StoryTelling for Startup Founders - Gurgaon edition by PayUmoney and 91 SpringBoard

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of StoryTelling for Startup Founders - Gurgaon edition by PayUmoney and 91 SpringBoard

Story Telling for founders


Lets begin with the story of a missed call & online payments!

Call: +91 72101 41440

The Story: make it incredibly easy for any startup/ SME to collect online payments!

The plot: mobile – missed calls!


How did a simple pharmacy turn intoPatanjali that is now forcing the giants to rethink?

And someone wrote a book on ‘Patanjalizing’ your brand!

What is the most effective 90 minute commercial ever seen?

Image source:

When did 1 minute and 10 seconds change the world?

What happened when a normal man started a mission to help 100 million people reduce stress & live meaningfully?

What can a powerful story actually do to your startup?

1. Reduce cost of marketing considerably

2. Build a passionate user base

3. Get actual sales even before the product/ service goes live

4. Invite necessary attention ;)

1. Team members2. Investors

1.5 million twitter impressions at $0 spent?

$5.5K worth of word spread for $0

2.3 million downloads, $72K in profitsSource:

One thing that Chip (the CEO of Wahoo) said to me on the first call we had will stick with me for a long time …

“We probably wouldn’t have considered buying your app if we hadn’t read the story”.

Image source:

All of this is great, what’s are the steps to a phenomenal story?

The most effective stories are the one’s that impact our sub-conscious!

Sir Alex FergusonOne of the most successful managers in football history.

Lets learn from him!

A successful story needs

1. Character(s)2. Scenario3. Time4. Reason

Rule #1To build thousands of $ worth of passionate word of mouth for your brand, remember your business is human-to-human.

It fails when you go the B2B/ B2C route.

Rule #2Stress, Love, Creativity, Travel, Inspiration, Success, Money, Time, Relationships, Motivation

Everyone relates to the above. Your startup story must!

Rule #3Its tempting to explain everything. But its better to

leave space for interpretation.

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