SunSeeker Project

Post on 30-Nov-2015

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Transcript of SunSeeker Project

*   SunSeeker Project David Carter's PIC based solar tracker.Carter uses a method that acquires the sun by alternately panning in azimuth then elevation. The PIC reads output current and finds the maximum. This is done without light sensors just the charging current sensor.

The large servos, similar to radio controlled or RC servos, are driven with a pulse width signal.

The ON time defines the angle.The OFF time is not critical and should be from 10mS to 30mS.

ON time of 1.0mS = 0°ON time of 1.5mS = 60°ON time of 2.0mS = 120°

Interesting idea but not really the best way of tracking the sun. Light sensors work much better.


 * "Rich DeMartile" <>

*   has a schematic of a solar tracker and mount based on a pair of CdS photo cells.


 * "Peterthinks" <> has made a solar tracker using RC servos. The system has a tracker based on BEAM technology. The beam circuits powered the RC servos. The tracker used only the power of the sun to move.


 *   The Analog Guy Solar Trackers: ST2-48V5A SINGLE & DUAL AXIS SOLAR TRACKER 56V 5A MAXST2-12V DUAL AXIS SOLAR TRACKER 18V 0.5A MAXOne of my competiters.


Jamesley Dasse's Solar TrackerJamesley made this 2 axis PV solar tracker for a college project. His professor requires that he use a stepper motor drive. I designed a preliminary circuit for him to use. This circuit doesn't have rotation limits yet.


Cadmium Sulfide Relay Tracker Schematic.

CdS1This is about the simplest tracker I know of. It uses a Radio Shack 275-249A relay. Adjust the sensitivity of the CdS cells with a Sharpie permanent marker as described bellow, in the Chace tracker. The picture tells it all.

This tracker is not as accurate as the electronic tracker but quite sufficient for use with PV panels.

While the proof of concept is good it will burn the relay contacts. This is caused by the relays being turned on or off slowly. It melted the plastic case on the relays.


How Limit Switches Operate

Limit switches are essential for servo motor operation with solar trackers. I made this diagram to help explain how they work.

Top. Normal operation between limit switches.Middle. The left limit switch has opened to stop movement to the left. To move to the right again the diode conducts current that allows movement to the right.Bottom. The right limit switch has opened to stop movement to the right. To move to the left again the diode conducts current that allows movement to the left.

Sellect a diode or rectifier rated at the maximum motor current plus some margine. Also the voltage should be at leat 100V and preferably 200V.

Needles to say, the limit switch must operate before the mechanical limits are reached. If the mechanical stop is reached before the switch the motor can draw quite high currents and can destroy the solar tracker.


LED1 LED Sensor Relay Tracker Schematic.

LED1I have been looking for truly low cost and yet accurate conventional solar trackers. The CdS tracker is pretty good but lacks accuracy and sensitivity. I was thinking about using PV cells as the sensor. I was experimenting with LEDs and noticed they generate voltage in sunlight.

Bingo! This got me to thinking.

They generate quite a bit of voltage. The green ones generate about 1.65V, some as much a 1.74V. Not the piddley .55 volts of a silicon PV cell. How is this so? Well, it turns out green LEDs are made from Gallium Phosphide, a semiconductor with a much higher bandgap voltage.

I thought I had invented the use of LEDs as PV cells as I had never heard of this effect before. Well, after some investigating I found a number of references to this. The guys that had done the most work in this area were the people form the "BEAM" project. They make tiny solar powered robots and some used LED photo sensors.

I had been using a very low threshold MOSFET in a TO-92 package, BS107PT. The threshold is about 1.5V. If I put two LEDs back to back, one fighting the other, the one with more light intensity wins. I thought I could use this to switch the MOSFET. And it worked.

By using one LED as a sort of power supply and the back to back pair connected from it to the MOSFET gate the circuit is complete. (This I have not seen elsewhere.) My implementation uses three power supply LEDs, aimed East, Up, and West. The sensor LEDs are aimed about 90°s from each other and at about 45°s either side of up. Of course the easterly pair will be a little to the East and the westerly pair a little to the West. This makes the center have a dead zone where tracking stops.

The circuit is quite sensitive. It brings the panel back to the East just after sun rise. The accuracy is quite good. You can calibrate the sensor by bending or aiming the LEDs a bit.

While the proof of concept is good it will burn the relay contacts, similar to that on the Cadmium Sulfide tracker. This is caused by the relays being turned on or off slowly. It melted the plastic case on the relays.


LED2 LED Sensor Relay Tracker Schematic.

LED2Circuit 1 tends to chatter the relays under certain lighting conditions as there is no built in hysteresis. This version uses a Schmitt trigger hex inverter circuit to eliminate the chatter. It works better but is more complex.

Note! R4 and R5 are used to force parking when it gets dark. If parking is not desired don't use R4 and R5. Parking may not be desired in low power consumption applications.Also, the parking resistors, R4 and R5, reduce sensitivity a bit.


LED5S5V Simplified LED low power tracker.

LED5S5VI was looking for a much lower cost tracker for low power applications. One of these applications is a small lighting heliostat. This circuit uses small switching transistors. The maximum motor drive current is limited to about 250mA maximum at 5V.

I've tested the circuit on voltages from 3V to 21V. With some component changes it should be useful to 63V in a 36V PV panel system although I haven't tried this yet. With higher voltage and the use of heat sinks on the bridge transistors much higher currents should be possible.

The parts cost is very low. Parts cost estimated using Digikey prices. Ok, you can get stuff from the surplus stores but I will stick with Digikey.

1. 2N2222A NPN transistor 4 @ $0.21 = $0.842. 2N2907A PNP transistor 4 @ $0.21 = $0.843. 91 Ω 1/2 W resistor 2 @ $0.06 = $0.124. 5 KΩ 1/4 W resistor 2 @ $0.06 = $0.125. 22 nF capacitor 1 @ $0.08 = $0.086. LED Green Lumex SSL-LX5093LGT 2 @ $0.12 = $0.24 Total = $2.24

$2.24, is this cheap enough?


LED5S12V Simplified LED low power tracker.


This circuit uses small switching transistors. The maximum motor drive current is limited to about 100mA maximum at 12V.

1. 2N2222A NPN transistor 4 @ $0.21 = $0.842. 2N2907A PNP transistor 4 @ $0.21 = $0.843. 750 Ω 1/2 W resistor 2 @ $0.06 = $0.124. 47 KΩ 1/4 W resistor 2 @ $0.06 = $0.125. 100 KΩ 1/4 W resistor 2 @ $0.06 = $0.126. 22 nF capacitor 1 @ $0.08 = $0.087. LED Green Lumex SSL-LX5093LGT 2 @ $0.12 = $0.24 Total = $2.36


  LED5 Connections


I have the LED5 series trackers for sale.Yes, I know, not everyone wants to build these from scratch so I made a PC board for the LED5 series.

The single axis board is a bit less than 1/2" x 1" and the dual axis is a bit less than 1" x 1".


 LED5S5V 5 Volt Single Axis Low Power Tracker including shipping using PayPal.

$26us total.paypalled5d5v

 LED5D5V 5 Volt Dual Axis Low Power Tracker including shipping using PayPal.

$48us total.paypalled5s12v

 LED5S12V 12 Volt Single Axis Low Power Tracker including shipping using PayPal.

$26us total.paypalled5d12v

 LED5D12V 12 Volt Dual Axis Low Power Tracker including shipping using PayPal.

$48us total.


LED5S12V Modified for use with a PLC.

LED5S24VPLCDNThe schematic is for the "Pull Down" variant.

This version of the basic LED5 can be used as a sensor input to a PLC, Programmable Logic Controller. The output is an "Open Collector" NPN transistor and assumes the PLC has the associated "Pull Up" resistors.

The actual voltage range is from 4V to 28V. (I can make higher voltage variants also.)

I can also make 24V LED5 trackers with totem pole outputs which have both pull up and pull down transistors. Essentially the same as the standard trackers but with limited drive capabilities.

This circuit does not have a parking function. Parking and Reverse Inhibit functions are best performed in the software of the PLC using timming functions.

Note! If you want, a 5.1KΩ 1/8W passive load resister can be added if requested.


 LED5S24VPLCDN Single Axis Sensor for PLCs with PULL DOWN Transistors including shipping using PayPal.

$26us total.paypalled5s24vplcdn5k

 LED5S24VPLCDN Single Axis Sensor for PLCs with PULL DOWN Transistors & 5k passive pullup resistors including shipping using

PayPal.$26us total.paypalled5d24vplcdn

 LED5S24VPLCDN Dual Axis Sensor for PLCs with PULL DOWN Transistors including shipping using PayPal.

$48us total.

Some applications need "Pull Up" transistor outputs. This is done by using PNP transistors in the output.


 LED5S24VPLCUP Single Axis Sensor for PLCs with PULL UP Transistors including shipping using PayPal.

$26us total.paypalled5d24vplcup

 LED5S24VPLCUP Dual Axis Sensor for PLCs with PULL UP Transistors including shipping using PayPal.

$48us total.


Another Sensor for use with a PLC.ledblueplc1 ledblueplc1a







These sensors work nicely with a PLC input. Either you use the pullup resistor or use the pullup resistors in the PLC.

In the first sensor I used a VN10LP MOSFET which needs a bit more voltage to turn on than can be obtained with just one BLUE LED. A GREEN LED is used to bias the voltage upward about 1.7V or so.

The second sensor uses a ZVNL120A MOSFET which has a bit lower gate threshold voltage of 1.5Vth and can operate using only one BLUE LED.

The first & second sensors have a single ended output.The output is analog in nature varying from VDD to 0V.This circuit can be used with very low current motors for solar cooker applications.

The third sensor has differential outputs. This output is either West, East, or in the dead band zone where both outputs are high.The output is analog in nature varying from VDD to 0V.

Note! The diodes should be types that have a very small but not zero leakage current. In this case I used 1N4148 generic silicon diodes. Don't use low leakage current diodes. If the leakage current is too low residual circuit board leakage currents from VDD can cause the voltage on the gates to float up causing both MOSFETs to turn on. Make sure the PC board is very clean or the encapsulating epoxy is clean and has no

conductive characteristics. Normal silicone RTVs are not suitable for use here. OK, Dow does make RTVs that work here but these are not readily available and are expensive.


  Grainger 2L003 Gear Motor  This is a 12VDC gear motor from Grainger's.This controller works well with the 2L003.

This motor is an off the shelf motor from Grainger's. Stock number 2L003. It's rated for .45 RPM at 50 In Lbs. The motor current is less than 100mA at 12V and about 50mA at 5V.


  Tamiya has a number of Model Gear boxes. The motors supplied are rated for about 3V. They draw a bit to much current for the 2N2222A-2N2907A driver transistors.


LED5Stewart Lamble built this version.He subistuted BD135 (NPN) and BD136 (PNP) transistors.


SE Solar Tracker Consumes Ultra Low Power

LEDSEI needed a special solar tracker that would consume very low pow from a very small PV panel yet be capable of delivering quite high currents to a motor load.

I apologize for not presenting this unusual and innovative solar tracker circuit before. It was designed in about 2004 and a PC board was made. As with other trackers I've made the dual axis version was done on a 1" square PC board. This board can be cut

in half for a single axis version that is 1"x.5". While I have a bunch of these boards the circuit is very time consuming to assemble so this tiny tracker on the tiny PC board is not cost effective to build or for me to sell.

I'm a member of a "Beam" robotics group who do similar things with Solar Engines, or "SE", circuits. This particular SE type is based on the venerable MN1381 Voltage Monitor chip.Click here to see a description of how they work..

My version used an older version of the MN1381 the MN1281 but it works the same. The MN1281 has a bit higher leakage current though. The exact part# of mine is "MN1280-L" in an unusual "M" package and has a CMOS output. I have the "L" version which triggers at 3.0V to 3.3V and has a hysteresis of 100mV to 300mV. This cool circuit can consume currents as low as 50µA, or lower, which charges accumulator capacitor C5. When the MN1381 fires it couples a voltage increase to the MOSFET gates through the caps C1 & C2.

A voltage difference in the two caps is caused by the sensor LEDs, however there is not enough voltage to turn on the MOSFETs. The pulse from the MN1381 IS high enough though. One of the MOSFETs will turn on harder and win causing the motor to move and discharge the accumulator capacitor. If the light is balanced both sides will fire, the motor will not move, and discharges the accumulator capacitor.


LEDAC a Very Simple Solar Tracker Powered by an AC Power Source

LEDAC1 This circuit, if powered by a low voltage AC power source, can drive a reversible permanent magnet DC motor. Basically the motor, tracker, and the AC source are connected in series in any order. As far as I can tell this is got to be the simplest conventional solar tracker that can follow the Sun in both directions and do it accurately. It has only 6 parts, 2 MOSFETs, 2 diodes, and 2 BLUE LEDs.

True, solar cooker solar trackers can have fewer parts, as low as 3 parts, but these only track in one direction to the West.


The LEDAC1 is directly related to MOSFET based Solid State Relays or SSRs.Unlike these SSRs, which turn on or off the MOSFET switches simultaneously,this tracker operates them differentially. Essentially rectifying the AC sourcefor a pulsed half wave current output of either polarity depending on whichMOSFET is on.

These MOSFET based SSRs can benefit from the use of BLUE LEDs andlow Vth MOSFETs. You could set them up to turn the MOSFETs onsimultaneously in the conventional way or operate them individually.

Or just optically isolate a single MOSFET.

Note! These circuits depend on the reverse body diode inherent in MOSFETs. That's the arrow in the MOSFET symbol. Essentially, this allows conduction from the source to the drain in the opposite direction to the normal flow through the MOSFET.

This LEDAC1 circuit depends on a very low gate threshold voltage MOSFET. In this case the ZVNL120A MOSFET, 1.35Vth. Yes, this transistor operates correctly in the circuit but the motor needs to be very small, maybe less than 25mA or so. What is need is a power MOSFET with similar or lower Vth.

Clearly the IRF3708 1.67Vth, RFP30N06LE 1.75Vth, and IRLZ44N 1.76Vth are the best power transistors with IRLI2203N 2.01Vth a close forth.


Solar Cooker Solar Trackersledcooker1 ledcooker2

LEDCooker2With 10mm LEDs& IRLZ44N

LEDCooker2AWith 5mm LEDs& IRLI2203N MOSFET IRLI2203N

Ron  vs. V gs





This is an example made by Small Power System.

Solar cookers usually don't require a tracker that moves in both in directions. The person operating the cooker simply resets the cooker to the East when loading the food. The tracker then drives to the West stopping when aimed at the Sun.

The great simplification to these designs is the elimination of the H-bridge in the output circuit. These only need a single MOSFET transistor to drive the motor. Cool huh!!!

LEDCooker1 was designed several years ago, mayby 10 years or so, using the IRLZ44N logic level MOSFET, $1.67 55V 47A 22mΩ 1.76Vth. Basically designed before cheap BLUELEDs were available. I had experimented with the BLUE ones but abandoned the project because the circuit seemed too expensive for solar cookers, especially for 3rd world country applications.

I just revisited these designs as a request from one of my customers. LEDCooker2 satisfies my requirement for low parts cost at about $3us. Can I improve this further?

Instead of the 10mm Lumex LEDs I usually use, which are more expensive, I changed to 5mm types and the newer IRLI2203N MOSFET, $1.70 30V 61A 7mΩ 2.01Vth. Even better, its in a TO-220 Fullpack package, which means the heatsink tab is insulated. The hole in the MOSFET can be used for mounting to the cooker, or a heatsink for driving larger motors, without regards to electrical connections and shorts. I.e. the whole circuit is floating.

OK, for the absolute lowest cost one can use the 3 color version. I probably would choose to use BLUE for all three LEDs because of the greater bias voltage for more safety margin especially in high ambient temperature locations.

I like the CREE high brightness 20mA LEDs.

Look for the "CN" 30° no stand off types. These have water clear cases.

An even lower cost and parts count solar cooker tracker can be made with a TO-92 package ZVNL120A MOSFET, $0.78 200V 180mA 10Ω 1.35Vth. This circuit requires LED2 to beBLUE and LED1 can be any color even infra red. Both LEDs are required to obtain a balance point. Of course the ZVNL120A would only work with quite small motors. A possibly better use is as a solar sensor.

I should say that a single BLUE LED can be used as an absolute light sensor though.




Before and after encapaulation.And with the power connector.

RFP30N06LERon  vs. V gs

And improved even further, the LEDCooker3 uses the RFP30N06LE MOSFET, $1.09 60V 30A 47mΩ 1.75Vth. I've tested about 100 of these and directly measured

the Vth to be 1.72Vgs @ 5mA. Clearly the 2.25V generated by the BLUE LED can respectably drive this MOSFET. The total parts cost including a connector is $2.31us.Cool Huh!!!


Bidirectional Analog Solar Tracker or Sensor.

LEDBlueN1Bidirectional version of the LEDCooker3When powered from a DC power source, as opposed to the AC power source of the LEDAC, one needs an H-Bridge output. In this case the low side MOSFETs are N channelIRF3708s and the high side uses P channel SPP18P06Ps.

The pair of BLUE LEDs generate a differential voltage applied to the gates. The diodes cause these voltages to always be above ground. If one side is higher than the other oneIRF3708 MOSFET turns on harder and and enables the SPP18P06P MOSFET on the opposite corner to also turn on causing the motor to turn. Of course, if the differential voltage is the other way the motor also turns the other way.

This circuit requires a small bias current be pulled out of the MOSFET gates to compensate for the leakage currents going into the gate from the positive supply which would could cause both MOSFETs to turn on, a bad thing. A pair of resistors could be connect from the gates to the emitters to absorb the approximately 20nA of leakage current. Unfortunately, I can't obtain low cost resistors in the 100MΩ or more range. A better way is to use diodes that have more leakage current than the MOSFET gates.

The 1N4148 universal high speed switching diode has about 20nA of leakage current, more as the temperature goes up. I tested several hundred of these and all worked well in the circuit. The reason normal 10MΩ resistors don't work is they consume more current than can be supplied by the BLUE LEDs. Low leakage diodes such as the BAS416 don't work in this circuit is because their leakage current is to low.



This is a variation that has pull up resistors instead of high side MOSFETs for use as a sensor for PLC or other electronics.It uses a pair of ZVNL120A MOSFETs.Notice this is essentially the same circuit as the LEDAC except with 3 terminals instead of 2.


LEDFAST Acting Analog Solar Tracker.

LEDFASTI needed a special solar tracker that is very fast acting. The action needed to move a

PV panel from lock to lock in a few seconds. It was important that little overshoot occur. This circuit satisfies these requirements.

1. R7/R8 form a voltage divider to produce a voltage of 1/2 of VDD and applied to the non inverting inputs of the OpAmps.

2. The OpAmps are setup to have a gain of 1000X through R3/R1 and R4/R2. Capacitor C1/C2 limit the high frequency response of the circuit to prevent oscillations.

3. The LED sensor circuits need to be high impedance so are isolated from the gain resistors through resistors R5 and R6.

4. I use large 10mm "GREEN" LEDs with clear cases. They are made by Lumex, but all normal LEDs can work. (Don't use the White LEDs as they are not normal types.) The LEDs act as small photo voltaic generators. Since LED1 & LED2 sensors are connected back to back the sensor that has the greater light intensity expresses its voltage over that of the sensor with lessor light intensity. Imbalance in the light on the sensors produces a differential voltage which is amplified and presented to the motor. As the light approaches balance the motor differential voltage approaches zero resulting in no motor current.

5. The LM324 has an output current drive capability of >10mA. Transistor pairs Q1/Q2 & Q3/Q4 form unity voltage gain emitter follower current gain amplifiers. With power transistors that have a gain of 100 the motor drive current can be about 1A or more.

6. VCC can be from about 6V to an absolute maximum of 32V. Other OpAmps can be used for a greater VCC range.

7. Note! Limit switches are required in the motor circuits. See:How Limit Switches Operate.

8. There has to be a down side though. This is a true analog circuit that drives the output transistors in a linear manor therefore power is wasted when slowing the motors. Heat sinks may be required.

9. This circuit is not generally suitable for use with normal high efficiency solar tracking applications. It is best suitable for school projects.


LED3 LED Sensor Electronic Tracker with H-Bridge Drive.

LED3I decided to make a commercial surface mount PC board using the LED2 sensor concept. It is quite sensitive and can track to a few degrees of accuracy in bright sunlight. If a blocking shadow is used the accuracy is better then 1/4°, that's about as good as you can get with an active feedback sensor. The board is a tiny .7"x1.4".

Note! I have replaced the LED3 with the much more capable LED3X series of solar trackers. See below.

This circuit uses power MOSFET drivers and is designed to operate satellite dish linear actuators, however most any DC motor can be used. The power drivers are capable of delivering about 10 amps of peak current, maybe more. When better transistors become available this current can be increased. The drivers operate the actuators in pulses of about .3 second every 3 seconds or a 10% duty cycle. This eliminates the needed for a heat sink on the transistors. Neat huh!

I haven't decided if 10% is the best duty cycle to use. Less will make the tracking slower but, we don't need speed anyway. I will determine this when I get better weather. Slow tracking speed helps in partly cloudy condition. This prevents the tracker from making unnecessary movements when clouds move by.

No electrical adjustments are required. The LEDs can be mechanically adjusted for optimum tracking performance by aiming them after the circuit board is mounted.


To improve accuracy, ie. with concentrators such as troughs or dishes, a blocking shadow can be placed in front. The shadow just covers the two inner LEDs when aimed at the sun. Similar to the shadow on the Chace Tracker.

I have used a band of metal about .5" in width at about 6" from the LED3. If the LED3 is used for E-W tracking the band is oriented N-S. Conversely, if the LED3 is used for N-S tracking the band is oriented E-W. The shadow device is not particularly critical. For instance, I have used black electrical tape on the weather dome and it worked well.


Power Supply Voltage 8 Volts to 22 Volts inclusive.

The 8V minimum is specified to prevent damage to the MOSFET power drivers. The damage is due to operating them in the linear region with a load. This causes excessive power to be dissipated in the MOSFET with a resultant damaging temperature rise.

The 22 volt maximum is defined by the voltage tolerance of 24V protection zener. This zener protects the power MOSFETs from seeing damaging breakdown voltages. During testing I had several failures when operating from a car battery while the alternator was running. It was determined that the alternator was producing voltage spikes in excess of the 30V breakdown specification of the MOSFETs.The 24V zener has an initial tolerance of 5%. So the maximum continuous voltage that can be applied before conduction can occur is 22.8V or so.Most PV panels don't output more than 22V in open circuit. You should check for sure. If they do go to high in voltage a simple power regulator should be added to limit the maximum voltage.

Load Current Continuous 5 Amp resistive.

The power MOSFETs are rated at over 10A at 25°F. A conservative derating of 50% is prudent especially in hot weather conditions.

Load Current Intermitant 10 Amp intermitant at 10mS width once per timing cycle.

The Power MOSFETs have an absolute maximum current

rating of 30A, but this is with ideal conditions where the temperature is 25°F and very fast gate rise times. The LED3 has a relatively slow gate rise time and may be operated at quite high temperatures sue to the weather. I think 10A at about 10mS is adequate for normal tracking applications.If higher current motors are required a power amplifier may be needed. See:

I should note that the satellite dish actuator I use normally consumes about 290mA of current at 13.8VDC. This actuator is capable of driving a 15' dish with 1500lb of force. You don't need a high powered drive, just a slow forceful one.Think slow!

Operating Temperature -40°F to 185°F or -40°C to 85°C


Transistor's I've Usedmosfetnch ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------


100V 59.00A

25mΩ 5.5Vth

Single N-ChTO-220,TO-262

with integral

100V Zener

+-30V Gate


IRFP460 500V 20.00A

270mΩ 4.0Vth

Single N-ChTO-247

with integral

500V Zener


IRF840 500V 8.00A 850mΩ 4.0Vth

Single N-ChTO-220

with integral

500V Zener


FQP46N15 150V 45.60A

42mΩ 4.0Vth

Single N-ChTO-220

+-25V Gate


STP40NF12 120V 40.00A

32mΩ 4.0Vth

Single N-ChTO-220

with integral

120V Zener


IRF520N 100V 9.70A 200mΩ 4.0Vth

Single N-ChTO-220

with integral

100V Zener


NDP708AE 80V 60.00A

22mΩ 4.0Vth

Single N-ChTO-220,T0-262AB

with integral

80V Zener


IRF2708 75V 82.00A

13mΩ 4.0Vth

Single N-ChTO-220,T0-262AB

with integral

75V Zener


IRFZ48V 60V 72.00A

12mΩ 4.0Vth

Single N-ChTO-220

with integral

60V Zener


IRFZ44N 60V 55.00A



Single N-ChTO-220

with integral

60V Zener


RF1S50V60 60V 50.00A



Single N-ChTO-262AA

with integral

60V Zener175°C



60V 42.00A

28mΩ 4.0Vth

Single N-ChTO-220

with integral

60V Zener


IRFZ34 60V 30.00A

50mΩ 4.0Vth

Single N-ChTO-220

with integral

60V Zener


IRF1405 55V 169.00A

5.3mΩ 4.0Vth

Single N-ChTO-220

with integral

55V Zener


IRF3315 150V 27.00A

70mΩ 3.21Vth


Single N-ChTO-220

with integral

120V Zener IRF3315 Ron  vs. V gs


IRF7313 30V 4.00A 29mΩ 3.0Vth

Dual N/N-Ch

SO-8 with integral

30V Zener


2N7002 60V 0.30A 5000m 2.5Single N-ChSOT- Phillips $0.

Ω Vth 23 NXP +-30V Gate


VN2222LL 60V 0.23A 7500mΩ


Single N-ChTO-92 $0.57

2N7000 60V 0.20A 5000mΩ




Single N-ChTO-92,SOT-23

+-20V Gate

2N7000 Ron  vs. V gs


VN0106 60V 2.50A 5000mΩ


Single N-ChTO-92

VN0106 Ron  vs. V gs


ZVN3306A 60V 0.30A 5000mΩ


Single N-ChTO-92 $0.78

VN2106 60V 0.30A 6000mΩ


Single N-ChTO-92 $0.72


30V 75.00A

9mΩ 2.15Vth


Single N-ChTO-220AB

with integral

30V Zener HUF76137P3 Ron  vs.



IRLI2203N 30V 61.00A

7mΩ 2.01Vth


Single N-ChTO-220InsulatedFullpack

with integral

30V Zener IRLI2203N Ron  vs.



IRL540N 100V 36.00A

44mΩ 2.0Vth

Single N-ChTO-220

with integral

100V Zener


IRL530N 100V 15.00A

160mΩ 2.0Vth

Single N-ChTO-220

with integral

100V Zener


VN10LP 60V 0.30A 5000mΩ




Single N-ChTO-92

VN10LP Ron  vs. V gs


SI3442DV 60V 4.00A 70mΩ 1.8Single N-ChTSOP +-8V $0.66

Vth -6 GateIRLZ44N 55V 47.00

A22mΩ 1.76



Single N-ChTO-220

with integral

55V Zener IRLZ44N Ron  vs. V gs


BS107PT 200V 0.10A 28000mΩ




Single N-ChTO-92 E-line

BS107PT Ron  vs. V gs



60V 30.00A

47mΩ 1.75Vth


Single N-ChTO-220TO-263AB

with integral

60V ZenerGate



RFP30N06LE Ron  vs. Vgs


IRF3708 30V 62.00A

12mΩ 1.67Vth


Single N-ChTO-220TO-262

with integral

30V Zener IRF3708 Ron  vs. V gs


ZVN2106A 60V 0.45A 6000mΩ




Single N-ChTO-92 E-Line

ZVN2106A Ron  vs. Vgs


2SK3065 60V 2.00A 320mΩ 1.5Vth

Single N-ChSC-62 Gate Protecti

on Zener


ZVNL120A 200V 0.20A 10000mΩ




Single N-ChTO-92

ZVNL120A Ron  vs. Vgs



50V 0.30A 2000mΩ


Dual N/N-Ch


with integral

50V Zener


DN2530 300V 0.17A 12000mΩ


Single N-ChTO-92,SOT-89

Depletion Mode


DN3545 450V 0.20A 20000mΩ


Single N-ChTO-92,SOT-89

Depletion Mode


CPC3703 250V 0.36A 4000mΩ


Single N-ChSOT-89

Depletion Mode

VSG  vs I S  @ V DG  of 15V,10V,5V


nchpch ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Si4539ADY 30/-




Dual N/P-Ch

SO-8 $2.06

Si4511DY 20/-20V





Dual N/P-Ch

SO-8 $2.06

Si4500BDY 20/-20V




Dual N/P-Ch

SO-8 $1.46

pch ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Si1023X -20V -




Dual P/P-Ch



IRF7410 -12V -13.00


7mΩ -0.9Vth

Single P-ChSO-8 with integral

-12V Zener


Si4947ADY -30V -3.90A

80mΩ -1.0Vth

Dual P/P-Ch



SPP18P06P -60V -18.60


130mΩ -2.34




Single P-ChTO-220

SPP18P06P Ron  vs. Vgs


MTD5P06V -60V -5.00A

340mΩ -2.86


Single P-ChDPAC 3 pin

with integral





Zener MTD5P06V Ron  vs. Vgs

VP0610T -60V -0.12A



Single P-ChSO-23 -+30V Gate


IRF7316 -30V -4.90A

58mΩ -3.0Vth

Dual P/P-Ch

SO-8 with integral

-30V Zener


IRF9Z34 -60V -18.00


140mΩ -3.13




Single P-ChTO-220

with integral

-60V Zener IRF9Z34 Ron  vs. V gs


IRF4905 -55V -74.00


20mΩ -3.30




Single P-ChTO-220

with integral

-55V Zener IRF4905 Ron  vs. V gs


IRF5305 -55V -31.00


6mΩ -4.0Vth

Single P-ChTO-220

with integral

-55V Zener


IRF5210 -100V -18.00


60mΩ -4.0Vth

Single P-ChTO-220

with integral -100V Zener


bipolarnpn ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------


300V 0.10A 1.0W 120Hfe

Single NPNTO-92L


2SD667 80V 1.00A 0.9W 160Hfe

Single NPNTO-92MOD


2N2222A 75V 0.60A 0.5W 35Hfe Single NPNTO-18 Metal Can


TIP120 60V 5.00A 1000Hfe

Single NPNTO-220




BC337 45V 0.80A 0.625W

60Hfe Single NPNTO-92 $0.44

BC550 45V 0.10A 0.5W 110Hfe

Single NPNTO-92 $0.52

BD135 45V 1.50A 12.5W 40Hfe Single NPNTO-126


MPSA18 45V 0.10A .625W 400Hfe

Single NPNTO-92 $0.52

2N3904 40V 0.20A 0.625W

40Hfe Single NPNTO-92 $0.42

pnp ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------2N3906 -40V -0.2A 0.625

W40Hfe Single PNPTO-92 $0.

46BC327 -45V -



Single PNPTO-92 $0.43

BC560 -45V -0.10A

0.5W 110Hfe

Single PNPTO-92 $0.29

BD136 -45V -1.50A

12.5W 40Hfe Single PNPTO-126


2N2907A -60V -0.60A

.4W 75Hfe Single PNPTO-18 Metal Can


2SB1181 -80V -1.00A

1.0W 180Hfe

Single PNPSC-63 $0.98

TIP127 -100V -5.00A


Single PNPTO-220




regulator ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------LM317 40V 1.50A 1.25






LM317L 80V 0.10A 1.25Vadj





LM317 Positive

Excel file

opamp ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------LM124A 32V 20mA 3000µ





LM358A 32V 20mA 7000µVos




AD8639 16V 19mA 23µVos 1.3mHz



comparato ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------

LM339A 36V 6mA 2mVos 1.3µS

300nS QuadDIP-14

LM393A 36V 6mA 5mVos 1.3µS

300nS QuadDIP-8

tempsensor ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------LM50BIM3X



 100mV @ -40°C

1750mV @






diode ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------1N5404 400V 3.00A 1.00V





1N4004 400V 1.00A 1.10V@1A





HSS82 200V 0.125A







1N4148 100V 0.30A 1.00V@10m






PMBD7000 100V 0.215A







BAW56 85V 0.200A







MMBD4148 75V 0.200A







BAS416 75V 0.20A 1.00V@10m






1N270 50V 0.040A




90°C 0.8pFDO-7 Germanium

SB540 40V 5.00A 0.55V@5A






20V 5.00A 0.39V@3A





G331 20V 0.050 1.00V 0.05 75°C DO-7 Germani

A @5mA W umzener ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------2EZ110D5 110V


17mA 2.00W 4000Ω




1N4757 51V@250


20mA 1.00W 1,5KΩ




1N4625 5.1V@5m


70mA 0.40W 1.5KΩ







83mA 0.225W



