The Cecil Whig (Elkton, Md.) 1863-02-28 [p ]

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Transcript of The Cecil Whig (Elkton, Md.) 1863-02-28 [p ]


BY R. E. EWING,TERMS. —5- 00 a year, in advance.

2.50, i(- not paid in advance.8.00 for clnhs of Five.

15.00 for clubs of Ten.APTETiTISEMENTS not exceeding one

Square. will bv publifdied three limes Lrone dollar, and twenty live cents for eachsubsequent insertion; longer ones in theflame proportion. K7*EIGHT lines brevier,or space equal to that, make 11 aqnarc.

Adveitistn cuts published Quarterly,Senii-Ai nwally, or Yearly at moderate rates.

07“A*lvert ini nients sent without tlie num-ber of limes they are to be inserted beingMated, will In continued until forbid, andcharged according le thw above rates.

C7"Tfactions of tt square charged as asquare.

No advertisement inserted for less thanone dollar.

Obituary notices charged for at advertis-ing rates, and none inserted unless paid forin advance.

OTNo Paper discontinued until all arages are paid.

(X7“.Single copies of the paper, Five cents

JNist Masters will please give notice when

Tic Whig is not taken out of their cilices.—The paper in a number ol instances whichhive recently conic to our notice, has beenallowed to continue going to the • dices when !the parties to whom it is addressed have died*or moved away, and the paper in consequenceremains in the office or is appropriated b\the inciiinbant. Post Masteis wiil do ns a

favor, as well ns perform their duty, 4*y noti-fying ns in all such cases.

PURE RAW GROUND BONEAmi Super Oliosiilmtc f l.ltiio,

MANUFACTURED liy T. li. Tiers (k Co.Philadelphia. The undersigned bugs

leave to stale that be lias been appointedSole .dgeu/ lor the sale of the above Fertil-izers for Cecil and Jlarfuid counties.Kvtry Pound Sold, Gnatunlceil Perfect!]) Pure.

Begs leave to refer to the following gentleinen, u bo, among others, have tested thearticles thoroughly :

Mr. (Jeo. P. Whitaker,Mr. Henry Condon,Mr. .las. (/'oiidon,Mr. Hen: v Smithson,

A. de FIG AMERE,Port Deposit, Md. i

Mr. Gerard Cover lias charge of the busi-ness in Harford county.

07*Bones delivered on the line of railway.Feb. 21. 1868 — iy*.

BLANKS!3lii<>:islrat o'x iJljiiißx.

AF U I. L ii ssn i t ni o n t oT M a g i s-

Ir;l1 e -s’ It lan I. m ii Iwa y s k e lll<i ii Ii ii ii il a t T II K 'V III G () 1’ F ICE.ii call y |> tin Ie ¦! o n li n e wlii t epa|> er, I'u r ¥ 1.00 pe r i| uir e. e o in-

i’' ii"


heplevin noxns.II HITS UP HEP LEVIN,


Also, Constables* SalesAnd Landlords' Sales,

an <i eve r y o l Ii e r d e script ion o ILegal Blanks requ ire d b y .1 usti ce s

ol tli ePeac ea n(I Const able s.


St'vins*' Miicliinos.f)BIClv sls.—The attention of tailors nnd

lUMiMifactur'-rs requiring the use nf a fast ajiddurable Ineh-stitch machine, is directed to ourNo 9 This is aia w m.d jidmir.ible nimddneopuraUng with the greatest ease, and with hut littie, noise, and. nilhough but lately put into Is already a great favorite with m.inufactunrs. it is a first class machine, at a low-price.

No machine ever introduced has sold so rapidlyor given such universal satisfaction. It is verysimple in it< construction, easily icnniol. notlia hie to get our of order, wo ks with fine cottonsilken, linen thread, equally well ; and the lowprice at which it is sold places it within the reachof all who desire a reliable, serviceable machineAs a .‘‘Loe-fitting machine, il his no superior.

F. \V 8 TAPEErf, Agent.Feb 7. 1863. Elk ton



CIOR. FOURTH IS MARKET Stunt, a<ii‘l).liiii, have now in stuck, a line

variety of

AVsillPnp.M-s,got up expressly for their Spring Trade.

WINDOW PAPER OF EVERY GRADE,to which they invite the attention of Store-keeper/?.

Q7*ln their Retail Department, will befound Hie .styles of the season*

Feb. 4. 18(111—Jim.

IlliudtN' Supo-Phospliute.

rTHE STANDARD MANURE, composedJL of Honrs treated with Sulphuric .‘lev!.—

• RHODES' 99 the long established Manurein the American market—besides havingEuropean leputation—cannot be excelledtor the culture of Oats, Cum , Tubilccu amiPool Crop*. Also, Top Dreusing on the Grow-ing H7s/. For sale bv

Feb 14, 1868 JOHN PARTRIDGE.


An experienced farm hand, <asingle man.) To a man, who can collie

well recoiiiniemied, n good opportunity isopen for an engagement. For particulars,apply at once, to this Ollice.

Elkton, Jan -‘2, 1*63.


TUI* HOUSE lately occupied by CaptainFaebt/., nearly opposite Col. Groomo’s. I

will be rented until the 25th of March, on

reasonable term. Apply toDec 27, 1802. W. P. EWING.

FOR RENT.rjHIE Farm, lying on Hie West Nottingham

Road, ahont 5 miles above Elkton, nowoccupied l>y Mr. Fryer.

JOHN C. GROO.ME.Elkton, Jan. 21,1803.


ALL persons disabled since March 4th,. 1861, by wounds received, or diseases

contracted while in the service ol the UnitedStates, and the widows, childrens, mothersor sisters of those above mentioned whohave since died, are entitled to pensions,

Armv and Navy Pensions procured byOct 11, 1862. JONES fc EWING.


EWING—VAUGHAN.—On the 2'.th inst.,by Rev. Richard S. James, K. E. Kwixo,of Elkton, Md., and Miss Clara Vaughan,of Camden, N. J.

SC UDDER —GIT,HE UT. —At the How-ard House, in Elkton, by Rev. W. H.Elliott, on tlie 2fdh ins*.,'Mr. .ToxatiiakWostoomkkv Soi iniKiiand Miss Isaiiki.i.aGilbkkt, both of tiiis town.

THOMAS —FINI.EV. —In Philadelphia, onthe 25th of February, by Rev. Mr. Crow-all, S. Diikw Thomas, of New York, to

Martha Elsie, of Philadelphia.No card*.

Established Civet* a (purler of aCentury.



mo Kiicct*ssl'ul in ef-fectually curing

ns ••Dr. Sw \ym.‘ v uh adi.c

Minn inm.” piepured with thagreatest <Mie. tinder the immediate

supervision of a thoroughly educateilPhysician. We have ccrtihcsi'tcM of extra-

••rdiuasy cure? of .llsei.-ed l.iiugs performed Ly** Im hwainf/s Compound Syrup of Wild C’ukim.'y.*"

case* where llit* Lung* wero very much disordered,given up to die lij PhyieiHii imtl friend*. Jf theliAWwitiare c,wti\v. or md Htilliuienlly free, use in con-

nection •* SwSahsai’.v imi Tar Pii.i.,” agreat purifying purgative. The two willcleanse

out all disordered humors, enrich and purifythe Mood, remove nil unhealthy Billions

secrethdiN of the stomach and Imiw-el*. causing n perfect healthy

state ..f the Diver. If youhate rojp'h. asthma,

hemorrhage orI>itt!ii|r cf MiumJ. -ore tl.ioat. oh-f; actions of tlie aph>e<i•c liver, short ni eitih. pain in the urinary organs, night

sweats, m-: vi us deMiilv. reslle-s nights, anv svinploins. f I I-I,.V(.\AI;YCoS M’MPT ION. ill. not delay, hutjro me th> noove remeilies at once : :ju Ykrii’s Kxpe-i:ii..\ty. jinvia to the world licit they cannot be excelled,

-.•wayne's ('imp. an id synp Wild Cherry.”-Swaync's Compound Syrup Wild Cherry.”••Swayne * ('oinpoiitid Syrup Wild Cherry.’’

Clergymen. I’hysieja.i.s. all puldic speakers say••Swaync's Compound Syrup of Wild (’berry


gives thatvigor to the voice that e ;l. t |,,,t he obtained from any•••her icme.iy. For all jnine.nary iMiiplaiuts. the agedmd debit.lilted, it is truly valuable.>•*

•* r- r* rs M m ¦ pi rr

iiiiiii i i i 'iA Do.s>. of im. jjw ivnk's Sarhafv. axi Taii IMi.i.s.

nice cr twice a week, will rule tile most oh-finite Head- j; In. I'ei'*r. .tiiiiiciice, I.ivnr Complaint, Costivenes-,

| tS:lli..ii-iif-s. Female Diseases, .te. They are a great

j ‘ I cJ-piu illiiig I nr; ati\e. Wheie there is ilheadache,

pain, or soretu*-* *-f the body .iceoiupuiiying y.ur cold Ar•••ugh. take a or two. f these pill-, in Coiimrtioliwith the \V< ’Kerry. If v.'l! remove the dittimlty.

I r*. imred only hv I);:. FWAV.NKA Si\. JfW NorthSI.N'I l! Street.* ih .ve \INK. S. Id l.y nilDruggists.

.vldh.y D:.s. li. 11. MIK HI.KL.and .?4>S. W Mil.Ai’K.Elkton, and ail the principal Storekeepers in (Veil

countyi [Feb 7, iMiti.—lycij


Golden, Periodical Pills,FOR FEMAUSi*.

f.VFAl.hint.K IN CoitIIBCTIN'U IlftlKUl'T.UMTIKS.\m Rkmovinu OiisTitrcTioNs or rut: Monthly

Trhns. FitoM Whatkvku Cause.iks. hero is proof positive. It is not

very far fetched, and comes to the Proprietorthrough one of the ¦ oldest” nnd • most respecta-ble ' Druggist in .New Voik Slate, whose nameis copmeteil. Ri*;ai. —- Cue of the lir.-t ladies ofI tica.” N 1.. called upon my Agents in that cry•Messrs. Wm. Bristol ,1 Co .) and told them thatshe of edtrse did not wisli her munc made public,but if any one should doubt the wonderful efficacyof lr. Dupoii. o's (iidden Tills, they might referany lady to her. as she considered it u duty, aswell ns a pleasute. to n late her knowledge oftheir cfileney ns administered to her daughter •*

young lady 17 years old. She wafl fas. going intocoiisumption—had taken cold—nature becameobstructed. Two boxes of these (iolden Tillsentirely cured her. and she is now in robustheiiulh. 8o say all who have used them Remem-ber the ingredients composing these Tills arcmade known to every Agent, who will tell youthey will perform nil that is claimed fur them.

VtT' Trice. $1,0(1 per BoxSold at DR. 11. H. MITCHELL'S Drug Store.

Elkton. Mn., Sole Agent for Cecil county.Ladies, by sending him SI.OO to the. Elkton

Tost (.nice, can have (ho Tills sent by mail to anypart of (lie county. Sold also by BiiuWN A- lino.,and S. S. Ham k. Baltimore, (Jiiimshaw &. Co .Wilmington, and by one Druggist in every townin the Tinted States, and by Kali, t Bucrkl.(•eiicral Whulcsulc Agents, 218 (ire- rnvich St .New Voik. S. J. IT>WE.

Sole Proprietor. New York.N. IL—-None are genuine, unless the box is

signed S. 1). ilowp.. JJuly 12, 1862 ly.

echo.I'm weary Echo sad and worn,I ’m solemn, for my clothes arc lorn ;Kind Echo, that 1 may be b’e.-tTray say —in what .-hall I invest ?

And Echo answers. Vest.

A vest ! kind Echo, that i? well,The one 1 have was sure a sell,

1 11 try what thy wisdom grants;IVbat else . fin- In! my bosom pants,

And Echo answers. Pants,Pants I good Echo, how you charm !My own are hardly fit to darn ;And pray what else ? my hearing gloats.B bile balm of bliss my bosom coats.

And Echo answers. Coats.Coats I I thank you. noble friend;Mv coats are gone too far to mend ;But ere I haste to buy them all.IVhere can I make the on i:\ikst haul ?

And Echo answers, Hall.Hall 1 why (hero are three or four.

hieli one * your client would implore;(Hi ! speak for melancholy s strokeHus made my heart as hard as oak.

And Echo answers. Oak8o it appears that Echo, like all nature, is

instinct with tb fact that

Waiianiakcr Brown,(OAK HALL.)

S E. corner Sixth and Makkut Stkkkts.Philadelphia, i'f the iNp: Plus Tltka Clothing

liou.<j of Philadelphia. Everything is the be t.Everything is the cheapest. No one is dissatisfiedEv ry pr.-on returns Even in outside countryvillages, v hen the subject of clothing is mentionedeach Individual present has some eulogy uponOak Hall. [Dec 20

To Consiimjptivcs*THE advertiser having been restored to health

in a few weeks, by a very simple rothedy afterhaving suffered several years with a severe lungaffection, and that dread disease. Consumption—-is anxious to make known to his foliow-jufforers

die mo ms of cure.To all who desire it. he will send a copy of the

prescription used (free of charge), with the direc-tions for preparing and using the same, whichthey will find a si ttu Ci ue for Consumption.Asthma. Buonuiiirts. ,to. The only object of theadvertiser in sending the Prescription is tobeneti'the afllictcd. and spread information which heconceives to be invaluable, and ho hopes everysufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost themnothing, and may proven blessing

Parlies w.siting the prescription will pleaseaddress Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON,

Wißiatnsbnrgh,Nov 22, 1802—3 m. Kings County. New York.





An I a Positive nnd Specific Remedy for Diseasesof the

Bladder, Kidneys,Graved, Dropsy,

Organic Weakness,And all diseases of the Urinary Organs.

Bco Advertisement in another column. Cut it outj and send for the Medicine at once

Hl<:\\\/UiE OF CO ISTEH F FITS.I February 21, 1833—2 m


si)c illavkcts.Ki.kton Maukkt.—Reel Wheat,

White do. $1 85; Old Corn, 85 cenU;New do. 85 cents; Oats, 380,45 cents. —

Clover Seed per jmshell, .*57.00Wn.MiNfiTox Maukkt, Feb. 27th.—Flour

per bitrrel, $8 0B(W 8 *25, Wheat, per bushel,1 70, Corn, 83 : Com meal, per bushel, 00;

Oats, 35(0 40; (TovcrsCed ]er bushel, $7 00Timothy Seed, S'J 75

Baltimore Market. —White Wheat, $1 05(n 2 00; Bod Wheat, $1 75; Corn, white,006(02 cents; Yellow, 85086 centsbushel ; Oats—Maryland, 420 16 cents;and 72@76 cents for Pennsylvania.

Hat and Straw.—We quote good to primebaled Timothy at 22a528; loose do. at 21a522 ; Clover, loose, $lO ; Rye Straw, loose,16 50 asl7, and Wheat and Oat do, at §ll

per ton.


WK would call attention to the celebra-ted Giitta-Percha Blacking for Boots,

Siloes, Harness and Carriage Tops, for saleby JOHN I’KRKINS, JK.,

July 2‘5, 1862. Klkton, Md.

FOR RENT.AFTER the 26th day of March, next, the

House occupied by Capf. Faelilz.Also, thoHinck House in Bow street, at

present occnjded by Mr. Carroll.Jan. 10, ’O3- JOHN C. GKOOME.


TRUSTEE’S SALE.BV virtue of a Decree of the Circuit Court

for Cecil county, in chancery, the undur-signed Trustee, will offer at Public Sale, atthe Hotel of J. J. Smith, Esq., in Port De-posit, Cecil county, Maryland, on

MOMU V, the D:h day of M.iHCH, next ,

at 1 o’clock I*. m., all that REAL ESTATE,in Cecil county, aforesaid, of which Alex-ander Brown died seized.

This property adjoins the Brickly Millproperly, and is about l£ miles fro.n theBattle Swamp Tavern, and about milesfrom Port Deposit, and is convenient tochurches, schools, stores, &c., ike.

It contains

51 Acres, 3 Roods & 13 Perches,More or less, of VALUABLE LAND, andwill be sold clear of the Dower interest ofMrs. Brown.

The improvement? on thisproperty consist of a coniforta- • ¦ J Able DWELLING HOUSE, twostories high, with a Wellgood Water at the door, and a Spring closeby; a Wagon House and Granary ; a Barn,about 30 x 40 feet, in excellent repair, withcellar Stable. Also, a line Orchard ol’ choiceFruits.

lEKMS OF SALE.—One-third of thepurchase money to be paid in Cash on theday of sale ; one-third at the end of ninemonths, and tlie remaining third tit the end*of eighteen months from tlie day of sale.—The credit payments to bear interest fromthe day of sale, and to be secured by theBond of the purchaser, with approved secur-ity. JOHN A. J. CUES WELL,

Klkton, Feb 14, 186‘J—ts Trustee.

TRUSTEE’S SALEBY virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court

for Cecil county, in Chancery, the un-dersigned, as Trustee, will offer at PublicSale, at tlie Court House door, in Elkton, on

TUESDAY, the 17//< day of March, next,at 2 o'clock i*. M., all that

J,OT OF I.AND,in Cecil county, whereof the late AndrewWhite died seized, containing about 15acres. This farm is situated near the Klkton,Andora and Lewisville Plank Road, aboutone mile north of Fair Hill, on the Pennsyl-vania line ; and adjoins the lands of K. T.

¦v J. Richardson, Robert Lynch, JohnPerry and others. It is tolerably wellfenced and all under cultivation. The im-provements are a good sizedand convenient Frame Dwell. jLimg, nearly new, p Frame Barn gvo--1 j!Esand necessary out-building.—There is a Well of good water at the door,and a small Apple Orchard on the premises.

TERMS:—One third of ibe purchasemoney in cash on the day of sale ; one otherthird in six months, and the remaining thirdin Dvelve months front the day of sale—thecredit payments to be secured by the noteof the purchaser with security to the satis-faction of Hie Trustee, and to bear interestfront the day of stile.

AND NOTICE is hereby given to thecreditors of Andrew White, deceased, tolile their claims,* with the proper vouchers,in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Courtfor Cecil county, within three months fromthe day of sale. W. J. JONES,

Elkton, Feb. 21, 1868—ts. Trustee.

FARM FOR SALEFARM is situated about 2J miles

A west of Elkton, Cecil county, Md., be-tween the Blue Bail and Marlcy roads, and ispart of tbeßarm known as “ Glenn DaleThe soil is good ami adapted to grain andgrass, and is easily improved. It has a nevertailing stream of water running through it,and is well fenced. It contains Acres,25 acres of which is Woodland. It wouldmake a good Dairy or Grazing farm. Theimprovements are a Frame Dwelling House,

nearly new, 22 feet square, two and a ball.stories high, with a good cellar, and Kitchenattached, 20 by 16 feet, with a well of goodwater near (be door. The location is healthy,and the title is indisputable. This propertywill be sold low, and on easy terms. Forfurther particulars applv to

PETER K. WRIGHT,Jan 21, 1868. on tlie premises.

PUBLIC SAFE.VS/“ILL be offered at Public Sale, on thei t premises, onSATURDAY, the 21 at day of March , 1868,

A DWELLING HOUSEand 2 Building Lots, at Rock JjwJ{{[ARun, Port Deposit, Md. Thelocation is healthy and retiredand in man'* respects desirable.

Terms made known at sale, by(). P. KILLINGS WORTH.

Feb 14, 1868-ts.


JOB PRINTING< >l‘Evei’.i- JYewcWption


THE CECIL WHIG OFFICE,111 tlie UcKt Style of Uic Art,


Greatest Possible Dispatch.¦ - -

--••- ?— —.

Having made large accessions to our Office

in the way of •



CARDS, &0.ami having in onr employ good workmen, we

are better prepared to servo our patrons and

the public.

Colored I^rintiiig’-


Business and Professional Cards,

Hand-Bills, Bill-Heads,

Circulars, Labels,

Funeral Notices,

Catalogues, Legal Blanks,

Wedding and Visiting Cards,and in fact every description ol work, as lowas it can be done elsewhere.

Cull u( or send your orders to

The Cecil Will)? Office, Elkton.Prices moderate, and work executed with

tlie neatest accuracy and punctuality.

I* W. STAPLES, Agent for Grover IcLi* linker’*Hewing Machine. —Parties In want vf kl ife

Machine will please forward their olden. Il sell*them at manufacturer's price/. IDec 2U.

NOTICES.Notice to trcdKoiN.

THIS is to give notice, that the subscri-bers, of Cecil county, have obtained Irom

the Orphans’Court of said county, letters olAdministration on the personal estate ofJonathan Nesbitt, late of said county, de-ceased. All persons having claims againstthe said deceased, are hereby warned toexhibit the same, with the vouchers thereofduly authenticated, on or before the 28rdday of January, I8G4; they may otherwiseby law, be excluded from all benefit of saidestate. All persons indebted to said estateare leqnested to make immediate paymentto the subscribers. Given under our baudsthis 11th day of February, IBG3,


Administrators C. T. A., of J. Neshiit, dc’ciiTest— James McCalley, Keg.

Feb 14, 1803—Gw

Notice to Creditors.rpiIIS is to give notice, that the suhscii-i. her, of Cecil county, hath obtained from

the Orphans’ Court of said county, lettersTestamentary on the personal estate ofWilliam Kirk, (Clothier,) late of said county,deceased, Allpersons having claims againstthe said deceased, are hereby warned toexhibit the same, with the vouchers thereofduly authenticated, on or before the llthday ol' February, 1801; they may otherwiseby law, he excluded from all henelit of saidestate. All persons indebted to said estateare requested to make immediate paymentto the subscriber. Given under my handt!*is 14th day of February, isu.l.

REUBEN KIRK,Executor of William Kirk, dec’d.

Test— James JlcC alley, Keg.Feb 14, 1858—Ow

Notice to Creditors.

THIS is to give notice, that the subscri-bers, of Cecil county, have obtained from

the Orphans’ Court of said county, lettersTestamentary on the personal estate ofHenry M. Mcfntire, late of said county, de-ceased. All persons having claims againstthe said deceased, are hereby warned toexhibit the same, with the vouchers thereofduly authenticated, on or before the 10thday of February, 18G4 ; they may otherwiseby law, be excluded from all benefit of saidestate. All persons indebted to said estateare requested to make immediate paymentto th*' subscribers. Given under our handsthis 14th day of February, 18G.3.


Executors ofHenry M. Mclntiro, dec’d.Test— James McCalley, Keg.

Feb 14, JBo3—Gw

Notice (o I'l’CMlitor*.rnHIS is to give notice, that the subscriber,iof.Cecil county, hath obtained from the

Orphans’ Court of said county, letters ofAdministration on the personal estate ofAnn Taylor, late of said county, deceased.All persons having claims against the saiddeceased, are hereby warned to exhibit thesUi*e, with the vouchers thereof duly authen-ticated, on or before tin- sth day of February,18<J4 ; the} may otherwise by law, be exclu-ded from all benefit of said estate. All per-sons indebted to said estate are requested tomake immediate payment to the subscriber.Given under my hand this llth day ofFebruary, 1803.

SALLIE J. TAYLOR,Administratrix of Ann Taylor, dec’d;

Test— James McCalley, Keg,Feb 14, 18G8—Gw

Ketice to Gi editor*.rPHIS is to give notice, that the subscriber,I. of Cecil county, hath obtained from theOrphans* Court of said county, letters olAdministration on the personal estate, ofStephen House, late of said county, de-ceased. All persons having claims againstthe said deceased, are hereby warned toexhibit the same, with the vouchers thereofduly authenticated, on or before the 10thday ot February, 18G4 ; they may otherwiseby law, be excluded from all benefit of saidestate. All persons indebted to said estateare requested to make immediate paymentto the subscriber. Given under my handthis llth dav of Ft hrnarv, 1808.

BARCLAY REYNOLDS,Administrator of Stephen House, dec’d.

Test— James McCalley, Keg.Feb 14, 1803—Gw

HOAD XOTKE.IVTOTICE is hereby given, that .application

J_ 1 will be made to the County Commis-sioners of Cecil county, at their first regularmeeting after the 10th day of March, next,lor the appointment of Examiners to viewand determine the propriety of locating a

public road to commence at Scott's mills, onthe Big Elk creek, and to run nearly withsaid crock through lands of David Scott (of.Ino.), Franklin I’hitt,Parke, Smith & Co.,Jacob Market*, Levi G. Smith, Heirs ofSamuel Bundle, James L. Foard, DanielLord, Win. Bowen, Thomas McNeil andothers, to the Klkton and Turkeytown roadwhere it is crossed by the canal feeder.

Also, to vacate a part of the road throughlands of the Hiors of Samuel Buniitu andothers, passing Jacob Markee’s mill, and tolay out in ils stead a new road by the mostpracticable route, through lands of Heirs ofSamuel Burinte, Levi G. Smith or JacobMarkee, to the above-mentioned new roadalong Big Eik creek. [Feb 7, 18G8—5w.

XOTItG.In Circuit Court for

Reeder Cecil county. Invs. f Chancery. Febru-

Goodnow, ct al. J ary IGlIi, 18G8.

ORDERED, That the sale made and re-potted by W. J. Jones, Trustee for the

sale of the Heal Estate of Samuel Goodnow,deceased, be ratified and confirmed, unlesscause to the contrary be shown oh or beforethe twenty fourth day of April next ; pro-vided a copy of this order hi* published insome newspaper printed at Klkton, once aweek for one month before Hie twenty-thirdday of March next.

The Report stales the amount of sale tobe $1,150. W. 11. RICKETTS,

True copy; test, Clerk.W.ll. RICKETTS,

Feb. 21,1803—1 m. Clerk.


OWING to tho enormous premium snd tax onGold, I am compelled to raise my prices 60

per cent on all operations where the metal is used,except when paid for in gold, when the usual rateswill bo charged. Persons wearing badly adjustedsets of Teeth, mounted on Hold plate, will find itto their advantage to have such cases exchangedfor those mounted on VULCANIZED GUTXAPEKCiiA. Call at my Office and examine speci-mens am paying, in the way of exchange,£1 00 for what was formerly 60 cents worth ofgold. DU. U. J. BING.

Klkton, Jan 24, 1853. Dentist.

NOTICE.f Arm of Cantwell & Crouch was dis-

{) solved by mutual consent, on the 20thinst. Allpersons indebted to the same arerequested to call at once on Thomas C.Crouch and settle their accounts.


Elkton, Jan 21, 1868—tf

Notice (o Former Collectors.

Collectors of laui and prior years,whose accounts remain unsettled al this

date, are hereby notified to meet the County

Commissioners, at their oflice, on Tuesday,March 24th next, prepared for settlement olall balance due the county, otherwise legalprocess will he commenced.

By order, J. 8. CRAWFORD,Feb. 21, 1863—tm. Clerk.

Kolicc to Collectors of WG2

THE County Commissioners will meet attheir ollice, in Elkton, on Tuesday,

March 10th next, to receive the Insolventlists of Collectors ol 1802, alter which meet-ing no allowance for Insolvencies of 18C2 willbe made, except on orders of the Commis-sioners for release of taxes.

By order, J. S. CRAWFORD,Fob. 21. 1803—tm. Clerk.


Government Claim Ollice,AG. 70 IF. FAYETTE STREET ,


SOf.DIERS" nnd SEAMENS’ Claimhfb’r Bounty,Pk.nsioxs, Pay. Phizk Money, mid all other

just claims agaimt tho United States promptlyrecovered. Especial attention will be given toClaims of Widows and Heirs of Deceased Soldierswho have Araears of Pay, Allowances and Bountydue them.

Win. 15. HILL,70 W. FAYETTE ST., (near St. Paul a St..)

BALTIMORE, MD.Fkkkukncks : Hon. A. W. Bradford. Governor

of Md.; lion. Reverdy Johnson : Hon. C L. L.Leary; Hon. E. 11 Webster ; Brig. Gen. John K.Kenly ; Col. X. T. Dushnne ; Col. Von Keilru.msegge ; Col. W. L. Schley; Col. B. L. Beal. (11.S. Mustering Officer); Col. Geo. U. Howard andArchibald Stirling. Esq.

N. B. —All letters asking information mustenclose stamp for return postage.

Dec 27, lSi2—ly.

Dr. James M. Cl ement, 111. D„DENTIST,

CIRADUATE of the University of PennsylvaniaX and Graduate Of the Pennsylvania College of

Dental Surgery.oflice—At ins residence NEAR LOMBARD-

VJLLK half-way between Lewisville and theBrick Meeting House, Cecil county. Md., andready to perform all operations in tho DentalProfession, in a neat, delicate and durable man-ner. inserted in tho latest style, andwarranted to give satisfaction.

Teeth extracted without pain..IAS M. CLEMENT, M. D. D. D. S.

Oct 11. 1852—1 y

fm DENTISTRY.riIHE undersigned devotes himself to theX practice of DENTISTRY, and to the

Medical and Surgical Treatment of allDiseases ol the Mouth. He will remain atthe Library Rooms, Pout Deposit, Md.,from the Ist to the 14th of every monthDuring which time he tenders to the citizenshis Professional Services.

dr. wm. s. McDowell,Late of No. 72 N. Charles St., Baltimore.

Port Deposit, Dec 0, 18G2—8ta.




Having associated ourselves for tho practice ofour profession, wc will attend carefully nnd

promptly to all business placed in onr hands. Wewill practice in the Court* of Cecil. Kent and Har-ford. and tho Court of Appeals. Oflice on NORTHSTREET, opposite tho Jail. |Dca. 3,-tf.

jas. t. McCullough,

Attorney at Law , and Solicitor in Chancery

OFFICE removed to the Brick Building,on Main Street, nearly opposite the

Fountain Hotel. [June U, 18G0—Gin.


OFFERS bis professional services to the|(iihlie. He may be found at the office of

Ids father, John C. Groomo, Esq.,ELUIOX, mu.

Jun 1, 1802—tf


ELKTON, MD.OFFICE—First story of The Cecil Whig

Building. [Mar 1, 1802

DK. CHARLES M. ELLISOFFERS his Professional Services to the

jiniilie. Otlice on Bow Street, adjoin-ing tile residence of Francis A. Ellis, Esq.

Feb 7, 1800--tf.


THE undersigned having been elected tothe ollice of CONSTABLE in the Second

Election District of Cecil county, Md., offershis sen ices to tho Public in that capacity.Prompt attention will ho given to the

COLLECTION OF CLAIMS,and all other business entrusted to him.

N. ALEXANDER COLMARY,Post Ollice, Chesapeake City.

Dec 11, 1858—tf.


rpllE STATED MEETINGS of the Or-I phans’ Court of Cecil county will he

Itold ou the Second TUESDAY in everymonth. Executors. Administrators andGuardians, wanting tboir accounts statedwill please bring in the vouchers a few daysueforo Court. JAMES MeCAULEY,

July 17, 1858. Register.


ratios celebrated .Horse needs no recom-J| inundation in the neighborhoods where

he has been in service. For the informa-tion of those who are unacquainted withMAZEI’I’A,Hie following sketch of hisPedigree is given: This Horse is a brighthay, 1(1 hands high. Maseppa’s sire wasimported Priam, from the celebrated run-ning stock Enelins, the best running horsein England, and his dam a full-bred Ken-tucky Mare. For beauty, strength andaction MAEEPPA is unsurpassed. He is aNo. 1 roadster, and at the Agricultural Fairheld in Lancaster, in June, ’oil, MAZEPPAwas awarded tlielirst premium.

He lias stood at the Gap and at ChestnutLevel, in Lancaster county. Pa., formerly,and at various places in Cecil comity, Md.,while owned by Black & Bro., never failingto make larger seasons than any of his com-petitors.

Tlie present owner’s time being so occu-pied that lie is prevented from giving thatattention which a horse of Mazeppa’s qualitydemands, is the primary reason lor offeringhim at public sale.

For further information apply at the ofliceof The Cedi Whig, Elkton, Md.

Nov 2‘J, 1802—If.



: THE MISSES CRAWFORD, S| Fashionable• Dress and Mantilla Makers,’* Aiaiu Street, Elktoo, Md., *

• Second door above Church Street, *

J C7"Gcneral sculptress work done on J• liberal terms, and the patronage of the J• Ladies ofElkton and vicinity respect-J• fully solicited. [May 8, 1862. •




CAANTWELL A CROUCH having dessolvodJ Pertnorßhip. the Tin, 81ovo and Fonndry

business will bo continued at tbo old stand corner

of Main and bridge streets, by tbo undersigned,who is proposed to furnish Stoves, Tin-ware. Plowand Plow Castings and job work, at low prices.

Jan. 2-1. 1883. JOS. P. CANTWELL


A YOUNG MAN who understands theDry Goods and Grocery business in tlio

country. Apply in person toT. DRENNEN.

Klkton, Jau 21, 1868

CHILAP GROCERIES. —brown Sugars, WhiteJ Sugars. Rye Coffee Rio Coffee. N. 0. Mo-

lasses and Syrup, at tho lowest cash prices.Jan 81. E. BROWN, JH.



Fur sale by E, IV. STAPLES.

Health, Lore, Courtship andMarriage.


USING TilK VITAL KXIIILAUATOUinmanes Loroaii'l Harmony Lrtrvcon tin* Jv-xcs.It in a SrKK C’i kk of Sexual Itisnliilityami Di.**<*afJ

Liver, mid all .Nervous Iteraiigeiix ntM.It is ft*fe to Keiuvigorate the \\ tide System.It aits like Magic ii|M)iithe Sick and Kedile.It Makes Wrinkled Skin. Smooth. Kirin and Hard.It Makes Faded, (Imy Hair. Kith. IHa. k and lleantifulIt Makes the Human Kyes hrilliantlike Diamonds.It Makes old people to hik & Keel VoUllg A Vigorous.It greatly Extends the Period of Human LhV.It is a Siildime Invigorator for the Sexual Organs.It greatly Enlarges thv Itreast. when too Small A Soft.It prepares you for Love, Courtship and Marring.It Enables you to have Vigorous, Healthy Children.It Makes Love of tlie Sexes Permanent and Per|M*tuai.It Makes Marriage abundantly Satisfactory to each

other.It Permanently Cures Every Disease, so as not to returnWhat is yonr Complaint ? Is your Liver diseased ? .If

so, this Kxiiilarant will cure you. Are you Dyspeptic?feeble in body, depressed in mind, nervous, irritable, fullof misgivings and gloomy anticipations, tormented bypains ami aches which no ordinary medicines will reachor allay? What you want is Invigoratioii. Naturerequires to he reinforced. Your physical jsiwors areTorpid, and disease having no antagonist to contend w ith,is gradually Sapping and Undermilting the Very Found'dation of Voiir Life. Unless yon can revive the Ex-hausted Energies of your System, you cun not he cured.MyKXHILAUANT arrests the decay of the animalforces: it I.rings up the constitution from tlfe lowestpoint of depression to tin- Full Vigor of Health. ItImpregnates tin* lllood with New Vitality. It Jtegulatesthe Liver. It Strengthens the Stomach! It gives Finn:ness to the Nerves. It puts the Entire System in goodworking order. The Aor.n should he certain to have niyLIFE and VITAL E.\ 111 LA KANTon Hand, inasmuchns it will make tin in youthful in feeling and in strength,and Enable them to live over again the days of theirpristine joy.

It will Permanently increase the Size and Dimensionsof any part of the hninaii body w here there are no bonesto any extynt desired, and especially in all cases wherethere is a 1) nciency by Nature, or where reduced fromSickness r Self-Pollution. All Women win. have Soft.Khe cid and Feeble or Unreasonably Small Breast, it willIpiickU Enlarge them Into Fullness. Plumpness. Firmnessand Hardness, as well as great Symmetry of Proportion,and of Exceeding Loveliness and Beauty.

It not only Invigorates, hut Strengthens, and Is foullyan Invaluable Blessing, especially to those who Imreh'vn Iteduced to u condition of Servility l.y Self-Abuse,Misfortune or Ordinary Sickness. No matter what thecause of the Impotencyof any human organ, this superbExhilarant will remove the Effect at Once and Forever.Take it, and I guarantee to you a now lease of life, andthe capacity to enjoy it. ‘ !¦ not the experiment worththe trial? Life and Death arc often in the balance.—Choose between them.

It is put up in s‘l Packages, or Two Packages for fft,with Knl! Instructions.ami Warranted. It is sent underDoulde Seal te all parts of the World. Post paid. TheMoney and 16 Three cent Stamps must Accompany allorders. Address Dr. E. Andrew*. Albany. N. V., and thisremarkable and unapproachable Preparation w ill reachyou \t mv uisK.and by Bctnrn of Mail, and Soon Restoreyen to Youthful Vigor, Manhood and WoinanlnNMl again.

Dr. K. Andrews also Cures all -oris of Diseases so thatthey will nevermore return, by the use of Now, Pleas-ant and Delight fid Remedies. NOCIIARCE till Patientsare Cured, except for the Remedies used.

Direct all Letters thus: Dr. E. Andrews, Albany, N.V. All cutes warranted. I solrit the worst cases.

P. S.—All letters w ith 4 stamps promptly replied to.AND A BOOK SENT. [Jan 10,1866—6 m.




J ADIES’ DRESS GOODS. Black and FancyJ Dress Silks. All-Wool Delaines, New Spring

Delaines, Traveling Dress bloods.— Black andFancy Stella Shawls, Black Thibet Shawls, TableDamask bleached and yellow. Cloth Table Covers.Napkins Table, Flannels white and rod, Flannelsfancy colors.—Muslins, Domestic Plaids. ShirtingStripes and Checks, Cotton.vdes for LVnts.—BlackCloths and Cassimeres. Gashuiarvtts, Tweeds,Jeans. Plaids for Boys’ Wear.

NEW GROCERIES. —Uio and Song Coffee,Sugars, refined, crushed and brown. Syrups uudMolasses. Crackers, Rico, Starch. Soda

NEW STOCK BOOTS AND SHOES.—Ladies’Black Heeled Gaiters, Ladies 1 Balmoral Boots,Ladies’ Moroeco Boots. Misses’ Boots. Children’sShoes. The largest slock of Boots and Shoes keptin Cecil county.

QUEENS WARE —Tea Sets, 46 prs complete.Chamber sets complete. Cups and Saucers, stonechina. Plates, breakfast and dinner, white stone ,Goblets, Wine Glasses, Tumblers, Slg.

HARDWARE.—ShoveIs, Forks. Spades. Knivesand Forks. Spoons, table and ten, Carving Knives,Nails. Tucks. Beatty’s host Axes, warranted.

WOODEN WARE—Baskets, Buckets, Tubs,Brooms. Butter Bowls, Prints, Twiuo, Ropes, ic.

Feb 21, 1563.

Cotton tioodMj Very Chc?ap.DRENNEN has some of the old stock on

L . hand yet. which is being sold at prices thatwill defy competition. They will ho sold at thesa me fora few days longer, notwithstanding theyare still on the rise. Consumers should take ndvantage of this and buy now, for by putting it offthey will pay more. Sheetings all widths 10-4,•S-4, 4-1. Pillow cases all widths and qualities. —

In fact everything in the Muslin way always onhand. | Feb 21. 1803.

BLACK MOURNING GOODS —A new stockopening, at T. DRENNEN.

WhiTß Caslimorb and Flannels for Shroudingat T. DRFNNEN’S.

CLOTHING.—Coats, Punts and Vests, largostock, at T. DRENNEN.


RAY CARPET, Ingrain Carpet.Floor Oil Cloth, Stair Oil Cloth.Ginghams. Prints, De Lnincs. Muslim*.Ladies’ Dress Goods, Black Silk.Nubias. Clouds, Trimmings, Notions,Cloths. Cassimeres, Hats, Cups,Men’s Boots and Shoes,Ladies’ Boots and Shoes,Umbrellas, Looking Glasses, CTucks,Groceries, Tobacco, Cigars.Willow and Cedarware, Quccnswaro,Hardware, Cutlery.

For sale very reasonable at the Brick StoreHouse, naarly opposite Joseph Taylor’s Hotel, by

Nov 22, 1862. WM. MCCLELLAND.

171 VERYBODY RUN HERE in the Hollow -

li Sausage Cutters for sale cheap, byNov 22 Wm McClelland.

Cl ENTLEMEN'S and Toadies’ Boots and Shoes,T a large and choice lot, byNov 22 Wm. McClelland.

Aspcndid lot of Carpets and Floor Oil Cloths,in the Hollow, by Wm. McClelland.

A large and well selected stock of Ladies’ FineDress Goods, in tho Hollow, by

Nov 22. Wat. McClelland.

DRIED Currants, Raisins. Dried Apples, in thoHollow, by Wm. McClelland.

NICE Black Silk for Dresses, for sale verycheap, in tho Hollow, by

Nov 22 Wm. McClelland.

Anew lot of Sheppard Plaid Shawls ani Bal-moral Skirts, for sale by

Nov 22 Wm. McClelland.

GIDLING TWIN and Cotton Rope, for sale, intho Hollow, by Wm.jMc Clklla.nd.

Alargo lot of Notions, Trimmings and FancyGoods. Groceries, Hardware, Willow and

Cedarware, Quoensware, Earthenware; everythingyou want. Everybody is running to tho Hollow,to buy of Wm. McClelland.

FURS! FURS I—Just received a lot of Ladies’Furs of tho latest stylo, direct from she manu-

facturer. and will be sold cheap at the store housein the Hollow, by WM. MCCLELLAND.

/"TAPPETS and Floor Oil Cloth. Stair Carpet,Stair Oil Cloth. Carriage Oil Cloth.

For sale in tho Hollow, byDec 2u wm McClelland.

COME ALL YE THAT HUNGER,Ami we will Give you ProOslaßU

Cheap foi* Cash.

HAMS, sugar cured and plain i Shouldersand Sides j Dried Beef and Codfish;

Herring and Mackerel, hy tho barrel andhalf barrel. Cheese and Lard. Smoked

Herring. Also, a now slock ot

GROCERIES.Brown and White Sugar j Coffee and Ton ;

Molasses and Rice, Ac.OyGivo ns a call.Ana 0, 1802. ROSSELL & HINES.

BLACK and GREEN TEAS.s t ilingohop.tJim 31. B. DROWN, JH

PIE Plates and Patties. For sale hyDee M B. W. STAPLW.

BROWN. JR., Invites attention to hisLi. GROCERIES, which he is soiling very

cheap. 1.1 sn 31,1 sft




Arc now prepared to show their usual supply af





Plain Silks, Rich Shades,Black Figured Silks,Plain Black Silks,Plain Poplins, Rich Shades,Figured Poplins and Repps,Fig’d Cashmeres & Merinocs,Medium Price Dress Goods,Blanket and Stella Shawls,Balmoral Skirts,Best Make Hoop Skirts.



Including a fine assortment for Boyp.



A Good Stock of Staple Goods,





Wo intend to sell Goods this Fall as cheap nspossible. Persons in want will do well by calling.The old stand, 306 Market Street.

. JOHN S. KENNARD & BRO.Oct 11, 1862.


IMUr OF ton.AT



Heavy Blue Twill’dFlannels,Heavy Bed Twill’dFlannels,Fine & Medium Grades plain whi'e,

Fine and Medium Grades plain rod,Heavy Canton Flannels,Unbleached Drillings,Colored Drillings,Heavy W ido Muslins,Bleached Muslins AllGrades,

Domestic Ginghams,Mouscline Delaines,

Fine Dress Goods,

Dark and Fast Color Calicoes,

Long and Square Shawls,

Ladies’ Cloaking Cloths,Satinctts AllGrades,Black and Fancy Cassimeres,

Heavy Cloths for Over Coats,Fine French Cloths,

All Wool Table Covers,Cotton Laps,Candle Wick,Boots and Shoos,

Hatts and Caps,Coal Oil Lamps.

All Sold at Less than City Prices.TERMS CASH.

Nov 22, 1803.

e. mom, jk~~ELKTON, MD.

INVITES the attention of Cash buyort to hi#largo stock of

Over Coats, Dress Coats,Cassimere Pawls, Casstmere Vests,

Hoys cunlmo,ANDj

Cloths, Cassimeres and Vesting.


Ladle*’ Cloth Cloak*,water.proof cloth cloaks, tad

CLOAKING CLOTHS,In store and for sale by

Nov 22, 1862. B. BROWN, JR.

siFMiiiTA New Firm with a New Sloofe of

GOODS,At prices far below that which is cammonlrstyled Cheap, arc doing business at the OldEstablishment so long occupied by R. G.Reese, Esq., and would respectfully adcthose of their friends, and tho puidic gener-

ally, visiting Elkton to call and see for them-selves. We wisli to satisfy yon that thoughMis a humbug age we can sell Goods low farCusli, and no humbug. We do not hold outany particular article or articles in our lineus leading ones, hut soil uniformly. All wuask is a call from those in doubt.

McCauley & co..Successors to R. G. Uosso.

April 26, 1803.

FOR SALE.—One of Grover & Baker ’

Miimtfactarinic Mushing suitable fr UU- cl

1 SUwmnker. I< hi“ I'Wfiil water. K H. ST HT.1.,.