Sugar 2.0 and TestWizard 2.0 An Introduction R90943035 杜威廷 R91943060 鍾智能 Hardware /...

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Transcript of Sugar 2.0 and TestWizard 2.0 An Introduction R90943035 杜威廷 R91943060 鍾智能 Hardware /...

Sugar 2.0 and TestWizard 2.0 An Introduction

R90943035 杜威廷R91943060 鍾智能

Hardware / Software Co-Design Term Project


• Sugar 2.0:– Introduction

– Examples

• TestWizard 2.0:– Introduction

– Tasks

– Thread and tag

– Examples

• Sugar converter– Introduction

– Conversion example

• Cadence Support– Support example

• Conclusion

Introduction to Sugar 2.0

• Specification Language used by IBM

• Accellera Property Specification Language (PSL)– Describe properties that required of the

design under Verification

Motivation and Goals

• Conventional specification language both ambiguous and unverifiable

• PSL was developed to:– Write specification which are both easy to read

and mathematically precise– Used for functional specification and input to

functional verification tool– Can validate design in dynamic (simulation) or

static (formal) way– Measure the quality of verification process

Functional Specification

• Can capture requirement both overall behavior of a design and assumptions

• A PSL consists of assertions regarding properties of a design under a set of assumptions.

• Property:– Boolean expression– Sequential expression– Temporal operator

Functional Specification(cont’d)

• Boolean expression:

• Sequential expression:

• Temporal operator

ena || enb



(next[2] (ena || enb))

Functional Specification(cont’d)

Assert always{reg;ack;!cancel}

(next[2] (ena || enb))

Functional verification

• State that req is a pulse signalalways (req -> next !req)






req req

Simple FSM for the property

Linear and Branching Fragment

• Universal vs. Existential formula

• Universal:– Useful for reasoning about design under


• Existential:– Useful for reasoning about environment

Strong and Weak operators

• Strong (liveness) operators– Some terminating condition eventually occur. (a until! b)

– Typically more expensive (in terms of computation time and memory requirement)

• Weak (safety) operators• Doesn't make any requirements regarding

eventuality.(a until b)– Problem: How to implement in simulation? It makes no


Sugar-Based Verification Tool

Source Tool Function

@HDL @Verifier/@Designer,

see flow Formal Property Checker

0-In Design Automation CheckerWare Library of Protocol


Avery Design TestWizard Assertion checking

integrated in testbench automation tool

Cadence Verification Cockpit Complete ABV

Solution(dynamic and static assertion checking)

… … …

Introduction to TestWizard 2.0

• Verilog/VHDL Enhancements for Sugar Support• Assertion-based verification

– Temporal property specification

– Simulation-based assertion checking

• More effective than conventional HDL-only methods

• Same language for design and verification – synergy• Based on current existing IEEE Verilog and VHDL standards• No major ramp up time compared to proprietary HVLs• 200% more simulator efficient than Vera or Verisity• Works on all Verilog and VHDL simulators today


• “On the Fly” protocolverification of System-level and Interface protocols

• Powerful & concise temporal property semantics to Verilog/VHDL

• Repeating sequences

• Temporal ranges• Conditional

sequences• Logical or/and

• Highly reusable • Comparable to Sugar

(Accellera FPSL WG)• Sugar-to-TestWizard translator

available soon

Basic Introduction

• Assertions in TestWizard 2.0 are also called “Sequence”• Provided as Verilog user defined system tasks/functions or

VHDL procedure calls• Sequence function returns “handle” to construct complex

temporal logic property• An event is considered “true” if the signal’s value is one• A sequence is succeeded if no rule is violated, otherwise it is

failed• Supports synchronous/asynchronous/multi-clock rules• Added threads and tags for better temporal logic management

Timing Constraint Tasks

• seq_handle= $tb_seq(clock, list of events)– Events should occur in order. If clock is specified, check events at clock

edge. If clock is “0”, it is asynchronous checking

• seq_handle= $tb_seq1(clock, list of events)– Events should occur in order at every successive clock edge

• seq_handle= $tb_seq_range(clock, range, event);– Event should occur within range of clocks– $tb_seq_range($tb_posedge(clk), $tb_range(1, 3), a);

• seq_handle= $tb_seq_within(cond, event)– Cond must be true throughout the event

• seq_handle= $tb_seq_before(event1, event2)– Event1 must occur before event2

Timing Constraint Tasks(cont’d)

• $tb_seq_withinseq(window_seq, test_seq)– test_seq must start after window_seq starts, and finish before window_seq


• seq_handle= $tb_seq_range_start(clock, range, event)– The first event in the sequence must occur within time range

• seq_handle= $tb_seq_now(event)– The event must occur when the task is triggered

• seq_handle= $tb_seq_now_start(event)– The first event in the sequence must occur when the task is triggered

Flow Control Tasks

• seq_handle= $tb_seq_repeat(repeat_count, repeat_event[, finish_event])

– Repeat_event must repeat repeat_count times before finish_event occurs– $tb_seq_repeat($tb_range(3, 8), a, b);

• seq_handle= $tb_seq_if(cond, true_event, false_event)– If cond is true, it will choose true_event, otherwise choose false_event

• seq_handle= $tb_seq_ifseq(cond_event, true_event, false_event)– If cond_event finishes true, it will choose true_event, otherwise choose


• seq_handle = $tb_seq_imply(clock, cond_seq, check_seq)– If cond_seq ends successfully, then start to check check_seq. Otherwise

do nothing

Flow Control Tasks(cont’d)

• seq_handle = $tb_seq_imply0(cond_seq, check_seq)– When the first event of cond_seq executes, check_seq will start to be

checked. If cond_seq fails, nothing will happen. If cond_seq succeeds, the result of check_seq will determine the result of $tb_seq_imply0.

Logic Related Tasks

• seq_handle= $tb_seq_and(list of events)– All the events must become true at the same time for its own event to be


• seq_handle= $tb_seq_par(list of events)– All checks begin at the same time, and all events must succeed

• seq_handle= $tb_seq_or(list of events)– Any of the events from other $tb_seqs must be true for its own event to be


• seq_handle= $tb_seq_not(event)– Its own event is true only if event fails

Thread and Tag

• Why thread?– There can be multiple temporal logic streams flowing concurrently

– For example, in a sequence “a b c d e”, all of the following may exist: “a b c d e, a b c d e, a b c d e”

– Need a way to distinguish between them

– Every thread has its unique ID

• Why tag?– Attach information to your temporal logic rules

– Information flows with your temporal logic streams!

– For example, split completion in PCI-X, unique ID is saved

• Sugar doesn't have similar property.

Tag Examplea b c d e


u v w x1 2 21

Initial u= 1, v= 2

a b c d ea b c d e

11 2 21 tag1=1

a b c d e

1 2 1 2 21 tag1=1,tag2=2

a b c d e

1 2 1 1 2 21 tag1=1,tag2=2


a b c d e

1 2 1 2 1 2 21 tag1=1,tag2=2

w=1, x=2

Thread Control Tasks(cont’d)

• $tb_seq_trigger(seq_handle, result_var[, num_threads])– Starts a sequence checking. If any of the threads succeeds, bit0 of

result_var will toggle. If any thread fails, bit1 of result_var will toggle

• $tb_seq_disable(list of seq_handles)– Stop the sequence checking

• $tb_seq_disable_thread(seq_handle[, thread_id(s)])– Stop some of the threads in the sequence

• thread_id = $tb_seq_thread_find(seq_handle, tag_handle, match_value, from_thread_id)

– Find the thread with which value saved in tag matches match_value

Thread Control Tasks(cont’d)

• thread_id = $tb_seq_thread_iterate(seq_handle, isw, from_thread_id)– Find active thread, succeeded thread, or failed thread

• seq_handle= $tb_seq_thread_getid(variable)– Get the ID of the thread

Tag Tasks

• tag_handle= $tb_seq_tag_new(variable[, list])– Associate the tag with the variable

• seq_handle= $tb_seq_tag_save(tag_handle(s))– Save the variable values to tags

• seq_handle= $tb_seq_tag_load(source_tag_handle, variable)– Load the value previously saved in source_tag and save it to the variable

• seq_handle= $tb_seq_tag_compare(type, tag_handle_1, tag_handle_2[, step])

– Compare the 2 values associated with the tags– Type can be ==, <, <=, >, >=, !=

Tag Tasks(cont’d)

• seq_handle = $tb_seq_tag_event(event, type, tag, variable[, step])– When "event" occurs, the value saved in tag is compared with the variable.

If match, generate true event

• $tb_seq_thread_tag(seq_handle, thread_id, tag_handle, local_var [, tag_handle, local_var])

– Save the value stored in the tag_handle to local_var pair by pair, given the sequence_handle and a specific thread_id

Example 1To check event a followed by b within [2:5] @posedge(clk), then event"c, d, e" must repeat [1:3] times before z within [1:4] @posedge(clk2). Then if sequence "f, g" succeeds, check "h1, i1", else check "h2, i2". And then it is followed by j

handle1= $tb_seq_range($tb_posedge(clk), $tb_range(2, 5), b);handle2= $tb_seq(0, c, d, e);handle3= $tb_seq_repeat($tb_range(1, 3), handle2, z);handle4= $tb_seq_range($tb_posedge(clk2), $tb_range(1, 4), handle3);handle5= $tb_seq(0, f, g);handle6= $tb_seq(0, h1, i1);handle7= $tb_seq(0, h2, i2);handle8= $tb_seq_ifseq(handle5, handle6, handle7);handle9= $tb_seq(0, a, handle1, handle4, handle8, j);$tb_seq_trigger(handle9, result_event);

Example 2• Use Verilog to assist• Sugar:{high_pri_req->next_event_e(grant)[1..8](dst == high_pri)}

• English:After high_pri_req, we expect dst == high_pri to occur on one of the 1st through 8th occurrence of grant

int i = 1;int j = 8;assign event1 = dst == high_pri;h1 = $tb_seq_thread_getid(Vevent1_trigger);h2 = $tb_seq(0,true,h1,Vevent1_end);h3 = $tb_seq_range_start($tb_posedge(clock),0,h2);h4 = $tb_seq_imply(0,high_pri_req,h3);

Example 2(cont’d)

always @(Vevent1_trigger) grant_count_start = 1;

always @(posedge clock)begin

if(grant_count_start == 1)begin

if(grant == 1)grant_count = grant_count + 1;

if(grant_count > j)grant_count_start = 0;


if((grant_count_start == 1)&&(grant_count >= i)&&(grant_count <= j))begin

if(event1 == true)Vevent1_end = 1;

else if(grant_count == j)$display("error at %t", $stime);


Design Example - SuperMonitor

• A PCI/PCI-X/PCI-Express verification environment developed with TestWizard

• Used to test designs on PCI/PCI-X/PCI-Express bus• Verification example – PCI/PCI-X/PCI-Express bridge

– Connects two PCI-X buses and a PCI-Express bus– Uses TestWizard Sequence to write assertions to check

PCI protocols– Uses TestWizard transaction database and Sequence to

implement end-to-end checker– Block diagram: See next slide

Sugar Converter

• Converter Sugar property to TestWizard automatically.

• Sugar vs. TestWizard– Vunit <-> Module– Property <-> A sequence which should be


Rule Table

• …• Sugar: next event1

(Forward one clock cycle).

Sequence:reg true = 1;$tb_seq1(clock, true, event1);

• …

Conversion Example

Sugar example:

vunit unit1{

property property1 = (Signal_a | Signal_b)@new_clock;


Converted Verilog code :

module unit1 (







input clock;

input rst;

input new_clock;

input Signal_a;

input Signal_b;


Conversion Example(cont’d)reg [1:0] result1 = 0;

reg flag1 = 0;

integer h1_1, h1_2, h1_3;



h1_2 = $tb_seq($tb_posedge(new_clock), Signal_a );

h1_3 = $tb_seq($tb_posedge(new_clock), Signal_b );

h1_1 = $tb_seq_or( h1_2, h1_3 );


always @(posedge rst)


if(flag1 == 0)

flag1 = 1;

else if(flag1 == 1)


$tb_seq_trigger(h1_1, result1);


Conversion Example(cont’d)always @(result1[0])


if($stime != 0)

$display("error at %t ", $stime);


always @(result1[1])


if($stime != 0)

$display("success at %t ", $stime);




• Put conversion module into the module which want to verify.

Cadence NC_Verilog

• Dynamic Assertion-Based Verification

• It’s doesn't convert Sugar language into Verilog style

• Directly compile with the module which want to verify


// Declare a property call “MY_ASSERTION”

// pargma property MY_ASSERTION = <interesting event

// or sequence of events>

// Tell the simulator to creat an assertion from

// the MY_ASSERTION property.

// pragma assert MY_ASSERTION;



• TestWizard uses native Verilog/VHDL syntax– Easy to learn: No need to learn another language– Portable: Works with all major simulators– Fast: Integrated with simulators directly through

PLI, no interpreter in between

• Tags and threads make temporal logic properties more powerful than ever

• Low readability• Complicated


• IEEE Std 1076, 2000 edition, 2000.• IEEE Std 1364-2001, 2001.• Cindy Eisner and Dana Fisman, Sugar 2.0 Proposal Presented to

Accellera Formal Verification Technical Committee, March 20, 2002• IBM, Guide to Sugar Formal specification Language Version 1.3.1,

November 2000• Accellera, Sugar Formal Specification Language Reference Manual

Draft Version x.y(Draft 2), May 17, 2002• Accellera, Sugar Formal Specification Language Reference Manual

Version 1.0, January 31, 2003•• Cadnece, Writing and Using Assertions in Cadence’s Dynamic

Assertion-Based Verification for NV-Verilog, Version 4.1, November, 2002