991 Act.(5)

[The undertaker may not exercise the powers under this article after the acceptance date.](6)

Power to alter layout, etc., of streets

—a) The undertaker may for the purposes of constructing the authorised project alter the11.layout of or carry out any ancillary works in each of the streets specified in column (2) of Schedule 5 ( streets subject to alteration of layout ) (and carry out works ancillary to suchalteration) in the manner specified in relation to that street in column (3).

Without prejudice to the specific powers conferred by article 3 or paragraph (1) but subject(1)to paragraph (3), the undertaker may, for the purposes of either constructing and maintaining theauthorised project or for works before the acceptance date , alter the layout of or any other street(and carry out anyworks ancillary works in any other street to such alteration) whether or notwithin the Order limits and, without limiting the scope of this paragraph, the undertaker may—

increase the width of the carriageway of the street by reducing the width of any kerb,(a)footpath, footway, cycle track, verge, or central reservation within the street;

alter the level or increase the width of any such kerb, footpath, footway, cycle track,(b)verge, or central reservation;

reduce the width of the carriageway of the street;(c)

execute any works to widen or alter the alignment of pavements;(d)

execute any works of surfacing or re-surfacing of the highway; and(e)execute any works necessary to alter existing facilities for the management and(f)

protection of pedestrians.

The powers conferred by paragraph (2)— (2)

shall be exercisable on the giving of not less than 42 days’ notice to the street authority;(a)and

(k ) Section 51 is amended by section 40 of and Schedule 1 to the Traffic Management Act 2004 (c.18).

(l) Sections 54 to 106 are amended by Schedule 7 to the Road Traffic Act 1991 (c.40), Schedule 1 to the Water Consolidation(Consequential Provisions) Act 1991 (c.60), sections 255 and 256 of the Transport Act 2000 (c.38), sections 40 to64 of, and Schedule 1 to, the Traffic Management Act 2004 (c.18), Schedule 3 to the Flood and WaterManagement Act 2010 (c.29), and regulation 17 of S.I. 2007/1951; there are other amendments that are notrelevant to this Order.


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shall not be exercised without the consent (such consent not to be unreasonably(b)withheld) of the street authority but such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld may

be granted subject to reasonable conditions relating to highway matters .

In Part 3 of the 1991 Act, provisions relating to major highway works which refer to the(3)highway authority concerned shall, in relation to works which are major highway works, be

construed as references to the undertaker.The provisions of sections 54 to 106 (save insofar as disapplied through the operation of(4)

article 55 ( application, disapplication and modification of legislative provisions ) and Schedule 19(miscellaneous controls ) part 1 to this Order) of the 1991 Act apply to works carried out under

paragraph (1) or (2) to the extent that those works involve the breaking up or opening of a street,or any sewer, drain, or tunnel under it, or tunnelling or boring under a street.

[The undertaker may not exercise the powers under this article after the acceptance date.](5)

Construction and maintenance of altered streets

—a) Any street (other than any private streets) to be constructed under this Order shall be12.completed to the reasonable satisfaction of the street authority and shall, unless otherwiseagreed with the street authority, be maintained by and at the expense of the undertaker for a

period of 12 months from its completion and at the expiry of that period by and at the expenseof the street authority .

Where a street is altered under this Order, the altered part of the street shall , when be(1)completed to the reasonable satisfaction of the street authority and shall , unless otherwise agreedwith the street authority, be maintained by and at the expense of the undertaker for a period of 12months from its completion and at the expiry of that period by and at the expense of the streetauthority.

Where new land not previously part of the public highway is to form part of the public(2)highway further to the provisions of this Order it shall, unless otherwise agreed with the streetauthority, be deemed as dedicated on the expiry of a period of 12 months from its completion.

In any action against the undertaker in respect of loss or damage resulting from any failure(3) by it to maintain a street under this article, it shall be a defence (without prejudice to any other defence or the application of the law relating to contributory negligence) to prove that theundertaker had taken such care as in all the circumstances was reasonably required to secure thatthe part of the street to which the action relates was not dangerous to traffic.

For the purposes of a defence under paragraph (4), the court shall in particular have regard to(4)the following matters—

the character of the street and the traffic which was reasonably to be expected to use it;(a)

the standard of maintenance appropriate for a street of that character and used by such(b)traffic;

the state of repair in which a reasonable person would have expected to find the street;(c)

whether the undertaker knew, or could reasonably have been expected to know, that the(d)condition of the part of the street to which the action relates was likely to cause danger to users of the street; and

where the undertaker could not reasonably have been expected to repair that part of the(e)street before the cause of action arose, what warning notices of its condition had beendisplayed,

but for the purposes of such a defence it is not relevant to prove that the undertaker had arrangedfor a competent person to carry out or supervise the maintenance of the part of the street to whichthe action relates unless it is also proved that the undertaker had given the competent person

proper instructions with regard to the maintenance of the street and that the competent person hadcarried out those instructions.


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(6) In determining who is the street authority in relation to a street for the purposes of Part III of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991, any obligation of the undertaker to maintain the streetunder paragraph (1) or (2) shall be disregarded.

Stopping up of streets

—a) Subject to the provisions of this article, the undertaker may, in connection with the13.carrying out of the authorised project, stop up each of the streets specified in column (2) of Schedule 6 ( streets to be stopped up ) to the extent specified in column (3) of that Schedule andshown on the relevant access plan.

No street specified in column (2) of Schedule 6 (being a street to be stopped up) shall be(1)wholly or partly stopped up under this article unless the condition specified in paragraph (3) issatisfied in relation to all the land which abuts on either side of the street to be stopped up.

The condition referred to in paragraph (2) is that— (2)

the undertaker is in possession of the land; or (a)

there is no right of access to the land from the street concerned; or (b)

there is reasonably convenient access to the land otherwise than from the street(c)concerned; or

the owners and occupiers of the land have agreed to the stopping up.(d)

Where a street has been stopped up under this article— (3)

all rights of way over or along the street so stopped up shall be extinguished; and(a)

the undertaker may appropriate and use for the purposes of the authorised project so(b)much of the street as is stopped up under paragraph (1).

Any person who suffers loss by the suspension or extinguishment of any private right of way(4)under this article shall be entitled to compensation to be determined, in case of dispute, under Part1 of the 1961 Act.

This article is subject to article 42 ( apparatus and rights of statutory undertakers in stopped (5)up streets ).

Public rights of way and permissive paths

—a) The public rights of way and permissive paths listed in column (2) of Schedule 714.( public rights of way and permissive paths to be extinguished ) shown marked on the relevantaccess plans shall be extinguished as at the expiry of the notice given further to paragraph (2)(a)of this article.

Prior to the extinguishment of each of the public rights of way and permissive paths listed in(1)column (2) of Schedule 7 shown marked on the relevant access plans the undertaker shall—

erect a site notice at each end of the section to be extinguished (as set out in column (3)(a)

of Schedule 7) no less than 28 days prior to the extinguishment of that way or path; andhave provided the alternative way or path as indicated on the access plans.(b)

(3) Subject to the consent of the owner and occupier of any affected land, the undertaker andthe local highway authority may agree that the alternative way or path to be provided under thisarticle shall take a different route or have a different legal status than that indicated on the access

plans; and a way or path provided in accordance with such agreement shall be taken to have been provided in accordance with the access plans for the purposes of paragraph (2).

Temporary stopping up

—a) The undertaker, during and for the purposes of carrying out the authorised project,15.may temporarily stop up, alter or divert any street, any other public right of way, any citywalkway, or permissive path whether or not within the Order limits and may for any reasonabletime—


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divert the traffic or a class of traffic from the street, public right of way, city walkway, or (a) permissive path; and

subject to paragraph (2), prevent all persons from passing along the street, public right of (b)way, city walkway, or permissive path.

The undertaker shall provide reasonable access for pedestrians going to or from premises(1)abutting a street, public right of way, city walkway, or permissive path affected by the temporarystopping up, alteration or diversion of a street, public right of way, city walkway, or permissive

path under this article if there would otherwise be no such access.

Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph (1), the undertaker may temporarily stop up,(2)alter or divert the streets, public rights of way, city walkways and permissive paths specified incolumn (2) of Schedule 8 ( streets and rights of way etc. to be temporarily stopped up ) to theextent specified in column (3) of that Schedule.

The undertaker shall not temporarily stop up, alter or divert— (3)

any street, public right of way, city walkway or permissive path specified as mentioned(a)in paragraph (3) without first consulting either the local highway street authority or (inthe case of city walkway) the city walkway authority; or

any other street, public right of way, city walkway or permissive path without the(b)consent of either the highway street authority or (in the case of city walkway) the citywalkway authority, which may attach reasonable conditions to any consent, but whichconsent shall not be unreasonably withheld.

Any person who suffers loss by the suspension of any private right of way under this article(4)shall be entitled to compensation to be determined, in case of dispute, under Part 1 of the 1961Act.

[The undertaker may not exercise the powers under this article after the acceptance date.](5)

Access to works

—a) The undertaker may, for the purposes of the construction, use and/or maintenance of 16.the authorised project—

form and lay out means of access, or improve existing means of access, in the location(a)specified in column (2) of Schedule 9 ( access to works ) for the purposes specified incolumn (3) of Schedule 9; and

with the approval of the relevant planning authority after consultation with the highway(b)authority, form and lay out such other means of access or improve existing means of access, at such locations within the Order limits as the undertaker reasonably requiresfor the purposes of the authorised project.

(2) The relevant planning authority may attach any reasonable conditions to any approvalgiven under paragraph (1)(b).

(3) [The undertaker may not exercise the powers under this article after the acceptance date.]

Agreements with street authorities

—a) A street authority and the The undertaker may enter into agreements with a street17.authority or (in the case of city walkway) the city walkway authority with respect to—

the construction of any new street or city walkway including any structure carrying the(a)street or city walkway whether or not over or under any part of the authorised project;

the strengthening, improvement, repair or reconstruction of any street or city walkway(b)under the powers conferred by this Order;

any stopping up, alteration or diversion of a street or city walkway authorised by this(c)Order;

the carrying out in the street of any of the works referred to in article 10(1) ( street (d)works ) or their maintenance;


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the alteration of any street further to article 11(1) or (2) ( power to alter the layout etc of (e) streets ); or

such other works as the parties may agree.(f)

Such an agreement may, without prejudice to the generality of paragraph (1)— (1)

make provision for the street authority or the city walkway authority to carry out any(a) function under this Order which relates to the street in question;

include an agreement between the undertaker and street authority or the city walkway(b)authority specifying a reasonable time for completion of the works;

provide for the dedication of any new street as public highway further to section 38 of (c)the 1980 Act;

provide for any new way to be declared as city walkway in accordance with the City of(d)London (Various Powers) Act 1967;

(d) contain such terms as to payment as the parties consider appropriate; and(e)

(e) contain such other terms as the parties may agree between them.(f)

Traffic regulation

—a) Subject to the provisions of this article, the undertaker may , at any time for the18. purposes of the construction, operation or maintenance of the authorised project regulate traffic:

construction of the authorised project temporarily regulate traffic further to part 1 of(a)Schedule 10 ( traffic regulation ), and

construction, operation or maintenance of the authorised project permanently regulate(b)traffic further to part 2 of Schedule 10 ( traffic regulation ),

in the manner specified in column (4) of Schedule 10 ( traffic regulation ) on those roadsspecified in column (2) and along the lengths and between the points specified, or to the extent

otherwise described in column (3) of that Schedule.Without limiting the scope of the specific powers conferred by paragraph (1) but subject to(1)

the provisions of this article and the consent (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld) of thetraffic authority in whose area the road concerned is situated, which consent shall not beunreasonably withheld may be subject to reasonable conditions , the undertaker may, in so far asmay be expedient or necessary for the purposes of or in connection with the construction,operation, or maintenance of the authorised project —

revoke, amend or suspend in whole or in part any order made, or having effect as if (a)made, under the 1984 Act;

permit, prohibit or restrict the stopping, parking, waiting, loading or unloading of (b)vehicles on any road;

authorise the use as a parking place of any road;(c)make provision as to the direction or priority of vehicular traffic on any road; and(d)

permit or prohibit vehicular access to any road;(e)

either at all times or at times, on days or during such periods as may be specified by theundertaker.

The undertaker shall not exercise the powers in paragraphs (1) and (2) unless it has— (2)

given not less than 4 weeks’ notice in writing of its intention so to do to the chief officer (a)of police and to the traffic authority in whose area the road is situated; and

advertised its intention in such manner as the traffic authority may specify in writing(b)within 7 days of its receipt of notice of the undertaker’s intention under sub-paragraph



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Any prohibition, restriction or other provision made by the undertaker under paragraph (1) or (3)(2) shall—

have effect as if duly made by, as the case may be— (a)

the traffic authority in whose area the road is situated as a traffic regulation order (i)under the 1984 Act; or

the local authority in whose area the road is situated as an order under section 32 of (ii)the 1984 Act; and

be deemed to be a traffic order for the purposes of Schedule 7 to the Traffic(b)Management Act 2004( m ) (road traffic contraventions subject to civil enforcement).

Any prohibition, restriction or other provision made under this article may be suspended,(4)varied or revoked by the undertaker from time to time by subsequent exercise of the powersconferred by paragraph (2) at any time.

Before complying with the provisions of paragraph (3) the undertaker shall consult the chief (5)officer of police and the traffic authority in whose area the road is situated.

Expressions used in this article and in the 1984 Act shall have the same meaning in this(6)

article as in that Act.If the traffic authority fails to notify the undertaker of its decision within 28 days of receiving(7)

an application for consent under paragraph (2) the traffic authority shall (unless the parties agreeotherwise) be deemed to have granted refused consent.

[The undertaker may not exercise the power in paragraph 18(1)(a) or 18(2) after the(8)acceptance date.]

Supplemental powers

Discharge of water

—a) The undertaker may use any watercourse or any public sewer or drain for the drainage19.of water in connection with the carrying out, maintenance or use of the authorised project andfor that purpose may lay down, take up and alter pipes and may, on any land within the Order limits, make openings into, and connections with, the watercourse, public sewer or drain.

Any dispute arising from the making of connections to or the use of a public sewer or drain(1) by the undertaker pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be determined as if it were a dispute under section 106 of the Water Industry Act 1991( n ) (right to communicate with public sewers).

The undertaker shall not discharge any water into any watercourse, public sewer or drain(2)except with the consent of the person to whom it belongs; and such consent may be given subjectto such terms and conditions as that person may reasonably impose, but shall not be unreasonablywithheld.

The undertaker shall not make any opening into any public sewer or drain except— (3)

in accordance with plans approved by the person to whom the sewer or drain belongs,(a)and such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld; and

where that person has been given the opportunity to supervise the making of the(b)opening.

The undertaker shall not, in carrying out or maintaining works pursuant to this article,(4)damage or interfere with the bed or banks of any watercourse forming part of a main river, unlessotherwise authorised by this Order.

The undertaker shall take such steps as are reasonably practicable to secure that any water (5)discharged into a watercourse or public sewer or drain pursuant to this article is as free as may be

practicable from gravel, soil or other solid substance, oil or matter in suspension.

(m ) 2004 c. 18(n ) 1991 c.56. Section 106 was amended by sections 36(2) and 99 of the Water Act 2003 (c.37). There are other amendments

to this section which are not relevant to this Order.


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This article does not authorise the entry into controlled waters of any matter whose entry or (6)discharge into controlled waters is prohibited by Regulation 38 of the Environmental Permitting(England and Wales) Regulations 2010( o).

If a person who receives an application for consent or approval fails to notify the undertaker (7)of a decision within 28 days of receiving an application for consent under paragraph (3) or

approval under paragraph (4)(a) that person shall be deemed to have granted refused consent or given approval, as the case may be.

In this article— (8)

“public sewer or drain” means a sewer or drain which belongs to the Homes and(a)Communities Agency, the Environment Agency or a harbour authority within themeaning of section 57 of the Harbours Act 1964( p ) (interpretation), an internal drainage

board, a joint planning board, a local authority, a National Park Authority, a sewerageundertaker or an urban development corporation; and

other expressions, excluding watercourse, used both in this article and in the Water (b)Resources Act 1991 have the same meaning as in that Act.

Protective work s to buildings and structures

—a) Subject Save as otherwise agreed, subject to the following provisions of this article,20.the undertaker may at its own expense carry out the protective works to any building listed inSchedule 11 (Protective works) to this Order which the undertaker considers necessary or expedient.

The protective works may be carried out further to paragraph (1) at any time before or during(1)the carrying out in the vicinity of the building of any part of the authorised project.

For the purpose of determining how the functions under this article are to be exercised the(2)undertaker may enter and survey—

any building to which the power in paragraph (1) applies and any land within the Order (a)limits; and

where reasonably necessary, any land which is adjacent to the building but outside the(b)Order limits.

For the purpose of carrying out the protective works under this article to a building the(3)undertaker may (subject to paragraphs (5) and (6))—

enter the building and any land within the Order limits; and(a)

where the works cannot be carried out reasonably conveniently without entering land(b)which is adjacent to the building but outside the Order limits, enter the adjacent land(but not any building erected on it).

Before exercising— (4)

a right under paragraph (1) to carry out protective works to a building;(a)

a right under paragraph (3)(a) to enter a building and land within the Order limits;(b)

a right under paragraph 3(b) to enter land;(c)

a right under paragraph (4)(a) to enter a building and land within the Order limits; or (d)

a right under paragraph (4)(b) to enter land,(e)

the undertaker shall serve on the owners and occupiers of the building or land not less than 14days’ notice of its intention to exercise that right and, in a case falling within sub-paragraph (a),(d) or (e), specifying the planned protective works proposed to be carried out, as listed in Schedule11 (Protective works) to this Order. Such notice must contain a statement which notifies therecipient of his right under paragraph (6) to make a referral to arbitration.

(o) S.I. 2010/675

(p ) 1964 c.40; there are amendments to section 57 that are not relevant to this Order.


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Where a notice is served under paragraph (5)(a), (d) or (e), the owner and/or occupier of the(5) building or land concerned may, by serving a counter-notice within the period of 14 days beginning with the day on which the notice was served, require any issue as to whether [the protective works proposed by the undertaker are sufficient to fulfil their purpose, or] it isnecessary or expedient to carry out the protective works or to enter the building or land to be

referred to arbitration under article 59 ( arbitration ).The undertaker shall compensate the owners and occupiers of any building or land in(6)

relation to which rights under this article have been exercised for any loss or damage arising tothem by reason of the exercise of those rights.

Without prejudice to the power to undertake remedial works, under article 21 ( remedial (7)works to buildings, or apparatus or equipment ), where—

protective works are carried out under this article to a building; and(a)

within the period of 5 years beginning with the day on which the authorised project(b)carried out in the vicinity of the building first comes into use it appears that the

protective works are inadequate to protect the building against damage caused by thecarrying out or use of that part of the authorised project,

the undertaker shall compensate the owners and occupiers of the building for any loss or damagesustained by them.

Nothing in this article shall relieve the undertaker from any liability to pay compensation(8)under section 10(2) of the 1965 Act (compensation for injurious affection).

Any compensation payable under paragraph (7) or (8) shall be determined, in case of (9)dispute, under Part 1 of the 1961 Act (determination of questions of disputed compensation).

In this article “protective works” in relation to a building means those works listed in(10)Schedule 11 (protective works) and any other works the purpose of which is to prevent damagewhich may be caused to the building listed, which may include monitoring, underpinning,strengthening and any other works the purpose of which is to prevent damage which may becaused by the carrying out, maintenance or use of the authorised project.

Without prejudice to the definition in article 2 the definition of “building” shall for the(11) purposes of this article include those buildings, structures, apparatus and equipment listed inSchedule 11 (protective works) .

The undertaker may enter into an agreement or agreements in respect of protective works(12)with any owner or occupier of a building to which this article applies or of any other buildinglikely to be affected by the authorised project and such agreement may incorporate, add to, omit or modify the provisions of this article or any of them.

Remedial work s to buildings, or apparatus or equipment

—a) Subject Save as otherwise agreed, subject to the following provisions of this article,21.the undertaker may at its own expense carry out remedial works to any land, building, apparatusor equipment which may be affected by the authorised project (whether or not within the Order limits), as the undertaker considers necessary or expedient.

Remedial works may be carried out further to paragraph (1)— (1)

at any time before or during the carrying out in the vicinity of the land or building of any(a) part of the authorised project; or

after the completion of that part of the authorised project in the vicinity of the land or (b) building at any time up to the end of the period of 5 years beginning with the day onwhich that part of the authorised project first comes into use.

For the purpose of determining how the functions under this article are to be exercised the(2)undertaker may enter and survey—

any land or building falling within paragraph (1) and any land within the Order limits;(a)and


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where reasonably necessary any land which is adjacent to the land or building but(b)outside the Order limits.

For the purpose of carrying out remedial works under this article to land or a building the(3)undertaker may (subject to paragraphs (5) and (6))—

enter the land or building and any land within the Order limits; and(a)

where the works cannot be carried out reasonably conveniently without entering land(b)which is adjacent to the land or building but outside the Order limits, enter the adjacentland (but not any building erected on it).

Before exercising— (4)

a right under paragraph (1) to carry out remedial works to land or a building;(a)

a right under paragraph (3)(a) to enter land or a building and land within the Order (b)limits;

a right under paragraph 3(b) to enter land;(c)

a right under paragraph (4)(a) to enter land or a building and land within the Order (d)limits; or

a right under paragraph (4)(b) to enter land,(e)the undertaker shall, except in the case of emergency, serve on the owners and occupiers of the

building or land not less than 14 days’ notice of its intention to exercise that right and, in a casefalling within sub-paragraph (a), (d) or (e), together with any appropriate plans specifying theremedial works proposed to be carried out. Such notice must contain a statement which notifiesthe recipient of his right under paragraph (6) to make a referral to arbitration.

Where a notice is served under paragraph (5)(a), (d) or (e), the owner and/or occupier of the(5) building or land concerned may, by serving a counter-notice within the period of 14 days beginning with the day on which the notice was served, require any issue as to whether [theremedial works proposed by the undertaker are sufficient to fulfil their purpose, or] it is necessaryor expedient to carry out the remedial works or to enter the building or land to be referred to

arbitration under article 59 ( arbitration ).The undertaker shall compensate the owners and occupiers of any building or land in(6)

relation to which rights under this article have been exercised for any loss or damage arising tothem by reason of the exercise of those rights.

Where— (7)

remedial works are carried out under this article to land or a building; and(a)

within the period of 5 years beginning with the day on which the authorised project(b)carried out in the vicinity of the land or building first comes into use it appears that theremedial works are inadequate to protect the land or building against damage caused bythe carrying out or use of that part of the authorised project,

the undertaker shall compensate the owners and occupiers of the land or building for any loss or

damage sustained by them. Nothing in this article shall relieve the undertaker from any liability to pay compensation(8)

under section 10(2) of the 1965 Act (compensation for injurious affection).

Any compensation payable under paragraph (7) or (8) shall be determined, in case of (9)dispute, under Part 1 of the 1961 Act (determination of questions of disputed compensation).

In this article “remedial works” in relation to land or a building means any monitoring or (10)works the purpose of which is to remedy any damage which has been caused, or prevent anyfurther damage which has been or may be caused , by the carrying out, maintenance or use of theauthorised project.

Without prejudice to the definition in article 2 the definition of “building” shall for the(11) purposes of this article include apparatus, equipment, or apparatus or equipment within any building.


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In this article “plans” means reasonable and appropriate documents demonstrating(12)conclusion of the undertaker’s assessment that it is necessary or expedient to carry out theremedial works and that the remedial works proposed by the undertaker will be sufficient to fulfiltheir purpose.

The undertaker may enter into an agreement or agreements in respect of remedial works(13)

with any owner or occupier of a building to which this article applies or of any other buildinglikely to be affected by the authorised project and such agreement may incorporate, add to, omit or modify the provisions of this article or any of them.

Authority to survey and investigate the land

—a) The undertaker may for the purposes of this Order enter on any land shown within the22.Order limits or which may be affected by the authorised project and—

survey, monitor and/or investigate the land;(a)

without prejudice to the generality of (a), survey, monitor and/or investigate the land and(b)any buildings on that land for the purpose of investigating the potential effects of theauthorised project on that land or buildings on that land or for enabling the construction,use and maintenance of the authorised project;without prejudice to the generality of sub-paragraph (a), make trial holes in such(c)

positions on the land as the undertaker thinks fit to investigate the nature of the surfacelayer and/or subsoil and/or to remove soil samples;

without prejudice to the generality of sub-paragraph (a), carry out ecological and/or (d)archaeological investigations or monitoring on such land; and

place on, leave on and remove from the land apparatus for use in connection with the(e)survey, monitoring and/or investigation of land, the making of trial holes, and/or thecarrying out of ecological and/or archaeological investigations.

This article also applies where an owner or occupier has requested the undertaker to enter his(1)land for one or more of the purposes set out in (1).

No land may be entered or equipment placed or left on or removed from the land under (2) paragraph (1) unless at least 14 days’ notice has been served on every owner and occupier of theland. Such notice must contain a statement which notifies the recipient of his right under

paragraph (4) to make a referral to arbitration.

Where a notice is served under paragraph (3), the owner or occupier of the building or land(3)concerned may, by serving a counter-notice within the period of 14 days beginning with the dayon which the notice was served, require any issue as to whether the building or land needs to besurveyed or investigated to be referred to arbitration under article 59 ( arbitration ).

Any person entering land under this article on behalf of the undertaker— (4)

shall, if so required on entering the land, produce written evidence of their authority to(a)do so; and

may take with them such vehicles and equipment as are necessary to carry out the(b)survey, investigation, monitoring, or to make the trial holes.

No trial holes shall be made under this article— (5)

in land located within the highway boundary without the consent of the highway(a)authority (such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld) ; or

in a private street without the consent of the street authority , (such consent shall not be(b)unreasonably withheld); or

but such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. [in a building without the consent(c)of the owner and occupier].

The undertaker shall compensate the owners and occupiers of the land for any loss or (6)damage arising by reason of the exercise of the authority conferred by this article, such


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compensation to be determined, in case of dispute, Part 1 (determination of questions of disputedcompensation) of the 1961 Act.

Unless the undertaker has taken temporary possession of the land pursuant to article 34, the(7)undertaker shall (unless required by the owners of the land not to do so) remove all vehicles andequipment from and restore the land to the reasonable satisfaction of the owners as soon as

reasonable practicable after completion of the survey, monitoring or investigation (as the case may be).

[The undertaker may not exercise the powers under this article after the acceptance date.](8)

Removal of human remains

—a) In this article “the specified land” means any land within the Order limits.23.

Before the undertaker carries out any development or works which will or may disturb any(1)human remains in the specified land it shall remove those human remains from the specified land,or cause them to be removed, in accordance with the following provisions of this article.

Before any such remains are removed from the specified land the undertaker shall give(2)notice of the intended removal, describing the specified land and stating the general effect of thefollowing provisions of this article, by—

publishing a notice once in each of two successive weeks in a newspaper circulating in(a)the area of the authorised project; and

displaying a notice in a conspicuous place on or near to the specified land.(b)

As soon as reasonably practicable after the first publication of a notice under paragraph (3)(3)the undertaker shall send a copy of the notice to the relevant planning authority.

At any time within 56 days after the first publication of a notice under paragraph (3) any(4) person who is a personal representative or relative of any deceased person whose remains areinterred in the specified land may give notice in writing to the undertaker of that person’s intentionto undertake the removal of the remains.

Where a person has given notice under paragraph (5), and the remains in question can be(5)identified, that person may cause such remains to be—

removed and re-interred in any burial ground or cemetery in which burials may legally(a)take place; or

removed to, and cremated in, any crematorium,(b)

and that person shall, as soon as reasonably practicable after such re-interment or cremation, provide to the undertaker a certificate for the purpose of enabling compliance with paragraph (11).

If the undertaker is not satisfied that any person giving notice under paragraph (5) is the(6) personal representative or relative as that person claims to be, or that the remains in question can be identified, the question shall be determined on the application of either party in a summarymanner by a county court, and the court may make an order specifying who shall remove the

remains and as to the payment of the costs of the application.The undertaker shall pay the reasonable expenses both of responding to notices under this(7)

article and of removing and re-interring or cremating the remains of any deceased person under this article.

If— (8)

within the period of 56 days referred to in paragraph (5) no notice under that paragraph(a)has been given to the undertaker in respect of any remains in the specified land; or

such notice is given and no application is made under paragraph (7) within 56 days after (b)the giving of the notice but the person who gave the notice fails to remove the remainswithin a further period of 56 days; or

within 56 days after any order is made by a county court under paragraph (7) any person,(c)

other than the undertaker, specified in the order fails to remove the remains; or it is determined that the remains to which any such notice relates cannot be identified,(d)


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subject to paragraph (10) the undertaker shall remove the remains and cause them to be re-interredin such burial ground or cemetery in which burials may legally take place as the undertaker thinkssuitable for the purpose; and, so far as possible, remains from individual graves shall be re-interredin individual containers which shall be identifiable by a record prepared with reference to theoriginal position of burial of the remains that they contain.

If the undertaker is satisfied that any person giving notice under paragraph (5) is the personal(9)representative or relative as that person claims to be and that the remains in question can beidentified, but that person does not remove the remains, the undertaker shall comply with anyreasonable request that person may make in relation to the removal and re-interment or cremationof the remains.

On the re-interment or cremation of any remains under this article— (10)

a certificate of re-interment or cremation shall be sent by the undertaker to the Registrar (a)General by the undertaker giving the date of re-interment or cremation and identifyingthe place from which the remains were removed and the place in which they werere-interred or cremated; and

a copy of the certificate of re-interment or cremation and the record mentioned in(b)

paragraph (9) shall be sent by the undertaker to the relevant planning authoritymentioned in paragraph (4).

The removal of the remains of any deceased person under this article shall be carried out in(11)accordance with any directions which may be given by the Secretary of State.

Any jurisdiction or function conferred on a county court by this article may be exercised by(12)the district judge of the court.

Section 25 of the Burial Act 1857( q ) (bodies not to be removed from burial grounds, save(13)under faculty, without licence of Secretary of State) shall not apply to a removal carried out inaccordance with this article.

The Town and Country Planning (Churches, Places of Religious Worship and Burial(14)Ground) Regulations 1950( r ) shall not apply to the authorised project.

[The undertaker may not exercise the powers under this article after the acceptance date.](15)

Incidental powers

For the purposes of any works incidental to, or necessary to facilitate, the construction,24.operation or maintenance of the authorised project, the undertaker shall have—

the powers which a relevant undertaker has under sections 158 (powers to lay pipes in(a)streets), 159 (power to lay pipes in other land) and 168 (entry for works purposes) of theWater Industry Act 1991 (subject to Schedules 12 and 13 to that Act), and

the powers [under that Act / under any provision] specified in Schedule 1 to the Water (b)Industry (Specified Infrastructure Projects) (English Undertakers) Regulations 2013 (SI2013/1582) (subject to the modifications specified in that Schedule).

Felling or lopping of trees

—a) The Save in respect of trees or shrubs which come within article 26, the undertaker 25.may fell or lop any tree or shrub near any part of the authorised project, or cut back its roots, if itreasonably believes it to be necessary to do so to prevent the tree or shrub from obstructing or interfering with the construction, maintenance or operation of the authorised project or anyapparatus used in connection with the authorised project.

In carrying out any activity authorised by paragraph (1), the undertaker shall do no(1)unnecessary damage to any tree or shrub and shall pay compensation to any person for any loss or damage arising from such activity.

(q ) 1857 c.81. There are amendments to this Act which are not relevant to this Order.

(r ) S.I. 1950/792


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Any dispute as to a person’s entitlement to compensation under paragraph (2), or as to the(2)amount of compensation, shall be determined under Part 1 of the 1961 Act.

[The undertaker may not exercise the powers under this article after the acceptance date.](3)

Trees subject to tree preservation orders

—a) The undertaker may fell or lop any tree or shrub which is subject to a tree26. preservation order with the prior approval of the local relevant planning authority, or cut back itsroots if it reasonably believes it to be necessary to do so to prevent the tree or shrub fromobstructing or interfering with the construction, maintenance or operation of the authorised

project or any apparatus used in connection with the authorised project.

In carrying out any activity authorised by paragraph (1)— (1)

the undertaker shall do no unnecessary damage to any tree or shrub and shall pay(a)compensation to any person for any loss or damage arising from such activity; and

the duty contained in section 206(1) of the 1990 Act (replacement of trees) shall not(b)apply.

The authority given by paragraph (1) shall constitute a deemed consent under the relevant(2)tree preservation order.

Any dispute as to a person’s entitlement to compensation under paragraph (2), or as to the(3)amount of compensation, shall be determined under Part 1 of the 1961 Act.

[The undertaker may not exercise the powers under this article after the acceptance date.](4)


Powers of acquisition

Compulsory acquisition of land

—a) The undertaker may acquire compulsorily so much of the Order land as is required for 27.the authorised project or to facilitate it, or is incidental to it.

As from the date on which a compulsory acquisition notice under section 134(3) ( notice of (1)authorisation of compulsory acquisition ) of the 2008 Act is served or the date on which the Order land, or any part of it, is vested in the undertaker, whichever is the later, all rights, trusts andincidents to which that land or that part of it which is vested (as the case may be) was previouslysubject shall be discharged or suspended, so far as their continuance would be inconsistent withthe exercise of the powers under this Order.

Any person who suffers loss by the extinguishment or suspension of any private right of way(2)

under this article shall be entitled to compensation to be determined, in case of dispute, under Part1 of the 1961 Act.

This article is subject to article 29 ( acquisition of subsoil only ), article 30 ( acquisition of (3) subsoil below 9 metres ) and article 34 ( temporary use of land for carrying out the authorised project ).

Compulsory acquisition of rights

—a) The undertaker may acquire compulsorily the existing rights and create and acquire28.compulsorily the new rights described in the book of reference and indicated on the land plan.

As from the date on which a compulsory acquisition notice is served or the date on which(1)any new right is vested in the undertaker, whichever is the later, the land over which any new rightis, or rights are, acquired shall be discharged from all rights, trusts and incidents to which it was


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previously subject so far as their continuance would be inconsistent with the exercise of that newright.

Subject to section 8 ( other provision as to divided land ) of the 1965 Act, as substituted by(2)article 40 ( acquisition of part of certain properties ), where the undertaker acquires an existingright over land under paragraph (1), the undertaker shall not be required to acquire a greater

interest in that land.Any person who suffers loss as a result of the extinguishment or suspension of any private(3)

right of way under this article shall be entitled to compensation to be determined, in case of dispute, under Part 1 of the 1961 Act.

Acquisition of subsoil only

—a) The undertaker may acquire compulsorily so much of, or such rights in, the subsoil of 29.the land referred to in article 27(1) ( compulsory acquisition of land ) as may be required for any

purpose for which that land may be acquired under that provision instead of acquiring the wholeof the land.

Where the undertaker acquires any part of, or rights in, the subsoil of land under paragraph(1)

(1), the undertaker shall not be required to acquire an interest in any other part of the land.Paragraph (2) shall not prevent article 40 ( acquisition of part of certain properties ) from(2)

applying where the undertaker acquires a cellar, vault, arch or other construction forming part of ahouse, building or manufactory.

Acquisition of land limited to subsoil lying more than 9 metres beneath surface

—a) This article applies to the land specified in Schedule 13 ( land of which only subsoil 30.more than 9 metres beneath surface may be acquired ).

In the case of land to which this article applies, the undertaker may only acquire(1)compulsorily under article 27 ( compulsory acquisition of land ) so much of, or such rights in, thesubsoil of the land as may be required for the purposes of the authorised project.

Where the undertaker acquires any part of, or rights in, the subsoil of the land to which this(2)article applies, the undertaker shall not be required to acquire a greater interest in the land or aninterest in any other part of it.

References in this article to the subsoil of land are references to the subsoil lying more than 9(3)metres beneath the level of the surface of the land; and for this purpose “level of the surface of theland” means—

in the case of any land on which a building is erected, the level of the surface of the(a)ground adjoining the building;

in the case of a watercourse or other water area, the level of the surface of the ground(b)nearest to it which is at all times above water level; or

in any other case, ground surface level.(c)

Power to override easements and other rights

—a) Any authorised activity which takes place on land within the Order limits (whether 31.the activity is undertaken by the undertaker or by any person deriving title from the undertaker or by any servants or agents of the undertaker) is authorised by this Order if it is done inaccordance with the terms of this Order, notwithstanding that it involves—

an interference with an interest or right to which this article applies; or (a)

a breach of a restriction as to the user of land arising by virtue of a contract.(b)

In this article “authorised activity” means— (1)

the erection, construction or maintenance of any part of the authorised project;(a)the exercise of any power authorised by this Order; or (b)


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the use of any land (including the temporary use of land).(c)

The interests and rights to which this article applies include any easement, liberty, privilege,(2)right or advantage annexed to land and adversely affecting other land, including any natural rightto support and include restrictions as to the user of land arising by the virtue of a contract.

Where an interest, right or restriction is overridden by paragraph (1), compensation— (3)

shall be payable under section 7 or 10 of the 1965 Act; and(a)

shall be assessed in the same manner and subject to the same rules as in the case of other (b)compensation under those sections where—

the compensation is to be estimated in connection with a purchase under that Act;(i)or

the injury arises from the execution of works on or use of land acquired under that(ii)Act.

Where a person deriving title under the undertaker by whom the land in question was(4)acquired—

is liable to pay compensation by virtue of paragraph (4), and(a)

fails to discharge that liability,(b)the liability shall be enforceable against that undertaker.

Nothing in this article shall be construed as authorising any act or omission on the part of (5)any person which is actionable at the suit of any person on any grounds other than such aninterference or breach as is mentioned in paragraph (1) of this article.

Statutory authority to override easements and other rights

— a) The carrying out or use of development authorised by this Order and the doing of 32.anything else authorised by this Order is authorised by virtue of section 158 ( nuisance: statutoryauthority ) of the 2008 Act, notwithstanding that it involves—

an interference with an interest or right to which this article applies; or (a)a breach of a restriction as to user of land arising by virtue of contract.(b)

The undertaker shall pay compensation to any person whose land is injuriously affected by— (1)

an interference with an interest or right to which this article applies; or (a)

a breach of a restriction as to user of land arising by virtue of contract,(b)

authorised by virtue of this Order and the operation of section 158 of the 2008 Act.

The interests and rights to which this article applies are any easement, liberty, privilege, right(2)or advantage annexed to land and adversely affecting other land, including any natural right tosupport.

Subsection (2) of section 10 ( further provision as to compensation for injurious affection ) of (3)

the 1965 Act applies to paragraph (2) by virtue of section 152(5) of the 2008 Act.Any rule or principle applied to the construction of section 10 of the 1965 Act shall be(4)

applied to the construction of paragraph (2) (with any necessary modifications).


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Application of the Compulsory Purchase (Vesting Declarations) Act 1981

—a) The Compulsory Purchase (Vesting Declarations) Act 1981( s) shall apply as if this33.Order were a compulsory purchase order and as if the undertaker were a public authority under section 1(2) of the 1981 Act.

The Compulsory Purchase (Vesting Declarations) Act 1981, as so applied, shall have effect(1)with the following modifications.

In section 3 (preliminary notices), for subsection (1) there shall be substituted— (2)

“(1) Before making a declaration under section 4 with respect to any land which issubject to a compulsory purchase order, the acquiring authority shall include the particularsspecified in subsection (3) in a notice which is—

(a) given to every person with a relevant interest in the land with respect to which thedeclaration is to be made (other than a mortgagee who is not in possession); and

(b) published in a local newspaper circulating in the area in which the land issituated.”.

In that section, in subsection (2), for “(1)(b)” there shall be substituted “(1)” and after (3)“given” there shall be inserted “and published”.

In that section, for subsections (5) and (6) there shall be substituted— (4)

“(5) For the purposes of this section, a person has a relevant interest in land if—

(a) that person is for the time being entitled to dispose of the fee simple of the land,whether in possession or in reversion; or

(b) that person holds, or is entitled to the rents and profits of, the land under a lease or agreement, the unexpired term of which exceeds one month.”.

In section 5 (earliest date for execution of declaration)— (5)

in subsection (1), after “publication” there shall be inserted “in a local newspaper (a)

circulating in the area in which the land is situated”; andsubsection (2) shall be omitted.(b)

In section 7 (constructive notice to treat), in subsection (1)(a), the words “(as modified by(6)section 4 of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981)” shall be omitted.

References to the 1965 Act in the Compulsory Purchase (Vesting Declarations) Act 1981(7)shall be construed as references to that Act as applied by section 125 of the 2008 Act to thecompulsory acquisition of land under this Order.

Temporary possession of land

Temporary use of land for carrying out the authorised project

—a) The undertaker may, in connection with the carrying out of the authorised project— 34.enter on and take temporary possession of— (a)

the land specified in columns (1) and (2) of Schedule 14 ( land of which temporary(i) possession may be taken ) for the purpose specified in relation to that land in column(3) of that Schedule 14 relating to the part of the authorised project specified incolumn (4) of that Schedule 14;

(s) 1981 c. 66. Sections 2(3), 6(2) and 11(6) were amended by section 4 of, and paragraph 52 of Schedule 2 to, the Planning(Consequential Provisions) Act 1990 (c. 11). Section 15 was amended by sections 56 and 321(1) of, and Schedules 8and 16 to, the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008 (c. 17). Paragraph 1 of Schedule 2 was amended by section 76 of,and Part 2 of Schedule 9 to, the Housing Act 1988 (c 50); section 161(4) of, and Schedule 19 to, the LeaseholdReform, Housing and Urban Development Act 1993 (c. 28); and sections 56 and 321(1) of, and Schedules 8 and 16to, the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008. Paragraph 3 of Schedule 2 was amended by section 76 of, and Schedule9 to, the Housing Act 1988 and section 56 of, and Schedule 8 to, the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008. Paragraph2 of Schedule 3 was repealed by section 277 of, and Schedule 9 to, the Inheritance Tax Act 1984 (c. 51). There areother amendments to the 1981 Act which are not relevant to this Order.


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any other Order land in respect of which no notice of entry has been served under (ii)section 11 of the 1965 Act (powers of entry) (other than in connection with therequisition of rights only) and no declaration has been made under section 4 of theCompulsory Purchase (Vesting Declarations) Act 1981 (execution of declaration);

remove any buildings and vegetation from that land that reasonably need to be removed(b)

in connection with the carrying out of the authorised project ;construct temporary works (including the provision of means of access) and buildings on(c)that land; and

construct any works specified in relation to that land in column (3) of Schedule 14, or (d)any other mitigation works.

Not less than 14 days before entering on and taking temporary possession of land under this(1)article the undertaker shall serve notice of the intended entry on the owners and occupiers of theland.

The undertaker may not, without the agreement of the owners of the land, remain in(2) possession of any land under this article—

in the case of land specified in paragraph (1)(a)(i) after the end of the period of one year (a) beginning with the date of completion of the part of the authorised project specified inrelation to that land in column (4) of Schedule 14; or

in the case of land referred to in paragraph (1)(a)(ii), after the end of the period of one(b)year beginning with the date of completion of the work for which temporary possessionof this land was taken unless the undertaker has, before the end of that period, served anotice of entry under section 11 of the 1965 Act or made a declaration under section 4 of the Compulsory Purchase (Vesting Declaration) Act 1981 or has otherwise acquired theland subject to temporary possession .

Before giving up possession of land of which temporary possession has been taken under (3)this article paragraph 1(a)(i) , unless otherwise agreed by the owners of the land, the undertaker shall remove all temporary works and restore the land to the reasonable satisfaction of the owners

of the land; but the undertaker shall not be required to— replace a building removed under this article;(a)

(b) restore the land on which any permanent works have been constructed under paragraph(1)(d); or

(c) remove any ground-strengthening works (being either works listed in Schedule 11 of(b)this order or other works to provide safe and stable ground conditions) which have been

placed in that land to facilitate construction of the authorised development ; or

remove or reposition any apparatus belonging to statutory undertakers.(c)

Before giving up possession of land of which temporary possession has been taken under(4) paragraph (1)(a)(ii), unless otherwise agreed by the owners of the land, the undertaker shall either acquire the land in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (3)(b) or remove all works and

restore the land to the reasonable satisfaction of the owners of the land; but the undertaker shallnot be required to—

replace a building removed under this article;(a)

remove any ground-strengthening works (being either works listed in Schedule 11 of(b)this order or other works to provide safe and stable ground conditions) which have been

placed in that land to facilitate construction of the authorised development; or

remove or reposition any apparatus belonging to statutory undertakers .(c)

(5) The undertaker shall pay compensation to the owners and occupiers of land of which(5)temporary possession is taken under this article for any loss or damage arising from the exercise inrelation to the land of the provisions of any power conferred by this article.

(6) Any dispute as to a person’s entitlement to compensation under paragraph (5), or as to(6)the amount of the compensation, shall be determined under Part 1 of the 1961 Act.


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(7) Nothing in this article shall affect any liability to pay compensation under section 10(2)(7)of the 1965 Act (further provisions as to compensation for injurious affection) or under any other enactment in respect of loss or damage arising from the carrying out of the authorised project,other than loss or damage for which compensation is payable under paragraph ( 56).

(8) The undertaker may not compulsorily acquire under this Order the land referred to in(8)

paragraph (1)(a)(i) except that the undertaker shall not be precluded from— acquiring new rights over any part of that land under article 28 ( compulsory acquisition(a)of rights );

acquiring any part of the subsoil of (or rights in the subsoil of) of that land under article(b)29 ( acquisition of subsoil only );

carrying out protective works under article 20 ( protective work to buildings and (c) structures ) and remedial works under article 21 ( remedial work to buildings, or apparatus or equipment ); or

carrying out a survey of that land under article 22 ( authority to survey and investigate(d)the land ).

(9) Where the undertaker takes possession of land under this article, the undertaker shall not(9) be required to acquire the land or any interest in it.

(10) Section 13 of the 1965 Act( t) (refusal to give possession to acquiring authority) shall(10)apply to the temporary use of land pursuant to this article to the same extent as it applies to thecompulsory acquisition of land under this Order by virtue of section 125 of the 2008 Act(application of compulsory acquisition provisions). For the avoidance of doubt this provision shallnot affect any right of an owner or lessee of that land to make a claim pursuant to Section 150 of the 1990 Act (blight).

[The undertaker may not exercise the powers under this article after the acceptance date.](11)

Temporary use of land for maintaining authorised project

—a) Subject to paragraph (2) the undertaker may— 35.enter on and take temporary possession of any land within the Order limits or any other(a)land if such possession is reasonably required for the purpose of maintaining theauthorised project;

enter on any land within the Order limits or any other land for the purpose of gaining(b)such access as is reasonably required for the purpose of maintaining the authorised

project; and

construct such temporary works (including the provision of means of access) and(c) buildings on the land as may be reasonably necessary for that purpose.

Paragraph (1) shall not authorise the undertaker to take temporary possession of— (1)

any house or garden belonging to a house; or (a)

any building (other than a house) if it is for the time being occupied.(b)

Not less than 28 days before entering on and taking temporary possession of land under this(2)article the undertaker shall serve notice of the intended entry on the owners and occupiers of theland.

The undertaker may only remain in possession of land under this article for so long as may(3) be reasonably necessary to carry out the maintenance of the part of the authorised project for which possession of the land was taken.

Before giving up possession of land of which temporary possession has been taken under (4)this article, the undertaker shall remove all temporary works and restore the land to the reasonablesatisfaction of the owners of the land.

(t ) Section 13 is amended by section 139 of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 (c.15).


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No double recovery

Compensation shall not be payable in respect of the same matter both under this Order and38.under any other enactment, any contract or any rule of law, or under two or more different

provisions of this Order.

Compulsory acquisition of land – incorporation of the mineral code

Parts 2 and 3 of Schedule 2 to the Acquisition of Land Act 1981( u ) (minerals) are39.incorporated in this Order subject to the modifications that—

paragraph 8(3) is not incorporated; and(a)

for “the acquiring authority” substitute “the undertaker”.(b)


Acquisition of part of certain properties

—a) This article shall apply instead of section 8(1) of the 1965 Act ( other provisions as40.divided land ) (as applied by section 125 of the 2008 Act) where—

a notice to treat is served on a person (“the owner”) under the 1965 Act (as so applied)(a)in respect of land forming only part of a house, building or manufactory or of landconsisting of a house with a park or garden (“the land subject to the notice to treat”); and

a copy of this article is served on the owner with the notice to treat.(b)

In such a case, the owner may, within the period of 21 days beginning with the day on which(1)the notice was served, serve on the undertaker a counter-notice objecting to the sale of the landsubject to the notice to treat which states that the owner is willing and able to sell the whole (“theland subject to the counter-notice”).

If no such counter-notice is served within that period, the owner shall be required to sell the(2)

land subject to the notice to treat.If such a counter-notice is served within that period, the question whether the owner shall be(3)

required to sell only the land subject to the notice to treat shall, unless the undertaker agrees totake the land subject to the counter-notice, be referred to the tribunal.

If on such a reference the tribunal determines that the land subject to the notice to treat can(4) be taken—

without material detriment to the remainder of the land subject to the counter-notice; or (a)

where the land subject to the notice to treat consists of a house with a park or garden,(b)without material detriment to the remainder of the land subject to the counter-notice andwithout seriously affecting the amenity and convenience of the house,

the owner shall be required to sell the land subject to the notice to treat.

If on such a reference the tribunal determines that only part of the land subject to the notice(5)to treat can be taken—

without material detriment to the remainder of the land subject to the counter-notice; or (a)

where the land subject to the notice to treat consists of a house with a park or garden,(b)without material detriment to the remainder of the land subject to the counter-notice andwithout seriously affecting the amenity and convenience of the house,

the notice to treat shall be deemed to be a notice to treat for that part.

If on such a reference the tribunal determines that— (6)

(u ) 1981 c.67. Sub-paragraph (5) of paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 2 was amended by section 67 of, and paragraph 27(3)of Schedule 9 to, the Coal Industry Act 1994 (c.21) and paragraph 8 of Part 3 of Schedule 2 was amended by section 46of theCriminal Justice Act 1982 (c.48). There are other amendments to the 1981 Act which are not relevant to this Order.


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the land subject to the notice to treat cannot be taken without material detriment to the(a)remainder of the land subject to the counter-notice; but

the material detriment is confined to a part of the land subject to the counter-notice,(b)

the notice to treat shall be deemed to be a notice to treat for the land to which the materialdetriment is confined in addition to the land already subject to the notice, whether or not theadditional land is land which the undertaker is authorised to acquire compulsorily under thisOrder.

If the undertaker agrees to take the land subject to the counter-notice, or if the tribunal(7)determines that—

none of the land subject to the notice to treat can be taken without material detriment to(a)the remainder of the land subject to the counter-notice or, as the case may be, withoutmaterial detriment to the remainder of the land subject to the counter-notice and withoutseriously affecting the amenity and convenience of the house; and

the material detriment is not confined to a part of the land subject to the counter-notice,(b)

the notice to treat shall be deemed to be a notice to treat for the land subject to the counter-noticewhether or not the whole of that land is land which the undertaker is authorised to acquirecompulsorily under this Order.

Where, by reason of a determination by the tribunal under this article, a notice to treat is(8)deemed to be a notice to treat for less land or more land than that specified in the notice, theundertaker may, within the period of 6 weeks beginning with the day on which the determinationis made, withdraw the notice to treat; and, in that event, shall pay the owner compensation for anyloss or expense occasioned to the owner by the giving and withdrawal of the notice, to bedetermined in case of dispute by the tribunal.

Where the owner is required under this article to sell only part of a house, building or (9)manufactory or of land consisting of a house with a park or garden, the undertaker shall pay theowner compensation for any loss sustained by the owner due to the severance of that part inaddition to the value of the interest acquired.

Statutory undertakers

—a) The undertaker may— 41.

(further to the power in article 27) acquire compulsorily the land belonging to statutory(a)undertakers shown on the land plan within the limits of the land to be acquired anddescribed in the book of reference;

extinguish the rights of, remove or reposition the apparatus belonging to statutory(b)undertakers where such apparatus is anywhere within the Order limits notwithstandingthat repositioning may be outside of the Order limits; and

(further to the power in article 28) acquire compulsorily the new rights over land(c) belonging to statutory undertakers described in the book of reference and indicated onthe land plan.

Part 1 of Schedule 16 ( provision for the protection of specified undertakers ) applies to the(1) power in article 41(1) (b) .

Without prejudice to article 41(1)(b) the following provisions (4) and (5) shall apply in(2)relation to apparatus of statutory undertakers not falling within article 41(1)(b).

Subject to the following provisions of this paragraph, sections 271 to 274 of the 1990 Act(3)(power to extinguish rights of statutory undertakers, etc and power of statutory undertakers etc toremove or re-site apparatus) shall apply in relation to land falling outside of the Order limits whereit is necessary for the purposes of the authorised project to extinguish the rights of statutoryundertakers or to remove or reposition the apparatus belonging to the statutory undertakers, and allsuch other provisions of that Act as apply for the purposes of those provisions (including sections275 to 278, which contain provisions consequential to the extinguishment of any rights under


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sections 271 and 272, and sections 279(2) to (4), 280 and 282, which provide for the payment of compensation) shall have effect accordingly.

In the provisions of the 1990 Act as applied by paragraph (1), references to the appropriate(4)Minister are references to the Secretary of State.

Apparatus and rights of statutory undertakers in stopped-up streets —a) Where a street is stopped up under article 13 ( stopping up of streets ), any statutory42.

utility whose apparatus is under, in, on, along or across the street shall have the same powersand rights in respect of that apparatus, subject to the provisions of this article, as if this Order had not been made.

Where a street is stopped up under article 13, any statutory utility whose apparatus is under,(1)in, on, over, along or across the street may, and if reasonably requested to do so by the undertaker shall—

remove the apparatus and place it or other apparatus provided in substitution for it in(a)such other position as the utility may reasonably determine and have power to place it;or

provide other apparatus in substitution for the existing apparatus and place it in such(b) position as described in sub-paragraph (a).

Subject to the following provisions of this article, the undertaker shall pay to any statutory(2)utility an amount equal to the cost reasonably incurred by the utility in or in connection with—

the execution of the relocation works required in consequence of the stopping up of the(a)street; and

the doing of any other work or thing rendered necessary by the execution of the(b)relocation works.

If in the course of the execution of relocation works under paragraph (2)— (3)

apparatus of a better type, of greater capacity or of greater dimensions is placed in(a)

substitution for existing apparatus; or apparatus (whether existing apparatus or apparatus substituted for existing apparatus) is(b)

placed at a depth greater than the depth at which the existing apparatus was, and the placing of apparatus of that type or capacity or of those dimensions or the placing of apparatus at that depth, as the case may be, is not agreed by the undertaker, or, in defaultof agreement, is not determined by arbitration to be necessary, then, if it involves cost inthe execution of the relocation works exceeding that which would have been involved if the apparatus placed had been of the existing type, capacity or dimensions, or at theexisting depth, as the case may be, the amount which, apart from this paragraph, would

be payable to the statutory utility by virtue of paragraph (3) shall be reduced by theamount of that excess.

For the purposes of paragraph (4)— (4)

an extension of apparatus to a length greater than the length of existing apparatus shall(a)not be treated as a placing of apparatus of greater dimensions than those of the existingapparatus; and

where the provision of a joint in a cable is agreed, or is determined to be necessary, the(b)consequential provision of a jointing chamber or of a manhole shall be treated as if italso had been agreed or had been so determined.

An amount which, apart from this paragraph, would be payable to a statutory utility in(5)respect of works by virtue of paragraph (3) (and having regard, where relevant, to paragraph (4))shall, if the works include the placing of apparatus provided in substitution for apparatus placedmore than 7 years and 6 months earlier so as to confer on the utility any financial benefit bydeferment of the time for renewal of the apparatus in the ordinary course, be reduced by the

amount which represents that benefit.


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Paragraphs (3) to (6) shall not apply where the authorised project constitutes major highway(6)works, major bridge works or major transport works for the purposes of Part 3 of the 1991 Act,

but instead—

the allowable costs of the relocation works shall be determined in accordance with(a)section 85 of that Act (sharing of cost of necessary measures) and any regulations for the

time being having effect under that section; andthe allowable costs shall be borne by the undertaker and the statutory utility in such(b)

proportions as may be prescribed by any such regulations.

In this article— (7)

“apparatus” has the same meaning as in Part 3 of the 1991 Act;

“relocation works” means work executed, or apparatus provided, under paragraph (2); and

“statutory utility” means a statutory undertaker for the purposes of the 1980 Act or a publiccommunications provider as defined in section 151(1) of the Communications Act 2003( v).

Schedule 16 (provision for the protection of specified undertakers) applies to this article.(8)

Recovery of costs of new connections

—a) Where any apparatus of a public utility undertaker or of a public communications43. provider is removed under article 41 ( statutory undertakers ) any person who is the owner or occupier of premises to which a supply was given from that apparatus shall be entitled torecover from the undertaker compensation in respect of expenditure reasonably incurred by that

person, in consequence of the removal, for the purpose of effecting a connection between the premises and any other apparatus from which a supply is given.

Paragraph (1) shall not apply in the case of the removal of a public sewer but where such a(1)sewer is removed under article 41, any person who is—

the owner or occupier of premises the drains of which communicated with that sewer; or (a)

the owner of a private sewer which communicated with that sewer,(b)

shall be entitled to recover from the undertaker compensation in respect of expenditure reasonablyincurred by that person, in consequence of the removal, for the purpose of making the drain or sewer belonging to that person communicate with any other public sewer or with a privatesewerage disposal plant.

This article shall not have effect in relation to apparatus to which article 42 ( apparatus and (2)rights of statutory undertakers in stopped up streets ) or Part 3 of the 1991 Act applies.

In this paragraph— (3)

“public communications provider” has the same meaning as in section 151(1) of theCommunications Act 2003( w); and

“public utility undertaker” has the same meaning as in the 1980 Act.

Time limit for exercise of authority to acquire land compulsorily

—a) After the end of the period of 10 years beginning with the day on which this Order is44.made—

no notice to treat shall be served under Part 1 of the 1965 Act; and(a)

no declaration shall be executed under section 4 of the Compulsory Purchase (Vesting(b)Declarations) Act 1981( x) as applied by article 33 ( application of the Compulsory

Purchase (Vesting Declarations) Act 1981 ).


) 2003 c.21. There are amendments to this Act which are not relevant to this Order.

(w ) 2003 c.21; there are amendments to section 151 that are not relevant to this Order.

(x) 1981 c.66.


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The authority conferred by article 34 ( temporary use of land for carrying out the authorised (1) project ) shall cease either at the end of the period referred to in paragraph (1) or, if longer, at theend of the period as stated in article 34(3), whichever is the longer, save that nothing in this

paragraph shall prevent the undertaker remaining in possession of land after the end of that period,if the land was entered and possession was taken before the end of that period.

Private rights of way

—a) Subject to the provisions of this article, all private rights of way over land subject to45.compulsory acquisition under this Order shall be extinguished—

as from the date of acquisition of the land by the undertaker, whether compulsorily or by(a)agreement; or

as from the date of entry on the land by the undertaker under section 11(1) of the 1965(b)Act( y) (power of entry),

whichever is the earlier.

Subject to the provisions of this article, all private rights of way over land owned by the(1)

undertaker which, being within the limits of land which may be acquired shown on the land plan,is required for the purposes of this Order shall be extinguished on the appropriation of the land bythe undertaker for any of those purposes.

Subject to the provisions of this article, all private rights of way over land of which the(2)undertaker takes temporary possession under this Order shall be suspended and unenforceable for as long as the undertaker remains in lawful possession of the land.

Any person who suffers loss by the extinguishment or suspension of any private right of way(3)under this article shall be entitled to compensation to be determined, in case of dispute, under Part1 of the 1961 Act.

This article does not apply in relation to any right of way to which section 138 of the 2008(4)Act (extinguishment of rights, and removal of apparatus, of statutory undertakers etc.) or article 41( statutory undertakers ) applies.

Paragraphs (1) to (3) shall have effect subject to— (5)

any notice given by the undertaker before— (a)

the completion of the acquisition of the land,(i)

the undertaker’s appropriation of it,(ii)

the undertaker’s entry onto it, or (iii)

the undertaker’s taking temporary possession of it,(iv)

that any or all of those paragraphs shall not apply to any right of way specified in thenotice; and

any agreement made at any time between the undertaker and the person in or to whom(b)

the right of way in question is vested or belongs.If any such agreement as is referred to in paragraph (6)(b)— (6)

is made with a person in or to whom the right of way is vested or belongs; and(a)

is expressed to have effect also for the benefit of those deriving title from or under that(b) person,

it shall be effective in respect of the persons so deriving title, whether the title was derived beforeor after the making of the agreement.

Public rights of navigation

—a) Subject to paragraphs (3) and (4), the public right of navigation shall be:46.

(y) Section 11 is amended by section 34 of, and Schedule 4 to the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 (c.67), section 3 of, andSchedule 1 to the Housing (Consequential Provisions) Act 1985 (c.71) and S.I. 2009/1307.


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temporarily suspended in relation to each area specified in column (4) of Schedule 12(a)(the public rights of navigation to be affected by the authorised project ) and as shown onthe access plans, for the purposes of constructing the work listed at column (3) of Schedule 12; and

permanently extinguished in relation to each area specified in column (5) of Schedule 12(b)

and as shown on the access plans.The public right of navigation over parts of the River Thames within [x – DRAFTING(1)

NOTE, DISCUSSIONS ARE ONGOING WITH THE PLA ] metres of the Order limits may betemporarily suspended with the written consent of the Port of London Authority (such consent notto be unreasonably withheld or delayed).

The undertaker shall give not less than [x ] – DRAFTING NOTE, DISCUSSIONS ARE(2)ONGOING WITH THE PLA] business days’ notice to the Port of London Authority of its

proposed date of the suspension or extinguishment of the public right of navigation further to paragraph (1) or (2).

Subject to paragraph (3) Upon issue by the undertaker of a notice in accordance with(3) paragraph (3), and upon the issue of a notice to mariners, published by the Port of London

Authority (such notice not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed), the suspension or extinguishment of the public right of navigation further to paragraphs (1) or (2) of this article shalltake effect on the date specified in athe notice to mariners to be published by the Port of LondonAuthority (such notice not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed) .

[The undertaker may not exercise the powers under paragraph 1(a) of this article after the(4)acceptance date.]

Rights under or over streets and city walkways

—a) The undertaker may enter onto and appropriate use so much of the subsoil of, or 47.air-space over, any street or city walkway within the Order limits as may be required for the

purposes of the authorised project and may use the subsoil or air-space for those purposes or any

other purpose ancillary to the authorised project .Subject to paragraph (3), the undertaker may exercise any power conferred by paragraph (1)(1)

in relation to a street or city walkway without being required to acquire any part of the street or city walkway or any easement or right in the street or city walkway.

Paragraph (2) shall not apply in relation to— (2)

any subway or underground building; or (a)

any cellar, vault, arch , projection, or other construction in, on or under a street which(b)forms part of a building fronting onto the street.

Subject to paragraph (5), any person who is an owner or occupier of land appropriated which(3)is entered onto and used under paragraph (1) without the undertaker acquiring any part of that

person’s interest in the land, and who suffers loss as a result, shall be entitled to compensation to

be determined, in case of dispute, under Part 1 of the 1961 Act.Compensation shall not be payable under paragraph (4) to any person who is an undertaker (4)

to whom section 85 of the 1991 Act (sharing cost of necessary measures) applies in respect of measures of which the allowable costs are to be borne in accordance with that section.

[The undertaker shall as soon as reasonably practicable and in any case no later than 14 days(5) before entering the subsoil or airspace, serve notice of the use under this article, on the owner and/or occupier of the subsoil or airspace proposed to be used, and such notice shall beaccompanied by plans showing in sufficient detail the subsoil and airspace to be used under thisarticle and upon written request the undertaker shall supply a copy of such notice and plans to thelocal authority and (if different) the local highway authority.]

[If at any time following the use pursuant to paragraph (1) the subsoil or airspace is no(6)

longer required to be used under this article for the purposes of the authorised project:


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—a) Before Save in respect of exempt applications, before granting planning permission51.for development to which this article applies, a local relevant planning authority must consult theundertaker.

This article applies to development which— (1)

prior to the authorised project being brought into use, would be wholly or partly either— (a)

in respect of the locations of proposed tunnels which will form part of the(i)authorised project, within the construction phase safeguarding zone and at a depth of 10 or more metres below existing ground level; and/or

in respect of all other parts of the authorised project, within the construction phase(ii)safeguarding zone;

after the authorised project has been brought into use, would be wholly or partly within(b)either—

wholly or partly within 6 metres (measured in any direction) of any tunnel forming(i)

part of the authorised project (measured from the inside face of the tunnel on thehorizontal and vertical axes through the centre point of the tunnel such that the areasubject to this provision is the area falling within the square defined by thosehorizontal and vertical parameters) ; or

wholly or partly within 10 metres (measured horizontally) of the outside structural(ii)surface of any shaft or other underground structure forming part of the authorised

project but not falling within (b)(i); or

in all other cases, is in the reasonable opinion of the relevant local planning(iii)authority, having regard to the guidelines provided by the undertaker further to

paragraph (3) below, likely to adversely affect the authorised project or itsoperational integrity

Paragraph 2(b) is conditional upon the undertaker providing to the relevant local planning(2)authority—

notice of bringing the authorised project into use;(a)

‘as built’ drawings of the tunnels and other below ground structures forming part of the(b)authorised project within th ate local relevant planning authority’s area; and

a set of guidelines to which the relevant local planning authority can have regard in the(c)discharge of its obligation under paragraph 2(b)(iii).

In the event that the relevant local planning authority, in discharging its duty under (3) paragraph (2)(b)(iii) of this article and having had regard to the guidelines issued under paragraph3(c), is uncertain as to the reasonable likelihood of adverse effects on the authorised project or itsoperational integrity, then the relevant local planning authority shall be under a duty to comply

with paragraph (5) as if the development for which planning permission has been applied for fallswithin paragraph (2)(b).

Where this article requires a local relevant planning authority to consult the undertaker before(4)granting planning permission—

they must give the undertaker notice of the application for planning permission (unless(a)the applicant has served a copy of the application on the undertaker), and

they may not determine the application before the end of the period of 21 days beginning(b)with , beginning two working days after the relevant planning authority has sent thenotice to the undertaker by first class post, which will be deemed to be the date on whichthe undertaker receives the notice or copy of the application.

But ana relevant planning authority may determine an application during that period if the(5)

undertaker has— made representations to the relevant planning authority about the application, or (a)


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notified the relevant planning authority that it does not intend to make representations.(b)

In determining an application for planning permission a local relevant planning authority(6)must take into account any representations received in accordance with this article.

The requirement to consult under this article shall be a local land charge.(7)

In this article— (8)“construction phase safeguarding zone” means the area of land comprising the oOrder limitsand the 6 metres of land immediately adjacent to either side of the Order limits;

“relevant local planning authority” means exempt applications” means an application for planning permission which relates to development that: (i) consists of an alteration to anexisting building, or the change of use of an existing building or land; and (ii) does notinvolve, or is not likely to involve any construction engineering or other operations belowexisting ground level; and (iii) is demonstrated by the party applying for such planning

permission to the reasonable satisfaction of the relevant planning authority, as not being likelyto breach the guidelines referred to at paragraph 3(c) of this article;

“relevant planning authority” means, for the purposes of this article, the planning authority inreceipt of an application for planning permission to which this article applies; and

“operation” includes the testing and commissioning of the proposal development.

Provisions for protection of specified undertakers

—(1) Schedule 16 ( provisions for protection of specified undertakers ) to this Order has52.effect.

Discharge of requirements etc.

—a) Save as provided otherwise by this Order, schedule 17 ( procedure for discharge of 53.requirements etc. and appeals ) shall have effect in relation to all consents, agreements,approvals or notices granted, refused or withheld in relation to:

the requirements set out in Schedule 3 ( requirements );(a)

any document referred to in any requirement set out in Schedule 3( requirements ); and(b)

the functions of the local authority set out in Sections 60 and/or 61 of the Control of (c)Pollution Act 1974;

(subject to an election by the Licence Holder further to paragraph 4 of part 1 of Schedule(d)15) the licence conditions in the deemed marine licence set out in Schedule 15 ( deemedmarine licence );

the protective provisions set out in Schedule 16 ( provisions for the protection of (e)

specified undertakers ).Save for applications made pursuant to paragraph 1 of Schedule 17 (procedure for discharge(1)

of requirements etc. and appeals) , if, within 28 days (unless another period is provided for by thisOrder) after the application or request required or contemplated by any of the provisions of theOrder has been submitted to the authority or owner, it has not notified the undertaker of itsdisapproval and the grounds of disapproval, it shall (unless the parties have agreed otherwise) bedeemed to have approved refused the application or request and save as otherwise provided for bythis order the applicant in each case may appeal further to paragraph 4 of schedule 17 .

Where an application is made to or request is made of the relevant planning authority, a(2)highway authority, a street authority or the owner of a watercourse, sewer or drain, for anyconsent, agreement, approval or notice required or contemplated by any of the provisions of theOrder such consent, agreement or approval shall, if given, be given in writing and shall not beunreasonably withheld.


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Removal of consent requirements

Schedule 18 (removal of consent requirements) to this Order, which makes provision for 54.the removal of consent requirements under Section 150 of the 2008 Act in relation to the

provisions of this Order and otherwise for the purposes of this Order, shall have effect.

Application, disapplication and modification of legislative provisions

Part 1 of Schedule 19 (miscellaneous controls) to this Order, which makes provision55.applying, modifying and excluding statutory provisions which relate to matters for which

provision may be made by this Order, has effect.

Amendment of local legislation

—a) The Subject to any other provisions of this Order, the local enactments specified in56.Part 2 of Schedule 19, and any byelaws or other provisions made under any of those enactments,are hereby excluded and do not apply insofar as inconsistent with a provision of, or the exercise

of a power conferred by, this Order.InThe effect of paragraph (1) is to ensure, in particular, that a power conferred by this Order (1)

may be exercised despite, and without having regard to, a provision made by or by virtue of aspecified enactment, or any other provision of local application, that—

requires or permits a specified road, path, passage, bridge, parapet, fence or other place(a)or structure to be kept open or maintained generally or in a specified manner,

requires or permits the provision and maintenance of lights or other apparatus or (b)structures generally or in a specified manner,

prohibits or restricts (or imposes conditions or penalties on or in relation to) the(c)obstruction or removal of, or the causing of damage to, a specified place or structure (or class of places or structures),

prohibits or restricts (or imposes conditions on or in relation to) the erection of (d)structures, or the undertaking of other works, in a specified place or structure (or class of

places or structures),

permits or requires a specified place or structure to be closed,(e)

makes provision about the conduct of persons using a specified walkway or other place(f)or structure (or class of places or structures) whether by prohibiting or restrictingmovement (of persons, vehicles or animals) or otherwise,

specifies a minimum or maximum depth for, or otherwise restricts or imposes conditions(g)in relation to, the laying of pipes or the carrying out of any other works,

prohibits the laying of pipes or the carrying out of any other works generally or without(h)the consent of a specified person,

makes provision about the construction or maintenance of, or any other matter relating(i)to, pipes, drains or other means of connecting with sewers,

prohibits or restricts interference with the banks or bed of, or traffic on, the River (j)Thames, or

in any other way would or might apply in relation to anything done, or omitted to be(k)done, in the exercise of a power conferred by this Order.

For the purposes of paragraph (1) a provision is inconsistent with the exercise of a power (2)conferred by this Order if and insofar as (in particular)—

it would make it an offence to take action, or not to take action, in pursuance of a power (a)conferred by this Order;


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action taken in pursuance of a power conferred by this Order would cause the provision(b)to apply so as to enable a person to require the taking of remedial or other action or so asto enable remedial or other action to be taken;

action taken in pursuance of a power or duty under the provision would or might(c)interfere with the exercise of any work authorised by this Order.

Where any person notifies the undertaker in writing that anything done or proposed to be(3)done by the undertaker under or by virtue of this Order would amount to a contravention of astatutory provision of local application, the undertaker must as soon as reasonably practicable, andat any rate within 14 days of receipt of the notice, respond in writing setting out-

whether the undertaker agrees that the action taken or proposed does or would contravene(a)the provision of local application,

if the undertaker does agree, the grounds (if any) on which the undertaker believes that(b)the provision is excluded by this Article, and

the extent of that exclusion.(c)

Application of pipe subways legislation

56A. - (1) Where in the course of the authorised project any part of public service works vested inthe Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London in accordance with PartV of the City of London (Various Powers) Act 1900 is removed, disassembled ordamaged and later reinstated, Part V of the 1900 Act (as amended) shall apply to thereinstated part of the works as if it had been constructed by the said Mayor andCommonalty and Citizens in accordance with that Part of that Act

(2) Where in the course of the authorised project any part of a subway belonging to theMayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London and to which the LondonCounty Council (Subways) Act 1893 applies is removed, disassembled or damaged andlater reinstated, the reinstated part of the subway shall vest in the said Mayor andCommonalty and Citizens and the 1893 Act (as amended) shall apply to the reinstated

part of the subway as if it had existed at the passing of that Act.(3) Where in the course of the authorised project any new pipe subway is constructed in the

City of London (not being a reinstatement of part of a subway removed, disassembled ordamaged in the course of the authorised project), Part V of the City of London (VariousPowers) Act 1900 (as amended) shall apply to the subway as if it was public serviceworks constructed by the Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London inaccordance with that Part of that Act.

(4) For the purposes of paragraph (2), “ pipe subway” means any culvert, tube, receptacle orgallery under the surface of a street with the necessary approaches thereto adapted forthe proper reception of pipes and wires placed therein; and for the purposes of this

paragraph, “ pipe” means any pipe, main, valve, tube, or channel, and “wire” means anywire, conductor or cable and any attachment thereto or any covering or protection

thereof.(5) Part V of the City of London (Various Powers) Act 1900 or (as the case may be) theLondon County Council (Subways) Act 1893 shall not cease to apply to any publicservice works or (as the case may be) subway to which either Act applies prior to thecommencement of the authorised project, and shall not fail to apply to any reinstatementor replacement thereof in the course of the authorised project, by virtue of the fact thatland counted as a “street” for the purpose of either Act ceases so to be counted as aresult of the exercise of a power conferred by this Order.

Certification of plans etc

—a) The undertaker shall, as soon as practicable after the making of this Order, submit to57.the Secretary of State copies of—

the land plans;(a)


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the access plans;(b)

the works plans and sections;(c)

the approved plans;(d)

the book of reference; and(e)

[any other plans or documents referred to in this Order, ](f)for certification that they are true copies of the plans or documents referred to in this Order.

A plan or document so certified shall be admissible in any proceedings as evidence of the(1)contents of the document of which it is a copy.

Meaning of Secretary of State

The Secretary of State shall mean the Secretary of State for Communities and Local58.Government and the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, save that for the purposes of the following articles it shall mean the Secretary of State stated (or hissuccessor)—

Article 9 ( transfer of benefit ) - the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural(a) Affairs;

Article 23 ( human remains ) - the Secretary of State for Justice;(b)

Article 46 ( public rights of navigation ) - the Secretary of State for Communities and(c)Local Government; and

Schedule 17, paragraph 4 ( appeals ) - the Secretary of State for Communities and Local(d)Government.


Any difference under any provision of this Order (other than a difference which falls to be59.determined by the tribunal) shall, unless otherwise provided for in this Order and unlessotherwise agreed between the parties, be referred to and settled by a single arbitrator to beagreed between the parties or, failing agreement, to be appointed on the application of either

party (after giving notice in writing to the other) by : the President of the Institution of CivilEngineers.

in the case of matter pertaining to land and surveying of such land, the President of the(a)Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors;

in the case of matters pertaining to archaeology, the President of the Institute of Field(b)Archaeologists;

in the case of matters of legal interpretation, the President of the Law Society;(c)

in the case of all other matters, the President of the Institution of Civil Engineers.(d)

Signed by authority of the Secretary of State[Name of Secretary of State]

[●] [●] 201[●] Department of [●]


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SCHEDULE 1 Article 3



A nationally significant infrastructure project as defined in sections 14 and 29(1A) of the PlanningAct 2008 (as amended) (‘the Act’) comprising the works described in column (1) of the table


Associated development within the meaning of section 115(2) of the Act including the worksdescribed in column (2) of the table below.


Works comprising a nationally significantinfrastructure project as defined in sections 14

and 29(1A) of the Act


Works comprising associated developmentwithin the meaning of section 115(2) of the Act

Work Nos. 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 2a, 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b, 5a,5b, 6a, 7, 8a, 9a, 10a, 10b, 11a, 11b, 12a, 12b,13a, 14a, 14b, 15a, 15b, 16a, 16b, 17a, 19a, 20,21a, 22a, 23a, 24a, and 2 64a.

These works are marked with an asterisk in thedescription below.

Work Nos. 2b, 3c, 4c, 5c, 5d, 6b, 8b, 8c, 9b,10c, 11c, 12c, 13b, 14c, 15c, 16c, 17b, 18, 19b,21b, 22b, 23b, 23c, 24b, 25, 26 b and 27.

The description set out in this Schedule is subject to article 2(4) of this Order.

In the London Boroughs of Ealing, Hounslow, Hammersmith and Fulham,Richmond-upon-Thames and Wandsworth, the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea,

the London Borough of Lambeth, the City of Westminster and the City of London, and theLondon Boroughs of Southwark, and Lewisham, the Royal Borough of Greenwich and theLondon Boroughs of Tower Hamlets and Newham


*Work No. 1a Main tunnel (west): A tunnel with an internal diameter of 6.5 metres and6950 metres in length between Acton Storm Tanks main tunnel shaft(Work No. 2a) and Carnwath Road Riverside main tunnel shaft (Work No.6a).

*Work No. 1b Main tunnel (west central): A tunnel with an internal diameter of 7.2

metres and 5000 metres in length between Carnwath Road Riverside maintunnel shaft (Work No. 6a) and Kirtling Street main tunnel shaft (Work No. 13a).


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*Work No. 1c Main tunnel (east central): A tunnel with an internal diameter of 7.2 metresand 7670 metres in length between Kirtling Street main tunnel shaft (Work

No. 13a) and Chambers Wharf main tunnel shaft (Work No. 19a).

*Work No. 1d Main tunnel (east): A tunnel with an internal diameter of 7.2 metres and5520 metres in length between Chambers Wharf main tunnel shaft (Work

No. 19a) and Abbey Mills Pumping Station main tunnel shaft (Work No.26a).

In the London Borough of Ealing


*Work No. 2a: Acton Storm Tanks main tunnel shaft – A shaft with an internal diameter of 15 metres and a depth (to invert level) of 31 metres.

Work No. 2b: Acton Storm Tanks associated development - Works to intercept and

divert flow from the Acton Storm Relief CSO to the Acton Storm Tanksmain tunnel shaft (Work No. 2a) and into main tunnel (west) (Work No.1a), including the following above and below ground works and structures:

(i) decommissioning, partial demolition and infilling of two existing stormtanks;

(ii) modification and partial demolition of existing above ground overflowweir chamber;

(iii) demolition and subsequent rebuilding of boundary wall and fencealong south-west boundary of the Acton Storm Tanks site;

(iv) works to establish a main tunnel reception site;

(v) construction of an interception chamber, hydraulic structures, chamberswith access covers and other structures including culverts, pipes and ductsto modify, connect, control, ventilate, de-aerate, and intercept flow;

(vi) temporary modifications (including installation of pumpingequipment) to existing storm tanks during the construction of Works Nos.2a and 2b;

(vii) works to isolate and by-pass the remaining four storm tanks from theexisting system;

(viii) construction of structures for air management plant and equipment,including filters, fans, ventilation columns and acoustic attenuationchambers and associated ducts and other chambers;

(ix) construction of pits, chambers, ducts and pipes for cables, hydraulic pipelines, utility connections, utility diversions and drainage, includingfacilities for drainage attenuation;

(x) construction of a temporary access point off Warple Way andsubsequent reinstatement to original highway layout;

(xi) construction of a permanent access off Canham Road;


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(xii) modifications to junction of Canham Road and Stanley Gardens, andCanham Road and Warple Way;

(xiii) works to strengthen carriageway to Canham Road, Stanley Gardensand Warple Way;

(xiv) works for the management of traffic entering and leaving the car park to the south-west of the site accessed off Warple Way; and

(xv) provision of temporary noise enclosure over Work No. 2a, areas for storage of construction materials including temporary enclosures andworkshops, concrete batching plant, fixed and mobile cranage, provisionof power supplies and other utilities including temporary buildings andother means of enclosure, office and welfare facilities and installations andequipment for monitoring the construction activity with associatedinstallation of a tunnel lining.

In the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham


*Work No. 3a: Hammersmith Pumping Station CSO drop shaft - A shaft with an internaldiameter of 11 metres and a depth (to invert level) of 33 metres.

*Work No. 3b: Hammersmith connection tunnel - A tunnel between HammersmithPumping Station CSO drop shaft (Work No. 3a) and the main tunnel(west) (Work No. 1a).

Work No. 3c: Hammersmith Pumping Station associated development - Works to

intercept and divert flow from the Hammersmith Pumping Station CSO tothe Hammersmith Pumping Station CSO drop shaft (Work No. 3a) andinto the Hammersmith connection tunnel (Work No. 3b) including thefollowing above and below ground works and structures:

(i) demolition or modification of existing screen house;

(ii) demolition and subsequent rebuilding of boundary wall betweenHammersmith Pumping Station and the adjacent development site;

(iii) construction of a new secondary dry weather flow pumping station;

(iv) construction of an interception chamber, hydraulic structures,chambers with access covers and other structures including culverts, pipesand ducts to modify, connect, control, ventilate, de-aerate, and interceptflow;

(v) construction of structures for air management plant and equipment,including filters and ventilation columns and associated below groundducts and chambers;

(vi) construction of pits, chambers, ducts and pipes for cables, hydraulic pipelines, utility connections, utility diversions and drainage, includingfacilities for drainage attenuation;

(vii) construction of a penstock control panel;


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(viii) construction of temporary construction access from Distillery Roadand subsequent reinstatement to original layout;

(ix) construction of a permanent vehicle access off Distillery Road; and

(x) junction improvements to junction of Chancellor’s Road and DistilleryRoad.

In the London Borough s of Richmond-upon-Thames and Wandsworth


*Work No. 4a: Barn Elms CSO drop shaft - A shaft with an internal diameter of 6 metresand which has a depth (to invert level) of 34 metres.

*Work No. 4b: West Putney connection tunnel - A tunnel between Barn Elms CSO dropshaft (Work No. 4a) and the main tunnel (west) (Work No. 1a).

Work No. 4c: Barn Elms associated development - Works to intercept and divert flowfrom the West Putney Storm Relief CSO to the Barn Elms CSO drop shaft(Work No. 4a) and into the West Putney connection tunnel (Work No. 4b)including the following above and below ground works and structures:

(i) demolition and replacement of existing changing rooms at Barn ElmsSchool’s Sports Centre including works to car park;

(ii) formation of a construction vehicle access road to Queen ElizabethWalk (including suitable means of enclosure), to be subsequently rebuilt asa permanent access road, modifications to the existing sports track and

field facilities, diversion of the existing pedestrian access route to BarnElms Schools Sports Centre;

(iii) construction of an interception chamber, hydraulic structures,chambers with access covers and other structures including culverts, pipesand ducts to modify, connect, control, ventilate, de-aerate, and interceptflow;

(iv) construction of structures for air management plant and equipmentincluding filters and ventilation columns and associated below groundducts and chambers;

(v) construction of pits, chambers, ducts and pipes for cables, hydraulic pipelines, utility connections, utility diversions and drainage, includingfacilities for drainage attenuation;

(vi) construction of a permanent operational maintenance area, includinghardstanding, landscaping and raising existing ground levels; and

(vii) construction of an integrated electrical and control kiosk,incorporating a habitat enclosure and ventilation column.

In the London Borough of Wandsworth


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*Work No. 5a: Putney Embankment Foreshore CSO drop shaft - A shaft with internaldiameter of 6 metres and a depth (to invert level) of 36 metres.

*Work No. 5b: Putney Bridge connection tunnel - A tunnel between Putney EmbankmentForeshore CSO drop shaft (Work No. 5a) and the main tunnel (west)(Work No. 1a).

Work No. 5c: Putney Embankment Foreshore associated development - Works tointercept and divert flow from the Putney Bridge CSO to the PutneyEmbankment Foreshore CSO drop shaft (Work No. 5a) and into thePutney Bridge connection tunnel (Work No. 5b) including the followingabove and below ground works and structures:

(i) dredging and construction of a cofferdam including the placement of fill material, connection to the existing river wall and construction of a


(ii) partial demolition of existing river wall and construction of new river wall including connection to and alteration of the existing river wall toreclaim land and to enclose Work Nos. 5a and 5c(iv), and scour protectionworks, relocation of Putney Bridge CSO, and a new CSO outfall apron;

(iii) removal of existing CSO apron in the foreshore;

(iv) construction of an interception chamber, hydraulic structures,chambers with access covers and other structures including culverts, pipesand ducts to modify, connect, control, ventilate, de-aerate, and intercept


(v) construction of electrical and control kiosks;

(vi) works to the listed Putney Bridge including attaching the interceptionchamber (Work No. 5(c)(iv) to the bridge abutment including protection tothe underside of the bridge arch, installing ventilation ducts through thelisted bridge, and attaching ventilation column through the bridgestructure;

(vii) works to attach an electrical kiosk to the listed wall behindWaterman’s Green, including coming through the listed wall;

(viii) relocation and replacement of listed bollards;

(ix) construction of structures for air management plant and equipmentincluding filters and ventilation columns and associated below groundducts and chambers;

(x) construction of pits, chambers, ducts and pipes for cables, hydraulic pipelines, utility connections, utility diversions and drainage;

(xi) works for the protection and reinstatement of publicdrawdock/slipway;

(xii) construction of a new permanent access off the Embankment; and


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(xiii) temporary relocation of existing houseboat to the west of the existingPutney Pier including dredging, provision of associated mooring andaccess.

Work No. 5d: Putney Embankment Foreshore temporary slipway – Works to provide areplacement temporary slipway, including works to strengthen or supportthe existing river wall to the landward of the temporary slipway,demolition of part of the existing river wall and slipway and constructionof the temporary public slipway and its subsequent removal andreinstatement of land.

In the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham


*Work No. 6a: Carnwath Road Riverside main tunnel shaft - A shaft with an internaldiameter of 25 metres and a depth (to invert level) of 42 metres.

Work No. 6b: Carnwath Road Riverside associated development – Works to establish atunnel drive and reception site for use in constructing, connecting andoperating the main tunnel (west) (Work No. 1a) and the main tunnel (westcentral) (Work No. 1b), and the Frogmore connection tunnel (Work No.7), including the following above and below ground works and structures:

(i) demolition of existing buildings and ground preparation worksincluding land remediation;

(ii) demolition of existing boundary wall to Carnwath Road on Whiffinand Hurlingham Wharves and demolition of boundary wall between

Hurlingham Wharf and Carnwath Road Industrial Estate and partialrebuilding of wall for Whiffin Wharf and reinstatement aroundHurlingham Wharf;

(iii) strengthening and alteration of existing river wall to the south of Whiffin Wharf, and strengthening or replacing the existing river wall tothe south of Hurlingham Wharf and Carnwath Road Industrial Estate;

(iv) dredging and construction of a temporary jetty with campshed and/or campsheds adjacent to the river wall;

(v) provision of areas for assembly of plant and machinery, storage of construction materials and excavated materials including temporaryenclosures and workshops, concrete batching plant, fixed and mobilecraneage, plant and equipment for ground treatment and dewatering andfacilities and equipment for the processing of excavated materials fromshaft and tunnel excavation including silos, tanks and conveyors (with andwithout noise enclosures), provision of power supplies (includingsubstations) and other utilities including temporary buildings and other means of enclosure, office and welfare facilities and installations andequipment for monitoring the construction activity;

(vi) construction of a noise enclosure building(s) over Work No 6a for usein association with the construction of Work No. 1a;


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(vii) construction of pits, chambers, ducts and pipes for cables, hydraulic pipelines, utility connections, utility diversions and drainage, includingfacilities for drainage attenuation;

(viii) construction of a ventilation building to accommodate air management plant and equipment including filters and fans andconstruction of ventilation columns and acoustic attenuation chambers andassociated below ground ducts and chambers;

(ix) modifications to the Carnwath Road/Wandsworth Bridge Road junction and subsequent reinstatement to original layout;

(x) provision of construction accesses to Whiffin Wharf, HurlinghamWharf, and highway works site adjacent to Wandsworth Bridge Road;

(xi) construction of permanent access off Carnwath Road; and

(xii) construction of boundary wall between Hurlingham Wharf andWhiffin Wharf.

In the London Borough of Wandsworth


*Work No. 7: Frogmore connection tunnel - A tunnel with an internal diameter of 2.6 to3 metres and 1120 metres in length between Carnwath Road Riversidemain tunnel shaft (Work No. 6a) and King George’s Park CSO drop shaft(Work No. 9a).


*Work No. 8a: Dormay Street CSO drop shaft - A shaft with an internal diameter of 12metres and which has a depth (to invert level) of 24 metres.

Work No. 8b: Dormay Street associated development - Works to establish a tunnel drivesite for use in constructing and operating the Frogmore connection tunnel(Work No. 7), including the following above and below ground works andstructures:

(i) demolition of existing buildings and ground preparation worksincluding land remediation;

(ii) strengthening and alteration or replacement of the existing river wall tothe south of Bell Lane Creek and works to protect and/or strengthen theriver wall on the north side of Bell Lane Creek;

(iii) works for the protection of, or the relocation of, the existing electricitysub-station to the north of Bell Lane Creek;

(iv) provision of areas for assembly of plant and machinery, storage of construction materials and excavated materials including temporaryenclosures and workshops, concrete batching plant, fixed and mobilecraneage, plant and equipment for piling, ground treatment and dewateringand facilities and equipment for the processing of excavated materialsfrom shaft and tunnel excavation including silos, tanks and conveyors(with and without noise enclosures), provision of power supplies


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(including substations), office and welfare facilities and installations andequipment for monitoring the construction activity; and

(v) construction of temporary vehicle bridge over Bell Lane Creek.

Work No. 8c: Dormay Street associated development - Works to intercept and divertflow from the Frogmore Storm Relief – Bell Lane Creek CSO to theDormay Street CSO drop shaft (Work No. 8a) and into the Frogmoreconnection tunnel (Work No. 7) including the following above and belowground works and structures:

(i) construction of an interception chamber, hydraulic structures, chamberswith access covers and other structures including culverts, pipes and ductsto modify, connect, control, ventilate, de-aerate, and intercept flow;

(ii) construction of structures for air management plant and equipmentincluding filters and ventilation columns and associated below groundducts and chambers;

(iii) construction of an integrated electrical and control kiosk andventilation column;

(iv) construction of pits, chambers, ducts and pipes for cables, hydraulic pipelines, utility connections, utility diversions and drainage, includingfacilities for drainage attenuation;

(v) construction of new temporary access to the Causeway and subsequentreinstatement to original layout;

(vi) provision of construction access off Dormay Street;

(vii) construction of permanent vehicular access off Dormay Street; and

(viii) alterations to the junction of Dormay Street, The Causeway andArmoury Way.


*Work No. 9a: King George’s Park CSO drop shaft - A shaft with an internal diameter of 9 metres and a depth (to invert level) of 21 metres.

Work No. 9b: King George’s Park associated development - Works to intercept anddivert flow from the Frogmore Storm Relief – Buckhold Road CSO to theKing George’s Park CSO drop shaft (Work No. 9a) and into the Frogmoreconnection tunnel (Work No. 7), including the following above and belowground works and structures:

(i) removal of existing park gates and fencing;

(ii) construction of an interception chamber, hydraulic structures,chambers with access covers and other structures including culverts, pipesand ducts to modify, connect, control, ventilate, de-aerate, and interceptflow;

(iii) construction of structures for air management plant and equipmentincluding filters and ventilation columns and associated below groundducts and chambers;


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(iv) construction of integrated electrical and control kiosk and ventilationcolumns;

(v) construction of pits, chambers, ducts and pipes for cables, hydraulic pipelines, utility connections, utility diversions and drainage, includingfacilities for drainage attenuation;

(vi) construction of permanent access off Neville Gill Close;

(vii) construction of permanent pedestrian access off the junction of Buckhold Road and Neville Gill Close;

(viii) junction alterations at the junction of Buckhold Road and NevilleGill Close and subsequent reinstatement to original layout;

(ix) provision of depression for the purposes of flood mitigation; and

(x) construction of a permanent hardstanding area including raisingexisting ground levels.


*Work No. 10a: Falconbrook Pumping Station CSO drop shaft - A shaft with an internaldiameter of 9 metres which extends 1 metre above the proposed groundlevel and which has a depth (to invert level) of 40 metres (measured fromthe top of Work No. 10a).

*Work No.10b: Falconbrook connection tunnel - A tunnel between Falconbrook PumpingStation CSO drop shaft (Work No. 10a) and the main tunnel (west central)

(Work No. 1b).

Work No. 10c: Falconbrook Pumping Station associated development - Works to interceptand divert flow from the Falconbrook Pumping Station CSO to theFalconbrook Pumping Station CSO drop shaft (Work No. 10a) and intothe Falconbrook connection tunnel (Work No. 10b) including thefollowing above and below ground works and structures:

(i) demolition of existing screen house and disused public convenience toinclude the formation of new cover slabs on the existing substructure,demolition of boundary wall to Pumping Station compound andsubsequent rebuilding, removal of existing railings between York Gardensand York Road, and demolition of advertising screen;

(ii) construction of an interception chamber, hydraulic structures,chambers with access covers and other structures including culverts, pipesand ducts to modify, connect, control, ventilate, de-aerate, and interceptflow;

(iii) construction of structures for air management plant and equipmentincluding filters and ventilation columns and associated below groundducts and chambers;

(iv) construction of pits, chambers, ducts and pipes for cables, hydraulic pipelines, utility connections, utility diversions and drainage, includingfacilities for drainage attenuation;


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(v) relocation of existing Pumping Station compound vehicle access;

(vi) relocation of bus stop (including provision of new layby); and

(vii) construction of temporary accesses for construction from York Roadand subsequent reinstatement including revised pedestrian access layout.

In the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea


*Work No. 11a: Cremorne Wharf Depot CSO drop shaft – A shaft with an internaldiameter of 8 metres and a depth (to invert level) of 42 metres.

*Work No. 11b: Lots Road connection tunnel - A tunnel between Cremorne Wharf DepotCSO drop shaft (Work No. 11a) and the main tunnel (west central) (Work

No. 1b).

Work No. 11c: Cremorne Wharf Depot associated development – Works to intercept anddivert flow from the Lots Road Pumping Station CSO to the CremorneWharf Depot CSO drop shaft (Work No. 11a) and into the Lots Roadconnection tunnel (Work No. 11b) including the following above and

below ground works:

(i) demolition of existing depot building and associated structures;

(ii) works for the provision of a campshed including the dredging andrenovation of the existing campshed;

(iii) replacement or other works to protect or strengthen the existing flooddefence on the western boundary of the site;

(iv) construction of an interception chamber, hydraulic structures,chambers with access covers and other structures including culverts, pipesand ducts to modify, connect, control, ventilate, de-aerate, and interceptflow;

(v) construction of structures for air management plant and equipmentincluding filters and ventilation columns and associated below groundducts and chambers;

(vi) installation of electrical and control equipment within the listed LotsRoad Pumping Station including a below ground penetration through theexternal wall north-east elevation and modifications to the interior of the

pumping station, provision of a local control pillar outside the pumpingstation and replacement of or modification to an existing ventilationcolumn on the north-eastern elevation of the existing pumping station;

(vii) construction of pits, chambers, ducts and pipes for cables, hydraulic pipelines, utility connections, utility diversions and drainage, includingfacilities for drainage attenuation;

(viii) construction of replacement depot building and associated structuresto replace that demolished under paragraph (i) above following completionof Work Nos. 11a and 11b; and


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(ix) alterations of existing accesses from Lots Road and subsequentreinstatement.


*Work No. 12a: Chelsea Embankment Foreshore CSO drop shaft – A shaft with an internaldiameter of 12 metres and a depth (to invert level) of 45 metres.

*Work No. 12b: Ranelagh connection tunnel - A tunnel between Chelsea EmbankmentForeshore CSO drop shaft (Work No. 12a) and the main tunnel (westcentral) (Work No. 1b).

Work No. 12c: Chelsea Embankment Foreshore associated development - Works tointercept and divert flow from the Ranelagh CSO and connect the northernLow Level Sewer No.1 to the Chelsea Embankment Foreshore CSO dropshaft (Work No. 12a) and into the Ranelagh connection tunnel (Work No.12b) including the following above and below ground works:

(i) partial demolition of existing river wall and construction of new river wall including connection to and alteration of the existing river wall toreclaim land and to enclose Work Nos. 12a and 12c (iv), (v), (vi) and (vii)and scour protection works, relocation of existing CSO, and new CSOoutfall apron;

(ii) removal of existing CSO apron in foreshore;

(iii) dredging and construction of a cofferdam including the placement of fill material, connection to the existing river wall and construction of acampshed;

(iv) construction of an interception chamber, overflow weir chamber,hydraulic structures, chambers with access covers and other structuresincluding culverts, pipes and ducts to modify, connect, control, ventilate,de-aerate, and intercept flow;

(v) construction of structures for air management plant and equipmentincluding filters and ventilation columns and associated below groundducts and chambers;

(vi) construction of electrical and control equipment kiosks;

(vii) construction of pits, chambers, ducts and pipes for cables, hydraulic pipelines, utility connections, utility diversions and drainage;

(viii) provision of construction access from Chelsea Embankment andsubsequent reinstatement to original highway layout;

(ix) provision of permanent access from Chelsea Embankment;

(x) provision of temporary signalised pedestrian crossing and itssubsequent removal;

(xi) permanent relocation of existing pedestrian traffic island;

(xii) realignment of existing kerb line of the Bull Ring; and


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(xiii) removal and subsequent reinstatement of existing walls and railingsto frontage of Ranelagh Gardens, with new gate to provide access todiverted utilities.

In the London Borough of Wandsworth


*Work No. 13a: Kirtling Street main tunnel shaft – A shaft with an internal diameter of 30metres and a depth (to invert level) of 48 metres.

Work No. 13b: Kirtling Street associated development - Works to establish a main tunneldrive site for use in constructing, connecting and operating the main tunnel(west central) (Work No. 1b) and main tunnel (east central) (Work No.1c), including the following above and below ground works and structures:

(i) demolition of existing office and warehouse buildings and other

structures, to the north of Kirtling Street, to the north and south of CringleStreet and demolition of structures within Kirtling Wharf (also known asCringle Wharf) including existing concrete batching plant, offices andelectricity sub-station and ground preparation works including landremediation;

(ii) provision of a permanent concrete batching plant including conveyors,aggregate storage, silos, concrete plant, tanks, pits, offices and associatedstructures, and electricity substation at Kirtling Wharf;

(iii) dredging and construction of temporary jetty including conveyors withacoustic enclosures and works to protect or strengthen the existing river


(iv) provision of areas for assembly of plant and machinery, storage of construction materials and excavated materials including temporaryenclosures and workshops, concrete batching plant, fixed and mobilecraneage, plant and equipment for ground treatment and dewatering andfacilities and equipment for the processing of excavated materials fromshaft and tunnel excavation including silos, tanks and conveyors (with andwithout noise enclosures), provision of power supplies (includingsubstations), and other utilities including temporary buildings and other means of enclosure, office and welfare facilities and installations andequipment for monitoring the construction activity;

(v) construction of an acoustic enclosure building(s) over Work No. 13afor use in association with the construction of Work Nos. 1b and 1c;

(vi) construction of structures for air management plant and equipmentincluding filters and ventilation columns and associated below groundducts and chambers;

(vii) construction of electrical and control kiosks;

(viii) construction of pits, chambers, ducts and pipes for cables, hydraulic pipelines, utility connections, utility diversions and drainage, includingfacilities for drainage attenuation;


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(ix) provision of construction accesses off Cringle Street and subsequentreinstatement of original highway layout; and

(x) provision of a permanent access off Kirtling Street.


*Work No. 14a: South West Storm Relief CSO drop shaft – A shaft with an internaldiameter of 16 metres and a depth (to invert level) of 46 metres.

*Work No. 14b: Heathwall / South West Storm Relief connection tunnel - A tunnel between the South West Storm Relief CSO drop shaft (Work No. 14a) andthe main tunnel (east central) (Work No. 1c).

Work No. 14c: Heathwall Pumping Station associated development - Works to interceptand divert flow from the Heathwall Pumping Station CSO and South WestStorm Relief CSO to the South West Storm Relief CSO drop shaft (Work

No. 14a) and into the Heathwall / South West Storm Relief connectiontunnel (Work No. 14b), including the following above and below groundworks and structures:

(i) dredging and construction of a cofferdam including the placement of fill material, connection to the existing river wall and construction of acampshed;

(ii) works to protect or strengthen the existing river wall to the east andwest of Work No. 14(c)(i) and the existing Middle Wharf jetty , partialdemolition of existing river wall and construction of new river wallincluding connection to and alteration of the existing river wall to reclaim

land and to enclose Work No. 14c(iii), (iv) and (vi) and scour protectionworks, relocation of existing CSO, and new CSO outfall apron;

(iii) construction of interception chambers and Heathwall CSO drop shaft,hydraulic structures, chambers with access covers and other structuresincluding culverts, pipes and ducts to modify, connect, control, ventilate,de-aerate, and intercept flow;

(iv) construction of structures for air management plant and equipmentincluding filters and ventilation columns and associated below groundducts and chambers;

(v) provision of local control pillar;

(vi) construction of pits, chambers, ducts and pipes for cables, hydraulic pipelines, utility connections, utility diversions and drainage, includingfacilities for drainage attenuation;

(vii) temporary relocation of the Battersea Barge to the west including provision of associated mooring and access; and

(viii) alterations to existing accesses on Nine Elms Lane and subsequentreinstatement to original highway layout.


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In the London Borough of Lambeth


*Work No. 15a: Albert Embankment Foreshore CSO drop shaft – A shaft with an internaldiameter of 16 metres and a depth (to invert level) of 48 metres.

*Work No. 15b: Clapham / Brixton connection tunnel – A tunnel between AlbertEmbankment Foreshore CSO drop shaft (Work No. 15a) and the maintunnel (east central) (Work No. 1c).

Work No. 15c: Albert Embankment Foreshore associated development - Works tointercept and divert flow from the Brixton Storm Relief CSO and theClapham Storm Relief CSO to the Albert Embankment Foreshore CSOdrop shaft (Work No. 15a) and into the Clapham / Brixton connectiontunnel (Work No. 15b) including the following above and below groundworks:

(i) partial demolition of existing river wall and construction of new river wall including connection to and alteration of the existing river wall toreclaim land and to enclose elements of Work No. 15c(vii), (ix) and (x)under and adjacent to the listed Vauxhall Bridge including protection of

bridge abutment and arch, and scour protection works including new CSOoutfall aprons, relocation of the existing Clapham Storm Relief CSO andBrixton Storm Relief CSO to form the new Effra CSO;

(ii) works to protect and strengthen the existing slipway and existing river wall;

(iii) partial demolition of existing river wall and construction of new river wall including connection to and alteration of the existing river wall toreclaim land and to enclose Work No. 15a and elements of Work No.15c(vi), (ix) and (x) to the north of Lacks Dock slipway and scour

protection works;

(iv) removal of existing CSO aprons and overflow structures (includingtimber dolphins and posts) in the foreshore;

(v) dredging and construction of cofferdam (relating to Works No. 15c(i))including the placement of fill material, connection to the existing river wall and construction of campsheds adjacent to cofferdam and temporaryramp from foreshore;

(vi) dredging and construction of cofferdam (relating to Works No.15c(iii)) including the placement of fill material, connection to the existingriver wall and construction of campsheds adjacent to cofferdam;

(vii) construction of an interception chamber, hydraulic structures,chambers with access covers and other structures including culverts, pipesand ducts to modify, connect, control, ventilate, de-aerate, and interceptflow;

(viii) works to the listed Vauxhall Bridge abutment and pier(s) inconnection with Work Nos. 15c(i), (v) and (vii);


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(ix) construction of structures for air management plant and equipmentincluding filters and ventilation columns and associated below groundducts and chambers;

(x) construction of electrical and control kiosks and local control pillars;

(xi) construction of pits, chambers, ducts and pipes for cables, hydraulic pipelines, utility connections, utility diversions and drainage;

[and either Option A]

(xii) works to create construction access from Albert Embankment via theexisting Lack’s Dock (including demolition of existing concrete wall and

planter on north side of Lack’s Dock) and subsequent reinstatement;

[or Option B]

(xii) works to create atwo new construction access es from AlbertEmbankment , between Camelford House and Tintagel House (includingdemolition of steps and boundary walls, and modifications to ramp to

basement car park to Camelford House) and subsequent reinstatement tooriginal layout , and additionally via the existing Lack’s Dock (includingdemolition of existing concrete wall and planter on north side of Lack’sDock) and subsequent reinstatement ;

(xiii) temporary relocation of existing vehicle control barrier and securitykiosk at entrance to Lack’s Dock from Albert Embankment and temporary

provision of traffic control measures; [Option A only] and

(xiv) provision of permanent access from Albert Embankment via Lack’sDock.

In the City of Westminster


*Work No. 16a: Victoria Embankment Foreshore CSO drop shaft – A shaft with an internaldiameter of 13 metres and a depth (to invert level) of 51 metres.

*Work No. 16b: Regent Street connection tunnel – A tunnel between Victoria EmbankmentForeshore CSO drop shaft (Work No. 16a) and the main tunnel (eastcentral) (Work No. 1c).

Work No. 16c: Victoria Embankment Foreshore associated development - Works tocontrol and divert flow from the northern Low Level Sewer No.1 to theVictoria Embankment Foreshore CSO drop shaft (Work No. 16a) and intothe Regent Street connection tunnel (Work No. 16b) including thefollowing above and below ground works:

(i) dredging and construction of cofferdam, including the placement of fillmaterial, connection to the existing river wall and construction of campsheds;

(ii) partial demolition of existing listed river wall and construction of newriver wall including connection to and alteration of the existing river wallto reclaim land and to enclose Work Nos. 16a and 16c(iii), (v), (vi) and


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(vii) and scour protection works, new Regent Street B CSO, and new CSOoutfall apron;

(iii) construction of an overflow weir chamber, hydraulic structures,chambers with access covers and other structures including culverts, pipesand ducts to modify, connect, control, ventilate, de-aerate, and interceptflow;

(iv) removal and subsequent reinstatement of existing listed featuresincluding lamp standards and benches;

(v) construction of structures for air management plant and equipmentincluding filters and ventilation columns and associated below groundducts and chambers;

(vi) construction of electrical and control kiosks;

(vii) construction of pits, chambers, ducts and pipes for cables, hydraulic

pipelines, utility connections, utility diversions and drainage includingreinstatement of pipe subway;

(viii) provision of construction access from Victoria Embankment andsubsequent reinstatement to original layout;

(ix) provision of permanent access from Victoria Embankment;

(x) removal of a section of central reservation and its subsequentre-instatement;

(xi) removal of existing mooring for the Tattershall Castle attached to

listed wall (and associated access ramps), construction and use of a newtemporary and permanent mooring ( ramped over listed wall) to the south,and the construction and use of a new permanent mooring for a permanentlymoored for a vessel ramped over listed wall to the south of Work No. 16c(ii) ,and means of access for both attached to the listed wall including access

brows, bank seats and gangways , guide piles, mooring chains and anchorsfixed to the river bed, construction dredging and associated sheet piling toaccommodate the relocated vessel in both the permanent and temporarylocations for the vessel ;

(xii) temporary removal and then reinstatement of the service mooring /service pontoon to the south east of the junction of Victoria Embankmentand Horse Guards Avenue including guide piles ;

(xiii) permanent removal of service mooring / service pontoon to the northof the junction of Victoria Embankment and Horse Guards Avenue; and

(xiv) construction of amenity buildings.

In the City of London


*Work No. 17a: Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore CSO drop shaft – A shaft with an internaldiameter of up to 24 metres and a depth (to invert level) of 53 metres.


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Work No. 17b: Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore associated development – Works to interceptand divert flow from the Fleet Main CSO and connect the northern LowLevel Sewer No.1 to the Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore CSO drop shaft(Work No.17a) and into the main tunnel (east central) (Work No. 1c),including the following above and below ground works:

(i) demolition of the existing Blackfriars Millennium Pier (includingassociated ramps, steps, and offices adjacent to the Pier) and relocation tothe east of Blackfriars Bridge, including dredging and associated sheet

piled wall, a new pontoon (including enclosed waiting area and associatedoffice accommodation) and means of access including access brows, bank seats and gangways;

(ii) removal of section of wall to the north of Work No. 17b(i) andconstruction of pedestrian gate for emergency services access to therelocated pier;

(iii) dredging and construction of a cofferdam including the placement of fill material, connection to the existing listed river wall, and protection tolisted Blackfriars Road Bridge;

(iv) partial demolition of existing listed and non-listed river wall andconstruction of new river wall including connection to and alteration of theexisting river wall to reclaim land and to enclose Work Nos. 17a and17b(v), (xi), (xii), and (xiii) and scour protection works, relocation of FleetMain CSO, and a new CSO outfall apron;

(v) construction of an interception chamber, overflow weir chamber,hydraulic structures, chambers with access covers and other structures

including culverts, pipes and ducts to modify, connect, control, ventilate,de-aerate, and intercept flow;

(vi) demolition of existing west bound Victoria Embankment on-slip rampand its subsequent reconstruction;

(vii) removal of existing mooring for the President including pontoon andmeans of access over listed river wall, including access brows, bank seats andgangways, and subsequent reinstatement after construction of Work Nos.17a and 17b , and modification to the (save for this reinstatement) including

pontoon. and means of access over listed river wall including access brows, bank seats and gangways, guide piles, mooring chains and anchorsfixed to the river bed and dredging and associated sheet piling toaccommodate the vessel. Construction of a temporary mooring atChrysanthemum Pier to accommodate the President, includingmodification to the existing mooring or its demolition and construction ofa new mooring; including means of access over listed river wall, includingaccess brows, bank seats and gangways to accommodate the temporarymooring of the President ; mooring chains and anchors fixed to the river

bed, and dredging and associated sheet piling to accommodate therelocated vessel; and reinstatement of existing mooring at ChrysanthemumPier after construction of Work Nos. 17a and 17b (save for thisreinstatement) ;

(viii) works to the listed Blackfriars Road Bridge to remove andsubsequently relocate the existing stairs from the Thames Path and subwayand Blackfriars Road Bridge on the west side of the bridge;


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(ix) works to the listed Blackfriars Road Bridge to remove the existingstairs on the east side of the bridge and provision of replacement stairs andlift from the existing Thames Path up to Blackfriars Road Bridge;

(x) removal and reinstatement of listed features including lamp standardsand benches;

(xi) construction of structures for air management plant and equipmentincluding filters and ventilation columns and associated below groundducts and chambers;

(xii) construction of electrical and control kiosks;

(xiii) construction of pits, chambers, ducts and pipes for cables, hydraulic pipelines, utility connections, utility diversions and drainage;

(xiv) provision of temporary access from Victoria Embankment and

subsequent reinstatement to original layout;

(xv) provision of permanent access from Victoria Embankment;

(xvi) construction of amenity building(s); and

(xvii) works to reprovide access to public toilets and sports club.

In the London Borough of Southwark


Work No. 18: Shad Thames Pumping Station upgrade - works to the existing ShadThames Pumping Station including:

(i) demolition of existing three storey facilities building and adjacentsuspended ground floor slab, and boundary wall and construction of newelectrical switchgear and facilities building including new ventilationcolumn and construction of new boundary wall;

(ii) demolition of existing suspended ground floor slab and excavationwithin the existing pumping station and provision of structures to createarea for new pumps and associated mechanical and electrical equipmentand alterations to the external appearance of the pumping station building;

(iii) modifications to existing sewers and the provision of new pumpingmain including chambers and ducts within Maguire Street and GainsfordStreet;

(iv) construction of pits, chambers, ducts and pipes for cables, hydraulic pipelines, utility connections, utility diversions and drainage, includingfacilities for drainage attenuation; and

(v) construction of new permanent access to Maguire Street and works tocreate a turning head at the junction of Shad Thames and Maguire Street,and subsequent reinstatement of original highway layout.


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*Work No. 19a: Chambers Wharf main tunnel shaft – A shaft with an internal diameter of 25 metres and which has a depth (to invert level) of 58 metres.

Work No. 19b: Chambers Wharf associated development – Works to establish a maintunnel drive and reception site for use in constructing, connecting andoperating the main tunnel (east central) (Work No. 1c) and main tunnel(east) (Work No. 1d) and the Greenwich connection tunnel (Work No. 20)including the following above and below ground works and structures:

(i) demolition of existing river wall and part of existing jetty, dredging andconstruction of cofferdam including fluvial training walls and the

placement of fill material and new river wall and flood defence wall onremaining sections of jetty, works to replace, protect, or strengthen theexisting river wall to the west of Fountain Green Square, and ground

preparation works including land remediation;

(ii) demolition of existing underground structures, removal of demolitionarisings, and ground preparation works including land remediation;

(iii) demolition of existing electricity substation and construction of newtemporary building to accommodate relocated substation, and all necessaryutility connections;

(iv) provision of areas for assembly of plant and machinery, storage of construction materials and excavated materials including temporaryenclosures and workshops, concrete batching plant, fixed and mobilecraneage, plant and equipment for ground treatment and dewatering and

facilities and equipment for the processing of excavated materials fromshaft and tunnel excavation including silos, tanks and conveyors (with andwithout noise enclosures), provision of power supplies (includingsubstations) and other utilities including temporary buildings and other means of enclosure, office and welfare facilities and installations andequipment for monitoring the construction activity;

(v) construction of structures for air management plant and equipmentincluding filters and ventilation column(s) and associated below groundducts and chambers;

(vi) construction of a noise enclosure building(s) over Work No. 19a for use in association with the construction of Work No. 1d;

(vii) construction of electrical and control kiosks;

(viii) construction of pits, chambers, ducts and pipes for cables, hydraulic pipelines, utility connections, utility diversions and drainage, includingfacilities for drainage attenuation;

(ix) construction of temporary access from Chambers Street andsubsequent reinstatement and permanent means of access from LoftieStreet and hard standing area including means of enclosure and changes toexisting ground levels; and

(x) works to the highway at Bevington Street to provide pedestriancrossing.


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In the London Boroughs of Southwark and Lewisham and the Royal Borough of Greenwich


*Work No. 20: Greenwich connection tunnel – A tunnel with an internal diameter of 5.0metres and 4610 metres in length between Chambers Wharf main tunnelsite (Work No. 19a) and Greenwich Pumping Station CSO drop shaft(Work No. 23a).

In the London Borough of Lewisham


*Work No. 21a: Earl Pumping Station CSO drop shaft – A shaft with an internal diameter of 17 metres (which extends 3 metres above the proposed ground level)and which has a depth (to invert level) of 51 metres (measured from thetop of Work No. 21a).

Work No. 21b: Earl Pumping Station associated development – Works to intercept anddivert flow from the Earl Pumping Station CSO to the Earl PumpingStation CSO drop shaft (Work No. 21a) and into the Greenwichconnection tunnel (Work No. 20) including the following above and belowground works and structures:

(i) demolition of existing industrial buildings and office building andassociated structures, weighbridge and other structures including boundarywall, and ground preparation works including land remediation;

(ii) construction of an interception chamber, hydraulic structures,

chambers with access covers and other structures including culverts, pipesand ducts to modify, connect, control, ventilate, de-aerate, and interceptflow;

(iii) construction of brown roof and parapet wall over the top of Work No.21a and valve chamber forming part of Work No. 21b (ii);

(iv) construction of structures for air management plant and equipment andassociated ducts and chambers on top of Work No. 21a;

(v) construction of other structures for air management plant andequipment including filters and ventilation columns and associated belowground ducts and chambers;

(vi) construction of pits, chambers, ducts and pipes for cables, hydraulic pipelines, utility connections, utility diversions and drainage, includingfacilities for drainage attenuation;

(vii) provision of new construction access from Yeoman Street andsubsequent reinstatement of original highway layout;

(viii) construction of a temporary and then permanent access from CroftStreet; and

(ix) modification of existing access on Chilton Grove.


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*Work No. 22a: Deptford Church Street CSO drop shaft – A shaft with an internal diameter of 17 metres and a depth (to invert level) of 48 metres.

Work No. 22b: Deptford Church Street associated development – Works to intercept anddivert flow from the Deptford Storm Relief CSO to the Deptford ChurchStreet CSO drop shaft (Work No. 22a) and into the Greenwich connectiontunnel (Work No. 20) including the following above and below groundworks and structures:

(i) demolition of existing wall;

(ii) construction of an interception chamber, hydraulic structures,chambers with access covers and other structures including culverts, pipesand ducts to modify, connect, control, ventilate, de-aerate, and interceptflow;

(iii) construction of structures for air management equipment includingfilters and ventilation columns and associated below ground ducts andchambers;

(iv) construction of electrical and control kiosks;

(v) construction of pits, chambers, ducts and pipes for cables, hydraulic pipelines, utility connections, utility diversions and drainage, includingfacilities for drainage attenuation;

(vi) construction of temporary and then permanent access from Coffey

Street and Crossfield Street;

(vii) temporary alterations to highway layout of Crossfield Street toinclude formation of school fire assembly point; and

(viii) works to carriageway of Deptford Church Street, temporaryrelocation of existing pedestrian crossing and bus stops on DeptfordChurch Street, closure of bus lanes and removal of the central reservation.

In the Royal Borough of Greenwich


*Work No. 23a: Greenwich Pumping Station CSO drop shaft – A shaft with an internaldiameter of 17 metres (which extends 1 metre above the proposed groundlevel) and which has a depth (to invert level) of 46 metres (measured fromthe top of Work No. 23a).

Work No. 23b: Greenwich Pumping Station associated development - Works to create atunnel drive site for use in constructing and operating the Greenwichconnection tunnel (Work No. 20), including the following above and

below ground works and structures:

(i) demolition of existing industrial buildings and other structures, worksto protect or strengthen the existing river wall, and ground preparationworks including land remediation;


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In the London Borough of Tower Hamlets


*Work No. 24a: King Edward Memorial Park CSO drop shaft – A shaft with an internaldiameter of 20 metres and a depth (to invert level) of 60 metres.

Work No. 24b: King Edward Memorial Park Foreshore associated development – Worksto intercept and divert flow from the North East Storm Relief Sewer CSOto the King Edward Memorial Park Foreshore drop shaft (Work No. 24a)and to the main tunnel (east) (Work No. 1d), including the followingabove and below ground works and structures:

(i) demolition of existing park maintenance buildings and other structures;

(ii) dredging and construction of a cofferdam including fluvial trainingwalls and the placement of fill material, connection to the existing river

wall and construction of a campshed;

(iii) removal of existing CSO apron in the foreshore;

(iv) partial demolition of existing river wall and construction of new river wall including connection to and alteration of the existing river wall toreclaim land and to enclose Work Nos. 24a and 24b(vi), (vii) and (viii),scour protection works, relocation of existing CSO, and new CSO outfallapron;

(v) works to protect or strengthen the existing river wall;

(vi) construction of an interception chamber, hydraulic structures,chambers with access covers and other structures including culverts, pipesand ducts to modify, connect, control, ventilate, de-aerate, and interceptflow;

(vii) construction of structures for air management equipment includingfilters and ventilation columns and associated below ground ducts andchambers;

(viii) construction of electrical and control kiosk and local control pillar;

(ix) construction of pits, chambers, ducts and pipes for cables, hydraulic pipelines, utility connections, utility diversions and drainage;

(x) construction of temporary and then permanent access from GlamisRoad;

(xi) removal of the existing band stand;

(xii) demolition of existing children’s playground and construction of new playground within the park; and

(xiii) refurbishment of existing multi-sports area.


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Work No. 25: Bekesbourne Street sewer modifications associated development – worksto modify the existing sewer including a chamber with approximateinternal dimensions of 4.6 metres by 5 metres and an approximate depth(to invert level) of 8 metres to allow introduction of hydraulic structureswithin the sewer, installation of an electrical and control kiosk andventilation column including provision of ducts, including construction of

pits, chambers, ducts and pipes for cables, hydraulic pipelines, utilityconnections, utility diversions and drainage, and temporary relocation of existing lamp posts and CCTV camera.

In the London Borough of Newham


*Work No. 26a: Abbey Mills Pumping Station main tunnel shaft – A shaft with an internal

diameter of 20 metres and a depth (to invert level) of 66 metres and provisionof connection to the Lee Tunnel shaft ‘G’ – works to the existing AbbeyMills Pumping Station shaft ‘G’ and the connection to Abbey MillsPumping Station shaft ‘F’ .

Work No. 26b: Abbey Mills Pumping Station associated development – Works toestablish a main tunnel reception site for use in constructing, connectingand operating the main tunnel (east) (Work No. 1d), including thefollowing above and below ground works and structures:

(i) provision of temporary footbridge over Prescott Channel;

(ii) construction of structures for air management equipment, includingfilters, ventilation columns and structures, and associated ducts andchambers, above Work No. 26a, and ducts to connect to the existing LeeTunnel equipment;

(iii) construction of electrical and control kiosk;

(iv) construction of pits, chambers, ducts and pipes for cables, hydraulic pipelines, hardstanding areas, utility connections, utility diversions anddrainage, including facilities for drainage attenuation;

(v) provision of areas for storage of construction materials includingtemporary enclosures and workshops, concrete batching plant, fixed andmobile craneage, provision of power supplies (including substations) andother utilities including temporary buildings and other means of enclosure,office and welfare facilities and installations and equipment for monitoringthe construction activity with associated installation of tunnel lining; and

(vi) provision of fencing or other means of enclosure.


Work No. 27: Beckton Sewage Treatment Works associated development – modifications to the sewage treatment works to cater for sewage flowsfrom the Thames Tideway Tunnel Project, including:


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(i) construction of works above and below ground to transfer flows fromthe Tideway Pumping Station to the inlet works of the sewage treatmentworks;

(ii) installation of additional equipment at the inlet works; and

(iii) construction of a siphon tunnel inlet shaft with an internal diameter of 9 metres and which has a depth (to invert level) of 32 metres (whenmeasured from the top of Work No. 27(iii));

(iv) construction of a siphon tunnel outlet shaft with an internal diameter of 7 metres (which extends 3 metres above the proposed ground level) andwhich has a depth (to invert level) of 31 metres (when measured from thetop of Work No. 27(iv);

(v) construction of a siphon tunnel with superstructure above the siphoninlet shaft between the siphon tunnel inlet and outlet shafts; and

(vi) construction of pits, chambers, culverts, ducts and pipes for cables,hydraulic pipelines, utility connections, utility diversions and drainage,including facilities for drainage attenuation.

And in connection with Work Nos. 1 to 27

And in connection with Work Nos. 1 to 27, to the extent that they do not otherwise form part of any such work, the following further works, being associated development within the meaning of section 115(2) of the Act, including:-

(a) establishment of temporary construction areas at each works site to include, as necessary, sitehoardings/means of enclosure, demolition and site clearance (including of existing walls, fences,

planters, and other buildings and other above and below ground structures), provision of services,including telecommunications, water and power supplies (including substations) including meansof enclosure, and ground preparation works including land remediation and groundwater de-watering;

(b) provision of hardstanding areas, welfare/office accommodation, workshops and stores, storageand handling areas, facilities for and equipment for processing of excavated materials, treatmentenclosures and other temporary facilities, plant, cranes, machinery, temporary bridges andaccesses, and any other temporary works required;

(c) in connection with Work Nos. 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 23, 24 and 26 the

provision of temporary moorings (including dolphins) and other equipment and facilities for temporary use by barges, pontoons and other floating structures and temporary works platformsand apparatus (including as necessary piling for support of such structures) for use in constructionof those works, and works for the strengthening and protecting of river walls and other flood

protection defences;

(d) temporary removal of coach and car parking bays and creation of temporary replacement coachand car-parking as required and temporary footpath diversions;

(e) restoration of temporary construction areas, works to restore and make safe temporary work sites and work areas, including (as necessary) removal of hardstanding areas, temporary structuresand other temporary works and works to re-establish original ground levels;

(f) works to trees;


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(g) works to create temporary or permanent landscaping, including drainage and floodcompensation, finished ground levels, means of enclosure, and reinstatement / replacement of, or construction of, boundary walls and fences including gates;

(h) formation of construction vehicle accesses and provision of temporary gated or other siteaccesses and other works to streets;

(i) diversions (both temporary and permanent) of existing traffic and pedestrian access routes andsubsequent reinstatement of existing routes, and works to create permissive rights of way;

(j) modifications of existing accesses, railings and pedestrian accesses;

(k) relocation of existing bus stops and provision of temporary bus lay-bys;

(l) construction of new temporary and permanent moorings and piers, including access brows, bank seats, gangways and means of access;

(m) permanent and temporary works for the benefit or protection of land or structures affected bythe authorised project (including protective works to buildings and other structures, and works for the monitoring of buildings and structures);

(n) temporary landing places, moorings or other means of accommodating vessels in theconstruction and/or maintenance of the authorised project;

(o) provision of buoys, beacons, fenders and other navigational warning or ship impact protectionworks; and

(p) such other works as may be necessary or expedient for the purposes of or in connection withthe construction of the authorised project which do not give rise to any materially new or

materially different environmental effects from those assessed in the Environmental Statement .;(q) such other works as may be necessary or expedient for the purposes of or in connection withthe maintenance of the authorised project which do not give rise to any materially new ormaterially different environmental effects from those assessed in the Environmental Statement.


At the Shad Thames Pumping Station:

(a) modifications to the existing pumps and provision of new internal pipe work; and

(b) provision of new pumps.

At the Beckton Sewage Treatment Works:

(a) installation of pumps and associated equipment and power supply within Tideway PumpingStation;

(b) installation of electrical equipment in existing building;



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(a) works within the existing sewers, chambers and culverts and other structures that comprise theexisting sewerage network for the purposes of enabling the authorised project, includingreconfiguring, modifying, altering, repairing, strengthening or reinstating the existing network;

(b) works within existing pumping stations including structural alterations to the interior fabric of the pumping station(s), works to reconfigure existing pipework, provision of new pipework, new

penstock valves and associated equipment, modification of existing electrical, mechanical andcontrol equipment, and installation or provision of new electrical, mechanical and controlequipment;

(c) installation of electrical, mechanical and control equipment in other buildings and kiosks andmodification to existing electrical, mechanical and control equipment in such buildings andkiosks;

(d) installation of pumps in chambers and buildings;

(e) works to trees and landscaping works not comprising development;

(f) works associated with monitoring of buildings and structures;

(g) provision of construction traffic signage; and

(h) suspension of existing moorings and the relocation of boats/vessels including works to attachmooring structures and equipment to the boats/vessels .


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Drawing title Sheet Number Drawing Number Works plan and section Sheet 42 DCO-WP-000-ZZZZZ-010043Works plan and section Sheet 43 DCO-WP-000-ZZZZZ-010044Works plan and section Sheet 44 DCO-WP-000-ZZZZZ-010045Works plan and section Sheet 45 DCO-WP-000-ZZZZZ-010046Works plan and section Sheet 46 DCO-WP-000-ZZZZZ-010047Works plan and section Sheet 47 DCO-WP-000-ZZZZZ-010048Works plan and section Sheet 48 DCO-WP-000-ZZZZZ-010049Works plan and section Sheet 49 DCO-WP-000-ZZZZZ-010050Works plan Sheet 50 DCO-WP-000-ZZZZZ-010051Works plan and section Sheet 51 DCO-WP-000-ZZZZZ-010052Works plan and section Sheet 52 DCO-WP-000-ZZZZZ-010053Works plan and section Sheet 53 DCO-WP-000-ZZZZZ-010054Works plan and section Sheet 54 DCO-WP-000-ZZZZZ-010055Works plan and section Sheet 55 DCO-WP-000-ZZZZZ-010056 – rev 1Works plan Sheet 56 DCO-WP-000-ZZZZZ-010057 – rev 1Works plan Sheet 57 DCO-WP-000-ZZZZZ-010058Works plan and section Sheet 58 DCO-WP-000-ZZZZZ-010059 – rev 1Works plan and section Sheet 59 DCO-WP-000-ZZZZZ-010060 – rev 1


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PART 2 Articles 27 and 28


Drawing title Sheet number Drawing number Land plan - Sheet location DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030001 – rev 2Land plan Sheet 1 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030002 – rev 1Land plan Sheet 2 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030003 – rev 1Land plan Sheet 3 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030004 – rev 12Land plan Sheet 4 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030005 – rev 12Land plan Sheet 5 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030006 – rev 12Land plan Sheet 6 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030007 – rev 12Land plan Sheet 7 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030008 – rev 12Land plan Sheet 8 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030009 – rev 12Land plan Sheet 10 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030010 – rev 13

Land plan Sheet 13 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030011 – rev 12Land plan Sheet 14 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030012 – rev 13Land plan Sheet 15 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030013 – rev 13Land plan Sheet 16 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030014 – rev 12Land plan Sheet 17 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030015 – rev 13Land plan Sheet 19 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030016 – rev 13Land plan Sheet 20 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030017 – rev 13Land plan Sheet 22 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030018 – rev 13Land plan Sheet 23 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030019 – rev 12Land plan Sheet 25 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030020 – rev 13Land plan Sheet 26 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030021 – rev 13Land plan Sheet 29 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030022 – rev 13

Land plan Sheet 31 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030023 – rev 13Land plan Sheet 32 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030024 – rev 12Land plan Sheet 33 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030025 – rev 14Land plan Sheet 35 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030026 – rev 13Land plan Sheet 36 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030027 – rev 14Land plan Sheet 37 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030028 – rev 13Land plan Sheet 38 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030029 – rev 12Land plan Sheet 39 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030030 – rev 12Land plan Sheet 40 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030031 – rev 12Land plan Sheet 41 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030032 – rev 12Land plan Sheet 42 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030033 – rev 1Land plan Sheet 43 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030034 – rev 1Land plan Sheet 44 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030035 – rev 1Land plan Sheet 45 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030036 – rev 1Land plan Sheet 46 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030037 – rev 1Land plan Sheet 47 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030038 – rev 12Land plan Sheet 48 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030039 – rev 12Land plan Sheet 49 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030040 – rev 12Land plan Sheet 51 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030041 – rev 12Land plan Sheet 52 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030042 – rev 12Land plan Sheet 53 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030043 – rev 12Land plan Sheet 54 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030044 – rev 12Land plan Sheet 55 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030045 – rev 13Land plan Sheet 56 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030046 – rev 13Land plan Sheet 57 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-030047 – rev 12

Crown and special category land plan - Sheet location DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-040001 – rev 2


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Drawing title Sheet number Drawing number Crown and special category land

planSheet 7 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-040002 – rev 12

Crown and special category land plan Sheet 8 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-040003 – rev 12

Crown and special category land plan Sheet 10 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-040004 – rev 13Crown and special category land

planSheet 13 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-040005 – rev 12

Crown and special category land plan Sheet 15 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-040006 – rev 13

Crown and special category land plan Sheet 16 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-040007 – rev 12

Crown and special category land plan

Sheet 17 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-040008 – rev 13

Crown and special category land plan Sheet 19 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-040009 – rev 13

Crown and special category land plan Sheet 23 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-040010 – rev 12Crown and special category land

planSheet 25 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-040011 – rev 13

Crown and special category land plan Sheet 26 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-040012 – rev 13

Crown and special category land plan Sheet 29 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-040013 – rev 13

Crown and special category land plan

Sheet 31 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-040014 – rev 13

Crown and special category land plan Sheet 32 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-040015 – rev 12

Crown and special category land

planSheet 33 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-040016 – rev 14

Crown and special category land plan

Sheet 35 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-040017 – rev 13

Crown and special category land plan Sheet 36 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-040018 – rev 13

Crown and special category land plan Sheet 38 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-040019 – rev 12

Crown and special category land plan

Sheet 39 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-040020 – rev 12

Crown and special category land plan Sheet 46 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-040021 – rev 1

Crown and special category land

planSheet 47 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-040022 – rev 12

Crown and special category land plan Sheet 49 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-040023 – rev 12

Crown and special category land plan Sheet 52 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-040024 – rev 12

Crown and special category land plan

Sheet 54 DCO-LP-000-ZZZZZ-040025 – rev 12


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PART 3 Articles 14 and 46


Drawing title Drawing number Acton Storm tanksAccess plan DCO-PP-02X-ACTST-050003

Hammersmith Pumping StationAccess plan DCO-PP-03X-HAMPS-060003

Barn ElmsAccess plan DCO-PP-04X-BAREL-070003

Putney Embankment Foreshore

Access plan DCO-PP-05X-PUTEF-080003 – rev 1Access plan – Temporary slipway DCO-PP-05X-PUTEF-080004

Carnwath Road RiversideAccess plan DCO-PP-06X-CARRR-090003

Dormay Street Access plan DCO-PP-08X-DRMST-100003

King George’s Park Access plan DCO-PP-09X-KNGGP-110003

Falconbrook Pumping StationAccess plan DCO-PP-10X-FALPS-120003

Cremorne Wharf Depot Access plan DCO-PP-11X-CREWD-130003

Chelsea Embankment ForeshoreAccess plan DCO-PP-12X-CHEEF-140003 – rev 1

Kirtling Street Access plan DCO-PP-13X-KRTST-150003

Heathwall Pumping StationAccess plan DCO-PP-14X-HEAPS-160003 – rev 12

Albert Embankment ForeshoreAccess plan DCO-PP-15X-ALBEF-170005 – rev 12

Victoria Embankment ForeshoreAccess plan DCO-PP-16X-VCTEF-180005 – rev 12

Blackfriars Bridge ForeshoreAccess plan DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190005 – rev 1

Shad Thames Pumping Station

Access plan DCO-PP-18X-SHTPS-200003


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PART 4 Article 3


Drawing title Sheet number Drawing number Acton Storm tanks

Demolition and site clearance 1 of 2 DCO-PP-02X-ACTST-050004Demolition and site clearance 2 of 2 DCO-PP-02X-ACTST-050005Site works parameter plan DCO-PP-02X-ACTST-050006

Hammersmith Pumping Station

Demolition and site clearance DCO-PP-03X-HAMPS-060004Site works parameter plan DCO-PP-03X-HAMPS-060005

Barn Elms

Demolition and site clearance 1 of 4 DCO-PP-04X-BAREL-070004Demolition and site clearance 2 of 4 DCO-PP-04X-BAREL-070005Demolition and site clearance 3 of 4 DCO-PP-04X-BAREL-070006Demolition and site clearance 4 of 4 DCO-PP-04X-BAREL-070007Site works parameter plan DCO-PP-04X-BAREL-070008

Putney Embankment Foreshore

Demolition and site clearance 1 of 3 DCO-PP-05X-PUTEF-080005

Demolition and site clearance 2 of 3 DCO-PP-05X-PUTEF-080006Demolition and site clearance 3 of 3 DCO-PP-05X-PUTEF-080007Site works parameter plan DCO-PP-05X-PUTEF-080008

Carnwath Road Riverside

Demolition and site clearance DCO-PP-06X-CARRR-090004Site works parameter plan DCO-PP-06X-CARRR-090005 – rev 1

Dormay Street

Demolition and site clearance DCO-PP-08X-DRMST-100004Site works parameter plan DCO-PP-08X-DRMST-100005

King George’s Park

Demolition and site clearance DCO-PP-09X-KNGGP-110004Site works parameter plan DCO-PP-09X-KNGGP-110005

Falconbrook Pumping Station

Demolition and site clearance 1 of 2 DCO-PP-10X-FALPS-120004Demolition and site clearance 2 of 2 DCO-PP-10X-FALPS-120005Site works parameter plan DCO-PP-10X-FALPS-120006 – rev 1

Cremorne Wharf Depot


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Drawing title Sheet number Drawing number Demolition and site clearance DCO-PP-11X-CREWD-130004 – rev 1Site works parameter plan DCO-PP-11X-CREWD-130005Listed structure interface – LotsRoad Pumping Station DCO-PP-11X-CREWD-130012 – rev 1

Chelsea Embankment Foreshore

Demolition and site clearance 1 of 2 DCO-PP-12X-CHEEF-140004Demolition and site clearance 2 of 2 DCO-PP-12X-CHEEF-140005Site works parameter plan DCO-PP-12X-CHEEF-140006 – rev 1

Kirtling Street

Demolition and site clearance DCO-PP-13X-KRTST-150004Site works parameter plan DCO-PP-13X-KRTST-150005 – rev 1

Heathwall Pumping Station

Demolition and site clearance DCO-PP-14X-HEAPS-160004Site works parameter plan DCO-PP-14X-HEAPS-160005

Albert Embankment Foreshore

Demolition and site clearance 1 of 2 DCO-PP-15X-ALBEF-170006Demolition and site clearance 2 of 2 DCO-PP-15X-ALBEF-170007Site works parameter plan DCO-PP-15X-ALBEF-170008 – rev 1

Victoria Embankment Foreshore

Demolition and site clearance 1 of 2 DCO-PP-16X-VCTEF-180006Demolition and site clearance 2 of 2 DCO-PP-16X-VCTEF-180007 - rev 2Site works parameter plan DCO-PP-16X-VCTEF-180008 – rev 2Proposed landscape plan 2 of 2 DCO-PP-16X-VCTEF-180013 – rev 1

Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore

Demolition and site clearance 1 of 45 DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-1900 067 – rev 1Demolition and site clearance 2 of 45 DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-19000 76 – rev 1Demolition and site clearance 3 of 45 DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-19000 87 – rev 2Demolition and site clearance 4 of 45 DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-19000 98 – rev 1Demolition and site clearance 5 of 5 DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190009 – rev 1

Site works parameter plan DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190010 – rev 1Extent of loss of listed river wall 1 of 2 DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190022 – rev 1Extent of loss of listed river wall 2 of 2 DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190023

Shad Thames Pumping Station

Demolition and site clearance DCO-PP-18X-SHTPS-200004Site works parameter plan DCO-PP-18X-SHTPS-200005Proposed roof plan DCO-PP-18X-SHTPS-200007

Chambers Wharf

Demolition and site clearance DCO-PP-19X-CHAWF-210004Site works parameter plan DCO-PP-19X-CHAWF-210005Finished site levels DCO-PP-19X-CHAWF-210008


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Drawing title Sheet number Drawing number

Earl Pumping Station

Demolition and site clearance DCO-PP-21X-EARPS-220004Site works parameter plan DCO-PP-21X-EARPS-220005

Deptford Church Street

Demolition and site clearance DCO-PP-22X-DEPCS-230004Site works parameter plan DCO-PP-22X-DEPCS-230005

Greenwich Pumping Station

Demolition and site clearance 1 of 3 DCO-PP-23X-GREPS-240004 – rev 1Demolition and site clearance 2 of 3 DCO-PP-23X-GREPS-240005Demolition and site clearance 3 of 3 DCO-PP-23X-GREPS-240006Site works parameter plan DCO-PP-23X-GREPS-240007

King Edward Memorial Park Foreshore

Demolition and site clearance DCO-PP-24X-KEMPF-250004Site works parameter plan DCO-PP-24X-KEMPF-250005

Bekesbourne Street

Demolition and site clearance DCO-PP-25X-BEKST-260003Site works parameter plan DCO-PP-25X-BEKST-260004 – rev 1

Abbey Mills Pumping Station

Site works parameter plan DCO-PP-26X-ABMPS-270005 – rev 1

Beckton Sewage Treatment Works

Site works parameter plan DCO-PP-27X-BESTW-280003 – rev 1

Project wide

Ventilation column – Type A DCO-PP-9000-ZZZZZ-290001 – rev 1Ventilation column – Type B DCO-PP-9000-ZZZZZ-290002 – rev 1

Ventilation column – Type C DCO-PP-9000-ZZZZZ-290003 – rev 1

Drawings where only part of the drawing is for approval:

Drawing title Sheet number

Drawing number

Putney Embankment Foreshore

As existing listed structure interface – kiosk Drawing is for information save for themaximum extent of loss of listed structureswhich is for approval



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Drawing title Sheet number

Drawing number

Proposed listed structure interface – interception chamber Drawing is indicative save for the maximumextent of loss of listed structures which is for approval

DCO-PP-05X-PUTEF-080027 – rev 1

Victoria Embankment Foreshore

As existing and proposed detailed river elevation – impact on listed structureDrawing is illustrative save for the maximumextent of loss of listed structures which is for approval

DCO-PP-16X-VCTEF-180016 – rev 1

Proposed mooring access detailsDrawing is illustrative save for the detail of spanning the listed wall which is for approval

DCO-PP-16X-VCTEF-180027 –

rev 1

As existing and proposed detailed riverelevation – impact on listed structureDrawing is illustrative save for maximumextent of loss of listed structures which is forapproval

DCO-PP-16X-VCTEF-180047 – rev 1

Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore

As existing listed structure interface – bridgestairs (west)

Drawing is for information save for themaximum extent of loss of listed structureswhich is for approval


As existing listed structure interface – bridgestairs (east)Drawing is for information save for themaximum extent of loss of listed structureswhich is for approval


Permanent President mooring access plan andelevation

Drawing is illustrative save for the detail of spanning the listed wall which is for approval

DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190045 –

rev 1

Greenwich Pumping Station

Existing floor plan with extent of lossDrawing is for information save for themaximum extent of loss of listed structureswhich is for approval


As existing beam engine house south elevationwith extent of lossDrawing is for information save for themaximum extent of loss of listed structureswhich is for approval

DCO-PP-23X-GREPS-240020 –

rev 1


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Drawing title Sheet number

Drawing number

Listed building internal elevations with extentof lossDrawing is for information save for themaximum extent of loss of listed structureswhich is for approval

DCO-PP-23X-GREPS-240024 –

rev 1



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SCHEDULE 3 Article 3



——a) Where under any of the requirements the approval or agreement of the discharging1.authority or another person is required, that approval or agreement must be given in writing.

Where any requirement provides that the authorised project is to be carried out in accordance(1)with a document or the details approved by the discharging authority, the document or approveddetails shall be taken to include any amendments or revised documents or plans that maysubsequently be approved or agreed by the discharging authority, or other consent, agreement or approval of the discharging authority.

Where any requirement specifies “unless otherwise approved” or “unless otherwise agreed”(2)

by the discharging authority or requires the applicant to demonstrate the existence of exceptionalcircumstances such approval shall not be given or exceptional circumstances agreed except inrelation to minor or immaterial changes where it has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of thedischarging authority that the subject-matter of the approval sought or the undertaker's proposedresponse to exceptional circumstances is unlikely to give rise to any materially new or materiallydifferent environmental effects from those assessed in the Environmental Statement.

Subject to (2) where any requirement refers to a document or plan, that document or plan(3)shall be taken to be the version certified by the Secretary of State pursuant to the provisions of thisOrder.

Where site specific requirements specify ‘commencement of development’ they refer to the(4)commencement of development on that site only.

Where site specific requirements refer to Landscaping they refer to the zone within which(5)required landscaping would be located, identified on the site works parameter plans. Elsewhere,land restoration will be undertaken in accordance with Article 34(4) of the DCO.

Project wide requirements

The table below sets out the requirements for the Project as a whole — 2.

Title Ref Text

Interpretation /definitions

PW1 In this Schedule—

“Air Management Plan” means the document with referencenumber 7.14;“Approved plans” means those drawings listed at part 4 of Schedule 2 to the DCO;“CoCP Part A” means the Code of Construction Practice PartA: General Requirements (document reference number 7.19)as amended or varied by the CoCP Part B for each site;“CoCP Part B” means the Code of Construction Practice PartB: Site Specific Requirements (document reference number 7.19);“Design Principles” means the document with referencenumber 7.17;“Draft Project Framework Travel Plan” means the documentwith reference number 7.11;“Heritage Statement” means the document with referencenumber 5.3;


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“Highways Structures” means [x];“Overarching Archaeological WSI” means the OverarchingArchaeological Written Scheme of Investigation (documentreference number 7.13);

“relevant stakeholder” means any of the followingorganisations which may be relevant in the opinion of thelocal relevant planning authority depending on the nature of any proposed amendment to the Code of Construction Practiceto be considered for approval by the local relevant planningauthority: the Environment Agency, the local highwayauthority, Transport for London, the Port of London Authority,the Marine Management Organisation or The HistoricBuildings and Monuments Commission for England;“TfL” means Transport for London;

Time limits PW2 The authorised development must be commenced within 5 years

of the date of this Order.

Phasing of authoriseddevelopment – Project Wide

PW3 The proposed construction phasing of the authorised projectsetting out the sequence of works along the route of the ThamesTideway Tunnel numbered 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 7 and 20 shall be sentto the local relevant planning authorities for information, priortono later than two months before the commencement of development.

The works shall be undertaken in accordance with the proposedconstruction phasing.

Phasing of authoriseddevelopment – SiteSpecific

PW4 Prior No later than 2 months prior to the commencement of development of each of the work numbers 2 numbered 2 to 19and 21 to 27, the proposed phasing of the authorised project onthe site shall be submitted to the local relevant planning authorityfor information.

These details shall also include, for each part of the authorised project, the details of the body responsible for the undertaking of those works and the location and period of those works.

In so far as there are revisions to the construction phasing, theyshall be submitted to the local relevant planning authority for information only on an annual a quarterly basis.

The works shall be undertaken in accordance with the proposedconstruction phasing.

Drive strategy PW5 The tunnelling works that form part of the authoriseddevelopment shall be driven in the directions as set out below:

From To

1a Carnwath RoadRiverside

Acton Storm tanks

1b Kirtling Street Carnwath RoadRiverside


1c Kirtling Street Chambers Wharf

1d Chambers Wharf Abbey Mills PumpingStation

Work number

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CoCP Part A PW6 The works to construct the Thames Tideway Tunnel described inSchedule 1 shall be carried out in accordance with the Code of Construction Practice (Part A) subject to site specificamendments or variations through the approval of a revisedCode of Construction Practice (Part B), unless otherwise agreed

by the relevant local planning authority, in consultation withother relevant stakeholders.

[ Design Principles ][under review]

PW7 The works to construct the Thames Tideway Tunnel [Each of theworks described in Part 1 of Schedule 1 shall be carried out in

accordance with the Design Principles unless otherwiseapproved by the relevant local planning authority. ]

Air ManagementPlan

PW8 The authorised development shall be operated and maintained inaccordance with the Air Management Plan, unless otherwiseapproved by the Greater London Authority [DRAFTING NOTE- TO BE CONFIRMED] in consultation with the local relevant

planning authorities.

Prior to bringing the tunnel into use details of odourmanagement and monitoring for each site shall be submitted tothe relevant planning authority for information

Monitoring of and protective works tolisted buildings andstructures (includingfrom settlement)

PW9 1) Where monitoring of effects on any listed building or structure is proposed instrumentation and monitoring equipmentshall be temporarily attached in accordance with the principlesset out in section 3.7 of the Heritage Statement unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authority in consultationwith The Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England in advance of the equipment being attached .

2) Prior to undertaking any intrusive protective works or

mitigation which might affect the heritage significance of anyListed buildings or structures, either during construction or tomitigate the effects of construction, details of these works shall

be submitted to and approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The Historic Buildings andMonuments Commission for England.

3) The works will be done in accordance with the approveddetails unless otherwise agreed by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The Historic Buildings andMonuments Commission for England.

Built Heritagerecording

PW10 1) Prior to demolition or removal of the built heritage assets setout in appendix C of the Overarching Archaeological Written


Pumping Station

Chambers Wharf

7 Dormay Street King George’s Park 7 Dormay Street Carnwath Road



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Scheme of Investigation (WSI) a Site Specific ArchaeologicalWSI (which shall accord with the Overarching ArchaeologicalWSI) setting out how the asset shall be recorded shall besubmitted to and approved by the relevant local planning

authority in consultation with The Historic Buildings andMonuments Commission for England.2) The works to record the built heritage shall be undertaken inaccordance with the approved details unless otherwise agreed bythe relevant planning authority in consultation with The HistoricBuildings and Monuments Commission for England.

Signage for temporary footpathdiversion

PW11 1) Prior to implementing any temporary diversion of a publicright of way a scheme for temporary signage at points of changes in direction shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal planning authority in consultation with the relevanthighway authority. Any approved temporary diversions must be

publicised in order to give adequate notice to pedestrians andcyclists.2) The signs shall be erected and maintained as approvedthroughout the period of construction unless otherwise agreed bythe local relevant planning authority in consultation with therelevant highway authority.


PW12 A project wide heritage interpretation strategy shall bedeveloped and submitted to The Historic Buildings andMonuments Commission for England for approval within 12months of the start of construction, in accordance with theOAWSI and Design Principle HRTG.07. The Strategy will beimplemented at the site level through the landscaping details to

be submitted for the approval of the local relevant planningauthorities. The authorised development will be carried out inaccordance with the approved strategy unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authorities, inconsultation with The Historic Buildings and MonumentsCommission for England.

Excavated materialand waste

PW13 Excavated material and waste arising during construction of theauthorised development shall be managed in accordance withthe Excavated Material and Waste Commitments (document ref.XXXX). No amendments may be made to the [doc] other thanthose which are reasonably necessary as a result of changes inlegislation, guidance or the selection criteria for receptor sitesfor excavated material. The undertaker shall give written noticeof any such changes to the Environment Agency and anyrelevant planning authority.

Groundwater anddewateringmonitoring andmanagement

PW14 Groundwater and dewatering monitoring and management shall be carried out in accordance with the GroundwaterEnvironmental Management – Dewatering and MonitoringStrategy (document ref. XXXX). Any alterations to the strategyshall be submitted to, and agreed by, the Environment Agency.

Operational noise PW15 1) Prior to the commencement of the use of the Tunnel, a noise


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report shall be submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority at each site. This report shall demonstrate that baseline noise design rating levels for plant and machinery are[5dB (A)] below the typical background noise level , as defined

in BS 4142:1997, at the nearest residential receptor over theoperational period of the Plant.2) The works shall be carried out in accordance with theapproved details, unless otherwise approved by the relevant

planning authority

Site specific requirements

Acton Storm Tanks

The table below sets out the specific requirements for the Acton Storm Tanks site— 3.

Title Ref Text

CoCP Part B ACTST1 The authorised development works at this siteshall be carried out in accordance with the CoCPPart BA, as amended or varied by the CoCP PartB for this site , unless otherwise agreed with thelocal relevant planning authority in consultationwith other relevant stakeholders.

Detailed design approval for permanent above groundstructures

ACTST2 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of the ventilation column and ventilation structures,the design (including size, external appearanceand samples of materials) of these structures,which shall accord with the appropriate DesignPrinciples for this site and the Site WorksParameter Plan, shall be submitted to andapproved by the local relevant planning authority.

2) The authorised development shall be carriedout in accordance with the approved details,unless otherwise approved by the local relevant

planning authority.

Contaminated land ACTST3 1) Site specific remediation strategy

1. Work No. 2a shall not commence until a landquality assessment Unless agreed in writing by therelevant planning authority in consultation withthe Environment Agency no works shall beundertaken at this site (save for demolition ofexisting buildings, works in the highwayincluding site access, works to trees andinstallation of monitoring equipment) until thefollowing has been submitted to and a g ppr eoved

by the local relevant planning authority, inconsultation with the Environment Agency. This

should include the following components:a. a. A preliminary risk assessment and site


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investigation scheme which has identified:

(i) (i) all previous uses

(ii) (ii) potential contaminants associated with

those uses(iii) (iii) a conceptual model of the site indicatingsources, pathways and receptors

(iv) (iv) qualitative risk assessment of any potentially unacceptable risks arising fromcontamination at the site.

b. If specified by the preliminary risk assessmenta(v) proposed site investigation scheme , basedon the preliminary risk assessment to provide

providing information for a detailed quantitativeassessment of the risk to all receptors that may be

affected, including those off site. b. A remediation strategy which includes:

c. The results of the site investigation and the (i)detailed risk quantitative assessment referred to in(b) and, based on these, an of the risk

(ii) options appraisal and remediationstrategy giving full details of the remediationmeasures required and how they are to beundertaken.

d. (iii) A verification plan providing details of the

data that will be collected in order to demonstratethat the works set out in the remediation strategyin (c) are complete and identifying anyrequirements for long-term monitoring of

pollutant linkages, maintenance and arrangementsfor contingency action.

(iv) a programme for the submission ofelements detailed in 3 and 4.

2. The scheme shall be implemented asapproved. 2. The works shall be undertaken inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise agreed with the relevant planningauthority, in consultation with the EnvironmentAgency.

Verification report

3. APrior to completion of the works averification report demonstrating completion of works set out in the approved remediationstrategy and the effectiveness of the remediationshould be provided shall be submitted to andapproved by the relevant planning authority, inconsultation with the Environment Agency . Thereport should include results of sampling and

monitoring carried out in accordance with theapproved verification plan to demonstrate that the


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site remediation criteria have been met. It shouldalso include any plan ( a “long-term monitoringand maintenance plan ”) for long-term monitoringof pollutant linkages, maintenance and

arrangements for contingency action, as identifiedin the verification plan.

4. The long-term monitoring and maintenance plan should be implemented as approved unlessotherwise agreed with the relevant planningauthority, in consultation with the EnvironmentAgency .

(2) Unexpected contamination

5. If in undertaking any works on this site,

contamination not previously identified is foundto be present at the site, then unless otherwiseagreed by the local relevant planning authority, nofurther development or works shall be carried outin the part of the site in which the contaminationhas been identified until a remediation strategyhas been submitted to and approved in writing bythe relevant local planning authority, inconsultation with the Environment Agency. Theremediation works on this site shall be carried outin accordance with that remediation strategyunless otherwise approved in writing by thelocal relevant planning authority.

Archaeology ACTST4 Site specific archaeological WSI

1) Prior to undertaking any excavation a SiteSpecific Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) (which shall accord with theOverarching Archaeological WSI) shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with TheHistoric Buildings and Monuments Commissionfor England.

2) The archaeological works shall be undertakenin accordance with the Site SpecificArchaeological WSI and carried out by a suitablyqualified person or body.

Landscaping ACTST5 1) Before commencing construction of the permanent above ground structures, details of thelandscaping for this site shall be submitted to andapproved by the local relevant planning authority.Such details shall be in accordance with theindicative Landscape Plan (Drawing Nos.DCO-PP-02X-ACTST-050010 and

DCO-PP-02X-ACTST-050011) and the DesignPrinciples for this site.


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2) The landscaping details in paragraph 1 abovemust unless otherwise approved by thelocal relevant planning authority include details of all proposed hard and soft landscaping works,

including:location, number, species, size anda)

planting density of any proposed planting;cultivation, importing of materials and b)other operations to ensure plantestablishmentmonitoring and maintenance ;c)c) proposed finished ground levels;d)d) hard surfacing materials;e)e) minor structures such as furniture,f)refuse or other storage units, signs andlighting;f) implementation timetables for allg)landscaping works; andg) details of fencing/enclosuresh)vehicular and pedestrian access, parkingi)and circulation areas

proposed and existing functional services j)above and below ground, includingdrainage, power and communicationscables and pipelines, manholes andsupports;details of existing trees to be retainedk)

3) The authorised development shall be carriedout in accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority.

4) The approved landscape works shall be carriedout by suitably trained or qualified personnel to areasonable standard in accordance with therelevant recommendations of appropriate BritishStandards or other recognised codes of good


Replacement trees and shrubs45) If within a period of [five years] from the dateof the planting of any tree or shrub that tree orshrub , or any tree or shrub planted in replacementfor it is uprooted or destroyed or dies, another treeor shrub of the same species and size as thatoriginally planted shall be planted at the same

place, unless the local relevant planning authoritygives its written consent to any variation.

Construction TrafficManagement Plan

ACTST6 1) Work no. 2a shall not commence until a trafficmanagement plan (which shall accord with theCoCP) shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation


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with Transport for London.

2) The development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority, in consultation with Transport for London.

Travel Plan ACTST7 1) Work no. 2a shall not commence until asite-specific construction workforce travel plan inaccordance with the Draft Project Framework Travel Plan has been submitted to and approved

by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with TfL.2) The approved travel plan(s) shall beimplemented from the commencement of

development of work no. 2a and shall continue to be in place for the duration of the constructionworks, unless otherwise approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultationwith TfL.

Junction layout and other highway works

ACTST8 Junction changes1) Before carrying out works to the CanhamRoad/Stanley Gardens junction, the details of those works shall be submitted to and approved

by the local highway authority. Road Strengthening 2) Before carrying out road strengthening worksto the Canham Road, the details of those worksshall be submitted to and approved by the localhighway authority.

Footpath widening

3) Prior to undertaking works to widen the publicfootpath along the Canham Road frontage detailsof these works shall be submitted to and approved

by the local highway authority.4) The works shall be completed prior to thecommencement of the use of the Tunnel.5) The authorised highway works under

paragraphs 1 to 4 shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local highwayauthority.

Specification of accesses(operational and construction)

ACTST9 1) Before alterations are made to any existingaccess or any new access is provided, details of the design of such alterations or new accessesshall be submitted to and approved by the localhighway authority and any such works shall be

completed prior to the commencement of their use.


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2) The works shall be carried out in accordancewith the approved details unless otherwise agreed

by the highway authority.

Surface water drainage ACTST10 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of permanent above ground structures orlandscaping , written details of the surface water drainage system for this site (including means of

pollution control, an assessment of thehydrological and hydrogeological context andwritten details including how the scheme shall bemaintained and managed after completion) inaccordance with the appropriate Design Principlesshall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority, in consultationwith the Environment Agency.

2) The surface water drainage system must beconstructed in accordance with the submitteddetails unless otherwise approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultationwith the Environment Agency, and completed

prior to use of the tunnel.

Lighting – operational phase ACTST11 1) Prior to the commencement of the use of theTunnel, details of the operational lighting inaccordance with the Design Principles for this siteshall be submitted to and approved by the

local relevant planning authority.2) The works shall be carried out in accordancewith the approved details, unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authority.

Section 106 Agreement ACTST12 No authorised development shall be commencedon this site unless and until the undertaker hasentered into the Acton Storm Tanks Section 106Agreement/Undertaking [to be appended/referredto]

Hammersmith Pumping Station

The table below sets out the specific requirements for the Hammersmith Pumping—

Title Ref Text

CoCP Part B HAMPS1 The authorised development construction works at thissite shall be carried out in accordance with the CoCPPart BA, as amended or varied by the CoCP Part Bfor this site , unless otherwise approved by the

local relevant planning authority in consultation withother relevant stakeholders.


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Site Specific ContaminatedLand Quality Assessment

HAMPS2 (1) Site specific remediation strategy

1. Work No. 3a shall not commence until a landquality assessment 1. Unless agreed in writing by therelevant planning authority in consultation with theEnvironment Agency no works shall be undertaken atthis site (save for demolition of existing buildings,works in the highway including site access, works totrees and installation of monitoring equipment) untilthe following has been submitted to and a g ppr eoved

by the local relevant planning authority, inconsultation with the Environment Agency. Thisshould include the following components:

a. a. A preliminary risk assessment and siteinvestigation scheme which has identified:

(i) (i) all previous uses

(ii) (ii) potential contaminants associated with thoseuses

(iii) (iii) a conceptual model of the site indicatingsources, pathways and receptors

(iv) (iv) qualitative risk assessment of any potentiallyunacceptable risks arising from contamination at thesite.

b. If specified by the preliminary risk assessment a (v)

proposed site investigation scheme , based onthe preliminary risk assessment to provide providinginformation for a detailed quantitative assessment of the risk to all receptors that may be affected,including those off site.

b. A remediation strategy which includes:

c. The results of the site investigation and the (i)detailed risk quantitative assessment referred to in (b)and, based on these, an of the risk

(ii) options appraisal and remediation strategygiving full details of the remediation measures

required and how they are to be undertaken.d. (iii) A verification plan providing details of thedata that will be collected in order to demonstrate thatthe works set out in the remediation strategy in (c) arecomplete and identifying any requirements for long-term monitoring of pollutant linkages,maintenance and arrangements for contingencyaction.

(iv) a programme for the submission of elementsdetailed in 3 and 4.

2. The scheme shall be implemented as approved. 2.The works shall be undertaken in accordance with theapproved details unless otherwise agreed with the


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relevant planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency.

Verification report

3. APrior to completion of the works a verificationreport demonstrating completion of works set out inthe approved remediation strategy and theeffectiveness of the remediation should be

provided shall be submitted to and approved by therelevant planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency . The report should includeresults of sampling and monitoring carried out inaccordance with the approved verification plan todemonstrate that the site remediation criteria have

been met. It should also include any plan ( a“long-term monitoring and maintenance plan ”) for

long-term monitoring of pollutant linkages,maintenance and arrangements for contingencyaction, as identified in the verification plan.

4. The long-term monitoring and maintenance planshould be implemented as approved unless otherwiseagreed with the relevant planning authority, inconsultation with the Environment Agency .

(2) Unexpected contamination

5. If in undertaking any works on this site,

contamination not previously identified is found to be present at the site, then unless otherwise agreed by thelocal relevant planning authority, no further development or works shall be carried out in the partof the site in which the contamination has beenidentified until a remediation strategy has beensubmitted to and approved in writing by the relevantlocal planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency. The remediation works on thissite shall be carried out in accordance with thatremediation strategy , unless otherwise approved inwriting by the local relevant planning authority.

Archaeology HAMPS3 Site Specific Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation1) Prior to undertaking any excavation a Site SpecificArchaeological Written Scheme of Investigation(WSI) (which shall accord with the OverarchingArchaeological WSI) shall be submitted to andapproved by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with The Historic Buildings andMonuments Commission for England.

2) The archaeological works shall be undertaken inaccordance with the Site Specific ArchaeologicalWSI and carried out by a suitably qualified person or


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Construction Traffic

Management Plan

HAMPS4 1) Work no. 3a shall not commence until a traffic

management plan (which shall accord with the CoCP)shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation withTransport for London.

2) The development shall be carried out in accordancewith the approved details unless otherwise approved

by the local relevant planning authority, inconsultation with Transport for London. .

Travel Plan HAMPS5 1) Work No. 3a shall not commence until asite-specific construction workforce travel plan inaccordance with the Draft Project Framework TravelPlan has been submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation withTfL.2) The approved travel plan(s) shall be implementedfrom the commencement of development of work No.3a and 3b and shall continue to be in place for theduration of the construction works, unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with TfL.

Specification of accesses(operational andconstruction)

HAMPS6 1) Before alterations are made to any existing accessor any new access is provided, details of the design of such alterations or new accesses shall be submitted toand approved by the local highway authority and anysuch works shall be completed prior to thecommencement of their use.2) The works shall be carried out in accordance withthe approved details unless otherwise agreed by thehighway authority.

Surface water drainage HAMPS7 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of the

permanent above ground structures or landscaping ,written details of the surface water drainage systemfor this site (including means of pollution control, anassessment of the hydrological and hydrogeologicalcontext and written details including how the schemeshall be maintained and managed after completion) inaccordance with the appropriate Design Principlesshall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority, in consultation withthe Environment Agency.

2) The surface water drainage system must beconstructed in accordance with the submitted detailsunless otherwise approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with the


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Environment Agency, and completed prior to use of the tunnel.

Section 106 Agreement HAMPS8 No authorised development shall be commenced onthis site unless and until the undertaker has enteredinto the Hammersmith Pumping Station Section 106Agreement/Undertaking [to be appended/referred to]

Detailed design approval for permanent above groundstructures

HAMPS9 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of any permanent above ground structure, the design(including size, external appearance and samples ofmaterials) of these structures, which shall accord withthe appropriate Design Principles for this site and theSite Works Parameter Plan, shall be submitted to andapproved by the relevant planning authority.

2) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details, unlessotherwise approved by the relevant planningauthority.

Barn Elms

The table below sets out the specific requirements for the Barn Elms site— 5.

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CoCP Part B BAREL1 The authorised development construction works atthis site shall be carried out in accordance with theCoCP Part BA, as amended or varied by the CoCPPart B for this site , unless otherwise approved by thelocal relevant planning authority, in consultation withother relevant stakeholders.

Detailed design approval for permanent above groundstructures

BAREL2 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of thehabitat enclosure, details of the design (includingsize, external appearance and samples of materials)which shall accord with the Design Principles for this site, the Site Works Parameter Plan and theindicative Kiosk and ventilation column design intent

plan (Drawing No. DCO-PP-04X-BAREL-070017),shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority.2) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority.

Contaminated land BAREL3 (1) Site specific remediation strategy

1. Work No. 4a shall not commence until a landquality assessment Unless agreed in writing by the


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3. APrior to completion of the works a verificationreport demonstrating completion of works set out inthe approved remediation strategy and theeffectiveness of the remediation should be

provided shall be submitted to and approved by therelevant planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency . The report should includeresults of sampling and monitoring carried out inaccordance with the approved verification plan todemonstrate that the site remediation criteria have

been met. It should also include any plan ( a“long-term monitoring and maintenance plan ”) for long-term monitoring of pollutant linkages,maintenance and arrangements for contingencyaction, as identified in the verification plan.

4. The long-term monitoring and maintenance planshould be implemented as approved unless otherwiseagreed with the relevant planning authority, inconsultation with the Environment Agency .

(2) Unexpected contamination

5. If in undertaking any works on this site,contamination not previously identified is found to

be present at the site, then unless otherwise agreed by the local relevant planning authority, no further development or works shall be carried out in the part

of the site in which the contamination has beenidentified until a remediation strategy has beensubmitted to and approved in writing by the relevantlocal planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency. The remediation works onthis site shall be carried out in accordance with thatremediation strategy . unless otherwise approved inwriting by the relevant planning authority.

Archaeology BAREL4 Site Specific Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation

1) Prior to undertaking any excavation a SiteSpecific Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) (which shall accord with theOverarching Archaeological WSI) shall be submittedto and approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The Historic Buildingsand Monuments Commission for England.

2) The archaeological works shall be undertaken inaccordance with the Site Specific ArchaeologicalWSI and carried out by a suitably qualified person or


Landscaping BAREL5 1) Before commencing construction of the permanent above ground structures, details of the


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permanent landscaping for this site shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority. Such details shall be inaccordance with the indicative Proposed Landscape

Plan (Drawing No. DCO-PP-04X-BAREL-070013)and the design principles for this site.

2) The landscaping details in paragraph 1 abovemust, unless otherwise agreed by the local relevant

planning authority, include details of all proposedhard and soft landscaping works, including:

location, number, species, size and plantinga)density of any proposed planting;cultivation, importing of materials and other b)operations to ensure plant establishmentmonitoring and maintenance ;c)

c) proposed finished ground levels;d) d) hard surfacing materials;e)e) proposals for restoration where relevant;f)f) implementation timetables for allg)landscaping works; andg) details of fencing/enclosuresh)vehicular and pedestrian access, parking andi)circulation areas

proposed and existing functional services j)above and below ground, includingdrainage, power and communications cablesand pipelines, manholes and supports;details of existing trees to be retainedk)

3) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority.4) The approved landscape works shall be carried out

by suitably trained or qualified personnel to areasonable standard in accordance with the relevantrecommendations of appropriate British Standards orother recognised codes of good practice.

Replacement trees and shrubs45) If within a period of [five years] from the date of the planting of any tree or shrub that tree or shrub , or any tree or shrub planted in replacement for it isuprooted or destroyed or dies, another tree or shrubof the same species and size as that originally plantedshall be planted at the same place, unless thelocal relevant planning authority gives its writtenconsent to any variation.

Construction TrafficManagement Plan

BAREL6 1) Work no. 4a shall not commence until a trafficmanagement plan (which shall accord with theCoCP) shall be submitted to and approved by the

local relevant planning authority in consultation withTransport for London.


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2) The development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with Transport for London.

Travel Plan BAREL7 1) Work no. 4a shall not commence until asite-specific construction workforce travel plan inaccordance with the Draft Project Framework TravelPlan has been submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation withTfL.2) The approved travel plan(s) shall be implementedfrom the commencement of development of work nos. 4a and 4b and shall continue to be in place for the duration of the construction works, unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with TfL.

Specification of accesses(operational andconstruction)

BAREL8 (1) No authorised development consisting of theconstruction or alteration of Rocks Lane or theconstruction or alteration of any highway structureswhich form part of Rocks Lane shall commence untildetails of the design of these works or any associatedhighway structures have been submitted to andapproved by the local highway authority.

(2) The details required under paragraph 1 shall

include details of any permanent works for a new or altered surface and foul water drainage system for Rocks Lane and any permanent works for a new or modified highway lighting scheme for Rocks Lane

(3) The works shall be carried out in accordance withthe approved details unless otherwise agreed by thehighway authority.

Surface water drainage BAREL9 (1) Prior to the commencement of construction of thehabitat enclosure, permanent above ground structuresor landscaping, details of the surface water drainagesystem for this site (including means of pollutioncontrol, an assessment of the hydrological andhydrogeological context and written details includinghow the scheme shall be maintained and managedafter completion) in accordance with the appropriateDesign Principles shall be submitted to and approved

by the local relevant planning authority, inconsultation with the Environment Agency.

(2) The surface water drainage system must beconstructed in accordance with the submitted detailsunless otherwise approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with theEnvironment Agency, and completed prior to use of the tunnel.


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Re-provision of ChangingRooms

BAREL10 1) Details of the permanent replacement changingroom (including its location), in accordance with theappropriate Design Principles, shall be submitted to

and approved by the local relevant planning authority prior to the start of construction;2) The replacement changing room shall becompleted and available for use prior to anydemolition of the existing changing room facility, or a temporary replacement facility shall be installedand available for use. Details of any temporaryreplacement changing room facility shall besubmitted to and approved by the relevant planningauthority prior to the start of construction.3) If a temporary replacement facility is installed,then a permanent replacement changing room shall

be subsequently provided prior to the completion of the works at the site.]

Relocation of track and fieldfacilities

BAREL11 Prior Details of the relocated track and field facilitiesshall be submitted to and approved by the relevant

planning authority, and shall be implemented asapproved prior to commencement of construction of the proposed access road (Work No. 4c (ii)), themodifications to the existing track and field facilitiesshall be completed.

Construction andOperational Access Road BAREL12 (1) Prior to the commencement of construction of the proposed construction access road ((Work No. 4c(ii)), the detailed design of the construction accessroad including its alignment, vehicle passing pointsand hoarding arrangements, shall be submitted to andapproved by the relevant planning authority, inconsultation with the landowner (the LondonBorough of Wandsworth).(2) Prior to the commencement of construction of the

proposed permanent access road, the detailed designof the permanent access road including its alignmentand surface materials shall be submitted to and

approved by the relevant planning authority, inconsultation with the landowner (the LondonBorough of Wandsworth).(3) The works shall be carried out in accordance withthe approved details unless otherwise approved bythe relevant planning authority.

Putney Embankment Foreshore

The table below sets out the specific requirements for the Putney Embankment—


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CoCP Part B PUTEF1 The authorised development construction works atthis site shall be carried out in accordance with theCoCP Part BA, as amended or varied by the CoCPPart B for this site , unless otherwise approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation withother relevant stakeholders.

Detailed design approvalfor permanent aboveground structures

PUTEF2 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of any permanent above ground structure, including the topof the interception chamber where it is above thelevel of the foreshore, details of the design (includingsize, external appearance and samples of materials)which shall accord with the Design Principles for thissite, the Site Works Parameter Plan and the indicativeForeshore kiosk design intent plan (Drawing No.

DCO-PP-05X-PUTEF-080026), shall be submitted toand approved by the local relevant planning authorityin consultation with The Historic Buildings andMonuments Commission for England.

2) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The Historic Buildingsand Monuments Commission for England.

Location of permanentworks

PUTEF3 1) The maximum extent of the permanent foreshorestructure and river wall shall be constructed such thatit does not extend beyond the alignment set out in theSite Works Parameter Plan.

2) Should the alignment be less than the maximumextent shown on the Site Works Parameter Plan thedetail of the amended alignment shall be submitted toand approved by the local relevant planning authority,in consultation with the Historic Buildings andMonuments Commission for England, Port of London Authority and the Environment Agency.

Detailed design approval of River wall and foreshorestructure

PUTEF4 1) Before the commencement of construction of thePutney Embankment river wall and foreshorestructure, the detailed design (including externalappearance and samples of materials), which shallaccord with the Design Principles for this site, theSite Works Parameter Plan and the indicative Typicalriver wall design intent plan (Drawing No.DCO-PP-05X-PUTEF-080028), shall be submitted toand approved by the local relevant planning authorityin consultation with The Historic Buildings andMonuments Commission for England.

2) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planning


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authority in consultation with The Historic Buildingsand Monuments Commission for England.

Works in the river PUTEF5 1) Works in the river shall not commence until adetailed Method Statement and Navigational Risk Assessment has been submitted to and approved bythe Port of London Authority.

2) The works shall be undertaken in accordance withthe approved details unless otherwise approved by thePort of London Authority.

Details of works to listed buildings and structures

PUTEF6 1)Before commencement of any works to the GradeII listed iron bollards on Putney Embankment, theGrade II listed Putney Bridge and the adjacent

retaining wall, the details of the following works,including the extent of historic fabric to be removed,shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation withThe Historic Buildings and Monuments Commissionfor England, in accordance with the appropriateDesign Principles, the Location plan, the Demolitionand Site Clearance plans, the indicative Landscape

plan sheet 1 of 2 (Drawing No.DCO-PP-05X-PUTEF-080013) and the indicativeProposed Listed Structure Interface – Kiosk Plan(Drawing No. DCO-PP-05X-PUTEF-080025) :

works to establish the temporary worksa. platform against the listed Putney Bridgeabutment;works to accommodate and build the b.electrical and control kiosk against the listedwing wall on Waterman’s Green;works to establish and connect thec.ventilation column on Putney Bridge;works to intercept the CSO on the southernd.abutment of Putney Bridge, including detailsof the design and materials;works to remove and store the listed bollardse.

and granite setts from the slipway2) The listed bollards shall be reinstated in thelocation shown on the indicative Proposed LandscapePlan (Drawing Nos. DCO-PP-05X-PUTEF-080013and DCO-PP-05X-PUTEF-080014) or a locationagreed by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with The Historic Buildings andMonuments Commission for England.3) The works to attach the temporary works platformto the listed southern abutment of Putney Bridge shallnot cut into the stonework facings or use any directfixings to the abutment and shall accord with theindicative Proposed Listed Structure Interface – Interception Chamber Plan (Drawing No.


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DCO-PP-05X-PUTEF-080027 rev 1 ).4) Materials of heritage significance in (e) above shall

be re-used in accordance with the principles set out insection 3.6 of the Heritage Statement.5) The details provided pursuant to paragraph 1 shallinclude the following:i.) Detailed drawings of a scale between 1:5 and 1:50showing all works and fixings to the listed PutneyBridge, the adjacent listed retaining wall and works tothe listed iron bollards

ii.) Detailed elevations of a scale between 1:50 and1:100 showing the proposed works and materials

iii.) Construction Method Statement, includingengineer’s drawings

iv.) Samples of Materials.6) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The Historic Buildingsand Monuments Commission for England.

Protective works to listed buildings and structures

PUTEF7 1) Before commencing any of the works to listed buildings and structures, details of the works to protect the listed fabric during construction shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with The HistoricBuildings and Monuments Commission for England.

2) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The Historic Buildingsand Monuments Commission for England.

Restoration works to ListedBuildings

PUTEF81) Prior to the completion Before commencement of the works to the Grade II listed iron bollards onPutney Embankment, the Grade II listed PutneyBridge and the adjacent retaining wall details of works to restore the listed fabric including materialsshall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation withThe Historic Buildings and Monuments Commissionfor England.

2) The details required under (1) shall include detailsof the works to remove the temporary works platformand restore the fabric of the wall

3) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unless

otherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The Historic Buildings


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and Monuments Commission for England.

Temporary slipway


PUTEF9 Prior to the commencement of construction of the

temporary slipway, details of the design shall besubmitted to the local relevant planning authority for approval, which shall accord with the appropriateDesign Principles and the indicative TemporarySlipway Layout Plan (Drawing No.DCO-PP-05X-PUTEF-080012).

Temporary Works Platformlocation

PUTEF10 1) The maximum extent of the temporary works platform to be provided shall not extend beyond thealignment shown on on the Site Works Parameter Plan.

2) Should the alignment be less than the maximumextent shown on the Site Works Parameter Plan thedetails of the proposed structure(s) (includingadditional lengths of cofferdam, temporary deckingareas and pontoons) shall be submitted to andapproved by the Port of London Authority inconsultation with the Environment Agency prior tocommencing construction of the temporary works


Contaminated land PUTEF11 (1) Site specific remediation strategy

1. Work No. 5a shall not commence until a landquality assessment Unless agreed in writing by therelevant planning authority in consultation with theEnvironment Agency no works shall be undertaken atthis site (save for demolition of existing buildings,works in the highway including site access, works totrees and installation of monitoring equipment) untilthe following has been submitted to and a g ppr eoved

by the local relevant planning authority, inconsultation with the Environment Agency. Thisshould include the following components:

a. a. A preliminary risk assessment and siteinvestigation scheme which has identified:

(i) (i) all previous uses

(ii) (ii) potential contaminants associated with thoseuses

(iii) (iii) a conceptual model of the site indicatingsources, pathways and receptors

(iv) (iv) qualitative risk assessment of any potentiallyunacceptable risks arising from contamination at thesite.

b. If specified by the preliminary risk assessment a (v) proposed site investigation scheme , based on


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the preliminary risk assessment to provide providinginformation for a detailed quantitative assessment of the risk to all receptors that may be affected,including those off site.

b. A remediation strategy which includes:

c. The results of the site investigation and the (i)detailed risk quantitative assessment referred to in (b)and, based on these, an of the risk

(ii) options appraisal and remediation strategygiving full details of the remediation measuresrequired and how they are to be undertaken.

d. (iii) A verification plan providing details of thedata that will be collected in order to demonstrate thatthe works set out in the remediation strategy in (c) are

complete and identifying any requirements for long-term monitoring of pollutant linkages,maintenance and arrangements for contingencyaction.

(iv) a programme for the submission of elementsdetailed in 3 and 4.

2. The scheme shall be implemented as approved. 2)The works shall be undertaken in accordance with theapproved details unless otherwise agreed with therelevant planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency.

Verification report

3. APrior to completion of the works a verificationreport demonstrating completion of works set out inthe approved remediation strategy and theeffectiveness of the remediation should be

provided shall be submitted to and approved by therelevant planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency . The report should includeresults of sampling and monitoring carried out inaccordance with the approved verification plan todemonstrate that the site remediation criteria have

been met. It should also include any plan ( a“long-term monitoring and maintenance plan ”) for long-term monitoring of pollutant linkages,maintenance and arrangements for contingencyaction, as identified in the verification plan.

4. The long-term monitoring and maintenance planshould be implemented as approved unless otherwiseagreed with the relevant planning authority, inconsultation with the Environment Agency .

(2) Unexpected contamination

5. If in undertaking any works on this site,


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contamination not previously identified is found to be present at the site, then unless otherwise agreed bythe local relevant planning authority, no further development or works shall be carried out in the part

of the site in which the contamination has beenidentified until a remediation strategy has beensubmitted to and approved in writing by the relevantlocal planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency. The remediation works on thissite shall be carried out in accordance with thatremediation strategy unless otherwise approved inwriting by the relevant planning authority .

Archaeology PUTEF12 Site Specific Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation

1) Prior to undertaking any excavation a Site SpecificArchaeological Written Scheme of Investigation(WSI) (which shall accord with the OverarchingArchaeological WSI) shall be submitted to andapproved by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with The Historic Buildings andMonuments Commission for England.

2) The archaeological works shall be undertaken inaccordance with the Site Specific ArchaeologicalWSI and carried out by a suitably qualified person or


Landscaping PUTEF13 1) Before commencing construction of thelandscaping works on the permanent foreshorestructure above ground structures , details of the

permanent landscaping for this site shall be submittedto and approved by the local relevant planningauthority. Such details shall be in accordance withthe indicative Proposed Landscape Plan s (Drawing

Nos. DCO-PP-05X-PUTEF-080013 andDCO-PP-05X-PUTEF-080014) and the appropriateDesign Principles unless agreed by the local planningauthority in consultation with The Historic Buildingsand Monuments Commission for England design

principles for this site .

2) The landscaping details in paragraph 1 above must,unless otherwise agreed by the relevant planningauthority, include details of all proposed hard and softlandscaping works, including:

location, number, species, size and plantinga)density of any proposed planting;

cultivation, importing of materials and otherb)operations to ensure plant establishment

monitoring and maintenance;c)


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proposed finished ground levels;d)

hard surfacing materials;e)

proposals for restoration where relevant;f)

implementation timetables for allg)landscaping works; and

details of fencing/enclosuresh)

vehicular and pedestrian access, parking andi)circulation areas

proposed and existing functional services j)above and below ground, including drainage,

power and communications cables and pipelines, manholes and supports;details of existing trees to be retainedk)

retained historic landscape featuresl)and proposals for restoration whererelevant

3) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the relevant planningauthority.4) The approved landscape works shall be carried out

by suitably trained or qualified personnel to areasonable standard in accordance with the relevantrecommendations of appropriate British Standards orother recognised codes of good practice.

Replacement trees and shrubs5) If within a period of [five years] from the date ofthe planting of any tree or shrub that tree or shrub, orany tree or shrub planted in replacement for it isuprooted or destroyed or dies, another tree or shrub ofthe same species and size as that originally plantedshall be planted at the same place, unless the relevant

planning authority gives its written consent to anyvariation.

Construction TrafficManagement Plan

PUTEF141) Work no. 5a shall not commence until a trafficmanagement plan (which shall accord with the CoCP)shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation withTransport for London.

2) The development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with Transport for London.

Travel Plan PUTEF15 1) Work no. 5a shall not commence until asite-specific construction workforce travel plan inaccordance with the Draft Project Framework TravelPlan has been submitted to and approved by the


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local relevant planning authority in consultation withTfL.

2) The approved travel plan(s) shall be implementedfrom the commencement of development of work nos. 5a and 5b and shall continue to be in place for the duration of the construction works, unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with TfL.

Highway works PUTEF16 Junction changes

1) Before carrying out any of the works toEmbankment/Lower Richmond Road as set out inWork No. 5c, the details of the construction of thenew permanent access off the Embankment and any

construction or alteration of any highway structurewhich forms part of Embankment shall be submittedto and approved by the local highway authority.

2) The details required under paragraph 1 shallinclude details of any permanent works for a new or altered surface and foul water drainage system for Embankment/Lower Richmond Road and any

permanent works for a new or modified highwaylighting scheme for Embankment/Lower RichmondRoad required as part of Work No.5c.

Embankment One Way System3) Before commencing any part of the authoriseddevelopment which includes the temporary removalof any length of the existing one way system onEmbankment, details of the temporary removal shall

be submitted to and approved by the local highwayauthority.

4) The works subject to paragraph 1 – 3 shall becarried out in accordance with the approved detailsunless otherwise approved by the local highwayauthority.

Specification of accesses(operational andconstruction)

PUTEF17 1) Before any temporary or permanent alterations aremade to any existing access or any new access is

provided, details of the siting, design and layout of such alterations or new accesses shall be submitted toand approved by the relevant local highway authorityand any such works shall be completed prior to thecommencement of their use. Such details shallinclude details of any proposed diversions for

pedestrians and/or cyclists and all diversions andwayfinding signage.2) The highway access works shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise agreed by the relevant local highway


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Surface water drainage PUTEF18 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of the permanent foreshore structure, ventilation columnsand electrical and control kiosks above groundstructures or landscaping , written details of thesurface water drainage system for this site (includingmeans of pollution control, an assessment of thehydrological and hydrogeological context and writtendetails including how the scheme shall be maintainedand managed after completion) in accordance withthe appropriate Design Principles shall be submittedto and approved by the local relevant planningauthority, in consultation with the EnvironmentAgency.

2) The surface water drainage system must beconstructed in accordance with the submitted details,unless otherwise approved by the local relevant

planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency, and completed prior to use of the tunnel.

Lighting – operational phase

PUTEF19 1) Prior to the commencement of the use of theTunnel details of the operational lighting inaccordance with the Design Principles for this siteshall be submitted to and approved by the

local relevant planning authority in consultation withthe Historic Buildings and Monuments Commissionfor England .

2) The works shall be carried out in accordance withthe approved details unless otherwise approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation withthe Historic Buildings and Monuments Commissionfor England .

Detailed design approvalfor signature ventilation


PUTEF20 1) 1) Prior to the commencement of constructionof the signature ventilation columns details

of the height, dimensions, externalappearance and materials which shall accordwith the Ventilation column type A(Drawing No. DCO-PP-900-ZZZZZ-290001- rev 1 ) shall be submitted to and approved

by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with The Historic Buildings andMonuments Commission for England.

2) 2) The ventilation columns at this site shall notexceed 6 metres in height

3) The authorised development shall be carriedout in accordance with the approved details

unless otherwise approved by thelocal relevant planning authority inconsultation with The Historic Buildings and


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Monuments Commission for England. .

Section 106 Agreement PUTEF21 No authorised development shall be commenced onthis site unless and until the undertaker has enteredinto the Putney Embankment Foreshore Section 106Agreement/Undertaking [to be appended/referred to]

Carnwath Road Riverside

The table below sets out the specific requirements for the Carnwath Road Riverside site— 7.

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Detailed design approval for permanent above groundstructures

CARRR1 1) Prior to the commencement of development of theventilation building and column, details of thedesign (including size, external appearance andsamples of materials), which shall accord with thedesign principles for this site and the Site WorksParameter Plan and the indicative Ventilationcolumn and building design intent plans (Drawing

Nos. DCO-PP-06X-CARRR-090012 – Rev 1 andDCO-PP-06X-CARRR-090013 – Rev 1), shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with the Mayor ofLondon .2) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with the Mayor of London .

CoCP Part B CARRR2 The authorised development construction works atthis site shall be carried out in accordance with theCoCP Part BA, as amended or varied by the CoCPPart B for this site , unless otherwise approval by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation withother relevant stakeholders.

Contaminated land CARRR3 (1) Site specific remediation strategy

1. Work No. 6a shall not commence until a landquality assessment Unless agreed in writing by therelevant planning authority in consultation with theEnvironment Agency no works shall be undertakenat this site (save for demolition of existing buildings,works in the highway including site access, works totrees and installation of monitoring equipment) untilthe following has been submitted to and a g ppr eoved

by the local relevant planning authority, in

consultation with the Environment Agency. Thisshould include the following components:


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a. a. A preliminary risk assessment and siteinvestigation scheme which has identified:

(i) (i) all previous uses

(ii) (ii) potential contaminants associated with thoseuses

(iii) (iii) a conceptual model of the site indicatingsources, pathways and receptors

(iv) (iv) qualitative risk assessment of any potentially unacceptable risks arising fromcontamination at the site.

b. If specified by the preliminary risk assessmenta(v) proposed site investigation scheme , basedon the preliminary risk assessment to provide

providing information for a detailed quantitativeassessment of the risk to all receptors that may beaffected, including those off site.

b. A remediation strategy which includes:

c. The results of the site investigation and the (i)detailed risk quantitative assessment referred to in (b)and, based on these, an of the risk

(ii) options appraisal and remediation strategygiving full details of the remediation measuresrequired and how they are to be undertaken.

d. (iii) A verification plan providing details of the

data that will be collected in order to demonstratethat the works set out in the remediation strategy in(c) are complete and identifying any requirementsfor long-term monitoring of pollutant linkages,maintenance and arrangements for contingencyaction.

(iv) a programme for the submission of elementsdetailed in 3 and 4.

2. The scheme shall be implemented as approved. 2)The works shall be undertaken in accordance withthe approved details unless otherwise agreed with

the relevant planning authority, in consultation withthe Environment Agency.

Verification report

3. APrior to completion of the works a verificationreport demonstrating completion of works set out inthe approved remediation strategy and theeffectiveness of the remediation should be

provided shall be submitted to and approved by therelevant planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency . The report should include

results of sampling and monitoring carried out inaccordance with the approved verification plan to


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demonstrate that the site remediation criteria have been met. It should also include any plan ( a“long-term monitoring and maintenance plan ”) for long-term monitoring of pollutant linkages,

maintenance and arrangements for contingencyaction, as identified in the verification plan.

4. The long-term monitoring and maintenance planshould be implemented as approved unless otherwiseagreed with the relevant planning authority, inconsultation with the Environment Agency .

(2) Unexpected contamination

5. If in undertaking any works on this site,

contamination not previously identified is found to be present at the site, then unless otherwise agreed by the local relevant planning authority, no further development or works shall be carried out in the partof the site in which the contamination has beenidentified until a remediation strategy has beensubmitted to and approved in writing by the relevantlocal planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency. The remediation works onthis site shall be carried out in accordance with thatremediation strategy unless otherwise approved inwriting by the relevant planning authority .

Archaeology CARRR5 Site Specific Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation1) Prior to undertaking any excavation a SiteSpecific Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) (which shall accord with theOverarching Archaeological WSI) shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with The HistoricBuildings and Monuments Commission for England.

2) The archaeological works shall be undertaken in

accordance with the Site Specific ArchaeologicalWSI and carried out by a suitably qualified person or body.

Works in the river CARRR6 1) Works in the river shall not commence until adetailed Method Statement and Navigational Risk Assessment has been submitted to and approved bythe Port of London Authority.

2) The works shall be undertaken in accordance withthe approved details unless otherwise approved bythe Port of London Authority.


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Landscaping CARRR7 1) Before commencing construction of the permanent above ground structures, details of the permanent landscaping for this site shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with the Mayor ofLondon . Such details shall be in accordance withthe indicative Landscape Plan (Drawing No.DCO-PP-06X-CARRR-090008 - Rev 12) and theDesign Principles for this site

2) The landscaping details in paragraph 1 abovemust, unless otherwise agreed by the local relevant

planning authority, include details of all proposedhard and soft landscaping works, including:

a) location, number, species, size anda) planting density of any proposed planting;

cultivation, importing of materials b)and other operations to ensure plantestablishment

monitoring and maintenance ;c)

c) proposed finished ground levels;d)

d) hard surfacing materials;e)

e) minor structures such as furniture, refusef)or other storage units, signs and lighting;

f) implementation timetables for allg)landscaping works; and

g) details of fencing/enclosuresh)

vehicular and pedestrian access, parking andi)circulation areas

proposed and existing functional services j)above and below ground, includingdrainage, power and communications cablesand pipelines, manholes and supports;

details of existing trees to bek)retained

3) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with the Mayor of London.4) The approved landscape works shall be carriedout by suitably trained or qualified personnel to areasonable standard in accordance with the relevantrecommendations of appropriate British Standards orother recognised codes of good practice .

Replacement trees and shrubs45) If within a period of [five years ] from the date of the planting of any tree or shrub that tree or shrub , or any tree or shrub planted in replacement for it isuprooted or destroyed or dies, another tree or shrubof the same species and size as that originally


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planted shall be planted at the same place, unless thelocal relevant planning authority gives its writtenconsent to any variation.

Construction TrafficManagement Plan

CARRR8 1) Work no. 6a shall not commence until a trafficmanagement plan (which shall accord with theCoCP) shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation withTransport for London.

2) The development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with Transport for London.

Travel Plan CARRR9 1) Work No. 6a shall not commence until asite-specific construction workforce travel plan inaccordance with the Draft Project Framework TravelPlan has been submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation withTfL.2) The approved travel plan(s) shall be implementedfrom the commencement of development of work

No. 6a and shall continue to be in place for theduration of the construction works, unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with TfL.

Highway works CARRR10 Junction changes1) No authorised development consisting of theconstruction or alteration of CarnwathRoad/Wandsworth Bridge Road or the constructionor alteration of any highway structures which form

part of Carnwath Road/Wandsworth Bridge Roadshall commence until details of the design of theseworks have been submitted to and approved by thelocal highway authority.

2) The details required under paragraph 1 shallinclude details of any permanent works for a new or altered surface and foul water drainage system for Carnwath Road/Wandsworth Bridge Road and any

permanent works for a new or modified highwaylighting scheme for Carnwath Road/WandsworthBridge Road.

3) The construction or alteration of CarnwathRoad/Wandsworth Bridge Road or any associatedhighway structures will be carried out in accordancewith the approved details otherwise approved inwriting by the local highway authority.

Specification of accesses CARRR11 1) Before alterations are made to any existing access


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(operational andconstruction)

or any new access is provided, details of the designof such alterations or new accesses shall besubmitted to and approved by the local highwayauthority and any in consultation with the Mayor of

London. Any such works shall be completed prior to the commencement of their use.2) The works shall be carried out in accordance withthe approved details unless otherwise agreed by thehighway authority in consultation with the Mayor ofLondon .

Surface water drainage CARRR12 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of theventilation column and ventilation

building permanent above ground structures orlandscaping , written details of the surface water drainage system for this site (including means of

pollution control, an assessment of the hydrologicaland hydrogeological context and written detailsincluding how the scheme shall be maintained andmanaged after completion) in accordance with theappropriate Design Principles shall be submitted toand approved by the local relevant planningauthority, in consultation with the EnvironmentAgency.

2) The surface water drainage system must beconstructed in accordance with the submitted detailsunless otherwise approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with theEnvironment Agency, and completed prior to use of the tunnel.

Lighting – operational phase CARRR13 1) Prior to the commencement of the use of thetunnel details of the operational lighting inaccordance with the Design principles for this siteshall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority.2) The works shall be carried out in accordance withthe approved details unless otherwise approved bythe local relevant planning authority.

Operational noise CARRR14 1) Prior to the commencement of the use of theTunnel, a noise report shall be submitted to andapproved by the relevant planning authority at eachsite. This report should demonstrate that baselinenoise design rating levels for plant and machineryare [5dB (A)] below the typical background noiselevel , as defined in BS 4142:1997, at the nearestresidential receptor over the operational period ofthe Plant.2) The works shall be carried out in accordance withthe approved details, unless otherwise approved bythe relevant planning authority

Section 106 Agreement CARRR15 No authorised development shall be commenced on


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this site unless and until the undertaker has enteredinto the Carnwath Road Riverside Section 106Agreement/Undertaking [to be appended/referred to]

Detailed design approvalRiver wall

CARRR16 1) If the existing river wall to the south ofHurlingham Wharf and Carnwath Road IndustrialEstate needs to be replaced, before thecommencement of construction of the replacementriver wall the detailed design (including externalappearance and materials) which shall accord withthe design principles for this site and the Site WorksParameter Plan shall be submitted to and approved

by the relevant planning authority.2) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unless

otherwise approved by the relevant planningauthority.

Dormay Street

The table below sets out the specific requirements for the Dormay Street site— 8.

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CoCP Part B DRMST1 The authorised development construction works atthis site shall be carried out in accordance with theCoCP Part BA, as amended or varied by the CoCPPart B for this site , unless otherwise approved withthe local relevant planning authority in consultationwith other relevant stakeholders. .

Detailed design approvalfor permanent aboveground structures

DRMST2 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of the ventilation column and electrical and controlkiosk, details of the design (including size, externalappearance and materials), which shall accord withthe appropriate Design Principles, the Site Works

Parameter Plan and the indicative Kiosk andventilation structure design intent plan (Drawing

No.DCO-PP-08X-DRMST-100012), shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority.

2) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority.

Works in the river DRMST3 1) Works in the river shall not commence until adetailed Method Statement and Navigational Risk Assessment has been submitted to and approved by


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the Port of London Authority.

2) The works shall be undertaken in accordancewith the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the Port of London Authority.

Contaminated land DRMST4 (1) Site specific remediation strategy

1. Work No. 8a shall not commence until a landquality assessment Unless agreed in writing by therelevant planning authority in consultation with theEnvironment Agency no works shall be undertakenat this site (save for demolition of existing

buildings, works in the highway including siteaccess, works to trees and installation ofmonitoring equipment) until the following has beensubmitted to and a g ppr eoved by the local relevant

planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency. This should include thefollowing components:

a. a. A preliminary risk assessment and siteinvestigation scheme which has identified:

(i) (i) all previous uses

(ii) (ii) potential contaminants associated withthose uses

(iii) (iii) a conceptual model of the site indicatingsources, pathways and receptors

(iv) (iv) qualitative risk assessment of any potentially unacceptable risks arising fromcontamination at the site.

b. If specified by the preliminary risk assessmenta(v) proposed site investigation scheme , basedon the preliminary risk assessment to provide

providing information for a detailed quantitativeassessment of the risk to all receptors that may beaffected, including those off site.

b. A remediation strategy which includes:c. The results of the site investigation and the (i)detailed risk quantitative assessment referred to in(b) and, based on these, an of the risk

(ii) options appraisal and remediation strategygiving full details of the remediation measuresrequired and how they are to be undertaken.

d. (iii) A verification plan providing details of thedata that will be collected in order to demonstratethat the works set out in the remediation strategy in(c) are complete and identifying any requirementsfor long-term monitoring of pollutant linkages,maintenance and arrangements for contingency


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(iv) a programme for the submission ofelements detailed in 3 and 4.

2. The scheme shall be implemented asapproved. 2) The works shall be undertaken inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise agreed with the relevant planningauthority, in consultation with the EnvironmentAgency.

Verification report

3. APrior to completion of the works a verificationreport demonstrating completion of works set outin the approved remediation strategy and theeffectiveness of the remediation should be

provided shall be submitted to and approved by therelevant planning authority, in consultation withthe Environment Agency . The report shouldinclude results of sampling and monitoring carriedout in accordance with the approved verification

plan to demonstrate that the site remediationcriteria have been met. It should also include any

plan ( a “long-term monitoring and maintenance plan ”) for long-term monitoring of pollutantlinkages, maintenance and arrangements for contingency action, as identified in the verification

plan.4. The long-term monitoring and maintenance planshould be implemented as approved unlessotherwise agreed with the relevant planningauthority, in consultation with the EnvironmentAgency .

(2) Unexpected contamination

5. If in undertaking any works on this site,contamination not previously identified is found to

be present at the site, then unless otherwise agreed by the local relevant planning authority, no further development or works shall be carried out in the

part of the site in which the contamination has beenidentified until a remediation strategy has beensubmitted to and approved in writing by therelevant local planning authority, in consultationwith the Environment Agency. The remediationworks on this site shall be carried out inaccordance with that remediation strategy unlessotherwise approved in writing by the relevant

planning authority .

Archaeology DRMST5 Site Specific Archaeological Written Scheme of


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1) Prior to undertaking any excavation a SiteSpecific Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) (which shall accord with theOverarching Archaeological WSI) shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with TheHistoric Buildings and Monuments Commissionfor England.

2) The archaeological works shall be undertaken inaccordance with the Site Specific ArchaeologicalWSI and carried out by a suitably qualified personor body.

Landscaping DRMST6 1) Before commencing construction of the permanent above ground structures on inter-tidalterrace at this site, details of the [inter-tidal riverwall and terrace and hard landscaping] for this siteshall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultationwith the Environment Agency . Such details shall

be in accordance with the indicative Proposed SiteFeatures Plan (Drawing No.DCO-PP-08X-DRMST-100008) and theappropriate Design Principles, unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authority .

2) The details of the river wall and intertidal terracein paragraph (1) above must, unless otherwiseagreed by the relevant planning authority inconsultation with the Environment Agency, includedetails of all proposed hard and soft landscapingworks, including:

detailed design of the river wall, includinga)external appearance and sample ofmaterialslocation, number, species, size andb)

planting density of any proposed plantingcultivation, importing of materials andc)other operations to ensure plantestablishmentc) a monitoring and maintenance plan.d)vehicular and pedestrian access, parkinge)and circulation areas

proposed and existing functional servicesf)above and below ground, includingdrainage, power and communicationscables and pipelines, manholes andsupports;details of existing trees to be retainedg)

3) The authorised development shall be carried out


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in accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the relevant planningauthority, in consultation with the EnvironmentAgency.

4) The approved landscape works shall be carriedout by suitably trained or qualified personnel to areasonable standard in accordance with the relevantrecommendations of appropriate British Standardsor other recognised codes of good practice.

Replacement trees and shrubs5) If within a period of five years from the date ofthe planting of any tree or shrub that tree or shrub,or any tree or shrub planted in replacement for it isuprooted or destroyed or dies, another tree or shrubof the same species and size as that originally

planted shall be planted at the same place, unlessthe relevant planning authority gives its writtenconsent to any variation.

Construction TrafficManagement Plan

DRMST7 1) Work no. 8a shall not commence until a trafficmanagement plan (which shall accord with theCoCP) shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultationwith Transport for London.

2) The development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unless

otherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with Transport for London.

Travel Plan DRMST8 1) Work No. 8a shall not commence until asite-specific construction workforce travel plan inaccordance with the Draft Project Framework Travel Plan has been submitted to and approved bythe local relevant planning authority in consultationwith TfL.

2) The approved travel plan(s) shall be

implemented from the commencement of development of work No. 8a and shall continue to be in place for the duration of the constructionworks, unless otherwise approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultationwith TfL.

Specification of accesses(operational andconstruction) HighwayWorks

DRMST9 1) No authorised development consisting of theconstruction or alteration of Armoury Way or theconstruction or alteration of any highway structureswhich form part of Armoury Way shall commenceuntil details of the design of these works or anyassociated highway structures have been submittedto and approved by the local highway authority.


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2) The details required under paragraph 1 shallinclude details of any permanent works for a new

or altered surface and foul water drainage systemfor Armoury Way and any permanent works for anew or modified highway lighting scheme for Armoury Way.

3) The works shall be carried out in accordancewith the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the highway authority.

Surface water drainage DRMST10 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of the ventilation columns and electrical and controlkiosk permanent above ground structures orlandscaping , written details of the surface water drainage system for this site (including means of

pollution control, an assessment of the hydrologicaland hydrogeological context and written detailsincluding how the scheme shall be maintained andmanaged after completion) in accordance with theappropriate Design Principles shall be submitted toand approved by the local relevant planningauthority, in consultation with the EnvironmentAgency.

2) The surface water drainage system must beconstructed in accordance with the submitteddetails unless otherwise approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultationwith the Environment Agency, and completed prior to use of the tunnel.

Section 106 Agreement DRMST11 No authorised development shall be commencedon this site unless and until the undertaker hasentered into the Dormay Street Section 106Agreement/Undertaking [to be appended/referredto]

King George’s Park

The table below sets out the specific requirements for the King George’s Park site— 9.

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CoCP Part B KNGGP1 The authorised development construction works atthis site shall be carried out in accordance withthe CoCP Part BA, as amended or varied by theCoCP Part B for this site , unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authorityin consultation with other relevant stakeholders.

Detailed design approvalfor permanent above

KNGGP2 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of any permanent above ground structure, the design


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ground structures (including size, external appearance and samplesof materials) which shall accord with the design

principles for this site, the Site Works Parameter Plan and the indicative Kiosk design intent plan

(Drawing No.DCO-PP-09X-KNGPP-110013),shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority.2) The authorised development shall be carriedout in accordance with the approved detailsunless otherwise approved by the local relevant

planning authority.

Contaminated land KNGGP3 (1) Site specific remediation strategy

1. Work No. 9a shall not commence until a landquality assessment Unless agreed in writing by therelevant planning authority in consultation withthe Environment Agency no works shall beundertaken at this site (save for demolition ofexisting buildings, works in the highwayincluding site access, works to trees andinstallation of monitoring equipment) until thefollowing has been submitted to and a g ppr eoved

by the local relevant planning authority, inconsultation with the Environment Agency. Thisshould include the following components:

a. a. A preliminary risk assessment and siteinvestigation scheme which has identified:

(i) (i) all previous uses

(ii) (ii) potential contaminants associated withthose uses

(iii) (iii) a conceptual model of the site indicatingsources, pathways and receptors

(iv) (iv) qualitative risk assessment of any potentially unacceptable risks arising fromcontamination at the site.

b. If specified by the preliminary risk assessment

a(v) proposed site investigation scheme , based on the preliminary risk assessment to provide providing information for a detailedquantitative assessment of the risk to all receptorsthat may be affected, including those off site.

b. A remediation strategy which includes:

c. The results of the site investigation and the (i)detailed risk quantitative assessment referred to in(b) and, based on these, an of the risk

(ii) options appraisal and remediationstrategy giving full details of the remediation

measures required and how they are to beundertaken.


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d. (iii) A verification plan providing details of thedata that will be collected in order to demonstratethat the works set out in the remediation strategyin (c) are complete and identifying anyrequirements for long-term monitoring of

pollutant linkages, maintenance and arrangementsfor contingency action.

(iv) a programme for the submission ofelements detailed in 3 and 4.

2. The scheme shall be implemented asapproved. 2) The works shall be undertaken inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise agreed with the relevant planningauthority, in consultation with the EnvironmentAgency.

Verification report

3. APrior to completion of the works averification report demonstrating completion of works set out in the approved remediationstrategy and the effectiveness of the remediationshould be provided shall be submitted to andapproved by the relevant planning authority, inconsultation with the Environment Agency . Thereport should include results of sampling andmonitoring carried out in accordance with the

approved verification plan to demonstrate that thesite remediation criteria have been met. It shouldalso include any plan ( a “long-term monitoringand maintenance plan ”) for long-term monitoringof pollutant linkages, maintenance andarrangements for contingency action, as identifiedin the verification plan.

4. The long-term monitoring and maintenance plan should be implemented as approved unlessotherwise agreed with the relevant planningauthority, in consultation with the EnvironmentAgency .

(2) Unexpected contamination

5. If in undertaking any works on this site,contamination not previously identified is foundto be present at the site, then unless otherwiseagreed by the local relevant planning authority, nofurther development or works shall be carried outin the part of the site in which the contaminationhas been identified until a remediation strategyhas been submitted to and approved in writing by

the relevant local planning authority, inconsultation with the Environment Agency. Theremediation works on this site shall be carried out


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in accordance with that remediation strategyunless otherwise approved in writing by therelevant planning authority .

Archaeology KNGGP4 Site Specific Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation1) Prior to undertaking any excavation a SiteSpecific Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) (which shall accord with theOverarching Archaeological WSI) shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with TheHistoric Buildings and Monuments Commissionfor England.

2) The archaeological works shall be undertakenin accordance with the Site SpecificArchaeological WSI and carried out by a suitablyqualified person or body.

Landscaping (protectiveworks)

KNGGP5 1) Prior to commencement of construction of any permanent above ground structure details of protection works to existing trees and to the JohnYoung memorial tree and bench as shown on theindicative Proposed Site Features Plan (Drawing

No. DCO-PP-09X-KNGGP-110008) andProposed Landscape Plan (Drawing No.DCO-PP-09X-KNGGP-110009) shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority.2) The protective works required by (1) shall beundertaken prior to site set up for work no. 9.3) The protective works on this site shall becarried out in accordance with the approveddetails unless otherwise approved by thelocal relevant planning authority.

Landscaping KNGGP6 1) Before commencing construction of the permanent above ground structures, details of the permanent landscaping for this site shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority. Such details shall be inaccordance with the indicative Proposed SiteFeatures Plan (Drawing No.DCO-PP-09X-KNGGP-110008), the ProposedLandscape Plan (Drawing No.DCO-PP-09X-KNGGP-110009) and the DesignPrinciples for this site.

2) The landscaping details in paragraph (1) abovemust, unless otherwise agreed by the local relevant planning authority, include details of all proposed


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hard and soft landscaping works, including:

location, number, species, size anda) planting density of any proposed planting;cultivation, importing of materials and b)other operations to ensure plantestablishmentmonitoring and maintenance ;c)c) proposed finished ground levels;d)d) hard surfacing materials;e)e) minor structures such as furniture,f)refuse or other storage units, signs andlighting;f) retained historic landscape features andg)

proposals for restoration where relevant;g) implementation timetables for allh)landscaping works; andh) details of fencing/enclosuresi)vehicular and pedestrian access, parking j)and circulation areas

proposed and existing functional servicesk)above and below ground, includingdrainage, power and communicationscables and pipelines, manholes andsupports;details of existing trees to be retainedl)

3) The authorised development shall be carriedout in accordance with the approved detailsunless otherwise approved by the local relevant

planning authority.4) The approved landscape works shall be carriedout by suitably trained or qualified personnel to areasonable standard in accordance with therelevant recommendations of appropriate BritishStandards or other recognised codes of good


Replacement trees and shrubs

45) If within a period of [five years] from the dateof the planting of any tree or shrub that tree orshrub , or any tree or shrub planted in replacementfor it is uprooted or destroyed or dies, another treeor shrub of the same species and size as thatoriginally planted shall be planted at the same

place, unless the local relevant planning authoritygives its written consent to any variation.

Construction TrafficManagement Plan

KNGGP7 1) Work no. 9a shall not commence until a trafficmanagement plan (which shall accord with the

CoCP) has been submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation


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with Transport for London.

2) The development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with Transport for London.

Travel Plan KNGGP8 1) Work No. 9a shall not commence until asite-specific construction workforce travel plan inaccordance with the Draft Project Framework Travel Plan has been submitted to and approved

by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with TfL.2) The approved travel plan(s) shall beimplemented from the commencement of

development of work No. 9a and shall continue to be in place for the duration of the constructionworks, unless otherwise approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultationwith TfL.

Junction layout (operational phase)

KNGGP9 Junction changes

1) Before carrying out minor junctionimprovement works to Buckhold Road and

Neville Gill Close the details of those works shall be submitted to and approved by the localhighway authority.

2) The works shall be carried out in accordancewith the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the highway authority.

Specification of accesses(operational andconstruction)

KNGGP10 1) Before alterations are made to any existingaccess or any new access is provided, details of the design of such alterations or new accessesshall be submitted to and approved by the localhighway authority and any such works shall becompleted prior to the commencement of their use.2) The works shall be carried out in accordancewith the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the highway authority.

Surface water drainage KNGGP11 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of the ventilation column and electrical controlkiosk permanent above ground structures orlandscaping , the following details, in accordancewith the appropriate Design Principles, shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency.- details of the surface water drainage system for


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the site (including means of pollution control, anassessment of the hydrological andhydrogeological context and written detailsincluding how the scheme shall be maintained

and managed after completion)- details of the size, layout, location, functionalityand adequacy of the King Georges Park re-contouring, as a flood risk mitigation andconveyance measure.

2) The surface water drainage system and therecontouring of the park must be constructed inaccordance with the submitted details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with the EnvironmentAgency, and completed prior to use of the tunnel.

Lighting – operational phase

KNGGP12 1) Prior to the commencement of the use of theTunnel details of the operational lighting inaccordance with the Design Principles for this siteshall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority.

2) The works shall be carried out in accordancewith the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authority.

Detailed design approvalfor signature ventilationcolumns

KNGGP 13 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of the signature ventilation columns details of theheight, dimensions, external appearance andmaterials which shall accord with the Ventilationcolumn type A (Drawing No.DCO-PP-900-ZZZZZ-290001 – rev 1 ) shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority.

2) The ventilation columns at this site shall notexceed 6 metres in height

3) The authorised development shall be carriedout in accordance with the approved detailsunless otherwise approved by the local relevant

planning authority.

Section 106 Agreement KNGGP14 No authorised development shall be commencedon this site unless and until the undertaker hasentered into the King George’s Park Section 106Agreement/Undertaking [to be appended/referredto]


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Falconbrook Pumping Station

The table below sets out the specific requirements for the Falconbrook Pumping—

Title Ref Text

CoCP Part B FALPS1 The authorised development construction works atthis site shall be carried out in accordance with theCoCP Part BA, as amended or varied by the CoCPPart B for this site , unless otherwise approved bythe local relevant planning authority in consultationwith other relevant stakeholders .

Contaminated land FALPS2 (1) Site specific remediation strategy

1. Work No. 10a shall not commence until a landquality assessment Unless agreed in writing by therelevant planning authority in consultation withthe Environment Agency no works shall beundertaken at this site (save for demolition ofexisting buildings, works in the highway includingsite access, works to trees and installation ofmonitoring equipment) until the following has

been submitted to and a g ppr eoved by thelocal relevant planning authority, in consultationwith the Environment Agency. This shouldinclude the following components:

a. a. A preliminary risk assessment and siteinvestigation scheme which has identified:

(i) (i) all previous uses

(ii) (ii) potential contaminants associated withthose uses

(iii) (iii) a conceptual model of the site indicatingsources, pathways and receptors

(iv) (iv) qualitative risk assessment of any potentially unacceptable risks arising fromcontamination at the site.

b. If specified by the preliminary risk assessmenta(v) proposed site investigation scheme , basedon the preliminary risk assessment to provide

providing information for a detailed quantitativeassessment of the risk to all receptors that may beaffected, including those off site.

b. A remediation strategy which includes:

c. The results of the site investigation and the (i)detailed risk quantitative assessment referred to in(b) and, based on these, an of the risk

(ii) options appraisal and remediation strategygiving full details of the remediation measuresrequired and how they are to be undertaken.


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d. (iii) A verification plan providing details of thedata that will be collected in order to demonstratethat the works set out in the remediation strategyin (c) are complete and identifying anyrequirements for long-term monitoring of pollutantlinkages, maintenance and arrangements for contingency action.

(iv) a programme for the submission ofelements detailed in 3 and 4.

2. The scheme shall be implemented asapproved. 2) The works shall be undertaken inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise agreed with the relevant planningauthority, in consultation with the EnvironmentAgency.

Verification report

3. APrior to completion of the works a verificationreport demonstrating completion of works set outin the approved remediation strategy and theeffectiveness of the remediation should be

provided shall be submitted to and approved bythe relevant planning authority, in consultationwith the Environment Agency . The report shouldinclude results of sampling and monitoring carriedout in accordance with the approved verification

plan to demonstrate that the site remediationcriteria have been met. It should also include any

plan ( a “long-term monitoring and maintenance plan ”) for long-term monitoring of pollutantlinkages, maintenance and arrangements for contingency action, as identified in the verification


4. The long-term monitoring and maintenance planshould be implemented as approved unlessotherwise agreed with the relevant planningauthority, in consultation with the EnvironmentAgency .

(2) Unexpected contamination

5. If in undertaking any works on this site,contamination not previously identified is found to

be present at the site, then unless otherwise agreed by the local relevant planning authority, no further development or works shall be carried out in the

part of the site in which the contamination has been identified until a remediation strategy has been submitted to and approved in writing by the

relevant local planning authority, in consultationwith the Environment Agency. The remediationworks on this site shall be carried out in


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accordance with that remediation strategy unlessotherwise approved in writing by the relevant

planning authority .

Archaeology FALPS3 Site Specific Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation

1) Prior to undertaking any excavation a SiteSpecific Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) (which shall accord with theOverarching Archaeological WSI) shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with TheHistoric Buildings and Monuments Commissionfor England.

2) The archaeological works shall be undertakenin accordance with the Site SpecificArchaeological WSI and carried out by a suitablyqualified person or body.

Landscaping FALPS4 1) Before commencing construction of the permanent above ground structures, details of the permanent landscaping for this site shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority. Such details shall be inaccordance with the indicative Proposed

Landscape Plan (Drawing No.DCO-PP-10X-FALPS-120009), the indicativeKiosk, wall and valve chamber design intent plan(Drawing No.DCO-PP-10X-FALPS-120013) andthe Design Principles for this site.

2) The landscaping details in paragraph 1 abovemust, unless otherwise agreed by the local relevant

planning authority, include details of all proposedhard and soft landscaping works, including:

location, number, species, size anda) planting density of any proposed planting;cultivation, importing of materials and b)other operations to ensure plantestablishmentmonitoring and maintenance ;c)c) proposed finished ground levels;d)d) hard surfacing materials;e)e) minor structures such as furniture,f)refuse or other storage units, signs andlighting;f) implementation timetables for allg)landscaping works; and

g) details of fencing/enclosuresh)vehicular and pedestrian access, parkingi)

and circulation areas proposed and existing functional services j)


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above and below ground, includingdrainage, power and communicationscables and pipelines, manholes andsupports;

details of existing trees to be retainedk)

3) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority.4) The approved landscape works shall be carriedout by suitably trained or qualified personnel to areasonable standard in accordance with therelevant recommendations of appropriate BritishStandards or other recognised codes of good


Replacement trees and shrubs

45) If within a period of [five years] from the dateof the planting of any tree or shrub that tree orshrub , or any tree or shrub planted in replacementfor it is uprooted or destroyed or dies, another treeor shrub of the same species and size as thatoriginally planted shall be planted at the same

place, unless the local relevant planning authoritygives its written consent to any variation.

Construction TrafficManagement Plan

FALPS5 1) Work no. 10a shall not commence until a trafficmanagement plan (which shall accord with theCoCP) shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultationwith Transport for London.

2) The development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with Transport for London.


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Travel Plan FALPS6 1) Work No. 10a shall not commence until asite-specific construction workforce travel plan inaccordance with the Draft Project Framework Travel Plan has been submitted to and approved

by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with TfL.

2) The approved travel plan(s) shall beimplemented from the commencement of development of work No. 10a and shall continueto be in place for the duration of the constructionworks, unless otherwise approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultationwith TfL.

Highway works FALPS7 1) No authorised development consisting of theconstruction or alteration of York Way A3205 or the construction or alteration of any highwaystructures which form part of York Way A3205shall commence until details of the design of these works or any associated highway structureshave been submitted to and approved by the localhighway authority.

2) The details required under paragraph 1 shallinclude details of any permanent works for a newor altered surface and foul water drainage systemfor York Way A3205 and any permanent works

for a new or modified highway lighting schemefor York Way A3205.

3) The construction or alteration of York WayA3205 or the construction or alteration of anyhighway structures which form part of York WayA3205 will be carried out in accordance with theapproved details unless otherwise approved inwriting by the local highway authority.

Specification of accesses(operational and construction)

FALPS8 1) Before alterations are made to any existingaccess or any new access is provided, details of the design of such alterations or new accessesshall be submitted to and approved by the localhighway authority and any such works shall becompleted prior to the commencement of their use.2) The works shall be carried out in accordancewith the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the highway authority.

Surface water drainage FALPS9 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of the ventilation column and ventilation permanent

above ground structures or landscaping , writtendetails of the surface water drainage system for


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this site (including means of pollution control, anassessment of the hydrological andhydrogeological context and written detailsincluding how the scheme shall be maintained and

managed after completion) in accordance with theappropriate Design Principles shall be submittedto and approved by the local relevant planningauthority, in consultation with the EnvironmentAgency.

2) The surface water drainage system must beconstructed in accordance with the submitteddetails unless otherwise approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultationwith the Environment Agency, and completed

prior to use of the tunnel.

Lighting – operational phase FALPS10 1) Prior to the commencement of the use of theTunnel details of the operational lighting inaccordance with the Design Principles for this siteshall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority.

2) The works shall be carried out in accordancewith the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authority.

Detailed design approval for permanent above groundstructures

FALPS11 1) Prior to the commencement of construction ofany permanent above ground structure, the design(including size, external appearances and samplesof materials) which shall accord with the design

principles for this site and the Site WorksParameter Plan shall be submitted to and approved

by the relevant planning authority.

2) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the relevant planningauthority.

Section 106 Agreement FALPS12 No authorised development shall be commencedon this site unless and until the undertaker hasentered into the Falconbrook Pumping StationSection 106 Agreement/Undertaking [to beappended/referred to]

Cremorne Wharf Depot

The table below sets out the specific requirements for the Cremorne Wharf Depot site— 11.

Title Ref Text CoCP Part B CREWD1 The authorised development construction works at


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this site shall be carried out in accordance with theCoCP Part BA, as amended or varied by the CoCPPart B for this site , unless otherwise approved bylocal relevant planning authority in consultation

with other relevant stakeholders.

Detailed design approval for permanent above groundstructures

CREWD2 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of any permanent above ground structure, the design(including size, external appearance and samplesof materials) which shall accord with theindicative features on the Proposed site features

plan (Drawing No.DCO-PP- 00-ZZZZZ 11X-CREWD -290008), thedesign principles for this site and the Site WorksParameter Plan shall be submitted to and approved

by the local relevant planning authority in

consultation with the Mayor of London .

2) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with the Mayor ofLondon .

Detailed design approval for signature ventilation columns

CREWD3 1) 1) Prior to the commencement of constructionof the signature ventilation columns details of theheight, dimensions, external appearance and

materials which shall accord with the Ventilationcolumn type B (Drawing No.DCO-PP-900-ZZZZZ-290002 – rev 1 ) shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority.2) 2) The ventilation columns at this site shall notexceed 6 metres in height3) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority.

Details of works to listed buildings and structures

CREWD4 1) Before commencement of the following worksto Lots Road Pumping Station the details of thoseworks in accordance with the design principles for this site and the maximum permanent extent of loss of the listed buildings / structures, shown onthe Listed structure interface – Lots road pumpingstation plan (Drawing No.DCO-PP-11X-CREWD-130012 – rev 1 ), shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with TheHistoric Buildings and Monuments Commissionfor England :

works to amend or replace the existingi.


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report demonstrating completion of works set outin the approved remediation strategy and theeffectiveness of the remediation should be

provided shall be submitted to and approved by

the relevant planning authority, in consultationwith the Environment Agency . The report shouldinclude results of sampling and monitoring carriedout in accordance with the approved verification

plan to demonstrate that the site remediationcriteria have been met. It should also include any

plan ( a “long-term monitoring and maintenance plan ”) for long-term monitoring of pollutantlinkages, maintenance and arrangements for contingency action, as identified in the verification


4. The long-term monitoring and maintenance

plan should be implemented as approved unlessotherwise agreed with the relevant planningauthority, in consultation with the EnvironmentAgency .

(2) Unexpected contamination

5. If in undertaking any works on this site,contamination not previously identified is found to

be present at the site, then unless otherwise agreed

by the local relevant planning authority, no further development or works shall be carried out in the part of the site in which the contamination has been identified until a remediation strategy has been submitted to and approved in writing by therelevant local planning authority, in consultationwith the Environment Agency. The remediationworks on this site shall be carried out inaccordance with that remediation strategy unlessotherwise approved in writing by the relevant

planning authority .

Archaeology CREWD8 1) Prior to undertaking any excavation a SiteSpecific Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) (which shall accord with theOverarching Archaeological WSI) shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with TheHistoric Buildings and Monuments Commissionfor England.2) The archaeological works shall be undertakenin accordance with the Site SpecificArchaeological WSI and carried out by a suitablyqualified person or body.

Fencing/enclosure (operational CREWD9 1) Before completion of construction works on


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phase) Site restoration scheme this site, drawings showing the location,appearance, materials and finishes inaccordance Prior to bringing the tunnel into use asite restoration scheme which shall accord with

the design principles of all permanent fences orother means of enclosure at for this site , and theSite Works Parameter Plan shall be submitted forapproval to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation the Mayor ofLondon .2) The site restoration scheme details in paragraph1 above shall include the following details:

proposed finished ground levels;a)hard surfacing materials; b)minor structures such as furniture, accessc)ladders, hand rails, refuse or other storage

units, signs and lighting;Permanent fences or other means ofd)enclosure.

2) The works shall be carried out in accordancewith the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authorityin consultation with the Mayor of London .

Construction TrafficManagement Plan


1) Work no. 11a shall not commence until a trafficmanagement plan (which shall accord with the

CoCP) shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultationwith Transport for London.2) The development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with Transport for London.

Travel Plan CREWD11

1) Work no. 11a shall not commence until asite-specific construction workforce travel plan inaccordance with the Draft Project Framework

Travel Plan has been submitted to and approved by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with TfL.2) The approved travel plan(s) shall beimplemented from the commencement of development of work no. 11a and shall continue to

be in place for the duration of the constructionworks, unless otherwise approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultationwith TfL.

Specification of accesses(operational and construction)


1) Before alterations are made to any existingaccess or any new access is provided, details of the design of such alterations or new accesses


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shall be submitted to and approved by the localhighway authority and any in consultation with theMayor of London. Any such works shall be inaccordance with Access plan (Drawing No.

DCO-PP-11X-CREWD-130003) completed prior to the commencement of their use.2) The works shall be carried out in accordancewith the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the highway authority in consultationwith the Mayor of London .

Surface water drainage CREWD13

1) Prior to the commencement of construction of the permanent above ground structures orlandscaping, written details of the surface water drainage system for this site (including means of

pollution control, an assessment of thehydrological and hydrogeological context andwritten details including how the scheme shall bemaintained and managed after completion) inaccordance with the Design principles for this siteshall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority, in consultationwith the Environment Agency.2) The surface water drainage system must beconstructed in accordance with the submitteddetails unless otherwise approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultationwith the Environment Agency, and completed

prior to use of the tunnel.

Section 106 Agreement CREWD14

No authorised development shall be commencedon this site unless and until the undertaker hasentered into the Cremorne Wharf Depot Section106 Agreement/Undertaking [to beappended/referred to]

Chelsea Embankment Foreshore

The table below sets out the specific requirements for the Chelsea Embankment—

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The authorised development construction works atthis site shall be carried out in accordance with theCoCP Part BA, as amended or varied by the CoCPPart B for this site, unless otherwise approved bylocal relevant planning authority in consultationwith other relevant stakeholders. .

Location of permanent worksCHEEF2 1) The maximum extent of the intertidal terracing

which includes the permanent river wall shall beconstructed such that it does not extend beyond


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the alignment set out in the Site works parameter plan.2) Should the alignment be less than the maximumextent shown on the Site works parameter plan the

detail of the amended alignment shall be submittedand approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with the HistoricBuildings and Monuments Commission forEngland, Port of London Authority and theEnvironment Agency.

Detailed design approvalRiver wall and Terraces

CHEEF3 1) Before the commencement of construction of the new river wall and terraces the detailed design(including external appearance and samples of materials) which shall accord with the Design

principles for this site and the Site works

parameter Plan shall be submitted to andapproved by the local relevant planning authorityin consultation with The Historic Buildings andMonuments Commission for England.2) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The HistoricBuildings and Monuments Commission for England.

Detailed design approval for permanent above groundstructures

CHEEF4 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of any permanent above ground structure, the design(including size, external appearance and samplesof materials) which shall accord with the design

principles for this site and the Site WorksParameter Plan shall be submitted to and approved

by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with The Historic Buildings andMonuments Commission for England.2) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The HistoricBuildings and Monuments Commission for England.

Protective works to HeritageAssets

CHEEF5 1) Before commencement of any works to theembankment wall or boundary to RanelaghGardens (as relevant) the following details shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with TheHistoric Buildings and Monuments Commissionfor England.

works to protect the embankment walli.

and boundary treatment to RanelaghGardensworks to remove, store and re-use theii.


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parapet, lamp standards and facingmaterials for the embankment wall andthe bricks and railings from the RanelaghGarden boundary

2) Materials of heritage significance in (ii) aboveshall be re-used in accordance with the principlesset out in section 3.6 of the Heritage Statement

3) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with the HistoricBuildings and Monuments Commission forEngland .

Restoration works toHeritage Assets

CHEEF6 1) Prior to the removal of the temporary works

platform details of the works to restore the fabricof the embankment wall including materials shall be submitted to and approved by the local relevant planning authority.2) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The HistoricBuildings and Monuments Commission for England.

Detailed design approval for signature ventilation columns

CHEEF7 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of the signature ventilation columns details of theheight, dimensions, external appearance andmaterials which shall accord with Ventilationcolumn type B (Drawing No.DCO-PP-900-ZZZZZ-290002 – rev 1 ) shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with TheHistoric Buildings and Monuments Commissionfor England.2) The ventilation columns at this site shall notexceed 6 metres in height3) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The HistoricBuildings and Monuments Commission for England.

Landscaping CHEEF8 1) Before commencing construction of the permanent above ground structures, details of the permanent landscaping for this site shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with The

Historic Buildings and Monuments Commissionfor England, and TfL with respect to street treesand the Environment Agency with respect to the


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inter-tidal terraces . Such details shall be inaccordance with the indicative features on theProposed landscape plan (Drawing No.DCO-PP- 000-ZZZZZ-290014 12X-CHEEF-14001

0 and DCO-PP-12X-CHEEF-140011 – rev 1 ), theDesign principles for this site and the Site works parameter plan .2) The landscaping details in paragraph 1 abovemust, unless otherwise agreed by the local relevant

planning authority, include details of all proposedhard and soft landscaping works, including:

location, number, species, size anda) planting density of any proposed planting;cultivation, importing of materials and b)other operations to ensure plantestablishment ;monitoring and maintenance monitoringc)and maintenance plan;c) proposed finished ground levels;d)d) hard surfacing materials;e)e) minor structures such as furniture,f)access ladders, hand rails, refuse or other storage units, signs and lighting;f) retained historic landscape features andg)

proposals for restoration where relevant;g) implementation timetables for allh)landscaping works; andh) details of fencing/enclosures .i)

vehicular and pedestrian access, parking j) and circulation areas proposed and existing functional servicesk)above and below ground, includingdrainage, power and communicationscables and pipelines, manholes andsupports;details of existing trees to be retainedl)retained historic landscape features andm)

proposals for restoration where relevant3) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unless

otherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The HistoricBuildings and Monuments Commission for England and , TfL with respect to street trees , andthe Environment Agency with respect to theinter-tidal terraces .4) The approved landscape works shall be carriedout by suitably trained or qualified personnel to areasonable standard in accordance with therelevant recommendations of appropriate BritishStandards or other recognised codes of good


Replacement trees and shrubs45) If within a period of five years from the date


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of the planting of any tree or shrub that tree orshrub , or any tree or shrub planted in replacementfor it is uprooted or destroyed or dies, another treeor shrub of the same species and size as that

originally planted shall be planted at the same place, unless the local relevant planning authoritygives its written consent to any variation inconsultation with TfL with respect to street trees.

Temporary Works Platform CHEEF9 1) The maximum extent of the temporary works platform to be provided shall not extend beyondthe alignment shown on the Site Works Parameter Plan.2) Should the alignment be less than the maximumextent shown on the Site works parameter plan thedetails of the proposed structure(s) (includingadditional lengths of cofferdam, temporarydecking areas and pontoons) shall be submitted toand approved by the Port of London Authority inconsultation with the Environment Agency prior to commencing construction of the temporaryworks platform.

Works in the river CHEEF10 1) Works in the river shall not commence until adetailed Method Statement and Navigational Risk Assessment has been submitted to and approved

by the Port of London Authority.

2) The works shall be undertaken in accordancewith the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the Port of London Authority.

Contaminated land CHEEF11 (1) Site specific remediation strategy

1. Work No. 12a shall not commence until a landquality assessment Unless agreed in writing by therelevant planning authority in consultation withthe Environment Agency no works shall beundertaken at this site (save for works in thehighway including site access, works to trees and

installation of monitoring equipment) until thefollowing has been submitted to and a g ppr eoved by the local relevant planning authority, inconsultation with the Environment Agency. Thisshould include the following components:

a. A preliminary risk assessment and siteinvestigation scheme which has identified:

(i. ) all previous uses

(ii. ) potential contaminants associated with thoseuses

(iii. ) a conceptual model of the site indicatingsources, pathways and receptors


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iv. (iv) qualitative risk assessment of any potentially unacceptable risks arising fromcontamination at the site.

b. If specified by the preliminary risk assessmenta(v) proposed site investigation scheme ,( based on the preliminary risk assessment to

provide ) providing information for a detailedquantitative assessment of the risk to all receptorsthat may be affected, including those off site.

b. A remediation strategy which includes:

c. The (i) the results of the siteinvestigation and the

(ii) detailed risk quantitative assessment referred toin (b) and, based on these, an of the risk

(iii) options appraisal and remediation strategygiving full details of the remediation measuresrequired and how they are to be undertaken.

d. (iv) A verification plan providing details of thedata that will be collected in order to demonstratethat the works set out in the remediation strategyin (c) are complete and identifying anyrequirements for long-term monitoring of pollutantlinkages, maintenance and arrangements for contingency action.

(v) a programme for the submission of

elements detailed in 3 and 4.2. The scheme shall be implemented asapproved. 2) The works shall be undertaken inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise agreed with the relevant planningauthority, in consultation with the EnvironmentAgency.

Verification report

3. APrior to completion of the works a verificationreport demonstrating completion of works set outin the approved remediation strategy and theeffectiveness of the remediation should be

provided shall be submitted to and approved bythe relevant planning authority, in consultationwith the Environment Agency . The report shouldinclude results of sampling and monitoring carriedout in accordance with the approved verification

plan to demonstrate that the site remediationcriteria have been met. It should also include any

plan ( a “long-term monitoring and maintenance plan ”) for long-term monitoring of pollutantlinkages, maintenance and arrangements for contingency action, as identified in the verification



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4. The long-term monitoring and maintenance planshould be implemented as approved unlessotherwise agreed with the relevant planningauthority, in consultation with the Environment

Agency .

(2) Unexpected contamination

5. If in undertaking any works on this site,contamination not previously identified is found to

be present at the site, then unless otherwise agreed by the local relevant planning authority, no further development or works shall be carried out in the

part of the site in which the contamination has

been identified until a remediation strategy has been submitted to and approved in writing by therelevant local planning authority, in consultationwith the Environment Agency. The remediationworks on this site shall be carried out inaccordance with that remediation strategy unlessotherwise approved in writing by the relevant

planning authority .

Archaeology CHEEF12 1) Prior to undertaking any excavation a SiteSpecific Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) (which shall accord with the

Overarching Archaeological WSI) shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with TheHistoric Buildings and Monuments Commissionfor England.2) The archaeological works shall be undertakenin accordance with the Site SpecificArchaeological WSI and carried out by a suitablyqualified person or body.

Construction TrafficManagement Plan

CHEEF13 1) Work no. 12a shall not commence until a trafficmanagement plan (which shall accord with theCoCP) shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultationwith Transport for London.2) The development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with Transport for London.

Travel Plan CHEEF14 1) Work no. 12a shall not commence until asite-specific construction workforce travel plan in

accordance with the Draft Project Framework Travel Plan has been submitted to and approved


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by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with TfL.2) The approved travel plan(s) shall beimplemented from the commencement of

development of work no. 12a and shall continue to be in place for the duration of the constructionworks, unless otherwise approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultationwith TfL.

Specification of accesses(operational andconstruction)

CHEEF15 1) Before alterations are made to any existingaccess or any new access is provided, details of the design of such alterations or new accessesshall be submitted to and approved by the localhighway authority and any such works shall becompleted prior to the commencement of their use.2) The works shall be carried out in accordancewith the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the highway authority.

Highway Works CHEEF16 1) No authorised development consisting of theconstruction or alteration of Chelsea Embankmentor the construction or alteration of any highwaystructures which form part of ChelseaEmbankment shall commence until details of thedesign of these works or any associated highwaystructures have been submitted to and approved

by the local highway authority.

2) The details required under paragraph 1 shallinclude details of any permanent works for a newor altered surface and foul water drainage systemfor Chelsea Embankment and any permanentworks for a new or modified highway lightingscheme for Chelsea Embankment.

Surface water drainage CHEEF17 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of the permanent above ground structures orlandscaping written details of the surface water drainage system for this site (including means of

pollution control, an assessment of thehydrological and hydrogeological context andwritten details including how the scheme shall bemaintained and managed after completion) inaccordance with the Design principles for this siteshall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority, in consultationwith the Environment Agency.2) The surface water drainage system must beconstructed in accordance with the submitteddetails unless otherwise approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultationwith the Environment Agency, and completed

prior to use of the tunnel.


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Lighting – operational phase CHEEF18 1) Prior to the commencement of the use of theTunnel details of the operational lighting inaccordance with the Design principles for this site

shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultationwith The Historic Buildings and MonumentsCommission for England .2) The works shall be carried out in accordancewith the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authorityin consultation with The Historic Buildings andMonuments Commission for England .

Section 106 Agreement CHEEF19 No authorised development shall be commencedon this site unless and until the undertaker hasentered into the Chelsea Embankment ForeshoreSection 106 Agreement/Undertaking [to beappended/referred to]

Kirtling Street

The table below sets out the specific requirements for the Kirtling Street site— 13.

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CoCP Part B KRTST1 The authorised development construction works atthis site shall be carried out in accordance with the

CoCP Part BA, as amended or varied by the CoCPPart B for this site, unless otherwise approved bythe local relevant planning authority in consultationwith other relevant stakeholders.

Works in the river KRTST2 1) Works in the river shall not commence until adetailed Method Statement and Navigational Risk Assessment has been submitted to and approved

by the Port of London Authority.

2) The works shall be undertaken in accordancewith the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the Port of London Authority.

Contaminated land KRTST3 (1) Site specific remediation strategy

1. Work No. 13a shall not commence until a landquality assessment Unless agreed in writing by therelevant planning authority in consultation withthe Environment Agency no works shall beundertaken at this site (save for demolition ofexisting buildings, works in the highway includingsite access, works to trees and installation ofmonitoring equipment) until the following has

been submitted to and a g ppr eoved by thelocal relevant planning authority, in consultation


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with the Environment Agency. This shouldinclude the following components:

a. a. A preliminary risk assessment and siteinvestigation scheme which has identified:

(i) (i) all previous uses

(ii) (ii) potential contaminants associated withthose uses

(iii) (iii) a conceptual model of the site indicatingsources, pathways and receptors

(iv) (iv) qualitative risk assessment of any potentially unacceptable risks arising fromcontamination at the site.

b. If specified by the preliminary risk assessment

a(v) proposed site investigation scheme , basedon the preliminary risk assessment to provide providing information for a detailed quantitativeassessment of the risk to all receptors that may beaffected, including those off site.

b. A remediation strategy which includes:

c. The results of the site investigation and the (i)detailed risk quantitative assessment referred to in(b) and, based on these, an of the risk

(ii) options appraisal and remediation strategygiving full details of the remediation measures

required and how they are to be undertaken.d. (iii) A verification plan providing details of thedata that will be collected in order to demonstratethat the works set out in the remediation strategyin (c) are complete and identifying anyrequirements for long-term monitoring of pollutantlinkages, maintenance and arrangements for contingency action.

(iv) a programme for the submission ofelements detailed in 3 and 4.

2. The scheme shall be implemented as

approved. 2) The works shall be undertaken inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise agreed with the relevant planningauthority, in consultation with the EnvironmentAgency.

Verification report

3. APrior to completion of the works a verificationreport demonstrating completion of works set outin the approved remediation strategy and theeffectiveness of the remediation should be

provided shall be submitted to and approved bythe relevant planning authority, in consultation


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with the Environment Agency . The report shouldinclude results of sampling and monitoring carriedout in accordance with the approved verification

plan to demonstrate that the site remediation

criteria have been met. It should also include any plan ( a “long-term monitoring and maintenance plan ”) for long-term monitoring of pollutantlinkages, maintenance and arrangements for contingency action, as identified in the verification


4. The long-term monitoring and maintenance planshould be implemented as approved unlessotherwise agreed with the relevant planningauthority, in consultation with the EnvironmentAgency .

(2) Unexpected contamination

5. If in undertaking any works on this site,contamination not previously identified is found to

be present at the site, then unless otherwise agreed by the local relevant planning authority, no further development or works shall be carried out in the

part of the site in which the contamination has been identified until a remediation strategy has been submitted to and approved in writing by therelevant local planning authority, in consultation

with the Environment Agency. The remediationworks on this site shall be carried out inaccordance with that remediation strategy unlessotherwise approved in writing by the relevant

planning authority .

Tunnel Land QualityAssessment

KRTST4 1. No tunnelling works from this site shall becommenced until a tunnel land quality assessmenthas been submitted to and agreed by theEnvironment Agency. This should include thefollowing components:

a. A preliminary risk assessment which hasidentified:

i. all previous uses

ii. potential contaminants associated with thoseuses

iii. a conceptual model of the tunnel indicatingsources, pathways and receptors

iv. potentially unacceptable risks arising fromcontamination at the tunnel.

b. Unless otherwise provided, a tunnel

investigation scheme, based on the preliminaryrisk assessment to provide information for a


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detailed assessment of the risk to all receptors thatmay be affected.

c. The results of the investigation and the detailedrisk assessment referred to in (b) and, based onthese, an options appraisal and remediationstrategy giving full details of the remediationmeasures required and how they are to beundertaken.

d. A verification plan providing details of the datathat will be collected in order to demonstrate thatthe works set out in the remediation strategy in (c)are complete and identifying any requirements forlong-term monitoring of pollutant linkages,maintenance and arrangements for contingencyaction.

2. The scheme shall be implemented as approved.3. A verification report demonstrating completionof works set out in the approved remediationstrategy and the effectiveness of the remediationshould be provided. The report should includeresults of sampling and monitoring carried out inaccordance with the approved verification plan todemonstrate that the site remediation criteria have

been met. It should also include any plan (a“long-term monitoring and maintenance plan”) forlong-term monitoring of pollutant linkages,maintenance and arrangements for contingencyaction, as identified in the verification plan.

4. The long-term monitoring and maintenance planshall be implemented as approved.

Archaeology KRTST 54 1) Prior to undertaking any groundworks excavation a Site Specific ArchaeologicalWritten Scheme of Investigation (WSI) (whichshall accord with the Overarching ArchaeologicalWSI) shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultationwith The Historic Buildings and MonumentsCommission for England.

2) The archaeological works shall be undertakenin accordance with the Site SpecificArchaeological WSI and carried out by a suitablyqualified person or body.

Landscaping KRTST 65 1) Before commencing construction of the permanent above ground structures, details of the permanent landscaping for this site shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with the Mayorof London . Such details shall be in accordancewith the indicative Proposed Landscape Plan(Drawing No. DCO-PP-13X-KRTST-150008) and


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the Design Principles for this site.

2) The landscaping details in 1 above must unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority include details of all proposed hard andsoft landscaping works, including:

location, number, species, size anda) planting density of any proposed planting;cultivation, importing of materials and b)other operations to ensure plantestablishmentmonitoring and maintenance ;c)c) proposed finished ground levels;d)d) hard surfacing materials;e)e) implementation timetables for allf)landscaping works; and

f) details of fencing/enclosuresg) details of lighting as necessaryh)vehicular and pedestrian access, parkingi)and circulation areas

proposed and existing functional services j)above and below ground, includingdrainage, power and communicationscables and pipelines, manholes andsupports;details of existing trees to be retainedk)

3) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise agreed with the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with the Mayor ofLondon .4) The approved landscape works shall be carriedout by suitably trained or qualified personnel to areasonable standard in accordance with therelevant recommendations of appropriate BritishStandards or other recognised codes of good

practice. Replacement trees and shrubs

5) If within a period of five years from the date ofthe planting of any tree or shrub that tree or shrub ,or any tree or shrub planted in replacement for it isuprooted or destroyed or dies, another tree orshrub of the same species and size as thatoriginally planted shall be planted at the same

place, unless the relevant planning authority givesits written consent to any variation in consultationwith TfL with respect to street trees.

Concrete batching plant KRTST 76 1) Details of the relocated concrete batching plant(Work No. 13b (ii)) relating to external elevations,materials and lighting shall be submitted to and

approved by the local relevant planning authority prior to the commencement of construction of


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structures have been submitted to and approved by the local highway authority.

2) The details required under paragraph 1 shall

include details of any permanent works for a newor altered surface and foul water drainage systemfor Nine Elms Lane A3205 and any permanentworks for a new or modified highway lightingscheme for Nine Elms Lane A3205.

3) The construction or alteration of Nine ElmsLane A3205 or the construction or alteration of any highway structures which form part of NineElms Lane A3205 will be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved in writing by the local

highway authority.

Specification of accesses(operational andconstruction)

KRTST1 21 1) Before alterations are made to any existingaccess or any new access is provided, details of the design of such alterations or new accessesshall be submitted to and approved by the localhighway authority and any in consultation with theMayor of London. Any such works shall becompleted prior to the commencement of their use.2) The works shall be carried out in accordancewith the approved details unless otherwise

approved by the highway authority in consultationwith the Mayor of London .

Surface water drainage KRTST1 32 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of the permanent above ground structures orlandscaping , written details of the surface water drainage system for this site (including means of

pollution control, an assessment of thehydrological and hydrogeological context andwritten details including how the scheme shall bemaintained and managed after completion) inaccordance with the Design Principles for this siteshall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority, in consultationwith the Environment Agency.

2) The surface water drainage system must beconstructed in accordance with the submitteddetails unless otherwise approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultationwith the Environment Agency, and completed

prior to use of the tunnel.

Detailed design approval for permanent above groundstructures

KRTST13 1) Prior to the commencement of construction ofany permanent above ground structure, the design(including size, external appearances and samples


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of materials) which shall accord with the design principles for this site and the Site WorksParameter Plan shall be submitted to and approved

by the relevant planning authority in consultation

with the Mayor of London.2) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the relevant planningauthority in consultation with the Mayor ofLondon.

Section 106 Agreement KRTST14 No authorised development shall be commencedon this site unless and until the undertaker hasentered into the Kirtling Street Section 106Agreement/Undertaking [to be appended/referredto]

Heathwall Pumping Station

The table below sets out the specific requirements for the Heathwall Pumping—

Title Ref Text

CoCP Part B HEAPS1 The authorised development construction works atthis site shall be carried out in accordance with theCoCP Part BA, as amended or varied by the CoCPPart B for this site , unless otherwise approved bythe local relevant planning authority in consultationwith other relevant stakeholders.

Works in the river HEAPS2 1) Works in the river shall not commence until adetailed Method Statement and Navigational Risk Assessment has been submitted to and approved

by the Port of London Authority.

2) The works shall be undertaken in accordancewith the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the Port of London Authority.

Temporary Works Platform HEAPS3 1) The maximum extent of the temporary works platform to be provided shall not extend beyondthe alignment shown on the Site Works Parameter Plan.

2) Should the alignment be less than the maximumextent shown on the Site Works Parameter Planthe details of the proposed structure(s) (includingadditional lengths of cofferdam, temporarydecking areas and pontoons) shall be submitted toand approved by the Port of London Authority inconsultation with the Environment Agency prior to commencing construction of the temporaryworks platform.


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Location of permanent works HEAPS4 1) The maximum extent of the foreshore structureand permanent river wall shall be constructed suchthat it does not extend beyond the alignment setout in the Site Works Parameter Plan.

2) Should the alignment be less than the maximumextent shown on the Site Works Parameter Planthe detail shall be submitted and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority, in consultationwith the Port of London Authority and , theEnvironment Agency and the Mayor of London .

Detailed design approval of River wall

HEAPS5 1) Before the commencement of construction of the Heathwall river wall the detailed design(including external appearance and materials),which shall accord with the Design Principles for this site, the Site Works Parameter Plan and theindicative Typical river wall design intent plan(Drawing No. DCO-PP-14X-HEAPS-160012),shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultationwith the Mayor of London .

2) The authorised development shall be carriedout in accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise agreed with the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with the Mayor ofLondon .

Contaminated land HEAPS6 (1) Site specific remediation strategy

1. Work No. 14a shall not commence until a landquality assessment Unless agreed in writing by therelevant planning authority in consultation withthe Environment Agency no works shall beundertaken at this site (save for demolition ofexisting buildings, works in the highway includingsite access, works to trees and installation ofmonitoring equipment) until the following has

been submitted to and a g ppr eoved by the

local relevant planning authority, in consultationwith the Environment Agency. This shouldinclude the following components:

a. a. A preliminary risk assessment and siteinvestigation scheme which has identified:

(i) (i) all previous uses

(ii) (ii) potential contaminants associated withthose uses

(iii) (iii) a conceptual model of the site indicatingsources, pathways and receptors

(iv) (iv) qualitative risk assessment of any potentially unacceptable risks arising from


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contamination at the site.

b. If specified by the preliminary risk assessmenta(v) proposed site investigation scheme , basedon the preliminary risk assessment to provide

providing information for a detailed quantitativeassessment of the risk to all receptors that may beaffected, including those off site.

b. A remediation strategy which includes:

c. The results of the site investigation and the (i)detailed risk quantitative assessment referred to in(b) and, based on these, an of the risk

(ii) options appraisal and remediation strategygiving full details of the remediation measuresrequired and how they are to be undertaken.

d. (iii) A verification plan providing details of thedata that will be collected in order to demonstratethat the works set out in the remediation strategyin (c) are complete and identifying anyrequirements for long-term monitoring of pollutantlinkages, maintenance and arrangements for contingency action.

(iv) a programme for the submission ofelements detailed in 3 and 4.

2. The scheme shall be implemented asapproved. 2) The works shall be undertaken in

accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise agreed with the relevant planningauthority, in consultation with the EnvironmentAgency.

Verification report

3. APrior to completion of the works a verificationreport demonstrating completion of works set outin the approved remediation strategy and theeffectiveness of the remediation should be

provided shall be submitted to and approved by

the relevant planning authority, in consultationwith the Environment Agency . The report shouldinclude results of sampling and monitoring carriedout in accordance with the approved verification

plan to demonstrate that the site remediationcriteria have been met. It should also include any

plan ( a “long-term monitoring and maintenance plan ”) for long-term monitoring of pollutantlinkages, maintenance and arrangements for contingency action, as identified in the verification


4. The long-term monitoring and maintenance planshould be implemented as approved unlessotherwise agreed with the relevant planning


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authority, in consultation with the EnvironmentAgency .

(2) Unexpected contamination

5. If in undertaking any works on this site,contamination not previously identified is found to

be present at the site, then unless otherwise agreed by the local relevant planning authority, no further development or works shall be carried out in the

part of the site in which the contamination has been identified until a remediation strategy has been submitted to and approved in writing by therelevant local planning authority, in consultationwith the Environment Agency. The remediationworks on this site shall be carried out inaccordance with that remediation strategy unlessotherwise approved in writing by the relevant

planning authority .

Archaeology HEAPS7 1) Prior to undertaking any groundworks excavation a Site Specific ArchaeologicalWritten Scheme of Investigation (WSI) (whichshall accord with the Overarching ArchaeologicalWSI) shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultationwith The Historic Buildings and MonumentsCommission for England.

2) The archaeological works shall be undertakenin accordance with the Site SpecificArchaeological WSI and carried out by a suitablyqualified person or body.

Landscaping HEAPS8 1) Before commencing construction of the permanent above ground structures, details of the permanent landscaping for this site shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with the Mayorof London, and TfL with respect to street trees.Such details shall be in accordance with theindicative Proposed Landscape Plan (Drawing No.DCO-PP-14X-HEAPS-160008 , indicative fencingand gate design intent (Drawing No.DCO-PP-14X-HEAPS-160013) ) and the DesignPrinciples for this site.

2) The landscaping details in 1 above must, unlessotherwise agreed by the local relevant planningauthority, include details of all proposed hard andsoft landscaping works, including:

location, number, species, size anda) planting density of any proposed planting;


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cultivation, importing of materials and b)other operations to ensure plantestablishmentmonitoring and maintenance ;c)

c) proposed finished ground levels;d)d) hard surfacing materials;e)e) minor structures such as furniture,f)refuse or other storage units, signs andlighting;f) implementation timetables for allg)landscaping works; andg) details of fencing/enclosuresh)vehicular and pedestrian access, parkingi)and circulation areas

proposed and existing functional services j)above and below ground, including

drainage, power and communicationscables and pipelines, manholes andsupports;details of existing trees to be retainedk)

3) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise agreed with the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with the Mayor ofLondon, and TfL with respect to street trees.4) The approved landscape works shall be carriedout by suitably trained or qualified personnel to areasonable standard in accordance with therelevant recommendations of appropriate BritishStandards or other recognised codes of good


Replacement trees and shrubs

45) If within a period of five years from the dateof the planting of any tree or shrub that tree orshrub , or any tree or shrub planted in replacementfor it is uprooted or destroyed or dies, another treeor shrub of the same species and size as thatoriginally planted shall be planted at the same

place, unless the local relevant planning authoritygives its written consent to any variation inconsultation with TfL with respect to street trees.

Highway Works

HEAPS9 1) No authorised development consisting of theconstruction or alteration of Nine Elms LaneA3205 or the construction or alteration of anyhighway structures which form part of Nine ElmsLane A3205 shall commence until details of thedesign of these works or any associated highwaystructures have been submitted to and approved

by the local highway authority.

2) The details required under paragraph 1 shall


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include details of any permanent works for a newor altered surface and foul water drainage systemfor Nine Elms Lane A3205 and any permanentworks for a new or modified highway lighting

scheme for Nine Elms Lane A3205.

3) The construction or alteration of Nine ElmsLane A3205 or the construction or alteration of any highway structures which form part of NineElms Lane A3205 will be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved in writing by the localhighway authority.

Construction TrafficManagement Plan

HEAPS101) Work no. 14a shall not commence until a trafficmanagement plan (which shall accord with theCoCP) shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultationwith Transport for London.

2) The development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with Transport for London.

Travel Plan HEAPS11 1) Work Nos. 14a and 14b shall not commenceuntil a site-specific construction workforce travel

plan in accordance with the Draft ProjectFramework Travel Plan has been submitted to andapproved by the local relevant planning authorityin consultation with TfL.

2) The approved travel plan(s) shall beimplemented from the commencement of development of work Nos. 14a and 14b and shallcontinue to be in place for the duration of theconstruction works, unless otherwise approved bythe local relevant planning authority in consultation

with TfL.


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Specification of accesses(operational andconstruction)

HEAPS12 1) Before alterations are made to any existingaccess or any new access is provided, details of the design of such alterations or new accessesshall be submitted to and approved by the local

highway authority and any in consultation with theMayor of London. Any such works shall becompleted prior to the commencement of their use.2) The works shall be carried out in accordancewith the approved details unless otherwise agreedwith the highway authority in consultation withthe Mayor of London.

Surface water drainage HEAPS13 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of the ventilation column and ventilation permanentabove ground structures or landscaping , writtendetails of the surface water drainage system for this site (including means of pollution control, anassessment of the hydrological andhydrogeological context and written detailsincluding how the scheme shall be maintained andmanaged after completion) in accordance with theappropriate Design Principles shall be submittedto and approved by the local relevant planningauthority, in consultation with the EnvironmentAgency.

2) The surface water drainage system must beconstructed in accordance with the submitted

details unless otherwise approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultationwith the Environment Agency, and completed

prior to use of the tunnel.

Lighting – operational phase HEAPS14 1) Prior to the commencement of the use of theTunnel details of the operational lighting inaccordance with the Design Principles for this siteshall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority.

2) The works shall be carried out in accordancewith the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authority.

The Battersea Barge HEAPS15 Following completion of all construction works onthis site, the Battersea Barge restaurant shall bereturned to its original position, subject toobtaining river works and mooring licenses, asshown on the approved Demolition and SiteClearance Plan, unless otherwise agreed by thelocal authority.

Detailed design approval for HEAPS 16 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of


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signature ventilation columns the signature ventilation columns details of theheight, dimensions, external appearance andmaterials which shall accord with the Ventilationcolumn types B and C (Drawing Nos.

DCO-PP-900-ZZZZZ-290002 – rev 1 and 290003 – rev 1 ) shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority.

2) The ventilation columns at this site shall notexceed 6 metres in height

3) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority.

Detailed design approval for permanent above groundstructures

HEAPS 17 1) Prior to the commencement of construction ofany permanent above ground structure, the design(including size, external appearances and samplesof materials) which shall accord with the design

principles for this site and the Site WorksParameter Plan shall be submitted to and approved

by the relevant planning authority in consultationwith the Mayor of London.

2) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the relevant planningauthority in consultation with the Mayor ofLondon.

Section 106 Agreement HEAPS 18 No authorised development shall be commencedon this site unless and until the undertaker hasentered into the Heathwall Pumping StationSection 106 Agreement/Undertaking [to beappended/referred to]

Albert Embankment Foreshore

.The table below sets out the specific requirements for the Albert Embankment—

Title Ref Text CoCP Part B ALBEF1 The authorised development construction works at

this site shall be carried out in accordance with theCoCP Part BA, as amended or varied by the CoCPPart B for this site , unless otherwise approved bylocal relevant planning authority in consultationwith other relevant stakeholders.

Location of permanent works ALBEF2 1) The maximum extent of the permanent river wall and terraces shall be constructed such that itdoes not extend beyond the alignment set out inthe Site Works Parameter Plan.

2) Should the alignment be less than the maximum


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Title Ref Text extent shown on the Site Works Parameter Planthe detail of the amended alignment shall besubmitted and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with theHistoric Buildings and Monuments Commissionfor England, Port of London Authority and theEnvironment Agency.

Detailed design approvalRiver wall and Terraces

ALBEF3 1) Before the commencement of construction of the river wall and terraces the detailed design(including external appearance and samples of materials) which shall accord with the Design

principles for this site, and the Site WorksParameter Plan, Proposed site features plan(Drawing No. DCO-PP-15X-ALBEF-170012 – rev 1 ); Proposed landscape plan – interceptionstructure (DCO-PP-15X-ALBEF-170013);Proposed landscape plan – shaft structure(Drawing No. DCO-PP-15X-ALBEF-170014);Typical river wall design intent(DCO-PP-15X-ALBEF-170027); and Proposedlisted structure interface – interception structure(DCO-PP-15X-ALBEF-170029) shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with TheHistoric Buildings and Monuments Commissionfor England.

2) The authorised development shall be carried out

in accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise agreed with the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The HistoricBuildings and Monuments Commission for England.

Detailed design approval for permanent above groundstructures

ALBEF4 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of any permanent above ground structure, details of the design (including size, external appearanceand materials) which shall accord with the design

principles for this site and the Site WorksParameter Plan,, Proposed landscape plan – interception structure(DCO-PP-15X-ALBEF-170013); Proposedlandscape plan – shaft structure (Drawing No.DCO-PP-15X-ALBEF-170014) and Kiosk designintent (DCO-PP-15X-ALBEF-170026) shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with TheHistoric Buildings and Monuments Commissionfor England.

2) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise agreed with the local relevant planning


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Title Ref Text authority in consultation with the HistoricBuildings and Monuments Commission forEngland .

Detailed design approval for signature ventilation columns

ALBEF5 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of the signature ventilation columns details of theheight, dimensions, external appearance andmaterials which shall accord with Ventilationcolumn type B Plan (Drawing NoDCO-PP-900-ZZZZZ-290002 – rev 1 ) shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with TheHistoric Buildings and Monuments Commissionfor England.

2) The ventilation columns at this site shall not

exceed 6 metres in height3) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise agreed with the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The HistoricBuildings and Monuments Commission for England.

Details of works to ListedBuildings

ALBEF6 1) Before commencement of any works to theVauxhall Bridge eastern abutment the details of those works in accordance with the design

principles for this site and the Proposed listedstructure interface – interception structure(DCO-PP-15X-ALBEF-170029) shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with TheHistoric Buildings and Monuments Commissionfor England:

2) The details provided shall include thefollowing:

i. Detailed drawings showing all fixingsto the Vauxhall Bridgeii. Detailed elevationsiii. Method Statement includingengineer’s drawingsiv. Samples of Materials.

3) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise agreed with the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The HistoricBuildings and Monuments Commission for England.

Protective works to ListedBuildings

ALBEF7 1) Before commencement of the works to theVauxhall Bridge eastern abutment details of the


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Title Ref Text details of works to protect the listed fabric duringconstruction shall be submitted to and approved bythe local relevant planning authority in consultationwith The Historic Buildings and MonumentsCommission for England.2) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise agreed with the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The HistoricBuildings and Monuments Commission for England.

Restoration works to ListedBuildings

ALBEF8 1) Prior to the completion Before commencementof the works to the Vauxhall Bridge easternabutment details of works to restore the listedfabric including materials shall be submitted to

and approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The HistoricBuildings and Monuments Commission for England.

2) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise agreed with the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The HistoricBuildings and Monuments Commission for England.

Landscaping ALBEF9 1) Before commencing construction of the permanent above ground structures, details of thelandscaping for this site shall be submitted to andapproved by the local relevant planning authorityin consultation with The Historic Buildings andMonuments Commission for England , and theEnvironment Agency with respect to the inter-tidalterraces . Such details shall be in accordance withthe Landscape plans (Drawing Nos.DCO-PP-15X-ALBEF-170013 andDCO-PP-15X-ALBEF-170014) and the design

principles for this site.

2) The landscaping details in paragraph 1 abovemust, unless otherwise agreed by the local relevant

planning authority, include details of all proposedhard and soft landscaping works, including:

location, number, species, size anda) planting density of any proposed planting;cultivation, importing of materials and b)other operations to ensure plantestablishmentmonitoring and maintenance plan ;c)c) proposed finished ground levels;d)d) hard surfacing materials;e)e) minor structures such as furniture,f)access ladders, refuse or other storage


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Title Ref Text consultation with Environment Agency prior to

prior to commencing construction of thetemporary works platform.

Works in the river ALBEF11 1) Works in the river shall not commence until adetailed Method Statement and Navigational Risk Assessment has been submitted to and approved

by the Port of London Authority.

2) The works shall be undertaken in accordancewith the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the Port of London Authority.

Contaminated land ALBEF12 (1) Site specific remediation strategy

1. Work No. 15a shall not commence until a landquality assessment Unless agreed in writing by therelevant planning authority in consultation withthe Environment Agency no works shall beundertaken at this site (save for demolition ofexisting buildings, works in the highway includingsite access, works to trees and installation ofmonitoring equipment) until the following has

been submitted to and a g ppr eoved by thelocal relevant planning authority, in consultationwith the Environment Agency. This shouldinclude the following components:

a. a. A preliminary risk assessment and siteinvestigation scheme which has identified:

(i) (i) all previous uses

(ii) (ii) potential contaminants associated withthose uses

(iii) (iii) a conceptual model of the site indicatingsources, pathways and receptors

(iv) (iv) qualitative risk assessment of any potentially unacceptable risks arising fromcontamination at the site.

b. If specified by the preliminary risk assessmenta(v) proposed site investigation scheme , basedon the preliminary risk assessment to provide

providing information for a detailed quantitativeassessment of the risk to all receptors that may beaffected, including those off site.

b. A remediation strategy which includes:

c. The results of the site investigation and the (i)detailed risk quantitative assessment referred to in(b) and, based on these, an of the risk

(ii) options appraisal and remediation strategy

giving full details of the remediation measuresrequired and how they are to be undertaken.


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Title Ref Text accordance with that remediation strategy unlessotherwise approved in writing by the relevant

planning authority .

Archaeological works ALBEF13 1) Prior to undertaking any excavation a SiteSpecific Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) (which shall accord with theOverarching Archaeological WSI) shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with TheHistoric Buildings and Monuments Commissionfor England.

2) The archaeological works shall be undertakenin accordance with the Site SpecificArchaeological WSI and carried out by a suitablyqualified person or body.

Construction TrafficManagement Plan ALBEF14 1) Work no. 15a shall not commence until a traffic

management plan (which shall accord with theCoCP) shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultationwith Transport for London.

2) The development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with Transport for London.

Travel Plan ALBEF15 1) Work no. 15a shall not commence until asite-specific construction workforce travel plan inaccordance with the Draft Project Framework Travel Plan has been submitted to and approved

by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with TfL.2) The approved travel plan(s) shall beimplemented from the commencement of development of work no. 15a and shall continue to

be in place for the duration of the construction

works, unless otherwise approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultationwith TfL.

Specification of accesses(operational andconstruction)

ALBEF16 1) Before alterations are made to any existingaccess or any new access is provided, details of the design of such alterations or new accessesshall be submitted to and approved by the localhighway authority and any such works shall becompleted prior to the commencement of their use.2) The works shall be carried out in accordancewith the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the highway authority.


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Title Ref Text

Highway Works ALBEF17 1) No authorised development consisting of theconstruction or alteration of Albert Embankmentor the construction or alteration of any highwaystructures which form part of Albert Embankmentshall commence until details of the design of theseworks or any associated highway structures have

been submitted to and approved by the localhighway authority.

2) The details required under paragraph 1 shallinclude details of any permanent works for a newor altered surface and foul water drainage systemfor Albert Embankment and any permanent worksfor a new or modified highway lighting schemefor Albert Embankment.

Surface water drainage ALBEF18 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of the permanent above ground structures orlandscaping written details of the surface water drainage system for this site (including means of

pollution control, an assessment of thehydrological and hydrogeological context andwritten details including how the scheme shall bemaintained and managed after completion) inaccordance with the Design principles for this siteshall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority, in consultation

with the Environment Agency.2) The surface water drainage system must beconstructed in accordance with the submitteddetails unless otherwise approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultationwith the Environment Agency, and completed

prior to use of the tunnel.

Lighting – operational phase ALBEF19 1) Prior to the commencement of the use of theTunnel details of the operational lighting inaccordance with the Design principles for this siteshall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultationwith the Historic Buildings and MonumentsCommission for England .

2) The works shall be carried out in accordancewith the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authorityin consultation with the Historic Buildings andMonuments Commission for England .

Section 106 Agreement ALBEF20 No authorised development shall be commencedon this site unless and until the undertaker hasentered into the Albert Embankment Foreshore


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Title Ref Text Section 106 Agreement/Undertaking [to beappended/referred to]

Victoria Embankment Foreshore

The table below sets out the specific requirements for the Victoria Embankment—

Title Ref Text CoCP Part B VCTEF1 The authorised development construction works at

this site shall be carried out in accordance with theCoCP Part BA, as amended or varied by the CoCPPart B for this site , unless otherwise approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation with

other relevant stakeholders.

Location of permanentworks

VCTEF2 1) The maximum extent of the permanent river walland terraces shall be constructed such that it does notextend beyond the alignment set out in the SiteWorks Parameter Plan.2) Should the alignment be less than the maximumextent shown on the Site Works Parameter Plan thedetail of the amended alignment shall be submittedand approved by the local relevant planning authorityin consultation with the Historic Buildings andMonuments Commission for England, Port of London Authority and the Environment Agency.

Location of moorings(Temporary and permanent)

VCTEF3 The replacement moorings shall be constructed asshown on the Proposed site features plan (Drawing

No. DCO-PP-16X-VCTEF-180011 – rev 1 ) and theProposed landscape plan (Drawing No:DCO-PP-16X-VCTEF-180013 – rev 1 ) unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with the Port of LondonAuthority.

Detailed design approval for permanent above groundstructures

VCTEF4 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of any permanent above ground structure, the design(including size, external appearance and materials)which shall accord with the Kiosk design intentdrawing (Drawing No.DCO-PP-16X-VCTEF-180021), the design

principles for this site and the Site Works Parameter Plan shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation withThe Historic Buildings and Monuments Commissionfor England.2) The height of the Kiosks (including the pergola)shall not exceed 4 metres unless otherwise agreed bythe relevant planning authority.


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Title Ref Text

3) The proposed amenity kiosks shown on theProposed landscape plans (Drawing No.DCO-PP-16X-VCTEF-180012 – rev 1) may not be

brought into use until planning permission has been

granted for their use by the relevant planningauthority, and details of refuse storage and servicinghave been approved.4) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The Historic Buildingsand Monuments Commission for England. .

Detailed design approval for signature ventilationcolumns

VCTEF5 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of thesignature ventilation columns details of the height,dimensions, external appearance and materials whichshall accord with Ventilation column type B(Drawing No. DCO-PP-900-ZZZZZ-290002 – rev 1 )shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation withThe Historic Buildings and Monuments Commissionfor England.2) The ventilation columns at this site shall notexceed 6 metres in height and shall be a dark bronzematerial.3) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The Historic Buildingsand Monuments Commission for England.

Detailed design approvalRiver wall and Terraces

VCTEF6 1) Before the commencement of construction of theriver wall the detailed design (including externalappearance and samples of materials) which shallaccord with the River wall design intent drawings(Drawing Nos. DCO-PP-16X-VCTEF-180022 andDCO-PP-16X-VCTEF-180023); the Design

principles for this site and the Site Works Parameter Plan shall be submitted to and approved by the

local relevant planning authority in consultation withThe Historic Buildings and Monuments Commissionfor England.2) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The Historic Buildingsand Monuments Commission for England.

Details of works to ListedBuildings

VCTEF7 1) Before commencement of any works to the listedembankment wall the details of those works inaccordance with the Proposed landscape plan(Drawing No. DCO-PP-16X-VCTEF-180013 – rev1);, Proposed listed structure interface - foreshore


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Title Ref Text structure (Drawing No.DCO-PP-16X-VCTEF-180025); As existing and

proposed listed structure interface weir structure(Drawing No. DCO-PP-16X-VCTEF-180026 – rev1); the indicative features on the Proposed mooringaccess details (Drawing No.DCO-PP-16X-VCTEF-180027 – rev 1 ); and thedesign principles for this site and the maximumtemporary and permanent extent of loss of listed

buildings/structures shall be submitted to andapproved by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with The Historic Buildings andMonuments Commission for England:

2) The details provided shall include the following:Detailed drawings of a scale between 1:5i.

and 1:50 showing all fixings to the listedembankment wallDetailed elevations of a scale between 1:50ii.and 1:100Method Statement including engineer’siii.drawingsSamples of Materials.iv.

3) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The Historic Buildingsand Monuments Commission for England.

Protective works to ListedBuildings

VCTEF8 1) Before commencement of the works to the listedembankment wall details of the following shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with The HistoricBuildings and Monuments Commission for England.

works to protect the listed fabric duringi.constructionworks to remove and store listed benches,ii.catenary lamp standards and sturgeon lampstandards and any York stone paving andany stone removed from the listedembankment wallworks to reinstate the temporarily removediii.fabric and features

2) Materials of heritage significance in (ii) aboveshall be re-used in accordance with the principles setout in section 3.6 of the Heritage Statement3) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The Historic Buildingsand Monuments Commission for England.

Restoration works to Listed VCTEF9 1) Prior to the completion Before commencement of


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Title Ref Text Buildings the works to the listed embankment wall details of

works to restore the listed fabric including materialsshall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation withThe Historic Buildings and Monuments Commissionfor England.2) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The Historic Buildingsand Monuments Commission for England.

Detailed design approval of permanent river structures(moorings & piers)

VCTEF10 1) Before the commencement of construction of the permanent replacement mooring the detailed design(including external appearance and materials) of which shall accord with the design principles for thissite, the Proposed site features plan (Drawing No.

DCO-PP-16X-VCTEF-180011 – rev 1 ); theProposed landscape plan (Drawing No:DCO-PP-16X-VCTEF-180013 – rev 1 ); theindicative features of the Proposed mooring accessdetails (Drawing No. DCO-PP-16X-VCTEF-180027

– rev 1 ); and the Site Works Parameter Plan shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with The HistoricBuildings and Monuments Commission for England.2) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planning

authority in consultation with The Historic Buildingsand Monuments Commission for England.

Use of Replacementmooring (temporary and


VCTEF11 1) The replacement mooring shall only be used tomoor the vessel Tattershall Castle.2) Opening hours for the Tattershall Castle shall be09:00 to 03:00hrs Monday to Saturday and 09:00 to00:30hrs midnight on Sunday.3) The maximum number of persons (excludingstaff) permitted to be on board the vessel at any onetime shall not exceed 950 persons.4) Prior to relocating the Tattershall Castle details of

the existing servicing arrangement includingdeliveries and arrangements for storage, handlingand disposal of waste, recyclable materials andcustomer litter shall be submitted to the local relevant

planning authority for information.5) Prior to relocating the Tattershall Castle aVentilation/Extraction statement setting out theexisting arrangements shall be submitted to thelocal relevant planning authority for information.6) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with details submitted under

paragraphs (2) to (5) unless otherwise approved by

the local authority.(1)


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Title Ref Text Temporary Works Platform VCTEF12 1) The maximum extent of the temporary works

platform to be provided shall not extend beyond thealignment shown on the Site Works Parameter Plan.

2) Should the alignment be less than the maximumextent shown on the Site Works Parameter Plan thedetails of the proposed structure(s) (includingadditional lengths of cofferdam, temporary deckingareas and pontoons) shall be submitted to andapproved by the Port of London Authority inconsultation with the Environment Agency prior tocommencing construction of the temporary works


Works in the river VCTEF13 1) Works in the river shall not commence until(1)

a detailed Method Statement and Navigational Risk Assessment has been submitted to and approved bythe Port of London Authority.

2) The works shall be undertaken in(2)accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the Port of London Authority.

(3)Contaminated land VCTEF14 (1) Site specific remediation strategy

1. Work No. 16a shall not commence until a landquality assessment Unless agreed in writing by therelevant planning authority in consultation with the

Environment Agency no works shall be undertakenat this site (save for demolition of existing buildings,works in the highway including site access, works totrees and installation of monitoring equipment) untilthe following has been submitted to and a g ppr eoved

by the local relevant planning authority, inconsultation with the Environment Agency. Thisshould include the following components:

a. a. A preliminary risk assessment and siteinvestigation scheme which has identified:

(i) (i) all previous uses

(ii) (ii) potential contaminants associated with thoseuses

(iii) (iii) a conceptual model of the site indicatingsources, pathways and receptors

(iv) (iv) qualitative risk assessment of any potentiallyunacceptable risks arising from contamination at thesite.

b. If specified by the preliminary risk assessmenta(v) proposed site investigation scheme , basedon the preliminary risk assessment to provide

providing information for a detailed quantitativeassessment of the risk to all receptors that may beaffected, including those off site.


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Title Ref Text

b. A remediation strategy which includes:

c. The results of the site investigation and the (i)detailed risk quantitative assessment referred to in (b)and, based on these, an of the risk

(ii) options appraisal and remediation strategygiving full details of the remediation measuresrequired and how they are to be undertaken.

d. (iii) A verification plan providing details of thedata that will be collected in order to demonstratethat the works set out in the remediation strategy in(c) are complete and identifying any requirementsfor long-term monitoring of pollutant linkages,maintenance and arrangements for contingencyaction.

(iv) a programme for the submission of elementsdetailed in 3 and 4.

2. The scheme shall be implemented as approved. 2)The works shall be undertaken in accordance withthe approved details unless otherwise agreed withthe relevant planning authority, in consultation withthe Environment Agency.

Verification report

3. APrior to completion of the works a verificationreport demonstrating completion of works set out in

the approved remediation strategy and theeffectiveness of the remediation should be

provided shall be submitted to and approved by therelevant planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency . The report should includeresults of sampling and monitoring carried out inaccordance with the approved verification plan todemonstrate that the site remediation criteria have

been met. It should also include any plan ( a“long-term monitoring and maintenance plan ”) for long-term monitoring of pollutant linkages,maintenance and arrangements for contingency

action, as identified in the verification plan.4. The long-term monitoring and maintenance planshould be implemented as approved unless otherwiseagreed with the relevant planning authority, inconsultation with the Environment Agency .

(2) Unexpected contamination

5. If in undertaking any works on this site,contamination not previously identified is found to

be present at the site, then unless otherwise agreed

by the local relevant planning authority, no further development or works shall be carried out in the partof the site in which the contamination has been


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Title Ref Text identified until a remediation strategy has beensubmitted to and approved in writing by the relevantlocal planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency. The remediation works onthis site shall be carried out in accordance with thatremediation strategy unless otherwise approved inwriting by the relevant planning authority .

Archaeological works VCTEF15 1) Prior to undertaking any excavation a SiteSpecific Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) (which shall accord with theOverarching Archaeological WSI) shall be submittedto and approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The Historic Buildingsand Monuments Commission for England.2) The archaeological works shall be undertaken in

accordance with the Site Specific ArchaeologicalWSI and carried out by a suitably qualified person or


Landscaping VCTEF16 1) Before commencing construction of the permanent above ground structures, details of the permanent landscaping for this site shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with The HistoricBuildings and Monuments Commission for England,and TfL with respect to street trees. Such detailsshall be in accordance with the Proposed sitefeatures plan (Drawing No.

DCO-PP-16X-VCTEF-180011 – rev 1 ); Proposedlandscape plans (Drawing Nos.DCO-PP-16X-VCTEF-180012 – rev 1 andDCO-PP-16X-VCTEF-180013 – rev 1 ); Kiosk design intent (Drawing No.DCO-PP-16X-VCTEF-180021); and the design

principles for this site.2) The landscaping details in paragraph 1 abovemust, unless otherwise agreed by the local relevant

planning authority, include details of all proposedhard and soft landscaping works, including:

location, number, species, size and plantinga)density of any proposed planting;cultivation, importing of materials and other b)operations to ensure plant establishmentmonitoring and maintenance ;c)c) proposed finished ground levels;d)d) hard surfacing materials;e)e) minor structures such as furniture, refusef)or other storage units, signs and lighting;f) retained historic landscape features andg)

proposals for restoration where relevant;g) implementation timetables for allh)landscaping works; and

h) details of fencing/enclosuresi)vehicular and pedestrian access, parking and j)


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Title Ref Text circulation areas

proposed and existing functional servicesk)above and below ground, includingdrainage, power and communications cablesand pipelines, manholes and supports;details of existing trees to be retainedl)retained historic landscape features andm)

proposals for restoration where relevant

3) The authorised development shall be carried outin accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The Historic Buildingsand Monuments Commission for England , and TfLwith respect to street trees.

4) The approved landscape works shall be carriedout by suitably trained or qualified personnel to areasonable standard in accordance with the relevantrecommendations of appropriate British Standards orother recognised codes of good practice.

Replacement trees and shrubs45) If within a period of [five years] from the date of the planting of any tree or shrub that tree or shrub , or any tree or shrub planted in replacement for it isuprooted or destroyed or dies, another tree or shrubof the same species and size as that originally

planted shall be planted at the same place, unless thelocal relevant planning authority gives its writtenconsent to any variation in consultation with TfLwith respect to street trees.

Highway Works VCTEF17 1) No authorised development consisting of theconstruction or alteration of Victoria Embankment or the construction of Victoria Embankment or alteration of any highway structures which form partshall commence until details of the design of theseworks or any associated highway structures have

been submitted to and approved by the local

highway authority.2) The details required under paragraph 1 shallinclude details of any permanent works for a new or altered surface and foul water drainage system for Victoria Embankment and any permanent works for a new or modified highway lighting scheme for Victoria Embankment.

Construction TrafficManagement Plan

VCTEF18 1) Work no. 16a shall not commence until a trafficmanagement plan (which shall accord with theCoCP) shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation with

Transport for London.2) The development shall be carried out in


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Title Ref Text accordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with Transport for London.

Travel Plan VCTEF19 1) Work no. 16a shall not commence until asite-specific construction workforce travel plan inaccordance with the Draft Project Framework TravelPlan has been submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation withTfL.2) The approved travel plan(s) shall be implementedfrom the commencement of development of work no.16a and shall continue to be in place for the durationof the construction works, unless otherwise approved

by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with TfL.

Specification of accesses(operational andconstruction)

VCTEF20 1) Before alterations are made to any existing accessor any new access is provided, details of the designof such alterations or new accesses shall besubmitted to and approved by the local highwayauthority and any such works shall be completed

prior to the commencement of their use.2) The works shall be carried out in accordance withthe approved details unless otherwise approved bythe highway authority.

Surface water drainage VCTEF21 1) Prior to the commencement of the permanent

above ground structures or landscaping writtendetails of the surface water drainage system(including means of pollution control, an assessmentof the hydrological and hydrogeological context andwritten details including how the scheme shall bemaintained and managed after completion) inaccordance with the Design principles for this siteshall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority, in consultation withthe Environment Agency.2) The surface water drainage system must beconstructed in accordance with the submitted details

unless otherwise approved by the local relevant planning authority in consultation with theEnvironment Agency, and completed prior to use of the tunnel.

Lighting – operational phase VCTEF22 1) Prior to the commencement of the use of theTunnel details of the operational lighting inaccordance with the Design principles for this siteshall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation withthe Historic Buildings and Monuments Commissionfor England .

2) The works shall be carried out in accordance withthe approved details unless otherwise approved by


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Title Ref Text the local relevant planning authority in consultationwith the Historic Buildings and MonumentsCommission for England .

Section 106 Agreement VCTEF23 No authorised development shall be commenced onthis site unless and until the undertaker has enteredinto the Victoria Embankment Foreshore Section106 Agreement/Undertaking [to beappended/referred to]

Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore

The table below sets out the specific requirements for the Blackfriars Bridge—

Title Ref Text CoCP Part B BLABF1 The authorised development construction works at

this site shall be carried out in accordance with theCoCP Part BA, as amended or varied by the CoCPPart B for this site , unless otherwise approved bylocal the relevant planning authority in consultationwith other relevant stakeholders.

Location of permanentworks

BLABF2 (1) The maximum extent alignment of the permanentriver wall shall be constructed such that it does notextend beyond the alignment set out in the SiteWorks Parameter Plan.

2) Should the alignment be less than the maximumextent shown on the Site Works Parameter Plan thedetail of the amended alignment new river wall to be

provided as part of Work No. 17b(iv) shall besubmitted and approved in writing by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation withthe Port of London Authority and the , EnvironmentAgency and The Historic Buildings and MonumentsCommission for England .

(2) The maximum projection into the river of thenew river wall to be provided as part of Work No.17b (iv) shall not extend more than 1.2 metres intothe navigable channel as marked on [ref to existingPLA chart including version and date].

Location of permanentworks (moorings & piers)

BLABF3 The replacement mooring and BlackfriarsMillennium Pier shall be constructed in the locationsshown on the Proposed site features plan (Drawing

No. DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190017 – rev 1 andDCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190019 – rev 1 ) unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with the Historic Buildingsand Monuments Commission for England, Port of London Authority and the Environment Agency.


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Title Ref Text Detailed design approvalRiver wall and Terraces

BLABF4 1) Before the commencement of development of thenew river wall and terraces the detailed design(including external appearance and samples of materials) which shall accord with the Design

principles for this site; the Site works parameter plan;Proposed Landscape Plans (Drawing No.DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190020 – rev 1 andDCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190021); Typical river walldesign intent (Drawing No.DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190037 andDCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190038); and Listed structureinterface – river wall (Drawing No.DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190040) shall be submitted toand approved by the local relevant planning authorityin consultation with The Historic Buildings andMonuments Commission for England.

2) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The Historic Buildingsand Monuments Commission for England.

Detailed design approvalfor permanent aboveground structures

BLABF5 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of any permanent above ground structure, the design(including size, external appearance and materials)which shall accord with the design principles for thissite and the Site Works Parameter Plan, the Kiosk

and undercroft design intent plans (Drawing Nos.DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190035 andDCO-PP-17X-BLABF-1900036 ) and the ProposedListed Structure Interface – bridge stairs plans(Drawing Nos. DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190042 andDCO-PP-17X-BLABF-1900 044) shall be submittedto and approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The Historic Buildingsand Monuments Commission for England.

2) The proposed amenity buildings and undercroftarea (for commercial use) as shown on the ProposedLandscape Plans (Drawing Nos.

DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190020 – rev 1 andDCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190021) may not be broughtinto use until planning permission has been grantedfor their use by the local relevant planning authority,and details of refuse storage and servicing have beenapproved.3) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The Historic Buildingsand Monuments Commission for England.

Detailed design approvalfor signature ventilation

BLABF6 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of thesignature ventilation columns details of the height,


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Title Ref Text columns dimensions, external appearance and materials which

shall accord with the Ventilation column type C(Drawing No. DCO-PP-900-ZZZZZ-290003 – rev 1 )shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation withThe Historic Buildings and Monuments Commissionfor England.

2) The ventilation columns at this site shall notexceed 6 metres in height

3) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The Historic Buildingsand Monuments Commission for England.

Demolition of existingBlackfriars Millennium Pier

BLABF7 The replacement for the Blackfriars Millennium Pier shall be provided prior to the existing BlackfriarsMillennium Pier being taken out of service unlessotherwise agreed with Transport for London.

Thames Path(temporary diversion)

BLABF8 The temporary diversion of the Thames Path shall beas shown on the Access plan unless otherwise agreedwith the local relevant planning authority

The route of the temporary diversion shall be in place prior to the closure of the existing route.

Thames Path(permanent lift and stairs)

BLABF9 The new lift Thames Path and stairs to the east of Blackfriars Bridge Stairs shall be operational prior tothe temporary closure of the Thames Path not bestopped up until the new lift and replacement stairsare operational and available for use by the publicunless otherwise agreed with the local relevant

planning authority.

Detailed design approval of permanent river structures

(moorings & piers)

BLABF10 1) Before the commencement of construction of thenew mooring (i.e. Chrysanthemum Pier) andBlackfriars Millennium Pier the detailed design(including external appearance and materials) whichshall accord with the design principles for this siteand the Site Works Parameter Plan shall be submittedto and approved by the local relevant planningauthority.

2) Blackfriars Millennium pier shall be used for theembarkation and disembarkation of passengers only.It shall not be used for servicing, maintaining orrepairing vessels on the river, save in the case ofemergency

3) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unless


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Title Ref Text otherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority.

Details of works to ListedBuildings

BLABF11 1) Before commencement of any the works to thelisted embankment wall and Blackfriars Bridge thedetails of those works in accordance with the design

principles for this site and the maximum temporaryand permanent extent of loss of listed

buildings/structures (Drawing No.DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190022 – rev 1 ,DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190023); As existing listedstructure interface – Bridge stairs (west) (Drawing

Nos. DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190041 andDCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190042); and As existinglisted structure interface – bridge stairs (east)(Drawing Nos. DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-19 00043 andDCO-PP-17X-BLABF-1900 044) shall be submittedto and approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The Historic Buildingsand Monuments Commission for England:

2) The details provided shall include the following:

Detailed drawings of a scale between 1:5 andi.1:50 showing all fixings to the listedembankment wall and Blackfriars BridgeDetailed elevations of a scale between 1:50ii.and 1:100Method Statement including engineer’siii.drawingsSamples of Materials.iv.

3) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The Historic Buildingsand Monuments Commission for England.

Protective works to ListedBuildings

BLABF12 1) Before commencement of the works to the listedembankment wall and Blackfriars Bridge details of

the following shall (which shall include a methodstatement) be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation withThe Historic Buildings and Monuments Commissionfor England:

works to protect the listed fabric duringi.demolition and construction (includingmaterials) ; andworks to remove, store , refurbish andii.reinstate listed benches and , lion headmooring rings, sturgeon lamp standards andany York stone paving and any stone

removed from the listed embankment wall.2) Materials of heritage significance in (ii) above


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Title Ref Text shall be re-used in accordance with the principles setout in section 3.6 of the Heritage Statement.3) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unless

otherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The Historic Buildingsand Monuments Commission for England.

Restoration works to ListedBuildings

BLABF13 1) Prior to the completion Before commencement of the works to listed embankment wall or BlackfriarsBridge details of works to restore the listed fabricincluding materials shall be submitted to andapproved by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with The Historic Buildings andMonuments Commission for England.

2) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The Historic Buildingsand Monuments Commission for England.

Landscaping BLABF14 1) Before commencing construction of the permanentabove ground structures, details of the permanentlandscaping for this site shall be submitted to andapproved by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with The Historic Buildings andMonuments Commission for England, and TfL withrespect to street trees. Such details shall be inaccordance with the Proposed Site Features Plan

(Drawing No. DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190018 – rev1) and the Prop osed Landscape Plans(Drawing Nos.DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190020 – rev 1 andDCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190021) and the design

principles for this site.

2) The landscaping details in paragraph 1 above must,unless otherwise agreed by the local relevant planningauthority, include details of all proposed hard and softlandscaping works, including:

location, number, species, size and plantinga)density of any proposed planting;cultivation, importing of materials and other b)operations to ensure plant establishmentmonitoring and maintenance ;c)c) proposed finished ground levels;d)d) hard surfacing materials;e)e) position, widths, levels and finishes of thef)city walkway.f) minor structures such as furniture, refuseg)or other storage units, signs and lighting;g) retained historic landscape features andh)

proposals for restoration where relevant;h) implementation timetables for alli)landscaping works; andi) details of fencing/enclosures including j)emergency access gate between Paul’s Walk


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Title Ref Text and Blackfriars Underpass / White Lion Hill;details of any existing trees to be retainedk)

proposed and existing functional servicesl)above and below ground including drainage,

power and communications cables and pipelines, manholes and supports

proposed vehicular and pedestrian access,m) parking and circulation areas

retained historic landscape features andn) proposals for restoration where relevant

3) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The Historic Buildingsand Monuments Commission for England , and TfLwith respect to street trees.

4) The approved landscape works shall be carried out by suitably trained or qualified personnel to areasonable standard in accordance with the relevantrecommendations of appropriate British Standards orother recognised codes of good practice.

Replacement trees and shrubs45) If within a period of [five years] from the date of the planting of any tree or shrub that tree , or shrub orany tree or shrub planted in replacement for it isuprooted or destroyed or dies, another tree or shrub of the same species and size as that originally plantedshall be planted at the same place, unless thelocal relevant planning authority gives its writtenconsent to any variation in consultation with TfL withrespect to street trees.

Temporary Works


BLABF15 1) The maximum extent of the temporary works platform to be provided shall not extend beyond thealignment shown on the Site Works Parameter Plan.

2) Should the alignment be less than the maximumextent shown on the Site Works Parameter Plan thedetails of the proposed structure(s) (includingadditional lengths of cofferdam, temporary deckingareas and pontoons) are submitted to and approved inwriting by the Port of London Authority inconsultation with Environment Agency] prior to prior to commencing construction of the temporary works


Works in the river BLABF16 Works in the river shall not commence until a(1)detailed Method Statement and Navigational Risk Assessment has been submitted to and approved by


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Title Ref Text the Port of London Authority.

The works shall be undertaken in accordance(2)with the approved details unless otherwise approved

by the Port of London Authority.

Contaminated land BLABF17 (1) Site specific remediation strategy1. Work No. 17a shall not commence until a landquality assessment Unless agreed in writing by therelevant planning authority in consultation with theEnvironment Agency no works shall be undertaken atthis site (save for demolition of existing buildings,works in the highway including site access, works totrees and installation of monitoring equipment) untilthe following has been submitted to and a g ppr eoved

by the local relevant planning authority, inconsultation with the Environment Agency. Thisshould include the following components:

a. a. A preliminary risk assessment and siteinvestigation scheme which has identified:

(i) (i) all previous uses

(ii) (ii) potential contaminants associated with thoseuses

(iii) (iii) a conceptual model of the site indicatingsources, pathways and receptors

(iv) (iv) qualitative risk assessment of any potentiallyunacceptable risks arising from contamination at thesite.

b. If specified by the preliminary risk assessment a (v) proposed site investigation scheme , based on

the preliminary risk assessment to provide providinginformation for a detailed quantitative assessment of the risk to all receptors that may be affected,including those off site.

b. A remediation strategy which includes:

c. The results of the site investigation and the (i)detailed risk quantitative assessment referred to in (b)and, based on these, an of the risk

(ii) options appraisal and remediation strategygiving full details of the remediation measuresrequired and how they are to be undertaken.

d. (iii) A verification plan providing details of thedata that will be collected in order to demonstrate thatthe works set out in the remediation strategy in (c) arecomplete and identifying any requirements for long-term monitoring of pollutant linkages,maintenance and arrangements for contingencyaction.

(iv) a programme for the submission of elements

detailed in 3 and 4.2. The scheme shall be implemented as approved. 2)


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Title Ref Text The works shall be undertaken in accordance with theapproved details unless otherwise agreed with therelevant planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency.

Verification report

3. APrior to completion of the works a verificationreport demonstrating completion of works set out inthe approved remediation strategy and theeffectiveness of the remediation should be

provided shall be submitted to and approved by therelevant planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency . The report should includeresults of sampling and monitoring carried out inaccordance with the approved verification plan to

demonstrate that the site remediation criteria have been met. It should also include any plan ( a“long-term monitoring and maintenance plan ”) for long-term monitoring of pollutant linkages,maintenance and arrangements for contingencyaction, as identified in the verification plan.

4. The long-term monitoring and maintenance planshould be implemented as approved unless otherwiseagreed with the relevant planning authority, inconsultation with the Environment Agency .

(2) Unexpected contamination

5. If in undertaking any works on this site,contamination not previously identified is found to be

present at the site, then unless otherwise agreed bythe local relevant planning authority, no further development or works shall be carried out in the partof the site in which the contamination has beenidentified until a remediation strategy has beensubmitted to and approved in writing by the relevantlocal planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency. The remediation works on thissite shall be carried out in accordance with thatremediation strategy unless otherwise approved inwriting by the relevant planning authority .

Archaeological works BLABF18 1) Prior to undertaking any excavation a Site SpecificArchaeological Written Scheme of Investigation(WSI) (which shall accord with the OverarchingArchaeological WSI) shall be submitted to andapproved by the local relevant planning authority.

2) The archaeological works shall be undertaken inaccordance with the Site Specific Archaeological

WSI and carried out by a suitably qualified person or body.


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Construction TrafficManagement Plan BLABF19 1) Work no.17a shall not commence until a traffic

management plan (which shall accord with the CoCP)shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation withTransport for London.

2) The development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unlessotherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with Transport for London.

Travel Plan BLABF20 1) Work no.17a shall not commence until asite-specific construction workforce travel plan inaccordance with the Draft Project Framework TravelPlan has been submitted to and approved by the

local relevant planning authority in consultation withTfL.

2) The approved travel plan(s) shall be implementedfrom the commencement of development of work no.17a and shall continue to be in place for theduration of the construction works, unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with TfL.

Specification of accesses(operational andconstruction)

BLABF21 1) Before alterations are made to any existing accessor any new access is provided, details of the design of such alterations or new accesses shall be submitted toand approved by the local highway authority and anysuch works shall be completed prior to thecommencement of their use.

2) The works shall be carried out in accordance withthe approved details unless otherwise approved by thehighway authority.

Highway Works BLABF22 1) No authorised development consisting of theconstruction or alteration of Blackfriars ramp or theconstruction or alteration of any highway structureswhich form part of Blackfriars ramp shall commenceuntil details of the design of these works or anyassociated highway structures have been submittedto and approved by the local highway authority.

2) The details required under paragraph 1 shallinclude details of any permanent works for a new or altered surface and foul water drainage system for Blackfriars ramp and any permanent works for a newor modified highway lighting scheme for Blackfriarsramp.

3) The construction or alteration of Blackfriars rampor the construction or alteration of any highway


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“existing pipe subway” means any subway belongingto the Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of theCity of London to which the 1893 Act applies or any

public service works vested in the said Mayor and

Commonalty and Citizens in accordance with Part Vof the City of London (Various Powers) Act 1900.

Section 106 Agreement BLABF26 No authorised development shall be commenced onthis site unless and until the undertaker has enteredinto the Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore Section 106Agreement/Undertaking [to be appended/referred to]

Shad Thames Pumping Station

The table below sets out the specific requirements for the Shad Thames Pumping—

Title Ref Text

CoCP Part B SHTPS 1 The authorised development construction works at this site shall be carried out in accordance with the CoCP Part BA, asamended or varied by the CoCP Part B for this site , unlessotherwise approved by local relevant planning authority inconsultation with other relevant stakeholders.

Detailed designapproval for

permanent above

ground structures

SHTPS 2 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of the(1)electrical switchgear and facilities building and alterations to theMaguire Street elevation of the existing pumping station

building, details of the design including external appearance andmaterials which shall accord with the Design Principles, the SiteWorks Parameter Plan , the proposed roof plan (Drawing No.DCO-PP-18X-SHTPS-200007), the indicative proposedelevations (Drawing NosDCO-PP-18X-SHTPS-200010,DCO-PP-18X-SHTPS-200011 andDCO-PP-18X-SHTPS-200013 – Rev 1 ), and the indicative

proposed Layout plans (Drawing Nos.DCO-PP-18X-SHTPS-20008 and DCO-PP-18X-SHTPS-20009 )shall be submitted to and approved by the local relevant planningauthority.

2) The authorised development shall be carried out in(2)accordance with the approved details unless otherwise approved

by the local relevant planning authority.

Contaminated land SHTPS 3 (1) Site specific remediation strategy

1. No below ground excavations shall commence until a landquality assessment Unless agreed in writing by the relevant

planning authority in consultation with the Environment Agencyno works shall be undertaken at this site (save for demolition ofexisting buildings, works in the highway including site access,works to trees and installation of monitoring equipment) untilthe following has been submitted to and a g pp r eoved by thelocal relevant planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency. This should include the following


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a. a. A preliminary risk assessment and site investigation schemewhich has identified:

(i) (i) all previous uses(ii) (ii) potential contaminants associated with those uses

(iii) (iii) a conceptual model of the site indicating sources, pathways and receptors

(iv) (iv) qualitative risk assessment of any potentiallyunacceptable risks arising from contamination at the site.

b. If specified by the preliminary risk assessment a (v) proposed site investigation scheme , based on the

preliminary risk assessment to provide providing information for a detailed quantitative assessment of the risk to all receptors thatmay be affected, including those off site.

b. A remediation strategy which includes:

c. The results of the site investigation and the (i) detailedrisk quantitative assessment referred to in (b) and, based onthese, an of the risk

(ii) options appraisal and remediation strategy giving fulldetails of the remediation measures required and how they are to

be undertaken.

d. (iii) A verification plan providing details of the data that will be collected in order to demonstrate that the works set out in theremediation strategy in (c) are complete and identifying any

requirements for long-term monitoring of pollutant linkages,maintenance and arrangements for contingency action.

(iv) a programme for the submission of elements detailed in3 and 4.

2. The scheme shall be implemented as approved. 2) The worksshall be undertaken in accordance with the approved detailsunless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority, inconsultation with the Environment Agency.

Verification report

3. APrior to completion of the works a verification reportdemonstrating completion of works set out in the approvedremediation strategy and the effectiveness of the remediationshould be provided shall be submitted to and approved by therelevant planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency . The report should include results of sampling and monitoring carried out in accordance with theapproved verification plan to demonstrate that the siteremediation criteria have been met. It should also include any

plan ( a “long-term monitoring and maintenance plan ”) for long-term monitoring of pollutant linkages, maintenance andarrangements for contingency action, as identified in the

verification plan.4. The long-term monitoring and maintenance plan should be


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implemented as approved unless otherwise agreed with therelevant planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency .

(2) Unexpected contamination

5. If in undertaking any works on this site, contamination not previously identified is found to be present at the site, thenunless otherwise agreed by the local relevant planning authority,no further development or works shall be carried out in the partof the site in which the contamination has been identified until aremediation strategy has been submitted to and approved inwriting by the relevant local planning authority, in consultationwith the Environment Agency. The remediation works on thissite shall be carried out in accordance with that remediationstrategy unless otherwise approved in writing by the relevant

planning authority.


SHTPS 4 1) Prior to undertaking any excavation a Site SpecificArchaeological Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) (whichshall accord with the Overarching Archaeological WSI) shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant planningauthority.2) The archaeological works shall be undertaken in accordancewith the Site Specific Archaeological WSI and carried out by a

suitably qualified person or body.


Construction TrafficManagement Plan

SHTPS 5 1) Work no.18 shall not commence until a traffic management plan (which shall accord with the CoCP) shall be submitted toand approved by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with Transport for London.

2) The development shall be carried out in accordance with theapproved details unless otherwise approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with Transport for London .

Travel Plan SHTPS 6 1) Work no. 18 shall not commence until a site-specificconstruction workforce travel plan in accordance with the DraftProject Framework Travel Plan has been submitted to andapproved by the local relevant planning authority in consultationwith TfL.2) The approved travel plan(s) shall be implemented from thecommencement of development of work no. 18 and shallcontinue to be in place for the duration of the constructionworks, unless otherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with TfL.

Specification of accesses (operational

SHTPS 7 1) Before alterations are made to any existing access or any newaccess is provided, details of the design of such alterations or


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and construction) new accesses shall be submitted to and approved by the localhighway authority and any such works shall be completed prior to the commencement of their use.2) The works shall be carried out in accordance with the

approved details unless otherwise approved by the highwayauthority.

Section 106Agreement

SHTPS 8 No authorised development shall be commenced on this siteunless and until the undertaker has entered into the Shad ThamesPumping Station Section 106 Agreement/Undertaking [to beappended/referred to]

Chambers Wharf

The table below sets out the specific requirements for the Chambers Wharf site— 19.

Title Ref Text

CoCP Part B CHAWF1 The authorised development construction works at this siteshall be carried out in accordance with the CoCP Part BA,as amended or varied by the CoCP Part B for this site ,unless otherwise approved by local relevant planningauthority in consultation with other relevant stakeholders.

Detailed designapproval for

permanent aboveground structures

CHAWF2 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of theelectrical and control kiosk, details of the design, includingsize, external appearance and materials, which shall accordwith the Design Principles and the Site Works Parameter Plan shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority.2) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authority.

Detailed designapproval for signature ventilation


CHAWF3 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of thesignature ventilation columns details of the height,dimensions, external appearance and materials which shall

accord with the ventilation column type C (Drawing No.DCO-PP-900-ZZZZZ-290003 – rev 1 ) shall be submitted toand approved by the local relevant planning authority.2) The ventilation columns at this site shall not exceed 6metres in height3) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authority.

Detailed designapproval River wall

CHAWF4 1) Before the commencement of construction of thereplacement river wall the detailed design (includingexternal appearance and materials) which shall accord withthe design principles for this site and the Site WorksParameter Plan shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority.


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2) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authority.

Temporary Works Platform

CHAWF5 1) The maximum extent of the temporary works platform to be provided within the foreshore shall not extend beyondthe alignment shown on the Site Works Parameter Plan .

2) Should the alignment be less than the maximum extentshown on the Site Works Parameter Plan the details of the

proposed structure(s) (including additional lengths of cofferdam, temporary decking areas and pontoons) shall

besubmitted be submitted to and approved by the Port of London Authority in consultation with the EnvironmentAgency prior to prior to commencing construction of thetemporary works platform.

Works in the river CHAWF6 1) Works in the river shall not commence until a detailedMethod Statement and Navigational Risk Assessment has

been submitted to and approved by the Port of LondonAuthority.2) The works shall be undertaken in accordance with theapproved details unless otherwise approved by the Port of London Authority.

Contaminated land CHAWF7(1) Site specific remediation strategy1. Work No. 19a shall not commence until a land qualityassessment Unless agreed in writing by the relevant

planning authority in consultation with the EnvironmentAgency no works shall be undertaken at this site (save fordemolition of existing buildings, works in the highwayincluding site access, works to trees and installation ofmonitoring equipment) until the following has beensubmitted to and a g ppr eoved by the local relevant planningauthority, in consultation with the Environment Agency.This should include the following components:

a. a. A preliminary risk assessment and site investigationscheme which has identified:

(i) (i) all previous uses

(ii) (ii) potential contaminants associated with those uses

(iii) (iii) a conceptual model of the site indicating sources, pathways and receptors

(iv) (iv) qualitative risk assessment of any potentiallyunacceptable risks arising from contamination at the site.

b. If specified by the preliminary risk assessment a (v) proposed site investigation scheme , based on the

preliminary risk assessment to provide providinginformation for a detailed quantitative assessment of therisk to all receptors that may be affected, including those


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off site.

b. A remediation strategy which includes:

c. The results of the site investigation and the (i) detailed

risk quantitative assessment referred to in (b) and, based onthese, an of the risk

(ii) options appraisal and remediation strategy givingfull details of the remediation measures required and howthey are to be undertaken.

d. (iii) A verification plan providing details of the data thatwill be collected in order to demonstrate that the works setout in the remediation strategy in (c) are complete andidentifying any requirements for long-term monitoring of

pollutant linkages, maintenance and arrangements for contingency action.

(iv) a programme for the submission of elementsdetailed in 3 and 4.

2. The scheme shall be implemented as approved. 2) Theworks shall be undertaken in accordance with the approveddetails unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planningauthority, in consultation with the Environment Agency.

Verification report

3. APrior to completion of the works a verification reportdemonstrating completion of works set out in the approvedremediation strategy and the effectiveness of theremediation should be provided shall be submitted to andapproved by the relevant planning authority, in consultationwith the Environment Agency . The report should includeresults of sampling and monitoring carried out inaccordance with the approved verification plan todemonstrate that the site remediation criteria have beenmet. It should also include any plan ( a “long-termmonitoring and maintenance plan ”) for long-termmonitoring of pollutant linkages, maintenance andarrangements for contingency action, as identified in theverification plan.

4. The long-term monitoring and maintenance plan should be implemented as approved unless otherwise agreed withthe relevant planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency .

(2) Unexpected contamination

5. If in undertaking any works on this site, contaminationnot previously identified is found to be present at the site,then unless otherwise agreed by the local relevant planningauthority, no further development or works shall be carriedout in the part of the site in which the contamination has

been identified until a remediation strategy has beensubmitted to and approved in writing by the relevant local


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planning authority, in consultation with the EnvironmentAgency. The remediation works on this site shall be carriedout in accordance with that remediation strategy unlessotherwise approved in writing by the relevant planning

authority .

Tunnel Land QualityAssessment

CHAWF8 1. No tunnelling works from this site shall be commenced until atunnel land quality assessment has been submitted to and agreed

by the Environment Agency. This should include the followingcomponents:

a. A preliminary risk assessment which has identified:

i. all previous uses

ii. potential contaminants associated with those uses

iii. a conceptual model of the tunnel indicating sources,

pathways and receptors iv. potentially unacceptable risks arising from contamination atthe tunnel.

b. Unless otherwise provided, a tunnel investigation scheme, based on the preliminary risk assessment to provide informationfor a detailed assessment of the risk to all receptors that may beaffected.

c. The results of the investigation and the detailed riskassessment referred to in (b) and, based on these, an optionsappraisal and remediation strategy giving full details of theremediation measures required and how they are to beundertaken.

d. A verification plan providing details of the data that will becollected in order to demonstrate that the works set out in theremediation strategy in (c) are complete and identifying anyrequirements for long-term monitoring of pollutant linkages,maintenance and arrangements for contingency action.

2. The scheme shall be implemented as approved.

3. A verification report demonstrating completion of works setout in the approved remediation strategy and the effectiveness ofthe remediation should be provided. The report should includeresults of sampling and monitoring carried out in accordancewith the approved verification plan to demonstrate that the siteremediation criteria have been met. It should also include any

plan (a “long-term monitoring and maintenance plan”) forlong-term monitoring of pollutant linkages, maintenance andarrangements for contingency action, as identified in theverification plan.

4. The long-term monitoring and maintenance plan shall beimplemented as approved.

Archaeology CHAWF 98 1) Prior to undertaking any excavation a Site SpecificArchaeological Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI)

(which shall accord with the Overarching ArchaeologicalWSI) shall be submitted and approved by the local relevant planning authority in consultation with The Historic


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Buildings and Monuments Commission for England.

2) The archaeological works shall be undertaken inaccordance with the Site Specific Archaeological WSI and

carried out by a suitably qualified person or body.

Construction TrafficManagement Plan


1) Work no.19a shall not commence until a trafficmanagement plan (which shall accord with the CoCP) shall

be submitted to and approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with Transport for London.

2) The development shall be carried out in accordance withthe approved details unless otherwise approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation withTransport for London.

Travel Plan CHAWF1 10

1) Work no. 19a shall not commence until a site-specificconstruction workforce travel plan in accordance with theDraft Project Framework Travel Plan has been submitted toand approved by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with TfL.2) The approved travel plan(s) shall be implemented fromthe commencement of development of work no. 19a andshall continue to be in place for the duration of theconstruction works, unless otherwise approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation with TfL.

Specification of accesses(operational andconstruction)


1) Before alterations are made to any existing access or anynew access is provided, details of the design of suchalterations or new accesses shall be submitted to andapproved by the local highway authority and any suchworks shall be completed prior to the commencement of their use.2) The works shall be carried out in accordance with theapproved details unless otherwise approved by the highwayauthority.

Site restoration CHAWF12 1) In the event that the approved residential developmentdoes not proceed within 3 months after completion of the

authorised works at this site a site restoration scheme whichshall accord with the design principles for this site shall besubmitted for approval to the relevant planning authority.2) The site restoration scheme details in paragraph 1 aboveshall include the following details:

proposed finished ground levels;a)Temporary fences or other means of enclosure. b)

2) The works shall be carried out in accordance with theapproved details unless otherwise approved by the relevant

planning authority.

Section 106Agreement CHAWF13 No authorised development shall be commenced on this siteunless and until the undertaker has entered into the


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Chambers Wharf Section 106 Agreement/Undertaking [to be appended/referred to]

Earl Pumping Station

The table below sets out the specific requirements for the Earl Pumping Station site— 20.

Title Ref Text

CoCP Part B EARPS1 The authorised development construction works at thissite shall be carried out in accordance with the CoCPPart BA, as amended or varied by the CoCP Part B forthis site , unless otherwise approved by local relevant

planning authority in consultation with other relevantstakeholders.

Detailed designapproval for

permanent aboveground structures

EARPS2 1) Prior to the commencement of the cladding of the permanent above ground shaft structure and permanentabove ground structures for interception chamber andventilation structures the detailed design (including size,external appearance and materials) which shall accordwith the dDesign pPrinciples for this site and the SiteWorks Parameter Plan shall be submitted to andapproved by the local relevant planning authority.2) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authority.

Contaminated land EARPS3 (1) Site specific remediation strategy1. Work No. 21a shall not commence until a land qualityassessment Unless agreed in writing by the relevant

planning authority in consultation with the EnvironmentAgency no works shall be undertaken at this site (savefor demolition of existing buildings, works in thehighway including site access, works to trees andinstallation of monitoring equipment) until the followinghas been submitted to and a g ppr eoved by thelocal relevant planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency. This should include the followingcomponents:

a. a. A preliminary risk assessment and site investigationscheme which has identified:

(i) (i) all previous uses

(ii) (ii) potential contaminants associated with those uses

(iii) (iii) a conceptual model of the site indicatingsources, pathways and receptors

(iv) (iv) qualitative risk assessment of any potentiallyunacceptable risks arising from contamination at the site.

b. If specified by the preliminary risk assessment a (v)

proposed site investigation scheme , based on the preliminary risk assessment to provide providing


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information for a detailed quantitative assessment of therisk to all receptors that may be affected, including thoseoff site.

b. A remediation strategy which includes:

c. The results of the site investigation and the (i) detailedrisk quantitative assessment referred to in (b) and, basedon these, an of the risk

(ii) options appraisal and remediation strategygiving full details of the remediation measures requiredand how they are to be undertaken.

d. (iii) A verification plan providing details of the datathat will be collected in order to demonstrate that theworks set out in the remediation strategy in (c) arecomplete and identifying any requirements for long-termmonitoring of pollutant linkages, maintenance andarrangements for contingency action.

(iv) a programme for the submission of elementsdetailed in 3 and 4.

2. The scheme shall be implemented as approved. 2) Theworks shall be undertaken in accordance with theapproved details unless otherwise agreed with therelevant planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency.

Verification report

3. APrior to completion of the works a verification reportdemonstrating completion of works set out in theapproved remediation strategy and the effectiveness of the remediation should be provided shall be submitted toand approved by the relevant planning authority, inconsultation with the Environment Agency . The reportshould include results of sampling and monitoringcarried out in accordance with the approved verification

plan to demonstrate that the site remediation criteria have been met. It should also include any plan ( a “long-termmonitoring and maintenance plan ”) for long-termmonitoring of pollutant linkages, maintenance andarrangements for contingency action, as identified in theverification plan.

4. The long-term monitoring and maintenance planshould be implemented as approved unless otherwiseagreed with the relevant planning authority, inconsultation with the Environment Agency .

(2) Unexpected contamination

5. If in undertaking any works on this site, contaminationnot previously identified is found to be present at thesite, then unless otherwise agreed by the local relevant

planning authority, no further development or works


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shall be carried out in the part of the site in which thecontamination has been identified until a remediationstrategy has been submitted to and approved in writing

by the relevant local planning authority, in consultation

with the Environment Agency. The remediation workson this site shall be carried out in accordance with thatremediation strategy unless otherwise approved inwriting by the relevant planning authority .

Archaeology EARPS4 1) Prior to undertaking any excavation a Site SpecificArchaeological Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI)(which shall accord with the Overarching ArchaeologicalWSI) shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation with TheHistoric Buildings and Monuments Commission for England.

2) The archaeological works shall be undertaken inaccordance with the Site Specific Archaeological WSIand carried out by a suitably qualified person or body.

Landscaping EARPS5 1) Before commencing construction of the permanentabove ground structures, details of the landscaping for this site shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation with TheHistoric Buildings and Monuments Commission for England where appropriate. Such details shall be inaccordance with the indicative features on LandscapePlan (Drawing No. DCO-PP-21X-EARPS-220008) andthe design principles for this site.2) The landscaping details in paragraph (1) above must,unless otherwise agreed by the local relevant planningauthority, include details of all proposed hard and softlandscaping works, including:

location, number, species, size and plantinga)density of any proposed planting;cultivation, importing of materials and other b)operations to ensure plant establishmentmonitoring and maintenance ;c)

c) proposed finished ground levels;d) d) hard surfacing materials;e)e) minor structures such as lighting; andf)f) details of fencing/enclosures, including theg)hoarding around the future development sitevehicular and pedestrian access, parking andh)circulation areas

proposed and existing functional services abovei)and below ground, including drainage, powerand communications cables and pipelines,manholes and supports;details of existing trees to be retained j)

3) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authority.


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4) The approved landscape works shall be carried out bysuitably trained or qualified personnel to a reasonablestandard in accordance with the relevantrecommendations of appropriate British Standards or

other recognised codes of good practice. Replacement trees and shrubs5) If within a period of [five years] from the date of the

planting of any tree or shrub that tree , or shrub or anytree or shrub planted in replacement for it is uprooted ordestroyed or dies, another tree or shrub of the samespecies and size as that originally planted shall be

planted at the same place, unless the relevant planningauthority gives its written consent to any variation inconsultation with TfL with respect to street trees.

Construction TrafficManagement Plan

EARPS6 1) Work no.21a shall not commence until a traffic

management plan (which shall accord with the CoCP)shall be submitted to and approved by the local relevant planning authority in consultation with Transport for London.

2) The development shall be carried out in accordancewith the approved details unless otherwise approved bythe local relevant planning authority in consultation withTransport for London.

Travel Plan EARPS7 1) Work no. 21a shall not commence until a site-specificconstruction workforce travel plan in accordance withthe Draft Project Framework Travel Plan has beensubmitted to and approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with TfL.2) The approved travel plan(s) shall be implementedfrom the commencement of development of work no.21a and shall continue to be in place for the duration of the construction works, unless otherwise approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation with TfL.

Specification of accesses (operationaland construction)

EARPS8 1) Before alterations are made to any existing access or any new access is provided, details of the design of suchalterations or new accesses shall be submitted to and

approved by the local highway authority and any suchworks shall be completed prior to the commencement of their use.2) The works shall be carried out in accordance with theapproved details unless otherwise approved by thehighway authority.

Surface water drainage

EARPS9 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of the permanent above ground structures or landscaping,written details of the surface water drainage system(including means of pollution control, an assessment of the hydrological and hydrogeological context and writtendetails including how the scheme shall be maintainedand managed after completion) in accordance with the


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Design Principles for this site shall be submitted to andapproved by the local relevant planning authority, inconsultation with the Environment Agency.2) The surface water drainage system must be

constructed in accordance with the submitted detailsunless otherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with the Environment Agency,and completed prior to use of the tunnel.

Removal andreinstatement ofmarker stone

EARPS10 The marker stone ‘SPD 1897: SQMR 1871’ located inthe vehicular crossover serving Nos. 64-72 Croft Streetshall be recorded, removed, stored in a safe and secure

place and reinstated in the same location as part of thehighway restoration works on completion of theauthorised works.

Street Trees EARPS11 1) Work No 21a shall not commence until a schemesetting out measures for the protection of existing treesin the public highway along Croft Street, or forreplacement tree planting if necessary, has beensubmitted to and approved by the relevant planningauthority.2) The scheme to be approved under (1) shall beimplemented and maintained in place throughoutconstruction work unless otherwise agreed in writing bythe relevant planning authority

Section 106


EARPS12 No authorised development shall be commenced on this

site unless and until the undertaker has entered into theEarl Pumping Station Section 106Agreement/Undertaking [to be appended/referred to]

Deptford Church Street

The table below sets out the specific requirements for the Deptford Church Street site— 21.

Title Ref Text

CoCP Part B DEPCS 1 The authorised development construction works at thissite shall be carried out in accordance with the CoCP

Part BA, as amended or varied by the CoCP Part B forthis site , unless otherwise approved by local relevant

planning authority in consultation with other relevantstakeholders.

Detailed designapproval for

permanent aboveground structures

DEPCS 2 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of any permanent above ground structure, the detailed design(including size, external appearance and materials)which shall accord with the design principles for this siteand the Site Works Parameter Plan (Drawing No.DCO-PP-22X-DEPCS-230005) shall be submitted toand approved by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with The Historic Buildings andMonuments Commission for England.


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2) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with The Historic Buildings and

Monuments Commission for England.

Detailed designapproval for signatureventilation columns

DEPCS 3 1) Prior to the commencement of development of thesignature ventilation columns details of the height,dimensions, external appearance and materials whichshall accord with the ventilation column type C(Drawing No. DCO-PP-900-ZZZZZ-290003 – rev 1 )drawings (section 29 of the Book of Plans) shall besubmitted to and approved in writing by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with The HistoricBuildings and Monuments Commission for England.2) The ventilation columns at this site shall not exceed6.5 metres in height3) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with The Historic Buildings andMonuments Commission for England.

Landscaping DEPCS 4 1) Before commencing construction of the permanentabove ground structures, details of the landscaping for this site including the public highways shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant planning

authority, in consultation with The Historic Buildingsand Monuments Commission for England whereappropriate. Such details shall be in accordance with theDesign principles for this site and the site works

parameter plan.2) The landscaping details in paragraph 1 above must,unless otherwise agreed by the local relevant planningauthority, include details of all proposed hard and softlandscaping works, including:

location, number, species, size and plantinga)density of any proposed planting;cultivation, importing of materials and other b)

operations to ensure plant establishmentmonitoring and maintenance ;c)c) proposed finished ground levels;d)d) hard surfacing materials and other streete)furniture including the re-use of the cobbles;e) minor structures such as play equipment,f)signs , bollards, bird boxes, seating and lighting ;(columns and level of luminosity) ;f) implementation timetables for all landscapingg)works; andg) details of fencing/enclosures , screens andh)walls including measures to prevent vehicles

using the new access through the open spacewhen not used for essential maintenancevehicular and pedestrian access, parking andi)


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circulation areas proposed and existing functional services above j)and below ground, including drainage, powerand communications cables and pipelines,

manholes and supports;details of existing trees to be retainedk)3) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with the Historic Buildings and MonumentsCommission for England.4) The approved landscape works shall be carried out bysuitably trained or qualified personnel to a reasonablestandard in accordance with the relevantrecommendations of appropriate British Standards orother recognised codes of good practice.

Replacement trees and shrubs5) If within a period of [five years] from the date of the

planting of any tree or shrub that tree or shrub , or anytree or shrub planted in replacement for it is uprooted or destroyed or dies, another tree or shrub of the samespecies and size as that originally planted shall be

planted at the same place, unless the local relevant planning authority gives its written consent to anyvariation.

Contaminated land DEPCS 5 (1) Site specific remediation strategy

1. Work No. 22a shall not commence until a landquality assessment Unless agreed in writing by therelevant planning authority in consultation with theEnvironment Agency no works shall be undertaken atthis site (save for demolition of existing buildings, worksin the highway including site access, works to trees andinstallation of monitoring equipment) until the followinghas been submitted to and a g ppr eoved by thelocal relevant planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency. This should include the followingcomponents:

a. a. A preliminary risk assessment and site investigationscheme which has identified:

(i) (i) all previous uses

(ii) (ii) potential contaminants associated with those uses

(iii) (iii) a conceptual model of the site indicatingsources, pathways and receptors

(iv) (iv) qualitative risk assessment of any potentiallyunacceptable risks arising from contamination at the site.

b. If specified by the preliminary risk assessment a (v) proposed site investigation scheme , based on the

preliminary risk assessment to provide providinginformation for a detailed quantitative assessment of therisk to all receptors that may be affected, including those


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off site.

b. A remediation strategy which includes:

c. The results of the site investigation and the (i) detailed

risk quantitative assessment referred to in (b) and, basedon these, an of the risk

(ii) options appraisal and remediation strategygiving full details of the remediation measures requiredand how they are to be undertaken.

d. (iii) A verification plan providing details of the datathat will be collected in order to demonstrate that theworks set out in the remediation strategy in (c) arecomplete and identifying any requirements for long-termmonitoring of pollutant linkages, maintenance andarrangements for contingency action.

(iv) a programme for the submission of elementsdetailed in 3 and 4.

2. The scheme shall be implemented as approved. 2) Theworks shall be undertaken in accordance with theapproved details unless otherwise agreed with therelevant planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency.

Verification report

3. APrior to completion of the works a verificationreport demonstrating completion of works set out in theapproved remediation strategy and the effectiveness of the remediation should be provided shall be submitted toand approved by the relevant planning authority, inconsultation with the Environment Agency . The reportshould include results of sampling and monitoringcarried out in accordance with the approved verification

plan to demonstrate that the site remediation criteriahave been met. It should also include any plan ( a“long-term monitoring and maintenance plan ”) for long-term monitoring of pollutant linkages, maintenanceand arrangements for contingency action, as identified inthe verification plan.

4. The long-term monitoring and maintenance planshould be implemented as approved unless otherwiseagreed with the relevant planning authority, inconsultation with the Environment Agency .

(2) Unexpected contamination

5. If in undertaking any works on this site, contaminationnot previously identified is found to be present at thesite, then unless otherwise agreed by the local relevant

planning authority, no further development or worksshall be carried out in the part of the site in which thecontamination has been identified until a remediation


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strategy has been submitted to and approved in writing by the relevant local planning authority, in consultationwith the Environment Agency. The remediation workson this site shall be carried out in accordance with that

remediation strategy unless otherwise approved inwriting by the relevant planning authority .

Construction TrafficManagement Plan

DEPCS 6 1) Work no.22a shall not commence until a trafficmanagement plan (which shall accord with the CoCP)shall be submitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with Transport for London.

2) The development shall be carried out in accordancewith the approved details unless otherwise approved bythe local relevant planning authority in consultation with

Transport for London.

Travel Plan DEPCS 7 1) Work no. 22a shall not commence until a site-specificconstruction workforce travel plan in accordance withthe Draft Project Framework Travel Plan has beensubmitted to and approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with TfL.2) The approved travel plan(s) shall be implementedfrom the commencement of development of work no.22a and shall continue to be in place for the duration of the construction works, unless otherwise approved bythe local relevant planning authority in consultation with


Highway works DEPCS 8 1) No authorised development consisting of theconstruction or alteration of Deptford Church Street ,Coffey Street or Crossfield Street or the construction or alteration of any highway structures which form part of Deptford Church Street, Coffey Street or CrossfieldStreet shall commence until details of the design of these works or any associated highway structures have

been submitted to and approved by the local highwayauthority in consultation with Transport for London andThe Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England. .

2) The details required under paragraph 1 shall includedetails of any permanent works for a new or alteredsurface and foul water drainage system for DeptfordChurch Street , Coffey Street or Crossfield Street and any

permanent works for a new or modified highwaylighting scheme for Deptford Church Street or CrossfieldStreet.

3) The construction or alteration of Deptford ChurchStreet , Coffey Street or Crossfield Street or the

construction or alteration of any highway structureswhich form part of Deptford Church Street, Coffey


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Street or Crossfield Street will be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unless otherwiseapproved in writing by the local highway authority . inconsultation with Transport for London and The Historic

Buildings and Monuments Commission for England..

Specification of accesses (operationaland construction)

DEPCS 9 1) Before alterations are made to any existing access or any new access is provided to Deptford Church Street,Crossfield Street or Coffey Street , details of the designof such alterations or new accesses shall be submitted toand approved by the local highway relevant planningauthority , in consultation with Transport for London forany works to Deptford Church Street, and any suchworks shall be completed prior to the commencement of their use.2) The works shall be carried out in accordance with the

approved details unless otherwise approved by thehighway planning authority in consultation withTransport for London for any works to Deptford ChurchStreet .

Surface water drainage

DEPCS 10 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of the permanent above ground structures or landscapingwritten details of the surface water drainage system(including means of pollution control , an assessment of the hydrological and hydrogeological context andwritten details including how the scheme shall bemaintained and managed after completion) inaccordance with the Design Principles for this site shall

be submitted to and approved by the local relevant planning authority, in consultation with the EnvironmentAgency.2) The surface water drainage system must beconstructed in accordance with the submitted detailsunless otherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with the Environment Agency,and completed prior to use of the tunnel.

Archaeological works DEPCS 11 1) Prior to undertaking any excavation a Site SpecificArchaeological Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI)(which shall accord with the OverarchingArchaeological WSI) shall be submitted to and approved

by the local relevant planning authority in consultationwith The Historic Buildings and MonumentsCommission for England.2) The archaeological works shall be undertaken inaccordance with the Site Specific Archaeological WSIand carried out by a suitably qualified person or body.

School fire andemergency assembly


DEPCS 12 Details of the proposed temporary fire and1)emergency assembly point(s) for staff, pupils and

visitors to St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School shall be submitted to and approved by the relevant


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planning authority, in consultation with the LondonFire and Civil Defence Authority. The details shallinclude the size or the assembly point(s), capacityand safety audit.

The approved assembly point(s) shall be made2) available for use prior to commencement of worksand maintained throughout the construction period.

Vehicular and pedestrian access

DEPCS 13 Access shall be maintained at all times throughoutconstruction works No 22a and 22b and any associatedancillary works to existing pedestrian and vehicularaccess points on Crossfield Street, St Josephs CatholicPrimary School and St Pauls Church, unless otherwiseapproved by the relevant planning authority

Section 106Agreement

DEPCS 14 No authorised development shall be commenced on thissite unless and until the undertaker has entered into theDeptford Church Street Section 106Agreement/Undertaking [to be appended/referred to]

Greenwich Pumping Station

The table below sets out the specific requirements for the Greenwich Pumping—

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CoCP Part B GREPS1 The authorised development construction works at thissite shall be carried out in accordance with the CoCPPart BA, as amended or varied by the CoCP Part B forthis site , unless otherwise approved by local relevant

planning authority in consultation with other relevantstakeholders.

Detailed approval for permanent aboveground structures

GREPS2 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of anynew permanent above ground structure, details of thedesign (including external appearance and materials)which shall accord with the indicative features on theProposed site features plan (Drawing Nos.DCO-PP-23X-GREPS-240010), the design principles for this site and the Site Works Parameter Plan shall be

submitted to and approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with The Historic Buildings andMonuments Commission for England where appropriate.

2) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authority.

Details of works tolisted buildings andstructures

GREPS3 1) Before commencement of any works to the East BeamEngine House the details of those works in accordancewith the design principles for this site, indicative plans,

sections and elevations (Drawing Nos.DCO-PP-23X-GREPS-240012,


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DCO-PP-23X-GREPS-240014 – rev 1 ,DCO-PP-23X-GREPS-240015 – rev 1 ,DCO-PP-23X-GREPS-240018 - rev 1,DCO-PP-23X-GREPS-240019 ,DCO-PP-23X-GREPS-24002 – rev 1,DCO-PP-23X-GREPS-24002 3, 1 – rev 1,DCO-PP-23X-GREPS-240022 - rev 1,DCO-PP-23X-GREPS-240023 – rev 1,DCO-PP-23X-GREPS-240025 – rev 1 ,DCO-PP-23X-GREPS-240026),and the approved maximum extent of loss of listedstructures (Drawing Nos DCO-PP-23X-GREPS-240020

– rev 1 and DCO-PP-23X-GREPS-240024 – rev 1 ), shall be submitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with The HistoricBuildings and Monuments Commission for Englandwhere appropriate:2) The details provided shall include the following:

Detailed drawings showing all fixings to thei.East Beam Engine House;

Detailed drawings of the lantern, fenestrationii.and openings to the East Beam Engine House;

Construction Method Statement drawings;

A list of proposed materials.iv.3) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with the Historic Buildings and MonumentsCommission for England .

Detail of works tolisted buildings

GREPS4 1) Before commencement of the works to the listedsunken staircase to the west of the podium of the eastBeam Engine House, over the auxiliary pump chamber (as relevant) the following details shall be submitted toand approved by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with The Historic Buildings and MonumentsCommission for England.

works to protect the entrance podium and easti.Beam Engine House;works to remove the sunken staircase includingii.the western wall , store and re-use the York stone steps and bricks for the western wall andre-use the historic hand rail posts on theentrance podium to the east of the stairs.

2) Materials of heritage significance in (ii) above shall bere-used in accordance with the principles set out in


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section 3.6 of the Heritage Statement.

Protective works tolisted buildings

GREPS5 Non-intrusive 1) Before commencement of any works tothe East Beam Engine House details of the protective

measures shall to be put into place to prevent strikedamage to the Grade II Listed Beam Engine Houses, andCentral Boiler House, the Grade II Listed Coal sheds,and the Grade II Listed Network Rail viaduct shall besubmitted to and approved by the relevant planningauthority in consultation with The Historic Buildings andMonuments Commission for England .2) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the relevant planning authority inconsultation with the Historic Buildings and MonumentsCommission for England.

Landscaping GREPS6 1) Before commencing construction of the permanentabove ground structures, details of the permanentlandscaping for this site shall be submitted to andapproved by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with The Historic Buildings and MonumentsCommission for England where appropriate. Suchdetails shall be in accordance with Design Principles for this site and the Site Works Parameter Plan.2) The landscaping details in paragraph 1 above must,unless otherwise agreed by the local relevant planningauthority, include details of all proposed hard and softlandscaping works, including:

location, number, species, size and plantinga)density of any proposed planting;cultivation, importing of materials and other b)operations to ensure plant establishmentmonitoring and maintenance ;c)c) proposed finished ground levels;d)d) hard surfacing materials;e)e) minor structures such as signs and lighting;f)f) retained historic landscape features andg)

proposals for restoration where relevant;

g) implementation timetables for all landscapingh) works; andh) details of fencing/enclosures.i)vehicular and pedestrian access, parking and j)circulation areas

proposed and existing functional services abovek)and below ground, including drainage, powerand communications cables and pipelines,manholes and supports;details of existing trees to be retainedl)retained historic landscape features andm)

proposals for restoration where relevant

3) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authority in


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consultation with The Historic Buildings and MonumentsCommission for England .4) The approved landscape works shall be carried out bysuitably trained or qualified personnel to a reasonable

standard in accordance with the relevantrecommendations of appropriate British Standards orother recognised codes of good practice.

Replacement trees and shrubs45) If within a period of [five years] from the date of the

planting of any tree or shrub that tree or shrub , or anytree or shrub planted in replacement for it is uprooted or destroyed or dies, another tree or shrub of the samespecies and size as that originally planted shall be plantedat the same place, unless the local relevant planningauthority gives its written consent to any variation.

Contaminated land GREPS7 (1) Site specific remediation strategy

1. Work No. 23a shall not commence until a land qualityassessment Unless agreed in writing by the relevant

planning authority in consultation with the EnvironmentAgency no works shall be undertaken at this site (savefor demolition of existing buildings, works in thehighway including site access, works to trees andinstallation of monitoring equipment) until the followinghas been submitted to and a g ppr eoved by thelocal relevant planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency. This should include the followingcomponents:a. a. A preliminary risk assessment and site investigationscheme which has identified:

(i) (i) all previous uses

(ii) (ii) potential contaminants associated with those uses

(iii) (iii) a conceptual model of the site indicatingsources, pathways and receptors

(iv) (iv) qualitative risk assessment of any potentiallyunacceptable risks arising from contamination at the site.

b. If specified by the preliminary risk assessment a (v) proposed site investigation scheme , based on the preliminary risk assessment to provide providinginformation for a detailed quantitative assessment of therisk to all receptors that may be affected, including thoseoff site.

b. A remediation strategy which includes:

c. The results of the site investigation and the (i) detailedrisk quantitative assessment referred to in (b) and, basedon these, an of the risk

(ii) options appraisal and remediation strategy

giving full details of the remediation measures requiredand how they are to be undertaken.


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d. (iii) A verification plan providing details of the datathat will be collected in order to demonstrate that theworks set out in the remediation strategy in (c) arecomplete and identifying any requirements for long-term

monitoring of pollutant linkages, maintenance andarrangements for contingency action.

(iv) a programme for the submission of elementsdetailed in 3 and 4.

2. The scheme shall be implemented as approved. 2) Theworks shall be undertaken in accordance with theapproved details unless otherwise agreed with therelevant planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency.

Verification report 3. APrior to completion of the works a verification reportdemonstrating completion of works set out in theapproved remediation strategy and the effectiveness of the remediation should be provided shall be submitted toand approved by the relevant planning authority, inconsultation with the Environment Agency . The reportshould include results of sampling and monitoringcarried out in accordance with the approved verification

plan to demonstrate that the site remediation criteria have been met. It should also include any plan ( a “long-termmonitoring and maintenance plan ”) for long-term

monitoring of pollutant linkages, maintenance andarrangements for contingency action, as identified in theverification plan.

4. The long-term monitoring and maintenance planshould be implemented as approved unless otherwiseagreed with the relevant planning authority, inconsultation with the Environment Agency .

(2) Unexpected contamination

5. If in undertaking any works on this site, contamination

not previously identified is found to be present at the site,then unless otherwise agreed by the local relevant planning authority, no further development or worksshall be carried out in the part of the site in which thecontamination has been identified until a remediationstrategy has been submitted to and approved in writing

by the relevant local planning authority, in consultationwith the Environment Agency. The remediation workson this site shall be carried out in accordance with thatremediation strategy . unless otherwise approved inwriting by the relevant planning authority.

Tunnel Land QualityAssessment

GREPS8 1. No tunnelling works from this site shall be commenced untila tunnel land quality assessment has been submitted to and


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2) The archaeological works shall be undertaken inaccordance with the Site Specific Archaeological WSIand carried out by a suitably qualified person or body.

Construction TrafficManagement Plan

GREPS 109 1) Work no.23a shall not commence until a trafficmanagement plan (which shall accord with the CoCP)shall be submitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with Transport for London.

2) The development shall be carried out in accordancewith the approved details unless otherwise approved bythe local relevant planning authority in consultation withTransport for London.

Travel Plan GREPS1 10 1) Work no. 23a shall not commence until a site-specificconstruction workforce travel plan in accordance withthe Draft Project Framework Travel Plan has beensubmitted to and approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with TfL.2) The approved travel plan(s) shall be implementedfrom the commencement of development of work no. 23aand shall continue to be in place for the duration of theconstruction works, unless otherwise approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation with TfL.

Specification of

accesses (operationaland construction)

GREPS1 21 1) Before alterations are made to any existing access or

any new access is provided, details of the design of suchalterations or new accesses shall be submitted to andapproved by the local highway authority and any suchworks shall be completed prior to the commencement of their use.2) The works shall be carried out in accordance with theapproved details unless otherwise approved by thehighway authority.

Surface water drainage

GREPS1 32 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of the permanent above ground structures or landscapingwritten details of the surface water drainage system(including means of pollution control , an assessment of the hydrological and hydrogeological context and writtendetails including how the scheme shall be maintained andmanaged after completion) in accordance with theDesign principles for this site shall be submitted to andapproved by the local relevant planning authority, inconsultation with the Environment Agency.2) The surface water drainage system must beconstructed in accordance with the submitted detailsunless otherwise approved by the local relevant planningauthority in consultation with the Environment Agency,and completed prior to use of the tunnel.

Operational noise GREPS13 1) Prior to the commencement of the use of the Tunnel, a


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noise report shall be submitted to and approved by therelevant planning authority at each site. This reportshould demonstrate that baseline noise design ratinglevels for plant and machinery are [5dB (A)] below the

typical background noise level , as defined in BS4142:1997, at the nearest residential receptor over theoperational period of the Plant.2) The works shall be carried out in accordance with theapproved details, unless otherwise approved by therelevant planning authority

Section 106Agreement

GREPS14 No authorised development shall be commenced on thissite unless and until the undertaker has entered into theGreenwich Pumping Station Section 106Agreement/Undertaking [to be appended/referred to]

King Edward Memorial Park Foreshore

The table below sets out the specific requirements for the King Edward Memorial Park 23.Foreshore site—

Title Ref Text

CoCP Part B KEMPF1 The authorised development construction works at thissite shall be carried out in accordance with the CoCPPart BA, as amended or varied by the CoCP Part B forthis site , unless otherwise approved by local relevant

planning authority in consultation with other relevantstakeholders.

Location of permanentworks

KEMPF2 1) The maximum extent of the foreshore(1)structure and permanent river wall shall be constructedsuch that it does not extend beyond the alignment setout in the Site Works Parameter Plan.

2) Should the alignment be less than the(2)maximum extent shown on the Site Works Parameter Plan the detail of the amended alignment shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with the Port of London Authority and the Environment Agency.

(3)Detailed designapproval for permanentabove groundstructures

KEMPF3 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of any permanent above ground structure, details of thedesign (including size, external appearance andmaterials) which shall accord with the design

principles for this site and the Site Works Parameter Plan shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority.2) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authority.


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Detailed designapproval for signatureventilation columns

KEMPF4 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of thesignature ventilation columns details of the height,dimensions, external appearance and materials whichshall accord with the ventilation column drawing type

C (Drawing No. DCO-PP-900-ZZZZZ-290003 – rev1) shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation withThe Historic Buildings and Monuments Commissionfor England.2) The ventilation columns at this site shall not exceed6.5 metres in height3) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with The Historic Buildings andMonuments Commission for England.

Detailed designapproval River wall

KEMPF5 1) Before the commencement of construction of Work No. 24b (iv) the detailed design (including externalappearance and materials) which shall accord with thedesign principles for this site and the Site WorksParameter Plan shall be submitted to and approved bythe local relevant planning authority.2) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authority.

Landscaping KEMPF6 1) Before commencing construction of the permanentabove ground structures, details of the permanentlandscaping for this site (excluding details for approvalunder Requirement KEMPF 7) shall be submitted toand approved by the local relevant planning authority.Such details shall be in accordance with the indicativefeatures on the Proposed landscape plan (Drawing No.DCO-PP-24X-KEMPF-250009), Design Principles for this site and the Site Works Parameter Plan.2) The landscaping details in paragraph (1) abovemust, unless otherwise agreed by the local relevant

planning authority, include details of all proposed hard

and soft landscaping works, including:

location, number, species, size and plantinga)density of any proposed planting;

cultivation, importing of materials and other b)operations to ensure plant establishment

monitoring and maintenance ;c)

c) proposed finished ground levels;d)

d) hard surfacing materials;e)


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e) minor structures such as furniture, refuse or f)other storage units, signs and lighting;

f) implementation timetables for all landscapingg)works; and

g) details of fencing/enclosures , [includingh)measures to prevent vehicles using the new accessthrough the open space when not used for essentialmaintenance. ]

vehicular and pedestrian access, parking andi)circulation areas

proposed and existing functional services above j)and below ground, including drainage, power andcommunications cables and pipelines, manholes andsupports;

details of existing trees to be retainedk)

3) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authority.4) The approved landscape works shall be carried out

by suitably trained or qualified personnel to a

reasonable standard in accordance with the relevantrecommendations of appropriate British Standards orother recognised codes of good practice.

Replacement trees and shrubs5) If within a period of [five years] from the date of the

planting of any tree or shrub that tree or shrub , or anytree or shrub planted in replacement for it is uprootedor destroyed or dies, another tree or shrub of the samespecies and size as that originally planted shall be

planted at the same place, unless the local relevant planning authority gives its written consent to any


Works to reconfigurethe multi-purposesports pitch, relocatethe children’s play areaand associatedlandscaping

KEMPF7 1) Before commencing construction, details of theworks to reconfigure the multi-purpose sports pitchand relocate the children’s play area, and associatedlandscaping, shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority. Such details shall bein accordance with Design Principles for this site andthe Site Works Parameter Plan.2) The details in paragraph (1) above must, unlessotherwise agreed by the local relevant planningauthority, include:

proposed finished ground levels;a)


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(iii) (iii) a conceptual model of the site indicatingsources, pathways and receptors

(iv) (iv) qualitative risk assessment of any potentiallyunacceptable risks arising from contamination at thesite.

b. If specified by the preliminary risk assessment a (v) proposed site investigation scheme , based on

the preliminary risk assessment to provide providinginformation for a detailed quantitative assessment of the risk to all receptors that may be affected, includingthose off site.

b. A remediation strategy which includes:

c. The results of the site investigation and the (i)

detailed risk quantitative assessment referred to in (b)and, based on these, an of the risk

(ii) options appraisal and remediation strategygiving full details of the remediation measuresrequired and how they are to be undertaken.

d. (iii) A verification plan providing details of the datathat will be collected in order to demonstrate that theworks set out in the remediation strategy in (c) arecomplete and identifying any requirements for long-term monitoring of pollutant linkages,maintenance and arrangements for contingency action.

(iv) a programme for the submission of elementsdetailed in 3 and 4.

2. The scheme shall be implemented as approved. 2.The works shall be undertaken in accordance with theapproved details unless otherwise agreed with therelevant planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency.

Verification report

3. APrior to completion of the works a verification

report demonstrating completion of works set out inthe approved remediation strategy and theeffectiveness of the remediation should be

provided shall be submitted to and approved by therelevant planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency . The report should includeresults of sampling and monitoring carried out inaccordance with the approved verification plan todemonstrate that the site remediation criteria have

been met. It should also include any plan ( a “long-termmonitoring and maintenance plan ”) for long-termmonitoring of pollutant linkages, maintenance andarrangements for contingency action, as identified inthe verification plan.


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4. The long-term monitoring and maintenance planshould be implemented as approved unless otherwiseagreed with the relevant planning authority, inconsultation with the Environment Agency .

(2) Unexpected contamination

5. If in undertaking any works on this site,contamination not previously identified is found to be

present at the site, then unless otherwise agreed by thelocal relevant planning authority, no further development or works shall be carried out in the partof the site in which the contamination has beenidentified until a remediation strategy has beensubmitted to and approved in writing by the relevantlocal planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency. The remediation works on thissite shall be carried out in accordance with thatremediation strategy unless otherwise approved inwriting by the relevant planning authority .

Archaeology KEMPF11 1) Prior to undertaking any excavation a Site SpecificArchaeological Written Scheme of Investigation(WSI) (which shall accord with the OverarchingArchaeological WSI) shall be submitted to andapproved by the local relevant planning authority in

consultation with The Historic Buildings andMonuments Commission for England.

2) The archaeological works shall be undertaken inaccordance with the Site Specific Archaeological WSIand carried out by a suitably qualified person or body.

Construction TrafficManagement Plan

KEMPF12 1) Work no.24a shall not commence until a trafficmanagement plan (which shall accord with the CoCP)shall be submitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with Transport for London.2) The development shall be carried out in accordancewith the approved details unless otherwise approved

by the local relevant planning authority in consultationwith Transport for London.

Travel Plan KEMPF13 1) Work no.24a shall not commence until asite-specific construction workforce travel plan inaccordance with the Draft Project Framework TravelPlan has been submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation withTfL.

2) The approved travel plan(s) shall be implementedfrom the commencement of development of work


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no.24a and shall continue to be in place for theduration of the construction works, unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with TfL.

Specification of accesses (operationaland construction)

KEMPF14 1) Before alterations are made to any existing accessor any new access is provided, details of the design of such alterations or new accesses shall be submitted toand approved by the local highway authority and anysuch works shall be completed prior to thecommencement of their use.2) The works shall be carried out in accordance withthe approved details unless otherwise approved by thehighway authority.

Surface water drainage KEMPF15 1) Prior to the commencement of the permanent aboveground structures or landscaping written details of thesurface water drainage system for this site (includingmeans of pollution control, an assessment of thehydrological and hydrogeological context and writtendetails including how the scheme shall be maintainedand managed after completion) in accordance with theDesign principles for this site shall be submitted to andapproved by the local relevant planning authority, inconsultation with the Environment Agency.

2) The surface water drainage system must beconstructed in accordance with the submitted details

unless otherwise approved by the local relevant planning authority in consultation with theEnvironment Agency, and completed prior to use of the tunnel.

Highway Works KEMPF16 1) No authorised development consisting of theconstruction or alteration of or the construction or alteration of any highway structures which form partof The Highway shall commence until details of thedesign of these works or any associated highwaystructures have been submitted to and approved by thelocal highway authority.

2) The details required under paragraph 1 shall includedetails of any permanent works for a new or alteredsurface and foul water drainage system for TheHighway and any permanent works for a new or modified highway lighting scheme for The Highway.

Section 106Agreement

KEMPF17 No authorised development shall be commenced onthis site unless and until the undertaker has enteredinto the King Edward Memorial Park ForeshoreSection 106 Agreement/Undertaking [to beappended/referred to]


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Bekesbourne Street

The table below sets out the specific requirements for the Bekesbourne Street site— 24.

Title Ref Text

CoCP Part B BEKST1 The construction works at this site shall be carried outin accordance with the CoCP Part A, as amended orvaried by the CoCP Part B for this site, unlessotherwise approved by relevant planning authority inconsultation with other relevant stakeholders.

Detailed designapproval for kiosk

BEKST 12 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of thekiosk, details of the design (including externalappearance and materials) which shall accord with theindicative features on the Proposed landscape plan(Drawing No. DCO-PP-25X-BEKST-260006 – rev1), the design principles for this site and the Site

Works Parameter Plan shall be submitted to andapproved by the local relevant planning authority.2) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authority.

CoCP Part B BEKST2 The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the CoCP Part B, unless otherwiseapproved by local planning authority in consultation withother relevant stakeholders..

Contaminated land BEKST3 (1) Site specific remediation strategy

1. No below ground excavations shall commenceuntil a land quality assessment Unless agreed inwriting by the relevant planning authority inconsultation with the Environment Agency no worksshall be undertaken at this site (save for demolition ofexisting buildings, works in the highway includingsite access, works to trees and installation ofmonitoring equipment) until the following has beensubmitted to and a g ppr eoved by the local relevant

planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency. This should include thefollowing components:

a. a. A preliminary risk assessment and siteinvestigation scheme which has identified:

(i) (i) all previous uses

(ii) (ii) potential contaminants associated with thoseuses

(iii) (iii) a conceptual model of the site indicatingsources, pathways and receptors

(iv) (iv) qualitative risk assessment of any potentiallyunacceptable risks arising from contamination at the


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b. If specified by the preliminary risk assessment a (v) proposed site investigation scheme , based on

the preliminary risk assessment to provide providinginformation for a detailed quantitative assessment of the risk to all receptors that may be affected,including those off site.

b. A remediation strategy which includes:

c. The results of the site investigation and the (i)detailed risk quantitative assessment referred to in (b)and, based on these, an of the risk

(ii) options appraisal and remediation strategygiving full details of the remediation measuresrequired and how they are to be undertaken.

d. (iii) A verification plan providing details of thedata that will be collected in order to demonstrate thatthe works set out in the remediation strategy in (c) arecomplete and identifying any requirements for long-term monitoring of pollutant linkages,maintenance and arrangements for contingencyaction.

(iv) a programme for the submission of elementsdetailed in 3 and 4.

2. The scheme shall be implemented as approved. 2)The works shall be undertaken in accordance with the

approved details unless otherwise agreed with therelevant planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency.

Verification report

3. APrior to completion of the works a verificationreport demonstrating completion of works set out inthe approved remediation strategy and theeffectiveness of the remediation should be

provided shall be submitted to and approved by therelevant planning authority, in consultation with the

Environment Agency . The report should includeresults of sampling and monitoring carried out inaccordance with the approved verification plan todemonstrate that the site remediation criteria have

been met. It should also include any plan ( a“long-term monitoring and maintenance plan ”) for long-term monitoring of pollutant linkages,maintenance and arrangements for contingencyaction, as identified in the verification plan.

4. The long-term monitoring and maintenance planshould be implemented as approved unless otherwiseagreed with the relevant planning authority, in

consultation with the Environment Agency .


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(2) Unexpected contamination

5. If in undertaking any works on this site,contamination not previously identified is found to be

present at the site, then unless otherwise agreed by thelocal relevant planning authority, no further development or works shall be carried out in the partof the site in which the contamination has beenidentified until a remediation strategy has beensubmitted to and approved in writing by the relevantlocal planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency. The remediation works on thissite shall be carried out in accordance with thatremediation strategy unless otherwise approved inwriting by the relevant planning authority .

Archaeology BEKST4 1) Prior to undertaking any excavation a Site SpecificArchaeological Written Scheme of Investigation(WSI) (which shall accord with the OverarchingArchaeological WSI) shall be submitted to andapproved by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with The Historic Buildings andMonuments Commission for England.

2) The archaeological works shall be undertaken inaccordance with the Site Specific ArchaeologicalWSI and carried out by a suitably qualified person or


Construction TrafficManagement Plan

BEKST5 1) Work no.25 shall not commence until a trafficmanagement plan (which shall accord with the CoCP)shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation withTransport for London.

2) The development shall be carried out in accordancewith the approved details unless otherwise approved

by the local relevant planning authority in consultation

with Transport for London.

Section 106 Agreement BEKST6 No authorised development shall be commenced onthis site unless and until the undertaker has enteredinto the Bekesbourne Street Section 106Agreement/Undertaking [to be appended/referred to]

Bekesbourne Street parking

BEKST7 There shall be no permanent loss of on-street parkingon Bekesbourne Street


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Abbey Mills Pumping Station

The table below sets out the specific requirements for the Abbey Mills Pumping—

Title Ref Text CoCP Part B ABMPS1 The authorised development construction works at this

site shall be carried out in accordance with the CoCPPart A, as amended or varied by the CoCP Part B for this site, , unless otherwise approved by local relevant

planning authority in consultation with other relevantstakeholders.

Detailed designapproval for permanentabove ground structures

ABMPS2 1) Prior to the commencement of construction of any permanent above ground structure, the design(including size, external appearance and materials)

which shall accord with the design principles for thissite and the Site Works Parameter Plan shall besubmitted to and approved by the local relevant

planning authority in consultation with The HistoricBuildings and Monuments Commission for Englandwhere appropriate.2) The authorised development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with the Historic Buildings andMonuments Commission for England .

Contaminated land ABMPS3 (1) Site specific remediation strategy

1. Work No. 26a shall not commence until a landquality assessment Unless agreed in writing by therelevant planning authority in consultation with theEnvironment Agency no works shall be undertaken atthis site (save for demolition of existing buildings,works in the highway including site access, works totrees and installation of monitoring equipment) untilthe following has been submitted to and a g ppr eoved

by the local relevant planning authority, inconsultation with the Environment Agency. This

should include the following components:a. a. A preliminary risk assessment and siteinvestigation scheme which has identified:

(i) (i) all previous uses

(ii) (ii) potential contaminants associated with thoseuses

(iii) (iii) a conceptual model of the site indicatingsources, pathways and receptors

(iv) (iv) qualitative risk assessment of any potentiallyunacceptable risks arising from contamination at thesite.

b. If specified by the preliminary risk assessment a (v)


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proposed site investigation scheme , based onthe preliminary risk assessment to provide providinginformation for a detailed quantitative assessment of the risk to all receptors that may be affected,

including those off site. b. A remediation strategy which includes:

c. The results of the site investigation and the (i)detailed risk quantitative assessment referred to in (b)and, based on these, an of the risk

(ii) options appraisal and remediation strategygiving full details of the remediation measuresrequired and how they are to be undertaken.

d. (iii) A verification plan providing details of thedata that will be collected in order to demonstrate thatthe works set out in the remediation strategy in (c) arecomplete and identifying any requirements for long-term monitoring of pollutant linkages,maintenance and arrangements for contingencyaction.

(iv) a programme for the submission of elementsdetailed in 3 and 4.

2. The scheme shall be implemented as approved. 2)The works shall be undertaken in accordance with theapproved details unless otherwise agreed with therelevant planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency.

Verification report

3. APrior to completion of the works a verificationreport demonstrating completion of works set out inthe approved remediation strategy and theeffectiveness of the remediation should be

provided shall be submitted to and approved by therelevant planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency . The report should includeresults of sampling and monitoring carried out inaccordance with the approved verification plan todemonstrate that the site remediation criteria have

been met. It should also include any plan ( a“long-term monitoring and maintenance plan ”) for long-term monitoring of pollutant linkages,maintenance and arrangements for contingencyaction, as identified in the verification plan.

4. The long-term monitoring and maintenance planshould be implemented as approved unless otherwiseagreed with the relevant planning authority, inconsultation with the Environment Agency .

(2) Unexpected contamination


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5. If in undertaking any works on this site,contamination not previously identified is found to be

present at the site, then unless otherwise agreed by thelocal relevant planning authority, no further

development or works shall be carried out in the partof the site in which the contamination has beenidentified until a remediation strategy has beensubmitted to and approved in writing by the relevantlocal planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency. The remediation works on thissite shall be carried out in accordance with thatremediation strategy unless otherwise approved inwriting by the relevant planning authority .

Archaeology ABMPS4 1) Prior to undertaking any excavation a Site SpecificArchaeological Written Scheme of Investigation(WSI) (which shall accord with the OverarchingArchaeological WSI) shall be submitted to andapproved by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with The Historic Buildings andMonuments Commission for England.

2) The archaeological works shall be undertaken inaccordance with the Site Specific ArchaeologicalWSI and carried out by a suitably qualified person or


Construction TrafficManagement Plan

ABMPS5 1) Work no.26a shall not commence until a trafficmanagement plan (which shall accord with the CoCP)shall be submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation withTransport for London.

2) The development shall be carried out inaccordance with the approved details unless otherwiseapproved by the local relevant planning authority inconsultation with Transport for London.

Travel Plan ABMPS6 1) Work no. 26a shall not commence until asite-specific construction workforce travel plan inaccordance with the Draft Project Framework TravelPlan has been submitted to and approved by thelocal relevant planning authority in consultation withTfL.2) The approved travel plan(s) shall be implementedfrom the commencement of development of work no.26a and shall continue to be in place for the durationof the construction works, unless otherwise approved

by the local relevant planning authority in consultationwith TfL.

Section 106 Agreement ABMPS7 No authorised development shall be commenced on


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(iii) (iii) a conceptual model of the site indicatingsources, pathways and receptors

(iv) (iv) qualitative risk assessment of any potentiallyunacceptable risks arising from contamination at thesite.

b. If specified by the preliminary risk assessment a (v) proposed site investigation scheme , based on

the preliminary risk assessment to provide providinginformation for a detailed quantitative assessment of the risk to all receptors that may be affected,including those off site.

b. A remediation strategy which includes:

c. The results of the site investigation and the (i)

detailed risk quantitative assessment referred to in (b)and, based on these, an of the risk

(ii) options appraisal and remediation strategygiving full details of the remediation measuresrequired and how they are to be undertaken.

d. (iii) A verification plan providing details of thedata that will be collected in order to demonstrate thatthe works set out in the remediation strategy in (c) arecomplete and identifying any requirements for long-term monitoring of pollutant linkages,maintenance and arrangements for contingency

action.(iv) a programme for the submission of elementsdetailed in 3 and 4.

2. The scheme shall be implemented as approved. 2)The works shall be undertaken in accordance with theapproved details unless otherwise agreed with therelevant planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency.

Verification report

3. APrior to completion of the works a verificationreport demonstrating completion of works set out inthe approved remediation strategy and theeffectiveness of the remediation should be

provided shall be submitted to and approved by therelevant planning authority, in consultation with theEnvironment Agency . The report should includeresults of sampling and monitoring carried out inaccordance with the approved verification plan todemonstrate that the site remediation criteria have

been met. It should also include any plan ( a“long-term monitoring and maintenance plan ”) for long-term monitoring of pollutant linkages,maintenance and arrangements for contingencyaction, as identified in the verification plan.


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SCHEDULE 4 Ref Article 10





Street subject to street works


Relevant SiteLondon Borough of Ealing Canham Road

Warple WayStanley Gardens

Acton Storm Tanks

London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham

Chancellor’s RoadDistillery Road

Hammersmith PumpingStation

London Borough of Wandsworth

The EmbankmentLower Richmond RoadPutney High StreetPutney BridgeGlendarvon Street

Putney EmbankmentForeshore

London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham

Carnwath RoadWandsworth Bridge Road

Carnwath Road Riverside

London Borough of Wandsworth

Dormay StreetThe CausewayArmoury Way

Dormay Street

London Borough of Wandsworth

Neville Gill CloseBuckhold Road

King George’s Park

London Borough of Wandsworth

York RoadYork Gardens

Falconbrook Pumping Station

Royal Borough of Kensingtonand Chelsea

Lots Road Cremorne Wharf Depot

Royal Borough of Kensingtonand Chelsea

Chelsea EmbankmentThe Bull Ring

Chelsea EmbankmentForeshore

London Borough of Wandsworth

Kirtling StreetCringle Street

Kirtling Street

London Borough of Wandsworth

Nine Elms Lane Heathwall Pumping Station

London Borough of Lambeth Albert Embankment Albert Embankment Foreshore[Options A & B]

London Borough of Lambeth Lambeth Palace RoadAlbert Embankment

Victoria EmbankmentForeshore

London Borough of Blackfriars Road Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore


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Street subject to street works


Relevant SiteSouthwark

City of Westminster Victoria Embankment Victoria EmbankmentForeshore

City of London Victoria EmbankmentBlackfriars Underpass

New Bridge StreetBlackfriars BridgeBlackfriars Bridge headBlackfriars RoadWhite Lion HillThames Path

Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore

London Borough of Southwark Maguire StreetGainsford StreetShad Thames

Shad Thames Pumping Station

London Borough of Southwark

Chambers StreetLoftie StreetBevington StreetBermondsey Wall WestEast Lane

Chambers Wharf

London Borough of Southwark

Chilton GroveCroft Street

Earl Pumping Station

London Borough of Lewisham Chilton GroveYeoman StreetCroft Street

Earl Pumping Station

London Borough of Lewisham Deptford Church StreetCrossfield StreetCoffey Street

Deptford Church Street

Royal Borough of Greenwich Norman RoadGreenwich High RoadUnnamed pedestrian/cycleroute between Norman Road

and Creekside

Greenwich Pumping Station

London Borough of Tower Hamlets

Glamis Road King Edward Memorial Park Foreshore

London Borough of Tower Hamlets

Bekesbourne StreetRatcliffe Lane

Bekesbourne Street

London Borough of Newham Gay RoadAbbey Lane

Abbey Mills

London Borough of Newham Jenkins Lane Beckton Sewage Treatment



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SCHEDULE 5 Article 11


(1) Borough

(2)Street to be altered

(3) Description of alteration

(4) Relevant Site

London Boroughof Ealing

Canham Road Works to provide siteaccess, temporaryremoval of on street

parking, introduction of temporary waitingrestrictions and footwaywidening works.

Acton Storm Tanks

London Boroughof Ealing

Warple Way Works to provide siteaccess, temporaryremoval of on street

parking and introductionof temporary waitingrestrictions

Acton Storm Tanks

London Boroughof Ealing

Stanley Gardens Works associated withthe temporarymodification to kerb line,temporary removal of onstreet parking andintroduction of temporarywaiting restrictions

Acton Storm Tanks

London Boroughof Hammersmithand Fulham

Distillery Road Works to provide siteaccesses

Hammersmith PumpingStation

London Boroughof Hammersmithand Fulham

Chancellor’s Road Temporary removal of onstreet parking andintroduction of temporarywaiting restrictions.Modification to kerb lineon its junction with

Distillery Road

Hammersmith PumpingStation

London Boroughof Wandsworth

The Embankment Works to provide siteaccess, temporaryremoval of on street

parking, the introductionof temporary waitingrestrictions, formation of access to temporaryslipway, temporarysuspension of one-way,kerb line modifications

and temporary removal of traffic island

Putney EmbankmentForeshore


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(1) Borough

(2)Street to be altered

(3) Description of alteration

(4) Relevant Site

London Boroughof Wandsworth

Glendarvon Street

Works associated withenvironmentalenhancement including

footway surfacing andstreet furniture

Temporary removal of onstreet parking andintroduction of waitingrestrictions

Putney EmbankmentForeshore

London Boroughof Wandsworth

Lower RichmondRoad

Installation of ductingwithin carriageway and

pedestrian site accessgate

Putney EmbankmentForeshore

London Boroughof Wandsworth

Putney HighStreet/PutneyBridge

Installation of ventcolumn

Putney EmbankmentForeshore

Hammersmithand Fulham

Carnwath Road Works to provide siteaccess, temporaryremoval of on street

parking and introductionof temporary waitingrestrictions, footway and

junction modifications atits junction withWandsworth BridgeRoad

Carnwath RoadRiverside

Hammersmithand Fulham

Wandsworth BridgeRoad

Modification to trafficsignalised junction

Carnwath RoadRiverside

London Boroughof Wandsworth

Dormay Street Works to provide siteaccess

Dormay Street

London Boroughof Wandsworth

London Boroughof Wandsworth

The Causeway

Armoury Way

Works to provide siteaccessTemporary removal of on

street parking andintroduction of temporarywaiting restrictions

Temporary kerb line and junction modifications

Dormay Street

Dormay Street

London Boroughof Wandsworth

London Boroughof Wandsworth

Neville Gill Close

Buckhold Road

Provision of constructionaccess, temporarymodification to kerb linesand pedestrian refuge

Modification to kerblines, pedestrian refugeand park entrance

King George’s Park

King George’s Park


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(1) Borough

(2)Street to be altered

(3) Description of alteration

(4) Relevant Site

London Boroughof Wandsworth

York Road Works to provide siteaccesses and works

associated with therelocation of bus stopfacilities

Falconbrook PumpingStation

London Boroughof Wandsworth

York Gardens Works to provide siteaccess and temporaryremoval of parking

Falconbrook PumpingStation

Royal Boroughof Kensingtonand Chelsea

Lots Road Works to provide siteaccess, temporaryremoval of on street

parking and introductionof temporary waitingrestrictions

Cremorne Wharf Depot

Royal Boroughof Kensingtonand Chelsea


Works to provide siteaccesses

Works to facilitate the provision of trafficmanagement including

provision of a temporaryformal crossing,temporary removal of traffic island, provisionof site hoarding

Works associated withenvironmentalenhancement includingfootway surfacing andstreet furniture

Chelsea EmbankmentForeshore

Royal Boroughof Kensingtonand Chelsea

The Bull Ring Works associated withenvironmentalenhancement includingfootway and carriageway

surfacing and streetfurniture

Chelsea EmbankmentForeshore

London Boroughof Wandsworth

Kirtling Street Works to provide siteaccess, the provision of traffic management,temporary removal of onstreet parking andintroduction of temporarywaiting restrictions

Works to undertake


Kirtling Street


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(1) Borough

(2)Street to be altered

(3) Description of alteration

(4) Relevant Site

London Boroughof Wandsworth

Cringle Street Works to provide siteaccess

Works to undertakecarriageway crossing for services

Works associated withenvironmentalenhancement includingfootway surfacing andstreet furniture

Kirtling Street

London Boroughof Wandsworth

Nine Elms Lane Works to provide siteaccess

Works associated withenvironmentalenhancement includingfootway surfacing, tree

planting, and streetfurniture

Heathwall PumpingStation

London Boroughof Lambeth


Works to provide siteaccess

Albert EmbankmentForeshore [OPTION A& B]

City of Westminster


Works to provide siteaccess.

Works to facilitate the provision of trafficmanagement,modification to waitingrestrictions, removal of central carriagewayreserve, provision of sitehoarding, removal of cycle parking station

Works to facilitate thetemporary and permanent provision of access to boat moorings

Works associated withenvironmentalenhancement includingfootway surfacing andstreet furniture

Works to construct a

ramp and stairs on thefootway

Victoria EmbankmentForeshore


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(1) Borough

(2)Street to be altered

(3) Description of alteration

(4) Relevant Site

City of London VictoriaEmbankment /Blackfriars

Underpass /Blackfriars Bridgehead / BlackfriarsBridge

Works to provide siteaccess.

Provision of trafficmanagement includingmodification to waitingrestrictions/loading bays,

provision of site hoarding

Works to facilitate thetemporary and permanent

provision of access to boat moorings

Works associated withenvironmentalenhancement includingfootway surfacing, stepaccess from BlackfriarsBridge, lift access fromBlackfriars Bridge, andstreet furniture

Works to construct aramp and stairs on thefootway

Blackfriars BridgeForeshore

City of London

City of London

New Bridge Street /Blackfriars Bridge /Blackfriars Bridgehead

White Lion Hill

Provision of Temporarytraffic management

Provision of pedestrianlift

Modification of kerb, boundary wall, railingand provision of loading


Blackfriars BridgeForeshore

Blackfriars BridgeForeshore

London Boroughof Southwark

Maguire Street andShad Thames

Works to provide siteaccess

Works for the provisionof traffic management,

provision of temporaryturning head, temporaryremoval of on street

parking, introduction of temporary waitingrestrictions and works for the provision of chambers, pipeline andducts

Shad Thames PumpingStation

London Boroughof Southwark

Gainsford Street Works for the provisionof in sewer equipment

Shad Thames PumpingStation


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(1) Borough

(2)Street to be altered

(3) Description of alteration

(4) Relevant Site

London Boroughof Southwark

Chambers Street Works to provide siteaccess

The temporary removalof on street parking andintroduction of temporarywaiting restrictions

Chambers Wharf

London Boroughof Southwark

Loftie Street Works to provide siteaccess

Chambers Wharf

London Boroughof Southwark

Bevington Street The temporary removalof on street parking andintroduction of temporarywaiting restrictions,

provision of temporary pedestrian refuge

Chambers Wharf

London Boroughof Southwark

Croft Street The temporary removalof on street parking andintroduction of temporarywaiting restrictionsmodification to trafficcalming features

Service connection toexisting sewer

Earl Pumping Station

London Boroughof Southwark

Chilton Grove Works to provide siteaccess and serviceconnections to existingsewer, temporaryremoval of trafficcalming, on street

parking and introductionof temporary waitingrestrictions

Earl Pumping Station

London Borough

of Lewisham

Croft Street Works to provide site


The temporary removalof on street parking andintroduction of temporarywaiting restrictions,modification to trafficcalming features.

Service connection toexisting sewer

Earl Pumping Station

London Boroughof Lewisham Yeoman Street Works to provide siteaccess, serviceconnections to existing

Earl Pumping Station


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(1) Borough

(2)Street to be altered

(3) Description of alteration

(4) Relevant Site

sewer, temporaryremoval of trafficcalming, on street

parking and introductionof temporary waitingrestrictions

London Boroughof Lewisham

Chilton Grove Works to provide siteaccess, serviceconnections to existingsewer, temporaryremoval of trafficcalming, on street

parking and introductionof temporary waitingrestrictions

Earl Pumping Station

London Boroughof Lewisham

Deptford ChurchStreet

Works associated withthe temporary suspensionof the pedestriancrossing, provision of temporary pedestriancrossing, temporaryremoval of centralcarriageway divide,temporary removal of buslanes. Temporaryrelocation of bus stopsintroduction of temporarywaiting restrictions

Works associated withenvironmentalenhancement includingfootway surfacing andstreet furniture

Deptford Church Street

London Boroughof Lewisham

Coffey Street Works to provide siteaccess

Temporary removal of onstreet parking andintroduction of temporarywaiting restrictions

Works associated withtemporary one way use,including associatedsigns

Works associated withenvironmental

enhancement includingfootway surfacing andstreet furniture

Deptford Church Street


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(1) Borough

(2)Street to be altered

(3) Description of alteration

(4) Relevant Site

London Boroughof Tower Hamlets

Bekesbourne Street Temporary removal of onstreet parking andintroduction of temporary

waiting restrictions, provision of constructionarea, provision of plant(control kiosk)

Bekesbourne Street

London Boroughof Tower Hamlets

Ratcliffe Lane Provision of constructionarea, provision of plant(vent pipe), temporaryremoval of on street

parking and introductionof temporary waitingrestrictions

Bekesbourne Street

London Boroughof Newham

Gay Road Works to provide siteaccess, temporaryremoval of on street

parking, and theintroduction of temporarywaiting restrictions

Abbey Mills PumpingStation

London Boroughof Newham

Abbey Lane Temporary removal of onstreet parking andintroduction of temporarywaiting restrictions

Abbey Mills PumpingStation

London Boroughof Newham

Jenkins Lane Works to provideconstruction /

permanent site access

Beckton SewageTreatment Works


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SCHEDULE 6 Article 13


(1) Borough

(2)Street to be stopped up

(3) Extent of stopping up

(4) Relevant site

London Borough of Wandsworth

Dormay Street 170 sqm of public highwayfrom a point 85m from its

junction with ArmouryWay to its northerly point

Dormay Street

London Borough of

Tower Hamlets

City of London



Access stepsfrom BlackfriarsBridge and river embankment

West side parking bays

between points 18m and40m south of its junctionwith Ratcliffe Road

West side stepped accessfrom Blackfriars Bridgeand the lower level river embankment walkway

Bekesbourne Street

Blackfriars BridgeForeshore


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SCHEDULE 7 Article 14


(1) Area

(2) Route to beextinguished

(3) Extent of extinguishment

(4) Relevant site

London Borough of Wandsworth

Right of way From Buckhold Road for adistance of 40m in asouth-easterly direction asreferenced on access planDCO-PP-09X-KNGGP-110003

King George’s Park

London Borough of Lambeth

Thames Path A 40m section of the ThamesPath fronting CamelfordHouse north of Lack’s Dock as referenced on access planDCO-PP-15X-ALBEF-170005 – rev 12

Albert EmbankmentForeshore [ Option A &


City of London Thames Path /city walkway

A section of Thames Path /city walkway betweenBlackfriars Bridge and a point190m west as referenced onaccess plan

DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190005 – rev 1

Blackfriars BridgeForeshore


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SCHEDULE 8 Article 15


(1) Borough

(2)Street, right of way,city walkway, or

permissive path tobe temporarily

stopped up

(3) Extent of temporary stopping up

(4) Relevant Site

London Borough of Ealing

Canham Road South side between point 70mwest of its junction withWarple Way and a point 35meast of its junction with StanleyGardens

Acton Storm Tanks

London Borough of Ealing

Warple Way West side between points 50mand 70m south of CobboldRoad

Acton Storm Tanks

London Borough of Ealing

Stanley Gardens West side between its junctionwith Canham Road and a point30m north of that junction

Acton Storm Tanks

London Borough of

Hammersmith andFulham

Chancellor’s Road Between points 65m and 95m

southwest of Distillery Road

Southeast side betweenDistillery Road and a point25m northeast of that junction

Hammersmith Pumping


London Borough of Hammersmith andFulham

Distillery Road Southwest side between its junction with Chancellor’sRoad and a point 90msoutheast of that junction

Hammersmith PumpingStation

London Borough of


Putney High Street East side between points 15m

south and 20m north of its junction with Lower RichmondRoad

Putney Embankment


London Borough of Wandsworth

Lower RichmondRoad

North side between points 10mwest and 70m east of its

junction with Embankment

Putney EmbankmentForeshore

London Borough of Wandsworth

Embankment andThames path

Northern footway between its junction with Lower RichmondRoad and a point 70m west of that junction

North east side betweenGlendarvon Street and Thames

Putney EmbankmentForeshore


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(1) Borough

(2)Street, right of way,city walkway, or

permissive path tobe temporarily

stopped up

(3) Extent of temporary stopping up

(4) Relevant Site


London Borough of Wandsworth

Embankment PublicSlipways

Slipway adjacent toWaterman’s Green and Putneyslipway (part) opposite themarine chandelery - Chas

Newen’s Marine (The BoatHouse)

Putney EmbankmentForeshore

Hammersmith andFulham

Carnwath Road South side between points 50mand 180m west of its junctionwith Peterborough Road and

from its junction withWandsworth Bridge Road to a

point 60m west

Carnwath Road Riverside

Hammersmith andFulham

Wandsworth BridgeRoad

Southside between a point 10mnorth and 30m south of its

junction with Carnwath Road

Carnwath Road Riverside

Hammersmith andFulham

Thames Path From its access adjacent tonumber 31 Carnwath Road to a

point 145m west of Wandsworth Bridge

Carnwath Road Riverside

London Borough of Wandsworth

Dormay Street East side between a point 65mnorth of its junction withArmoury Way to its mostnorthern limit

Dormay Street

London Borough of Wandsworth

The Causeway West side between points 160mand 190m from its junctionwith Dormay Street

Dormay Street

London Borough of Wandsworth

Neville Gill Close From its junction withBuckhold Road to a point 40msouth of that junction

King George’s Park

London Borough of Wandsworth

Buckhold Road Between points 20m southwestand 20m north-east of its

junction with Neville GillClose

King George’s Park

London Borough of Wandsworth

Right of way From Buckhold Road to a point40m southeast

London Borough of Wandsworth

York Road East side between points 70mand 140m north of Plough Laneand 15m and 90m northeast of

Bridges Court

Falconbrook PumpingStation

Royal Borough of Lots Road Southeast side between points Cremorne Wharf Depot


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(1) Borough

(2)Street, right of way,city walkway, or

permissive path tobe temporarily

stopped up

(3) Extent of temporary stopping up

(4) Relevant Site

Kensington and Chelsea 10m northeast and 10msouthwest and points 40m and55m southwest of its junctionwith Ashburnham Road

Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea


North side between points 70mand 200m, and points 230mand 340m west of ChelseaBridge Road.

South side between point 180mand 340m west of Chelsea

Bridge Road

Chelsea EmbankmentForeshore

Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea

The Bull Ring The area of carriageway andfootway forming and known asthe Bull Ring

Chelsea EmbankmentForeshore

Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea

Thames Path Between points 180m and350m west of Chelsea BridgeRoad

Chelsea EmbankmentForeshore

London Borough of Wandsworth

Kirtling Street Its northern loop between itswestern junctions with CringleStreet and its most northeasterly point

Kirtling Street

London Borough of Wandsworth

Cringle Street Between its eastern andwestern junction with KirtlingStreet

Kirtling Street

London Borough of Wandsworth

Thames Path Kirtling street from its western junction with Cringle Street toits most north easterly point onKirtling Street

Kirtling Street

London Borough of


London Borough of Wandsworth

Nine Elms Lane

Thames Path

North side between points 40m

and 130m west of its junctionwith Ponton Road

North side between points 40mand 130m west of its junctionwith Ponton Road

Heathwall Pumping


Heathwall PumpingStation

London Borough of Lambeth

London Borough of


Albert Embankment

Albert Embankment

West side between a point130m and 160m north of its

junction with Bridge Foot

West side between points 220m

and 250m north of its junctionwith Bridge Foot

Albert EmbankmentForeshore [Option A]

Albert Embankment

Foreshore [Option B]


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(1) Borough

(2)Street, right of way,city walkway, or

permissive path tobe temporarily

stopped up

(3) Extent of temporary stopping up

(4) Relevant Site

London Borough of Lambeth

Thames Path From a point north of the building Peninsula Heights toVauxhall Bridge

Albert EmbankmentForeshore [Option A & B]

City of Westminster VictoriaEmbankment

East side between Northumberland Avenue and a point approximately 50 metressouth of Horse Guards Avenueincluding central reserve

West side northbound offsiderunning lane including central

reserve between Northumberland Avenue andHorse Guards Avenue

Victoria EmbankmentForeshore

City of Westminster Thames Path Victoria Embankment Between Northumberland Avenue andand a point approximately 50metres south of Horse GuardsAvenue

Victoria EmbankmentForeshore

City of London VictoriaEmbankment /BlackfriarsUnderpass includingaccess ramps andThames path andcity walkway and

pedestrian subwayand stepped accessfrom BlackfriarsBridge to VictoriaEmbankment

Southern side between its junction with New BridgeStreet and a point 180m west of its junction with TempleAvenue

East/west pedestrian subway(Thames Path) under Blackfriars Bridge andnorth/south pedestrian subwayconnecting Embankment /Thames Path with BlackfriarsStation , including steppedaccesses (east and west)

Blackfriars BridgeForeshore

City of London City Walkway /Riverside Walkway /Thames Path

Between points 10m and 60mto the east of Blackfriars RailBridge

Blackfriars BridgeForeshore

City of London New Bridge Street From its junction withBlackfriars Underpasswestbound access ramp to a

point 60m north of that junction

Blackfriars BridgeForeshore

London Borough of Southwark

Maguire Street From its junction withGainsford Street to a point 80m

northeast of that junction

Shad Thames PumpingStation

London Borough of Gainsford Street Between its junction with Shad Shad Thames Pumping


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(1) Borough

(2)Street, right of way,city walkway, or

permissive path tobe temporarily

stopped up

(3) Extent of temporary stopping up

(4) Relevant Site

Southwark Thames and a point 25m northwest of its junction withMaguire Street


London Borough of Southwark

Bevington Street From its junction withChambers Street to a point 40msouth of that junction

Chambers Wharf

London Borugh of Southwark

Chilton Grove Between its junction with CroftStreet and a point 50mnortheast of that junction

Earl Pumping Station

London Borough of Southwark

Croft Street Between points 30m and 80msoutheast of its junction withChilton Grove

Earl Pumping Station

London Borough of Lewisham

Chilton Grove Between its junction with CroftStreet and a point 50m northeast of that junction

Earl Pumping Station

London Borough of Lewisham

Yeoman Street Southwest side from its junction with Chilton Grove toa point 80m southeast of that


Earl Pumping Station

London Borough of Lewisham

Croft Street Between points 30m and 80msoutheast of its junction withChilton Grove

Earl Pumping Station

London Borough of Lewisham

Deptford ChurchStreet

Between point 30m south of Crossfield Street to a point 70mnorth of its junction withBerthon Street

Deptford Church Street

London Borough of Lewisham

Coffey Street Between Deptford ChurchStreet and a point 60m west

Deptford Church Street

London Borough of Lewisham

Crossfield Street From its junction with CoffeyStreet to a point 50m northwestof that junction and between

points 70m and 105mnorthwest of its junction withDeptford Church Street

Deptford Church Street

Royal Borough of Greenwich

Greenwich HighRoad

North side between points 40mand 60m southwest of its

junction with Norman Road

Greenwich PumpingStation

Royal Borough of


Norman Road West Side between points 75m

and 200m north of its junctionwith Greenwich High Street

Greenwich Pumping



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(1) Borough

(2)Street, right of way,city walkway, or

permissive path tobe temporarily

stopped up

(3) Extent of temporary stopping up

(4) Relevant Site

Royal Borough of Greenwich

Unnamed pedestrian/cycleroute between

Norman Road andCreekside

From its junction with NormanRoad to a point 100m west

Greenwich PumpingStation

London Borough of Tower Hamlets

Glamis Road East side between points 5mand 30m north of its junctionwith Shadwell Pierhead

West side between its junctionwith The Highway to a point

45m south of that junction

King Edward MemorialPark Foreshore

London Borough of Tower Hamlets

Thames Path Permissive path through KingEdward Memorial Park fromthe park entrance on the river front at Free Trade Wharf to a

point 115m west

King Edward MemorialPark Foreshore

London Borough of Tower Hamlets

Bekesbourne Street From a point 20m north of Ratcliffe Lane to a point 60msouth of that junction

Bekesbourne Street

London Borough of Tower Hamlets

Ratcliffe Lane From a point 10m west of Bekesbourne Street to a point30m east of that junction

Bekesbourne Street

London Borough of Newham

Gay Road South side between point 30mand 50m east of its junctionwith Riverside Road

Abbey Mills PumpingStation

London Borough of Newham

Thames Path East side of Prescott Channel,for a distance of 90m south of Three Mills Lock

Abbey Mills PumpingStation


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SCHEDULE 9 Article 16





Description of access


Construction or Permanent


Relevant Site

London Borough of Ealing

Access from Canham Road aslabelled Ac on access planDCO-PP-02X-ACTST-050003

Access from Canham Road aslabelled Ap on access planDCO-PP-02X-ACTST-050003

Access from Warple Way aslabelled Ac on access planDCO-PP-02X-ACTST-050003

Access from Warple Way aslabelled Ap on access plan

DCO-PP-02X-ACTST-050003(existing access)





Acton Storm Tanks

London Borough of Hammersmith andFulham

Access from Distillery Road aslabelled Ac on access planDCO-PP-03X-HAMPS-060003

Access from Distillery Road aslabelled Ap on access planDCO-PP-03X-HAMPS-060003

Access from Chancellor’sRoad as labelled Ap on access

planDCO-PP-03X-HAMPS-060003 (2 existing accesses)





HammersmithPumping Station

London Borough of Richmond-upon-Thames

Access from Queen ElizabethWalk as labelled Ac on access plan

ConstructionAccess Barn Elms


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Description of access


Construction or Permanent


Relevant Site


(existing access)

Access from Queen ElizabethWalk as labelled Ap on access



London Borough of Wandsworth

Access from Embankment aslabelled Ac on access planDCO-PP-05X-PUTEF-080003

– rev 1

Access (pedestrian) fromLower Richmond Road aslabelled Ac on access planDCO-PP-05X-PUTEF-080003

– rev 1

Access from Embankment aslabelled Ac on access planDCO-PP-05X-PUTEF-080004(3 accesses)

Access from Embankment aslabelled At on access planDCO-PP-05X-PUTEF-080004

Access from Embankment aslabelled Ap on access plan

DCO-PP-05X-PUTEF-080003 – rev 1






Putney EmbankmentForeshore

Hammersmith andFulham

Access from Carnwath Road aslabelled Ac on access planDCO-PP-06X-CARRR-090003 (3 accesses - 2 existing)

Access from Carnwath Road asshown on access planDCO-PP-06X-CARRR-09000




Carnwath RoadRiverside


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Description of access


Construction or Permanent


Relevant Site

London Borough of Wandsworth

Access from Dormay Street aslabelled Ac on access planDCO-PP-08X-DRMST-100003

Access from Dormay Street aslabelled Ap on access planDCO-PP-08X-DRMST-100003

Access from The Causeway asshown on access plan


Access to The Causeway aslabelled Ac on access planDCO-PP-08X-DRMST-100003





Dormay Street

London Borough of Wandsworth

Access from Neville Gill Closeas shown on access planDCO-PP-09X-KNGGP-110003

Access from Neville Gill Closeas shown on access planDCO-PP-09X-KNGGP-110003



King George’s Park

London Borough of


Access from York Road as

labelled Ac on access planDCO-PP-10X-FALPS-120003(2 accesses)

Access from York Gardens aslabelled Ap on access planDCO-PP-10X-FALPS-120003

Access from Newcomen Road/Lavender Road as labelled Apon access planDCO-PP-10X-FALPS-120003






Falconbrook Pumping



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Description of access


Construction or Permanent


Relevant Site

(existing access)

Royal Borough of Kensington andChelsea

Access from Lots Road aslabelled Ac on access planDCO-PP-11X-CREWD-130003 (2 existing accesses)

Access from Lots Road aslabelled Ap on access planDCO-PP-11X-CREWD-130003 (2 existing accesses)



Cremorne Wharf Depot

Royal Borough of Kensington andChelsea

North side

Accesses from ChelseaEmbankment as labelled Ac onaccess planDCO-PP-12X-CHEEF-140003

– rev 1 (2 accesses)

Access from ChelseaEmbankment as labelled Ap onaccess planDCO-PP-12X-CHEEF-140003

– rev 1

South side

Access from ChelseaEmbankment as shown onaccess planDCO-PP-12X-CHEEF-140003

– rev 1

Access from ChelseaEmbankment as shown onaccess planDCO-PP-12X-CHEEF-140003

– rev 1





Chelsea EmbankmentForeshore

London Borough of Wandsworth

Access from Kirtling Street aslabelled Ac on access planDCO-PP-13X-KRTST-150003(2 accesses)


Kirtling Street


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Description of access


Construction or Permanent


Relevant Site

Access from Kirtling Street aslabelled Ap on access planDCO-PP-13X-KRTST-150003

Access from Cringle Street aslabelled Ac on access planDCO-PP-13X-KRTST-150003(2 accesses)

Access from Cringle Street aslabelled Ap on access planDCO-PP-13X-KRTST-150003(2 accesses)




London Borough of Wandsworth

Access from Nine Elms Laneas labelled Ac on access planDCO-PP-14X-HEAPS-160003

– rev 12 (2 accesses, existing)

Access from Nine Elms Laneas labelled Ap on access planDCO-PP-14X-HEAPS-160003

– rev 12 (4 accesses, existing)



Heathwall PumpingStation

London Borough of Lambeth

Access from AlbertEmbankment as labelled Ac onaccess planDCO-PP-15X-ALBEF-170005

– rev 12 (1 access to the south

of Camelford House)

Access from AlbertEmbankment as labelled Ac onaccess planDCO-PP-15X-ALBEF-170005

– rev 12 (2 accesses, 1 to thesouth of Camelford House and1 to the north of CamelfordHouse, south of TintagelHouse)




Albert EmbankmentForeshore [Option A]

Albert EmbankmentForeshore [Option B]

Albert Embankment


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Description of access


Construction or Permanent


Relevant Site

Access from AlbertEmbankment as labelled Ap onaccess planDCO-PP-15X-ALBEF-170005

– rev 12 (existing access)

Access Foreshore [Option A

& B]

City of Westminster Access from VictoriaEmbankment as shown onaccess planDCO-PP-16X-VCTEF-180005

– rev 12

Access from VictoriaEmbankment as shown onaccess planDCO-PP-16X-VCTEF-180005

– rev 12



Victoria EmbankmentForeshore

City of London Access from New BridgeStreet as labelled Ac on access


DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190005 – rev 1

Access from VictoriaEmbankment/BlackfriarsUnderpass as shown on access


– rev 1

Access from VictoriaEmbankment/BlackfriarsUnderpass as labelled Ap onaccess planDCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190005

– rev 1




Blackfriars BridgeForeshore

London Borough of Southwark

Access from Maguire Street aslabelled Ac on access planDCO-PP-18X-SHTPS-200003

Access from Maguire Street as


Shad ThamesPumping Station


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Description of access


Construction or Permanent


Relevant Site

labelled Ap on access plan

DCO-PP-18X-SHTPS-200003(2 accesses - 1 existing)


London Borough of Southwark

Access from Chambers Streetas labelled Ac on access planDCO-PP-19X-CHAWF-210003 (existing access)

Access from Loftie Street aslabelled Ap on access plan

DCO-PP-19X-CHAWF-210003 (existing access)



Chambers Wharf

London Borough of Lewisham

Access from Yeoman Street aslabelled Ac on access planDCO-PP-21X-EARPS-220003(2 accesses- 1 existing)

Access from Chilton Grove aslabelled Ac on access planDCO-PP-21X-EARPS-220003(existing access)

Access from Croft Street asshown on access planDCO-PP-21X-EARPS-220003

Access from Yeoman Street aslabelled Ap on access plan

DCO-PP-21X-EARPS-220003(existing access)

Access from Chilton Grove aslabelled Ap on access planDCO-PP-21X-EARPS-220003(existing access)

Access from Croft Street asshown on access planDCO-PP-21X-EARPS-220003







Earl Pumping Station


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Description of access


Construction or Permanent


Relevant Site

London Borough of Lewisham

Access from Coffey Street asshown on access planDCO-PP-22X-DEPCS-230003

Access from Crossfield Streetas shown on access planDCO-PP-22X-DEPCS-230003

Access from Coffey Street asshown on access planDCO-PP-22X-DEPCS-230003(2 accesses)

Access from Crossfield Streetas shown on access planDCO-PP-22X-DEPCS-230003






Deptford ChurchStreet

Royal Borough of


Access from Norman Road as

labelled Ac on access planDCO-PP-23X-GREPS-240003(4 accesses - 3 existing)



Greenwich Pumping


Access from Greenwich HighRoad as labelled Ac on access

planDCO-PP-23X-GREPS-240003(existing access)


Access from Norman Road asshown on access planDCO-PP-23X-GREPS-240003

(existing access)


Access from Greenwich HighRoad as labelled Ap on access

planDCO-PP-23X-GREPS-240003(existing access)


London Borough of Tower Hamlets

Access from Glamis Road aslabelled Ac on access planDCO-PP-24X-KEMPF-250003

– rev 1


King EdwardMemorial Park Foreshore

Access from Glamis Road aslabelled Ap on access planDCO-PP-24X-KEMPF-250003



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Description of access


Construction or Permanent


Relevant Site

– rev 1

London Borough of Tower Hamlets

Access from BekesbourneStreet as labelled Ac on access



Bekesbourne Street

Access from BekesbourneStreet as labelled Ap on access



London Borough of Newham

Access from Gay Road aslabelled Ac on access planDCO-PP-26X-ABMPS-270004 (existing access)


Abbey Mills PumpingStation

Access from Gay Road aslabelled Ap on access planDCO-PP-26X-ABMPS-270004 (existing access)


London Borough of Newham

Access from Jenkins Lane aslabelled Ac on access planDCO-PP-27X-BESTW-280002 - rev 1 (2 accesses)


Beckton SewageTreatment Works

Access from Jenkins Lane aslabelled Ap on access planDCO-PP-27X-BESTW-280002 – rev 1 (2 accesses)



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SCHEDULE 10 Article 18



(1) Relevant


(2) Road

(3) Extent

(4) Notes

London Borough of Ealing


Warple Way East side between its junction with TheVale and a point 65m south of that

junction, between points 40m and 61msouth of Bradford Road and from its

junction with Canham Road to a point 20mnorth of that junction

West side between its junction with TheVale and a point 75m south of that junction

Both sides between a point 5m north and25m south of its junction with BradfordRoad

No waiting 7am-7pmMonday to Saturday

No waiting 7am-7pmMonday to Saturday

No waiting 7am-7pmMonday to Saturday


Canham Road North side from its junction with StanleyGardens to a point 85m east of that

junction and between points 20m and 30mwest of its junction with Warple Way

South Side from its junction with StanleyGardens to a point 130m east of that


No waiting 7am-7pmMonday to Saturday

No waiting 7am-7pmMonday to Saturday





East side from its junction with The Vale

to a point 35m south of that junction and between its junction with Canham Road toa point 20m north of that junction

West side from its junction with The Valeto a point 20m south of that junction andfrom its junction with Canham Road to a

point 65m north of that junction

Both sides between a point 30m north and10m south of its junction with BradfordRoad

No waiting 7am-7pm

Monday to Saturday

No waiting 7am-7pmMonday to Saturday

No waiting 7am-7pmMonday to Saturday

London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham


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(1) Relevant


(2) Road

(3) Extent

(4) Notes




Northwest side between its junction withFulham Palace Road to a point 35m

southwest of that junction

Southeast side between its junction withFulham Palace Road and point 30msouthwest of that junction and between

points 10m and 20m north east of its junction with Distillery Road

No waiting 7am -7pmMonday to Saturday

No waiting 7am -7pmMonday to Saturday



Both sides between points 7m and 55msouth east of its junction with Chancellor’sRoad

No waiting 7am -7pmMonday to Saturday



North side between points 195m and 150mwest of its junction with PeterboroughRoad

North side between points 8m and 70mwest of its junction with PeterboroughRoad and between points 10m and 35mwest of its junction with Dymock Street

South side between a point 50m west of its junction with Wandsworth Bridge Roadand a point 180m west of its junction withPeterborough Road

No waiting at anytime/no loading 7am-7pm

No waiting 7am to7pm Monday toSaturday

No waiting 7am to7pm Monday toSaturday

London Borough of Wandsworth


Embankment Both sides from its junction Lower Richmond Road to a point 35m west of that junction

Northeast side between Glendarvon Streetand 10m southeast of Thames Place

Southwest side between points 10m and

90m northwest of its junction with ThamesPlace

No waiting at anytime

No waiting at anytime

No waiting at any




West side between junction with Lower Richmond Road and a point 27m north

East side between a point 10m and 25mnorth of its junction with Lower RichmondRoad

No waiting 8.30 am to6.30 pm Monday toSaturday

No waiting 8.30 am to6.30 pm Monday toSaturday





Both sides from its junction with Dormay

Street to a point 190m north of that junction

7 am to 7 pm Monday

to Saturday


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(1) Relevant


(2) Road

(3) Extent

(4) Notes


Cringle Street North side between points 60m and140mwest of its junction with Nine Elms


No waiting at anytime



West side between points 25m and 65msouth of its junction with Cringle Street

Western and northern arms, both sidesfrom its western junction with CringleStreet to a point 145m north and east of that junction

No waiting at anytime

No waiting at anytime

Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea


Lots Road Both sides between 12m southwest and25m northeast of its junction withAshburnham Road

Northwest side between points 22m and32m southwest of its junction withCremorne Road

No waiting at anytime

No waiting at anytime



Both sides from its junction with ChelseaBridge Road to a point 350m west of that


North side - area known as the Bull Ring

No stopping at anytime

No waiting at anytime

City of Westminster




West side between point 35m and 100msouth of Northumberland Avenue

East side between points 40m and 140msouth of Northumberland Avenue

East side between points 90m and 170msouth of its junction with Thorney Street

No stopping Mondayto Saturday 8am – 7pm

No stopping Mondayto Saturday 8am – 7pm

Temporary coach parking bay

City of London

Black-friars BridgeForeshore

Black-friars Bridge


VictoriaEmbankment/ BlackfriarsUnderpass

White Lion


South side between points 70m and 130meast of its junction with Temple Avenue

South side between points 55m and 80m

east of Thames Street

No stopping Mondayto Saturday 8am – 7pm

Goods vehicle loading


London Borough of Southwark


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(1) Relevant


(2) Road

(3) Extent

(4) Notes





East side Between its junction with

Gainsford Street and its junction with ShadThames

No waiting at any



Shad Thames Between its junction with Gainsford Streetand its junction with Maguire Street

Temporary suspensionof One-way restriction



Between its junction with Gainsford Streetand its junction with Shad Thames

Temporary suspensionof One-way restriction



Both sides from its junction withBevington Street to a point 115m west of that junction

No waiting at anytime


Black-friars BridgeForeshore/ VictoriaEmbank-mentForeshore



Both sides from its junction with ChambersStreet to a point 40m southwest of that


Southeast side between waterside close anda point 40m southwest of that junction

East side between 45m and 85m south of its junction with Webber Street

No waiting at anytime

No waiting at anytime

Temporary coach parking bay



Northwest side between its junction withCroft Street and a point 50m northeast of that junction

No waiting at anytime


Croft Street West side between points 10m and 80msouth of its junction with Chilton Grove

No waiting at anytime

London Borough of Lewisham



Southeast side between its junction withCroft Street and its junction with YeomanStreet

No waiting at anytime



Both sides from its junction with ChiltonGrove to a point 75m south-east of that


No waiting at anytime


Coffey Street Southern side between Deptford ChurchStreet and Crossfield Street

No waiting at anytime



Both sides for its entire length No waiting at anytime


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(1) Relevant


(2) Road

(3) Extent

(4) Notes



DeptfordChurch Street Both sides between its junction withGiffin Street to a point 90m north of its junction with Berthon Street

No waiting at anytime


Coffey Street From Crossfield Street to Deptford ChurchStreet.

No right turn from Coffey Street toDeptford Church Street

One-way eastbound

Turning banmovement


CrossfieldStreet andreopenedcarriageway

Between Deptford Church Street andCoffey Street

One way west bound


DeptfordChurch Street

Bus lane both sides between its junctionwith Giffin Street to a point 90m north of its junction with Berthon Street

Temporary suspensionof bus lanes

London Borough of Tower Hamlets


Glamis Road West side from its junction with ShadwellPierhead to a point 35m north of that


No waiting at anytime



Both sides from its junction with RatcliffeLane to a point 50m south of that junction.

No waiting at anytime



Both sides from its junction withBekesbourne Street to a point 30m east of that junction

No waiting at anytime

London Borough of Newham



Abbey Lane South side between its junction with

Godfrey Street and a point 30m east of that junction

No waiting at any


South side between points 10m and 35meast of its junction with Abbotsbury Close

No waiting Monday -Friday

North side between points 25m west and45m east of its junction with AbbotsburyClose

No waiting Monday -Friday

Both sides from its junction with Gay Road

to a point 110m north of that junction

No waiting Monday -

FridayAbbey Gay Road Both sides between its junction with No waiting Monday -


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(1) Relevant


(2) Road

(3) Extent

(4) Notes



Riverside Road and its junction withAbbey Lane


London Borough of Lambeth


LambethPalace Road


East side between points 160m and 265mnorth of Lambeth Road

West side between points 50m and 80msouth of its junction with Black PrinceRoad

Temporary coach parking bay

Temporary coach parking bay


(1) Relevant


(2) Road

(3) Extent

(4) Notes

City of London


rs BridgeForeshore

White Lion


South side between points 55m and 80m eat

of Thames Street

Goods vehicle loading


City of Westminster



East side between points 90m and 170msouth of Northumberland Avenue

No waiting at any time

London Borough of Lewisham



North side between points 80m and 100mwest of Deptford Church Street

No waiting at any time


South side between points 65m and 85mwest of Deptford Church Street

No waiting at any time


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SCHEDULE 11 Article 20


Part of Work No. 5(c): works to protect the existing river wall.

Work No. 5(d): works to strengthen or support the existing river wall landward of the PutneyEmbankment Foreshore temporary slipway.

Work No. 6(b)(iii): strengthening and alteration of existing river wall to the south of WhiffinWharf, and strengthening or replacing the existing river wall to the south of Hurlingham Wharf and Carnwath Road Industrial Estate.

Work No. 8(b)(ii): strengthening and alteration of the existing river wall to the south of Bell LaneCreek and works to protect and/or strengthen the river wall on the north side of Bell Lane Creek.

Work No. 11(c)(iii): replacement or other works to protect or strengthen the existing flood defenceon the western boundary of the site.

Part of Work No. 12(c): works to protect the existing river wall.

Part of Work No. 13(b)(iii): works to protect or strengthen the existing river wall.

Part of Work No. 14(c)(ii): works to protect or strengthen the existing river wall to east and westof Work No. 14(c)(i) and the existing Middle Wharf jetty.

Work No. 15(c)(ii): works to protect and strengthen the existing slipway and existing river wall.

Part of Work No. 16(c): works to protect the existing river wall and adjoining structures.

Part of Work No. 17(b): works to protect the existing river wall and adjoining structures.

Part of Work No. 18: works to replace or protect the boundary wall on the west side of theexisting facilities building.

Part of Work No. 19(b): works to protect or strengthen the river wall and adjoining structures atthe western end of the site.

Part of Work No. 19(b)(i): works to replace, protect or strengthen the existing river wall to thewest of Fountain Green Square.

Part of Work No. 23(b): works to protect or strengthen the existing Docklands Light Railwayviaduct.

Part of Work No. 23(b)(i): works to protect or strengthen the existing river wall.

Part of Work No. 24(b): works to protect or strengthen the existing river wall.

Work No. 24(b)(v): works to protect or strengthen the existing river wall.


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SCHEDULE 12 Article 46


(1) Authority


(3)Work No.

(4)Temporary suspension

54) Permanent


London Boroughof Wandsworth


5 The areas shownhatched on theAccess plans(Drawing numbersDCO-PP-05X-PUTE

F-080003 – rev 1 andDCO-PP-05X-PUTEF-080004)

The areas shownshaded light grey onthe Access plan(Drawing number DCO-PP-05X-PUT

EF-080003 – rev 1)

London Boroughof Hammersmithand Fulham

Carnwath RoadRiverside

6 The area shownhatched on theAccess plan(Drawing number DCO-PP-06X-CAR RR-090003)


London Borough

of Wandsworth

Dormay Street 8 The area shown

hatched on theAccess plan(Drawing number DCO-PP-08X-DRMST-100003)


Royal Boroughof Kensingtonand Chelsea

Cremorne Wharf Depot

11 The area shownhatched on theAccess plan(Drawing number DCO-PP-11X-CREWD-130003)


Royal Boroughof Kensingtonand Chelsea


12 The area shownhatched on theAccess plan(Drawing number DCO-PP-12X-CHEEF-140003 – rev 1)

The area shownshaded light grey onthe Access plan(Drawing number DCO-PP-12X-CHEEF-140003 – rev 1)

London Boroughof Wandsworth

Kirtling Street 13 The area shownhatched on theAccess plan(Drawing number DCO-PP-13X-KRTS




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(1) Authority


(3)Work No.

(4)Temporary suspension

54) Permanent


London Borough

of Wandsworth


Pumping Station

14 The area shown

hatched on theAccess plan(Drawing number DCO-PP-14X-HEAPS-160003 – rev 12)

The area shown

shaded light grey onthe Access plan(Drawing number DCO-PP-14X-HEAPS-160003 – rev12)

London boroughof Lambeth


15 The area shownhatched on theAccess plan(Drawing number DCO-PP-15X-ALBEF-170005 – rev 12)

The areas shownshaded light grey onthe Access plan(Drawing number DCO-PP-15X-ALBEF-170005 – rev12)

City of Westminster


16 The area shownhatched on theAccess plan(Drawing number DCO-PP-16X-VCTEF-180005 – rev 12)

The area shownshaded light grey onthe Access plan(Drawing number DCO-PP-16X-VCTEF-180005 – rev12)

City of London BlackfriarsBridge Foreshore

17 The areas shownhatched on theAccess plan(Drawing number DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190005 – rev 1)

The areas shownshaded light grey onthe Access plan(Drawing number DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190005 – rev 1)

London Boroughof Southwark

Chambers Wharf 19 The area shownhatched on theAccess plan(Drawing number DCO-PP-19X-CHAWF-210003)


London Boroughof Tower Hamlets

King EdwardMemorial Park Foreshore

24 The area shownhatched on theAccess plan(Drawing number DCO-PP-24X-KEMPF-250003 – rev 1)

The area shownshaded light grey onthe Access plan(Drawing number DCO-PP-24X-KEMPF-250003 – rev 1)

London Boroughof Newham

Abbey MillsPumping Station

26 The area shownhatched on theAccess plan(Drawing number DCO-PP-26X-ABMPS-270004)



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SCHEDULE 13 Article 30


(1) Borough

(2) Land

London Borough of Hounslow

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 36a, 36b,36c, 36d, 36e, 36f, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67,68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85,86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102,

103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116,117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130,131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144,145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158,159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172,173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184

London Borough of Ealing 20, 26, 27, 34, 35, 35a, 36, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47

London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27,28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45,46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63,64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81,82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99,100, 101, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 127, 127a, 129, 137,143, 146, 148, 149, 153, 155, 157, 159, 160, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168,169, 170, 171, 172, 178, 179, 180

London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39,40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57,58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 72, 75, 77, 78, 79, 82, 83, 84, 87

London Borough of Wandsworth

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 12a, 12b, 12c, 14, 14a, 23, 25b, 48, 49, 50,51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68,69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 93a, 97, 99a, 100, 103, 104, 105, 106,107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 120, 121, 122, 123,124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137,138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151,152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165,166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185,


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(1) Borough

(2) Land

186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 196, 197, 198, 203, 206,224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 241, 243,245, 246, 248, 252, 253, 254, 255, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 266, 267,

297, 318, 319, 320, 321, 325

Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea

1, 3, 4, 6, 20 , 21 , 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 31, 48

London Borough of Lambeth

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 11c, 12, 24, 27, 35, 52, 53, 55, 56

City of Westminster 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 13a, 14, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 31,32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,50, 51, 52

City of London 1, 2, 6, 165a, 23, 31, 35, 36, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53,54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59

London Borough of


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 26, 27, 28,

31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 42, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62,63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80,81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98,99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112,113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126,127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141,142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155,156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169,170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183,184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197,198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211,212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225,226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239,240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253,254, 255, 255a, 256, 257, 258, 258a, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264,265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278,279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286

London Borough of Lewisham

1, 3, 5, 10, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37,38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55,56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73,74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91,92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107,

108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121,122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135,


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(1) Borough

(2) Land

136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149,150, 154, 177, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193,194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202

Royal Borough of Greenwich

5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 18a

London Borough of Tower Hamlets

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,21a, 22, 22a, 36, 36a, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48,49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66,67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84,85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101,102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115,116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129,130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143,144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157,158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171,172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185,186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199,200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209

London Borough of Newham

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,22, 24, 27 , 31 , 60, 66, 66a, 67, 68, 70a, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 77,78, 80, 81


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SCHEDULE 14 Article 34


(1) Borough

(2) Number of land shown

on land plan

(3) Purpose for which temporary

possession may be taken

(4) Relevant site or

part of theauthorised project

LondonBorough of Ealing

1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 18,19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26,28, 31, 31a, 32, 32a, 36

Shaft construction; CSOinterception works construction;ventilation equipment andstructure construction; tunnelsecondary lining; utility supplies,

cranage, enclosures, concrete batching plant, workshops andstores, office, parking and welfarefacilities, and vehicle and

pedestrian circulation areas.Highway works to Canham Road,Stanley Gardens and Warple Way(part of Work No. 2b). Purposesancillary or incidental to theabove purposes.

Acton StormTanks

LondonBorough of Hammersmith& Fulham

101, 104, 105, 106,107, 108, 109, 111,112, 114, 115, 116,117, 118

Areas required for CSO dropshaft construction; Hammersmith

connection tunnel construction;CSO interception worksconstruction; utility supplies,cranage, enclosures, concrete

batching plant, workshop andstores, office, parking and welfarefacilities, and vehicle and

pedestrian circulation areas.Highway works to Chancellor’sRoad and Distillery Road. Utilityworks in Chancellor’s Road (partof Work No. 3c). Purposes

ancillary or incidental to theabove purposes.

HammersmithPumping Station

LondonBorough of RichmondUpon Thames

65, 65a, 65b, 66, 67,68, 70, 72, 73, 76, 79,85

Areas required for CSO dropshaft construction; West Putneyconnection tunnel construction;CSO interception worksconstruction; access road, utilitysupplies, cranage, enclosures,concrete batching plant, workshopand stores, office, parking andwelfare facilities, and vehicle and

pedestrian circulation areas.Highway works at junction of

Barn Elms


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(1) Borough

(2) Number of land shown

on land plan

(3) Purpose for which temporary

possession may be taken

(4) Relevant site or

part of theauthorised project

Queen Elizabeth Walk and private

access road (part of Work No.4c). Purposes ancillary or incidental to the above purposes.

LondonBorough of Wandsworth

8, 9, 9a, 10, 11, 12,12a, 12b, 12c, 13, 13a,14, 14a, 15, 16, 20, 23,25, 25a, 25b, 25c, 30,32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39,40, 42, 44, 45, 46, 46a,47, 47a, 48, 50

Areas required for CSO dropshaft construction; Putney Bridgeconnection tunnel construction;CSO interception worksconstruction; secondary lining;utility supplies, working area inthe foreshore, temporarycampshed, cranage, enclosures,

concrete batching plant, workshopand stores, office, parking andwelfare facilities, vehicle and

pedestrian circulation areas, andrelocation of houseboat. Separatearea required for temporaryslipway construction, use andremoval, and works to existingriver wall (part of Work No. 5d).Highway and utility works toLower Richmond Road and theEmbankment (part of Work No.5c). Purposes ancillary or incidental to the above purposes.


LondonBorough of Hammersmith& Fulham

124, 125, 127, 127a,129, 130, 131, 132,137, 138, 139, 140,141, 141a, 142, 143,144, 145, 146, 147,147a, 147b, 148, 149,150, 151, 152, 153,154, 155, 156, 157,158, 159, 160, 161,162, 163, 173, 174,176, 177

Areas required for shaftconstruction; main tunnelconstruction; ventilationequipment and structureconstruction; tunnel secondarylining (part of Work No. 1b) andstrengthening or replacing river walls including utility supplies,temporary jetty or campshed,cranage, enclosures, concrete

batching plant, acousticenclosure, other enclosures,workshop and stores, office,

parking and welfare facilities, andvehicle and pedestrian circulationareas. Highway works toCarnwath Road and at the

junction of Carnwath Road andWandsworth Bridge Road. Utilityworks to Carnwath Road (part of Work No. 6b). Purposes ancillaryor incidental to the above


Carnwath RoadRiverside


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(1) Borough

(2) Number of land shown

on land plan

(3) Purpose for which temporary

possession may be taken

(4) Relevant site or

part of theauthorised project

LondonBorough of Wandsworth

75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80,81, 82, 84, 85, 86, 87,88, 89, 91, 92, 95, 97,99a, 100, 103, 104,109, 110, 111, 117,118, 119, 120, 121

Areas required for CSO dropshaft construction; Frogmoreconnection tunnel construction;CSO interception worksconstruction; strengthening andaltering or replacing river walls,

protection or relocation of sub-station including utilitysupplies, cranage, enclosures,concrete batching plant,temporary bridge, workshop andstores, office, parking and welfare

facilities, utility supplies andvehicle and pedestrian circulationareas. Use of the Causeway(private road). Highway works toDormay Street and at the junctionof Dormay Street, the Causewayand Armoury Way. Utility worksto the Causeway (part of Work

No. 8c). Purposes ancillary or incidental to the above purposes.

Dormay Street

LondonBorough of Wandsworth

172, 173, 177, 179, 180 Areas required for CSO dropshaft construction; CSOinterception works construction;including utility supplies, cranage,enclosures, concrete batching

plant, workshop and stores,office, parking and welfarefacilities, and vehicle and

pedestrian circulation areas.Highway and utility works to the

junction of Buckhold Road and Neville Gill Close (part of Work No. 9b). Purposes ancillary or incidental to the above purposes.

King George’sPark

LondonBorough of Wandsworth

194, 196, 197, 198,203, 204, 205, 206,213, 214, 215, 216,217, 218, 220, 222, 223

Areas required for CSO dropshaft construction; Falconbrook connection tunnel construction;CSO interception worksconstruction; including utilitysupplies, cranage, enclosures,concrete batching plant, workshopand stores, office, parking andwelfare facilities, and vehicle and

pedestrian circulation areas.Highway and utility works to

York Road (part of Work No.10c). Purposes ancillary or

Falconbrook Pumping Station


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(1) Borough

(2) Number of land shown

on land plan

(3) Purpose for which temporary

possession may be taken

(4) Relevant site or

part of theauthorised project

incidental to the above purposes.

RoyalBorough of Kensington &Chelsea

2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12,13, 14, 15, 16, 18

Areas required for CSO dropshaft construction; Lots Roadconnection tunnel construction;CSO interception worksconstruction; including utilitysupplies, temporary campshed,cranage, enclosures, concrete

batching plant, workshop andstores, office, parking and welfarefacilities, and vehicle and

pedestrian circulation areas.

Highway works to Lots Road(part of Work No. 11c). Purposesancillary or incidental to theabove purposes.

Cremorne Wharf Depot

RoyalBorough of Kensington &Chelsea

27, 28, 29, 31, 33, 40,41, 45, 46, 47

Areas required for CSO dropshaft construction; Ranelaghconnection tunnel construction;CSO interception worksconstruction; Low Level Sewer connection works construction;including temporary campshed,working area in the foreshore,cranage, enclosures, concrete

batching plant, workshop andstores, office, parking and welfarefacilities, and vehicle and

pedestrian circulation areas.Highway and utility works toChelsea Embankment (part of Work No. 12c). Purposesancillary or incidental to theabove purposes.


LondonBorough of Wandsworth

234, 237a, 237b, 241,242, 243, 244, 245,246, 247, 248, 249,252, 253, 254, 255,256, 257, 258, 264,265, 267, 268, 273,274, 275, 276, 277,278, 279, 280, 281,282, 283, 284, 285,286, 287, 288, 289,290, 291, 292, 293,294, 295, 296

Areas required for shaftconstruction; main tunnelconstruction in two directions;ventilation equipment andstructure construction, river wallworks including utility supplies,temporary jetty, cranage, noiseenclosures, other enclosures,concrete batching plant, workshopand stores, office, parking andwelfare facilities, and vehicle and

pedestrian circulation areas.Highway and utility works to

Cringle Street and Kirtling Street(part of Work No. 13b). Purposes

Kirtling Street


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(1) Borough

(2) Number of land shown

on land plan

(3) Purpose for which temporary

possession may be taken

(4) Relevant site or

part of theauthorised project

ancillary or incidental to the

above purposes.

LondonBorough of Wandsworth

297, 299, 300, 301,302, 308, 310a, 311a,315, 316, 318, 319,323, 324

Areas required for CSO dropshaft construction;Heathwall/SWSR connectiontunnel construction; two CSOinterception works construction;working area in the foreshore; andriver wall works including utilitysupplies, working area in theforeshore, provision of temporarycampshed, cranage, enclosures,

concrete batching plant, workshopand stores, office, parking andwelfare facilities, and vehicle and

pedestrian circulation areas.Areas for construction worksassociated with the temporaryrelocation of the Battersea Barge.Highway works to Nine ElmsLane (part of Work No. 14c).Purposes ancillary or incidental tothe above purposes.

HeathwallPumping Station

LondonBorough of Lambeth

5, 5a, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,10a, 11, 11a, 11b, 11c,12, 13, 16, 18, 21, 24,25, 26, 26a, 27, 31, 32,34, 34a, 35, 40, 41, 42,43, 44, 47, 49, 50, 51

Areas required for CSO dropshaft construction;Clapham/Brixton connectiontunnel construction; two CSOinterception works construction;and protective works to slipwayand walls including utilitysupplies, working areas in theforeshore, temporary campshed,cranage, enclosures, concrete

batching plant, workshop andstores, office, parking and welfarefacilities, accessways, and vehicleand pedestrian circulation areas.Highway works to AlbertEmbankment (part of Work No.15c). Purposes ancillary or incidental to the above purposes.


City of Westminster

13a, 14, 15, 16, 17,17b, 19a, 21, 22, 23,23a, 25, 26, 27, 28

Areas required for CSO dropshaft construction; Regent Streetconnection tunnel construction;CSO interception worksconstruction; Low Level Sewer connection works construction;

including utility supplies, workingarea in the foreshore, provision of



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(1) Borough

(2) Number of land shown

on land plan

(3) Purpose for which temporary

possession may be taken

(4) Relevant site or

part of theauthorised project

temporary campshed, moorings,

cranage, enclosures, concrete batching plant, workshop andstores, office, parking and welfarefacilities, and vehicle and

pedestrian circulation areas.Areas for construction worksassociated with the relocation of Tattershall Castle. Highway andutility works to VictoriaEmbankment (part of Work No.16c). Purposes ancillary orincidental to the above purposes.

City of London

2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 165a, 19,19a, 23, 32, 34, 35, 39,40, 45, 46

Areas required for CSO dropshaft construction; CSOinterception works construction;Low Level Sewer connectionworks construction; includingutility supplies, working area s inthe foreshore ,; provision of temporary campshed, cranage ,enclosures, concrete batching

plant, ; workshop and stores,office, parking and welfarefacilities, and vehicle and

pedestrian circulation areas.Areas for construction worksassociated with the relocation of Blackfriars Millennium Pier.Areas for construction worksassociated with the relocation of the President. Highway andutility works to VictoriaEmbankment (part of Work No.17b). Purposes ancillary orincidental to the above purposes.

Blackfriars BridgeForeshore

LondonBorough of Southwark

289, 290, 291, 292,293, 297, 299, 300, 302

Areas required for construction of drain down pumping station;connection chamber; flowmeasurement chamber; electricalswitchgear and facilities buildingand associated pipework;including cranage, storage andwelfare facilities. Highway andutility works in Maguire Streetand Gainsford Street (part of Work No. 18). Purposes ancillaryor incidental to the above


Shad ThamesPumping Station


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(1) Borough

(2) Number of land shown

on land plan

(3) Purpose for which temporary

possession may be taken

(4) Relevant site or

part of theauthorised project

LondonBorough of Southwark

15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22,24, 26, 27, 28, 31, 39,40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46,47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52,61

Areas required for shaftconstruction; main tunnelconstruction; and flood wallworks including utility supplies,working area in the foreshore,cranage, acoustic and other enclosures, concrete batching

plant, workshop and stores,office, parking and welfarefacilities, and vehicle and

pedestrian circulation areas.Highway works to Bevington

Street. Utility works in LoftieStreet, Chambers Street and EastLane (part of Work No. 19b).Purposes ancillary or incidental tothe above purposes.

Chambers Wharf

LondonBorough of Southwark

286, 287, 288 Areas required for CSO dropshaft construction; CSOinterception works construction;including utility supplies, cranage,enclosures, concrete batching

plant, workshop and stores,office, parking and welfarefacilities, and vehicle and

pedestrian circulation areas.Highway and utility works toChilton Grove, Yeoman Streetand Croft Street (part of Work

No. 21b). Purposes ancillary or incidental to the above purposes.

Earl PumpingStation

LondonBorough of Lewisham

2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15,16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

Areas required for CSO dropshaft construction; CSOinterception works construction;including utility supplies, cranage,enclosures, concrete batching

plant, workshop and stores,office, parking and welfarefacilities, and vehicle and

pedestrian circulation areas.Highway and utility works toChilton Grove, Yeoman Streetand Croft Street (part of Work

No. 21b). Purposes ancillary or incidental to the above purposes.

Earl PumpingStation


Borough of Lewisham

150, 151, 152, 153,

154, 158, 164, 165,166, 167, 168, 169,

Areas required for CSO drop

shaft construction; CSOinterception works construction

Deptford Church



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(1) Borough

(2) Number of land shown

on land plan

(3) Purpose for which temporary

possession may be taken

(4) Relevant site or

part of theauthorised project

170, 172, 174, 175,

177, 180, 181, 182

including cranage, enclosure,

concrete batching plant, workshopand stores, office, parking andwelfare facilities, vehicle and

pedestrian circulation areas andfire assembly points. Areas for two fire assembly points for school. Highway works toCrossfield Street and CoffeyStreet. Highway and utility worksto Deptford Church Street (part of Work No. 22b). Purposesancillary or incidental to the

above purposes.

RoyalBorough of Greenwich

1, 2, 3, 4 Areas required for CSO dropshaft construction; CSOinterception works construction;construction including cranage,enclosure, concrete batching

plant, workshop and stores,office, parking and welfarefacilities, vehicle and pedestriancirculation areas and fireassembly points. Areas for twofire assembly points for school.Highway works to CrossfieldStreet and Coffey Street.Highway and utility works inDeptford Church Street (part of Work No. 22b). Purposesancillary or incidental to theabove purposes.

Deptford ChurchStreet

RoyalBorough of Greenwich

11, 12, 15, 16, 18, 18a,19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,32, 33, 34, 46, 47, 48,49

Areas required for CSO dropshaft construction; Greenwichconnection tunnel construction;CSO interception worksconstruction; tunnel secondarylining; and river wall worksincluding utility supplies, cranage,acoustic and other enclosures,concrete batching plant, workshopand stores, office, parking andwelfare facilities, and vehicle and

pedestrian circulation areas.Highway works to Norman Road(part of Work No. 23b). Purposesancillary or incidental to theabove purposes.

GreenwichPumping Station

London 21, 21a, 22, 22a, 23, Areas required for CSO drop King Edward


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(1) Borough

(2) Number of land shown

on land plan

(3) Purpose for which temporary

possession may be taken

(4) Relevant site or

part of theauthorised project

Borough of

Tower Hamlets

23a, 24, 25, 32, 33, 34,

35, 36, 36a, 37

shaft construction; CSO

interception works construction;river wall works and replacementor refurbishment of park facilitiesincluding utility supplies, workingarea in the foreshore, campshed,cranage, enclosures, concrete

batching plant, workshop andstores, office, parking and welfarefacilities, vehicle and pedestriancirculation areas. Highway worksto Glamis Road. Utility works inGlamis Road and The Highway

(part of Work No. 24b). Purposesancillary or incidental to theabove purposes.

Memorial Park


LondonBorough of Tower Hamlets

210, 212, 213, 218,219, 220, 221, 222,224, 225

Areas required for construction of chamber, kiosk, ventilationcolumn and associated pipework;cranage; storage and welfarefacilities. Highway and utilityworks in Ratcliffe Lane (part of Work No. 25). Purposes ancillaryor incidental to the above



LondonBorough of


21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,28, 31 , 33

Areas required for shaftconstruction; ventilationequipment and structureconstruction; tunnel secondarylining; including utility supplies,cross-river footbridge, cranage,enclosures, concrete batching

plant, workshop and stores,office, parking and welfarefacilities, and vehicle and

pedestrian circulation areas.Purposes ancillary or incidental tothe above purposes.

Abbey MillsPumping Station

LondonBorough of


34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39,48, 52, 53, 58, 59, 60,61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66,66a, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71,72, 78, 79, 82

Areas required for siphon tunnelconstruction; shafts construction;other permanent worksconstruction; including utilitysupplies, cranage, enclosures,concrete batching plant,workshop and stores, office,

parking and welfare facilities, andvehicle and pedestrian circulation

areas. Purposes ancillary or incidental to the above purposes.

Beckton SewageTreatment Works


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SCHEDULE 15 Article 49


This is a marine licence deemed to have been issued under Part 4 of the Marine and CoastalAccess Act 2009 (marine licensing), as provided in Article 49 of this Oorder (deemed consentunder Part 4 (marine licensing) of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009) further to section149A (deemed consent under a marine licence) of the Planning Act 2008, to the licence holder named below to carry out activities for which a licence is required under Part 4 of the Marine andCoastal Access Act 2009 subject to the amendments set out in paragraph 4 of Part 1 of thisSchedule.




—a) In this Schedule — 1."the Act" means the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009.

“business day” means the same as in article 2(1) of this order.

“CEMP” means the construction environment management plan to be produced for each Sitein accordance with the COCP.

“COCP” means the Code of Construction Practice Parts A and B (with document reference7.19) as submitted with the development consent application for the authorised project. CoCP”

means the CoCP Part A and CoCP Part B as set out at Schedule 3.“Commence” means the first carrying out of any part of the Construction Activities andcommencement and commenced shall be construed accordingly.

“Conditions” means conditions contained in this Schedule [which shall also be requirementsfor the purposes of this Oorder].

"Construction Activity" or “Construction Activities” means any activity as referred to inSection s 66 (1 ), (2), (3), (7), (8) and (9 ) of the Act and forming part of or related to theauthorised project but excluding any such works authorised pursuant to the application of theMarine Licence (Exempted Activities) Order 2011.

“Dredging Activity” or “Dredging Activities” means any activity as referred to in Section 66(9) of the Act and forming part of or related to the authorised project but excluding any such

works authorised pursuant to the application of the Marine Licence (Exempted Activities)Order 2011.

“Environmental Statement” means the same as in Article 2.

“Habitat Mitigation Plan” means [● ]. [ Comment: Discussions are ongoing with all three river authorities on how the scheme should be secured ]

“Marine Area” has the meaning given to ‘UK marine area’ in Section 42 of the Act.

“MHWS” means Mean High Water Springs as indicated on [●].

"MMO" means the Marine Management Organisation.

"Licensing Authority" means [the Secretary of State .]. (Comment: discussions are ongoing.)

"Licence Holder" means the “Undertaker” as defined in Article 2 (interpretation) of this

Oorder.“Paragraph” means the numbered paragraphs and sub-paragraphs referred to in this Schedule.


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“Part” means Part 1 or Part 2 to of this Schedule.

“Plan” means [ ● ].

“Removal Activity” means [any activity relating to the removal of any part of the authorised project].

“River” means the River Thames and “the River Bed” means the bed of the River Thames.“Scour Strategy” means the scour and accretion monitoring and mitigation strategy for temporary and permanent works in the foreshore [ ● ]. [Note: Principle agreed with MMO,but discussions continuing with river authorities regarding matters relating to this provision]

“Section” means [● ]

“Site” means any site where the Construction Activities will be undertaken.

“working day” means a day other than a Saturday or Sunday on which banks are open for domestic business in the City of London.

All times shall be taken to be Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).(1)

All geographical co-ordinates contained within this deemed Licence are in WGS84 format(2)(latitude and longitude degrees and minutes to three decimal places) unless stated otherwise.


—a) Except where otherwise indicated, the main point of contact with the MMO and the2.address for email and postal returns and correspondence shall be:

Marine Management Organisation

Inshore Marine Licensing Team

Lancaster House

Hampshire Court

Newcastle upon Tyne


Tel: 0300 123 1032

Fax: 0191 376 2681


Any references to the local District Area Marine Officer shall mean the relevant District Area(1)Marine Officer in the area(s) located at:

Marine Management Organisation

Pakefield Road



NR33 0HT

Tel: 01502 573 149

Fax: 01502 514 854



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Construction activities

The Licence Holder is authorised (and any agent, contractor or subcontractor acting on3.their behalf) to carry out theany Construction Activities , Dredging Activity and any activitiesreferred to in Section 66 of the Act associated therewith, subject to the Conditions in Part 2.

Amendments to Part 4 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009

4. —(1) Save for subsection (7) the provisions of Section 72 of the Act shall not apply tothis deemed marine licence.

Appeal procedures

(2) The provisions of Any matter which would be subject to the appeals procedures4. pursuant to Section 73 of the Act shall not apply to this deemed marine licence and anyapplication made pursuant to Section 72 (7) shall be subject to may if the Licence Holder soelects be determined under the appeal procedures set out in paragraph 4 of Schedule 17 of this




Prior to commencement of the Construction activities

The Licence Holder shall inform the MMO in writing , at least ten working days prior to5.the commencement of athe first Construction Activity on any Site , of the intended start date andthe likely duration of activity.

Inspection of records etc.

The Licence Holder shall— 6.

permit any person who is appointed by the MMO for the purpose to inspect, and make(a)notes from, all books, papers, maps and other records of any kind kept by the LicenceHolder in pursuance of this deemed Licence or in connection with the ConstructionActivities;

furnish that person at reasonable times with such information and provide him at(b)reasonable times with such reasonable assistance as he may request in connection withor arising out of an inspection in pursuance of this clause.

Construction Activities

Prior to the commencement of any Construction Activity [Note: Consideration being to whether this should be limited to items (1), (2), (3), (7) of Section 66 given broader definition of Construction Activity], forming part of Work Nos. 1 to 27, details of the activityshall be submitted to and approved by the MMO. Unless otherwise agreed by the MMO, thedetails shall include Plans and Sections, materials to be placed in the Marine Area, timings of activities and environmental mitigation measures. The Licence Holder shall also submit anoutline decommissioning plan regarding the removal of any equipment, temporary structures,waste and/ or debris associated with any part of the Construction Activity.


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Dredging activities

[Dredging] Prior to the commencement of any Dredging Activity forming part of Work8. Nos. 1 to 27, details of the activity shall be submitted to and approved by the MMO. Unlessotherwise agreed by the MMO, the details shall include Plans and Sections, characterisation of the dredge material (including sample analysis as may be directed from time to time by theMMO), timing of activities, dredging volumes, waste disposal locations and quantities andenvironmental mitigation measures.

Removal Activities

[Removal of works] Prior to the commencement of any Removal Activity forming part of9.Work Nos. 1 to 27, details of the activity shall be submitted to and approved by the MMO.Unless otherwise agreed by the MMO, the details shall include Plans and Sections, materials to

be removed from the Marine Area, timing of activities and environmental mitigation measures.

Associated Development

[Scour monitoring and mitigation] Prior to the commencement of any associated10.development which does not form part of Works Nos. 1 to 27 and which comprises aConstruction Activity [Comment: Consideration given as to whether this needs to be limited toitems (1), (2), (3), (7) of Section 66 given more extensive definition of Construction Activity],details of the activity shall be submitted to and approved by the MMO. Unless otherwise agreed

by the MMO, the details shall include:

Plans and Sections;(a)

details of where the activity was assessed in the Environmental Statement;(b)

timings of activities;(c)

materials to be placed in the Marine Area or removed from the Marine Area;(d)

for dredging, characterisation of the dredge material (including sample analysis as may be(e)directed from time to time by the MMO), dredging volumes and waste disposal locationsand quantities; and

environmental mitigation measures.(f)

[Scour Monitoring and Mitigation

[Discharge] (1) [No Construction Activities shall be commenced until the Licence Holder11.has provided, and the MMO, the Environment Agency and the Port of London Authority hasapproved, a scour monitoring and mitigation strategy.]

12. [Coatings and Treatments]

13. [Containment of chemicals etc]

14. [Storage of waste]

15. [piling]

16. [removal of temporary structures etc.]

17. [Licence returns of information]

18. [Notification of contractor]

19. [Instructions to contractor]

20. [vessel details]


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[ Note: this will need to be confirmed once we have heard back from the regulators. ]

(2) Prior to commencement of any part of the works which comprise Construction Activitieswithin the Marine Area, a scour and/or accretion monitoring and mitigation plan for that partof the works shall be prepared by the Licence Holder in consultation with the MMO, the

Environment Agency and the Port of London Authority and submitted to and approved by theMMO. The scour monitoring and mitigation plan shall be prepared in accordance with theScour Strategy. Works shall thereafter proceed only in accordance with the agreed scour and/or accretion monitoring and mitigation plan.]

21. [Instructions to masters of vessels] [ Note: Principle agreed with MMO, but discussionscontinuing with river authorities regarding matters relating to this provision ]


22. Prior to commencement of the Construction Activities on any Site the Licence Holder 12.will submit tofor approval by the MMO the details of the CEMP for that Site prepared pursuantto the COCP which shall include (inter alia) details of the following:

How the lighting and marking of the Construction Activities will mitigate impact on the(a)aquatic environment.

Protection of the River environment from pollutant effects of materials used for or (b)associated with the Construction Activities, including methods to mitigate the effects of re-suspension of sediment.

Protection of the River environment from the impact of piling associated with the(c)Construction Activities.

Mitigation methods to protect the foreshore from damage associated with the(d)Construction Activities.

A pollution incident response plan to include details of how, in the case of accidental(e)spillage or other pollution event, any impacts on the River environment will be mitigated.

Provisions for clearance of the Sites of equipment, temporary structures (other than those(f)which will remain to mitigate environmental and navigation impacts), waste and/or debrisassociated with the Construction Activities on completion of the Construction Activitieson each Site.

Concrete and cement

The Licence Holder must ensure that no waste concrete slurry or wash water from13.concrete or cement works is discharged into the marine environment. Concrete and cementmixing and washing areas must be sited at least 10 metres from any watercourse or surfacewater drain to minimise the risk of run off entering a watercourse.

Coatings and treatments

The Licence Holder must ensure that any coatings or treatments are suitable for use in the14.marine environment and are used in accordance with best environmental practice [(such as

being approved by the Health and Safety Executive, being in line with the EnvironmentAgency’s Pollution Prevention Control Guidelines)].

Notification of spills etc. Spills etc .

23. The Licence Holder must ensure that any oil, fuel or chemical spill associated with the15.Construction Activities is reported to the MMO at [Local office] within [ ] of the incidentoccurring. :

install bundling and / or storage facilities to contain and prevent the release of fuel, oils(a)and chemicals associated with plant, refuelling and construction equipment into the


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Marine Area [(i.e. secondary containment should be used with a capacity of not less than110% of the container’s storage capacity)]

ensure that any oil, fuel or chemical spill into the Marine Area is reported to the MMO(b)Marine Pollution Response Team within 24 hours of the incident occurring. Thefollowing contact details should be used: 0870 785 1050 (office hours), 07770 977 825

(outside office hours) and or such replacementnumbers or email address notified to the Licence Holder by the MMO in writing.

during [the construction phase] of the authorised project, ensure that all wastes are stored(c)in designated areas that are isolated from surface water drains and open water and are

bundled to contain any spillage.

Percussive Piling

During any percussive piling operation forming part of the authorised project, the [Licence16.Holder] must ensure that all soft-start procedures are used to ensure incremental in pile power over a set period of time until full operational power is achieved. The soft-start procedure shall

be for a period of not less than 20 minutes. Should piling cease for a period of greater than 10

minutes the soft-start procedures must be repeated.

Licence returns

The Licence Holder must ensure that all licence returns required by these Conditions are17.complied with.

Agents, contractor and sub-contractors

The Licence Holder must:18.

notify the MMO in writing of any agents, contractors or sub-contractors that will carry(a)out [any] Construction Activity on behalf of the Licence Holder. Such notification shall

be received by the MMO not less than 23 hours before the commencement of theConstruction Activity.

ensure that a copy of this [deemed Licence and Conditions] and any subsequent revisions(b)or amendments has been provided to, read and understood by any agents, contactors or sub-contractors that will carry on any Construction Activity on behalf of the LicenceHolder.


The Licence Holder must:19.

notify the MMO in writing of any vessel being used to carry on any Construction Activity(a)on behalf of the Licence Holder. Such notification must be received by the MMO no less

than 24 hours before commencement of the Construction Activity. Notification mustinclude the master’s name, vessel type, vessel IMO number and vessel owner or operatingcompany.

ensure that a copy of this [deemed Licence and Conditions] and any subsequent revisions(b)or amendments has been read and understood by the masters of any vessel being used tocarry on any Construction Activity, and that a copy of this [deemed Licence andConditions] is held on board any such vessel.

Post construction

24. The [Local Office] must be notified by the Licence Holder of completion of the20.Construction Activities on any Site within 10 shall inform the MMO no more than ten workingdays of following the ir completion . of the last Construction Activity.


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Changes to this deemed licence

25. Should the Licence Holder become aware that any of the information on which the21.granting of this deemed Licence was based has changed or is likely to change, they shall notifythe MMO at the earliest opportunity. [Failure to do so may render this deemed Licence invalidand may lead to enforcement].


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SCHEDULE 16 Article [ ●]Articles 3, 41 and 42



National Grid electricity and gas

[ ] Note – the applicant is hoping to agree these for inclusion.]

Other electricity companies

[ ] Note – the applicant is hoping to agree these for inclusion.]

Other gas companies

[ ] Note – the applicant is hoping to agree these for inclusion.]


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[ Note: This is subject to receipt of comments from the PLA. ]The provisions of this Schedule shall, unless otherwise agreed in writing between the1.

undertaker and the Port of London Authority, have effect for the protection of the Port of London Authority.

The construction or carrying out of any tidal work is not subject to any of the controls in2.sections 66 to 75 of the 1968 Act.

In this Schedule— 3.

“the 1968 Act” means the Port of London Authority Act 1968, c.xxxii;

“Authority” means the Port of London Authority;

"MMO" means the Marine Management Organisation.“permanent works” means any work or structure forming part of the authorised developmentthat is required for the construction and operation of the authorised project that is on, in, under or over the surface of the land below the level of mean high water springs forming part of theriver;

"plans and sections" includes sections, elevations, drawings, specifications, programmes,method statements, assessments of navigational risk and hydraulic information relating to theconstruction, carrying out and, where appropriate, removal of any tidal work;

"the river" means so much of the river Thames, the Thames estuary, rivers, streams, creeks,watercourses and the sea as is within the Authority's limits described in paragraph 2 of Schedule 1 to the 1968 Act;

“temporary works” means any work or structure forming part of the authorised developmentthat is not required for the operation of the authorised project that is on, in, under or over thesurface of the land below the level of mean high water springs forming part of the river but for the avoidance of doubt excludes cofferdams provided and works for the pr oteven ction of scour provided further to paragraph 5 or paragraph 6 paragraphs 4 and 13 ;

“tidal work” means any permanent or temporary work or operation constructed or carried outunder this Oorder as is, or may be on, in, under or over the surface of land below mean highwater level forming part of the river, including—

any projection over the river outside the Oorder limits by booms, cranes and similar (a) plant or machinery, whether or not they are situated within the Oorder limits; and

any such work or operation that affects the river or any function of the Authority,(b)whether or not that work or operation is in, over or under the river,

but does not include maintenance dredging.

[Submission of overall work programme proposals]

4. [●]

Tidal works: approval of detailed design

5. —a) Before— 4.

commencing the construction or carrying out of a tidal work; or (a)

commencing any operation for the maintenance of a tidal work,(b)


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Works to river banks

8. The undertaker shall not, in exercise of the powers conferred by article 19 (discharge of 6.water), damage or interfere with the beds or banks of any watercourse forming part of the river unless such damage or interference is approved as a tidal work or is otherwise approved inwriting by the Authority as determined under paragraph 5 or 6 4.

Discharges etc.

9. —a) The undertaker shall not without the consent of the Authority : — 7.

deposit in or allow to fall or be washed into the river any gravel, soil or other material;(a)

discharge or allow to escape either directly or indirectly into the river any offensive or (b)injurious matter in suspension or otherwise; or

directly or indirectly discharge any water into the river.(c)

Any consent of the Authority under this paragraph shall not be unreasonably withheld but(1)may be given subject to such terms and conditions as the Authority may reasonably impose under

paragraphs 5,6, 10 4 and 1 10.Any such consent shall be deemed to have been given if it is neither given nor refused (or is(2)

refused but without written notice an indication of the grounds for refusal) within [●] 7 days of theday on which the request for consent is submitted under sub-paragraph (1).

Article 19 (discharge of water) has effect subject to this paragraph.(3)

Navigational lights, buoys, etc

10. The undertaker shall, at or near any tidal work, and any other work below mean high8.water level of which the undertaker is in possession, exhibit such lights, lay down such buoysand take such other steps for preventing danger to navigation as the Authority may from time to

time reasonably require providing written notice of not less than [●]28 days is given save in thecase of emergency.

[Removal of temporary works ]

Prior to the commencement of any Scheduled Work, the undertaker shall, in addition to9.any information submitted under paragraph 4, submit (where relevant) [an outlinedecommissioning plan] regarding the removal of any equipment, temporary structures, wasteand/or debris associated with any part of the relevant Scheduled Work.

Protective action

—a) If any tidal work is constructed— 10.

otherwise than in accordance with the requirements of this Schedule or with any(a)condition in an approval given pursuant to paragraph 4; or

during construction gives rise to sedimentation, scouring, currents or wave action(b)detrimental to traffic in, or the flow or regime of, the river,

then the Authority may by notice in writing require the undertaker at its own expense to complywith the remedial requirements specified in the notice.

The requirements that may be specified in a notice given under sub-paragraph (1) are— (1)

in the case of a tidal work to which sub-paragraph (1)(a) applies, such requirements as(a)may be specified in the notice for the purpose of giving effect to the requirements of—

this Schedule; or (i)

the condition that has been breached; or (ii)


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in any case within sub-paragraph (1)(b), such requirements as may be specified in the(b)notice for the purpose of preventing, mitigating or making good the sedimentation,scouring, currents or wave action so far as required by the needs of traffic in, or the flowor regime of, the river.

If the undertaker does not comply with a notice under sub-paragraph (1), or is unable to do(2)

so then the Authority may in writing require the undertaker to—– remove, alter or pull down the tidal work, and where the tidal work is removed to restore(a)the site of that work (to such extent as the Authority reasonably requires) to its former condition; or

take such other action as the Authority may reasonably specify for the purpose of(b)remedying the non-compliance to which the notice relates.

If— (3)

the undertaker becomes aware that a tidal work is giving rise to environmental impacts(a)over and above those reported in the environmental statement as certified pursuant toarticle 53; or

the Authority becomes aware that any tidal work is causing an environmental impact(b)over and above those anticipated by the environmental statement as certified pursuant toarticle 53 and the Authority notifies the undertaker of that environmental impact, thereasons why the Authority believes that the environmental impact is being caused by atidal work and of the measures that the Authority reasonably believes are necessary tocounter or mitigate that environmental impact,

the undertaker shall implement the measures that the Authority has notified to the undertaker or shall implement such other measures as it believes are necessary to counter the environmentalimpact identified, giving reasons to the Authority as to why it has implemented such other measures.

Obstruction in the river

[●] If any pile, stump or other obstruction to navigation becomes exposed as a result of11.constructing any tidal work (other than a pile, stump or other obstruction on the site of astructure comprised in any permanent work), the undertaker shall, as soon as reasonably

practicable after the receipt of notice in writing from the Authority requiring such action,remove it from the river or, if it is not reasonably practicable to remove it—

[Protective action

cut the obstruction off at such level below the bed of the river as the Authority may(a)reasonably direct; or

take such other steps to make the obstruction safe as the Authority may reasonably(b)require,

providing that in carrying out any such action or steps, the Authority takes into consideration anyarchaeological requirements.

[Scour Monitoring and Mitigation ]

[●] [(1) No tidal work shall be commenced until the undertaker has provided, and the12.MMO, the Environment Agency and the Authority has approved, a scour monitoring andmitigation strategy (the ‘Scour Strategy’ ).]

[Obstruction in the river]

13. [●]


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[Survey of Riverbed ]

14. [●]

[Sedimentation, etc: remedial action]15. [●]

(2) Prior to commencement of any part of the tidal works, a scour and/or accretion monitoringand mitigation plan for that part of the tidal works shall be prepared by the undertaker inconsultation with the MMO, the Environment Agency and the Authority and submitted to andapproved by the MMO. The scour monitoring and mitigation plan shall be prepared inaccordance with the Scour Strategy. Works shall thereafter proceed only in accordance withthe agreed scour and/or accretion monitoring and mitigation plan.]

[Abandoned or Decayed Works ]

16. [●] —a) If any tidal work or any other work of which the undertaker is in possession in13.

exercise of any of the powers of this order (being a work which is below mean high water level)is abandoned or falls into decay, the Authority may by notice in writing require the undertaker to take such reasonable steps as may be specified in the notice either—

to repair or restore the work, or any part of it; or,(a)

to remove the work and (to such extent as the Authority reasonably requires) to restore(b)the site to its former condition.

If any tidal work is in such condition that it is, or is likely to become, a danger to or an(1)interference with navigation in the river, the Authority may by notice in writing require theundertaker to take such reasonable steps as may be specified in the notice either—

to repair and restore the work or part of it; or (a)

if the undertaker so elects, to remove the tidal work and (to such extent as the Authority(b)reasonably requires) to restore the site to its former condition.

If after such reasonable period as may be specified in a notice under this paragraph the(2)undertaker has failed to begin taking steps to comply with the requirements of the notice, or after

beginning has failed to make reasonably expeditious progress towards their implementation, theAuthority may carry out the works specified in the notice and any expenditure reasonably incurred

by it in so doing shall be recoverable from the undertaker.

Facilities for navigation

17. —a) The undertaker shall not in the exercise of the powers granted by this Oorder 14.interfere with any marks, lights or other navigational aids in the river without the agreement of the Authority, and shall ensure that access to such aids remains available during and followingconstruction of any tidal works.

[Provision for The Harbour Master may, as a result of the authorised development, make(1)reasonable directions regarding additional lighting and compliance for reasons of navigationalsafety and the undertaker shall comply with such directions of the Harbour Master]. at its own cost.

[Indemnities and costs, exercise of DCO powers/compensation]



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Maintenance dredging ]

19. [●]

[Disputes – possible application of Schedule 17 for approvals]

20. [●]

For the avoidance of doubt, section 73 of the 1968 Act shall apply to any maintenance16.dredging carried out by the undertaker.


Any dispute arising between the undertaker and the Authority under this Schedule shall be17.determined in accordance with Article 53 and Schedule 17 unless otherwise agreed in writing

by the undertaker and the Authority.


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affect the conservation value of the watercourse and habitats in its immediate vicinity.(e)

“TE2100” [to be defined]

“watercourse” includes all rivers streams ditches drains cuts culverts dykes sluices basins,sewers and passages through which water flows except a public sewer within the meaning of the Water Industry Act 1991.


—a) Before beginning to construct any sS pecified wWork, the undertaker shall submit to4.the Agency for its written approval—

Plans and designs of the Specified Work(a)

proposals for strengthening modification renewal or replacement of drainage work(b)required as a result of the anticipated impacts of any Specified Work [Protective Works]

Demonstration that all drainage works impacted by the work will be fit for purpose for(c)

the duration of construction of any Specified Work Details of the materials and structural integrity of any new Flood Defences provided as(d)

part of any Specified Works

Details of any Ecological Enhancements to be incorporated into the Specified Works(e)

Demonstration of how any new or reconstructed Drainage work on the site of a(f)Specified Work can be raised or otherwise provided on site in the future to meet TE2100standards

Demonstration that both during and post construction of the Specified Works there will(g) be sufficient land based access to the drainage works for plant and machinery for theAgency to carry out emergency and non-emergency maintenance and repair works

method statements in respect of any in channel and bank side works to include both(h)timing of and methods used, sequence of construction and the type, location and storageof all machinery, materials and fuel

piling method statement specifying type of piling technique proposed, justification of(i)chosen method, mitigation measures and timing of piling works.

Proposals for reinstatement of the foreshore setting out timing of reinstatement works,(j)measures to be used to minimise environmental impact of the works, materials to beused, methods of reinstatement and any proposed pollution protection measures

details of the positioning of any structure within the River Channel(k)

[loading issues](l)

(a) calculations, precommencement surveys and plans of the specified work and(m)

such Such further particulars available to it as the Agency may within [●] days of thereceipt of the pPlans reasonably require;

(b) details of phasing of the specified works

(c) [monitoring and settlement]

(d) methodologies for monitoring movement of the river bed [scour and accretion].

Any such sS pecified wWork shall not be constructed except in accordance with such plans,(1)calculations details of phasing and methodologies all Plans as may be approved in writing by theAgency under paragraph 4(1) , or settled in accordance with paragraph 12 where applicable, and inaccordance with any conditions or requirements specified under paragraph 4(3)(c) save that whereany variation is permitted pursuant to the terms of this Order the undertaker shall submit anydetails so varied to the Agency and this provision shall apply to the specified work or the

protective work as varied.Any approval of the Agency required under paragraph 4(1)— (2)


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shall not be unreasonably withheld;(a)

shall be deemed to have been given if it is neither given nor refused within [ ●] weeks of(b)the submission of the plans or receipt of further particulars if such particulars have beenrequired by the Agency for approval and, in the case of a refusal, accompanied by astatement of the grounds of refusal; and

may be given subject to such reasonable requirements or conditions as the Agency may(c)make for the protection of any drainage work or fishery or for the protection of water resources, or for the prevention of flooding or pollution or in the discharge of itseEnvironmental dDuties.

5. The Without limitation on the scope of paragraph 4(3) the requirements or conditions(3)which the Agency may make under paragraph 4 (3)(c) include conditions requiring the undertaker at its own expense to construct such temporary or pPermanent pProtective wWorks (including anynew works as well as alterations to existing works) as are reasonably necessary—

to safeguard any drainage work against damage, or (a)

to secure that its efficiency or effectiveness for flood defence purposes is not impaired or (b)

to ensure the risk of flooding is not otherwise increased by reason of any specified work.(c)

6. [Survey requirements]

during the construction of or by reason of the Specified Works

[Approval of maintenance works](4)

[Approval of mitigation works required under paragraph 5.3](5)

Any dispute in respect of any approval or refusal under paragraph 4 shall be subject to the(6)dispute resolution procedure in paragraph 12

Structural Integrity of Drainage works

[To be considered further]5.

Inspection and [ ]

7. —a) All sS pecified wWork and all protective works shall be constructed with all6.reasonable despatch in accordance with the plans, details or methodologies approved or deemedto have been Plans approved or settled under this part of this Schedule and to the reasonablesatisfaction of the Agency.

Upon the reasonable request of the Agency An officer of the Agency shall be entitled by its(1)officer to watch and inspect the construction of any sS pecified wWorks or protective works.

The undertaker shall give to the Agency not less than [●] days’ notice in writing of its(2)intention to commence construction of the specified works and notice in writing of their completion not later than or [●] days after the date on which they are completed.

If the Agency shall reasonably require the undertaker shall construct all or part of the(3) protective works so that they are in place prior to the construction of any specified work.

If any part of a sS pecified wWork or any pProtective wWork is constructed otherwise than(4)in accordance with the requirements of this Schedule, the Agency may by notice in writing requirethe undertaker at the undertaker’s own expense to comply with the requirements of this part of thisSchedule or (if the undertaker so elects (and the Agency in writing consents, such consent not to

be unreasonably withheld or delayed) to remove, alter or pull down the work and, where removalis required, to restore the site to its former condition to such extent and within such limits as theAgency reasonably requires.

Subject to paragraph 76(7), if within a reasonable period, being not less than 28 days from(5)the date when a notice under paragraph 76(5) is served upon the undertaker, it has failed to begintaking steps to comply with the requirements of the notice and subsequently to make reasonably


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expeditious progress towards their implementation, the Agency may [further remedial action].execute the works specified in the notice and any expenditure incurred by it in so doing shall berecoverable from the undertaker

In the event of any dispute as to whether paragraph 7(5) is properly applicable to any work in(6)respect of which notice has been served under that paragraph, or as to the reasonableness of any

requirement of such a notice, the Agency shall not except in emergency exercise the powersconferred by paragraph 76(6) until the dispute has been finally determined.Drainage Works

Protection of drainage works

8. In constructing the specified works Save as may be authorised by this Order the7.undertaker shall not damage or obstruct any drainage works save as may be authorised by thisOrder. during the construction of the Specified Works

[Scour and Accretion Mitigation and Monitoring]


Maintenance of drainage works

[Maintenance of flood defences] —a) Any work constructed under this Order for the9. purpose of providing a drainage work or replacing an existing drainage work shall bemaintained to the reasonable satisfaction of the Agency by the person who has control of thework.

If any such work is not maintained to the reasonable satisfaction of the Agency, the Agency(1)may by notice in writing require the person to repair and restore the work, or any part of it, or (if the person having control of the work so elects and the Agency in writing consents, such consentnot to be unreasonably withheld), to remove the work and restore the site to its former condition,to such extent and within such limits as the Agency reasonably requires.

If, within a reasonable period being not less than [ ] days beginning with the date on which a(2)notice in respect of any work is served under paragraph 9(2) on the person who has control of thatwork, that person has failed to begin taking steps to comply with the reasonable requirements of the notice and has not thereafter made reasonably expeditious progress towards their implementation, the Agency may do what is necessary for such compliance and may recover anyexpenditure reasonably incurred by it in doing so from that person.

In the event of any dispute as to the reasonableness of any requirement of a notice served(3)under paragraph 9(2) the Agency shall not except in a case of immediate foreseeable need exercisethe powers of paragraph 9(3) until the dispute has been finally determined.

Remedial Works and Emergency Powers

—a) If by reason of the construction of any specified Specified Work, or protective work or 10.of any other development authorised by this Order or the failure of any such work the efficiencyor effectiveness of any drainage work for flood defence purposes or the conservation value of the aquatic habitat is impaired suffers an environmental impact over and above those anticipated

by the environmental statement as certified pursuant to article 53 , or that drainage work isotherwise damaged, so as to require remedial action, such impairment or damage shall be madegood by the undertaker to the reasonable satisfaction of the Agency.

If such impaired or damaged drainage work for flood defence purposes is not made good to(1)the reasonable satisfaction of the Agency, the Agency may by notice in writing require theundertaker to restore it to its former standard of efficiency or where necessary to construct someother work in substitution for it.

If, within a reasonable period being not less than 28 days beginning with the date on which a(2)notice in respect of impaired or damaged drainage work for flood defence purposes is served


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under paragraph 10(2) on the undertaker, the undertaker has failed to begin taking steps tocomply with the requirements of the notice and has not thereafter made reasonably expeditious

progress towards its implementation, [further remedial action] the Agency may do what isnecessary for such compliance and may recover any expenditure reasonably incurred by it in sodoing from the undertaker .

In the event of any dispute as to the reasonableness of any requirement of a notice served(3)under paragraph 10(2), the Agency shall not except in a case of immediate foreseeable needexercise the powers conferred by paragraph 10(3) until the dispute has been finally determined inaccordance with paragraph 12.

In any case where immediate action by the Agency is reasonably required in order to secure(4)that the imminent flood risk is avoided or reduced the Agency may take such steps as arereasonable for the purpose and may recover from the undertaker the reasonable cost of so doing

provided that the notice specifying those steps is served on the undertaker as soon as it isreasonably practicable after the Agency has taken or commenced to take the steps specified in thenotice .

Protection for Fish and Fisheries

—a) The undertaker shall take all such measures as may be reasonably practicable to11. prevent any interruption of the free passage of fish in any fishery during the construction of anyspecified work.

If by reason of— (1)

the construction of any specified work, or (a)

the failure of any such work,(b)

damage to a fishery is caused, or the Agency has reason to expect that such damage may becaused, the Agency may serve notice on the undertaker requiring it to take such steps as may bereasonably practicable to make good the damage or, as the case may be, to protect the fisheryagainst such damage.

If, within such time as may be reasonably practicable for that purpose after the receipt of (2)written notice from the Agency of any damage or expected damage to a fishery, the undertaker fails to take such steps as are described in paragraph 11(2), the Agency may [further remedialaction]. take such steps as are reasonable for the purpose and may recover from the undertaker thereasonable cost of so doing provided that the notice specifying those steps is served on theundertaker as soon as is reasonably practicable after the Agency has taken, or commenced to takethe steps specified in the notice

(4) [Emergency powers]

Dispute Resolution

—(1) Subject to paragraph 12(2) any Any dispute arising between the undertaker and the12.

Agency Authority under this part of this Schedule shall , if the parties agree, be determined by[agreed procedure]. be determined in accordance with Article 53 and Schedule 17 unlessotherwise agreed in writing by the undertaker and the Authority.

(2) [Possible application of Schedule 17 for approvals under paragraph 4(1)]

Indemnities and Costs

[indemnities and costs] To be considered further]13.


All notices under this Part of the Schedule to be sent to……….. unless otherwise agreed14.

in writing.


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PART 4 Article 52


Protection of TfL Railway Companies

The provisions of this Part of this Schedule shall have effect unless otherwise agreed in1.writing by the protected person and the undertaker.

In this Part of this Schedule— 2.

“approval” in relation to specified works means approval of the engineer appointed by the protected person whose protected property is affected by those works such approval not to beunreasonably withheld or delayed;

“construction” shall include reconstruction, altering, replacing, relaying, removal,maintenance and repair of the specified works;

“CRL” means Crossrail Limited, a company limited by shares and incorporated under theCompanies Act 1985, whose registered number is 04212657;

“CRL Property” means any lands held or used by CRL for the purposes of its operationalundertaking, and any works, apparatus and equipment connected therewith for themaintenance or operation of which CRL is responsible for when the construction of thespecified works commence;

“DLRL” means Docklands Light Railway Limited, a company limited by shares andincorporated under the Companies Act 1985, whose registered number is 02052677;

“DLRL Property” means any lands held or used by DLRL for the purposes of its operationalundertaking, and any works, apparatus and equipment connected therewith for themaintenance or operation of which DLRL is responsible for when the construction of the

specified works commence;“engineer” means the engineer appointed by each of the protected persons;

“LUL” means London Underground Limited a company limited by shares and incorporatedunder the Companies Act 1985, whose registered number is 01900907;

“LUL Property” means any lands held or used by LUL for the purposes of its operationalundertaking, and any works, apparatus and equipment connected therewith for themaintenance or operation of which LUL is responsible for when the construction of thespecified works commence;

“Non-River DCO Works” means the authorised development and associated development andany ancillary works to be constructed on any land located outside of the River Areas;

“ plans” [insert definition] and “approved plans” means plans approved or deemed to be

approved or settled by arbitration [ ] in accordance with the provisions of this Part of thisSchedule;

“protected person” means LUL or DLRL or RfL or CRL;

“protected property” means in relation to each protected person any lands held or used by that protected person for the purposes of its operational undertaking, and any works, apparatus andequipment connected therewith for the maintenance or operation of which that protected

person is responsible when the relevant specified works are begun;

“River DCO Works” means that part of the authorised development consisting of any worksof excavation, piling, sinking or boreholes, tunnelling or other works carried out within theRiver Areas;

“RfL” means Rail for London Limited a company limited by shares and incorporated under

the Companies Act 1985, whose registered number is 05965930; and


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“the specified works” means so much of the authorised development as may be situated[distance or other description], or may in any way affect, protected property and includes theconstruction of any such work. RFL Property” means any lands held or used by RfL for the

purposes of its operational undertaking, and any works, apparatus and equipment connectedtherewith for the maintenance or operation of which RfL is responsible for when the

construction of the specified works commence;“the specified works” means

so much of any Non-River DCO Works as may be situated within 15 metres (measured(a)in any direction) of the CRL Property, DLRL Property, LUL Property or RfL Propertyor may in any way affect CRL Property, DLRL Property, LUL Property or RfL Property;and

so much of any River DCO Works as may be situated within, 50 metres (measured in(b)any direction) of CRL Property, DLRL Property, LUL Property or RfL Property withinthe River Areas, or may in any way affect CRL Property, DLRL Property, LULProperty, or RfL Property.

— a) The undertaker shall not under the powers conferred by or under this Order without3.

the consent of the protected person, acquire or enter upon, take or use whether temporarily or permanently or acquire any new rights over protected property.

(2) [any street works if applicable]

(3) The undertaker shall not in the exercise of the powers conferred by this Order, without(1)the consent of the protected person, prevent or hinder pedestrian or vehicular access to any

protected property.

(4) The provisions of articles 55, 56 and Schedule 19 to this Order shall not apply to land,(2)works, apparatus and equipment to which this Part of this Schedule applies.

(5) The undertaker shall not exercise the powers under article 22 above or the powers under (3)section 11(3) of the 1965 Act, in respect of any protected property except with the consent of the

protected person.

—a) The undertaker shall, before commencing the specified works, furnish to the protected4. person such proper and sufficient plans of the specified works as may reasonably be required for the approval of the engineer and shall not commence the specified works until the plans have

been approved in writing by the engineer or settled by arbitration.

If, within a period of 56 days beginning with the date on which plans have been furnished to(1)the protected person under sub-paragraph (1) above, the engineer has not notified his disapprovaland the grounds of his disapproval, he shall be deemed to have approved the plans as submitted.

[further rights for protected person].(2)

Upon signifying his approval of the plans the engineer may specify any protective works,(3)whether temporary or permanent, which in his opinion should be carried out before thecommencement of the specified works to ensure the stability of protected property, thecontinuation of the safe and effective operation of the protected person’s operational undertakingincluding any relocation of works, apparatus and equipment necessitated by the specified worksand the comfort and safety of passengers or customers, and such protective works as may bereasonably necessary for those purposes shall be constructed with all reasonable dispatch, and theundertaker shall not commence the construction of the specified works until the engineer hasnotified the undertaker that the protective works have been completed.

—a) The undertaker shall give to the engineer not less than [●] days' notice of its commence the construction of any of the specified works and also, except in an emergency(when it shall give such notice as may be reasonably practicable), of its intention to carry outany works for the repair or maintenance of the specified works in so far as such works of repair or maintenance affect or interfere with protected property.

The specified works shall, when commenced, be carried out— (1)with all reasonable dispatch in accordance with approved plans;(a)


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under the supervision (if given), and to the reasonable satisfaction, of the engineer; and(b)

in such manner as to cause— (c)

as little damage as may be to protected property, and(i)

as little interference as may be with the conduct of protected person’s operation and(ii)

the use by passengers or customers of its property.[any further remedial rights](2)

Nothing in this paragraph shall impose any liability on the undertaker with respect to any(3)damage, cost, expense or loss to the extent that such damage, cost expense or loss is attributable tothe act, neglect or default of a protected person or its servants or agents.

—a) Without prejudice to the generality of paragraphs 4 and 5 above a protected person6.may, in approving the plans of or in supervising the carrying out of the specified works or of any protective works carried out by the undertaker by virtue of the provisions of paragraph 4(3)above, require that—

nothing shall be done by or on behalf of the undertaker which unreasonably impedes the(a)free, uninterrupted and safe flow of passengers or customers;

dust sheets and other works and working methods are used so as to prevent so far as(b) practicable any dust or dirt from the relevant works affecting such persons; and

(c) [additional requirements].(1)

The undertaker shall at all times afford reasonable facilities to the engineer for access to7.the specified works during their construction and shall supply him with all such information ashe may reasonably require with regard to those specified works or the method of constructionthereof.

[further access for protected persons].8.

— [further remedial works]9.

[definition of costs to be paid by undertaker]10.

— [electromagnetic interference – probably not required]11.

— [Maintenance works].12.

[maintenance costs]13.

— [third party and other costs]14.

Any difference arising between the undertaker and a protected person under this Part of 15.this Schedule (other than a difference as to the meaning or construction of this Part of thisSchedule) shall be resolved by arbitration under article 59 (arbitration).


For the Protection of London River Services Limited

16. The provisions of this Part of this Schedule shall have effect unless otherwise agreed in1.writing between LRSL and the undertaker.

17. In this Part of this Schedule— 2.

[definitions to refer to works to replace Blackfriars Millennium Pier. Other piers under consideration.]

18. — [Limitation on DCO powers – to be used only with LRSL consent in respect of 3.LRSL assets.]

19. [Approvals process and programme to be set out]4.


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20. [general terms for carrying out the works]5.

21. [conditions for carrying out the works]6.

22. [access to the works by LRSL]7.

23. [further access for LRSL]8.

24. [further remedial works]9.

25. [definition of costs to be paid by undertaker]10.

26. [electromagnetic interference – probably not required]11.

27. [maintenance works]12.

28. [maintenance costs]13.

29. [third party and other costs]14.

30. Any difference between the undertaker and LRSL under this Part of this Schedule15.(other than a difference as to the meaning or construction of this Part of this Schedule) shall bereferred to and settled by arbitration under article 59 above.


For the Protection of London Buses Limited

31. The provisions of this Part of this Schedule shall have effect unless otherwise agreed in1.writing between the undertaker and LBL.

32. [This part of the schedule will refer to protection of LBL interests at— 2.

Falconbrook Pumping Station (relocation of bus stops on York Road – part of Work no.(a)10c);

Kirtling Street (relocation of bus stops on Cringle Street – part of Work no. 13b);(b)Deptford Church Street (relocation of bus stops on Deptford Church Street – part of (c)Work no. 22b)

and will include provision for approval of details relating to alternative locations for bus stops andany appropriate bus diversion route. At Deptford Church Street alterations to bus lanes will also

be included in protective provisions for LBL.]SECTION 4

Protection for Highways Structures

33. The provisions of this Part of this Schedule shall have effect unless otherwise agreed in1.writing between the undertaker and TfL.

34. [This part of the schedule will refer to protection of Transport for London highway2.structures and will include procedures for approval of works and other protections.]


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[DRAFTING NOTE - Negotiation of these provisions has been put in abeyance pending theoutcome of executive negotiations around certain key matters under the APA.]


[Note: the applicant is seeking to agree these.]


For the protection of any operator, the following provisions, unless otherwise agreed in1.writing between the undertaker and the operator, have effect.


In this part of this Schedule— 2.

“the 2003 Act” means the Communications Act 2003;

“conduit system” has the same meaning as in the electronic communications code andreferences to providing a conduit system shall be construed in accordance with paragraph1(3A) of that code;

“electronic communications apparatus” has the same meaning as in the electroniccommunications code;

“the electronic communications code” has the same meaning as in Chapter 1 of Part 2 of the2003 Act;

“electronic communications code network” means—

so much of an electronic communications network or conduit system provided by an(a)electronic communications code operator as is not excluded from the application of theelectronic communications code by a direction under section 106 of the 2003 Act; and

an electronic communications network which the Secretary of State is providing or(b) proposing to provide;

“electronic communications code operator” means a person in whose case the electronic

communications code is applied by a direction under section 106 of the 2003 Act; and“operator” means the operator of an electronic communications code network.

On-street apparatus

The exercise of the powers of article 41 (statutory undertakers) are subject to paragraph 233.of Schedule 2 to the Telecommunication Act 1984 as if the undertaker were a “relevantundertaker” for the purposes of that paragraph.

Enactments and agreements in respect of apparatus in the promoter’s land

Nothing in this Part of this Schedule affects the provisions of any enactment or agreement4.

regulating the relations between the undertaker and an operator in respect of any apparatus laidor erected in land belonging to the undertaker on the date on which this Order is made.


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Temporary stopping up of streets

—a) The temporary stopping up or diversion of any highway under article 15 (temporary5.stopping up) shall not affect any right of the operator under paragraph 9 of the electroniccommunications code to maintain any apparatus which, at the time of the stopping up or diversion, is in that highway.

The undertaker shall give not less than 28 days' notice in writing of its intention to(1)temporarily stop up any highway to any operator of an electronic communications code network whose apparatus is under, over, in, on, along or across the highway.

Where a notice under sub-paragraph (2) has been given, the operator, if it reasonably(2)considers that it is necessary for the safe and efficient operation and maintenance of the apparatus,may, and if reasonably requested so to do by the undertaker in the notice, shall, as soon asreasonably practicable after the service of the notice—

remove the apparatus and place it or other apparatus provided in substitution for it in(a)such other position as the operator may reasonably determine and have power to place it,or

provide other apparatus in substitution for the existing apparatus and place it in such(b)other position as aforesaid.

Subject to the following provisions of this paragraph the undertaker shall pay to any operator(3)of an electronic communications code network an amount equal to the cost reasonably incurred bythe operator in or in connection with—

the execution of relocation works required in consequence of the stopping up of the(a)highway, and

the doing of any other work or thing rendered necessary by the execution of relocation(b)works.

If in the course of the execution of relocation works under sub-paragraph (3)— (4)

apparatus of better type, greater capacity or greater dimensions is placed in substitution(a) for existing apparatus of worse type, smaller capacity or smaller dimensions, exceptwhere this has been solely due to using the nearest currently available type, capacity or dimension, or

apparatus (whether existing apparatus or apparatus substituted for existing apparatus) is(b) placed at a depth greater than the depth at which existing apparatus was,

and the placing of apparatus of that type or capacity or of those dimensions or the placing of apparatus at that depth, as the case may be, is not agreed by the undertaker, or, in default of agreement, is not determined to be necessary in consequence of the construction of the authorised

project in order to ensure the continued efficient operation of the electronic communications codenetwork of the operator then, if it involves cost in the execution of the relocation works exceedingthat which would have been involved if the apparatus placed had been of the existing type,

capacity or dimensions, or at the existing depth, as the case may be, the amount which apart fromthis paragraph would be payable to the operator by virtue of sub-paragraph (4) shall be reduced bythe amount of that excess.

For the purposes of sub-paragraph (5)— (5)

an extension of apparatus to a length greater than the length of existing apparatus shall(a)not be treated as a placing of apparatus of greater dimensions than those of the existingapparatus except in a case where the apparatus as so extended provides more than anequivalent service, and

where the provision of a joint in a cable is agreed, or is determined to be necessary, the(b)consequential provision of a jointing chamber or of a manhole (in either case of suchtype, capacity and dimensions as shall reasonably be appropriate) shall be treated as if it

also had been agreed or had been so determined.


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The amount which apart from this sub-paragraph would be payable to an operator in respect(6)of works by virtue of sub-paragraph (4) (and having regard, where relevant, to sub-paragraph (5))shall, if the works include the placing of apparatus provided in substitution for apparatus placedmore than 7½ years earlier so as to confer on the operator any financial benefit by deferment of the time for renewal of the apparatus in the ordinary course, be reduced by the amount which

represents that benefit.Sub-paragraphs (4) to (7) shall not apply where the relevant part of the authorised project(7)

constitutes major transport works or major highway works for the purpose of Part 3 of the NewRoads and Street Works Act 1991, but instead—

the allowable costs of any relocation works shall be determined in accordance with(a)section 85 of that Act (sharing of costs of necessary measures) and any regulations for the time being having effect under that section, and

the allowable costs shall be borne by the nominated undertaker and the operator in such(b) proportions as may be prescribed by any such regulations.


Any difference or dispute arising between the undertaker and an operator under this Part of6.this Schedule shall, unless otherwise agreed in writing between the undertaker and that operator,

be referred to and settled by arbitration under article 59 (arbitration).


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SCHEDULE 17 Article 53


Applications made under requirements

—a) Where an application has been made to a discharging authority for any consent,1.agreement or approval required by a requirement included in this Order, the dischargingauthority shall give notice to the undertaker of their decision on the application within a periodof 8 weeks (in respect of a major detailed requirement) or otherwise 5 weeks (including inrespect of a minor detailed requirement) beginning with—

the day immediately following that on which the application is received by the authority;(a)

the day immediately following that on which further information has been supplied by(b)the undertaker under paragraph 2; or such longer period as may be agreed by the undertaker and the discharging authority in(c)writing.

In determining any application under this paragraph the discharging body may either grant or (2)refuse consent, and where consent is refused the discharging authority must provide its reasons for the refusal with the notice of refusal.

(3) In the event that the discharging authority does not determine an application within the periods set out in sub-paragraph (1), the discharging authority shall be taken to have granted theapplication (without any condition or qualification) at the end of that period.

Further information regarding requirements

—a) In relation to any application further to a requirement, the discharging authority shall2.have the right to request such further information from the undertaker as is necessary to enableit to consider the application.

In the event that the discharging authority considers such further information to be necessary(1)and the requirement does not specify that consultation with a statutory consultee is required, itshall, within 7 business days of receipt of the application, notify the undertaker in writingspecifying the further information required.

In the event that the requirement specifies that consultation with a requirement consultee is(2)required, the discharging authority shall issue the consultation to the requirement consultee within1 business day of receipt of the application, and shall notify the undertaker in writing specifyingany further information requested by the requirement consultee within 1 business day of receipt of such a request and in any event within 1 15 business days of receipt of the application.

In the event that the discharging authority does not give such notification within this 7(3) business day period as referred to in paragraph 2(2) it shall be deemed to have sufficientinformation to consider the application and shall not thereafter be entitled to request further information without the prior agreement of the undertaker.

Fees further to requirements

—a) Where an application is made to the discharging authority for written consent,3.agreement or approval in respect of a requirement, a fee shall be paid to that authority asfollows—

where the application relates to a major detailed requirement, fees shall be calculated in(a)accordance with the following table:


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Category 1 The erection of buildings:(i) where no floor space is to be created by the development, £170;(ii) where the area of gross floor space to be created by the development doesnot exceed 40 metres, £170;(iii) where the area of the gross floor space to be created by the developmentexceeds 40 square metres, but does not exceed 75 square metres, £335;(iv) where the area of the gross floor space to be created by the developmentexceeds 75 square metres, but does not exceed 3750 square metres, £335 for each 75 square metres of that area;(v) where the area of gross floor space to be created by the developmentexceeds 3750 square metres, £16,565; and an additional £100 for each 75square metres

Category 2 The carrying out of any operations not coming within Category 1, £170 for each 0.1 hectare of the site area, subject to a maximum £1,690

where an application is made for discharge of a major detailed requirement ("current(b)application") in respect of which an application has been made previously, the fee

payable in respect of the current application shall be £335; and

where the application relates to a minor detailed requirement, £85 for each application.(c)

For the purpose of the calculation of fees pursuant to sub-paragraph 3(1)(a)— (1)

the area shall be taken as consisting of the area of land to which the application relates;(a)

where the application relates to development within Category 1, the area of gross floor (b)space created by the development shall be ascertained by external measurement of thefloor space, whether or not it is bounded (wholly or partly) by external walls of a


where the application relates to development within Category 1 and the gross floor space(c)to be created by the development exceeds 75 square metres and is not an exact multipleof 75 square metres, the area remaining after division of the total number of square

metres of gross floorspace by the figure of 75 shall be treated as being 75 metres; andwhere the application relates to development within Category 2 and the site area exceeds(d)0.1 hectares and is not an exact multiple of 0.1 hectares, the area remaining after division of the total number of hectares by the figure of 0.1 hectares shall be treated as

being 0.1 hectares.

(3) Any fee paid under this Schedule shall be refunded to the undertaker within 8 weeks of—

(a) the application being rejected as invalidly made; or

(b) the discharging authority failing to determine the application within eight weeks (inrespect of a major detailed requirement) and 5 weeks (in respect of a minor detailedrequirement) from the date on which it is received,

unless within that period the undertaker agrees, in writing, that the fee shall be retained by thedischarging authority and credited in respect of a future application.


—a) The Save as otherwise provided in this Order, the undertaker may appeal in the event4.that—

the discharging authority refuses an application for any consent, agreement or approval(a)required or permitted by:

a requirement included in this Order; or (i)

a document referred to in any requirement included in this Order (unless such(ii)consent, agreement or approval has to be obtained by virtue of any other legal

requirement); or


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a licence condition in the deemed marine licence set out in Schedule 15 ( deemed(iii)marine licence ) and the Licence Holder makes an election under paragraph 4 of part1 of Schedule 15 that these appeal procedures shall apply ; or

the protective provisions set out in Schedule 16 ( provisions for the protection of (iv) specified undertakers );

any other provision of this Order;(v)or does not determine such an application within the time period set out in this Order;

or grants it subject to conditions;

the discharging authority issues a notice further to sections 60 and/or 61 of the Control(b)of Pollution Act 1974;

on receipt of a request for further information pursuant to paragraph 2 of this Schedule,(c)the undertaker considers that either the whole or part of the specified informationrequested by the discharging authority is not necessary for consideration of theapplication; or

on receipt of any further information requested, the discharging authority notifies the(d)

undertaker that the information provided is inadequate and requests additionalinformation which the undertaker considers is not necessary for consideration of theapplication.

The appeal process shall be as follows— (1)

the undertaker shall submit the appeal documentation to the Secretary of State and shall(a)on the same day provide copies of the appeal documentation to the discharging authorityand any requirement consultee;

as soon as is practicable after receiving the appeal documentation, the Secretary of State(b)shall within 10 business days of receiving the appeal documentation appoint a person toconsider the appeal (“the appointed person” ) and shall forthwith notify the appeal partiesof the identity of the appointed person and the address to which all correspondence for his attention should be sent;

the discharging authority and any requirement consultee (if applicable) shall submit(c)written representations to the appointed person in respect of the appeal within 10

business days of the start date and shall ensure that copies of their writtenrepresentations are sent to each other and to the undertaker on the day on which they aresubmitted to the appointed person;

the appeal parties shall make any counter-submissions to the appointed person within 10(d) business days of receipt of written representations pursuant to paragraph (c) above; and

the appointed person shall make hisa decision and notify it to the appeal parties, with(e)reasons, as soon as reasonably practicable and in any event within 15 business days of the deadline for the receipt of counter-submissions pursuant to paragraph (d) or suchlonger period as may be agreed by the undertaker and the discharging authority .

The appointment of the person pursuant to sub-paragraph (2)(b) may be undertaken by a(2) person appointed by the Secretary of State for this purpose instead of by the Secretary of State.

In the event that the appointed person considers that further information is necessary to(3)enable him the appointed person to consider the appeal he shall , within 5 business days of hisappointment, as soon as practicable notify the undertaker appeal parties in writing specifying thefurther information required , the appeal party from whom the information is sought, and the date

by which the information is to be submitted .

Any further information required pursuant to sub-paragraph (4) shall be provided by the(4)undertaker party from whom the information is sought to the appointed person , the dischargingauthority and any requirement consultee on and to other appeal parties by the date specified by theappointed person , and the . The appointed person shall notify the appeal parties of the revised

timetable for the appeal on or before that day. The revised timetable for the appeal shall requiresubmission of written representations to the appointed person within 10 business days of the


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agreed date but shall otherwise be in accordance with the process and time limits set out insub-paragraph (2)(c)-(e).

On an appeal under this paragraph, the appointed person may— (5)

allow or dismiss the appeal, or (a)

reverse or vary any part of the decision of the discharging authority (whether the appeal(b)relates to that part of it or not),

and may deal with the application as if it had been made to him in the first instance.

The appointed person may proceed to a decision on an appeal taking into account only such(6)written representations as have been sent within the relevant time limits and in its sole discretionsuch written representations as have been sent outwith the relevant time limits .

The appointed person may proceed to a decision even though no written representations have(7) been made within the relevant time limits, if it appears to him that there is sufficient material toenable a decision to be made on the merits of the case.

The decision of the appointed person on an appeal shall be final and binding on the parties,(8)and a court may entertain proceedings for questioning the decision only if the proceedings are

brought by a claim for judicial review.

If an approval is given by the appointed person pursuant to this Schedule, it shall be deemed(9)to be an approval for the purpose of Schedule 3 ( requirements ) of this Order as if it had beengiven by the discharging authority. The discharging authority may confirm any determinationgiven by the appointed person in identical form in writing but a failure to give such confirmation(or a failure to give it in identical form) shall not be taken to affect or invalidate the effect of theappointed person’s determination.

Save where a direction is given pursuant to sub-paragraph (12) requiring the costs of the(10)appointed person to be paid by the discharging authority, the reasonable costs of the appointed

person shall be met by the undertaker.

On application by the discharging authority or the undertaker, the appointed person may(11)give directions as to the costs of the appeal parties and as to the parties by whom the costs of the

appeal are to be paid. In considering whether to make any such direction and the terms on whichit shall be made, the appointed person shall have regard to Communities and Local GovernmentCircular 03/2009 or any circular or guidance which may from time to time replace it.


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SCHEDULE 18 Article 54


Flood risk management consent pursuant to section 109 Water Resources Act 1991 andassociated byelaws under Schedule 25 of the Water Resources Act 1991Consent pursuant to Ss. 109-110 Water Resources Act 1991, Land Drainage Act 1991, or associated byelaws made further to Schedule 25 of Water Resources Act 1991Consent under section 23 of the Land Drainage Act 1991Land drainage consent under Water Resources Act 1991


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SCHEDULE 19 Articles 55 and 56




This Part 1 of this Schedule applies, modifies and excludes statutory provisions which1.relate to matters for which provision may be made in this Order.

Highways Act 1980

—a) Section 141 of the Highways Act 1980 (restriction on planting trees etc. in or near 2.carriageway) shall not apply to anything done any tree or shrub planted in the course of works the authorised by this Order project [before the acceptance date] .

Section 167 of that Act (powers relating to retaining walls near streets) shall not apply in(1)relation to—

the erection of a wall in the course of the authorised project [before the acceptance date] ,(a)or

a wall on land on which works are being carried out, or are to be carried out, in(b) pursuance of the authorised project [before the acceptance date] .

Sections 169(1), 172 and 173 of that Act (control of scaffolding on highways, hoardings to(2) be set up during building etc, and hoardings to be securely erected) shall not apply to anythingdone in the course of the authorised project [before the acceptance date] .

Building Act 1984

Nothing in Part 1 of the Building Act 1984 with respect to building regulations, and3.nothing in any building regulations, shall apply in relation to a building used, or intended for use, by the undertaker for the purposes of the authorised project [before the acceptance date] .

New Roads and Street Works Act 1991

—a) The powers conferred by section 56(1) and (1A) of the New Roads and Street Works4.

Act 1991 (powers to give directions as to the timing of proposed and subsisting street works)shall not apply in relation to the authorised project.

Section 56A of that Act (power to give directions as to placing of apparatus) shall not apply(1)in relation to the placing of apparatus in the course of the authorised project.

No restriction under section 58(1) of that Act (power to impose restriction on execution of (2)street works in the twelve months following completion of substantial road works) shall haveeffect in relation to the authorised project.

Section 61(1) of that Act (under which the consent of the street authority is required for the(3) placing of apparatus in a protected street) shall not apply to the placing of apparatus in the courseof the authorised project.

Section 62(2) of that Act (power following designation of protected street to require removal(4)

or repositioning of apparatus already placed in the street) shall not apply in relation to apparatus placed in the course of the authorised project.


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Section 62(4) of that Act (power when designation as protected street commences or ceases(5)to give directions with respect to works in progress) shall not apply in relation to the authorised


Section 63(1) of that Act (under which Schedule 4 to that Act has effect for requiring the(6)settlement of a plan and section of street works to be executed in a street designated by the street

authority as having special engineering difficulties) shall not apply in relation to the authorised project.

The powers conferred by section 73A(1) and 78A(1) of that Act (requirements for (7)undertaker to re-surface street) may not be exercised in relation to the authorised project.

Sections 74 and 74A of that Act (charge for occupation of the highway and charge(8)determined by reference to duration of works) shall not apply in relation to the authorised project.

Schedule 3A to that Act (restriction on works following substantial street works) shall not(9)apply where a notice under section 54 (advance notice of certain works) or 55 (notice of startingdate of works) of that Act is in respect of the authorised project.

No notice under paragraph 2(1)(d) of that Schedule ( power by notice to require notification(10)of works which an undertaker proposes to carry out in a part of a highway to which a proposed

restriction applies ) shall have effect to require the notification of works proposed to be carried outin the course of the authorised project.

No directions under paragraph 3 of that Schedule ( directions as to the date on which(11)undertakers may begin to execute proposed works ) may be issued to the undertaker.

Paragraph 3(4) of that Schedule (under which it is an offence for an undertaker to execute(12)street works before the completion of certain other street works) shall not apply in relation to theexecution of works in the course of the authorised project.

Paragraph 5(1) of that Schedule ( effect of direction under paragraph 4 restricting further (13)works ) shall not apply in relation to the execution of works in the course of the authorised project.

Traffic Management Act 2004

Sections 32 to 39 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 shall not apply in relation to the5.authorised project.

Water Industry Act 1991

Section 106(8) of the Water Industry Act 1991 (which qualifies the general right to6.communicate with the public sewers of a sewerage undertaker) shall not apply in relation to theauthorised project.

Party Wall etc. Act 1996

—a) No notice under section 1(2) or (5) of the Party Wall etc. Act 1996 (notice before7. building on line of junction with adjoining land) shall be required before the building of anywall in the course of the authorised project [before the acceptance date] .

Sections 1(6) and 2 of the Party Wall etc. Act 1996 (rights of adjoining owners) shall not(1)have effect to confer rights in relation to—

anything used, or intended to be used, by the undertaker for the purposes of the(a)authorised project [before the acceptance date] , or

land on which there is any such thing.(b)

Section 6 of the Party Wall etc. Act 1996 (underpinning of adjoining buildings) shall not(2)apply in relation to a proposal to excavate, or excavate for and erect anything, in the course of theauthorised project [before the acceptance date] .


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Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 etc

The provisions of this Order authorising the construction, maintenance or use of the8.authorised project shall have effect notwithstanding the provisions of— Not used

(a) the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, and(b) any other enactment relating to historic buildings or ancient monuments.

Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976

Section 42 of The Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 (certain future9.local Acts, etc., to be subject to the planning enactments, etc., except as otherwise provided)shall not apply to the extent that it would make provisions of this Order authorising theauthorised project subject to other provisions.

Town and Country Planning Act 1990

—a) No order, notice or regulation under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 in10.relation to the preservation of trees, the state of land or any other matter shall have effect inrelation to the authorised project.

Sections 238 and 239 of that Act (consecrated land and burial grounds) shall apply— (1)

in relation to land, other than a right over land, acquired for the purposes of the(a)authorised project (whether or not by agreement), so as to permit use by the undertaker in accordance with the provisions of this Order; and

in relation to a right over land so acquired (whether or not by agreement), or the(b)temporary use of land pursuant to articles 34 ( temporary use of land for carrying out theauthorised project ) and 35 ( temporary use of land for maintaining authorised project ),so as to permit the exercise of that right or the temporary use by the undertaker inaccordance with the provisions of this Order, without prejudice to the status of the landover which the right is exercised as consecrated land.

For the purposes only of Section 106 (1) of that Act the undertaker shall be deemed to be a(2) person interested in the Order Land or any part of it and for the avoidance of doubt Section106(3)(a) shall include any transferee under Article 9 of this Order.

Coast Protection Act 1949

—a) The following provisions of the Coast Protection Act 1949 shall not apply to the11.authorised project.

Those provisions are— (1)

section 16(1) (consent of coast protection authority required for carrying out coast(a)

protection work), andsection 18(1) (prohibition of excavation or removal of materials from seashore).(b)

Flood and Water Management Act 2010

Section 30 and Schedule 1 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 shall not relation to the authorised project.

National Parks and Access to Countryside Act 1949

Sections 51, 52 and 55 (general provisions as to long-distance routes, approval of 13. proposals relating to long-distance routes, variation of approved proposals) of the National

Parks and Access to Countryside Act 1949 shall not apply in relation to the authorised project.


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Control of Pollution Act 1974

—a) Where a local authority is acting further to Section 60(4) of the Control of Pollution14.Act 1974 in relation to the [construction of the] authorised project [and works before theacceptance date] then that local authority shall also have regard to the noise levels referred to inthe Environmental Statement for each construction site and the principles of the Code of Construction Practice.

Sections 60(7) and 61(7) of the Control of Pollution Act 1974 shall not apply in relation to(1)the authorised project.

Underground tunnelling works shall not be regulated by Sections 60 and 61 of the Control of (2)Pollution Act 1974.

Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009

15. The provisions of this Order shall have effect notwithstanding the provisions at Part 4 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 relating to variations to a deemed marine licence.

Land Drainage Act 1976

16. Section 34 of the Land Drainage Act 1976 shall not apply to the authorised project.


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Year Chapter Short Title1803 cxxxi Deptford Creek Bridge Act 18031809 cxlii Vauxhall Bridge Act 18091818 xxviii Waterloo Bridge and Approaches and Surrey New Roads Act

18181820 xlix Southward Bridge Act 18201825 cxviii South London Docks Act 18251827 xxx London Bridge Act 18271828 cxvi London Docks Act 18281836 cxxxiii Hungerford Market Foot Bridge Act 18361848 clxiii City of London Sewers Act 18481850 cxii Westminster Bridge Act 18501853 cvi London Docks Act 18531858 cxviii Victoria Station and Pimlico Railway Act 18581859 lxxxi Charing Cross Railway Act 18591860 cxlvii Hungerford Market and Charing Cross Bridge Act 18 59601861 cxvii Lambeth Bridge Act 18611863 lxii Blackfriars Bridge Act 18631863 ccxi Putney and Fulham Bridge Act 18631863 xlvi Queens Road Battersea Extension Act 18631864 ccxxxv Albert Bridge Act 18641864 ccxxxviii Wandsworth Bridge Act 18641865 cxcii Fulham Railway Act 18651865 ccclxv Regents Canal (Limehouse Basin) Act 18651867 iii Blackfriars and Southwark Bridges Act 18671867 cci Wandsworth Bridge Act 18671867 ccii Fulham Railway Act 18671868 cxxxv Thames Embankment (Chelsea) Act 18681873 xcvii Albert Bridge Act 18731873 c Charing Cross and Victoria Embankment Approach Act 18731879 cxcvii Metropolitan Management (Thames River Prevention of Floods)

Amendment Act 18791881 cxcii Metropolitan Bridges Act 18811882 lvi Metropolis Board of Works (Various Rivers) Act 1882

1885 cxcv Corporation of London (Tower Bridge) Act 18851900 ccxix Thames Tunnel ( Rotherhithe and Ratcliff) Act 19001907 clxxv London County Council (General Powers) Act 19071911 lxxxiv City of London (Various Powers) Act 19111911 cxx Corporation of London (Bridges) Act 19111912 xlvii Wandsworth Wimbledon and Epsom District Gas Act 19121920 clxxiii Port of London (Consolidation) Act 19201924 lxvii London County Council (Lambeth Bridge) Act 19241926 vii City of London (Various Powers) Act 19261937 xlv City of London (Various Powers) Act 19371954 xxvii City of London (Various Powers) Act 19541957 xxxv London County Council (General Powers) Act 1957

1961 xxviii City of London (Various Powers) Act 19611961 xliii London County Council (General Powers) Act 1961


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Year Chapter Short Title1962 xlv London County Council (General Powers) Act 19621963 xxxiv City of London (Various Powers) Act 19631965 xxxix City of London (Various Powers) Act 19651967 i London Bridge Act 1967

1967 xlii City of London (Various Powers) Act 196719681970


Port of London Authority Act 1968 (sections 66 to 75 inclusive)Greater London Council (General Powers) Act 1970 save formaintenance dredging)

1970 lxxvi Greater London Council (General Powers) Act 19701972 xl Thames Barrier Flood Prevention Act 19721977 xv City of London (Various Powers) Act 19771981 Thames Region Land Drainage bylaws 19811987 xv City of London (Various Powers) Act 19872013 City of London (Various Powers) Act 2013


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201[●] No. [●]



The [Draft] Thames Water Utilities Limited (Thames TidewayTunnel) Development Consent Order 201[●]

BERWIN LEIGHTON PAISNER Adelaide HouseLondon Bridge

London EC4R 9HASolicitors


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