Teeth and Eating

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Teeth and Eating

  • 1. Teeth and eatingBibi Fatimah Mogradia Saira Ul-Haq

2. Insciors Inscors help to cut all our food up. Four insciors are at the top of our teeth. They are at the front ,bottom of our mouth. 3. Healthy food Bad food Bubblegum is not good for you because it has lotsof sugar inside it. 4. Canines Canines are sharp and pointy. Canines are next the Insciors. 5. Molars Molars help us chew. They are at the back of our teeth. 6. Healthy food Vitamins are healthy because they keep you fit and strong. Apples have lots of vitamins in them. 7. Thank you for listening to our presentation on teeth and eating. 8.