Stickies on the wall will not help you if you are building crappy software

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Stickies on the wall will not help you if you are building crappy software

Stickies on the wall will not help you if you are building crappy software

Wiktor onowski

Individuals and Interactions over
Working Software over...
Customer collaboration over...Responding to change over...

Customers Collaboration?

Let it Scrum

It is dangerous to think that a single practice makes an organization good...

It is quite possible that it is the other way around:

Good organisations pick particular practices to follow!

Responding to changes?

How many of you are Project Managers?

Project: Planned set of interrelated tasks to be executed over a fixed period and within certain cost and other limitations.


- fixed scope
- fixed time
- fixed budget

Waterfall makes sense...

...until you start thinking about it...

Project lifecycle

Project lifecycle

Working software?

Product - not project

Stickies on the wall will not help you if you are building crappy software

Product Agility

Stickies on the wall will not help you if you are building crappy software

Product Agility

Individuals and Interactions?

People Agility

Stickies on the wall will not help you if you don't trust your people

Agile Culture

Stickies on the wall will not help you if you have basic communication problems

But what about Agile for BIG PROJECTS?

Agile for BIG PROJECTS doesn't work!

CHAOS Report

Nothing will help you if you are building BIG crappy software

Scaling Agile

People who are trying to scale Agile are doing it all wrong...

It's not about scaling Scrum/Kanban and other methods

It's not even about scaling projects...

Scaling Agile

It is about dividing your product into smaller sub-products which are as much independent as it is possible

So it is all about decomposition!

Stickies on the wall will not help you if you don't want to be Agile

Individuals and Interactions over
Working Software over...
Customer collaboration over...Responding to change over...

Stickies on the wall will help you if you have Agile mindset and understand what does it means

If you want change something you need to change something...

Thank You


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