Term project presentation

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Term project presentation


Addressing racism in America

Racism in America Racism in America is so deeply

ingrained in our culture and society it is easy to misinterpret hard to recognize.

America was founded on racial ideas from the systematic murder and extermination of Native American Indians which paved the way for land in the south on which African American slaves cultivated cotton for rich whites.

Modern Day Racism Racism doesn’t have to be overt cross

burning lynch mobbing segregation. It can be as subtle as crossing the street to avoid passing someone of a different race, being afraid in an elevator with someone of a different race.

Overt racism in America still exists. Take a look at police murders of unarmed black Americans.

Above the Law? There have been at least 78 cases of

white police officers gunning down and murdering unarmed black citizens in the United States since 1999. Most of the officers in these cases were never indicted for murder and most never received any formal disciplinary action. Are white police officers above the law?

Tamir Rice 12 year old boy, Tamir Rice gunned down

and murdered in a Cleveland park by white male police officers. Tamir’s only crime was being black in a park that day. Below is disturbing footage of Tamir being gunned down and the 911 call. Officers were not indicted for this murder.


Freddie Gray Freddie Gray was arrested by Baltimore

police in 2015. When he entered the police transport van he was alive, walking, and coherent. When the door opens again Freddie Gray had suffered from a spinal injury leaving him paralyzed and comatose. Officers were not indicted for this murder.

Michael Brown Michael Brown was an unarmed 18 year

old man who was gunned down by a white police officer over stolen cigarettes. Officer Darren Wilson was never indicted for this murder.

Trayvon Martin Occasionally there citizens who take

justice into their own hands which is the case for Trayvon Martin. Martin was a 17 year old boy gunned down by “concerned citizen” George Zimmerman. Zimmerman wasn’t convicted due to Florida’s “Stand Your Own Ground” Laws.

Rioting After each subsequent murder of an

unarmed black person the cities corresponding with their murders began having peaceful protests. Each protest brought out a police force armed with military gear. Rubber bullets, tear gas, and batons. Police officers brutally assaulted citizens often times black, for exercising amendment rights.

What Can be Done? Racism is almost an American tradition.

Civil Rights Laws amended the Constitution but did not change attitudes, ideas, or behaviors. Opening up a dialogue and admitting to racist behavior is the first step in changing these problems America faces.

Start a Dialogue Click on the link below to see how two

men set aside their differences to have a discussion about racism in America. Two sides disagreed but converged to have a conversation.
