STM Association Society Day Conference , 24-26, April 2018 ... Report.pdf · 2. 5020 STM...

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Transcript of STM Association Society Day Conference , 24-26, April 2018 ... Report.pdf · 2. 5020 STM...

STM Association Society Day Conference , 24-26, April 2018, in Philadelphia , USA

Reflections on the International Impact of Chinese STM Journals* Helen(Y.H.) ZHANG, J of Zhejiang University-Science

美国STM会议的见闻与感悟 (张月红, 上海,2018-5-26) Abstract :There are 5020 STM periodicals, including 548 English-language journals, in China. To quickly increase the international influence of Chinese journals, government management launched significant initiatives for publishers such as the “Project for Enhancing International Impact of China STM Journals (PIIJ.2013–2018).” These have achieved some results. However, at the same time as facing STM Publishing technology trends and values, Chinese journal publishers need to think deeply about what is a truly high impact journal? * All statistics & data from ISTIC, CAST, SAPPRFT, CNKI, JCR, WoS, Scopus, Baidu, Google and “2017 Blue Book “on the development of Chinese Sci-Tech journals, which was collated by Fang Bao, 3-26-2018.


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Amazon, Apple, Google and Facebook will go away within 50 year, says author… 50年后亚马逊, 苹果、谷歌和脸谱 将消失!而我们WoS还在这里 来自Clarivate (原汤姆森路透ISI) CEO报告的1张片子(26,April 2018 in STM meeting )



“我们已经发展成熟 且更加痴迷于顾客的需求,进而学习共存和竞争。”



论文发表慢惹急扎克伯格,资助BioRxiv为终结人类疾病 2016年9月,互联网巨头Facebook创始人马克•扎克伯格及其夫人普里西拉•陈宣布了一项大计划——陈•扎克伯格计划(Chan Zuckerberg Initiative,简称CZI),力求在未来10年通过持续投入30亿美元,寄希望于科学家能够在本世纪末遏制、治愈以及管理所有的疾病。 2017年4月26日,生物预印本网站bioRxiv获得了高强度的曝光率,因其获得了陈•扎克伯格计划(Chan Zuckerberg Initiative)的资助。扎克伯格、陈•扎克伯格计划的科学主席Cori Bargmann以及美国冷泉港实验室第一时间公布了这一消息。目前,尚不得知此次资助的力度有多大。扎克伯格表示,之所以资资bioRxiv网站,是希望

“能够缩短科学家的科研成果的发现时间,从而更好地帮助人类对健康以及疾病的理解”。 数天前,这个由美国冷泉港实验室两位学者创立的论文预印本提交网站宣布目前已收集到10000篇论文。bioRxiv的成立时间仅三年有余,每个月可收到800篇论文。 bioRxiv设立的灵感来自物理、数学领域的预印本网站arXiv,该网站已有25年历史了。目前,提交到bioRxiv网站的论文未经同行评审,读者可审视以及检查它们有无剽窃内容,甚至还可以对论文进行评论,作者因此可以更好地完善论文。 但也有学者表示,过早地公布论文,可能会让竞争者知道他们的研究成果。好在大多数科学家,希望他们的研究结论更早地被同行所了解。 扎克伯格在Facebook中表示,“如果我们要治愈所有的儿童疾病,就需要加强基





FITEE :作为STE编辑…要关注现代12个技术热点 (左) 美国2016-2045新科技趋势报告:在700项科技趋势的综合比对分析


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推荐一本书,培养一种思维方式: Critical Thinking and Logic Skill for “Your Research”

浅议科研文化… Critical thinking定义为“研究区分正

误或好坏观点所用的方法和原则的学科,包括逻辑法运用,证据收集,评价及行动计划的制定。 是一系列智力与个人发展的的技能, 需要学会如何思考,而非仅仅指思考什么




如若给我一个小时拯救世界, 我会用55分钟明确问题,5分钟找出答案

如若给我一个小时解决问题, 我会用55分思考问题,5分钟思考解决方案。

如果给我一小时拯救星球, 我将花费59分钟知道问题,一分钟解决它。



--爱德华·埃弗雷特·希尔(Edward Everett Hale,1822-1909年),是美国唯一神教派作家,




I will share my views with you under the following headings: 1. 2018 Overall Scientific Publication Output by Country 2. 5020 STM periodicals in China, of which 10.9% are in

English 3. Publishing mode and impact of Chinese English-language journals 4. Chinese journal development programme—PIIJ Project (Project for Enhancing International Impact of China STM Journals) 1). PIIJ’s plan: PIIJ-1 (2013-2015) and PIIJ-II (2016-2018) 2). PIIJ’s expenditure and category 3). PIIJ’s effectiveness and impact 5. What is a standard international journal?


2018 Overall Scientific Publication Output by Country 2018 SEI (Science & Engineering Indicators 2018) reported by NSF: Comparisons of Overall Scientific Publication Output by Country--Researchers in the USA and China were the world's largest producers of S&E publications. From 2006 to 2016, the number of S&E articles in all fields from China exceeds that of the USA and became the largest in the world (Table 1). However, how to evaluate this Globally the largest ? What are the deep-seated issues behind ' the largest' that deserve further discussion? The fact is that Chinese scientific research capabilities still lag behind those of the premier countries. For example, this is evident from the percentage of the number of journals covered in authoritative databases ESCI, SSCI, AHCI and SCIE (Table 2), China’s figures are lower than those of Japan or South Korea in Asia; only in SCOPUS is the number higher than those of the other two countries.


Table 1. The number of STM articles from China exceeds that of the USA and became the largest in the world :2006-2016 19

Source : (doi:10.1002/leap.1160)

Table2 Distribution of journals indexed by ESCI, Web of Science classical index, and Scopus database by Country


5020 STM periodicals in China, of which 10.9% are in English On 28th, January,2018, the "Blue Book on the development of Chinese Sci-Tech(STM )journals" was issued by CAST ( China Association of Science and Technology). This reported that there is a total of 5020 domestic STM periodicals [including about 548 English-language(E-L) journals, see Fig.1]. The Book emphasized ‘we need to take the pulse, find out the family background, realistically analyze the problems , summarize the rules, draw lessons from the successful experiences of the international excellent STM journals, and predict the future development trend. In this way we may be able to establish a sustainable development path for China’s STM journals. ‘ The Blue Book’s suggestions are: First, China should aim at the world 's leading STM journals and focus on the forefront of global Science and technology… Second, give full play to the role of STM journals in academic evaluation… Third, to jointly create a good environment for the development of high quality STM journals in China, and further enhance the overall development level of STM journals… In short, “the construction of world- class periodicals is an important part of pushing China forward from a big country in S-T to a powerful country in S-T.”


0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 3 6 9 20 23 51





































1 0 1 0 2 2 1 10 6 13

88 98 133


1 1 1 2 2 4 6 7 17 23












15, 13%

17, 14%

72, 62%

13, 11%




117 of 548 from: Hong Kong (80), Macao (1), Taiwan (36)

Fig.1 548 English language journals published in China (including HK, Mac, TW): 1887-2017, by S T M subject category & decade ( 26-Mar, 2018)

N = 548



Total Newly founded 548




36 23 17 7 6 4 2 2 1 1


N = 117 66


23 14 8 5 4 3 2 1 1 0 0

154, 28%

184, 34%

153, 28%

57, 10%


STM subject Journals, 1/3 on average ; Few other(Social Science

Publishing mode and impact of Chinese English-language Journals(E-L Js) Figs. 1-2 : Since the first English language periodical—the Chinese Medical Journal was founded in 1887 in China, there have been a further 548 (E-L Js) including about 117 Js from Hong Kong (80), Macao (1), and Taiwan(36) ( see Fig.1), among which, we further classify by STM subject category in blue (Science Js, 28%), red (Technology Js, 34%), green(Medicine Js, 28%), and gray (other or Social Science Js, 10%) that shows that there are few Social Science periodicals in China. Here, dark green represents the new journals founded in that period. Since the 1980s, growth has been at an average rate of 100 new journals per decade, although during the PIIJ Plan, about 90 new journals have been published in five years (2013-2017). By 2017, there are 188 Chinese journals with IF in 2016JCR: SCIE(174E+11C)+SSCI(3E)=188(177E+11C) that means 177 in English, 11 in Chinese.


1 1 2 2 1 1 0 4 6 9 10 13 22 27 40 5 10 9 10 9 12 10 19 28 28 30 34

40 48 38

14 20 17 13 19 16 22 27

29 40 49 47 48

47 48

22 14 18 26 22 23 28

46 55

51 46 52

48 51 51

166 176 183 198 213 228 229

214 199

203 210

224 233

241 254












2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017


Since 2013, PIIJ plan has funded ~605 million in two stages ( 2013-2015, to 135 journals; 2016-2018, to 145 journals ) in order to enhance International Impact of Chinese STM Journals. The main evaluation index is JCR’s Quartile ( Q1-Q4 )

SCIE+ SSCI: 177 E-L Js Q2: 38 Q1: 40 JCR2016: Total 188 [SCIE(174E+11C)+SSCI(3E)=188(177E+11C) 11C, in Chinese, 177E, in English,


Year PIIJ Plan

From 2013 to 2017 , Chinese Js into Q1-Q2 have been increasing, which is key evaluation index of PIIJ.

431 414

391 370

345 331

317 310 289 280

264 249

229 221 208

Fig.2 431 of 548 English-language journals published in Mainland, China from 2003 to 2017 (15 year)

Publishing mode and impact of Chinese English-language Journals It appears that, of the 431 English language journals in mainland China, about 72% (310 Js) choose to cooperate with overseas publishers for their internationalization in different modes, such Open Access (OA) etc. For example in the 2016 JCR report, from 177 E-L journals covered there, 92% ( 162) are internationally cooperatively published. In past 30 years, ‘To Borrow a boat to go sea’ or “sailing by ship”, as we call it , was the only way to the international market because up to now, China did not have its own independent international periodical group platform and global market in English such as do Springer-Nature, Elsevier, OUP, CUP etc.


4. “Chinese journal development programme” --News from ALPSP Alert, Oct. 2013 1). PIIJ’s plan: PIIJ-1 (2013-2015 ) and PIIJ-II (2016-2018) 2). PIIJ’s expenditure and category 3). PIIJ’s effectiveness and impact PIIJ –i.e. ‘Project for Enhancing International Impact of China STM Journals’ PIIJ started in 2013,and the first stage(PIIJ-I:2013-2015) funded 135 journals; the second stage(PIIJ-II: 2016-2018), funded 145 journals.

1). PIIJ’s plan: PIIJ-1 (2013-2015 ) and PIIJ-II (2016-2018) -----News from ALPSP Alert, Oct. 2013) See next Slide, here we quote a piece of “Industry News” from ALPSP Alert (Oct. 2013) titled “On the Chinese journal development programme”


“Chinese journal development programme “ China Association for Science and joint Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education, the National News Publishing SAPPRFT, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Engineering have announced a plan for encouraging improvement in Chinese English language journals. From the announcement on the Chinese General Administration of Press and Publication (GAPP, now ‘SAPPRFT’) site ( ) .. called the 'Chinese scientific journals Enhancement Programme‘ . The programme appears to offer financial incentives to English language journals based on their setup and inclusion within international indexes. ” According to the Fund category , there are A (RMB 2mil/a ) B(1mil/a) C(0.5mil/a) D (0.5 mil. only for new journal ) (total~ 615 RMB in 6 years from 2013-18)

Quote: “ALPSP Alert’s Industry news” (Oct. 2013)

Chinese officials call it as “PIIJ “ (i.e.Project for Enhancing International Impact of China STM E-L Journals )


PIIJ category Funded Journal Number Fund (RMB)

(Million /a) PIIJ-I(2013-15) PIIJ-II(2016-17) A 15 15 +8* 2×15 B 40 40 1×40 C 50 50 0.5×50

A+B+C 105 Js 105 Js 95 D 10 (total 30 new Js) 20 (total 40 new Js) 0.5×n

Total (A+B+C+D) 135 145+8* ~105+20*

2). PIIJ’s expenditure and category Table 3 shows that PIIJ-I:2013-2015, funded 135 journals; PIIJ-II: 2016-2018, funded 145 journals. According to their categorization of funded journals, there are four types. They are A (RMB 2 million/a ); B(1mil. /a); C(0.5mil/a); D (0.5 mil) that is only for running a new journal. The total is about 615 million RMB from 2013 to 2018.


Source: CAST & GAPP * In 2017, as the Peak plan, 8 additional funded journals were added to PIIJ-II

Table 3: Funded category, journal number, and financial funds of PIIJ Plan


1 1 2 2 1 1 0 4 6 9 10 13 22 27 40 5 10 9 10 9 12 10 19 28 28 30 34

40 48 38

14 20 17 13 19 16 22 27

29 40 49 47 48

47 48

22 14 18 26 22 23 28

46 55

51 46 52

48 51 51

166 176 183 198 213 228 229

214 199

203 210

224 233

241 254












2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017


Since 2013, PIIJ plan has funded ~605 million in two stages ( 2013-2015, to 135 journals; 2016-2018, to 145 journals ) in order to enhance International Impact of Chinese STM Journals. The main evaluation index is JCR’s Quartile ( Q1-Q4 )

177 E-L Js = 174 SCIE+3SSCI Total 188(11C*) in 2016JCR Q2: 38 Q1: 40 11C* in Chinese, 177 in English, Total 188 in JCR2016: [SCIE(174+11)+SSCI(3)=188(177E+11*C)]


Year PIIJ Plan

From 2013 to 2017, Chinese Js into Q1-Q2 have been increasing, which is main evaluation index of PIIJ.

431 414

391 370

345 331

317 310 289 280

264 249

229 221 208

Fig.2 431 of 548 English-language journals published in Mainland, China from 2003 to 2017 (15 year);

As mentioned , since 2013, the PIIJ plan has funded at a level of ~665 million in two stages ( 2013-2015, to 135 journals; 2016-2018, to 145+8*journals ) in order to enhance International Impact of Chinese STM Journals. Actually, PIIJ’s evaluation indicator is mainly focused on the JCR’s Quartile category rank( Q1-Q4 ). Fig. 2 shows that Chinese E-L journal numbers in Q1 rose from 10 journals in 2013 to 40 journals in 2017, four-fold increase in 5 years. This contrasts with 2003 -2013, which went from zero to only 10 journals in ten years. If you would like to see the funded journals’ detailed information in PIIJ-1 & II, the Fig.3 gives that. In truth, ‘PIIJ demonstrates that China can successfully contribute more high impact factor journals to the global research eco-system ’, commented by an industry consultant in the West. Perhaps you will be wondering how these journals have increased their Impact Factor (IF) so quickly in such a short period? The next table 4 may answer one of your questions : 30

7 9 14 16 30 20 25

29 33 22 32

28 26

25 27 16 13 9

10 10

30 30 27 29 24

10 10 10

20 20









2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

New Jsnon-SCIEQ4Q3Q2Q1

PIIJ-I to 135 Journals

PIIJ category Funded Journal No Fund (RMB) (Million/a) PIIJ-I(2013-15) PIIJ-II(2016-18)

A 15 15+8* 2~2.5* B 40 40 1 C 50 50 0.5 D 10 (total 30) 20 (total 40) 0.5

Total 135 145+8* ~105+20*

3). PIIJ’s effectiveness and impact in JCR's Quartile (Q1-Q4 ) of JCR report (2013-2017) PIIJ-(I &II )'s implement effect based on the ranking of China’s Journals in JCR's Quartile (Q1-Q4 ): 2013-2017

PIIJ Plan: Category; Funded Js ; Financial * Added 8 journals funded as Peak Project of PIIJ (2016-18)

Fig.3 From 2013 to 2017, funded Chinese Js. numbers into Q1-Q2 have been increasing, which is key evaluation index !

PIIJ-II to 145+8* Journals



Overseas Publishers Co-publishing journal number Springer Nature (before 2016 NPG owned 17 Js ) 51

Elsevier 28 Wiley-Blackwell 5 IOP Publishing 4 Oxford University Publishing 2 Wolters Kluwer 2 OXFORD University Press 2 Cambridge University Press 2 Cell Press 1 IEEEXplore 1 IOP Publishing 1 Global Science Publishing(HK) 1 OSA Publishing 1 Without Cooperation.. 4 Total funded(A+B+C) journals in 2016 105 (Co-pub 96%, No-co 4% )

Here we take 105 (A+B+C ) journals funded by PIIJ-II in 2016 as a sample to see how they are published: For these journals, cooperation rate is 96% (101 Js) , i.e. only 4% ( 4Js ) are not cooperating with overseas publishers. Table 4: Distribution and Number of 105 (A+B+C) Funded E-L Js in Co-publishing with Overseas Publishers in 2016 *

32 * Fan Li & Ji Zhao, 2017, “ACTA EDITOLOGICA” 2017-12 (Sup.1)

To further satisfy your curiosity, we take two journals as examples, Cell Research (IF=15.60, No.1) and Light S&A (IF=14, No.2), with the two highest impact factors in China. (Figs). The both journals choose to work with NPG (Table 5): CR started the model in 2006 when its IF was only 2.161. In 2017, its IF was 15.6; Light was only founded in 2012, and in 2014 its first IF is high up to 8.476 in Q1. We can see since NPG came into China in 2006, there have been a total of 17 Chinese E-L journals opting for the NPG co-publishing model. And most journals’ first IF when cooperating with NPG are into Q1 or Q2.


Table 5. From 2006 to 2016: Partnership journals in China

Cell Research IF:15.6 Light Sci &App IF:14. Two journal with the highest Impact factor in China (No.1 & No.2)


Fig.4 Cell Research started Co-publishing with NPG in 2006 when its IF was only 2.161; In 2017, its IF was 15.606, which is the highest IF (No.1) among Chinese journals in JCR report: 2006-2017; and CR citation geographic distribution ( US:37.5%; China:31.2%; Germ:8.9%)


CR Citation geographic from USA, 37.5% (816) China, 31.2% (677) Germ., 8.9% (194) …….. In 2016, Number of paper published by CR: 151

Fig.5 Light S&A was founded in 2012, co-publishing with NPG; in 2014, its first IF is 8.476 into Q1. Its IF (2014-2016 JCR ) has been No.2 in China, and its citation geographic distribution ( China: 46%; US: 20%; Germ 10%.....)


Light S&A Citation Geographic from China, 46% (655) USA, 20% (288) Germ., 10% (194) In 2016, Number of paper published by Light: 85


In order for you to see the ‘citation geographic distribution which is an international indicator for our reference, here we take the ‘citation geographic distribution’ of Science and Nature as a Comparison with CR & Light S&A, which will show us the strong international impact in STM (see Fig.6 , next slide ) Fig.6. Comparison with that of Science and Nature

Science Citation Geographic : USA, 47 % (2800 ) Germany, 14% (831) China, 14.5% (794) In 2016, Number of paper published by Science: 2560

Nature Citation Geographic : USA, 45% (3343 ) China, 15% (1131) UK, 14% (1037) In 2016, Number of paper published by Nature: 2746

Fig6. Comparison with that of Science and Nature

What is a standard international journal? Chinese journal publishers should think about what is a truly high impact journal? In truth, ‘PIIJ demonstrates that China can successfully contribute more high impact factor journals to the global research eco-system.’ However, what is the value of a journal? Or what is a standard international journal? These are questions not easy at any time, and not necessarily easier now just because we like to think of quantitative measures and metrics and it looks as if we have a simple one for journals, the Impact Factor (IF). Perhaps sadly for us, we seem to live in an age where we cannot think, nor measure gains and losses, without numbers. So the IF is still with us. Perhaps Eugene Garfield, who invented it, had it right when concluded that, despite its flaws, there is no other better metric to accomplish this task. Personally, I don’t hate IF even though it does make my editorial team so anxious. Here let’s take JZUS ( Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE) as a sample to express my views on these aspects of a journal. Fig.6 shows JZUS-A was funded (A-type) by PIIJ-1 (2013-2015), and not in PIIJ-II (2016-2018 ) .



In PIIJ-1 & II, among total funded journals (135+145 respectively) , the ratio of recurrent funded journals is 66% that cover CR and Light S&A. They are thus ‘double funded’ journals, but JZUS-A was only funded (A type ) in the first stage (PIIJ-1:2013-15), and lost out in PIIJ-II(2016-18) application process even though we proposed an effective strategy of ‘Enhancing Worldwide Participation and Impact of JZUS-A : Focusing Content, Technology, Service and Impact’. One of the reasons for failure was that its IFs in 2013-2015 were hovering in Q3, not up to Q2, which means JZUS-A’s assessment score lost competitiveness in the PIIJ. Faced with the failed application in Oct, 2016, I told my editorial team “ I have to take responsibility for this failure, because we can’t figure out how to jump from an IF of 0.6 ( Q4) to 1.2 (Q2) in the three years ?” However, when JZUS-A was funded by PIIJ-I’s category A- fund in 2013, we launched a lot of services to JZUS-A’s customers (See ALPSP report) and against plagiarism etc. In 2014, JZUS-A was reported by ALPSP as a good journal; in 2017, not only was IZUS (China) shortlisted for an Academic and Professional Publisher Award with OECD(France) and CSIRO Publishing (Australia) by The London Book Fair International Excellence Awards Organization, but also the JZUS team published a book “Against Plagiarism: a guide for editors and authors ” by Springer, funded by COPE, which certainly raised JZUS’s profile on the international scene, but does not rate a score in PIIJ evaluation indicators, which is an interesting story on a journal impact.


In PIIJ-1 & II, among total funded journals (135+145 respectively) , the ratio of recurrent funded journals is 66% that cover CR and Light , They are thus ‘double funded’ journals, but JZUS-A was only funded (A type ) in the first stage (PIIJ-1:2013-15), and lost out in PIIJ-II(2016-18) application process even though we proposed an effective strategy of ‘Enhancing Worldwide Participation and Impact of JZUS-A : Focusing Content, Technology, Service and Impact’. One of the reasons for failure was that its IFs in 2013-2015 were hovering in Q3, not up to Q2, which means JZUS-A’s assessment score lost competitiveness in the PIIJ. Faced with the failed application in Oct, 2016, I told my editorial team : I have to take responsibility for this failure, because we can’t figure out how to jump from an IF of 0.5 ( Q4) to 1.2 (Q2) in less than three years ?

Fig. 6 IFs and Quartiles of JZUS-A funded (A-type) by PIIJ- I (2013-15): 2012-2017


However, when JZUS-A was funded by PIIJ-I’s category A- fund in 2013, we launched a lot of services to JZUS-A’s customers (See ALPSP report) and against plagiarism etc. In 2014, JZUS-A was reported by ALPSP as a good journal(Fig. 7) ; In 2017, not only was IZUS (China) shortlisted for an Academic and Professional Publisher Award with OECD(France) and CSIRO Publishing (Australia) by The London Book Fair International Excellence Awards Organization (Fig.8), but also the JZUS team did a lot of practical research and published a book “Against Plagiarism: a guide for editors and authors” by Springer, funded by COPE, which certainly raised JZUS’s profile on the international scene, but does not rate a score in PIIJ evaluation indicators.


Fig7. JZUS-A was reported as a good journal by ALPSP in 2014, and shortlisted by LBF International Excellent Awards 2017

Fig.8 JZUS team funded by COPE, did a lot of practical research and published a book “Against Plagiarism” by Springer in 2017, which certainly raised JZUS’s profile on the international scene.


So far, we still think Impact Factor index itself is not wrong, the wrong thing is to use it as the most important indicator of a good journal and the only thing that drives the operation. If we look at what are the 2021 STM Publishing technology trends and values, such as “Trust & Integrity,” it is necessary for Chinese publishers to include them in their critical thinking. Then they should build a journal strategic plan taking it from innovation to market according to international standards, and ensure that the product is capable of sustainable development.(End) Thanks ! J of Zhejiang University-Science A/B FITEE & BDM

45 6th WCRI in Hong Kong, June 2-5, 2019 6th World Conference on Research Integrity (WCRI)