Stockyards Business Association

Post on 12-May-2015

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Transcript of Stockyards Business Association

DEBUNKING SOCIAL MEDIA MYTHS@chiphanna | @balcomagency@ryanjcormier | @ratiodigital

Social media is a hot topic.

Unfortunately, there’s a lot of misinformation out there.

Ever heard someone say this?

• Social media is just for kids

• B2B customers aren’t using social media

• We know what the next big thing in social is

• It doesn’t matter when I respond, as long as I do

• Everyone sees every post I make for my client

• Social media is free

• There is no ROI in social media

• Social media doesn’t influence search rankings

• Social media is strictly about PR (or marketing/digital/etc.)

• I don’t have time to be on social media

• There’s a one-size-fits-all solution for social media

Myth: Social media is just for kids

Fact: Social media is not just for kids

Who’s using social media?

• 92% of people ages 18-29

• 73% of people ages 30-49

• 57% of people ages 50-64

• 38% of people ages 65+

– 18% of which do so daily

The only tools used more are email and search engines

Which sites are adults using?

• 1 in 6 use Pinterest

• 1 in 6 use Instagram

• 1 in 6 use Twitter

• 2 in 3 use Facebook

Myth: B2B customers aren’t using social media

Fact: B2B customers are using social media

“Social media has given the customers a voice. You must engage with them or soon become obsolete to them.”

- Kevin Espinosa, Social Media Manager | Caterpillar

• Social media helped over 56% of B2B marketers acquire new business partnerships

• Almost 60% saw improved search rankings

• 69% gained valuable market insight

Myth: We know what the next big thing in social is

Fact: Nobody knows what the next big thing is

Myth:It doesn’t matter when I respond, as long as I do

Fact: It does matter when you respond

Myth:Everyone sees every post I make for my client

Fact: very few of your fans see your posts

However, not all is lost

Myth: Social media is free

Fact: Social media is not free

• Social media requires time

• Time costs money

• Therefore, social media costs money

Myth: There is no ROI in social media

Fact: There is a ROI in social media

What’s the ROI on this?

Which traffic source would you prefer?

Myth:Social media doesn’t influence search rankings

Fact:Social media does influence search rankings

Myth: Social media is strictly about PR (or marketing/digital/etc.)

Fact: It all needs to be integrated

• Social media combines the best of PR, digital, marketing and advertising

• We need to work together to have success

• Why?

What are the best boots for fat calves?

Myth: I don’t have time to be on social media

Fact: you can’t afford not to be

Myth: There’s a one-size-fits-all solution for social

Fact:There’s not a one-size-fits-all solution for social

• It takes a lot of planning, work and dedication

• You have to be committed

• You can’t expect it to be free or easy

• Unfortunately, there’s no silver bullet

We’re curious – what myths have you heard?

Thank you!

Chip Hanna | @chiphanna

Balcom Agency | @balcomagency

Ryan Cormier | @ryanjcormier

Ratio Digital | @ratiodigital

AAF Fort Worth | @aaffortworth